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Bureaucratic control:The use of hierarchical authority to influence

employee behaviour by rewarding or punishing employees for

compliance or noncompliance with organisational policies, rules
and procedures.
Objective control:The use of observable measures of worker
behaviour or outputs to assess performance and influence
Normative control:The regulation of workers’ behaviour and
decisions through widely shared organisational values and
Concertive control:the regulation of workers’ behaviour and
decisions through work group values and beliefs.
Control Methods Self-control:A control system in which managers and workers
control their own behaviour by setting their own goals, monitoring
their own progress and rewarding themselves for goal

Planning: Determining goals will allow employee to see what the

A regulatory process of establishing standards to final outcome, therefore helping employees to take the right action
Control achieve organizational goals, comparing actual towards achieving the goal.
Management functions
performance against the standards and taking
corrective action when necessary.
Feedback control Gather information about performance
deficiencies after they occur. Organising: through organising employees, resources will be
Gather information about performance allocated correctly and will help to maximise efficiency through
deficiencies as they occur. reducing waste and using resources correctly
Concurrent control

Leading: through motivation manager are able to inspire

Feedforward control employees, driving them to complete the task at hand, being more
efficient as employees wont waste as much time.
Monitor performance inputs rather
than outputs to prevent or minimise
performance deficiencies before they Controlling: monitoring, comparing, and taking corrective action in
occur. order to achieve organisational goals. through evaluating
performance managers can see if their product is truly effective
through testing and if not they are able to take the corrective
action necessary to make sure the product does what it was
Effectiveness is accomplishing intended for.
tasks that help fulfill
Set of forces that initiates, directs and makes people
Definition organisational objectives.
persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal.
Motivation Effectiveness and Efficiency
How efficiency and effectivess links to other theory

Technical skills:

Efficiency is getting work done with a

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Theory minimum of effort, expense, or waste. Management skills
Rigid chain of command based on centralised authority
Reinforcement Theory Mechanistic
Specialisation of jobs and responsibilities
Human skills:
Types Precisely defined, unchanging roles
Equity Theory explains how employees' perceptions of
fairness affect motivation Vertical communication

Expectancy Theory Broadly defined jobs and responsibilities Conceptual skills:

Loosely defined, frequently changing roles

Goal setting Theory

Decentralised authority

Horizontal communication based on task knowledge

The vertical and horizontal configuration of departments, authority
and jobs within a company

Definition Groups whose members work intensely on a specific, common

goal, using their positive synergy, individual and mutual
accountability and complementary skills.
Characteristics Teams
Departmentalisation Customer satisfaction
Chain of command
Authority Advantages
Product and service quality
Unity of command Job enrichment
Speed and efficiency in product management
Staff authority
Job enlargement
Job design Disadvantages
Employee job satisfaction
Line authority
Job specialisation
Decision making
Centralisation of authority
Team recognition

Decentralisation High employee turnover

Team size

Team norms Initially high employee turnover

Characteristics of effective teams
Team cohesiveness
Team goal setting Disadvantages of group decision making
Minority domination

Team conflict Inefficient meetings

Team selection Lack of accountability

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