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· SA;., EiEoA BAR OPERAt10Ns·
-. Aio 2019 .. . ,··.~·
~~~lJPiwMMHII) d IM 1iuiu - . . IM 951Sff¥WA ihii&i
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.... ·I

GENE.RAL- PlllN.'~~i>tiES
. .
. . )t·
I· . · .· •, H·defines crimes; treats ·.'It .·provides · .far· ttie . -$.)
of ,.'tt)eir.. nature, . and :. method . by.:.,' whfc/i' a' · ~,, .,
. .'.so~rces of Criminal'': . . . ·, provides ... for· 'their . person accused o'f a <t
· ·1 RulE!S 110 127 Qf the Revised Rules of Court as
. :.·:amended by AM No. 00.-5~03-SC;. . .
·2: · Revised .Guidehnes," for. Continuous .. TrJal .of
. ,. .
· punishment.: . ·.

. .. · crime is· arrested,' tried,··

. .
• 'or punished. :.
'. . . ·
· ". · ' ·
: ~~f·
·.: '·,

Criminal Cases .(A.fy'I.No. 15-06-10~SC:) . . .. i . . (RIANO, .supra.aft): ·, ·. · ~· · J~
3. 1987 Ccinstltution partlcularly those under rights . <·;:;
'of an accused under Article.. 111·-(Bill of-Rights); •. · · syst~~s··ot Ctimi"'aJ P;_roce'd':,!r{ .· · . . ·.·. . · jz-
4. Variousaots passed·by_ tt:ie legisl~tlir~.. 1!.ke .e.P. · .:1:. · la:iq~isi'torfal System ..··._, the :detection. -artd .' ,1
129, as an:i.e.r1d~s:Jby.R,A. No. 769.1; .. · .. .: . prosecution of crimes are.left to the ~riitii,itive.of ···,:-,.~
5, · :Civil -Code.of the .Philfppines (Arts, 32, 33, and officials· and..agents o{ the law. The-procedure is-··'~
. . 34 ); . '; . . . · . characterized by, secrecyand th~· judge;~is. not ..
6. ,-Presidential Decrees; ·.: · ":limited. to the evidence 'brought before him but
7. Executive Orders; and . . . 'could proceed wiH1::his o.wi1..inquiry.whtchIs ,ioi
8.' Decisions ofme Supreme Qourt .. · . _ contrcntauve :(4 HER~~RA; Re..medi?f Law ,
. ·. . . · . . ·... :. . · .; . . . · :.. · ,~r.:-.::r-,.,==-,,-=,;po~7J,p. 2)'{her~inafter4'HERRE,RAJ.: ,. · .. ,1 '_\µre· .. ··· .. · . . . . · ~:--'-""· · 1[ J.,
·c.rimin'.3l'prQ9edL1[~ .treat~·oft.he serie~~roc~§~~s·\~ ·').\,,J;~a~B;.iaU.. ~dver.saria:I .. sy~'tem 7..,..~~
. · · ... .
-:-- : :J
: ... ·.. . - . ::·
by. wt.uch the cnmmal laws are ,e9fm~.e~1a!:\d;,-~~~~.:.., c.:6nt~mplate~ .of,~o: cpntenq1n~ parti~~ before .· '.'~
which the State pro~ecutes persc~p~~.~9~19tate:lhe... - ... · : ·'1ne~Yc:;ilui( .. IJears ·t~ern: 1r:i:ip!3rt1ally a!']d · ·.·,t,
penal. la'v'{_s (RIAN_Q, Crim/nalP~ce-e~4e.i2~),,,,p!"""""'~·,....,~~Cljet=t~.Mclgf1:1\..J;I~ after trial· (Qu.eto:v: C.atolico ·-t.
21) [her~inafterRIANOJ. J.4A .-J · .:r. ~"7,'f: . -w G.-R11 Nb~·\1:.1,.2152..04·arid L-2521~.:·Januai,y..23; . · j),:
J • ~:

· > ·.. .., .., · .:- //' ~v.1,,r. -· f., . . ).!" ;q~1;, Bl.\.' 1970). T.h'~p'prds;,e~ti~e-·is·.confronfatiye and the
As .applied to criminal law,. i:}Y9f~dur~l.-·L~·w,;provi.c!_~s·,/(,,,;.)~ .tri~.!.~ publi~ltJ,eld\~nd·ends with ·the magistrate . ~;{;
or re~ulates. th.e st~ps, bY,\ Wnq fia~- 1f . . . .~ .
tend~.ring tll~.Y-~.m,ict(4 HER~f=R~; sqpraat 2): .. ':t
. cornm1tted.:a .. C(lrne JS .to :·~rr-f>t11Ji~he.d .·r1~~p'1~./'Ji.~~:: lt~ : j ':_ -~ V. j~_.. . ::"· . . -·:: · .': ,·:· ., . ·!
Lacson, <;,R ..IIJo. :1494.5~;.~P~i,:t;!.~0(!3) .. · l . ·· .fu \.ms.uwE'fl')ees~ence oftt~e--a · usatonal ·syster:n· tS-'that.the ,..
·l i.
:~. , : : ... · -. . ;t:-:~·i· .·.<.:J\> .
· .... Cr_imin~l la~~- Cn~i:i~r~rif.ce'~J:~~~·• ',~
- ·r ·;..
ti~g guilt;··fall.s··qnJthe.
.l,1':~"Rr~se.e~~9:.·· ll'ie~.;~a~'dard·: lo: ':-sa~i~fy .. _' tl'ie ~
· ~ . "'\-,~P~~9,n~I}equ1rep~nt. of. the presum_p~to_n of '- f~

·, • Jnti'6ce~. - J· ce b!Jmg · .0vefcorne · is· th!=Jt · culpability. ··be . ~·

;).::·...~~~6-h.·o~i~d·rea~ef'nable dou~t·(Pe'opJe·.~:L?fJ~z,· _·: :ft
l ENl~·~ _9pt-45084,:.~ugust;31, 1984).
. ".y ~
. 2,. ~~-........~ -~ :f" .,,._p.,.~
r. ,.,
.. . . .
.. .. . ·}1.
. , .•. ...«'.,:,,
Pr..~"': ""' y /.f·17
_ · : 1\/l a;;s:~ ::/"· . · _. - '~;11'.
-' . ".if.
~~~!EB.i.~ .
'It declare.ii· what' :ac~ . :It provfdes- h.dW .ffiei---a&t, ,!,;;,,,;.:;,,~~· · . . '~ :
ate punis~_able. ·: · is tc{be puri·ishe& · · ·· · ·" .,, · ··:!;:,:
~-'--~~~-...c~~,--~~~-·_,.~··-·~--·~~~.....-,-, :y,L

: .·Ericvt1VE~~·MM1~, :i ·sUIUECT·cQMMITTE~ ·· · MEMB~nS . · .AD~s~R,··:·· ··}· :. ~ : ·.

Over-all C/,airperso,1, EJ;{ICA. C/ia-ir, ~N'JOY.o: ~ON FLOREN910 F.'· STA.'ANA,IP,: · WAG~ •. :~tty.~ FRANG~'cA
MAE. 9-· VISTA Chairpe'rson'Jo~ Assistaf!t. Subject Chair, GELAINE. P.. MARANAN. ·LOURDES M.-~GA
Academics, BEN REI ·E.: · ROMAINE.. 0. Nl!Yi)A .Subject .GiAf(~ARLO · 'LO~ZO .. s.: ·. · .: '. · · · · '. ·. ·':
BARBERO Chairperson.for Hotel El~ctronlc . para ·. Processing, · G~Pl$, IRtS L'. MENDIOl..i\,.... . .
Operations, JHE.\SEA LOUISE B. 'MARLO .P. 01,MACtJL:ANGAN JENNIFER ·. FAITH··.' . A. : ·. : : . .
DIMAANO Vice.Chairperson ff?r ·. and. J~MIN N. AP'?STOLES .MONDI90, .KIMBERLY ANN i. .
. Secrei~riat, .. EARI.. JUSTIN M . .' . Civil Procedure, ~OR KEVIN .. H9~,. MA LALAlN_E · T:.,. · : ' ·. . , .·. ·:
'iAMBAO Vice Chairperson for S. RUBlO' 'Crih1inal Procedure;· Bl\.LOLO.Y, MARY .. JOIB,. S. . .:. .· · .. ·. . ·l · ..
Opemtio,;s, MA.' ANGELICA B.. ALYSSA ·cHRlSTINE c . .'m;LA . TE<;;SON,' MA.TI L~R11Nt..J'.). ' :·. ,: ·:·.. .. . " . . ...
DB I:;EON' Vice. ·C;hairperson. for
Finance, ARRA OLMAYA ].
C .
. : ,pecia/-
• V. . QlJ.IA!vlB'AQ; NEIL KIRBY J,. . . .
....:.:_ ;
.. ~ .. : ' .. ·' . .
BADANGAN Vice Chairperson Actions, "VINCE ·NOEL L RAMOS,> 'PETER . PAUL ·p: ··
for Audit, JQRDAN N. CHAVE'.<: LUI' ANGO .Special ~rocudlngs, CAGURANG(".N; · RU{zA.. v.'. · .:..· . · :. .. ·
Vice Chairperson for Eltelronic. · · TOLENTINO ·
Data Processing, · HANZ
.Chairperson for Logistics, DO~
Chairplrson for Membership
-, '
tHWF iFIMNNE Fi5Sii · r&ss +eeae ree ieas116.. ·. · · ·¥, M>tmtet& aftam·,,.,. .,,,._"""""'"""
:sys~e01s ~f Cr,iminal Procedure · . . ·. Due Process in· C·rim1nal ·i:>roci~etUn9.s · is.
. . ~ . . . . . . . . . "' . . . . . . . ..
· mandatory ari.d' arid cannot posslbly · :
.be. .met without a ... ,aw, which -hears. b~fore··it
. .. condemns arid ,ptoc.eeds upon. inqulry and renders

•' .. ,·.. . . . ·. . .. . :
~...lit.. . .·. judgment·· o°iily after. trial" (Afonte v; Savetla(l.b, ·Jr;,
G.f?. No: 131652, March:9, 199.BJ..
· . The court has· a: passive courts pl!3Y a .y~ry ·: ,··..
rote. and r,~lies l.a.n;ieJy:0.11. _a,9t!ye rol~·an.d.~r~ . not ·, · Requi~ements of:' ·.Pue·· Process'. :.1n ··:c.r.l!llhial
the,eY,)dence presented by ljm.1ted to.the ev1q.~nc_~· · P"roceedirigs: (J-PO~) · . · ·. . :·· · · . ",
.both sides to ttl~ ..actlorrin' pr¢i;;ente_<;J befq,r~ .!t._ , ·. · 1 :·: .Thi;lt the- court .. 6r.-.-triliunal_,trying:. the· ease. fa:
order to reach'a verdict.
. . : ..... '• . -~ ··:,.. . . . . . .
. .. . ..
. ·::
. , . properly clotned .witn Jl!dicial-power'to hear ·and
. . . . : determine.the matter before it;,.::: ,··:···, .. · ~ : · .
-- . . .2. · ', Thaf ju~s~ic.tiq!'_1 ls.. lawfully .acquire·<;! by it· over ·
~~~§'.Ii~~~~ ·. ··' ~ .fhe-Person of the accused;· . · :-: .. · ·: .
. .'- '3. . Thaf. the -'accused· !~_.given ··QRport~friity' to· be ·
. no evidence which has net participate'li;;' ·: in · . ·. hearchirid · .. , · · · · .,r •
bbon formotly-of(o~cd.. · gcith~ring ~f. foct~v~nd. .. .. 4.: ·· that ]i.idgm,i3rit-is · rendere.d' ,oniy·: upo11'. bawfuJ
· /· · ,. · · . ·. . · ·evid,e11.ce. ·instead ·.·of . · ·: · ·.. ·hea'rin·g, (CONST. .Art.'.-111, 'Se.c. · 14;.Marquez· v. ·
·. ·. ·. ;11_1erely ·: : · .. passlvely , · . · Saridiganbayan; G.R: Nos. 1879.12~14, jflnqary.
. ·rece1ving .. _lnforrna~ion . 0. .··. 31';<._2011)~.. · · ::· . ··, · .... -: , ·· · '.:-'_>:· :.· · "
. ·.:.:. · - ,·: or ,,evidence .. frorn,·ttie· ,·;,, 1 -~:. . · • :--. : · . , ,. ,_: ·. · .. :~·
. . . . . · · . parties-: ·.· --1~·.
· · :: .' ·. t ./: \ ·criminal Jurisdiction · . . . ; .· .: · ·. ·. · .
. ·.. . ;... · · · . . · · . , ·.- ·. . . :;· r.. ·_H ·::. Jt·is. th(:i° authority .to hear and try a pat;tic_ular· offense
. (RIAJ\fO,.supra at 2). . . .·· . :' . ,,· ·. . : .. · >J l; ·.> /.L?P..'!._!mpose"t~e. punrshm~nt fqr it (Antlporda;·_Jr. v.
. , __ · ·. · ._-, . :: ·. · . .... · · .;,·' i".,.,. ·•. ~.. -G?.[,_Ql)itor.eha1.\ G.R.. No. 133289, December 23,
.3_. .- ~!~~d · ~rst~m. ~ _l.t-1s a coi:nb1nati~?.;,:o( toed H . 19Q9J:·-.L,.,,,.,.i\.· , . · ... : .· , . . _. ·
mciu1sftorfal an.d the ~ccusatqn~I ~y.~:fem_. Th:us,ft_.) • · . . : it·\\ · , · . ·. . . · ., . : ·_. . _.
the: :exar:ninallon of .. def~ndan(~. ~~d _oth~-~· -,{ .. Requisltei"'· 1p(-;_ a :V,alid Exef£!s.~. ·.-of .. Crimmc1I
. : per~oo~ . ..t?efore tt:i~· _f1!1_n~ -.qf.,t~~<:9otr1_Pl~~ot 1;>r r~/. ·Jurlsdictii:m~.(SiP-). ·. . ·. : : .. · .. · · ..
. l_nfo!'lllatlon ·_ .. !'Tia_y. _be 1n9,1:1_1!t~o.r1aLw~~~~. · IS .
.- _part1cularly-tru~-lCl.-!~e P,r~.1,~r1ary/;.X!3(!'mat.1o~i
:J?lJ.. -1 i Juri~/icti~n ~~~rt~~ §ubject matt~r; · . · . .
2.·, .. Jari¥ Ierr_itofy where tt:ie ·f;nme
... .for the :Purpos~·-of 1s_su1n..g·9"VY...?..!l:a.1}~~9! alt_~~t; !-~-:1 · · w{!'iF,iffi]!]; .. ·· · · ·.·.. ·. ., : ·· ·.· . · i
. u,t1per-_the. :1~a~_Rul_~S:?ri ~-':!liJi~a\~f~Qedu_rfe,}i, I'.~- . 3.- ··:hiti~~J.i~..Q!;9-Ve.1:" th~ .. _eer'sov- of· th.~ c,ac·~use'd_ !
it '!'. /.- . ·
. ·9riminat:act.io1\.ntay be. mstitute~H:iJ,.'90!:lJ) Pll~ or by .lnf<;>rr:i~F~~ ~l~=,,by't.!i~ ... ·'JG- . .
Pro.secutor an9 pnce .the cnrnmal·;aoti9,l':l_).S file<;I :·' ·o.:.... :,,.•.r,._,.,_~, .... :
···(Cruz -v. · CA~ G:R: No .. 123~40; · August 29,
·2q02).. ·. :'. ·, ... ·. ·. . . . . _:; '•7 .... ·.
. ·.- · . · , ··:· · :·· :
. fn C6.uft, -.the c!Ccuse~ ~a.s. {he _rig_~;~)~::oo~p:0.~t,:=:'..'•".'·;·i,!;...-)Ju'risci'ic::.tion over"the· . .§.ubject·Ma~er. ·>.:· . ·
. ·.·· arid. cross,ex~mine, his.,a~cu~er,/,il"l'!e !fJl,~.d It is the· power to:hear and-.determitle· cases o(the .
. $ys~eni is- ·obseryed· iri -_the _Pl;l}\,P~~~~- .(4 · ·· g'eneral class ,to which th~ p_r:qcee.c!lngs ·In. que~tfon·
· HERRERA,siJP.~.a_t.4).. · . · . ." ·, "G:~-.....-., . ·, berong, and is'.sov·ereign ·authority
· · · ·· · ·· · · · ·. · · Which.:organi,?:es:-the:·court an~r defines its p~wers
·Ltberal lnte-~p;_~ta,tio.ri9f the R_ul'es .. · ,<. - : · .
(Rey~s · v. Diaz, G.R.. No.·. 4875_4, · 26,
Tl'!_e Ru{e~on:.o_ri{Tljr:iaJ-:Proce~ure ..being_pa~·o(.tp~ ·1_ -9_4·1).. · ._ ·. ·: . · · ·· ·., ••.
Rules of-Court. shall be "liberally construed· m._Qrder·
to p~orno.te their 'o_bjective· of. s.ecuring -a just, speedy Ho~, .Jurlsdfctiort'. ·over -the·. Subject:. Matter Is
and inexpensJve dispositi9n. ~f every action .a.rid
P.~?·c:~edi_ng''. (ROC,JWi..E1.,. Sec1,.6).. .' . ·. · .
c'tinterrec1·: .. :Jurisdiction' .1s· con'ferred.-··or:i1y by tn~ .
Coristitutio'r, or by.-law~··ju.risdiction over the 'subject
matter iii a. crimin·a, c-ase ·cal'lho~ be c·onfe,:red upon .
P~oce·d~i~1\r.t.i1~~ ;ay ··be ·rel.axE3d . tor· t_he '. .'mo;t -. the·.court .by the 'aocuse.d.;- bf· _expresS! waiver _or
petSl!aSiVe o_f'reasohs in reliE!Ve.<;l ·Jitig_a.n.t Of. otherwise: since sµch'jurisdicti6n·is CQl')ferred'-by jhe
an _inlustic~.not comme~_:=,urate. "':it~ ~~e degree.,of his. . ~overeign authority. which organized ·t~e :i::ourl;-'and
· tho.oghtless'ness In not complying wlth.1he proc!;!d_urE;l_ fs .9iyen· ooly ·.·by law., :in· the· r:n~~ner: a.r1d torrn.
·pre_S.crjbed. T~~,rule. which .is~tes th~t-_the mist~kes prescribed :by law .(Foz,. Jr.. · v.-:_PS(?f:!le, No, G.R.
of co1;1i:i$el · bind . the ·client, .may ·not be' strictly . 1677~4. October_9; 2009}; ·: · · · . :- · .· .
followed where observance.of it .would result in the I •".,

outright deprivation ofthe client's iibe_rty or·ptoperty, . · How ·J!,Jrisdiction ·o~er. ·the: Subj~ct·: Matter-, ls
or where -the' interest. of justice so requires (Marlon . Deteimin·ed.:· In order to determine the·Jl!risdiction of
Gurainmeng y Pablo_ v.. ..People of the Philippines; the.- .court·, in ~criminal· cases, ... the Complaint or
G:R. No. 219510, November 14, 2016). · lhfortnation must '.be .examlneq :for, the purpose of
. ascertaining whetlier or not the facts. set out.ther~il')


· :...o ....RIIIIJlll·E~---~-,
. :'*.

. .-,-
A-- L INll!flE·-.I-
--· _.o--
c-- Eo-· -· i
~.ill,'NW a+

• \ . ' .


.. • .

MEMOR;~ID~cil9' · Q§Mti . . i·lriW -<~ . t.

and the prescribed pedod -provlded. for ·by law are Ev~,:i ifthe·marital infidelity was committed VVhat :7f
:within the j1Jris.aiclion ofthe court, .and where the said R.~. .: No. 9262 .crlmtnalizes is not the marital ·/~
lnf9rmiit(onor Complaint. is filed. It ls settled .that the irifide_lity .per se .but .the . psychological yi_olen9E! j
·. jurisdiction ·of the ... court iri criminal cases is · eausirig mental or emotional ·suff~ri_ng on the Wife .... :~1~
or ·
determlneo by the allegatic;ms of.the Complaint
Jnformatlbn and notby the finqings based' on· the
evidence of the court after trial (M_obilia Products v.
M~rifal. infidelity-~s· 'cited in the law is only one of .
the..various acts by which psycholoqical violence.·
may be committed. Tlius, the mental or emotional ·H
Umezewe, .G.R. "{'o. 149~57, lvfarch-4, 2(}_05): .. · _suffe.rlng ,ct
tn1f vjctin:,. !s.~ri essential ·and clistinJ:( .·';f~
• • • r ·element rn the comm1$s1on of the ·offense. It is· · {1
Statute "Applic~ble to' aCrlmina! Acticin necessary: ... for- Philippine courts. 'Jo have ·.:-?:i
.Jurlsdlction over the subject matter is· determined ·by. .\jurisdictiqri •. when the abusive. 'conduct or. ad of • ~t?-
t~e statutein force et the time of the <;omme'!teme_nt: violerice. under sectton 5 (I): of R.A No.· 9_262 in J
of the action (Dela·cruz v, Moya, G.R:·No.L-65192,
1988j'ana · · -·
April 21;0

not at thetimeof its comrnissien relatlori; to .Sec, .3-.(a),. Par -, · {C) was· committed ;i
· · - even if the .. penalty·t.hat ·m·ay. be Jm.posed·afthe time: outside· Phi.lipj:)ine tei'rit0ry; -that .the victim be. .a ·..'y-
.-. ofits. commission is less and does notfalJ ·under'the · resident.of the place where th_e· C9mplairit is filed -:·:J
court's jurisdictio'r:i (P.eople v.·Lagon, G:R~ ·No.458f5, · . in ViE!W of.
~h-~: anguish ~uffered l;ieing ·a. mateJial.
lvfay ia, 19~0). · . ·.- .". · . ·. : · . . . . elenien_t of. the.offense (AAA vs: ~1;38; .G.R, No, ·'!:
:· . . . .. . , .. _ . . . . ·... _ _ ~~~~ 214ff,~anu~ry 1.1, 2018).: . .. . . · 1,
Juri~i:fiction !'iot_. Det~rminc;!~. ~y J~P-9"t_able._lfLJ·. ;;; ~",·· .•. ·. _. ·. · · · · .. · .. · · ._u
. Penalty, l;>u~ by·the Penalty presc~,b~tf''tiy U~: ·. ·' · P.i[J~ri~g1~b.<?n over.the _eersQn__o:fthe Accu~ed _.';/
· '!n._ c~!m.inal p_rosecution_s, i~ is Sj~~-f''l~,J~~~-::,,.:,,,,~t~tquire_d~~ · · · ... .; ·· ~ ·' . ·. · · .'f'
JUf!Sd1ct1on,pf· the court 1s oot d~t6~-!ne~~at· . . 1. "'l!!Qoi'i-l'iis.,.J!\~t(Va/depenas_v.People'. G.R. t:Jo. · :}
f!lBY be meted ~ut, to._the of(end,r afte'{J!~91f.9[~v.e~~~;."-4~D'q~,,_,~P"ri!"-'{P, 1966); b·r . . . · : -· .•
by the result of the evidence th~l~91cJ~d·9·epre~entq~ . 1f · -b Upqi;i ~s,.,~pqtary · submission· (layosa v.. :;
at t~e .trial, but t,y tl)e extent ofthe~l'3~}1~1ty-r,hi_ch·~lie .. :ff.,~ .'-(. Raa'i_i{}Ue\, t.G.R. »\No_.L-46080, · · 10,
law 1n:iposes·tor the misdem~anor, c~1me ogviol~t1on .' . 19~S). :. · \ (_f) ~ . . . · ,.' · .
. · charg~d in the Corriplaint (R~_tpJJt1flPur-fs1('1,a;-G":R':"'" ~..,.-:--~-~ . . ~ ,--= ,, . . .' . ·.; ..
. . Ne.· f...-4090?, February ·1a; f9'1~}.( jl . .. · i' · ~.'.t1""-;, . r...-:-Eff'J!et of VolunJary A.:ppearance 9f the ~ccu~ed
.· . ·. ·.; :- . . . ft' __;;_"'l_it° _ . :\_ fu~~~n~ral:Rule3:~~eki1~Ja".i':m~ti~e_tefiefis de_emed
·. · B: Ju!1s91ct,ioi:, ... ov.er_ · the,. ~r:Qtoryiw ~!..!:;..the~...-.:t9 ~/~1s~on _tp Jfi.e J.1:1ns91cU.on.. of ·(he co~rt.
· · ~tune was Comm_1tted~ ~ ~ \ · ~~-' .· · If,"! Ei~e vo~~Q!:~fy ~p~1ss1on'-may ~ ·effected by- fihng ·}
Ge·neral Rule: It ·'is a fun~a«;ie(ifa.J :i:u ~i }\_fo@~~ .,1&!-W.,:i_t~6!iOITf.lO.j:(aasn'(z1ppearing .for_ arr-aignment, · ~
Jurisdiction · to be acquired ·\y coui\ts in~ ·~inli'la~ · ,:,)P,Ptti6iMt1rig·j.fthe tria( .or t:iy giving· b!:iil (Miraf)da v. '. J
·., "the. offens_e ·Should. !,av~... been 'bi~·m'lt~~.- ,./~tf!!~(G.~1\Jp.: 1o~:'f63, March_ .31, · 2_0~6).". · · . ; . : 'A~
. . ar:ix of :it~ .e:>senti_al :in!;Jr.edients· ta.~k place\~lth'.Q.$,le·~ l";}. ..;..JT'.·: . . ,(. . . . . . . . . . . ·. - . 'i,
,; !er!1t~n~I . !uris~1~.t1or · ._of .th~ ··:tf,~rt. ;,T~1.\~r1ciJ~::;:_....:-E~~f.~tl,~r~,t_'~Jp53ti~I · app~arance ..:: Pi~a~in·gs or Ji_'
JUnSd1~t10~ I~ q(!m.1~~1 cases IS- the;teh:~Q~_!!-'Rj31j\V,-~·-,-:.~·:ff!_~1!.q~·f\'f".'_9~1,J't>ecifjcally. pray ror the a~Oldance ?f . >! ·
· .court lias Junsd1.c~1on to· t~ke cog~1zanc~~ t?,Jfy,tth~ · i\ ,f [!ti~,;~{1sgi_w1.on·9f ~e- CO\Jrt. These J~leaq1n9s -~re, in .
. offens.~ alleQedly c.omm1tted· by· the. accu~~"·iQ~v,-. ..J..V.ilcr,1m11'l?)l;cases,mot1ons,to·quash ·a Complaint on. the
·CA, G.R Np. 119000/.J.ufy-28, 1997) ... ·' .. ~==.~dof la~k of jurisdictiqn over the.person·.ofthe ,
. . ·ao.cused and ll!Oti_onS. to quash a warrant° of ·a.rrest .. \.;:,
:ex~eptions: S~ctioi:,'g'·of RA.·No, 8042·.(Mi~raat · ·,·· ·{Mir~hda V; Tu[iao, <;;.R, No. 15fJi63, .March ·31, ·.:...
·workefs.Ac.t of.19f}5) provides that·a·crimirial action '?006)(' · -· · · · · . . ·~
. clriSing ·from Jlleg·al ~~cruitm~nt shalJ b~ .fil~d With the .'. ·. . . : : .. ..· . . ..'· ~ . . · :.· · . : · . · . {,
. RTC of the.' province or city where the." offense was . · ·. N'ote; While custddy ofthe law is required for a court 1-·
:: committed' or-· where· tti~- offende.d party actually ..... 'to"act ~po11_a bl;lil aP.pllcati9n;"it is not"req(i)red for-the.·· .;
. resides at the time. of the commission of the offense.. adjudlca~on of· oth~r.·reliefs. (e.g., mption to· quash ··'i
· 'Indeed; Se.ction 1.5 (a): Rufe' f10 o(th·e .ROC allow~' .. lnfcirjlicition) wherEi the mere·-application .constitutes .-;
. exceptloi-is · prov{cfe.d. by (aws . .Thus: · S~ction.":1-9. .· a·. ~ubm1ssion· of . one's. person · to: the <,aurt's .:5
· Place. where action i's to·be3.institutet;l. e-:- (aVS1,1bject juristjiction ·.(David. v.· Agbay, G.R. No. 199113, ~;>
· !o existing laws, x~x.:·, · · . · Marc.h-~, -~015)." · ·. · . · .. · ·· -~· ·

S~clion .9 of R)~.. No~ 6.04-2-, ;,:1$ an ~xce~tion to ~he

rule' or:, venue of c;:rirtjinal, consist~nt with.
that la\'.<f~S declared'. policy. of providing· i1. crhT)inal
justice. s.;ystern that ·Ri-Ot~ts and s'erves· the -best
iniei-ests of the victims· ·of illegal recruitment . (Sto.
Tomas v. ·sa/ae, G.R.--No .. '152642, November. 13,
. _2012). . .

s2a 201s SAN~~EDA..LAw CENiRA1-1z~6 !3AR_OPERATIONS

••» * .. )
JurisdicticSn; _Subjett ~a.tter./v. Per.$on· of _the
. . · ,.· · · . .· Accu·sed·.
.. ··.. .·
.. ·~ .

w ma 114 rltw
. charged may .be raised ·or-·consic!ered. motu proprlo
· by the court-at an_y· stage .of the proceeding~ or· qri
. appeal (Foz,· Jr. v. People, G.R. Nd. · 16.7764; ·· .
· Octobei-.9, 2909). · · ·

Excep.tion: lf ,has b~en·. h.eld {hat. a· p~rty C~!1~6t :,

.. invoke the jurisdiction of a court to sure .affirmative
Refers to the ·'~ut11~rity .. Requires ~haftlie p~r~ori .· relief agalrist :his. opponen·i .;tnd. after obtainfr{'g . or
of.tne··cou.rt to hear ii3nq pt)arged. with th~ .off~r:i~~- . faili°rig to obtain s~ch -relie.f, repudiate or question thc1t .
same jurisdiction .- . . . . . . .. .. .
det~frr:iine a.
particular. tnust have. been brougtit- . . . . . . .' . . ·.
prirtiinal casei_.-.<-:·... into its forur1·· for-. trial,.
