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Difference between Cell-mediated Immunity and Humoral Immunity


Meaning The humoral immunity is The cell-mediated immunity is
associated with the B-lymphocytes associated with the T-
and is responsible for destroying lymphocytes and is responsible
the pathogens by producing for destroying the pathogens or
antibodies against it. microorganism which have
invaded the cells.
Mediated by Humoral immunity is intimately These are associated with T-
associated with B-lymphocytes, T- lymphocytes, helper T cells,
lymphocytes and macrophages. natural killer cells and
Antibodies Present. Absent.
Function 1. It plays a major role in 1. Cell-mediated immunity is
recognizing antigen or any foreign related to T-lymphocytes, which
particle and in producing antibodies work by identifying viruses and
against it. microorganisms, thus destroying
them by the cell lysis or
2. Humoral immunity is known for phagocytosis or pinocytosis.
working against extracellular
pathogens. 2. It is known for working against
intracellular pathogens.
Secretes It secrets antibodies. It secretes cytokines.
Action against Humoral immunity is rapid or The Cell-mediated immunity
pathogen quick in their response. show delay though permanent
action against any pathogens.
Hypersensitivity It mediates hypersensitivity type I, Cell-mediated is the delayed in
II and III. response and mediates
hypersensitivity type IV.
Rejections Humoral immunity is involved in Cell-mediated immunity is
the early stage of graft rejections involved in the rejection of organ
due to the formation of antibodies. transplants.

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