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Miss Zainab Ammar Standard Consultation

Practitioner Paul Bao

Appointment 25 Jan 2020, 11:00AM

Created 30 Jan 2020, 11:03AM

Last updated 30 Jan 2020, 11:28AM

Present Zainab, mum and dad, Paul (SP)

Patient progress report

Assessment Zainab was less engaged in this session compared to the last. Mum said that this may be
because we had a session on the afternoon of the day before. Note: to change the
schedule of appointments if possible in the future to have a gap between the two
session in the week.

Zainab displayed signs of escalating behaviours: she grabbed at my hand for a toy and
scratched the back of my hand. Then when she was singing the "monkey on the bed"
song, I said the last phrase of the song after a pause and Zainab picked up a toy and
threw it at me. I have since then made contact for a referral to a positive behaviour
support specialist to help with these behaviours (Rubix Support).

Treatment Today Zainab played with magnetic counters, bubbles, foam toys, trick sticks and foam

Zainab continues to say "goodbye" and "go home" as requests to leave the session. She
is also still snatching at toys and saying "give me give me" and "mine mine mine".

She had less issue today with high fiving me and she also participated in a simple
makeshift game of collecting the magnetic counters that I would place out on the table.

Today we trialled PECS icons with Zainab as she has not displayed a lot of verbal requests
and most vocalisations have been examples of rote learning (children songs) or naming
items. Bubbles was used as the icon and reinforce with Zainab quickly understanding to
give me the icon for me to blow bubbles for her. Continue work on this in future sessions
with the reminder to mum and dad that this is in addition to verbal communication, a
'stepping stone' towards Zainab using her voice.

Advice for parents: to simplify verbal instructions, for example, instead of saying "Hey
Zainab, can you say dog" simply say "dog" when referring to a dog/picture of a dog as to
not make the instructions too complicated.

Plan Next session: 31/01/2020 5:00pm

Miss Zainab Ammar | Kimberly Yuen Speech Pathology | Updated 30 Jan 2020, 11:28AM 1 of 1

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