The- facts of_this case sh9y.: th_aOro:m: the tlme the · .
· -- · : [forcibly · by warr~nt of
arrest . or .. ·.upon .. ·. his . Surety became a quasi-party 'on July 3.1,. 1948, lt- ·
could. have ·i:ais.ed the -~uestion .of . the . lack . of. .
voiunt~ry.·submission .to
' . . . ·.. the court.] · · · ·· -- jurfs9(ctf~m of the Court. of ·First Jnstance :of Cebu. to :
take cognizance of the present 'acfion,by "reason of .
. · · ··the·· sum of money involv~d· .whieh. a·c9prding"to the> .
. .. - . . : law theh in force, was within the origin~l "exclusive '. .
_D_E;Jri"'.~d {r_<>JTI law._lt ~~m· Arrest . . . .· .. : .. jurisdiction .of ·inferior courts. !(failed· to do so.
,never· . ,be .. a~~1.11red ·sL:Jrr~.ntler. M~_y.·_ al_s.9 be .. . · ·. ~n~tead_; at several.staqes of theproceedlnqs in--the .~ .
.SQl~IY. by-consent of t~e. <;1c~wred · _by ., consent, :.:fil.·. court· a· quo': as well as in :t~e Cou.rt, df APPE!_c;11$,-I~
accused. . . · .. · ··. ~xpress·or rt;nP1!ed,,:.of.1h'f J,:{:'.\ _-._lnvoked.-1f!e. 'j_urisdidioFl. of Scj!id<.. courts- to obtain
·. · · '.' ·. . . .· · · ... ,: .ac_cl!se_d·.or by wa.1vef!Of ,! _,-~-_f::,: affirmative -relief .and ·..submitted lts ~~se for-'a.flnal · · .. ·
U~r. ;:: :;;;)
· · : , · obje:cuoris; :· · ,.. .. ;: 13,~;~di.catio~...?!'- th'e merits -,· f~: was on1_y attar ···an: ·. ··
, • •. • : ... -::_~1i~i!!~~r~~-tj!;~[~1on was rendered ·by,the Court of
; . . •. • • • • . . .,., r, • ,Irr:-A:ppea!,s~lliat-lt n_nauY. woke up-Jo raise· the' ~1:Jestt9n
·.O.bjecti~n !~a! tpe court If· ·.h~ .t?-il~ · f~:;ffila~e'"tiis. t. .!'j of jurisdictioj~iWer1:;,·w_e·to sanction s~ch coriducr qn. ·
has no ~u~1~d1~tron over obJe?t1on· .'l""!\Wn m
71(befor~ ~"'~A its _pa_rt. ,WW'116Mld_ e~~ct be _declanng ·as. u~eless
b!3 made at any stage ~f 17Jotlo,:, J(!'"Ji:tlf:l_~f,)-t_~~ will .. r.~ ·
the subJ~ct mAtter.i-r_c;tY: ~rr.a!f!nrn_~n.t;i/H~9:,_1!.fJ}J,:-:« · ~-~ all .th.e J:!i"Oje~f1'fl9S had m the present ~as~.fmce It.
was comf.ne119ed~ph July .19,· 1948 ·and. compel the .. ·• .
. ttie proceed_ihg, and_ .t~~ be· ;,.~err,ec:t.'.'to . ~nave , . • .\ j\.,ldgme·a1 cregitors~to_go u.p their Calvary..once inore · ·:

~g~t_. .. to.· m_ake. ·~1,1.c_h Wc!i\it$'.it~l..;~· :_;.;,.: ·

·obieet1on 1s . ·'never . ,.,t
·.:;;i · (fiiart1/.-.9[!J.~f!.€J./-1Br.11~y.;:.G.R.
:· .& }!) ~,, ~ I,~~ 1968):<,~'f .. ,,,. ,.d.f ~,,y · · ·.
·No, ~-21450, Aprif.15,.. · ·.· ·
. .. . .
/;~v:o·' .. d .

, ·. · ' '
s~p~at.4) .. '. ·

· .. .. · ' ,,-(lJ!',-C-~'!!) t.8,
..... -~:{.:.:~~;} .. ·, _) ..
. . . . ~ (.;,_ 1~J . · _-
1· ·• .·· .""-!·I!/

,--!" . . ...

.. C~u~·~1arjf!e·~.ih~f·esto~p~I :
J. ~;~i\~f;Jr.~~~S may· b~ 1r:,vo~e~ !O. b~r the ISS';Je .Qf Ii=!~~ Of . . . . .
Principle of Adherence.of Jurisdicttcif¥"',·. r.:.':J::~tll..'. :'.)~fl!C!!~!'.'.::?nly m c~ses. .!n wh1~h th~ factu~l -rn1!1eu · ...
On9Ei, !=!. _cour1. · h~~-.. :aqq~ired. ju~i~_<;:!Jc.ti~n(_;~~na.t. ·· 1s.an_?'l~gous to th~t m Tyam. In su~li,cor.i~r~vers1e~,
j4risdiction..contipu~s. yntlt.the_ coµrt l)'~s,~g11~/~l't~at.. · (~<:he~. ~-hould be clearly present that,1s, 1.a_ck ~f
.it.can_.(:io in •the e~ereise of;"thatJuTi.~diqtloA,{R/'ANO,- . . Jutisd1ct1or, must h_ave ~een ~elated!Y· ;:is _tp .
supra at 30). · · . . :· : · · . :. . · .'. : warra_nt:the p~esumpt,on that· (,he_ party ent1tl_ed .!o- · .
. · : -·· ·. ·... · ... · · . . · -··: .· .· · , · · . assert71t t:iad at,,-andoned· or ·declined to assert,.rt" ··.
G.eri~~c1I.Riile:(Tt)e_ ju.ri~di~Jio~'.o~c.e: ve~te~; _cann·ot · (F.iguer.oa v. .Pe_opie,. G.R. No. 147. 406, . July ;f 4, . .. ,
be withdrawn or defeated by: · · :, . . · :· ,. . · . 2008). · . · -
1. ·A subs~quent a.rn~ndmen(-of the')nfor,nati.ori · · · , · . .-.
(Fieopf.e .•/ chupeco;- G.R. ,,No: ·L-f!156~;-'Match_ . The' op·erati6n -of' the principle of·estoppef on ,the·· .. ·
31, 1964).; or ... :· . · : . ·. ·· . quesl.i<;>(l ·of .jutisdiction · seemingly depends :upon·
2. A new:' iaw. ame~dirig .the ·n.fles .of ju~isdicticin· whether ·the.lower. court actually. had jurisdictipn or·:
·(Rillor.aza v. Ar.ciaga,.G.R, . .No. L'-23848,.0ctober ·. no1;··1f it·n6 jurj~diction; buHhe ~se was .fi-iecf ,:
~~.1_; J967J:..:- · ·· · ·· · ·· · • · · and.decided u~n the;theory.t~aqt,had juri~_diction,. · ··
-· . .. ·:the p'arties ~re not barr~d. on appeal; fron:i assailing_
. E>c'<sl:)ptions; . . . sue!) jurisdiction •. for the.. "s:ame. ~IT]u'St. exist·.··as ·a .
1 ." . wli~n · ther(;l \s . an· expr.~ss 'pro:v,isibri ·,n. the matter.of ·law, and may not ·be
.' statu~e; :or·· .. · . : . . : . . . . : , _ .· : · , · ot'the parties or by· estoppel." t-f9.wever.if tl)e,.lower
2. ·:Wben. the ·~t~tute is _clea~ly-intend~d _t~r.apply. to·. cqurt had jt1risdiction, · and the case. was he,;1rd ,rnd
. ac~iens ·pendihg,before.its -enact!Tient_.(People v.· :· decided upon ·a given .theory, such, toi: h1_stance, ii:IS
. · Caw{'lfing, ~-R /'y/o •. 1f7970, July 2_8,'·_19!}__8).: ·that the court ·had -no ·juris'diction,~ the_, party who
pbjectlons. to . . . ·. . ·... . .. ind4ced·.11 to,adopl such theory will not l;>e pet!Tlitted,·
GeheraL Rule·:· Afr object1o·n based on ·uie· ground on app!:)al, ·to· assume a,n_incdnsis.t~nt positiOf1-:-. that
·that the: coµrt lacks jurlsdictlo~ ove·r tbe off~ns.e· 'the ·10we~ gourt l')ad jurisdiction {Magno, V.. People,·
.·G,R. No. 171512, April e6, 20·11). ·

. . "' . \. .
. . m,1&Mi&:R~Mt#q&it«M~AN.Bt:0~1'.::~CE~;1;::;:::ERATIONS ~.·::~:s::..:01? . : AMPM;M n;;;;;;A,1'·~9"*11*'GJ\t

CrJml~·al ,!u~ls.di~tl?n1of Tria'I Courts . . .. . II. ··Criminal·.,ltir.isdicti<;>,:'t of. Re9iona.l. Tnlal Co1,1rt· .';?;
I. . Criminal Juri.sdlction ·of :the . .Trial
· · · .: . ·.c.ou.rt (MTC); .Metr.opolitan Trial . ¢0.u'rt
(Not Ex;·> 6yrs;; >4i000php; AS-GECoS)" · · '.
· · ·· : · . · :·
: .. (MeTC), and Municipal Circuit 'Trial Court· 1. :ov~;· ~1Ycrf~i~~1·,y?s~s·N9t ~itl:iin'the Exclusive:.-'~~
:- . (M CTC) · . · · · . · · . j~risdictio~ of a~Y_"cpi.u't. t9b~nal of_ ~oc!y,- 0?(<,epr-';.J~·
. · . ·. , . . · ,. . .. . · ·· ' those· now ·:fa1hng'. under tne: exeluslva alid·.: ·i·
• -r : Except' in· c~ses ··falli~g. within"th~ exclusive origln~I ~oncurrent-jurisdictio.n of -the $.anc/iga.nbay~n; · ··: \i{
Jurisdict'ion ·of. RegJ~mar _Tria.1 -Courts and. of the. 2:- .Ov¢r offenses punishable with. ,im.prisonmenr:. "·;
Sandlganbayan, <the ... MTC ·. shall · 'exercise the · · exqeeding.~ rears;, . : · · . · · · : · · . ·., · '.::
· folfov,iihg criminal jurisdiction: (<or=. 6y'i's; <'o.r = 3'. , the.onlypenalty.providedtor l;>y law is.a·:~t~
. · 4,00_0php; DB-GoS). . . · . . . . . · . · .. . fine, over offenses punishable witn 'a .fine·n:io're.. ~c-
. i: "Over'. offenses. 'punishable. 'with lrnprlsonment · .,.. '<than P4,000; .. ,. ;: :. ' · · -· ·.. . .... : .' · · ·.:>:'
' . . . :n~t ·.exceedin'g ': 6 · "ye~rs. irrespective of the . 4: · ~ppel!ate Juris~lic~on 9ver .i;ill .cases decided by-:.-:t~
. · '. . amount. or'· fi.rl~'.°'. and regar~:Hess of · other' . . . Metropolftarr Tr:ia{ Courts.Municipal Trial Courts,., .:t:
:·... · impo~·able . ·aqc~?s91y · o'r-"· . ott(er· ·p~·nalties, .· · .anc;i M0nic1pal·. Clrcu,it· Tr.ial: 9ourts 'l°n ·.their .. ·.:.}
. · including ·"the. civil' liability from. sucli . ·· ·:re~pective.t~rrHo'ri~I iwisdictiqn$;. . ":.. · .· ·:·:}t
.'. · offenses or pre~'icafed' itie,reon, ·irrespectiye. of · 5.. ·Ov~r- criiningi · ¢.ase$._·und.e~~Specific ·1aw~ ·sud,. ',:\
·. kind: natl,l,re; vakie, or~niount thereof; .·. . . : as:... . . ·, . .' : . ·. ·-· .· · .... : ,'. ·.·. . . ·-:·$
· · 2.' · V\fh.~re the cmly perfalty proyided for by la'w'is,9_......,,....=:==~-...,a.· . .1...if?el. .ca~e$: e,ven,J'10LJ_g!'l _p.ur,ii';habl~ .·b.y·. _
. ~rje·, over_ e>ffe~s.e~ P.i.Jnisnable witti ~ flo~fffot·"ti. l 1i, ,··~""'-·R..fisio1 ~or~e9cfona_f... (Rf!_Y!SED_·.·PENA}..-,.~;
· ,, mc:ire than._P_4,000;_ . ·. . ./.: ·r~,.. .t;J .l ~-. · ,{ CjPQ.~. /l.rt.·:36Q;.-Peop/e v. -Edr;arte, G.R .. ;~:-
. 3 .. 1: ~!fe'.nses.in_v?lving ?ama_ge~6 ~i@.~~;l~Q.:-., . , -="'~\ 4 · lf!~~~2,'fe~,:ilaiy?6, .1?90);: .· . . ... ~:
... cnmlnal. n~!1genc::e, l(· -~ ,.
... .. m,~V,lolat.1e95:;,of.R.A.No. 916;i. . . . . ,,,,
·4. ·.·sP.~?.i,;ilil::!_ri~dicilon tq_ d,eci~ff.~n..~P.]js:~.ti~~frir7·-:""'."·"'(;G_l?TJ:i}re1J,'efsil/e, Dang~,:oys_:Dn:1gs-Ac(ol ··-~
!!a1.I m criminal cases m t~~;J:>.sep.ce all_ tl.,f:, . f~ ·s::".< 't?OO~;,,,a~l!)·'::\,. · .: .. . ..... '-- . . · · · . :'s1lii
...... · 'Regional Trial' Judg_es-in fpro{/i~pe or g::ity; iF. ,.(1.\. l.~t c_, . fiola.!w.~·ofJnt~(l!fotu~Ipr5>perty righ~s;(A:M_. . ]~
. s.·. 9r1der f:>.D'. _N~. 1606 a.~,~~en~,e-d bylR.A.·NO: • ·-,. -"-~--· ~o .. o~;P.@}~a,~~mplem~n~,,ng:~he. /n_t~_lle~tua/ ::;.1:
· . 8?,19,th_e·crrminal.cases;of,~.'f r ' .
·.' ·· : ,f_ro_pe,1:1z~f!..fJ··1tth.e.Ph(/1ppmes);_.,: . · {,1
11r_ •
. . . !:!· ·. .§E'.v_e~nm_en_t.offl~ia~~El,.eurri_P~~~~.i.s,; ·. ~~~~~~f;P-0.. ~~-.-1~!;)p,.0as -~.OJ~!1?e_d.~~-.~:~-.No.. J
b.. ~~-e:-e . tt:ie_... 1m~~~b1~ . pen~lty , . -l~~~'.•Vi'W ·'>, 8~~.ft· t~e .9fl,~JAa~1~se~.9.~. , . . , . .. , ... >.· .. "'¥<
.· .: 1mpn&;ient,q_f 6 \Ye~r.~~r_ l~~\!~n~ 1s ·:::,....-,.:: .a. /~}lrn~ent ?i~f)c!l.fs·f1~d _emRlpy.ees;· . : . _.·.
-P4,000; and .. .i .,.. 1r--...i i ~>"~'\ . """ .11 ;.,~ ~./~~-!).ereJ.,t.4b&·,tl'.:1r:n,posable penalty . _1s ::i, J

t. , Qfficer. charged·, does41ot\!all ..~~~!.~~th~ }('l},;" l'i{~~i p~sgnrne0 .9f rw:lr_e·than' 6 years o:r fi~e is, ). !
jur(~di~tiO[],e· Saitpiganba.ra'! ~-~h .e,_ ~~ .....~.: orejhan P.1}000; ·and . . . . " ·: ,. I

~- s~l~ry~. Is . bel<?,W -gra_d~ ?7 _anchi,.r\Ot .aV1'·,.• g"<"",:.<'"~!"G ?ffls?~r .~h~rg~d . does .. not· fall . on~er -t~e-- .:;..
. .. . .. :. ..those .enumer~te.d .rn _?i~,?t1on 4~.D.. . __~®z ·::-~ ~1'\. t">,·., g.,,n~~,1~t)~~fr~-~tha:.~?ntt,~?IJ!!!1,or. whos_e .:.~t,
_ , . 1606, as amended;. . ~ ·: : . 1·..~,~~ t. _N
· 0; §.ummarY. procedure .. i~ _the. feU!?,v(iri~1o,a.,~·es~~"'=-'"""~-··
-::::~-:-s_ 9t~ -\~b~lpllf. gr,~<'l:~. ~7 an~. riot ,i,i'rnon~ .. ~,.:::·
,.·f~\hg~~~.nJ,lr:neratea;.il) .s~ct!~ri 4,. P_:o:.:·No._.:-Y
!BO~T): \. . . · .. . ... "\'-'.--:- t,r;-. . 1( ,1. ;\ ~\ )>·a.~e.~ded_;. ·:·.- ··:. · 1 :· . .' · .. '.. . : :· ~
. a. ~P.)31g. ~2-c9ses (A.M, No·. oo.~1~0:1.-:;t,P); .1·'i ..tlrt}§.Je-clion·-offenses;.· . · : · ,· . ·. - · · · .-.._
:'_b.. Violati¢i:ts of ml!nicip_al or City Q~dinc=ir:ices7_'=:::L.~~-:--,Co!Jrt M_arti.al_Case~,EXCEPTwhen ~'e offense.· .Jl
· c. . VioJatioR~ of \he ·_a~rital _lav.t: • ·. . . · .'.:, ·:se(v.ic.e.-.orie.ntf!<!,. it. ~I!. then. ·b~)rjed .. by t.h~ ·:.. i'j
d, All .other crirnin!:11. ~ses w,here the penalty court martial, -PROVIPED:::Yl)~. Pre~id.,ent n:iay, .::;1i·
prescribed by law for the offel'.lse charged is· Jn :the.interest of.ju,~ticfi;·order' or .cji_r~qt. at any Yt
. ·lp:iprjsol}men~ not· exceeding 6 montt)~. o~ a ..time befqre .a.~raig·nm.ent-.that ?!1Y such crimes o~ . \J.)
, .. fine . ·not-: ·. e~c~eding·. F?},oo·o •. -. or both, .. qfferses be the,-pro~r·civil ~ourts (RA · )t
-Jrrespectiye ·.of;oth¢r, jmpossible· .penalties; · N/>,7055.- SftJ,A);' an~,; . ~- .. : .· ... :: . . . . .· .... :<!§.
.acces~ory or .otherwis.e; or.6f tne civil' liability : 9... Offenses ¢ognizc!.!>1~ by: ·the §.an~ig~nbayan ··. · \'c
.~risiJ.lg th,~refrqm~·or in off~nse& involvi119 where the !t,fcirrriatiom· ... · · .. ··.·:·.' ·. :. : .:;
::".oqmage t~· -P.roperty ·thr9ugh. · .. criminc:)I a .. Does· riot ~Hege·,.ai)y: .. d:amage_ to jhe ·f
• · :.' -n~glige.nce ·where:tl:le irnpcisa6.Je··firJ.e.does govermn~nt or any bribery; or: .. ·.-· · · ·. · . -..13!.
· . not. expeed P.10,ocm .. oo. (1991 .Revised · b:· All.eQecL damage ·to the. .g'oiternm~iJt. or~/,;'
. 'Rules·qn Summa_ry Procequre)i and · ·. bribery arising·. frqrn_ the· same. 9r :cloself. ·t1
·: ~· .. \(iol~tioos . <?f · traffic laws,· J~les · ano . related· transactlons:_oi' acts ih an. ·amoun.t )t
· ri3gulations,,. ·NOT exceeding· _P1 .milll.o':).JR:A... No.. 10660. ·'.·-:
· · . : · Se.c. ·4). ,. ·· · -: • : · •·


C_R1.M_ 1--NAiL P:ROCEDlJ.RE._
· Ill. Criminal Jurisdict~o11.of Family "courts:· (AV_-· holding·. '. the ''·:rc1~k. of .. · senior
07619-DV). , . . :. superintendent ~>r'high~_r;-- .
· vi. C:::ity and: fro'lincial . Prosecutors .and
1. cdmina1 .. cases . where one 'or more ·.ot the ,· their asststants; -and · officials . and
~ccused is below 18. years of·age but riot less Prosecutors ,)n the ·Office .. of.. the
than .9 y.~ar~ of gge; , . . : . . Ombudsman and· .special Prosecutors:
2 .. -Where-one or more of-the-Victims is-a-minor at - · · . -and . . . ?: · . .: .' .-· · . · ,.: ··· .
· · the· time .of the commissionof.the offense; Vii. Presid~ntst" . directots/-· . · .. trustees/
3. · Cases aqalnst. · minors coqnizable under the. . managers of .GOCC.s;state universities ·
.. . ·.Qangero·us Drugs Act; -: . .. · .. , ·, . ·:· .. · ... or educatlonal-lnstinnlcns/ foundations.
. 4. Violations 'of R..A,. No. 761 o { Special Protectiori· . . . ;. . . ( . -, · . . .·
,. · ot, Children Agµinst ·child ,Abuse,. Exploitation- . · ~ote: The sqlaty -grade pas no.reference to' .... ·
aF:u;J Discrimination:Act), as .amended, by ·-R,.J\; . . the "officials: enumerated f~o~ le~ers. '\j!' to:
· No: 7658' and . · · :.-- · · ~ . · .· · - .. "vii.~
. 5.. Gases of QornesticYiolence.~g'.ain~hvom~rt~hd. · •· -
~-.. children.·- · . .'. ·. · · ... · . · ·.. · :· _.. · ·, 'the·h~ad.·6t"ttie le9a1··-0ep~rtment~·aqhe:· ..
· . , · . · ·:. ·. ·· .. ·. . ; , · · · AF~~RSBSis·a-nianager"Within'the purview.
·.·· IV.. · Crimii'ta!· J1:ii:isdicti9n of the $a.ndiga!fbayan : . · ·. .- . · , · · e>f_Sectio"r(:,f·(a){1)~gf·of i:(~.No.: _ 8249 and·
:: · (PD.-1606;::as·· amended. by R.A ·Nr;,._ 8249)1.- . ·... ·, . · . hence _the'ch_arge--fqc_violatio.rr ofSection .3. ·
. . .(VORE-CPA). . ·. · . ·. · ,.c,<jt· . '. ·. . {~) -~f the Anti.Graft La~ :~nd.:talsifi~_ti?ri ?f '
· , ;,ii(.'./.J . · ·. pubhc·,do~Ul']'lents a_ga.,ost h,m- woolcl fall
1. yiol~tioris oqGF-818-C) . . . . .- J:/;°5){,.A(. ;' . · withjn t~e SB's juris9i_~tion-(Peopf~ v.. Belf~,
. a. · ~.A: No. 3019 (Antr-Qraft . anti Cqtrupt.-.,,.-ff\. . ·. <;;.:R:·Nos.' 16(3948-59, August.29-2012).:· ·.
. . Practices Act); · '-- ·: · ·. : .. \j {::·H~.if ~-,: . : ·. · .- , :_. · · .. ·· .. · · . ·. · ; ·.
b. f:. A: N_o, 1379 (Ai11kt.Dec{an.·ng.foj;(ijJt'iif;§.ir-;-jj::.::f;'.fi.~::.;Jf1~-~of rs, ~o~g-~~s{ ~nd, officfals there-of
.· ,n.-favor ofthe· ~tate -~ny propegy;fPu,:id:to-0_.) . ~·-..~las~t,ed as grade·27·and_ up;' .. ' .. ; .. ,
· . hav_e,·: been unlawfully qcqµi(efi'"by:Pu~lic':·,:;j . · c;.. Mero_·W.W~o!_th.e Judi~i~ry, withqut prejudice.
· . : Officer or Employee);· . , ·; ·-j(l"):;, 41·:. · . )....-· . h\ · · . to t'aps.tituti_onalproy1s1ons; . . . · · I
c·. ·: _Crimes· mentioned in Revis~'P.~r.i~0·ode, t;J. .d .. : S~~iqn~~ ·and _m:ember~f <it--: Qqnstitutional ·
.Book _2. Titl~-Vll, s~~(pJ1::2t'eha'P,~er.:.2>',_- - l~~. . · -)~~)_m~is~{ons, ~~-l~h_out ·.· pr~ju~ic~, . to··
. 'Af!,. 21,-0:_ Dire_ct,~n~~{~\11Art: t3f\:· )nd~rect'~, i,Ji.. . :_~C~n~f!tLI_~R~_P~~v1~1~ms;a_nd· · · : . :_ . .' :··· ··
. !:!_nb~ry. ·Art. 212:· 'e.9rrupllQn5.Qg P\~I!,:: J:.,j · _-.-. e,·,,·r~·fl,_W$;!~eJ.ft.t;na!,ona! and · local.1 ._off1c1ar~
. .. Officials); . · . ' . :·' -~_-'x_-~---·.·;,,-z_ :i~- ·· -~ ~ . · il·'I :- ':--:,.e1~~dia~ ~grade 27. a~?:,hi_ghE:r,u~der ~~
. · . . . - )';;::;;;,_':'\\ · · Jr. ·_:- -!f. ,- Co_mpensalion a_n,cJ- Po.~1tion. CJa_ss,ficafron- L
. 2,. Where ?.ne·or more oft~_e,aec/il~,,·: il'::-:-:".-,;J. ('.ct _of.198~:: ·": ,
..wi,ether. perma~nt, acUng.o.F mtell.'!:'-_9;QP.ac1tyat. _.,tMf. ...,'- 1.~j·i7'G-~-' ·.· ·. . . . · : -~ ,
· ·the·.."time of-_ fhe ·commission. of1
(JEC2-0) · · · · · · ...
'.,he .off~r.1~~::-......~1,.:.:L.r,fote,~~SB-·has._:_110 jur:isdiotio~ ·ov!=)r ·charges.
- ~...1 . ft!. · · · · ·· _against 'BIR. Regional. Director· whose . .sarary,
· · ·. · .· · ·. ·.. . · · ·."-..-t\~J\-·; , .. grade-;.does ·..·not _eS.cGeed : 2{?. (Durycano ·v:·.
·a: ·· Officials.ofthe.gxecutive branch~cjii' ·Sandiganbayan, · ¢..R. ,('Jo.· ,:1'91f3.94, . Ji.Jly".:15, : ·
~a1ary· grade.-·2-'7. 'and ··higher; speclfic_alty 2Q15J :· .. · :-- . . · . .. · .. ·.... .. · ·
incluqihg: WCDAP3) · -r . . · ·- · · · .. -.
c· -:erovincial governors., vice governors; 3. Other offe!'lses-.or.: felonies wt,elt'!er ··simple. or .
members ·of · the · · . Sa,:igguniaflg · . · -. . . ·cornpjexed . with cr'i,rfes·· cominltted. by '_
.PfJnlalawigan..-a.nd Prov1nciartreasurer$, . public officials. ar:id employees .n'lei'itioned in
as$essor.s, ·. :eng_ineers:.' l:!110··. ·9th~t- ,· · ··secfior:i-4 {a}; P.D. No. 1606, as ai-nende:<
· Provincial department.heads; . ... . ·.. · -:. · .,: ... · .. ,°R.A·. No:·797!iin ,Rel~rtldn to their o.fffce;_.". · ·
ii. . --~ity" mayors, vice':mayors; merrf~ers of . . . 4_. Civil ~hd_ criminal- GSS~S filed pursuant .to and in
· the ·sangguniang ·Panh)ngsod,_: Qlty .. · · connection-with ·E.0.'.Nos. 1, 2, .14, 14~J..-of1986;
:. treasurers; assessors. ei'igineers. and . 5 .. Violation°c:>fR.A,No. .671 ~ (Code o(Si_ohduct and
-:oth~r- City dep_artment 11eads; · '· .' · .. · · ~thical Sta17daips); ·... · : . · ·. · < .· ·
·... iii. ·Officials· of·· the .. .QJplomati"c ·.-se.rvice 6. Vi_olatron or RA No. 7080 (The B.fup?er L-aw);
occupying the position. of consul and · . and · .. . . · · · - · . · . . .
higher; . . . . _7 •. Violatio·A ·.Qf R.A;· Np." 91·60 '(The. ~nti-Mon"ey .
. , . iv. Philippine _Army and air force 9ol~mels, : Lau.(ldering :l::a.w). when committ~ by public
· i:iaval captains, an_d all offfc~rs -of higher .office ts or private·persons_ who are in con~piracy . · ·
.rank; · · · . ·· . ~th public officers. - · __ ·· · · ·
v. Offlce~s of the .-,f.NP, . occupyin~- the
position of Provincial director a~d, t_hose


. . ..
· ·CRI.MlN.AL . PRO·CE-DU·R:E.· -., J~
. ~~,wwwe+
SAN·o'EDA 0w <;ENr,v:uiEo
idfi l'MP
- MEMORY AID 2ii,9.
14, F
,. . ...
Mb i-"~
·.· . ,• . s:.·· p
Wtie~ 'Offense Deemed Committed ·"in Relation· · a. .. , .eppeals ·, from -the . 'judgmen~s.,:1~
.to Public Office" ~: • . : · ~· · ' . . resolutions or.orders of the -~,:-c in tax cases,·4<
General. Rule: :The,· office · must .. :~e·· a 'constituent . . originally decided-by them; and .. , ··, ·'~.;t
·_element of the 'crime as definedln the statute'. But - ·. b. · _Over p_etitions f<?'r-·revl~w of t~e, judgments,'·%
. even if the .. office. not anelement of thecrime.Jt ls - - resolutions or orders of .the: RTG in the~·,\1
·,._deem·ed -committed in .relation to one's office if he . · . exercise ·o.Hheir appeil.afe jurisdiction over.. '•'··
perpetrates ·the offerise·wh[ie perfo~min'g, th'ough ln': tax -cases .orlqinally- decided by the.' MTC ..
an frnproper-orfrrsqular manner, bls.officlalfunctions ·· -Me TC . arid, ;MC_T¢· (~;A.':· No.: .1125, a§ -,
and he cannot comrnit.the·offens~i"withdut·holding am.endedbyR.A. No. 92~2)-.:. --· ··:···;
his ·public·o.ffice:.:The·test is whe~l;lerthe. lnfermatlon' . . VI.· Ju··i.on ·in·.-Cert.·.aln' Crim·es ·.. · '. ··. .... '.·_.·,·...···_),l~.-
al.leges an ir:f1frnate conaection between {tie off.en?e' . ,,.
