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3. (a) The chemical equation shows the reaction between ZnCO 3 and HNO3.

Persamaan kimia di bawah menunjukkan tindakbalas antara ZnCO3 dan HNO3.

ZnCO3 + 2HNO3 → X + Gas Y + H2O

Reaction W
Tindakbalas W

Based on the chemical equation,

Berdasarkan persamaan kimia,

(a) State the type of ZnCO3 in terms of solubility.

Nyatakan jenis garam ZnCO3 dari segi keterlarutan.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(b) Name the salt ZnCO3.

Namakan garam ZnCO3.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(c) Identify the salt X and gas Y.

Kenalpasti garam X dan gas Y.

(i) X :…………………………………………

(ii) Gas Y :……………………………………..

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(d) A student wants to prepare zinc chloride. State one chemical substance can replace
HNO3 to produce zinc chloride salt.
Seorang pelajar mahu menyediakan zink klorida. Nyatakan satu bahan kimia yang
boleh menggantikan HNO3 untuk menghasilkan zink klorida.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e) Salt X can converted back form PbCO3 through reaction W. Name the reaction.
Garam X boleh ditukar semula menjadi PbCO3 melalui tindakbalas W. Namakan
tindakbalas tersebut.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(f) In other experiment, you are given salt Z which releases brown coloured gas P and
oxygen gas when heated. The salt also dissolves in water to form an aqueous
solution of Z as shown in Diagram 3.
Dalam eksperimen lain, anda diberi garam Z yang membebaskan gas P yang
bewarna perang dan gas oksigen apabila dipanaskan. Garam ini juga larut dalam
air untuk membentuk larutan akueus Z seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 3.

Salt Z Metal oxide Gas P Oxygen Gas

Garam Z Oksida logam + Gas P + Gas oksigen


Aqueous solution Z
Larutan akueus Z

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

(i) If zinc oxide is formed in this experiment, write the chemical formulae of
salt Z. Then write the chemical eqution.
Jika zink oksida terbentuk dalam eksperimen ini, tulis tuliskan persamaan
kimia bagi tindakbalas ini.

Chemical Equation:
Persamaan Kimia

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) Calculate the relative formulae mass for:
(Relative atomic mass N = 14, O=16, Zn=65)
Kirakan jisim formula relatif bagi:
(Jisim atom relatif N = 14, O=16, Zn=65)

● Salt Z/ Garam Z :
● Zinc oxide/ zink oksida :

[2 marks]
[2 markah]


Question Total
Answer Mark
No Mark

3. (a) Insoluble salt 1 1

(b) Zinc carbonate 1 1
(c) (i) X: Zinc nitrate 1
(ii) Gas Y: Gas carbon dioxide 1
(d) Hydrochloric acid// HCl 1 1
(e) Double decomposition reaction 1 1
(f) (i) 2Zn(NO3)2 → 2ZnO + 4NO2 + O2

Correct reactant and product 1 1

Correct balanced chemical equation 1 1
(ii) Salt Z = 189 1

Zinc Oxide = 81 1 2


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