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READING is a metacognitive and complex process

2. Draft then Revise, vice versa

Writing and Reader o Cycle of writing, getting feedback and
 Lexicon or Vocabulary rewriting
 Schema or knowledge o Clarify main ideas
 Experiences o Support with details and examples
 Syntax - structure o Make it flow (Organization and sentence
 Semantics - meaning structure)
o Use great language
Reading Strategies 3. Edit
1. Scanning o Correct the writing
2. Skimming o Spelling
3. Comprehensive o Grammar
4. Analytical and Critical o Punctuation
5. Evaluative and Judgmental o Capitalization
4. Publish
Transitional Devices / Signal Words o Formal the writing
1. Addition - And, Furthermore, Moreover, In o Finished product
addition, Additionally, Then, Followed by
2. Contrast - But, Nevertheless, On the contrary, In
contrast, However, On the other hand, On one
hand, Yet, Otherwise
3. Comparison - Similarly, In comparison to/with, In
the same manner, In the same way, Likewise
4. Condition - If, Unless
5. Conclusion - Thus, Therefore, Lastly, Finally, In
conclusion, To conclude
6. Enumeration - First, Second, Third, Lastly, Finally,
The following, Namely, Such as
7. Illustration - To illustrate, To demonstrate, To
8. Exemplification - For example, For instance, Such
as, Namely, The following C’s in Communicating One’s Ideas
9. Cause and Effect - Because, Due to, 1. Completeness
Consequently, As a consequence, As a result, For 2. Courteousness
its causes, For its outcome 3. Conciseness - Keep It Short and Simple (K.I.S.S)
4. Clearness
WRITING 5. Concreteness
- A form of communication that allows students to
6. Consideration
put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize
7. Correctness - Accuracy
their knowledge and beliefs into convincing
arguments, and to convey meaning through well- 8. Credibility
constructed text. 9. Creativity

The Writing Process LANGUAGE

1. Prewrite 1. Avoids colloquial vocabulary - There are a lot of...
o Think! Focus on ideas 2. Avoids contractions
o Brainstorming 3. Avoids words with emotional impact - this had an
o Gathering Info enormous impact...
o Making an idea web 4. Avoids phrasal verbs - Look into can be
o Free writing substituted by investigate
o Using a graphic organizer
5. Uses linguistic hedges such as probably, in most
o Creating an outline
cases and might be to qualify generalizations

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