· charged : · and· ' the -office-. (Crisostomo: v, · · · · · .. . . . · · ·. · · ·· · ·. ~~~
,Sandiganbf!YEtn, G:R. No:·1:523~·8,./l.prif-14; 2005J. · ·.'.:. A;·
C_omplex Cr!me~·., .: ·:· ·.; . . ·.' . ·... ·. ~-
. Juiif:idiction.o.Ver'the,~ole.complex crime is lodg~4:':/
.' Wh~t is cont~pllin1/is. the spe~ific factual.allepatiohs . · Witt, tha trial court -h.aving jCJrisdictioa. te impose the·-·,if'"'.'
in· the ·1nf6rmatfon that ·would.';ficate · the close . / maximum-andmostsetieus..penalty'injposab/eof ar('.;W,
in~imacy betwe~n _the ·discharge· ·of the ·accused's.. . . . offens.eforming p_arfqt the complex crime. It must be. :'&.,
. official .duties _an~ the. commissiorr of/the.. offense . ·: p~o·s~u.ted'jnte.g~ally-'and ··must _no~ be dlvided.-irit_o· .;}ff
~ffe'nses.. w.hich .may b.e ·made subject of :;.J
· charged,:in .order-to qualify ti'!~ as having beeJl=--=~pmponerit
eommitted . in Jelation. ;.fo . p~_bli.C Q{ffc~ ··(.~,<f_s!j!F_v.
ExeputiveSecretary,·,GJ~. No. 12809.6;J!/·ry-:01.
·.Jifitiiliple~nformation. bf~Uglit in·. different. ·courts:·:;;;:
J_(?:;;.Jyqtv7r~rcia,6.R .No. L46~34,April_151 1"9.88).. ::l
1999).. .. . . · · ·.. · . _- /
·In the ~bsence·ot any:alleg9-tiori t~~(the.ofJE::~~'Was .· .
<-: · \
t.-;;r.r,,="'-';==><~ ~ . .H/ ,~ .
: -""""~~ & • ~!',.;~ · - . .- : .
· ·· ·
.· . . · . · )f·
. -· · ;
GO!T!m i~ed iri relation to th_e··_qffise"of-ttw ft-C6u~e&~r=::~-Bit-.1<~~t-inl'i utrf C.i"1mes. ·: .·,· .. . . . · ·. :· ... if·
. was necessarily-. connected. ~f)C'Jh~ 1isctfa"tge. 0.L
~1?~· .G,ot ~tfu ·
1r ?Y
)qontinU\i19~~e.n~~,reconsutn_mated in one place, -~:
ttieir . functipos, the. ·:re~ioJial .
Sand1ganbayfln,1;ias.junsd1clf6n,toJ;i,ear:arfo dec1d': 4~~~~
- · the ~se ·(Peopt~·'v.· Caw._alin1,'q,Tffe~ !flo. H ~fJ70;7JiJ{y.. ilt~~'ll:)1i·cc:,urts1oTJ..b.~
#et t.1e)\a~_r(o~t~.fofferise; the violatl~_r\ of t!)e ;,).~
1s d.~en:iedwqnfJn\J1pg(e.g., ·esfafa .and libel). As .,•;;
~n:itorjes where !~~-essential ·t.,~

.28, 1.998).: ·
l.· i~,
- :,\ \-j·· ·.~·
. : .·. · ·· If-~:·~: . · T. -~~°"'";~.!l~!I ~~-egi~9tsoftt:ii_,'.~ri.5elto_ok·~1a.~e.,;ur~ent :~ I

~w.Wisdict,~n. ·Bu ,i-t:te:, iourt. which. firsI ... a~qmres -.-~.
· · ·· - -.· ';. ·. ~ · -ii-1
Exceptio~s: .... ·. · · . ~ 1:( 1, , ~~juris~.!£.t'i~1_ii;)xcl,des ,~~ti··~!h~r~courts (PA'MARAN,. .'1~
1. Electi~n offenses - !l·LS·f!ih R jO~J~at:~;;., ",Jl~- ·
ev1s,~~~F,J.'ifles4o(~fr.uplnal Prqcedure .-~nnotate_d.. ~1·
.Court_,~hat .ha$· jurisdic 'orf\Jvio:·i.@.~· ~r ~ · ·K~~J1cli2~-2)f.llereinM~r,P~_MARANJ.··
:COmff!itled·pypublicoffic"irsclassj,fied,a'&,Graf#- . ~ ... ~v- f.:· .. :.f.· ·.· ' . ·.
• ·. >-{
'J !
· 27 and' h1ghet.. and in\· 'tela.pon ~o~eir-~ffl~:..v/~~r.ii:ne!J,1f>·:by D_estierro· .. , · ·. · · · : ·. -~,,
. (OMNIBU$ f=t;EC'TIONCO/:J.~,·Sec. 2~8)•. Sc-EN~:~~,r.~ .\~e'"imposat6(~.p~na_lt;, _is. destierro;.the._c~se )~
2·., ·.C.01:1rt•ltlf11',tial.c~ses.'-:- Qffen~s,.c~p':11tt~1i~f~Jli;:~ff'im\lJ:lt~~€fu~1~e.-1unsd1c.tion~f th~ Munic1pa1 ·:·i\J
· : ..m~mbers ·.9f tlie ,Armed.·. Forc~--.;~t:f.1@r-==:;~"fr.!..a"(~u9':.4<;.0n~l.d_ermg· that' in the .tuerarchy ·of._;!.
person.s s.LJ1:>jec~ to ·n:ii(itary_law are'Cog_pi:za01f _by ·
. c9urt martial. 1f· such offens!:3s ar.e-~1.·se.Q1J£~,. K ._CQ,(}.rt;:,Jtfes~1e~ro
jEl-~~a~_ieS~.J:l~d~rArticle. !1 of th~. f{evJsed . f?.enal ~~
f~l.lows arresto m_ayor.(P~ple y. ··:,'.{
connected"as expressly enumere:1te9 in R.A. Ncr.----~,:--·§luwte._ Q.R. N.a: 88232,. Fe,bruary 26; · 1.990), ' :·: If
7055' · ... ,.. · .. · · . : .. i ,·· .: '· . · .','.,!.
.. . .. . .. · ·.·• .. -Note::: Where -th~~ offense -'.ct:iarg~d--.i~'., ~i*tlin. its: :;j
· · v.· . Criminal. ,J~risdi~tion · ~f. the.· .C,ourt' :of Tax . : exclusive· com_petenae, ·-by feaso,:i ,Qf. tne. ·pen~lty.\°t·{CTA) ·· · · · · · . . prescribed ·rthe·refor •. ;:m;: infeoor· :-:co.l.lrt· .l>h~ll ha\ie<Ji
jurisdlct)Qn lo try and decide the_case.irrespectiv.e of. :t~
1 ; .i~;i~r~~i~e:' ~rlgirial .j~·ri~diotiqn' ·o.v~r ~11~ . ~iimirial th·~ ki~d ·.aAd nature. otJ~~ .civil :l_iabiljty a~isin~ · frorr,_ -:f:
. . of.fen'ses·ar.isin.g·frorn viol$tion::; of.the· National the said: ciffeJ'!Se: · · : . · ·· .; .. · · ( ·. · ·· · . · ·)1'
. . h1tefna1 R~v«;rnuei ·Code ·(J\IIRC) or.. "[:ariff-.. ario. • • , ••• •• ., • • r.{

, Customs ·cod~ and _9ther laws admiristered by .··. . The addjtional.p.~~.~!IYfor h~bitu.~ideiinq~e~<?Yis no(
the BIR orthe 91, c·ustoms. ' . .r·. · · . consider~d i11 de.terminingjLlri~dfction :because. such·· ·::'
··. 2. Offenses where the pr.inci'pai<~mou.nt of taxes .nof i:1 cri~e (4· HERRERA~·.supra ar:..Yj-1.
and fees·. exelu.s.ive of'i::na.rges;-aiid peoalties, l~ss -than P1 ;ooo;bbO;QO; where tr,ere-
19). ...... . . . . ,I°· .• •· ••• •.• : ·. . .-:1
is· no specified amou·nt ·Cl~i!l).ed, it ,Sha!) be. triec;l
. by'_ the' reguJar coui:t& and: the jurisdiction ofthe
· : CTA shall be appe/Jate;.and-· ·. · ·
. ··.~ .;~
. 3. Exclusive . appe_llate j!,lris~iction · i~ criminal' ' .· •.~
offenses:· · ·, '.'2·
· :J
. .. ·~· •
. .:J
CRl·,M:I.N.A·L ·PROCE:ou·.R.E·

VII: Kat~rungang Pj,mbarangay. . '(Local -AM'·NT)-02-1437;· iugust 20,.2003), namely,

. ·.. Governmen't-CQ.d~. Bpok Ill, Tltle I, Chapfer,?) .
'the Provlnclal or: City· Prosecutors; ·and:other
. . . .· .. : . . . .. ... . ·: ·." .... '\ .. .· .. .:officers as. may 6~_·,~1:Jth9rizeq by. law . .Their
Pre~Requls'iteto Filin.g t>f Complalnt.ln.CQurt · · .: . ai.ithority. ·fo ·
cq_nquct'. preliminary lnvestiqatiori
·General Rule: A confrontation between' the parties .. . .. shall include alt. crimescoqnizable by the ..proper.
b~fo~e:.'ih~. lupon chairqiai:I.·, or' the. pang~f;tt. 'ng .. . :: '. ·· .. court in :their respectlve -territorial [urisdictldn; ·· is . ne.ed13.d. · before ... a.. Complairit, , . (~0C, nuu: .112,- Sec.~)~ ·,1·.·.·\.'·.
-petition, . a.ctio.ri .' or prcice~dihg : may. be.. Ji!ed. or .
Instituted .tlirec.tly fn courtor any other government· 2. F.or·ali -~th~r offe·iises·
· qffice.f6r'adj1,1i:Ji9ati9n .. : · ·. · . · · .. .' · : · · . · · ·
TKe j>arties'ttiefeto"rnay s.till-gri:·fo thecourt elther (1-) . ·: . By. fili~g the· .. Co;,:plai~t ·or:~info~at1ph.
whe1yth'-i~ /upor,·:secteJary'o.r pangkat secretery-as \V-ith the 'MTC ,orMC:TC>o~.the.Coniplai.nt with,.th·e" .
attested · to by . the tupon. or. ·pang/<at ¢h?iri'nan . .. . . · · . 'offiqe oUh'e Pr.os~clit~r:.. .. · - - : . . .
. c'e'rtifies 'that no· conciliation or 'settlement 'has freen :.
reached: ·:or.. (2)"-when ~·-thi:3: partJes:· re·pudla.ted .tne -·.In:· Manila· and. ot.~~r·. c:h~rt~red citie~ •. the
settlement .. (LOCAJ:.. GOVl;.RNMENT CODE,:·.Sec. . : Complaint shall' 'be· filed with the. office of:.the
'4'1f.2(a)).·. :·.. ·. . : .. . ·' . . . . Prosecutor ·un.l~ss'.' otMn.:vise. provided iii' their ...
·. · .. ··: ::·. ·· · :·: .. · ·. .charters. · .'_ .. . .. .. .
Exc~pticins~'(DH.~PB).- .. ·.. . . . ,: . :• . ) . ·. ·, . .. . ..
1-. Where llie'}:1~~1,Jse_d .is;unc!E;:i'r'· Qe~ention; '... · · (}··~. . '. NQte~ Uride~ th~ B.uie; on .SLimmarx· Proce.dur~{ : .
· 2. ~ , "."her~ _a:~erson. t1as--b~~n .. depnyed .of .p~rso.~!-.,1.~,9 f... · · the filjn~ :Qf crimi~l ~:>es falling wit('lin;i!s. spope · .
. . . hberfy calh':9 for !:!~beas corpus: proceed1~~t;,</;1.·h·. · shall be .either' by -Com.plaint or .by .lnfo.rmatic?n: ..
,3: Wh~re: a~tro~~· ~re cpupled w1~h. frov1s1~2-f';.,,'.'/ ·: . Provided,·t:,o_wey_~r. that·t.,·~_etropolit~h·M,a'riila·
.-.remep1es,.or.. ,. . : ·\r ,:,• f'!!} · and,in Charteted -Cities .such ·cases shall be
4. · Where)he .action may be.§arred by·-the s~~ru(~11\1j;7::::/if)':cmrim6~c'eci' only-by lnfh~mation except when··
. ··. of ljmitatiorts·:·0.:0C.t\L GOVERNMENJ;:JtODE~ (.( f/~~~)))i'e:'.0ttJ~ie . ca'nnot pe· ptosecutea' 'de oficio ..
Sec. 412(b)). · · · ·· : ·"""<-J':,~ ·. ·· .· 1, {I · · ·· :li·iv-. · . • - · .-· · · ,. -; · : ·
./.1·i1f! · .. 'j'h)\~ , . · . : , . • .. ,' .
. .,_ · . ·:· · ·', .
. . . . ~ · .• , , ' ·:( ./'
l· : · · ·· · ·
The .. , d'r:i' lamt .:·or .· lr:1formation. ~· '\ 'h . · y:»·,
sliall · be
(S~e d1sq1j~sron on-~<!taru~gang ·:ac9<?1),1P.a~te~ Pa.1;:f'-f'.}fW. ~-... ,. .[i.~ ~.. .',
by.. t~~ \ .. a~pavits·_· ... ~<?.f.. ,.the: i
. . . ' ' .' ; .··.- '. -;.,-,-:-::#~... . · l.t·-.:.'-:;;;, . :;:';-. fr1. ·.' · . ~or;oetarn~nt. wnd·, .o_f ·..h1.s w~t_ness~.s sue~· In .. i'
· _. ·
.: ·'
- '
.. . .
'·Ru··.Lx..~ lo/!
T>" ...A.~~
. ·
. ~
· · .-:- .
·,~:,;1~~:t· ·~~ . i·<~
:r= · .. · ~-; -,'!\.
• . .¢-' ,.

',:lJc,,-::/::. . ?""'\·, ·.
. .
~ ~
· ..
nu,n~er of ~op1gis as.there are a_ccused plu!> two.

........(....,... "' ....,.~ .
.. ·
'.is l)Ot-.\:@!iip.ljed .With-within "five. (.5,. days :from
t .
I, .

·P~OSECU':fIO.N .0~ tsl1?:~1\~.l\~S.J. firr1 ~J_ .

···dat~'-ot(rlintj,·t~~ c~s~ may be.. dfsmissed:_(Ru/El.~ ..
· · :·
· •
· ·· ·• •
· · · · · · ·'

' · · · •lt:•1
• t :;., •
- · 9.n
. J....J~'!Y.Gt_ · Summary . _ ·.Procedure· . ,. Sec:
.· .. 1-.1). · · · · ,. . . . .
~r1dii~al·A.~ti~.'n' . . ·:·
One. by W~IC~_-th.e-S~ate. ·prOSEl_CllteS .. a v,rsbn·,1,twan .
> ' . . - . : . ,);:>~~;";:1~E~·t~:
. .·
/.!,~. 'P~~j ~~ction'
~I . v;._c~;m'i'~aJ:Pr~~~c~~,~-fl
·.. · . . .. . · . · .- " ·· · · ·· . ·

act or·om1ss1<;m·law (R~._EtfJ.LE._1,.

S ec. '3,par.·,,
. 1'1b··1) •. ·. ' · ... • ·
· ....
• ~ .• , ....:~\·
~..., ·
. . ~- .· .
sec:noN:/ i :.!NSTlrUTIO~ '.' "OF: ·cRiMINAl .. . . \ . ·:.·' ... ' . ,·.· . .
Instituted . once· ·:·-.a COmm~nced · .;oncef the .
. ·~CT,IO~S ,.· - . · .. ·. : i. ·· ,· ... / .. :qo111pl~in't has ti¢1n''fi.led l[tformati9n' is ti_[e,d t)y th/'
: .. ·, ~
1.. For '9ff~n~~~: whe1:.e. a.:.' preli~l11ary·.
in the· proper. office. or
·Pr.osecuto·r·irr court .... · ·.

, . _inve.i,~i_gati.o'n. _ls· required P,U~suant to- Rule

.. :·t~rH1s t1:te .. cas~·: .':!1ay .. , ·._. ·;.·:.:- .. ·.;.·· ·. ··.:.·. :
., :.'· .11.;z,· Se'cti~:~:1 · .· · · . ·.. : ; ·. . . . ·,.'

the. :cb~pia·i.rit .wit!) th~· ~ptoper. officer*' •
. . fpr ··the,- Pl!rpose' -Of GOAdu_~ting. the. requi,site . 'Gen~ra~i'. .~a·r~. ·:
,-:ihe N.a· s~.6~··?ffe9J ..
. ~ . . . . . .
· . ·prelj_min~ry.inve~tigation: · · · ·fµnriirig · of ·, the > · · · · .. : :
·preicriptive' pe'r-iod of the .
· · · Pi:eum:1n~ry i~v~~tigation .i.s requir~,1-iorotten;es (?ffense. ·... · .'., ·.- , ~·
whe're the penalty prescribed b.y law is 'at least 4
.year,s, . 2: ."months ··an'd 1' . .day (or'· prfsion
c,orreccfonal: In · ~ts ··medium:· period) . -without· .
(RIANO~ ~up;a !iJf:55).'. ...
. . :. . . . ·, .
' .
. regard to line· (ROC;iRULE 112, S~c. 1, pa,r. -2). Effect .of' ~nstltutlon of· the Critnlnal·:Actlori· on
... # • • • ~. •• '
Prescriptive '1>.erlod:. It ·interrupts. the rurinil')'g :of·the
. 'The ·t.erm. ".proper· Qfflcer".' refers officers to period Of prescription. Of the··:offens~ charg~ un(('JSS
autt)odz.ed to cpnduct tt:ie· .requisite preliminary · otherwise.provided by s·pecial laws (Fra_nciscoIi: CA ·
L-45674; May·So: 1983). · · . •, ....
. in'vestigation (Contreras ·v. Judge ··Mqnserate,
. .t . • . . . . .


. . . .. . . . •'
f 533

-·-·- ···---· ..... .J

s,:.:s;;i:::,msmlll[ll-lllill!lll -.-.l!llll•a---9!1--•-------------~-----.;ji
CRI MlN·A:L .PROCED . U'RE·: · . ·t

rLIDJt\."l :DJ-llllliBl!lm-lmllil-------------~-1111!1---IBIIBll~IIIZ-~-~-·j r,--:-~-:-~.---,-~--,-~~~~'~

Su~pension· · · of l?rescriptiv·e · · P_eriods .for 1.t ·.dbes. .~ot . lnte~rupt the . -~~
Violations. of Spectal Laws: There ts no distirictlon pe~i.!id-'6fprescription: period of ·; j.
-- · between-cases.under theRevised Penal Code-and·. prescription is lnterrup~~o qnly: .:Jt,
those covered by special laws with. 'respect to the when '·the · Complaint · or ·.1?",
lnterrupuon of .theperiod. of prescription. In cases · -· ln.formafi.dn is filed.· in- court .;-.~
involving special laws; the Supreme Court has held . ·· (Jadiiwell · Pa;f<(ng Systems. ···:
.that the ·inslituJioci of proceedlnqs for' -prellmlnary · . Cqrppriition ~· ,J:.idtja, G.R. No: '..
inveetlqation 'aqainst the. accused interrupts· the ·: 1_699.8$:·0qtoJ?er. 7., ?01 ~). · :
·· · period _of prescription (People· v. · Pangilinan, :G,R. ·:· ~
. No. ·152662; June 13,· ·2012). · · · · · f .p· · · · p. ; · · · · · · ·:.J
0f .th~-- Cq~pl~inh,:.;,lth.the ·pr~s~putor's·offi~·
Suspen~lon .9 · rescrfptlve erlods ot·es· ,J:
. ··faliil')g µ~der.the. authority ofthe. ·~upon: U()d~r ,:j.
· already tolls the "ru.nnin·g _of the prescriptive perlod '. Sectlon 41.Q (c)",of. tfJ.e Lo~al. Government Code ... qf :.:..
even if the offense is. for.-the viofation-.of a special taw ·.·- ·. ·1991,: while ·. t.h.~ · dispute -is.: ·_Urider ·.. ni~diati.or,i,: -...:~~.
(in, · thts' ca$e,: .B;P.· Big. 2;2). · The: phrase · · · concltiation, qnir.bitr~tion, the prescriptive peribds .. '.~
~proc~edlngs"-in .secnon 2 of A9t No. 3326. PY· ~~ict:r . . . .for'!iid c~use of- a·¢~qf1_under.ex[stf~g laws ·.;f.t
prescripticil'.I i.s.if')terrupt~(j should·.be dccfm~d·to refer . . shc:111 ·b.e interrupted up.on filing the.Complaint witl:l· ·~:
. to proceeding$ judic!al o! executive i~,:ct}aracter . : the pc.inon.g baiangay .. Th:e pr¢~c_~iptiveperio~s-~_h3:11_: ::;,
(PanaguJton v. D._C)J, G.R. f'!lo< 1(!75_71, November ~~sum":. up~>n ·rece.lp! ..DY· the.. com~la~~~At of-. the ·,i
.,;..:s»~ ·.:. .p,n:ip!aint or: the 9.ett1f1ca~e·of repud,at,on or.ofJhe <--?
• 25 2008). ·.
'- ' . ·
· ·. . . ·. · · . ··
.. <
:r:-~~- & ,- LJ . ,eerjitloitior.:i·~o ·fil.e actrori is~ued . by the !upon ot .. ,·
_. S~.spensi.Qn· . Q~ .. Prescriptive: ;.(r-10~.s(~f~(_ '· _· ..lp}fi~'at.~~~aty:'.: Provided~· l}.oY!ev~r.: that s_uch \t,,
y,olat.lons . of. Ol'dll'!.ances:. · .fv1.j;far'i'Cf!:).il~rrlor·.~rcrtlpt!9h"'~hall.,m:>t. exceed 60 ·days from t~e frling :/fl:
· ordir.,ari$,es,. i~ the case. of Zal1f~'ae;fs-; ~~f;~~!Jle~=0 ..l!t:ie'ho~pJ~°jnt~1!1 the pun_ong _barangay. . . . : ,-:,
Sl!prerne Cqurt heldthat-the pr~c9.:~l'.1!~;,:ref,7tred to __ jji; _ ~- -~ .~--\ -~ · _ .. ··: ···.:·, ·.· · · : · ~'
in Section ..2 o~Ac, No. 332q (jioratJ,<;>,nS::~fpunicip~ · J!i\ Iimed!\3S ot..Jne·O. ~nde_d Party If the Pro_se·cutor ,l
or ci.ty brdiri<?nces) are jud!qjal protiedinl:j!s.;which ·, Re~uses'·t~ F.11,f ar;rr~tormatio_n:(SNACC-MS) "tJ
· · nec~ssita,~e~ . the.· tili{lg .qt
t-·t!;e[ C9m~laiRt....:...0~ · ,. :,:-:-!.ak1\~Mtt~~yvlthth~ ~ecr~tary ?,f_Justi_ce ,~,
lnformatlen wrth_the P.'rO"Pf?r~;f,fl.erunntng.~j~e-.... ~~$?nagcordanfe""Wrth~thE! Rev1se,;:J-Admm1slrat1ve· ::~
presc~iptive:r· be~s~~cfl-orl°_t~e.l_p_at~'V,ie/"'. ~:c'l Codl or w(~~t~ft,.~r'*s!den_tin speciijl ca.·ses; . · .:}2
.r,~ dQle~~~2.· L.01,~~,Ne~ Cc;> having ,:~
cas~ is actually filef m c_oi.r:t,w~.l{'otpn1·
before.that (Zal_dil(ia v: ~.ey~~. _<ff},: ~c;,. '1p2 ~,--d-11/y,_ .i :::-::, · ;1:1_.r;is65~6n.~y~tt:uf_of{~nsewhere ther6:..i_s no.. '.·;~
3,.. 1992; affirmed aga,n m Jacl.eJCl.,ftlf,.P?-,?rkifi~ ~s~m~'!Si V,!.-s,,. :90{61,fJeo13ardyj';/ / . . . . · . · · :ff,
Corp~ratipn ".'·_.Udua,'_G.R. ~°,· 169$8EJ,' O.~fs?~~~ ~""~~(~iJl'.it~ ~dn'linlsr~tive charges; against- the ·:~~
. .
··.. · . . ·
·. .
\~. ~-- "':·;~.·
... . . · · -~~
/~e~D9 ~&~cU,O·,, ..
· · · •. · PJle_ Crnninal' ctiorr against. t~e. Prosecutpr
: ··· .: .
U_nder Sec:ron 9· of ·!he_ ..Ru~t C?~ .. ., ,Y -~~onc:.l(f.~.'.j B.. ·~f:Revised Penal. Code.foi· .. ~.
Procequre, . the Complaint or lnfo~atroA(~all,.,bJ:J ~lij;j~fic~,.<to. prosecute 'or ·tolerance bf :the . ,;I:;
filed dire.ctly 'iri ·· court without ne~t1,~0C-f)itiorc-~~ ~~rlt:n\/~/ . . ' .. . · · '. · ·. ~
prelimi,na.~y ,, • eX~f!lin_ation·. _ or , .. ~~~i~a_ry N[l~:..\.f];Q1~'i1 a'ction for damages under Article27. of · t~
rnves~gat,on. • ,The c·ase shall ..." be ael!me.~~7-"'•r-fhijCivil Code.·for failure to: reoder service by a . 4
• • co.m~en~ed _onJy:wtien _it is filed in. c_ourt, wh_E:th~ror ·p1,.1blfc officer; · .: ;! · · · · . · · · · . . · . ·. '_%
~qqhr_PfOSE!cut1~,nc;!~c.1desto co!Jdu.ct _a W~l,mm~.ry. ·. · 6. .Fil~.. an action tor. Mandamus; ,in case of gr~ve <~
. mves~1gat1on:· ·'fh1s means that the ·runnmg. of !h~. abuse·:of disc"retiori· or. - · . · · · · · ·- ·· -~
· prescriptive period s.t'ialrbe halted·qn the··date· t_he,. . . · :·· .· _'., .. ·,. · "j}.
'c_ase·i~ ~{duall(~l:ed hi:~?~rt-a.hd hotJin·an_y·da_te. -. · ·. N°ote_: The.writ·of.m·;,mdarr11.js Is not·~.vaitable-to. Ir
. _b~fo~ethaHZald1viay. Reye~. G.~: No. 10234.2;· jtJfy · .<':!mtrol ·dfscretion. Iris a ma~er'?f discretion· on l
.3,_-1992). ..
· ·· ··
ttie .. part of.the ·determine.(what.:
crime . to .c.hargeL, which persons appear efs:
Sui:rimary of Effect o.f lristltutlon.of-.PrQceec;lings · ' . fesporisible·. ·fpr .the .. commission of ·a crime·.· .. r,
for Pr.elil')iinary' Investigation on Prescriptive · . However, the moment he 'finds one to be: so :~~
·.' . . . . . : . : ..Period. . . ·. . . . .· .. ·. :. .. .. ll~ble, i~ becomes.his ine_s~apable duty to charge :1~
It· interrupts. the· p.eriod :·of hi_m, therewjth. ab(i to prose9l.lte him for the .7-·
·prescription ·(Franci~co \I'.. · CA, . .. . ·. same: In such a si~uation-,. the. rule· ·lases· ·i_ts · S!,1
L-45/:j74, May 3_0, 1983. · : :. discretionary. :ch~racter. ~nd. 'beaomes ::~1
. mandatory• (Metropolitan Bank · and Trust : --~
.lt. Inter.rupts the. PE:lriod of · Company v.. Reynaldo,. G.R. No: 164538,. ·jJ.
_prescription (People v. Aug.u~t 9_, 2010~: . . . .· . . . .. ·. -~1··:
Pargilinan, G.R. · .No. 152662, ·:..
JUfJe 13, 2012). .. . · : · ·".)


C.R·I M 1·N.AL :p·Ro.c;Eb.URE

. .,
.7. Ask f~r a .§.peciai""Prosecutor (Hoey v.· Provincial i.he People of the Philippines is. the· r~~l'ciffended
· · FiscfJfof"Riiaf;,G.R. Nos: L-61323,,24, June·29; party but since ,the crime ls alsoan -outraqe ~gainst
·. 1984). . . . . . . the offended party, he is ·entitled to intervene IA its
prosecution ln . cases where ttie' civil :·action' 'Is .:
·. -Isauance ', of ·Injunction to . Restrain' · Criminal impliedly institute.d .theretn.. _How~ver;· when-. the .
. Prosecution · . · · · . • .. .. .· . crirhin~1 · action · is .instituted- in · 'the- name ·.of the· ..
, General Rule: Criminal prosecutions ·mayr.NOT be offended partymotPeople of the.Philippines),"-the '··
restrained or- stayed by injuhi::tior:i~'preliminary. or . merely .·of. form .and may .. be cured. by" _.
·· flnal. ThE? reason.belnq, publlc interest requires-that amendment ·.(Rica"rze · .v;; CA,·. G.R. · No: 160451,· ·
criminal. acts", be lmmedlately ·. investigated: ·and February 9, 2007).· ·· ·
prosecuted for. theprotection ·o.tsociety (People v.
"Grey, G·.R.'No:.J80109,:.'J.uly 26, 201oj.' · .. SECTION·3. COMP:_l.:.,Ai_NrDEFINl;:I).
. ~ . . . -- . . . .:. ~ · ': :· ' ....:.· . . .. .

E~c~ptlpn.s:. ,:: . . . . . . . A sworn written statement charging.-a··t,

. ~' . To . afford '· adequate -: -. protection . -to . the: . offense subscribed by the offended j::,arly.,-any.:p·e;3c~
. - 'constitutional rights' ofthe.accused (He.rfiandez officer, or· publlc · officer -charge:d · With the
· -: . v. Aibaoo, .GR. No. {,,1fJ2i2, Ja.nuaij 25, 1f)67); enforcement of the lawivielated; , ~ . . . .
