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Qualities: ​Positive environment, healthy work-life balance, team-work, collective team

spirit, work-hard-play-hard lifestyle, growth orientation.
One of the features of a productive workspace is emphasis on striking ​a balance between work
and personal life​. Added to that, building a ​mutually respectful circle​ helps build team spirit.
A ​reward system​, which rewards hard work is also key in moving towards a ​growing and
more productive workspace​.

2. Qualities: ​Power in unity, mutual growth, team-work, conserving future life,

While having short-term goals is important, it is equally important to step back and evaluate
what is really important in life. Through ​effective team work​, ​mutual growth​ and success can
be achieved. Taking time out to ​contribute towards a sustainable future,​ is one among the
numerous ways one can work for our future.

3. Qualities: ​Importance of inclusivity, drawbacks of poor team spirit, hostility in

social/work space, alienation, self-doubt
In today’s social sphere, it is easy to feel ​alienated and excluded from social circles​. This
feeling can severely dampen a person’s ​self-confidence​ and also affect their ​productivity in
work.​ Thus it is important to take steps to avoid a ​hostile work environment​, and rather
promote ​inclusivity ​and​ team spirit.

4. Qualities: ​Hard work, perseverance, determination, goal-setting, will power, self-belief.

The picture displays​ immaculate perseverance​ that is instrumental in achieving success in
life. It shows how after ​establishing a goal​, it is important to develop the ​will power ​to remain
determined whilst maintaining ​belief in oneself​, no matter how difficult the journey may be. No
matter how impossible the journey may seem, one must find it within oneself to not lose​ focus
and continue ​working towards the goal.

5. Qualities: ​Empathy, helping a friend in introspection, counselling, healthy friendships,

healthy conflict resolution.
It is easy to find yourself going off the rails with your mental health. It is easier to find yourself
trapped in a mental hell. The toughest thing in this situation is to find the ​faith to confide​ in
someone else regarding your problems, with the hope of ​finding clarity​. A ​healthy friendshi​p
is one in which you feel ​empathy​ regarding your problems which then leads to an ​effective
conflict resolution​. The picture depicts how a friend is able to detangle the “fibres” in the
person’s mind and turn them into “knitting yarn”.

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