.2. Wt)en necessaryfor tha o_rderlyadm"ii'11stration of ; _ .. .
justiceor-to .;:iypid oppr~~siori or -multiplicity gf The Com·plaint as.defined, under sec: 3 is different
. actions (l)omood.ori.v-.· $ao.diganqa,yan, G.R. No. /\ · . from the Complaintfiled-wjththe Prosecutor'sOffice.
·J?99p{.;.;,a/~i{16, J~_d9~i( ::·. '. · · ·. ·.: _,· .··,::. j'.i:(;;;~;'(. . . . ._ . . . - . . .. .
. · 3.. IJ\lhen tl)ere_ .rs a preJ1;1dtc1al qoestt<:>11-. wh,c.fjj!~'/:\/;\ The. latter rs · .a · Cornplaint for purposes of
subjudice (Paderanga v. Dri/on,.G.R:.No. 96r:J,8();'-: i;-1• ·l preliminary investigation. · The · Complaint
April 1~, 1991); . · . . . . . , ." · \j f.: 1'\~1.7;_Jnentioned Jr:i.this _Sectior:i·refers to or:ie filed in court
· 4. ·wh~n the· act~ of th!iu;>fficer <!r~_.·withouui'r.l!;i;'..-,·,(, i}.~t~i)he-~cdni_fuenbement. aof -c,:iniirial.c1ctlotj for ·· ··
e~cess of au·th.oriJy(Plari_as v:. Gil, ~-~:SNe. _L:.•J
464;40, Januar:y 1 B,;.f.939); · (tV7 ..
If vi_olali~n-0FaJ~rirne.~sl'.!allycognizabl_e~Y mu~icipal ..
,/~-,_,,; tnal -courtsf,1~(\well as to a. Compli;unt filed ·!Jy an
--~- .When ~he_.ptose~uti~n is.-u_nd~r-an~fufalidJay.!fi,,~'f · offended !?ar\f~\in-·p_ri\iate crimes· "or ilios~ which
No. L~109.51, Fe~iu.a,Y_ M~j1:6J;- :."l'f~ · ~
cannot.bE¥ p~os& officio (E~arle.,et al. v.
,;i-1--H1o8n7.)sujald1/o,·~,R.- No. L-33628 :December 29, .
.6. Wh~n. ·dou.ble J~oparay,·~1-1.a.,;cleot:ly-:.\. appa)'e·m't· ~--4 9 . ;i ii ·.: ,\ . ·.. ·· · · ---:. ·.. .
.(Paderanga v. D.riton, G){:f._o:,·:fJ€i6"P.,();j.,,f.piil~-9:, i,,,i . . , <,~; ,;._~: E-i':t :G~:~!?' · · .. · · · . · · · ·
.. 199_1);· ·< . . . .-. .-~,.
,. ·. . f7:~":'5: .. · .-1~:) . f::_i1. Requisite.!!!§ti~C~mplaint:-(~COV¥P) . ·. . . . __
7.·· ,When the. court:had.· no J1ms~_!Q.!itm\pyer·t!)'.e . J:} 1.. · .It must be.§.ubscnbed:-by the offende.dparty,.by.
· offense (topez y/CitY_JOd_,_g~;·.Gt:"[J.?:.,No.~:-,'j5.7~·5'. . _.: f!\".-~,..:,,...ii1any peace. officer·or-public :~fficer 9harged with
O,ctobe·r29!, 1~66J;' _·,: · . · .. :. . :· :~\-;:;:.1.0':_ . ,;;·- ··· ,1.;;,~,~rc~:'.~,Jhe,_Mfyrcementof the law v1ol~ted;: ., · ,
· 8. .When.. it, i.s a .Gase of persecl)ti~i;rather<.:Jflr~u.U~ •,2.J.--l~!'Al:ISl~~hafge- a ·p:erson Wi}h a_n '.~ffe,nse;·
proseqy_l!Qn_(P_a_cfe_rariga ·v,._.Dnlor;T- ~-.?/1.fe.'!- 3 .. It must be under Qath ~nd·m-Wnting;._and ...
· 96080,Aprif:19; .J991);, .. - · . ,:· ~/\:t\'_: ·: .· 4. , It mu~t ,be _iri !'11!_ name of ·the _feople of. the.
9. :· Wheri 'the . ."~hcfrg~s an~ .m·anif~sfly' (c[i1s_e·cjnd '. .Philippines (ROG,Rule .1.10,. Sec, _3).
:. . · njc:,tivat~db'j 'the lµst _to.r·ve.~_geanc~_-(D~;itn.bQdori .
· v. Sand1ganbayan, G.R: No. 1i9904.,. .MfJ(Ch 1-6, . , N'~te: A Cornplaiht ·pre·sente.d·by. a priy.c;1te· pe,rson
' 2000);· . · · . · .. . . · · · when n.ot sworn 'lo by. hini is not n.e~essarily..yoi~.
. 10. When" there. is" c/eafly no. priina fa<;ie case·· Th~ W!;lnt qfaf"! is a r,:iere -defect.of forrrpvhjch
against th·e ac9lised and:Efinoticiri·tO quash _on. · . does' not affec_t .the substiJntial .- rights~ !)f ·the
· that.ground has J:>~en denied .(Satonga v. .Pario; .· : defendaht on ·Jhe m1:?rits. S1:1cli .being .tl:ie c;ase, -it ,s
9.R. No, .. l,.,-5fJ5?.4, F.eb,:u_arY:-tl( 1.fl85); ~n_d.. : · nQt pernii~sit;>f_e to ·set , ji,tdgmentJor ,s!J¢h .a·
.1·1. ·Te>· prevent the···thr.e~t~ned uri_lilwftil ·.a_i:_rest of.. defect (People v. Historil/o,G.R. No. 130408, June
· ~titioners (BiockB V.. l;nfile, G:R .. -NoS..:-6~863- ·.~ · ·. {9, ...2090).'. · · .· _. ·... ·

· ~5,.Q$cember -10, 1990); · .
• • • ! •
The Com' · fQr.. · purpb.s~s ·c;if.. preiiminary · .
SEC.TiON 2. FORM OF<THE .co'MPLAiNT· OR investigatkin, filed with the:prosec,)ikir\;off(c~, tefe~S:
IN.F.OR~ATION :·. · . .. . . . to:· . : ' · · · · ··
. 1 . . Any written.Com.plal(lt; . ·
.Common .Formal_ Requisite~; C.o.111plaiht. ·and . 2: .. Filed by an o"r-n_ot;.al')d .
lnformat.l!;m:(WriPeR) . --·~ .. Not· .necessarily· .under· Oc!th, except in . a.
1. In ~tir:ig; _.· . · •. . . . . .. · , · Comp!airit fot con1_mission of an offense whibh.
2. . , In t~e name.of th~ People pf.the Philippines; and . cannot .be prosecuted de o_fficio; . .
3. ,Against . all persons· · who ~appear. to" be. ·
f!esporis\ble for th~ "offense·involved. · .. ·



J&klifN 2,&4 ***'' •• FiliNM . I•
N6te: Offe~ses whiah cannot be prosecuted de·
officio are those crimes the institution of which a
sworn written Complaint. is· required,·.as 'where
- the -oftense is private i~ nature, wh~re the law
requires that' it is to be started by· a Complaint
· 'sworn to" by the offended party,' or when· it"
pertatnsto those.whlch need to be-enforced by
sp.ecified public ·officers (PAMAR/jN, supra at
,57; Hernendez v. Albano; G.R..·_. No. L-17081,
May 31, _1961). . . .

Subscribed by' . · the Subscribed · tlie

. any Prosecutor.
offended · ... party,.
'peace officS:r or.
other (Indispensable
'officer charged with:the ·requirement)
enforcement of the law,


WAi EA1PIMiiia114(fAMWIS e ?WWW' 4
4 .. The authority··grivate .Pto;ecutdr mustbe ~hi supervision of the Office of the Ombudsman. ·1n
~pproved bythecourt: and · . ' . . .. -cases · cognizable ;by .the .reqular courts.' the law
5. .ln 'case of the Withdrawal° or revocation of the recoqnlzes a concurrence of Jurisdiction betweeri the
authority .'of the-:-private Prosecutor, .the same Office of. th~ Om~udsman ..and other· investigative
. must be approved by'court (P_OJ Memortmdum . ·agencies of ..government in .the prosacutlon -of said
· Circular No. 25, Aprit _26;. 2qo2, ref!arding _ · cases (Uy·v.: Sandiganbayan, 'G."R. Nos. ·105985-70,-
Amendment to ROG, Rt,JLE 110, Sec. 5). -Maich. 20;:20()1); . · . . • . _- .: . . · ···
. . :· ··. . . . . .·_ . : ,. . . ' .,- ..
Criminal Gase~ May Only Be: Appealed by th,{· Matters Falfihg within .the;Control"and Discreti~n
Solicitor- Ge_net;aJ . . . .. . . . .. . . .'te Prosecution;· . · · · . ·· . · · : .:·_ . .
Only the Solicitor:. General ·may · bring· or defend 1. What case to file (People v,· Pln~da, G.R. No. L- .
. actions in behalf'of the Republic· ·of· the: Phnippines, .. · . 2.6222, ·July"21, 1. 967); · ·. · . ·· ·
. or represent tti.e. People of the Phillppines orState;in· . : 2; Whom. lo. prosecute (People v.·. Devqr;;Js, · G.R. · ..
c,_r.iminal pro,c_eedif\gs·b~'.q_l'e.the_Supr~~~ Coyrt ar:i~ ... .: Nos,.10093IF~9,:~e_cembet.1q;-19,93); - . ; · · ..
the CA except~·- . · · ·· 3: Manner of ;prosecution (People. v. -Nezeieno; _
_ 1. Wheri.thefe is denial of ~ue prO:c~ss-ot'law to the . GR. No: 103964, August 1, 1996); and · ·-
Prosecution and the Sta.le orltsaqentsrefuse to.·... 4. Right·_ to · wittidraw·.:,Information. ·:befcire
. act.on the case to.the' prejudice of the .State and> arraigf\ment even. without notice· and hearing..
. the private offendedparty; and . · ... · -, . '. · . · (Galvez \I. CA; G.R: No.. 114046,. 0£tober 24,
2: . Wheri. the private ofi'ende~. Pc!r1Y questk,ns··th~_,.>.,. , . 1994). . .: . .
. ' c[vil,aspe?t.ofa'deci~i(m Of:cf(ower 9o_ui1"(~~(i.f'Y'1?Y ··-.>'. - . - ~ .. -- :
.: . of ,Feclenco Oelgc1qo _ v... ~onzalez, (3.R'. /No,-:;.:;)~.·M~tters W1th1.n, the · co:~trol ci 0. t~e :Gourt' ~fte.r
184337,. August 7,_ 200f)); . . . . · . . ; :"bit-~·;~~h'1}_. Case Is. FJ!e_d~ . \ . ,.,.
· · .· · . : ... · · · · ·' . · · ·. ;J:./•:,:,_r,,~-;;J _}._.. $4spen.sion_of·Arraignmen.t (Crespo v. .Mogul,
Pr(vat~. offen~e~·~a~y'._s J?etition for ~ertior~(1,~#<?,(~,1;-;r:~~ftrG)'~i~8~;k~337.3,June. 30; 1987);. · .
. the. CA on ~e criminal aspect of the. c~,.e·which :_Y.. f$ 4. Re1nv.e;3~gat1on(Velasquez. v. Tuquera, GR. .
soy~ht the _rein'sta_ternet)tof tlie lnfor~!io~ ~n~/ 9f'.rrr~i·. .. N?;:-~84,,~i!~~:~bruary. 1·5,: 1f!9?J.:. , . · ... · ·.· ·
a-ruhng th~t the_c~·~-~ h_~s not y~t pr~~,?rJP.fd_sh~ultV ?~- .. ~- ·, Gonti~~aiQJil,-?f; Jhe- Prosecubon. of_· the· ~ase
. !")av~- be1:n filec!.;w1th t_he ~ut_h.9nzc1J~g,o~~f'"e;:;_()_(G. .trl . .
(!3U(~<Js,.v;Nav{JI,. rJ,R. No. 2.1J;f.,'§.B:_-;Jun~i!Ji:'2!>{(3), · . {A(.· . _ 417?,~, 1'!f!.Yl!.){3._1, 1997);. ·

(Sta.t,J?o _l ;Mmmg Co. ,y.··12_fib.ala, G.R. No; L-

. . , _: · · ·
· . · · • · · ·. . . · ·{;,{."-.-i · .·. t""l:)1-{ . . ,_.~ "f!'~J 4.- D1s,1;p1ssafoftli~. ea_se·(Oungogy_ CA, G.R. IJ9s...
..or~~~-,. ··f~!j . · .. :
A COPX. of the responde~.t·~·pa.t!1}PlY~~r~)J.1~:»
~TC's JU<:igment of co_nv1cllon f1t~1-WJ\,.~he'yA _rn~f~
be se_rved · upon_ the·. O~G :nof:~~··:~'.J?:r-<;>vmc1,al_.'· i~ii
ts. 1988); ~nd .... · . - . : .
5. · . Doyfog_t§!fil.!JQ_..Ofoffens_e or droppmg qf;;ic9used
· ~ven before;plea (B00;_ RU~E.1.10, S~a. 14). ·

pre>,qecutor (People. v. Duca;:_ c;-.R. ·,.No; Jtf1115, :. tf···;.,;•..: :·;;:,): _ . . . . .; ·. _- . : . ·

·october.30, 2009). · · . · .· - . [;:;-,..,,.{£:I' .. . : . ,,s~cution of Pnvate Crimes . .·. _ -.
. .' • . · . · . · · ·: , f/". l ·£¢.~~~~~P-t:fva:t~f"°c'tiines are:-.·
.. t11osea"_· which ·-'ca11not' b~
An offended party in a· criminal case\l;ljs suf{fcJe,11.~ : prosecuted'· except . upon ·.Com_plaint fifed-, by. the.
personality ~·o file a 'special ·c.ivil··~_ct!o~ f~{'lt~~9_rari_;· . . . .- _qffend.¢!:.l'P~~Y-·: T~is legcil requirein~nt was i(Tlpos~d:
on. thB .c1v1r aspect c;,t the,. cr1m111a1..:caS!k even . .9ukof · constderqllon for the· aggnevec:I party_ w_ti.o ..
without-:the imprimatur of the State. ln"-sq doing, ·the_;· might prefer to suffer the outrage in silence .rather
complainant should not bring the action in.the-:r1a_me.· · {han ·go· through the sca"ridalof a:p1,1blici trial (P~op/e
oMhe People of the Philippines. The action n:iay b"e · ·. :· v.. '(pairaguiFe,. G.R. No. 12439."1,,-;/t.!ly,5, ·20.00);
pi'os~cuted in the. nan'ie of tli~:- said &,mJ)lqiri~nf . . : . . ' . ' : ~ ,._, - .. . .
· (Perez v. Hagonoy Rural Bank, /nq<,.- G.R:. No: - Crim·~s: ti,at .CannoLBe -:ProseeuteiLDe Oficio
126210, March 9; 2000 ), . . .· · . ·.·. . , . ·.(Pr,.vate:..Prin,~~); (CASAL:-0) . .: · . .
-1·. : in· ... ce~ain _.crimes.· agains~ ·cha·stity . (e,g .•
~i:osec.ution ·qt Cases ·l;>Y the Special-.F,>rcis~cutor: -~oncubinage;·Adultery,. §educti9n;, AbdLictioh,..
. ln·af( cases elevated to the Sandiganbayan·.3,n.d .from and ·acts .of Lascivi_ousness);and . . . ·
the Sanc!ig"anbayan fo_ ·the· sc,; the Office.· of· th~. 2.. Qef~rri'atibns · imputing ·any 9f th~ atoresaid ..
Ombudsman; through· its .Spepia.l .Prosecutor- :ihaf! · . qffenses ·wherein a· sworn. written. complaint is:
. represent the ·'People· .of: the Philippines· of lhe ·,. ~equfred. . · · ·
Philippines, except in. cases filed :pl,jr~uan~. .to E.O.
Nos .. 1; 2, 14, .and 14-A," issued ·in 1..986 as itis- the N·~ie: A sworn written Co~pla_inf is ~~quired. if.
PCGG · that will· prosecutei such : cases · (R.A. No.. · . the offens.e is one whfch caimot b.e,pros_e9uted
.8249, Sec. 4). . · · . ... , · : · · · ," · de oficio. -"fhe'y are. required to _be- brought at the
. inst.a11ce of ancf upon Complaint expressly. filed
Note: lri governm.ent . ~ervice-rei'ated cases, the. · · by"the 9ffe11de<;l_ _party (PAMARAN,supra 'at_57) ..
· prosecution of cases. c.ognizable. ·· · by · the ·.
Sandiganbayan shall be under the-exclusive. <,on1rol :

( ..

·c·Rl:M:,I.NA-L.:PROC·E:i:)U;R:E .
. .
. - . . . . . .
. ·.. .

Who.May-prosecute: , . . . .: 3.
· 1,.. Concu~lnage and· Adultery ........ The _offended
· spouse. ·. ·

The supposed offended: party. .rnust h~ve the.

status, capacity or 'legal representation to .do so.
at the. time of the filling .Qf the criminal action. ln
· ·, · other words. .the marital relationship muststill be
·. · .. · -eubslstlnq, When the· complalnant :tiad already ·
. . . divorced the apcused,. he can no. longer file .the ·.
· ~Complaint.· (Pilapil . v. .Jbay-,Sbmera, .. · G,.R. No .. _
80116,·.June 30,, 1989). ·
. . .· . . .. ·....
. . · Botti··g~ilty;'parties must be i~clt.ided ,·ifi· .the .
. Complaint. ·... ", . : . . .!
. -(~. '• .
The offended party. mustnot .have· given "hls ..
. . consent 'to :the· "offense·.' or . pardoned .·.the

. Onl/ the. offended
· · , .:
- offenders {RIANO, supra at.78);. . ·.: ·. , : _;~

SP9~s~.. ~othe.rwise


.. , ...
· ·subse~ueriuv1a.rr1ages· · ··.·. · >. . ', . ,·'·.: ,:
jn crtrnes against. chastity, the subsequent nii'l(riag~::
between ·.: the .offended .party , and , the ··accused
· extir.igui$he·~ the criminaf'Hability of the latter .or-sttall
remit the·... penalty already .lm1:i'6.sed,:-u·pan · hlrtr;: ., .
'tqgether 'with' that ofthe ~o-pr,ncipats; 'ac;:cdmpli¢$s .. '::!
.. an'd. accessories (REVISED,:Pf;NAL: COt;>E{Art.._ ·. ;::
.~44). ' . ' . . . . . ·. ' . . '' . . . .. ··" ' ' :. j5.
Exc~·pf;. ·.. · .: .. ·'. '1 • , • .. · /f
1: · ln adultery: af!d coneublnaqe (2 REGALADO;: ,iJ,,
. suprirat 306);. · . . · . : .· .r . . :1
2, Where the !'nar,r.iage was hiv~lid or contracted in · ·,.
· .. bad. fait/'I ln order to. escapevcrirninat 1,c;1~l)ity . >t .
. (PeopJe,v.. Santiago, G:R. No. L-2.7972,·.october· _:'.ft
.·· 31, 1927); . -"; · ., : . .:'.~


: GR.lM 1·NA·l P·ROCED.URE:.·
'f'. wm · · 9*':"'* :,; · : ·a,a A ll'll'.a.~'.f~:r.tlli3""1..1~~

3. In '.'private liQ.el,".. or-the ubetoustmputatlon the· to 'C.riterl@ for-the S~fflcle'ncy of

ah Indictment .. · .. · .
cornplaJnaht of the- commission of the .crirnes of : 1. Whether the lndictrtrerttcontalns the-elements of
concubiriaqe, adultery; seduction, abduction, or ·. 'the · offense '. inte11,d'~d· . to ·. ·l;)e charged, and.
acts of lasclvtcusnees, and fn slanderby deed {2 · · ·. sufficlently apprises. :-the· defendant ··of· what-·he .
· . REGALADO;" supra at 306; People_..;.· Orzame, : must be· prepared to meet; 'and ·. · ". ... ·: · '
39·Q.G .. 116B); and · · , r ·: ... • · 2 .. In caseany.other proceedings are.takan ~gainst
4: ln.multlplerape, insofar as theother accused in . "him for· a similar offense, whether- the" records
the·:othe{a.cts ofrape r~s'peciiv~ly coinmltfed·_by . Show wijt)"ac~uracy to what extent he may plead ·
them -are noncemed (2 REGALADO,· supra ·at . a former ·acq~ittal or:conv'lctlon (Russet v. US;
3_06/ Peopl~.v. ·aerh"ardo,3~_(?.G."3~79) .... :· ·. 369.U.-.f-7.4.9, B,L E~: 2d 24.2J:. .. , ... ,

_ '.': ·: Note:·.·-~he -~¢quiftal. "or.

·d.eaiit"of\"nef "of. ~he . ·G.enetai'R~~:";1\ s"ubsta~tJ~ffy .ciefecfi~e lnfd~atio"n.
accused in the crJme of adulterydoes riqt bar the .' cannot ·. support ·.a .. ju_~gm.entof: .convlction. · Stich
· . . prosecution . qf. the . otfi~ir. ·. accused · .(People i(. . lnforrnalion is fatallY J!etectjve .a$_\vhe_re it does not· .
. . : ,'. Toplno; G.R," No. 11.895, Deceniber.20; ·19_16). . really· ctiarg~: ~:i.) '._offen'sa···of· when an "essentlat .
.' . . .·. · ' . ' . ~ · . .· . ·. . ··::: ... · . . . . . : . ·"'. .. element · of the" crime · has .not been" sufficiently · ·-
. · Hoiever,. th~ de~tl~· .of -lhe offended spouse . afie.(je·d. (RIANO, sLJpi·a;~_t
trS):: . . .. '. .· · .... ·. .
before· the: filing> of the Coi:r1plaint ..for-'·ad(Jltery , .. . .• .
bars further. prosetutlbri. 'E31Jt,.
if the: ~ffendec! ' .Exc~ptio·n: . Wh~A .the. toi:tnal defect .. in. the
. . spouse died ~fter°(h~)iling .ot'the.. correspo~dihg/,,,:::c:j . l11(onyiatiori·~i:ls -~llred _by 'eyidence _dur.in9. ·t~e--:tria_l
·comp!a~nt,- .. his- de_a!h ;_w1!1 .. : rjot . ·i:>re.ven!, J!l~)-~·\i· ~nd .no b,bJe..ctio_n .appe_a~s · .t~. ~.ave been· ri3i~eq.
proc~e.~1n,9, fr?m" con_pnuing .. t9. J!_S ... ultio/~te,,'/.,·.;.,~,.. (Abu[T_ado__ v;· ~eopl~,_-f3.~· ":JO: 1~9218;-·Mar,.ch 3.0,
conclusion _be'?'."Ys~. the.-yart1c!:pat1on <?f_i-,11.rc~,
J;,~ ·_2004).:.Such insu~c1ei:,cr .,_bf)h~. l_nf9rn;,a:tion, ·.r;1s. ·
off~nded party .m pnv.ate cnme.s 1s es~entiaff0L., H!'.·,..:..w.h.en .the .sJ~n:ieJa1led .to 1d·entify the particular acts'
< fo~ t_h~ ..m~lntenance Qf Jh~. action; ~-ut ·soJ~!Y td'f:'. .-
ttf.::..91::PJW~,~~~_rii;~J?i"!_~tltu_ti!j_ga: ~i9ia~~m of th~ Jaw, ni.~Y
the.-m1t1at1on tl)ereof. (P~op,le v. D1egp7f.-..G.R. --;:' 'jt ·
be .. as~a1ledz;~u_t fa_1lur:e to':. 9~Ject t~ereto . µ_pan
. No. 1626,_ December:-_15,· .19.3_7). -("? -: ,/~, ·
~rra,1g·nn,,_enJ7i~~.eemed t~ be_ a.waiver. of the right to
. : ·. ·. · . . .... i:''>(f . ·: ·. )_;,,,:-l·\· .._ SO, ass_ail (jl~vp;·Supr?:Bl
Not~:· :De_s!S~filn.ce of,_ ttyE;?,·complam~Q_t..,d9}~s);o-sr bf:11.· . [':'.?.
~6r : · . .
; ·,, .:Ii· tl. ,~_. · _ . ·. ,. . · . . . .:. · : • , ....
. . · ·.
criminal prosecution as long· as 1P.i:e-·action, lhas:beer,i. C~. Thus, w~~n · a~_lnf~miation· for rape. indica(~s-that the·

right _to ·pursue ,civit · lridemntfy~;t;',eill,e15.4~~;A.1~~J .-.

G.R.,No.:11012f!, August .12, 1'9f!_J). ~'.}~.11:, ···• ~v'.-1\
·[q~ ti,~:~i~1~J.9.f~]!f.~r~~/
.instituted;·. however,. it 'ope'rate,g!as· a mai~er''of,;·:th~\ t:1 crime, was cp'rm:nifteef "bi rneaos".of -forc'e/ .wi'thout

hl orn1s~ron..:..:'bli~se
the :?~~e. is n'ot a.._fat~I
·th~ Information:.. a_!Jege9: ~he·
... , ..• ··. . • , · . · .• • ·,.,;;~'.")'-.':\ ... ,1 . '.H uitimate_fact that the rape was "by means ~f"_.
·.SECTION _6._-SUF~ICIE~CY OF ~O~P.LAWT-·OR · :.'~r::/E'~pP,l~·-v,
Ga_lido; G.R_.J'{os.:1486.89-92, M~rc[l.-30,
-'. ·: .
. . .
. ... ",: :· : . ··, ,. ·~. -. : .
>~~.;, ... · Jt•·'·,-,t ;00'1-r-_.1,
y__,./":. /.'.<vrr....,,.:. :.:. .:. .:.....2~1i.:.rd]3
~. :-
.: .
· . . · .
.:.- .
Cohtl!_nts.of.-a ..Val!d Comp!aint-·01\}pfo~atJon ·· · _NQ_te: Th_e r.ul.e i_s:_d_iffe_rer,t":in alleging qtr~li!}'.in~ ~net·
(l'!IDAO~,::Df') :. : . · · ·. . . · -~1'•"".:!j. · · . ag_gra..-~tin·g ·.· · circumst0;nces,.':.. .Ou~l.1fying · or
1, ·· !:fa~e ·and ·surname of the · accusea~-- or arw aggrayatiog c.trc;umstances, e.g .. -~eachery must l;>e-
. . . appellation oi: n'icknarrie by which' h"e·ls·known: or . SUffiCf!flnUy:aver:reci in .the lnform"ation;· m¢re 'use of ..
,.·; ·'· has·beeri 'known; ::_-..,;·. ~ :,· . :, ·.. ··.·. ·:. ·... term ·•treachery'' is not-a·su'fficient averment:lor its
. '2 .. Th~· Qesigi'iaiion' <;>f: th€ \:iffi:lnse. gil(en. by· the c9nc;(usion. of' l~,;o.i )People v. Valdez,.· i:i"R. No..
. ,·.··statute·-.·--.,·.·"'."-' .. · ·.·-·.- ·: ::. · .. ,· ,.1756bi·Febriiary 13•2013) .. :. ·.: . :·.
) ... Tt)e'· :ic~s .·or' '. . .Ql'Jlis'sion:,i"_ cdm~l~lned 'of: as . ' . · .. I• •• "·: ' ' • • • - • • • ' .'; •

~ . , constiMing)t;:e often"s~;~ .. · .,. ·.. , ' .. : ' · · ·. · . ·. suffic;lerrcy .. of ~lleg~tion .fr, ~~zing Qase~;i ;(the
4:-: ."'ih'e:name·pf. ttii:3° Qffende1f party; ·.· : . ·. . . · _-: . · itidict_m.ent ,in a :"bazfi:ig ~:Case' ni~fely · state"j:f that
5. :The. appro?(imate Qate. ofttje c:ommission of the. psych·o1qgic~il .. p;3in ··and· "pfiysica1· injttries 'were
·offensi;l;.and . .. . . . . . a
inflicteo on the vi¢tim; Motion fo .Ouash'should be
~: ·.. The-f., wh~_re th~- ~ff'.ens.~ . _- grante~ 'beca(j~e .. the-:ultimate facts· 'a"11·eg_ed":~id r)Of.
constitute the crime, ·, . . '. . , . .. . ·· .. :· . . .
· ~i.J"rpose. of the .R.ure. ·. . · . · . ·: ' . . _ .= ... :: . - . . ··. . . . · ... -.: ~ . . . .
1 .. To inform'ttie.accused of the natare·and cause . plafri 'referer'lce to "a ·tech'nicai ·term - in this case,.
. of~Ccljsation agaihst tiim·;.and· . . .. , . . hazing ..:: is1nsuff!dent and "incomplete, as it is but a
2 notify .the ""Cleferidant. :o(tlie criminal': acts . -'chc;iracterization qf th!;t acts allege:dly" committed· and
... _impµt~d to him ~b that tii c;;an dllly_prep~(!:) tiis thus •.~ mere conclusion of law· (People v .. BayaJ>o~,
. defense (Peoplev. l)iinaano,_.G.R.. No:·"16816°(3, G.~. No. 17.1222, Fe/jf~ary.·fB, 201q) .. ·.·
S~ptember.14, 2005). ·


CRrM:lNA·L, :-P'ROCEIDtl-~'.£. · -.-,~) ·'.J
..-..w, ,_,. ""•"'"';',rn.,uw '::""'""~' ';..,Mo,,.,D,o,·'.• ,. '"''O"._ ..... ·
The right to: que.stipi:t- ;the su.ffieienty'_:,9{ -an in the indictment; thafis,:the~actuat-.recital ofthe facls·· ~f
lnformatiori: is· not . absolute. · An accused:' is . . . . ii:, the _body of the Information, and not t~e:caption o_1:'-J,i-.
deemed. tohave waived this riqhtif hefails to object. · . preamble of the Infcrmation or' Cornplairtt nor .the·)'}
. uponhis arraignment or during trial. "Ii) .either case; specification of the provision of law alleged'to have" :z-·
. evidence.presented du.rin'g trial-can cure ths defect .been -violated {People v.. Dasmarinas, -G.R. No ·yif
i_n_tfle Information (F(fas, .s_r. v Peopie,_:.ct.'ft·No. -; 203985, October 4, 2017). ·. . ·· . ·~,;J'f.
171437, Oqtobei'.4; 2007):. · '· · . _, .·:'. · . ··a·
Reason: The.. des_ignation.of-th~ offense·is only the· l~·
SECtlQN7~ _NArie'o(.THEACCUs_i;·o,,·,;,,.'.,:- . "coricluslorr-of the Prosecutor.e lt is -the acts od~,
ornlssions alleqed 'in- the 'Information that 'Shall be·'{;~;
Purpo~e:· To:-rn!;ik~-a specific iqentifiC-a.tioi-i-:·~f the' controlling on which judgm\3nt ·of .thecourt shall b~\fi
person. to whom the..cornmlsslon of an .oftense is based (People -,' v, Dimaano,·. G.R. .No.: .168168 '-"{t
· · bein_·g·.1mputed-(-PA.MA_·RAN,_ sup·ra .at_91), · -·· _:. · ... .- s· · t · b 14 2005:, · · · · · · .., __,.,:., ·
. _ep .em__ er- ., . ·;, . , . . . . . c··. . . . . . ;~rl
•· Rul~s in Stating th!3 NJtm:~ of the-Accus-e:d
0:··. • • •• • • .» , ••

1. •The. : Complaint .or '. lnforr'tiation miJst state'· the. . . The 8CCU$9d • may be convicted. of crlme rn~re}{{
name ahg ·surna_me_ of the, accused. or any_ .. ser.ious>th!"ln th?t named in ·tbe title-or prelimiria.ry) ,,
appellation or riickoame_by"whict:i h'ifMis'b_e~r· _. par(if _such crime is.covered-by thef facts alleged in··_
. knpwn must be.stated; . . : , .. : . . . . .the body 'of the lnforinatio'n ario. its commission is:.,.
_.;z. If his n·$rn.e cannqt he ascertained;: a ·.ficti)i_ous ·. eslablished-."by°'.evidence (f3uhaf \,. CA,. ·:G..'R. ~No.'
. riaine ~i~h a.sta\~rn.ent 'that' _his ·true';~~'!!-~:"is.,...1"."'.:~'96-Q.[;.Dec_ember/7,· 1g96). :. . . . ·. : :\
.unknown. . . . . / t. .- \
3. If his true oame i~, thereafter. a.s2e~rri{tdts~.~ _IL.~~~J~ceu.s1rcl"c~n~n<?.t
J ""A, r_. :.,;.~,. . ·. · -:. ,. . ·. .
be ~-o~v1~.t~dond-er on_e ~Gt _when··.
.. . .,:
nam.~ shall .be inserted in· ~" co~l~_i.4t:-or·-· · -tte.-..{{ c;l;(~g""elt'th a v1o_lat_1o_n of ~nother. 1f the··,
lnforma.ti?n or record; an~ ·j" -?,)')
. · , . ~t:.·~ -~, '/t~
y . ...,.;..--~_.,~n~~it;>~..P~s~~tute.tp_the oth:r ,_nvolves: .
Jc, 1. ~-'GJ;i~'clfe...mjJ)e,,;,

Note: A):nistake in the nar11_e t~)appused· is nJ.f.i 41._ · 1r · Re~ir~prthi$deJe~dar:it .a ~ifferent defehse';or ·.Jt
equivalent, and does not ne,cessan~, ,1 amq.i;i_nt to, ~a 1~.,,; · 3":" SLirp'_rises\\t~ ;ac~used in· any ·way (LJ_.S. v. · ;~~-
. mi::,take·in. the iden_tity of ~~~-Qcc' sed' ¢'soe·cially..f~~...,...eani~lio,
' ffi ' . 'd • !, d ...,c-:,.1: h l('"',-;,:-_;n0-.
·G~U1Jd ll:;98.76, December 8, 1914). · ·:::~~
"'!,he11 su .1c1en~ ~v1 enc~ 1s ~d~ .... e'if to·s o~ t ~!~~·~..:- ! l,·1 ,...~~~- i ·. \\. k,oq•.., ,\
' 11111 I ,, ..l ,· . ,,,
., 1 . • - _· . . •• , -

. accuse~ 1s _pointed. to. as o~~ orth1~ perp,e~tor~f/~.!LL~~:~:TIO~9.-Cf\;tJSE:Q!f THE ACCUSATION .:

t~e crfme.Weofle v. Am.odi~ .Q;Jffifo:t7;1(~·1,_Apri/...'7®ilif!:.W c..i, . ii.=.-,,, ·• 11.r-=jJ! .· · . · ..
7, 2009). However, the 1deniity oN~e aQS:\:!. e~JU.US.t.4M,-;:::-;. .;..,~·en~r~ly~~~e .._ fi,n a~~ /~.d conv1~ted of.
·be proven (People v. Tumad'!p'ft!f,J!fR.Nfl)1,~,~,.,[vr.:·~n 61,'9} ~,fl~~ UIJles&.;.:•-~,.. 1s clea~ly _ctiarged m the .
March'2, 201'1); · ··~ · t, . ~~~~ ~~(~eW'R~¥J")?T.ljformali9n. Consbtut1onally\ he !)as a .
. - . . ·· \ · \ ~<.P , '-1ff~:_t.?).15e m)S~ed qf the nature and Cc!,U~e of the .- .
SECTl0N 8. DESIGNATION df'THI; ~f.FEN$l •,-.., · /~6u~iol})g~ins~':)Jm.To c~nvict him ofan o!fense·,
. : · . · .· ~~- "',·.t.,.{3Cp;.·N'~tpe,r.> l!:JiJn that J;harged 1n the ·Complaint or· ..
Purpos!!: · . _>· .. 1'~~ .. ~'&.....:.l:-l':f§'!:rrratio{t:,W,9uld'be. a violation·of l)is constitutional ·
1. To.enabl~.a person. oJ commo ~nd~l@a~qln-g~...=ri!:tfit~~bte,.~~tfoned (And~ya v. Peopte; G.R. No. ·.\
~: to know·what 01rense-~s h:1t~nd~d ~o':-Q.~~fut!~·e.d;.. 1·.x 1Y,68~~6r-~{:Vlfe.
and . . .• . ~""- .
1\ 1_
.. r'),...'>.- ·. ·-;.,:, .
27, 20_D6).. · .
. .
. .- .
· . · ~
. ...• ,.
• • "--1:_· .. ,~. All> ~.,_. ~ • • ._ ~ •, •

2; T_o --e~i:,aql~ th~_-· c~urt to. pr9noµnce,...propefr'L~,,...i:Ffs -~urct:=im~nta_l_.:th.~t ev~ry·.elernw:it of wi,_i~_h the,~
judgment (PA MARAN, supra -a.t- 94). · . . - . . · · offense 1s ~ompos~~- must : be · alJeged 1n. ·the . ::,,r,,-
. · · · · ·- · · · · · · lnforr:nc;1tion. for; itt_f,;ldo.notconstnute · :i/
. the ·Information. or Complain{ m~st ,:~tate · 9r ·ari offense.within·.the anci me;,ming cif the law;;
designate"the following whenever possible: . u·j)On which the. c;IPC\Jsation is ·ba.sect .. or. if the' fact~ ..
1: · :The. desigr'l<!lion of .the .~ffens_e. given,9y the . : alleged lllay al(be._tru~- and_,yet-.-con~liMeno:offeris_e,.- .
statute_; if 'thef~::is nc:rdesign.ptio(l::ofth~ 9.ffense;.. tfle. inc;lictmerit-i.s ins.uffitjent .CP!J.MAR~N;. supra at·.'·
. reference shall· be :.made ·.to the section oi' . _97;.Peopie_ v; R<?yes· yPqulit)a,. GR. 'No. :i25736,'··::,;.
·{nish_irtgit;':····· ··: ;_ . October15; 2018)., : · . /y..
2. The statem.ent · of ·)be . act~ or . · Qmi~sions . : .· '· · · ·. · _ ·· ·. . · . .. . · ·· . :i/:·
constituting the_ offe"nl:.e; in ordina:ry: ·9o_ncise ·exception-:,When .th~re i~··a variarfce'.b.etw1:;en·the .:_l
and particular, .words; a(ld _ · . .:: · . ·.: . . . 9ffense charged ·in the Compl<;1iht .qr lnfo.rmatio.nand . '-i;i~
3. · Jh·e specifig :qualifying · an.d aggr~vating. prov¢d, qfld th~_offense'as.ct}argec:l is included·,?Y,
circutns'tan¢es mus.t ".be stat~d in. ordinary::and . .in or necessa'riJy includes the offense proved, the . f
'concisedariguage. . . . . . . ·. ····- ,, . . . . acc1.,1sed 'shalt b~ "convic~eq of the o:ffe.nse proved . ';g
. . .. . ' which is included in the offense charged, or ;of .the :::f
. Allegations PrEiJ~il ~ver the. Qesii:i"natio-;,:.. :~f the : offense d1arged . which is included in the offense J
Offense in. the ihforrnation: -. The nature ·an.ct·
character of the.crime charged' are-det'eri:n'ineq not
proved (ROC,_Rule 119, ·sE?c: 4): · · . . :· ·#
by the spepifipaJion Of ttie. provision ..Of:.t!Je·. la~ (Se~discussionofth~ VtfJria_~c~ Doctrineunder Ru.le ..]·
alleged .to.have·be~m violate_d but by· the facts. stated. ··120, Sec. 5) . . · •. /~
. . . . ·;:.!
540 J 2019_ SAN' BEDA
. .
. ·'
. .
GRl.M:IINAL . P,;RQG:Et.):~J;RiE' ·

; ( .
. ·Ruhi on Allegation .Qf.,Q4al.ifying 'and Aggravating· · a defens~:·,(US; v .. Chan ·.roc_o,, .. G.RJ.No: t..-385.1,_
· ClrcumsJan·ces·.· ·.·. · .· .· ~. . .. Decemper.·17, 1908).. ,. ;.
The · qualifying ·a.nd: aggravatil)g circ~mst~11;1ces
ci:innol'be appi;eciated evei'l if proved unless alleged . Simp.lti;i~t,:.~heri an.~~cep.tion or n_~ative ailegation_
in the. lnformatiM.(Vfro;iyv. People, G.R. No.·20518Q,. is nqt .an ingre9jent of.the .qffense ar:id _is a· matter. of
November1{ 2013): · · · defense,.'it.need not be alleged '(US "(. Chan Toco,.
. . . .
-G.R. N__o. L-3851, Dec~mber 17, 1~98).. . ·, . -
'.The 'failur~. to all~~e s~ch ~ircurnsla.hce~. cannot be.· ·· ·
. cured by an amendment of the Information after-the . . Exceptio~~ ,Where th~ stat~.ite alle'gec:i' to·_haxe
accused entered his p{~a: (People ·.v.. Antonio, . G.R. . · violate9 applies only tc>: ~P!'=lcific cla$s·qf. pers.ons. and
No. 144266;· Noveinb13(27,2002)." · : to, ·~he· !nf!)l'.Tnation:)nusf all~ge .
f1:1cts.. e.$taqlishin.1fthat the ac~usef~alls 'with_i'1· the;'_,
However, . . even . . ·: th.9ugh,·/·C . the ... aggravaiing specifJt class affected·.c111d not ti')ose ~~c~pted fr.om_ ·
.clrcurnstance cannot be. consldered to . impose; a .the_ co.\( the ·_law (US v. Pompeya, .G_iR. Nq.-
. graver pen'alty, rt c;:n'(stiil be a' basis .for the aw'arding . L~102ss; August 6,_ 19.1S):.·. · - ,·
. of -exemplary dainsges. '(Pe_op/ii .If. 'El(iha,· G.R. Nos. .. · · · • ·· · • . · ..
· · . . · Rule on,·C.omplex·.Grimes . . ·. · · .. ,. , : . · ·
. 1 ?4830-31; June 27,· 2003).· . :- · · . For.~ 'crirriinai complaint or lnfotma~iorito charqe the.'
. ' :; .. . . • .: . .~ . . . -comrnission of. a complex .crlme.: the aUegatiQl')S·
Note: T,he. qu!=l!1fymg: ~r .aggrava!mg. ~ircumstan~.e. .. _ contatned-therein do_.no_t,n~(?e.ssadly~haveto,-charge
:reachery. in th}~; _mu~J be_ sufficiynt1~ .a_~~r~~d~:-{!1~) .a.cornplexcrtme as defined,bylawilNs'suff.icient tt),at:
. in the_ lnf~rr:1at1on,. mere use -~f -terrn . tre.~che.~1!S):<{f., · the Information ·,:-ont~in,salleqations, . which ·sho~'
_ not a sufftclent aver~en~ for- its _conc;_lus1a,n .c>_t,,;1~-!J';~e\ was.a necessary'
(Pe()ple v. Valdez,. G.f?..· N9. 175q02, F$brua'Y,;,J-3;· ·}.: \,tr} the otlie~ (People Aiagao ,GR· flo "L-20721 April
· !f,:~:ti~~ : ~~~-r.~~~t:~-~-: .
ol _.· circy~~ta~·c,E!}
habitual" delin.,qoe_n~y:>'It_ must . ,be· ;.5g~eifically~
Ji Whe-;;~~li'iHis. alleged in. tti~ . lnfbr'mation 'l~ 'a'.
i : .· · ·. ' '·-~ · ·,~- ~ < , . . · · : ~- : :_. . .
averred: .The \nfq~ati~n must .Sf)eCi~Jf\e ;;eQtliRit5';'~,_d~ . COl'nplCX·'Crlfut\µnd..Jhe. e:11id'erice fails LO SUpp_ort_~he .
. lnformat_ion_ r~~a,r~ing: ~P~?) ·.·· · . : .,;., .,_i/\_;,.A·
j;,,r. · !~- char~e asAfoto~~'6f,.tH~--~OmP,Ol1E?nt off~hs~s. ··u,~
.1. 'fhe com_rn1ss1Q~ .of the fr,!3v_lo~§5~tl~~~?t::';c., . . r,)° defendatif"c® ~\ convicted. af._the. offense· proven
2. TM·-,bast convl~tf<>r-t or ~el,':,~,!!·tantl· · lJ~'~ ·. ~ ~n ,{!3onza[q~o ~ Pe9ple,. · G.f?: No: 1509_1o; February.
3:. lheQtherp~eVl':l.U~C0!1VJf1_~o:i;r:or:~~.~~s_e.·onne,"'_ ¥{( 6, 2QQ6)'.,,;_;,.-c,~"°""""'':5\;-'? .. '. ·.· . .' . . . . ' ..~. · '.· .·
_accused (People ::V..,: Venf.f:.S:F?::_ .!#-~~ ·_4S~J,;., ~i~ ... '··<:.;/'},!:/~;;~_t;:;.qq)t1_ , ·_ '. ~ . _-· .... , · . :- . . _· : ·.: . ·
September:1!ttf13..6). ·.. ._\'··~---~}:;}, v-:--'(.;. · p,r SECTfOk'1<r.-'Pt;:A~E-OF CO!IJIMl&Sl,ON.OF., TliE .
. · · · · · .. · 'i':'-~ r .\J\_ '!' t'} OFFENS.E' . . .
Allegations for corwi9Jio~. of.quallfi~d i'ap.e: T~e r,c~-:w= _ ,·:,· · . a-: .
accused,cannot be corivict~i:l_o~ ..qualifi~~p~ if,t.Jl_'::.:,,:_,~;::.,··pi,j~osec.,.,,,.,To _ show· territorial ,jarisqJcti~h,. (1
Information does nqt·. i;illege the cfg1~ •• -ar:q~:;t}iie-•---....:"'FlEkRER'A-: supra at 1-$2). ·
relationship,of the victim and the alleg~{:), rapi~~::,·_ · ·. . ....·.. '.· ·· · . · , · .. ... .
. , ' ·. ..· ·.:. . . . . . .' ·.' ~~~j . . . G~neral Rule: The ·cqmplaiht or 'lnfprmatjdn is, .
. The. reason is that such. circumstanqes alter tJie sufficient if it can be understood.Hom its allegations.
nature of the crime·0frape ar.ict-in.cre~se,the penany; that the' offense·.:was ce!mmittect ·.or some of its :
hefl.CB, they ~re·spet:iai:qu~lif¥il'lg .Ctr~~mstan?,9S;~S esse,ntial ingredients occur°fed.:at some l?lace, \v.itt"Jin
· such, both_the '?f'the-~1ct,m; ~nd:her·relabo_nsh1p_ · the juriSdicJion _of the ~putt '(PAMARAN, supra 9t
. wi~h the. qffender rnuiilt·~e·-spec1f1cally.aUeged _the m 1,07). · · ·: , · · . . ._· . . ·
Information a_nd proven beyond· reasor.iab!e. _doubt · · · .. · ··
durin_g:t~e tri~l;,~oU:nt~ise,_ the_~ea_t~.-j)e!']alty,cani;iof. Exc~ptibn:'Unless the partJ<;:ular'pl~c;;e,wh:ere·it'was
. be imposed .(People 'v.. Arcill<JS, G.B, _f'Jo. 181491, conimjtted constitutes an e~sentfal:'el~ment of. the .-
' Jt)ly30, ,201.2). ',: • . ,'·'.'i:"'.- ·. ' ·. :·~ ' . is
offens'e pharged·or 'r1ece~1sary for its idiantificati.6n ·
' . -. {e.g,, trespass . to . dwelling,. de$tructlve' arson,. ..• . :on Ne~afrire Averm~h1s . . .:: . rqbbery in·:~n inhilbited house, yiolc:ition of domicile,
General· · Rule: ,. Wher~-' tt,e statute .. penalizes penalty on''the · keep~r, 1._Vatchm·an,' '!isitor :or opium
· gen·erally the· ~cts .ftierein 'defined ~rid is in~ended-to . den·, and· vio)ation of election Jav.:) (PAMA.RAN,supra·
• apply-to all persoris indiscr.iminately, although·some . at- 108).. · ·'· · · · · .. ·
. sp,edal· sih.iations··~-u·s 'except~d .ftoi:n ifs coverage;. '-' ..
the I nfor-mation· is sufficient. i.f it does. not allagEHhat s0·eFCFTEINOSNE· 1__ :_1, ~~Tl? . OF· COMM ISS~ON · OF .Ti:i_E· ·
the. accused. 'ra1is'·w1thin· the exc;:epled situation; .for
then the ..complet~ definition of th~ offense is entirely · ' · ' :-·' ~
s,aparable. from tlie. exceptions aiid can b~ made General Rule: It is no~ ne.cessaiy to' s.t~te in thl;l, .
without reference .to:the latter, If .he falls 'Within the Complaint or .lnformatioi:i the ·precise date the
. exempted ct~ss, the· accuse_d ~ay raise such fact as .offense was cbn'lmitted. The offense may be alleged .



\ . ~. .
to have "been· committed on ·a date as. near: as SE;CTION·.13. DUPLICiTY OF OFF=ENS.E:"·· . · .. .', .:4
possi~le to the actual date 6fits commtsslon .. · .Duplicity of Offense .ir:l lnformatlon. or Complai~t .1t
. means the [olnder ot,two. (2) cir, mor~.:separate .anf'i.·:'.f
Exceptio~:·When the date is a material irigr.edient · · als(inp_t ()_C<!ifferent offe~ses. in ~n.e (1) and the ·san1~ ~ii
.of the offense (e.g;, infanticide; abortion, · bigamy, lnfqrmi;ition·or .Complaint .(Soriano .v;· P,eop"/~, G:R;-.:;;'~
_violation "ot Sunday statute '(Election UJ_W)). .. . . , v, : . Nos. 159517-18, June .
30,. .2009). . · ·:.. · · . · .... '".!:q

-The remedy against an. indictment-that faits to allege · Pur.pose: .The sta"te should: not· .heap upon . th/
thetime of c.orru:nissicir.rofthEfo{fimse with si.i(fjcieAt · · .. detendant-twoormore charges whtch might.confuse>
de{iriiteness is ·a Motion. for Elill of Particulars under him -in his defense _(People,-.v. Ferrer, G.R.,. No. i>~
-, " ·116,".-Section· 10. -The failure··_tci. move for· 8957, Apr.ii ~9,:1957),, · : .·· ·:., , .· . - ·. ~.
s"pecificati_on' or thequashal ojthe lnfoijn~tion orrany · . · ·. ' · . .
of-th~ 'grounds provided for Hi the Rules deprives the. <?·~ner~, · Rule:·. A· .Complaint" or Information . musf:·-:'
accused· of. 'the. rigt)t. to object to evidence Whict\ charqe.only_.on~ ·offense. · : '.. · '. . . . . . . · _. . ~1,
could be la-.yfully introduced ·a·n·d admitted .under an ., .. · · . . . .''-·, .
... lnformatlon ?f more or less g~neral terms but whleh .. · E~~eptio'n~·:..(CSC;M~D) ·-- · , . , .·. ·: .. · ·. .
sufficiently charqes the· accused· with a ·definite. 1. · Comptex- ·crimes :7 · wherf (a) -: a single act···~
. c"rirne: Beside~. the exac(d~te·of the:commission of ... ·· con-~t(iutes two. or more. g·rave of lel:!~ grave.~:·
~he ·crim"e".is"not an es~e"r1tial ·element of the_ c,1~_;,,~.felonies, ()~.(b) ah offebse.:is a·n:e~ess·a!Y·ffleans r::..
. {Pepple v:/ilpedes, G.R: Nos. 137-'.,06-0;,~;;"': 1'/~~~~~mJttih§,··~~; oth~.r .-f~~VISED_·:°·~EN~.L ·1~
~1, 200.1).. .
· .· · · .
·. _ .
. ... : :
. /-5..-. P';:~ . . . \f:~fDf.}"~·· 4(;3), - ·: ... : . , . , . . , . ··. . . . '.-;,
-,.,,~ 4i.. ~1 ,_ ~;~--=-~..2~.:_.§pecr~.!,....:~plex. crimes .. .:... . the law. f"j;·
.SEC. 12. 'N_AM_E O_f: THE OFFE~p~o P~~· ·. · _. ~ . ...~'pr.Q,v(l:les~~~j.ngle, penalty: for:. two or more·· ·i
. . · · · .t' A::<._)"/",,,, ......~ ..... !J?~·"«G.g_~l?N.nt offe~ses (People v. _Laog, G.R. No. -f:. .
Rules· When t':1:e offended f~~ ff'a/riaturaJ1 ~'f. ~7 17'8r_2f~""O,rf~er{p,,2011);:. · ... · . . · ·.. _ ,,,}.
. person: . ..f ···>-1,f . . ! .lt ~ ..@.~ ,£on\if1aobs~c11me, Del,to 90ntlnuado....., a: single. ··1t
. . . . . . //, ,f .. f .· .
r() . ,_ · · . Cr°il:l'I~ C,Oll~~~~~oi,a ~efies Of ac!S afising"from ';,.~'
Th.e· ~o!"J1plaint of rn~orm.ati~~ ~""]stJta~e: i. , . ~ •.~.~·<'! · s~hgl_e 1f~~U~~·res.ot1:1tton· _or__ iritent . not. ··~;
1. :lj1s nam~ and· surna_m~ror:-aay _appe~ati&i!rot~-.~1~. ,::_....;, -<l,t!gusqept1ble _1fa1v1~#n (Gam"b_oa .v. CA, G:R. No.· "f
nick·'whlch he·na~.e·e,n or Is Rgown;~ ..~~:--~-!il L-4J'f154,:No;yemb ~ :28; 197!i);··. . . ·. :·.;.
2~ · .'If there. is· no. othet ·V{a'~..:.bfiiq~nti~in&'~im. ha ·~.•§f:#f;..4. Cr-!P~'}jsujC~PtiI · of · comrnitt13d · in :;'!~
. must be desc;ribec:I unde~ 1° fi,ctit)ous\n~~e;;---:--.9& I ·
'ii . Vfftieicy.Mo)1e's_:,1 ·/i , · -· · . . . . , . ·' ,;~
3. . If .ft.ln_vp!yes. an-offens_e '~g~ir:tst\his ir-~l'\Y,.
ifift · ,~~,.,~~.spf; ~gbther:offerise is aiJ ing.reoient · -9
.hi~: :iame .is ·un~nown; t~e· prop~rty '.i:RlfSt~e~. ., . °':''ti!/~i!]A.M1.AR~f.!,~upi,a.':t 1.17-12,1); and. . _ '.: · _'.,
described w_it'1 sue~ partic'i;J!arity as~~ pt:o;e~~Wn'e.n ~,sjngl·e .. ~ct violates _gfffer.ent.stijt1,1tes (4· "'1f
. . . ident/t)r.the offense. Gharg~d;-.'...o/ · ·. , . <~¥b,.rt_\J~E,7,,f=RA,
_. 4: .. If th~ tr.ue name .of the persomaga,_n~t,wl:iQ.~.oJ!..~
syr~ <1t· ~41):· ·. . .
~i:P-'1- · \>~ ·&?:· : : ·:,_.; . .. •... ' .
·· .
. . . · ._-]
' :. :,.
. _ against. who~e property th~~Qf:f£:~"1w 1~·., =..,,..,,... .,~te,~~~ ,jeJtlo::be .applied. ·t<:(91;l.terrn1!1e:_whether . :~ . is.. : thereafter. discLoJ.e\t~ qr :n, 1.fjt~ete.\atf.~ pffen~es or only._one, ·iS:wt'i~ther ea~h .j.'
. as9ert~ir:ied, the· court must c~use si!icl:\)ry.e XVI- -pro~.$kir(requir~s proof o.f. a tact wliich ·the other ·._.r-:i,
name ~~- be.. ·i11serted· in ·the ·.Cqmpl~_int~i-""'"'~""'cl'6es·gc?t'(B/aok.burger ii. U$, _284 U.S,.299 (193i)J. · tli-
lnformat1on an,d the record.· . . ." . . . . . .. ·'.:" .. _: :·· · ·. ·. .:.... , :· ·, · ;· , ..") · . . ·. :r!t.
· · -Requts1tes ofa ·Co.ntinuQus' c~,m~:. (P~-PC) · · >
. Note:· Error ·1n· the designation of offended party'i~. · : 1.; fluFality ·of ·a¢t~ performe<;I: §epar~tely durii1.9 a', \,
.estafa case,. a dime. against. prop.erty, is -riot a. period o("time.; . . .. . . .. ;... : : ·. :' . :'. ·: ( ·. . . ·;-rt;
gro·unq fo.r a~quittal. The rule is differen~ fro.m o~c1I : 2; Uriity · cit • .fl.erial . .provisiofr.. infringed .upon or l:
..defamatio,n. a. crime --·against honor, where ..the" "violated; and: . . . . . : . . ·.. . ~· . "i
desigrraHon o.t the· offended ~arty is.. material 3. Unitv..of .£rimjnal ·intent which ·i:nea.ns that twq ·?r - ::.,,
(Senador .. v.. People, G.R.. · No. 2016.20, ·Mqrch ,20, more.violations of·tne s~me·provision·are .. · ·~'.!.,
2013J. :' . . · .. . . . united" orYone. ?n·d the sc1me ·intent: lec!dir:ig .to the '.~!
. . perpetration .of the; same. criminal :purpose .or '.\°'f
.R~le· wt:,en ·the .off~ndecl p~rty· Is a .ju~idical ···Claim.(Peqple yJtedesma/·G:R:fl/o'. Ld1522,·· :~
person: "Tt_,e Compl~int of Information must state.its :·. September-29; 197-_6),; :· ··. . ·,"··,· . ·.' · ·: :;t.i
riame, ·or any name. or cjesignati9·n · qy which it is· : .,.._:
: . knc;>wn or 1;,y whiih :it. fn~y be iderit1fied, .without. need · Princlple·of ~bsorptio·n . . ·. · .. , : . . : .:;&
. Of averring that it 1.s a juridical person or- that It. is . TMe . iagredients· :ol .a:. crime .form ·part .. anc;J· parcel :~
.orgarii~e.9 In· accordance .. will:,· law. (PAMARAN, . tti.ereo(:alid.benee, •are ab"S.brbe·d by the s·ame and'. ·,.'.
supra at_198) .. . cannot be punist:ie"d either. separately. ther-etr:om or . ; ·;;-
. by the c;1pplication c;,f Article . . 48 of the Revised Pepal ··.::..
. . . .. .
: .. 1.~~


'J81RAif#i&ti PM 35& 4 RN i I . GMM!l(tlt

Code (People V. Herneruiez,·.G.R, Nos. L~602~26, . ·lnst~n~es when' ah-amendment is·merely:.

~uly 18, -1956).. · :. - . , . • formal: .. . ·· .1 ..•• ·: .... ·~. : , .. : . · · -. · ·
· , . a.. · Wher.eLt rrelther.affects.noratters the nat1.,1r~
~·h:US;· acis. cornmltted · in.' furtherance . of rebellion . .. . of the ·offense charqed; ' · ' .' : .: · · ' .
thouqh crime's in 'themselves. ate deemed absorbed. . b .. -Wher:.~· ~he . 9~a('ge '.-does.: not deprive . the
iri the single crlrne.ot.rebelltcn. Thetestlswhether · · ... accused ofa fair opportunity to presentnts. ·
or not 'the act was done in furtherance of a political . .defense: ·.. . . .' . . : . . -: -. >; . . . . ,' ·.
-end,·· The political· motive ~'Of ; the.: act -should be . :· c .. .Where it. does. not involve.~ change'._iT) the· .
· conclusively .dernoostrat~d {Enrife I{. Salazar,. ~.R. :· · . basictheory of: the· .prosecutlon. (People v, ·
No. 92163,"Jun~5; 19_90), · ·. · ... · ·. · .". · RlveffJ;.G:R. -No. L-27825,. June·3.0, 1.97()); · .
. . ,.. . :.; . •," : ·, . and ·.· . ·:., .... -, . .. ·:.. : '·... ·. ..
· Not~: · Mala in se · 'felonies ..:~J:1n0t ·.ab~srp . ma/a · d. · Additional alleqatlon of on'ly a.
·prohibifa.crim·es:(Loney v, People;·GR. N,0::·152644, formal amendment _pfo.vided that.i~ does not
·,pebruary 12-, 2006). ·. ..... . . · .:··. . .~h~nge the ~heoty of ttie. prosecution (Bµh~t.
. . . . . ., . . · .. · . ···v: ··.CA, :t.,,.R.- ·No .. ·1-196,0.1, .. December: ·1:7.,
Walvtm If there' is:.tluplici.ty inthe offe.mis-charged, . · 1?96).. ' .. · · . · · . :· ... -'. ·. . ' · ...· ,: :- :· ·, ·,: :·.
the remedy 0Llhe··acct.1se'd i~:to tii;nely·file·,a:·motlon_ . · .. · :-.:,. ·.
t0 quash (RCiC,'FWLI~-117, Sec. 3, par.'(f)).· ·if he.fails 2/ Sul>stanti,iv.c:Amend~ent ·::..:. c~nsi'sts · ·.of
to . .do so, th·at ·objecti~rfis··~e~r:ned waive~ ( 1./.S. v.. :.. chariging : the · recitafi.cW. .fa·ats·.. constituting . the ..
Paii.1tso,G.R: No.-'2284,. October20; .19_05). . · ,. · ~ . · : . offei:,se · charged ·_and. <;!~terminative o·f th_e
. · . . . . .'' . · · · .. ·,~·~:./.':;~;;,z\_ _. '•jur)sdictiqn(of:':th~··cotlrt ·(Tei1ban1<ee, .. ·J_~.:v, ..
In · .case·, ,,the ~fCUS!:l.d..'. inay:', ~e. 1riec:f' ~~fi9'/~.if.!l : . Mai;Jayag;.G.R.
0• .. N?: 1 o.:no2; March.($,::19f)2}, .· .
conv1cted.for1~~:l?"anypffenses_-ch.arg~i:h1Dd:p~~~~·9/.:,.1'.:;!~ ·; · ..... , · .. · , '· .. · : , ·. , ·. : ··: · .. ·
QY th~ 1;>rosecutton dunn~ ~h~ trial. S~par~te perlft~lY: i.1iit'.:'-:;-·.,.-,!ns.tan.9.~~ When an-amendm.ent.1s · ..:-: •
fc:,.r..each ..offense' shall be.rmposed (ROC, .RU~~;_'t2Q/.-rf~f;,t~~"ul?.~J~otf;i1:·. . . . -· · . . .-· : ,.
:Jl .
. ., ...
,.. :'· · ··. : ;" . >~'/· · . ?rr
:. ,. ,· ... -. ·. · ... , .. f..,•Y .. , . . ;!'J-,-..,; .
-~-:~·~ir,en~ecf lnform,;itio.~ ·_~tatjng ,forth ...a.
. d1ff~r~r;i.tmannerofcomm1ttmgihe_felony, ..
· Spli,tting of' allowed: A d~~_rj_g~_ot sl)i:>t.,Jjo>"ir.k, . · . .- .. b/ ln~u~f~ cor:i~pir'acy ~ Where ".if irt.vol~es. a
.not-1,e. h~ras~edwitti•~f'Sfd. 9n f:Ji. . : ·: ·:c~an~~ \\in the bas_ic . theory·. of · the . ·
the,.same act·:bY..-·.spl.!~mg. th~~jJtme. lri\o~anou~'h. .. r-;i __ : . · · · .·,sfut1Qp (Pftople.v.. zu_Jueta;·GJ?.' N_o.L~
· char-Qes, all efT\aqating from 1tt.i~~i;;ame3.l~XJ. y_1olat~cl--. ~~"! . ·· · · .j/J_0.1'!&Allgf!,_~t_30, · :f 95:1):,and·· ·. · . ,. . _ .: . .
when th.e ·µr~secution cou~d e~'sily·a.mi~l~fl\B:Q~)! ·~8M · · · <fC0.~~1!6'!fil~J:date pf the co~n_,~~~Jon of-the·
t~em in· a .single lhfqrll)i'lllo.n ('f3~;!.'5~P'J!i.~,·G:4~j . . t{? : . · .-· , "Of be. preJud1c1~I. !o· th~
No. L-6518,.Marci) 30, 1954j,.. · 'i.i.:;; •./·"~).: : )t ·
;,l .. · .ac.cused. [We:l/7g, v. _Ya~co., ~.f?. Na.. L~9525,
· · · .- .. ·. . . · · ,.·.. . . . ,: .... ·· \,l, ;.,.:-:-'·.-~\ ·. . · I ~~-~· "-:-·AuguspB, 1956). · ·. . · .
SECTION 14. AMENDM~NT.'oR.SUB~JIJl!.l'.J'.l~N·~{:.;.,.j:~f~;i~i\-.: '_';. · ;. ·: .. · · · '.'.. ·. : .. __ :._. · ..
. A!1··A~~·~~m.e~~ ';it~~s
to ~~-ha~gs fn ·~~r:t~{ii,;;;:~~~l;:r!;~:n;=-.~\~-~ ·g~~er~·j,r~IJ i~ th~t ~ny .
or subst.;mce' of the·s~m.e offense·in 1h,e,1~!9,t~ation . · - ar:nen~m~nt;. formal or ~ubstanti~I,. b~_for~ t~.e .
. (Teehµn~ee, Jr.. v::Madayag, ·G.R. No.:. 103102, .·accosea enti3rs··h1s plea .may--be done without
Marcho,·1992).-:. .... · · .... ·. . ·. · ... '. ··:.. ··. . ·leaveofcourt(ROC,-RULE'11.0;:SEC:·14.
. : . ,. . . ~ ·......
. 1: •
Natute 'of. an amendeci' lnformati~n: N6t' ~ ne'w •,.. . . 'E;xceptio'n: Any ,c!m'endmeril befo& p1e·a, whieh,
ln'tormation: because,· it does'. n'ot . cha'rge . another . . . . . :-:· . downgrades the nature bf the··off~nse dhar,ged'
offense different. or distinct,from that 'Ch13rEj~d in the . . ... or. excl~cies any:~i'~Cu.sed ,frO·m.. the ·Complafrl\ or·. 0

o~iginal 'one; it, ~up~rsedes- the. original inforinatiori . ' lnfoniiatfo·'lbe made only: .· ' .... ' . ·: ,'
.·but relates. bacl< to· tl\e·. P.~te at wt1iclj .the_·original.', . . ~ a. · ·. Upon:motfon by the ..Prosectito.r-; ·. - . · · .. · . ··
lr:1formation was file<J '{People v. T.arµc; G.R.. No. ·L~. -· .: .. :'b; .Wiih-not(c~ ,to·the.offendeq p·arty; c!nc!. ' .
· tf.401.Q, May:30;·1962). · '· .. ·· .. · .: .. :_ · .. •",. : , ·. c:. With.leave of'coor.f (ROC,,RULE .11'0; SEC.·
. . : : .... :, : . '·; · - ·, . . .' '14).: ' .· ....... · . -.:- : ·. ··. :' · ·. '• · ... ·'
·. Kinds of Amendment: . :. . · . .- > · : . . ·.· · .· · · ..
· 1. ·-Formal ·An,~ndmenl .:.·;Amendments• iha(does .. Reason·: To'
inform.' and' protect. the ~ffende~
not charge an:other offense different. 'from· t~at party that th4?(e wiit. !;>e a· ch;mg'e··iri: favor .Qf the
. · charge'cl .in ·the -original one; or
do .not. a)ter .the . . · accused and· ·by , ..preventing; ih1;i prbsec.uting
prosecution's Cal;,e· SO as to Cause . officer from exe.rcislng 9ppressiVely °its unlimlted
the .surprise: to.11:ie· and:·amiil'ttie. form. · discretion to amend. (PAMARAN, ·supra 124). . at
of defense he hc\S. or will assurne. are. considerecl . . •
merely c!S formal... amendments· .. (Me.ndez v.. :· No,e: ··It .must. be. ciarifi~d tho~·gh tha; not. all
Pe.ople,·G:R:.. No.. 179962,-June 1.1, 2014);•;:· ._ · 'defects. in ·an Information are· ·curable by
ameridmerit prior to.entry_of plea.• An information.


~~--m!l !mlml !l l l l l!i!l!IBlBIl~-------------~-----!!Zll~-ml-s· 1f.

whlch Is void ·ab, initio canner .be , am~n.ded to

- MEA10RY.?1(~20'l9

Formaf Amendmentsattar Plea· . · · . ·


. ..

obviate· a ground: tbr quashal. An. amendment - lllustrat_ion: An. 1niorma~ion was. t1i~d .against th·;-;r.~
which operates to vest [urisdlctlon upon the triar.. . -accused, The designated offense stated .in the:.l:
court: is 11.kewise · imperm"issible- (l.evlsie v, . . . lnf6rin.ation'was torthe crime Qf.ho"n:iidde-, Howeveri :,1,"
Alameda; G.R. No. 18267.7, AtJgus(3, 201"0)~ ... · ·_.the .act~· _constitutir:ig _the .··offeMe written.' in-:thJ~;
·. ·· . .. . ·:, Information clearly depicts thecrlme'of murde.r:-The·::,::..
2. :.Afl~r-theplea<-coversonlyformalamendmer:r.t .. · accused enters his· plea of.not-..guilty. Can th/!..:-,.
. . . provided thatr." ·. . . . .. ,. . '. . ·· . -Prosecuior .emena the ·designation· dihe· offense'.{?
· a... Leave of court is 'obtained; and .· ·, · ··· .... · 'end ch'aryge it to -murder» Yes, -. because 1t mereiy'0'.!,
·: b. . Such·, amendment is n_.ot prejudicial to. the .. frwofvesa formal arnendrnent.The averments iri the··
righti of the ·_accused· (ROG, RU.LE 110, · amended .tnformauon for. murder- are- exactly. the:~
SSC, -14). · .,: .· : ': . _ .. ·. :- same · as. those: already allegeq lr:i.. the qrig,inaF
--, ·: . · .. · . . -, :. . : . ·. ··· lnforrnatlon'for homicide, a_s there.was-notat all'~ny
OQctrlne of Supervening Eve·nt :- W~en -a fact ·· ;.. _. .... change iii ~e. act impute~· to. :accusec,l (Pa.coy:-v;_:·
· superv.~,:ies.which· chan~es. th_e· n·atur.e: of.the crjrile ·. · · · Cajigpl,. G.R." No.· 157472, Septembe,; 2.8, 2007). · . : ,1•
charged)n.~he.:lnfoffr.ll:ttionor upgrades ittci·a· higher · · ·, ' : · .-., .· · -. . : .. ·- · _.: . , .. · .. · ··, J-
crime, in wnich.·-case, .alTlendmen(may be.made.but . $ubs~ant1a·1 Amendm~nts after Ple·a : .. ·.. ." .. >*°
there is ·.a .. need for· al")othej- ;a(ra.ig_nmerit,.pf..the ·. Gel')eral Rule·: .There ·.=.can :_'be ·.-no substantial·?),
. · accused • under. the ameoded
. ' -Information:.. ··· ."·: ""'·..*~-
..._. th~' lntorm·atici'riafter thl3. p"fea..
. ....'.: :.-~

. . ·~n arn.end~"~-~~-:_~u/to~~- s~p~~~n~n;~~~--i~-u-,-~~:~z~;·.· ·· __ :. __ : · . .-.: .· .< ...· '.·.· "-:,. _·;~

conside"red only as.a formal an:i~nd~en~is~i/~Jdn.9! ....,,=·~"..· 11( viw~e~/he righ_t to. -~e- ·informed·. of- the "');
adver~ely affect,any substal)lial,t•Qht ofi·~~p~frant . · ... · -~~re.<:1p~c{use <if the aCCL!S~ti~11--agail'lst:.;!t1
N~/1~~?lA~Q~:--3@~1·r---.,,:bJm~rtee a5.~,used_st"iould .b.e_:l(!formed {Jurin~ .}f
(People v. -~egam_o,. G.R.:
20031.. ·
. · .. ·
: . . , . If r<:r_.,
;I .. r_., "J!P) . , If- "'l7· ,h1s"'pl~ai (~(qPr\ v: -Opem!a, ~.It .No. 7987~ ·--<ht'
. . . . . -f ~JJI 1··.--::-·;··· r .11!} d\1. Mar9.h _21:;~_1fi5f?i,tf1d. .. > . . · .· .· -
lllustr.ation~·- . . . fr.· "A'. • · . J~)~2. It viqlates\l@.fr1JJtt.1:m.~~ubl·ejeop~rdy as the :·,
· . x. v.:as :accused. of the qrirn'.e'];ptrfstrate ;--:-~~~~F-:" "'v"""'j~~. ·:· ,.:_erev~l:ius· ~i~ ~~ii)!. :be :di~missecl . ·a,:,d - ~-.-,.:/!!:
. V1_ct1m passed ~way .. aft~r!"·-tl'i~/1.lnfor~ation:,,i~~ illfil. r.::<f~s.ub_~eq1:1ent\\lnh?rip\1tion-: "CQJi!tam.lng :the. ,same, . t,
fr1,1sfrated mur:d~r Was f1led:t!J!,c;:lr~secut10\.so~9h~~~1. ·atteil~d.,itt!Jstr-at*-1-,·•!Y. mclud~s .or . ~·
-during trial to amend·the lof,rma& r::;''/. ·rie~.s.swilYiDClo_afd -offense· .. ·shall be.. filed __ t
Jo corisummated murder.. \\"tff.)\. \~\._'\- ~ 11}1'0l{M~-.v. LJ.aln;..!:1W_.GJi?: (',lo,.L-1291-7,- April.2!, ·.-;:•
~Jtl . ~-<@':r .d_g.!p]N
Tee.pankeb/1:Jr.·. v.. Mac;Jayag, G.R. --No. .:
· = · · · · · · · · · \ · ~-' · ~~~:

. , J"n. this ca·se,. the supervening l,actof tl\\,e dea®0.f~e·:_ · 02, t/tarch·6it992). . · . . ·. • ;. : ·. ·.. · ·. · \
victim ~~s mt=fr!i!ly·supplled -to\~ip,th~~~a!,_~.1;1~?~/~~1.iolaJ~~ th~eal.e~s~~l-'s·.righ~to·d~~-P.r.oce!s- .. ~~!,
.: determm11:1~-tf'\e proper. penalty\of·the eqr:i~fle~N~~...9 <t~fany.· sl})ii$.tantiat. amer,drnent ·tn. tfle ·,2-.
am:ei:i~ment of the., lnfor~a~on. V(~S· pigPJt,~~~..d""Lc-~.9f6r,:n~i9.,.ri will bui'deri the accus1;1d in p~epa_ring_. f·
theF~ 1s l'l9 change· m the. prosecutt&~~~t~~i~a:l===:=~ f~~~tS)J;>¥er-defense :(COf.'l?_US, Jr, .v,. Pa.mulf1r,. -~{,
the ~.ccus~.c?mmit.ted the -fe1o·niou$·aitt,~f.l;i~;tent .·'\\ i{ t\;_'-.~'k!JJ,or.186403; September 5,. 2018), . ·: ,f:.:

. to kill: ti)~ v1c~m; oor do~s. th.~ amendment-.~ff.~t. .l'V .lU · ·::,,_~'. . _. . . · ·, •·.. · ·.·. . .. . · \i.1:
· the accused o_riginally.may .have""""""~f~substantial" amendment,-the Cl:;!Se invorvihg ~he', -:ii
(.Teeb.ankee; .Jr.: v. MaaayJig; .G.R: ··No."· 103.102~ . origihal Information. will"be.'-tlismissed· because.the '.T"
_March"'6, 1992). ·. · . . . . · ·,·~,,, ..·;·.·· . . avemients stat13d in. the.tiriginal .. )nfprm.ati.on are .. 5:;
::.-:. '.: .·. ~ .. · . . ·~· . . . . , . insuffjcient-f? -~tli_lt-:of.Jhe~.~~cuseq beyo~d ,~~-~
T-e~t. for. .Pi:-ppr1e(y: 9f..Al')'lendirient ~fter Pl~a:'The ·. r_easo.nable.. doubt for the·proper cnme. (TAN,: supra· l:iJ
. tesras. to,.wliether an am~ndmentis only offbmi ancj . at 6fi.O). . . . . .... ?t
. an _acciised is ntjt" prejudiced"bysuch"~mendment is:·. : . . . . . ; \ . . . . .. J·
1.:·o~·u.nderthe lnforrn.i:lliOfl Doubl«,'! Jeop.~,rdy.- .- . . . . _. · j
· · a~ it:. ong1n~lly .stoo~ w01.1.ld b"e equally ·Requisites to Pr()perly· Invoke·. the' Defense. o( -:t.
after the. amendment is· made; and .. , .. · ,bouHle jeoP.ardi (ATS}:.:"" . · ··· ·,
2. Whethe'r- or- not any ev:id~nce· the· acmused ·. . 1. .- first jeopardy must have Attached; . · .·..
. . .. : might· have ·wquld .be ·equally_ ~ppfica.ble to the. 2 .... Fir:,tjeopa'rdY, must have b~er:i !~rmina.ted;.-ar:id .. :\J;
lrifo.rm.;:itiq.n_in f.djm as. in"dez . • 3.. There is a .§econd jeopardy'.(Clidia vs.· Court of <t
v. P_eople,_G.~. No.·179962, June 11, . .20.14). Appeals," <?·R. No_.1_1~~19., January 1_6; 1998) .. ---'.\:·is in'·t~~:~kimiatfve,"_the ame~·cjfil~'ntis Fir~t R~qu· . ...!~o·pardy·:. Mus"t. ,H~~.e· ·t

.orie of forrti ·and nofof su:bstance (Te~hankee,.'Jr. v. Aijached.:'.(ICAP). . . ·. . . · · .· _-\f
Madayag, 'G.R.- No._ 10.3102, M_arch 6; 19'92). :"- ·1. A Vc!lld.-!nfdnT1atio.i1.i~ filed;··:. · · : · ,1~; =

2. Before a£.ou.rt of competentJurlsdict_ion; ·~.&.,

. 3~ After; a valid !¥faignment; and· · · · ,.:{


;A~~;~~ : B~p·OP;~RAnb~~
. CR1N.ti't:NJ\[ Rod·elllU1R·:~i~.E- ·;
~~·~~N~~LizE~ t- ~~M~~y:,~
.•• ,.... lfi @11 ·· e· ·+
· · w ·aw+
wa· ;gg tiw1wiiiirr
,._ · 4, .A . valid
Plea . has I biien .. :enteted : (Cetezp v.... ·exampie··of S'ubstantial.Amendment, N·o. 2! The
·Pe.ople,:G.R No .. 185230, Jun'e.,1; 20·11). .' -' . accused was.<,hargedwithMurder with the qualifying .
. ;· · aggravating circumstance-ofiteat::t:lery a"ncf entered
Second ·Re.qCJi~ite-FJr-$t Jeopardy: Must.- Have-, ' a·plea of not guilty: Ourfng the trial;· it·.Wl:!~ dlscoverecr
Been Terminated, (AC1:). . . .· ·:· · . that. the crJme;. was on1y··homici9e:': Can )hf!...
1. . Jlie accused has been, ~cqu_itfetl; . · Prosecutor si.Jb$faiitia!ly_a_inendthe· acts constituting· .
2, Convlcted· or. · · · .· . . ·. . . the offense ifl· the Information so· as to change· the
3.- J-he .· ·ca~:~ ·. was Aismissed. · ?r _"otherwis·~. · crime , to: Homicide .only?- -Yes., .· T.hough . the
rerminat¢c!_.Withqut_his express consent (Cerezo · amendment refers to: -tl'.I~- acts cor:istifuting. :the_
v.Peopte; G.R. No. 18p2°30, June _1," 201_1). . ·.: ; · ortense, the ·c~ange be_nefitfod.:t11€!·8,C.cU$ed.(People
• · • ., ·• !·· . . ·. . ·. -. ···•· . v_:.janalto;:.@,_R.'No;·1w254, 'Ju/y22;--199!1) .. : ,·
_Third.,Requisile-::-There is·a Second Jeopar~y:~-- · -
' There ·is identity between. tw6.. offe!nses ·.(second. '. .Note: .. ln' .the above: problem.> · amending ; the
jeopardy) when the second offense; (S_AFI~) . lnformatior(is not· indispensable':becaUS!'l;. under .
'.I: · Is the sa·me offense:": · · . . · Ru!e'. 12.0,_Sectigo.4 lhe,coqrt·can .._i:~nderJiJdgrnen~- ·
· ~- . An ~ttemptto:coh"imi(the said offense; ::.,- to aJessE:lr_.crime·-necess~rily inc_lud·ed;in.}he onginal
3. A Frnstratioi'l of the said offense: · ~ -: .. ·. · ·. . crime . all<~gqd;:-therein: .·arid_.: d0es .•. not Jequite · a. .
.. 4. · Ai:iy 9ffense\¥hich necess9-riiy-!nc1udes'.ttie first . · _substantial c!rr1endme,:ifofthe-lrjformation.Homici~e;.
· offE~nse-~harg·e~;. or · '.' . . · , ·. . . is neces~arily.. iocluded-in the ·c_ha.rge tor m.urden
5. · Any ·offense wh1t;hnecessanly :fr:tclu_d~d,.the:first- ,.,..,, · . .' · . .. . .. · · .· . . . · .
offens$ charged ."(Teehankee· v, Ma_da:yag,- G.,R,-~:"ii.: Substit~tion · · .. : . . .
,, . . .. ,.,,-·'pi. . . . ,.
N o. 103102
· , M· arc h 6,. 1992 . .1·· · - · · : .·· ;.;:.,1/ .• \~· ·-If it appears at any ·time before :judgment that a
(SeediscussionunderRute·t.'17.Sec, 7J ·. -(\:;°!;_.;.~,.:~\ ~istake;:has !)een made.)n ~lia~ging "th~ P{O_Per
· · · . . '1 ·• • \i I·.:: ·~4 _off~nse1 tp.e . court' ·shall d!sm_1ss . the. ongmal
llli,;stratlon ·of Sul:istaritial Amen_dmei:,t-No.~>:%fti:e> JT;;:::~~-WRJ~iriJ.~r~O:iforma_tion upon lh~ ~ling of a new one
ac;cuse.d· was .charged with· Robbery_in ifl.jffi°fiabi~ed~ !·4 ?har~1ng"-tt-ieJwoper ..offens_e,_J?.fov1ded__ the ac~us_ed
Place a_nd lhen· tt:ie accused ~~te_redj"Plf;a·of. ~Q(j.:.~j s~all n?.t.be1~!r,~ed_·IA double-Jeopardy (Carmelo v,
gui~ty.. puring triaf, the. Prosecutor rnor~J9.anJena" ?_.) .. P.eoP_fe'. G_~l·t~, L-:_35$0, 22,_ 1950). . _ .
·acts constituting ·th~ offense i_n ·the.!'.Jnf61J1.1~n·by ~,el ·. ·-: ·. .-:
.thai:,ging the charge to· Robbi!Jtlf«.an:~1J1rinablte~~ ·f'~\ mu_strati~n:t·w'ti~ char~ed ~ith robb~ry a~d then
J ·i
·:·iY ·' · . ' - :~ ... · . · · · · ·
· Place·~ )'he court·di_smissedttJ~,'?[igihafg_a7'~- wittiout '. · · r-;J _ he, E:.~~t~~~'i"..E!e, £_f1 ·not· ;Quilt;t- During ti'i~I, -the
consent of the-accused.and 1~(Pr6secutpr,,fil~(l~~~ . rf,,i. Pros8;E!(t?~~.r,!J.9:V~3f'}_9:·1subst1tut~ t~e lnf~rma_tion for
amended·.' Information. Was~!fle'.'.-;J,ul;istaati~J 1• '1 the cnmetQ~_fi..f;.-~i// tl}e_ subs~rtulton prosper? Yes,.

. ..
· ..._ ''.'.';:~ \\.. ·. l
«" . , .. • .
·r-;. !>ecause: _It . ~oes . noi .-v1_olate the . rule: _of ; double ·
l ~-----1e_opardy.. · . . .,- ·. · .
No, .because it violated the·rule on.doµli)le;j~bpa·ray
0 . ,-1-•i:;.:;.::;,;if~~·n.-.·· . · - ·. · , ·. ·.
as the. new lnform.ation contains the{s~me cr1~. '-,~lri!$ub~titu'tTun·, ·the lnformatic'mcontaining-the charge
The ,am~nqh' ·ir\Jhi dJ#e.ns~ pf· tt:ie·.v.irong ·_cci~e shoulq be' dis!""is_sei:i (RIANO,
. .~ a11.d . . available
. - . ·evidence
. -. . • . ·of
. .the·
. .·,
. '-~-~-s-~v the·
. . '~. at
Sl.fpra . 139). . · : .
accused are, prej1, they are J'!Xposed. t9 .a ·.•, ·,
higher penalty-.(Peop/e v. Mo(1fenegro, ·G.R. No: l:.-·. · .. Rea~_Qn.:.~¥1me:_as ,sµ~star;1t\c:'II all")er.idme-nt··aft~r
45772_~- _M_ r~h 25, .19£!8). .
a_ · -~ : · . plea;:th~ ·alle-gation~cont(;llried in the lnforrn.:'1.tionare·
_. insufficient .to.·es_taqlish the. gi,lilt·of the accused ,due
Exc·eption: . ·: A . $Ubstantial ... _amengm~ml: . ~ner to ,ihewrong crime charged..the.r..ein.. {RIANO, supra
arraignment-is allbWed·i( the same: is· beneficial to at 1"39;·-RbC;R"U_l.-f=. .11~, SEC: 19)_ .. · . ::- '.· .
. -~e'ac.cused .(i=tof}da~Baggaq v: Pf!qple;. G:R. No."·. . . ,, ' .. ·: ,.; ·. . ·'· ·, _....
. 151785; becember'-10,.·2007). ·... . Note:· Disi:niss?I of,<;:t reslllt in
revival'of the ori~inar judgment.of;convjcti,on.,Hei:ice,
. Reason: ·Rule: 11,0, Se6tibn 14-.w~s cr.aJted: (cf ; Section _;14, Ru!e 11 O -~oes ~ot apply to .app·ei:1,led .
enshrine the .consthutional right to·6e informed of..the. c~ses ([)iaculap . v.; G.R. No: · L~440,79,
nature·of charges and to be accorcled d!Je process.
· The rule arms to protect the_ ac·cused·frotn prejµdic,al
. ......~· ·.
19; 1985) .. ·
. .
' ·
m,achinations ·. that· 'changes "the· game : i_n .. the.· . · R!:,lleori Substit~tiori; Limitation: (JCND)' : · .
. mldstream.ln. case. tlie: amendmen"t "be.nefited the ·1:. No·Judgmerit.ha1> yet .geen.rendered;
accused; sucli :amendrne~t did ,i,ot·prejudi~e him or . · 2. T'1e accused canr:iot·be convicted.ofttie offense
deprive . him of df3fenses.. 'available· before .t!'le ·gharged or· ·o(any other 6ffense ~ecessarily
amendmeht.-, the foaimn for" the· rule .was -not inGludedtherein; and· ·:
violated . when. 'theri:J: ·is·: a. beneficial. substantial.. 3, Yhe.. ·accus.ed. would not be placed .in Qouble
amendment .(People v., Jahafro,. G.R:· Np.· 129254; ... j~opardy.. · ·· ·
July22, 1999).

-2019 SAN
- .~
.. llliim1111m.. 1mii1111..
ml!J~~~s;ti:::1!!1 111;11 111m1 cim .. lEllll!I.. IIIIIIDl:l.. :mlll mlmmllmllllllilarzstmi•-~~

~ .1~DWAP&Z
CRlMlNAL' PRO-c~·ou_ . . _ .R__· _ - E·_:·_. .
lj dy Wii¥&WM c;4&1H 4W4iiF&MffiWA
. . . ..
. . .-_:_:. -_r,;_·

.Amendmentv. Substitution· .... . 2. · when.the oftense proved is more serious than '·.:;~t,
· · 'and lnctudesthe offense-charged, in which case',~~·
.. · the defendant sh~II be convicted of the offense ]11
. ' charged; . . . . . . ·. . . . :, :':\-f:,
3. -When·th~ offens.e proved is neither included ini lt:.
nor does it inclu_de,-the offensecharqed and is ,;W~
different therefrom, in . which case- tlfe' courf i'tt.
should di~miss the 'action and order. the··filing- oi<·
' new lhlorinaticih ohar,;iin!;J fhe proper offe'ns_e. 1 .. ::
. . ' .. · -· :.. . . .: ..... ,
Note: the· 1st and 2nd situations are -discussed ini\;,;,
Rule 120, . Sec~idn' A;· The ~rd- _situation,· set forth: if<f
above is substitution of Information under Rule 11'0' :/1
Section {4_.·· ·. · ? ·,,
/' ·. . .. ~ECTJOtiL1_5,,.PLACE.\JVHERE ·ACTION IS T9-BE' -_~;,;~
. . ._ . · ···: · · _ - . .. INSTITUTED ·. · · _- . : · .· :'[;;
Amerrdment before the plea Subst_1tut1on_;· . of . . _ . . . ._ .. . . ._ , . . . _. · \\
: has· been entered: -c~m. be lnfor!llatiori ·. · :.:n-:iost · · - In criminal cases, venue .is jurladlctlonal as .th.e J!.
effected ·. :V'lithout -Ieeve .. of 'always. _ b~: , ~.':%Wl,-~: ~'.;:":""C9U!;!_~hasno jurisdiction- to. offense.committed ::~~
court .·. le~~e of c~!!,flls ~P~\ ~ ·
J )J.1tfid~t$ be waived; .:;f:'.
ong1~_,~fifonTL~li~ . ~ ~oi\ch.~ng_~d"'b~agreement of.the parties, or by .the'_ }J:
Amendment after· the. plea _h~s_f 4J:ojJ·-
.f.~::J?,e:-·-=:,-.:r __eonsj:mt WAJ:l~'~efondant.(Alfelor, Sr. v, Mercado, . ,f
can be 1effecte!'.l · qnly -when dr.~ t§J~f,'l."":"". -,=,,.:.--:..§R":'N-Q;L-Zi]59Cif:.Apri{30;197($). , . - '. - . . - ::J,.
there is leave ofcourt. · . · · · •i'v.""'< ..,..;.,4;;' :""·· cl~. -·--c=~
:-¥,enl!e "s ~~· ),~-- . ·. , . . ·
\l(!'\e~'e~-t~af e"lemen( of. j~-risd1c:ticin :in-·.:~~
·.. ).~ i'e'fiminaltc.ase\.q-lt\st~t~rmineshot only. ·the' place; :Jr
.. . ·-i,

·.. . _ . . .. : . . . . . . '"'· . . -~ >,.

wher~~ c~im1,\1~J:1cti~:n_ is·to b~ instituted,.b_ut also : "~
Amendment·.1s only · as :10 :: _.o~~r ·W _ . r~t~X-' ·,.,. - \.lrt~~ha.t f:i~";5,-!!.1e;,j~(isdi~~io~ :to try a~d hea.r·the :)
for,m, there. _,s. _no_ n~q~ ~?r- m-',(e~b~atro~ _:"'.- ! ~.. ~ t-, _ ·(Uq1on-Barjf:9.ft~~Phll1ppmff1SX.People,G.R- -::
~anoth,e_ r . · · ·:· -· pr,ehm1mfry· ,.~fl1«rleo · .. amd··. · tf:ie:i ,nr,,-n-,-IJJ/W,..19,},5,~5,' Feb,rtftt;y12a_, 2012) .. · . :'.- . . · '·. ·· ~- ', -:-:
·invt1l%~_gation and the r~ta_ki11g\aCf~$ \; · ~(:. 10}'$'~:-~ .. _; _,-,NLv; , . .f. · _3. ·. . ·. ·. . . . · · · : '
of th~ pl!::a of the·_accused. t
·Rleaij · .a . . Q . , e •;i; - 1 ~~ ? e . t!fie,a~?1~ence d.unn~.- the t~1al· _ of.:i;i ._'
: · · '', . . ·: ·_. , ···t#e-k1,tor aft ~/'-. _.;.r:'.-<8~11J1~~a'se~,~ow?)lJt.9ttl'leveouew~s.m1_splace~.,:"
.·_. .. _,.i._~~{~¥ sh_9,t1ld d~s_w,ss _th~ case:.~mqe-venue 1s .. ,,' 0.,..

s.,.. .,,.;.-"}ulll§"d,1cticm?JHNava1?}V. De Castro, (3.R, No. 1.8?92~, · .-:.t .

< • : ' -·- .;,_,}il}T,J, :\22 {20151 .# . . . . . : ::
, -. J?.';,...n 1, '\. "\.'1T~;;e
l"1 <c~1/ . '/· · 1; · · :.,,.
An · amended lnformatio"n Re· uires -~~ "<: ·-o- ~'-~:--:r-, \"-':;,;.. 'jf··. · · '' · . · . -··.1.1
refers to the· same offense. pFe·s'ttp.pote911-t@r -0~::.'==',,:,;--"R~~-ri,/oYC~is7 ruie i~ two-fold'. - . · . --- . \.
charged - .in·. the· . origina_l the ne•.-?lnfg_r-f<l?'(on 1~. If ;1{'t~~-ttttiefcli~tio~of trial cou~s i~· tirnit_ed -t? well-
Information or to an offense involves a a1fferent . Jc,',{ l.I''-•·"Wiir-Jed_ter{_ltopes such that a trial ppurt ,can only . :.It
which necessarify includes"or offei,s"e Which c:l~s-~"'"'~··_h.E:-ar:·a_ndtry_9~~e~ l~VO!Vi~g cri_rri_e$_COIJlmitted. ~~-
is" necessarily included "in. the rfot'ihCIUcje Of ii;;' hot W~h1_n 1_t~ (erntonal JUnsd1~J1_on. . _. . .. ;' ; :_ -,;,c.l
· ·original-:-· cHa_rge, : : hen~e: ·necessarily·:.-._.· ··, · · · 2 .. The' l~ymg of the vem1_e_ 1n. the toc'!s- cnm~m~ 1s.'.j;;
- 's.ubstantia1 . amendments-:, {O "included·'· in ··the,,. groundetl_Of! ·the necessity and JUStlce Of h_alllrlg·: ,';;;.•
the ·Information .after the plea or.iginal - . :"" '.ct;a.rge;· · .. an . ~¢'cus~d on : tri~I :in •the . ,mun"icjp_ality. °,r.. 5..:,
has· been taken·:canri@t be hence the accused· , pr0-v11:ice·~erE:thew1tnessesan9othertacll.1~1e~ :)J
made.'"ov~r· the' objection>of· cann'ot 6taih1"\Jouble- for his. defense ·are availabl_e.· i;
the a~Cl!,5"ed, fo~)f the -~_rigi~al: l_eopar<;lyi "':
tnformat10.n. · . woijfc;J . be . . · .
c,:. ·v·nlike:in cjvil·cases, _a •fi~ding o.f :improper v~~(Je':in ..
· . ··h - · · · · ·.. · -· d' t· ·1 · · · ·· ·
J ·•s
· 'thd · th ·.. cf d cnm1 a1- . cases car:nes Juris 1c rcna QOn$equences .. ,~
_w, !drawn.... ke·. acd· usb~I (Union'.£;3.anl{otthePHL _ir. Pe.op/e, ·G.R: No. 192565; ';;~-
?0u · .mvo e· _ou e February ZB; 20·1'2). · · - · · · -· - , ·. ' · ·. · -'};
Jeopardy.· .•. - . . · · _ ...-. :··&
"(RIANO, supra at 13"9f '-' . . -~lirpose: · The -.:court· · shoU!d · not .- ~omp~i · ·th_e J'\,
· · · · · _defendant to-movelo;:a~_d:appear in.a·differ:ei")tcourt ,:~f
Variarice. between .-An~gation · and· . Proof -from that of. the· province .where· the. crime was ._;i
(Sitt:iatio.ri~ COntei'lipiated) · .. · ,, corilmitteq, ,a.$.- it· wollld . · cauSe· ·him : great.~ :~~r
1. When the ·offense· proved is 1.ess' serious _than, .. inconvenience ii:)" toql<ing;fot·his witnesses and other ·.'·f:l
and ·is necessarily ·rncluded .. in, the ·offense· . evidence-in:another·ptace.(Be/tran··v. Ramo$, G.R. \1·
charge.d, in which case ·the defendant shail be No. L-6410, No_vember 24/ 1954). ., -~
corivicte~fof.the offense proved_;




. ) . Mf HM . ti SA 4ie
Principle of Territori~lity · . ,. If the circumstanc~s as .to.. where the. fib.el .was
General Rule: Subject· fo existing laws;· in·. all printed· and .. first py_b!Lshed: are ·u'sed ~y·'th"e
cri01inar. prosecutions, 1he a'c:~ion must be instituted offen"ded party as· fqr. the ·venu~ . m the
·and.-tried in the .courts of the municipality or ter.ritory crlmlnal actlon;,the- lnfbrmalion must·all'ege with
.where ·the offen~e was committed. or. ,any o.f -its particularity wbere the defamatory artide' was . .
essential ingredients occurred:, : : . . . . printeq and' first. publi~hed,' .. ~s,--~v,~e.nced' ~.r .
sup'po_rfed by; ·fqr. ins._!anc(;l; th~ W;ldr~ss ·of 'their .
~~mp.;~: -P~rjury.: ·. When. ih~ .·:
crjrne . com~itted editorial :or bu.siness: offices ii)'. the case · of
thrc::>ugfi false; t~$~imony_ under-oa(~ irJ ·_a_.procel;l,cl!ng ne'wspapers, magazines 'Or serial pliblicatidnsc
· that is neitt\er crim1nal not c;ivil, venue._is at ·the -place · _... . This pre-condition .fleco_rries 'necessar.y·1n.--ord~r-
where the testfmony 1/nder oath is given. . . . to. forestall any inclination to lia'rass·i
. . . . .. . . . . . .. .... ···:.
. ..
• ..~ Excepti6~s:·.(iRP.C_-TAV-Bf'L.) · ·. · . · · .... · · . :: : . Th~ . serrte measure- · · be:· reasonably :
· ·1. Felonies-.ur:rder Article.1· ofthe'Bevi;;e df.enal 0 expected w.t,eri it pertains ,,_tp . defamatory ..
· Code - Shall. be co·gnizable by the proper court . material appearlnq ~n·.a·.website qn the Internet ..
wh.ere .tne:9~~inal a~i9n_ was filed ·.(R_QG, as there ·,vould. be no·.ws:i_y·.o_f~determining. the.· ·
... -RULE-"110 · Sec ..15; par. (d)),· · . · . · ·. .' · , .· situs. of its. prfn_ting and: first publication: It
2". Wher.e··an'o#'e"hs~'!ll'rl.ittE!.d:On_a·}ai.!road .becornes ~lear. that the. venue 'of libel ·.~ses
.. "rrairh'.in a.ri~ircratt.,.~rh:1 •\11Y. ot~~r.·p;ub,ic or . . . where the.complainant Isa private !ndividoal is·
· . priva,~ yehicl~ in the course of 1ts.~1Jl. :-The . limited tc-onlyelther. of two 'places, namely: 1) ·
· .. cr.imin~i):lp~ion m~~ be·it1"sti!t1te? and
· ·· court of any ml!nic1pa!ity or- ~E;!mtoiy where ~~-c~:,
where the. complainant actually resides. a~ th~.
time of· th~ .cor)'lm1ss1on 'Qf the offense; ~r 2) :
train, aircraft or other vehlcle passed .d~rl_~~--' . .'.- ;::, · wherethe.alle,geddefamcttoryai:tic;lewas.pnnte_d."
: , s~~h' tr,ip, incl~ding· the place _c;:>:f: ~epart\Jr~.~r,ip ri 1~'.-,~-~rn;I fir~hP.ubfish~ {Boni(acio"v, RTC'of Makat!,
.» ; ,

·.-·a!:nv~I (Ff0.9.-.Rl.,JLE._1 io, ~ec.1 s, pa_r. (bJ\,.-v _li·_: · ~i.i'·'..:..'::::::...,~~,G.#"""N,iJ~J84800,'May 2010). ·. · . . ·

. -:~:~~ ~~~·~::nlC:ul:!~c~:~:t-~~f~~ar1!):;r U ·
6. · - ·~~·~~,if~n~i" ~ir~~·~;ta~c~~/··io.e~~ur~ ~···.
·. criminal acU6i:i'_may_b:9. insmute~ a,(J<t}f\""d'in ~t;;:}j fair triafipa\fnipartiJ:tl iriqui_ry,."th~ sc
:shall have
. -. ptop~[ ?',ui;t. of .tp~f1rst .port of;1,.~.V5'(1~"'::9!<:af!y _.. ~~·_p9fy~f t~frd~r· a_ q~ang~ ~f-v~~l:le br :place.
-ml,!,n.1.c1_p.ahty?r te!!!to.ryth.,rq~Jlti;>Vnrc~\t,t'.i_~~ss:( · .I'_:\ . . of triJI to1avo1t1 m1~c.3r,n1;1ge of 1ust1C$· (~(?.NST.,
:pass,ec:I, ,durm.g .. ~\,lch. ~~Y.f19~. SlfR~t tq_ the,;. \:I· , · Art,.r,'Vl(I, §ec..~.1 par. ·(4)); .. · · .·-· · -· · · ·.-.
. ge.nerally.' J;l~.c~pt~d .".Pr!':~~1_p1es;.;9k-:,TJJ~~atiOJl,~1-.f;,; J . ..·t·,-,,,~z._,;~°'.;~5";,;;,1~1? _, . :: ,\ ,; __ . _.
ltJ.,'i-f. (ROC; RVLE.110, _$.e~t!_S,pa-5..,_{c_J~_- ,>,() i,,·' v,.· 1~as$..1HJd·,µndei>B.p.. ·B!g:22.,.. ~l)ec;r-iminaJ
· 4-.. · _e,_ra9,Y. - '[he ·ven1,1~---~f P.i_ra_~Sfi:.~n!(~e.:.~1~.ot~Jf action shall b"e·fileQ in·th"e place w~ere th'(;:l clieck.
crime.s, terr,;Jonal hm1t~~(lt',:nayt;ti~ t.necf . ··~ · . wa·s dishonored·or issued. In case of..a·crossed .
·. . . ;;,in~her~ (Pe_opie·. G:·~\,j~~ f.:~~;;_'.~~J.1
v:. Lol~/o; 7Q:~8, .• 1$~·~n th·e pl~ce 'of.~~'deposit~ry ~r ~bllec}ing' ..
February 27. 1922). . . ·c.--~--~=-.......
,:- .,. /- 0_
~-baAR;';l.!!. . . . . ,. . ._ • -
·_· 5. !,i!;,_el .~ The· ~cl_ion may be·. 1~!:lft-µted_ /}\.Joe . · . ·. . . ., ... . . . . .. , ... · _. .. , . . ... · ..
_ele~!iOI] ._of: ~e offendE:-9: or_._su1r:,g_ t~?~~~'.~f· ~~ Note: v_enue of~ ~.P.. _elg. _?2,cas~ -~ay_b~ la,ld .
prov1r,ic~ or C1fy:. · .. ~-: - . · . :in the situs· of ·'the col.lecting b~n~- (Mor11/o ·. II.
. a .. · WtiE!'re)h,ellbelpus. artiple i~ pri,:it~d anc:I first P~bple, G.R: No_. _198270, D_ec_em,ber9;. 201.5}:· . ·
.put>lished; · ·, . . _.. .. . . ·. · . : ..: . . · · · ·
b, ·. Jj. cineO-of. the offende~ ·parties. is a_ ·.private 8.- ·-where·_· me·.: c~se ; is·· cogoizable :. ~y- ·the
: ·'individual: where .:::iaici. private:·. il"ldfvictual. s'andiganbayan·'....: Tt;ie·. Jur.isdic.tion·.of. which .
. ·: '. actually·. 'resides; . 'ai . : th~ . time :;' of the. ,depenas upon -the''.nature.' of.the. offense and the
·.. ccirhmjssion,tif the offense;:o·F::_:.· . . . . : . ·positjan, · - of·· th~ accused ·(Stit!J.d()_ .' V,. · ·
·:c. · If- the-· offended p.:frty is· a ."pl,iblic .official, S[!ndiganbaya_n, q.R-. No. 122641;. Jctaqar.y 20;·
. - -where th,e-. latter tiplds offii:;e ~at .th_e tjme··of. 19~7), the offense.need ·not be.{iied iri the·place
, . . .~-. the. corrimisi,ion qf the of:f,ens.e· (R!=V_IS,E;D where the .act· was committed ·.but, where the
. ·· , .. P£NAL ..COOE,Art, .360}'; · .. - _;,. • . court.ach.iallysits; :· :- ..-. . . . ... ·'.': . ..
' Ca~ tii.e
off1fr1i:tec:f'p~rt~--fii_e t~~_cr-~rhin·~-1,:case 9 .. In llleilal recruitment cases·- R.A.. No .. 8042 _
(Migrant Workers: .Act . of 1995) :· a$ :"$mencje.d . ·.
· 'fo"r°cyber {online) l)bel fn thej>lace'where he·
gained:". ~CC9SS ·.·to. ·'the: ·Ji~elOU$ . article provides that .:,i victim of .Illegal· recruitment has· ..
·, . - publi's"hed ~ver th~ ln'tei-net? . ~ . . · the. option to. file .-the ca~e in his P.lace .of ..
No.·"Fi:,r. the Cou·rt to' hold that the· RTC is vested ·· ·· residence or in the· place where the crime was.
'with jurisdiction beqaus_1f t~~ defamatory "article · .. ·. c,ommitted- ·(-Sta. _Tqmas · v'. Sa/ac, G.R. N,o.
was . acces$ed . therein . would . open the. 152642, November 12, 2_012J;:and .. · .··. the.libel sujt being flied in ~II other.. 1 o. Violations· · of'· . RA 10175 · (Cyb_~rcrime ·
location$ where · the website . is likewise . Prevention Ac(of 2012) - Section 2
· · acces~ec:J . thaf RTCs have juri_sdiction over·any violation cif
·. . ot cap·able . ,.of. b.eing accessed.


·c.RlM-lNAL: p·Rc>:.CE.--D;UJiR.E.
:ZiMISSAAtM§MKiwe &VW#iBoo;»taF4 WM?MMWfi&ICe1 PfjFH ea,,iffwaeih
.. the provisions of theAct, including any.vlolation · _(Philippine Ritlbf:iit Bus Lines, Inc: v, · People, G.R/:~~,
· committed by a·Filipino'.national regardless· .of. · NO; 147703, April 14, 2004) .. · · ·. ·· ·: · . , . · .'ti\
-the place of commission._. . . .. · ; . . . . • • • •• .. •• • • - '1 • ··: • • • • . ~~i.1t
. 11: Expanded Anti-Trafficking_ RA j 03.64, Sec:··. When:,Reservation of the._Right .to ·1nstitute,Civ.iif\f
2S~A . . . . . , .. · . . . Action SeparateJy _Sh_,1.L._BeMade:,.. .. · .. _.· ,::.;::~
12 .. ·Human Security Act RA 9372, .Sec.,:5.8· · , 1. Before the .. prosecution : starts .· to . present its.,-~'."_
. 1 :3: Crimes_ 'Against lnternati_onal Humanitarian. . ' and ... · .· .. . · ·,. .. . .. :. . .· . · .··· ::[!l
. ··. evidence· :

.. ·:, GenocideRA-9851_ . .;-;:: 2.:. Under· circumstances· ·af,for.~ing the.- offende'd~-

. party a. reasonable· opportunlty to ·make sucri:
INTERVENTION . . OF ; ':·.THE . · reservatlort · · · · ' · ·· '
. Purpose: The same- is intendid to prev~nt double'..
·General Rule:. The offended. party has: the: right to... . recovery frojnJh~ omission (Yakuit Pi-Ii._:'
tntervene .by 'counsel ln the·· prosecution ··.of the ·. · - v. CA, G:R.,No.·.9-;f85.6,-?ctober;.:5;_1990l .: ' ';
criminal action, where the civil actton for' recovery of
civil liability .·rs .Instituted in the crimina! action Theappearance.~ftheoffe~ded.party_inthecriminal<.
. · pursuant lo Rule _1-1"1°..:. . .,: :,, .. ,.· · · . case through a private not persel>e'~;·_
.. . . ; .considered either · as an.implied election lo have hls '.[-t
---=~ ~Clf!iin for damages deterrnlned.]n .said _proceedings ..Ji
Exceptions: . . . : -·:. ·
1. When:~'tram the nature of the crime' an}"faw1i J~
. · · . defining arid pu_nishing it, r:10 civil .~_!fility -~~es ~..;,- Js,ffa~~tei'f~armiento,
0:w~iv~r i~f.
his , righ! to have it .determinea :
Jr., v:. CA, G. R., No-.· 122502, ._-'{;
· in favor of .the offended _part¥(J{eig.:r-«~.asoJ1!,"-"''"='•><:;p._!~~?nbf%~02) .... · ,· :·· .·'· · · . · ·,,.
rebellion, espionage and_con!,fdlJ?.!J;~~~""" ·- _ . ; _-,~.-;.,-:_ - ~~:· · • .- ·. . -.. : · · -. · ·:
2. ··Where.the.offended party h§l,swa~~)11~,JJght•to:-=-1;~tnst~.!:1,ce.~~-~-er~\eservation to File ~1v1_I Act10~
civil indemnity; .f"-V'J. ,,f t . rm· J.f' ~!!parately,NoJ,'AVo'\{1/~d: · · ·. · : · .
3. Whei:e th~ ~ffended_ ··.f._arty~~~s ixpre_s~i~ ~ .~l. _ s_:p.\Bl_g~"2f€' 1, par. _(b))i .. · . _.··
. r_eserved his nght to m~\1tute ff septi:i~e CIVI_I <"'\v(~ 2. _ Cas!jjs cog~1e~~\l?.y th~ Sam:f1ganb_ayan (P,P .
/I · ·
f~t- 1J,~t
. action; or · . . . t;
''"''?" I -~-;-'.i.-]1![·---.-:'f'(fo.'J606,a'S,?rbffidedby R:.A..No: 8249; Sec. ·. \:
4. 'Where the. off'.ended:pa~y<n~ ~1read_y y,stnt1t~c1;·, m ! ic_~:jffe7'4J_;· f · . -t ,,.,.~ ··U : . ·. . _ . · . ·, . . · '\:
~aid-action (RIANO,!fu~.r~/:ET.~-77~:;_ \ ·. · &a~i~~~-Ta~.;cases_(J:Y.l,.1o!9282, Sec.. 7.,_par. {b).. (1)):- ·-1'·

· · · ; I .,....,\ .,.¥
\, , ''" "- ;.\1 .· ·u- . .-,~,.,J.- a separa
: ,--r1 . 1 ..,•NO e:iM,7~ arrce"-v·..n~~e · ·· .t_.e procee
· · · a·· t · ·
ing or . ,;)~
·-t :·
J:~4lJe.1~l~ryofiyilll~ptlityari.~in,g-fromviolations of t~
: . -· ~ULE

\\ .J-.,, \
. '. ~
\\. ._;:-.·~;y ~~"-~'ii
·. ~~
22·.i§ ~ir?.WE:f is_v.,h_e·n the .ci~il case is. filea · ··:t·,
ofth~cpm1r:i~case(l~_Bun T19_ng v. Balboa, ;f~
· A. . · ·- '\., . ~ 1• S( 1FN1~~No,;J,{5817,7, January 28,-2008). . _ . . -r
·.· CTIONs, ;..~~---..::. -d~~-~- >! . ~- ,., .,.· . . . r,~
. ·:,. ,, .· '.':..;:; ,;;;~,."'-~~.f.{Q!~S:f~_pmffigF¢e~ Wh~n ,Sivil A_ction peeined · ·\
· . ~.,..._. ~ . .J -1-,\/f 1!os,t,t\ltea,:,(Ru/l:),111,Sect,on·_1)~· . . · . _,),,
SECTION 1. INSTITUTLON OF CRIMUil'A~:A:ND ,,. , IL.f."1~,_~<:7> • · • · ·· • :')' .
. CIVIL ACTION~ .. filin£(fees are·requir~a:fbr·arrio1:mts of actual : \~'t
' . . . . . damages, except
with: resped'°-:to''. criminat":<.:~_:;;;
General R.ul~: When a cr.iminal· instituted, ·'actions ,foi: :vio!atioli of -B:-P.. :Big. 22, in 'wtiict\ · /f
. the civn action fer the recovery of civil ·liability arjsirig case, the offanded-pa'rtyshi31lpay in full the fi_ling. ·Jr
' from the. dfferisEfshall b'e deemed .instituted.,with the . . . fees· based Orl the face value. of the check as.the :j
. E.~iminal actjoo.· · · ~.ctual damagei;. ·' · . . · . - . .., . · .. . : , · ~1
·--=xeeptioFis-: (WRI) . . . . .. -~~els~:~- fo>Ex~~~t;orf of~··a'."P. Big. 22; :rhe .-'.J
.. ·1. When .the offencled party.Waives the a_ctiqn; _·. ,..reason for ttiis_",is uiat
ddckets: :pf couns are ''.~;
2. Whe_n .the off.ended party Reserves l'}is' right to -clogged with B,P: B!g. 22 ·cases since creditors · :; f
institute a·.separate civil action; . . . . . . · , . virtually -..~se Jh~ ·cou.r:tS: a~ ¢:9llectors.· Because ·t
· 3. When'.:ttie ·offended .party !nstitutes_ a·· civil·. ordfnarily no filling fee is. c;:harged.'.in c('iminal · lit
action prior to the criminal adioh:. . . ca~e·s Jor. actual ·c1amages,,,ttie r:rayee uses the·_.· ~}f
intimid~·t1i1g . effect of. _'tne. c~iminal -.c~~rge · :to . ·}
. Note: Under Section 1 of Rule 111 . only civil liability c9~lect h~s.: c_redit. gratis . .".a~d. son:ietim_~s. upon · · j
arisirig fro.ctl the c"rime charged is deemed ..in_s_tjtuted: .-_ being pa1d,Jpe tr1al.court·1s not even.. mformed .. 7.
Hence· the civil ·action·s. under the· ·Civil Co<;le,
specifi~ally A(ticles 32; ~3. 34, and 21".7_6, ,remain . (i· R.EGALADO,
thereof . supra·at·349).
· ~~'?
separate, distinct, al')d independent of any.:cJ;iminal_ :~·
prosecution although based .. on the same act


-------------------------------------------------··- .... _ ..
~~ • ;M.
." IN'
· ., A'
, [''·:p.
_ .. ·R
·- ~lt.Ll-\.!11A.:
: Q'!:t:;
NMM&Whi If P&Sii A &

Notei. 1~·,es_tafa. c~~e$, lhe: filing· tees ·s_hall· be- : decrease.' the.. amounts· .of damages upon ·the
paid based en 'the amount in.valved (A.M. No. · accused-appellant: (RO~.·. Rufe· -12:tl, . -See: 11) .
. ·o4--2r(),4; Sec. · 21(a),. · August 16; 2004). However.. additlenal.-pertaltles- cannotbe-imposed
. However, .where the . plaintiff has·· paid. 'the_·· upon. a. -co-accused. who did .not : appeal." ·but
amount of filing_ 'fees· assessed·.by the. clerk bf modifications of the .ju~gment beneftclat to .him are: ....
court, and the amount turned out to be dellclent, .conslderedin his.favor (RO(;/~ufe122, Sec-: 11.(a)). ·
. the trial CO Li rt Still acquires [ufisdiction over ·the _-· : . . ' . . .· : . . . I · ...: ·. : :· · . · ,: ' .
. case, subject ·to·:tht:q:>ayment ~y ~he pla_intiff of.).· .Comp.romls·eon Civil·As'.pect; Theoffended party.
the deflclE}ncy _ .asseesment : . (Ramon."s c. v. · ·. may compromise the · aspect of'i:i. ci:iri)e '(CIVIL
.Sporises·.Gi,Jimoc,:·GR. No. '226645, Auqust, 1$,. ·: CODE, Ar.l .. 2034), proviqeq· must 'b~· ·
·. 2018).. . -. . . ··· · · ·before liflg!:i_tiori; a·h9 riot' aftar'flmil-·
. ·.. . Judgm_en!_..'Acompromise orrthe ci~I aspect is ital[d.
2. Wherei the .amount of ·damagl;lS,- ·other than: . ·ev.en'if Itturns out tobe uasatisfactbrily·eitl'ier to one
. actual.(mo'ra11 exemplary, and other damaqes);". . ·:· or b6th-~f.\ne· ~a'rties (R~pu~f/q-v.·s~nd/gan6ay.a_n,
· · Is specifi.ed in the 'Cdmpl~intor·lnfor.matloh; the·. : G:R, 'Ne. }0.8292,-Septeinqer10, 1~93) . .'.·. · . · .·.
. co.rr.e~pohding-.filir:ig fees--~tiail, be .paid -by . .the.. · ·. · -;. =· ·: ·• · ' · · .· .. ·· · · · · ·
- .. 'Qff.endec:!.party.-upo_nfiliiigJher~of .in court; .anst. . . .· Criminal ita.bliity fo.r· estaf~ h~:--~Ot -~ffecfed'>b.y
3_-· Where the.offended·part,y··enforce'c,lvil ·. ·.· · ·.cQ.mprd.mise or_novation:·pf. ~ontra_ct { is ·a .. · ·
liability ~·ga'inst'the 'accused ,by·,way' o{ rrroral, . put,lic' 'o.ffe'ns(;l whicti . mus_t be: prosecutei:I. ·and
. riomihal, _ .temp.eratE3 or . exemplary_,.damag_es •.i't'?) . :punished by.the.G_civerntnent on_ its· own·motion_·~.ven ..
·w1t~out. ~pepifylng. th_~ am9.~l')t _tb~reof_ in -~~;~l · tl'lqugh complet!Hepar~tionshould:pave_.bee11 ·1J1~cle
. Com pl amt Qr. Information. {th~;gtan~ .~nd am-ef~9t,.~·.'\\·of the1, d~mag~ ·s4ffered_ by. the =offen~e~ party
thereof .~re.left-to-the sound:!'.l1scret1on of.the~trii'IJ., -1: r, 1-~ (Metropo/Jt~n Ba_nk& ·.Trust.Company v. · Reyaaldo,
.court). th~ f.i~i~g ,feet~ thereof ·sha_ll co.ns,titut? A,:.,:•t;:ii. .;.G:f$.. No. _:ffl.1538,'August.9, 201,.0).' ... , · '. · .
, first . lien . on t~e-. 'Judgment awardm~_..,fuc91''. ,j;i_j!-;!'1.f'k!s:-;~1 ....,,,~y~:·. · · . : :·. . · . , · ·
: damages. - . · .. .- . · · -~-,,.... t'f,'i-·/ .. :.;;) ~I. ·Sl;CT!O,:,.t:-2;~H~NSEPA~ATE·.CIVI~ ACTION l,S I

.· · . . . . . · ·. . ... ·!'/. . . ),~_Jj .S.USPENDEill\: .. ·· - . . . · · · l

Payment.of_F.lllrig F~e.s and Jurisdi~t{2~(:.- , . ;J,P":!! . · -4' ~- \ .· · . _-. · . ·. · : ., . · .·· : . :· . i·
A co~rt acquire~_jurisdic.tion over ~~~~\.e;}~Ql~pon t '.;;'( ·.- Prim~GXj?f.C}ri'?1Jnal'A~tion._o~er·C_fv.i!A~tion _ . , .. · !
tl'le ' payment . of-. ·th.e .. pres_gijped ·. <f~fl<~l7 fe~,.. : "'~ 1 .' .. Att~wttieU~hni .of .the ~n~mal. 9.~t1or:1,_; the Cl".'!1 I
(Manches.ter Devt. _Cerp, v.· r,G-1,,,G.R.f·"{~_.!5919:;-:. ,-.,ii ·· . . · ~~!_w.n:!"~!<?h·:'~.as_been ~esel'\(ed_cann.ot be·
May 7, 1987). ,: .: . \Hi-"": .....~~~}').. · . ~: · f'!L/}J.:. . ~rl~~~~f-~_,s.m.""lilJ.l~~Jl.ld!!me~U)_as.t>een--r~_ndered .
· · ·. ·· . - .. ··· . . : . -~, ~f~\,. ,-::..,.-)·. .-~" · .m the.~1m:tl}8~action; · .. · · ·· .• . .- -· .. ·
'BtJ.t_.w~e~e the plc;1intiff!has -p~i~.ih,~~unf~?f-~li~ ·.
fees assessed by-the clerk or,rourt;--and:the;amount.. 11[.
tJ. :.2, ·"1( th·e.. ~iv1racticm:i~·-instjtuted be!o~e'.tb~;-fil_ing?f .·
,..,the,·cnmmal act1on..and the cnmmal action 1s-
t1:1rne9 out to be d~ficie!nt, the.trial ·cour\'~f.j!!jiqui_~~~ ~/if··~-;};f;_l~1i(~seguenUycomn,·~nsed,.--!he per.iding .'civil.
jurisdictior,· 9ver t~e. cas,l;),-.subject td.. tt<i,,payrne_i:f,b"¥~:1'..!-~ :-'L:.~~¢tieRts,hal!be. sus_pe,:id_ecfinwhatever,stage it .
.the plainjlff . of, the deficiency.· as.s:~~-S..!llept,:(~To. · . , _- may .~e fqund, 1,mtil fi_nal juqgme'ht in the cri'IT'!lnal
_penalize the party.'.for-~he:omis?io'n ·of':tb...._~~r.k.·of_·_.' action has been r'endsred. --. . . ~ _ ,
. court is· not 'fair if the::party .ha.s acted. in go.ocJ faith·· ~· ·· -
(Ramona's v. Teodoriqo, G.R: -No;· ·226645; Ai:Jgu~t· ·exceptiqns:-(PIPI;) · .-:.... - · :.; ·· .
· 13, 2018)._ · · ·· · · · ·1.-· In. cases of Jndepe, aotion·s based upon
, . ·Arlfcfes 32,-:33;.34,. and-:2.17.6 of the: <c;ivil-Coi:Je; -·
N_ote: : CQwnte~c,i~im·s, crosi~clai,ns, third. :.:p~rty .... _. ·. . 2.·'. lri:· ~ses :.-wher.e' .the.·-civil action pfesents a
Complalnts:are not~llowed in c1 crirriih<:31 procee·ding._ ·.. · '· ·er.ejap,icjal qu~·stion;_. ·,, . . . .. . . J •

Any claim which i:ould have be.en the.subjeot tht:?reof . · -'. 3. ·: Ir\ cas~~ · .yhere th~ civil action ls: ~or:is,olidated
may be litigated in· i:i ~ej:>arate civil action (ROC, ... . : . W.ith t~e cril'llin.a! action;.'and· .. · . . .....
'RUl,..E 111, SEC,·-1 )( .'- ·.:·. . . . . . . . 4. ,Where the ·Civil action -ii, not One lntende& to. ·
. . ... .
.· .. :. ..·· gnforce the civil liability .,frisin·~·trom (he'.offense
.:~· . :·~ .:.-· •·.. · . . ·. ·:-·. :.: . . . . ... · . . . . ..
Reasans: . ·'" ... :. · ~
1. · The couritefclaim ·of· th.e accused· :···will :·qnty ..ttie ·civil action·:to recover: tt:ie- ~ivil i)ability
. unnec.e.ssarily ~ompli'cat~ and .contuse the .flowing. fro'm· or arising :frc;>ni the .offense charg·e.d ls
· · - _criminal prpcee~IAgs;.and . · · . /' ; · Impliedly· institu\ecfwi~h the -crin,inal action. (RIANO,
2.- The trial co4rt slioul_d. -confh_,e its·~IL to· -~he si.Jpr.;1_.a(146'-141}. . ... · -- · ' · · · •
. ·cnn\inal..aspect.and ttie
possiblE:l civH ·-liability,of • • : I ~· • ' • • ·, • • ... • •

· the accused arl'sing ciut of the crirr)ei(Repi.Jb/lc'.v_.· Consdlid~ti.olJof c·rlm'inal arid-Civil cases: Be.fora·
-~A, G.R. No. 11646_3,.June 10, 2003). · . ·. 'judgmen\ on' the merits·.is rend ere~ iri the civil a9tion,
'the· sarrie inay, upon 'm·o.tiQn-of the offended ·par:ty;
In an appe~I of·a crimi~al cas~ • .the appellate. court be cons.olicjatedwith the criminal action in' Uie court .
may . impbse addiUonal · · or increase · or- 'tryin'g the crimi_naf action. · · . ·


-, . ' ·. . . .. . . ·~:~
In . cases. where "the .consotldatton ts given. due · 3. Criminal 'cases are· difficult to- prove, _and t~ese.??
course, "the eii'i9eoce presented' and -adrnitted in the ··independent _-civil _actions can. be. the· reparation :J~
oivil case. .shall be deemed automatlcatly reproduced , . .': toharm done to the.offended: party (PA MARAN; .. '·'1£
·jn the crlminal action wlthout-prejudlce'to adrnlssion · 'supra -at 1g1-192), . .. . ·. ·, · .• · . · _'.···
.. · of additional ·.: evidence. and'. right to . cross-· . -- , .. · . ·: :
exarrilnetlon.' . . . . . . . . . .Acquitt~r j~:a Case;'Not"·a. B;,t~ to th~<::·
· · · · · ·· · "Filing.of the Ci~il ·cas.e: The extinction pf the _penat:·:
The-consolidated crimtnal and divil°'c:;ases shall be , aetlondoesnot carry-With it -extinotlon -otthe civii .
tried- and decldedjolntly. · ·· •··· . action. ·Ho_w~ver;,til~_civil-ac~io~ based cln:d~lic;t' shati)
. ·. ;. .. .... :·. . . . . . . ·. -. . ·; ... ,.: ;_ ,. . . . ·. ·. bedeemed exfingtiished'ifthere-ls a"·flnding-ln,··
Note: . · Article 29· of;·: the· Civil . Code · merely . J'udgment. in the criminal' action that th..e act or ..
emphaslzes thc'it a, .dvil-'"actjor:i 'for "damages ts _riot' -
preclude.:d,.; by,;the.,··a.cqulttal .c f. anaccused ·fo. r .th~ omtssionfrom which-the·t.ivil_..liability may- arise did...: .
. ,. not exist (ROC>.'RULE -11.1; ·s~q. 2).: · ." · .. · · · · ;
same .crim_ipc1f act.or 6[-rlis,si6r)... It does .oot ~tate "that .,_ _.. _. . ._ _ -. _ . -, . . . . · ... _ ..
_the rer,,eqycan_be ~vailed-of 9r!IY in a separatif civil. . -.The·last paragraph .of Secti~_h_:2:··Rule · 111, which-.:··
~ction. (Lumantas. Y~ Calapi~! GR ._Nf?. _' t6/it~3• provides .-tbarthe ·extinction of the· petlal.actlon does ·
tam[ary._ 15, .?D1 1)·. _·:. · - . . ; . . '· -· · - . ' . not. carry with It the ·extinction· ·of1the -dvjl -ac:tion · ·.·~--
SE:CTiON ·-3; ··.WHEN .·_CIVIL ·_ ACTi"C>N ,, 'MAY· . .. . applies"even 'if the· cfyil ~ction' ex.-de/lc(o)s'instituted~··.,J:
· .PROCEED INDEPENOENTi...y : ... · . · -· · · .:·~;.:=,=;r=-=will1'·t~fo.Gri.mirtpl" action (~b_ v.. _:Muno_j,:G.R; No. -~-,,
·. · · -. . -":· : . _ · _: ·: · '. ·· . · ·;J1./.'.·-: . lf
Consequ~nces -~f ·the _mdepe_ndent;.pl'j9..rac~~of. ,
J 1':i.J ·"Ji_, ·. : . · ·. . .'. · · ·: · ·' . ·, . , . '.
. ', · : · . · ·. .:

acllors,~~der.A~~es_'32, 3~•. 34. a~tfi,q,~) >:/ ......,.,~~T.:.l:i~Jext1~ct~en_o~,the c1v1111.':'b11t~y,_refers exclus!vely to ._ ·2

.1: . :he._ng_~t to b_ra{lg the :c1v1l--1'.3_2,~9l1fi.haJ':_;Pr6ce~d~~1v!l~b111~:~ijtg;rom cnn:i_~ (~ell~~);, the
·. tncfepende_ri!IY : of. the_. c~may~P~oo ·-sm"<J. ·j}. . C~ll"-'1.ta~·~"1.<?r)R\· sc1me: act .ar~mig· .from :other. •. -;f
. ~egardles,s of th_e_ r~sult~fo:Q.11'~\Jatte. (C/Vlb , ·~{ · 1pur~es~.~f ~.l?lj9.~1!D"~law,:cqn~act,.. q'~as1-contract, · J;if
CODE, A#.·31); .. · · ·,f · <:. 1:;;IJ · ·-· .. "11..'-'. ~'~ ·ei~as1-de.f1ct)'\sr n.9,t\\ extinguished . ev~n· by a .,r,J
.2. Th~··. qoantllm of: e,fi,~~cer''-required JLQ:.C'1..declaratib_n in t:t;i(.<J;iP1iWal~a~e that.t.~e criminal act · _,,-tJ
,. prep~nderan~ of e~1de~ce;?-"'.g . . - ~ ·,...:~-)'· 1 ., ~ h~s ~ot,...b?~pene!d.
1~_ccy\eo :Pr,: t:icr~ ~qt been _ ·}i.
3. Th'~'°f1~htlo'bl'in~ the fotfgofh_~ri3ctions J.rl:i~e'?Jf~~~. '-~~~m,.tt/dby th~ (He_,rs.of :Gua~,ri~ v_ CA( . ;ctj
~h~ _ 9,v11· Code ~ee_d. ~~kpe ~re_serv.!il) :tn tW~'m.Q.7JJ}~7R. N{ ·1.f!B$9_8/M:ir:i,c_~7, -1_9~7): . ·, ·_. . · ,·-..~,
cnmmaT prosecution, s1n.,ce thef1ar~~-~~{lroec!;2;--t.:"'.,.,_, · · · ;]Jf/2:)J H ,,] -:". , · .· ~ · · :. : · · ·.\t·.
· ·inc_ludedlherejn;: · · · i_ -f') \\ ·. ~\ r . )fil -r:Uf(iiowe~~~ll:lepe<e~~Is found not fo be·criminally _ ·:_·,:·
. _4. · Jhe iristit~tion o·r the.'.walkelo1:A\e-rig~~~~~ · ~-i.!i~b16"/~9oes p~t-n~/ssa_rily;mean tbat he _will not.·-- ..~
· separate civil· actio_n · ar1~_ing 'frOf,!1 _ ttt~Scri~(:"'.' I 'jr~,"l!,~bel1ifd civill~~~ble:_(Nissan-G.allery-prligas .. _·;
· ·? does r~t extinguisQ the -rig\~o.~f~~~~<i.6e; (}JR.. No,· -'!f}~06!;. t:Jovem1Yer 1-1, -2013): _ ·. · -";(
mdepend~~t~ct1.on;. . . \, ..'. , ~.CJr.1;;;r.t1P.V.~7, ·.· '/· ·,-.·. ·.. : -_- ··_: ' · · ' .... · · ';;l
5. The ·only. hm1tation. Is ~hat· tli~off!3h~eti:\\..p.!3fty-_t:!~ -lns!Pr:t9es\~\'.Yl!.~:fi· Extmgl;l1Shn:u~nt .. of _Criquna! riJ:·
can~ot r.ecover more ttiari .onc;efo~th~~::ln;~~--.=-!~bi!•i9,J3.~~-UL Extlnguh,hment ot"the_Civil +
or 0111issjon; and· < . . · · , -u ..i .· - ·,\. .A ~a'bUitY:;s(I~) · ·-. :· .. · ·· · :·, · 1: · · • i

6. Ev:_n _it~ ~iv!I ·a.<:tio~ i~ fil~d _s~parate~~~~4.=;-!;~>--hEf · coor:J · "decla~~ that the · a6cl.lsed ~as. J:
. - -deltcto c1v1I ltab1hty .m the cnmmal. pr:osecution. . . !rmoe;ent;. · ~ ... · · ·.• ·: . - ~- -~~
· · . remain·~. ~nd the.offend~d- p~rty may- subject · 2. · · Tlie ~cts or ·omissioRs ·giving rise ·to· the .civil . :il-1
to the control ·of the 'Prosecutor_:, still" interven.e . liability·in the.crimlhal.action·-does not exist; and. ·.-<;
iA '. ttie ·crif'l1i'l)al'.action; ·_in 'order to protect .the, . .- 3." · .Qe.atli_, '?f . _the ··at~used .. (S8€i · disc_µss.ion: on .. _{~
remalnl_ng_ ~lvil interesttherein (Philippine· Rabbit · . Section 4, - Rufe_ 111 fo'r-'qualifio.ations)(RIANO, .,:Ii
. Bu~Llries,In.a. v: People;- G.R._No. 147703, April.· -supFB-at'-123).· · -· _. · - · ': : ::' · · _.. ·. . ~~i
14, 2004); -- .. · · . . ' , · . •. . .: · . _:· . • .. _. .. · ,• · ..... ·: . · -~
. Reason: The·enactment ofArticles
. .
3'3; 34, and'·.
. Instances · When ._th~ . ~xtlngulshment .. of .t!'Je ..
. .. Criminal Liability ·ooes:·N.01' Re.suit in··the.
~i- ··
. ~176 of the. Civil. Code implies.: thaf the· State· has - Extinguishment. of the Civil ·l,.l;iblllty: ·.(RC!DS·
already made a reservation in favor of the ·offended . JEP) . . · . . . · . ·. ·· ·. -. · : . .· ' ·
p~rty. · . _- ~ :: · . --: . · ·. _.: · · . . .. . · 1. ..Jhe -~cquittal· is ~ased o~. Be~~o~~ble···doub(if . j"'
· ·. · · · · · · · · ·· · · . -.ttle civil case has· Ileen t:eserved;. · •· "
P·1,.1rposeifof Artlcies,.3·2, 33, 34,"arid-2176; _. ·: .· -, 2. - The decision ·contains·. a declaration -that the ".;:f
1. Tt> prevent subtle . or'. indirect viola_t{on of. the liability-of the· accus'ed i~_. not:ctimlrral. but. only···, ~f
. constitutional r.fgtits due l9 the lack of '1.aws_ !;ivil in natu"re; . -- : · · · . . .. . . · . . · J
as ·not a!I unconstjtutional acts· P.Unish~ble; · 3. . The ci~,iii liability is not .Qerived 'or based on · · ;i,
2. The.Pros!3cutcir.01ay be afraid or irjcomp~tiintto the· crimirial act_·. of. which the, accused· is .. :..\
· e·stabU~h . the guilt·-. of. the accused· b~yohd · · · ,
- · · d- . acqu_itteo "(Poblador, Jr_., -v•. Manzano, G.R. Nd. · : ;'jt
reasonable dot!bt~·an : 192391, June 19; 2017) ;·- .. _ · · ·· · .,; ·,r,


J! ,'
·. C:,Rl·M.lN·At·· ·PROC:E:OURE

Note: The ·c.ivil aetlen based on dellct may be . 3. "If.the· accused.dles during ·~ppeal, .his c_iyil :a·nd
. '. extinquished if there is findin9 on finai judgment crim_inar liabilities are extinguished; and. .' .
· .. that.the act or cmlsston from which civil liability . 4: If. the accused dies after finaJ·judg!Tie•::it, the ..
·. m~y. arise. .. did· not exist (PobJado/: Jr., v. · - pecuniary liabilities -of the accused are not-
Manzano, G..R. No. 192391, .Ji.lne '19;·2.017) ... : · · · .. ext(qguished. Gi~irns ~hall be· filed ,a:~pir\st·the,
· · · · · .' · · · . estate-of the accused under Rule 86 of:the Rutes
.4·.· .: The. Stat~te' oectares thatvthere : can · be no ·, · 1 of Court ·(People. v.
Lipa ta, G.R. ·. NQ: 200302;.
crimrn1ir ·liability but, only dyil · liability· (e.g., . : . ··April 20, 20·16). . ·. · ~ ·. . ·
REV!SED'PENAL.cODE, 'Art.. 33~- ..(hliftteStQ(a·. . ;. ~ ... · ·' ..
;or:maliciot;ts 'inischief .commltied by. a family . .'SECTION 5. ·JUDGMENT IN CIVIL ACTi°c>N'NOT A
: ·.. memoet}; ,. · · ·: ·. · ', · .. · · ·.: . BAR,· ;. ·. . . ·.· ~. · .. ~. . . . , •. . . .
s.' · Articie 11'; par.
(4) of the Revise<J Penal'Code ...:. ._ .: , · ,. . . . . .
:· J,ostifying circumstance: : : ' ., .•.. ". · ·' : . . . . . The jµdgmenf i1fcivil· actions based on· Articles 32,
·6. Artlcle ·12i:pats.'(1-6) of th.e'RevisedPenal Code . · ·· . · 33, 34; and. 2:t7.6 c;ibs~)vi(ig the · civil
·· - · ~ some··gxempting circumstances:.and'· · · · : · liat5ility does-not bai..the crirntnal action. ,. ·.' .
~ 7,.' .The -di"Smiss~l ·is. on the: ground of ,erescriptior, Ot ~· · · · · · · ··
· ... · crirnlnal aspect (Bµr.gos 'v, Naval, G.R.' No.
219468,,June 8, ,2016).·.. · . • · -, ·
, . ··PREJUDl'(:;IAL.QUES'rlQN ·; ..... ~
6;. REAs·o·N·. OF··
. . .
. Eiiforce,~.ei:\t of Employer'~.·Lla;;i{ty:·· .Ttie ·._,.~. · ::;.: .petitio~ ~or; ·susp~n~ie'n .ot'. the ~iminal ~cti~n. ~y.
emp,lc;,yer l'T)ay):iot ~e neld:¢h,:illy liabl~ for.the 'qiJij~i0·it.· . r~~son ·of:prejiJdicial questiori in.a-_clvil action. in·ay be
d~lict_. since· 11 -is ·11ot ·deem~,!J · ini,tituted wit~/th~<(fr~~ filed. in tl'l'e, office of: the· .Prosecutor· .or the· c~urt
C?rirnina[.action. l(a(~ll .•. t~e :o~ly_ pi_vil__ li_ability of~)~i)A);~,l:c~rldt,icUng tp.e prelimin~ry investigation .. ··, ...
f3mployen·Y-?Uld be,,h1s.:su!'s1diary !1ab1hty unde~jh,~,i:~,~·.:t-:·-·~~,,.:. . · . «ri'ti.. ·· .. ; ... : .. , · ·; • · ·. ·. · ·: ·
.F,evised-Pen~l:-(';ode.· No~(!)WO',:thy 'is the fa_ct·m~f.t~.:~yr~'.irl.i~C):t.i.'f,7\t:i;~~efote, . .a.s it appe~J;s°,. prE!cludes ·motu
s,,ia~ liab\lity,: establisbe.d .ii:' ,Arti~!~s.:~J,Q2_ ~~di.::,. ft propri':'·susp7~~i.on:of the <;irimina~ a~tion. lt?OE:!l no.t
~ 03.qf_ the Revised..;ial Co~.e may__pe, enforced r~~i .. · . prescribe· t~e'j'IA_1sm1ssal·of El .cnmmal . acf1on. The
: ~he_ same. cri!'1Jnal ·c~se b~ filing ·i_n).~i~J cii'!;i~l>-~·1_, rule·J~xs·iu~p~nsior( and,not~d_is.miss~r,·(Y.ap v .
.. act1bn a motion 'for ·executJ.ory .ag~1n~6.t.~e.;::person · l_(·f Paras, G-2. ·(j!o.~0123~. Ja_nua!Y 3(?~ 1992).. ,.
$Ub~!dia_ril~.Ji~l;>l~°lMfli!3'g? Y.: C&(_G:R.N~"'-1:0'1:39t:.. ·
·Febru_a,y.20, 199.6). . . . . . . . ['f<;. 7. ·: q"'..\ · · . : ·. . ~
~~t· · · · · , · . ·
t, f·.. . j! · \\. ·: . · ·... '· . . : .
Note.:. ~etlt1051 _to ~uspen.c.1.- . .cnmm~r: J:lction· .on. the
.-: ·. : · .:- . .' ·· >:,:'!/' ..=-~-'2}-~,y · ~- ki·.1·.grouA'J,l~·m·il>l"ej~icl~question.- whem··no civil case
'S_ECTJON. 4 .. 1:FfEG.T ·. OF_~'-~1T~f?Jr-c~V:'H.
. /\CT.IONS :. . · · : ·. · .. ''/~;>,._'\'\ f
HtJ ha_s-~e~n!.'.fjj~1pHr~ui;ll1t to S~c~.7, R~le 1.11.:is_.a
!~'·. · .P~(!~•.b1ted _motion and .shall be .de~,e~: outright
. '. - . . . . . . . . · ."~ .. · . · 1, . . f;:(~d{~!Rdut need ·of CQl'l'.l.ment i;ind/9r oppo~1tion, (A.M..
ff..ule~ in (:as.e of, D~ath of ~he Accus~'!_;,i3:~.. · . : -~=, ...)'}i;~:~~:1.'..1/J~05'-10·SC, _Su~headinq Ill, item no. 2). ...
1. ·If .the accused dfes b:efo.r-e:arralgnmei:it(,fhe........,,t~..u:ll!!,tl~¥) . · . · .: · · ,·· : . .· . · .
~ase s.hall ,be dismissed . .withouflP.rejudfoe'\o -SE~TION . ·7. · ·.ELEMENTS ·. OF· . PREJUD"ICIAL.
_-an(·c~il. action. t):I~ \>ffefld~~f p~lty~i~· ~i~ . · QUES"f!.ON ·. .·. ·. · ·. · .. ·.
· :against Jhe· ,estate of. th~. a·c$used:·(People: \I,.
·.·· . ~yotE!S,_' s.R::f'{o_.· 1029oz. $.ept~m.Per. 2,. 19_94); ~-~ej~di.~lai Q~·~·suo~ .: · · .._- :. . . . .. ·. . . : .
2 .. .If. t!]e . ~t<;:.u_sed. dl~s _-after. ~~a)f)ninent ·,?nc;I ·. · - One Ylhicli arises. in a case, the resolution .of which
. ..dunng the .pend.e.ncy.of the.~rJmln~I action, . is' a: logical ·antecedent of-the issue -inv'olvecftherein ..
. tl;le' ci\iil .liability. €!rising :from :the deli9t ·.shall ,be. and ·thl:l ccigi:)izance ·of ·wJ'iibh.. :pe·rti;iiris to an.other ·· ·
·extinguished .(R..EVISEiJ PENAL· CODE, ,Art. · · tribunal (P.f;l<Jpl(} v.. C9nsing, Jr.,,.<3.R. No. _148.193, .
89, p"ar. (i)); · · ·· · JB.f!UB~ ..16, ~003):. i· ~ · . ·:"

Exc:eptions: . ·. '.· . ,_. ·· ·.. . . If both:civil and..c;_:ri.~in.a!case~ 'i1ave ·~iri)ilar issuei{ or:
. 1: 'wi:,~re. the civir liability is p.redicated on· olher : .; the· issue· in -0ne is'.lntimately ·related, to' the issues '
. ··sources. of. obligations such ·.as -law, ~ontra·e.t, · r:alsed in. the other,:then ·a.prejudrct~I question would
quasi~contract, . · and qu_~si-delict;_ '.01'. ·is an ,likely exist, provi~e:d . tfie .. ·other element or·
inde~_ndent civil action·. The . a·cuon may .be·- · characteristic :is :sati$fied. If ml:lsf appear no.t· only
oontinued aga_inst tl:le estate 'o( t_he·accus.~d·afte_r thaf:fhi:1.-civil case· i.rivolvi'3s -the ·same facts. upon. subst\tution Is made. either..' .as· to the .. )Nh.ich the c;:rirnlnal pr¢secutiorrwould be b'~i'sed, but
reJaWes or.the estate; or . . alsq that the r~solu.tion of the issµes·· raised ··in th~
2. · I(' the .'. civil a·ctlpn.·, has · -been· .reseived . .and acti.ori wo.uldbe necessarily d~terrriinatiye of the
. subseq!,:lenUy, filt'ld or! action-has.. been ~l!ilt_ pr innoce_nce of the accuse~ (/.d). ·
.instituted. when. ·the ~C.CJ.J.Sed 9ied, such· civil . ·.·· .
. action wjJI: proceed. and substitl.ltio,:i of pai:ties .
. shali be C?.~ered_:bY.lhe.cour:t, ,.


. . ·~

C·R!lM:fN·A·L.: .P'ROCE·ot1RE: ·:ii!

. . . .. . . . * ~.·
. W,-i+, isi-o . \ . . 'I'·
. .
- ,... ==::~1rr. JZZ.T f

Rationale: ffo avoid. (wo ·conflicting.decisions inthe for trtal'atany time beforethe prosecution rest{,i!'
·· civll case and the-criminal c135e'(SyThiohg:'\~iouv. ... its case (Ibid).· . · . ,· · -· ·/:t
. Sy,Chirri, ,<;,.R.)'io .. ·1.z41'~a•. Marqh 30r 2009), . . .. · · · · c··0·,5··ide·red' ... •·.. ,.··,t
. : . · · · . :. · · . Examples. . of . Those· ·Not: 0· ·As·~~
· Efome.nt~ q( a· Prejudici~I Question·(.PIQA) : . . . Prejudicial Question: . , . . :{:
1 :. ·The· clyil action must be ln~titut~q ,e.s;Jqr,.tq..Jhe · 1. · Nulr'itication. of marriage under Ari.· 36 is. not l,/t,
criminal ·
action; · · ., . · . · · .· · . · prejudicial question in. criminal .. case. for;-i~t· ....
·2.. .It invaives an issue 'slmllar or !ntima, r-el~tea · · frustrated parrlcide f Plmentet'v,'..Piineotel,GR:·W
to 'the issue 'ralsed In th~ subsequent criminal.. . No.' 172060, September'1·3,. 40'1.0).. '. · , ·· ·'·~ ·
·action;·,, . · · .. · .. ·. .: .. ·1• :•• ·:,-- . ' ••· ·.·2. Rescission.of contract Of salenot a pr~j!Jdicl~j
· ·3.. The resolution' .of such ·issue: Determines . . , ·. · questlonto B;P, !3lg; :?2 case. rReyes· V.:,Rqssl,:!l:
.·. whether or not the.crtmlnal action may prpqeed :. · · . ·G.R. No: 159283, .Februaiy,.18,:2013). :~··. : .:....,lt!
; .'and ·: .: . : '.·.. .) : ... :' :·'" ·. · ... ':. -..3 .. Independent civil action based on fraud .Will not:~f
. 4 .. · Jurisdiction jo try-said question must be· lodged . · ·. ·: .. raise a prejuciicial question :to·st.OP:.riroceeding·~~.t'.
, in Another ;'tribunal (People. v.. Arambu_lo, . G.R.. in a- p~hding ~rirriinal.• pros:e.cutio.n.Jor estaf~~;f
. No. 186597; !Line 17,. 2015). · .. . .··: . ·' .. · .... · .tl:J.roµgh . f;:ilsific;atiO{l.: (Jose-Consing,. Jr!. ..;,; ):.
. ·. . ·· .. _ .. .Pe(f)ple, G.R. No. 1(?1075,•. 2b13). ·, . jf
The.··c~nc~pt'of a p~ejudicial qu~~tio~ invol~~s a· civi! ... • · ·. 4._ C!vif. ~se on . g;:irhishm~nf :. <?f. ft!ncjs· 'n9.t\{
. . ·. ·. . ~,", ·, . . . . . ~~ u·.
·action arid a criminal case. .· . . . :... · ='="' prejud1c1a• 1;3.P.: .Big. 22 case (Sps,.:,';,..1{,
~Gq__ditf;lnO·V,: San Miguel' Corporation, G.R. Nq;:'.~-
.. Npte_: Ari. admi.nistrative cas~ .brf:l~~·tti~~~uti·.for\,
specific performance ·is• a· pr.e1ud1clak~t1eJ~9-=--=:=-~.....,,,...,[ · ·
. criminal ·pr.ose.cuUon ·under ~ectiqi'.&:~5 of;.~, ~o. · . .
. }:J}J8.7~z;,,)uly
\ · 24, 20,13). . .·· .:· . · ·: ·; ... ··. :. :·

·-,,., .... ' · .; . ;\. · . ·. ·. ·. ·

:. . . :. ·
.t ..;p
· · ~6·~ f~r non-is~~ance of. title. J,Jifts
actior:i.for spec1f1cperformanc~~~rrfcti~mc1v1l1,it·
~. ."""~.:. .~-:{~ · RiriLE
~'7' ···\ ,,~ 'v v!...b W
112· . ·
· · ·. ·. · .
· \S~
. natur~ but C':)Ul9 not be instit_11ted:·~1J1wh~~,exce.l~f ·,,@~ • ~. · ... · \rR,~'tIMINAitY · . ·~.
iA the i:fLU~B, wh<;>_sejurisdicJ1pn ?Y~fth_e~~tidn w~~ .. ,, · · :..:_,...:__:,~ 11\R"\lt~~H.'IGATI o N. ·. . . '.~
.exc!.u;;,1ve.·and. orlg1nal..(San1~wa/LPrppeft.1es~ff'JC,.,:._. . . · . g. . \\ •. ..,;....4 fi -· . ·. · . .-~~
y. Pere_z;G.R.No:·1~6836,.{pepte'J.1:)er4,.\0:J,3)~· r· ~'.:'': .::J- L l lf'... · · .·'. ·. . · .·;· :J
· . .. . .. . H ,1:~\I ..
..the subject actions a~e·. all ·e,(Vf\~\)lptut¢,}t~teg10~ J <!!0~ .
.~ 'Al/iaf')Ca . ~~ve1~pfne~t.
18787~,_April 11, 2011}..
; ·: ~.·
. \ s>·
.· , ·.
··,t · "~~~A;ECTJ9~··
. A pr-e1ud1c1alquestiori caJ'.ln~t T;J.e.~~fre{!~(1~her~~~~QEF-l~EJ.?~,-:-

:L~V. .· //
·~":'c~:/jf .
:. ·
ry /nv~stiiation ·. is,' an- , ·inquiry. '. or
.ii>JJ{ffe~mg/)-o. detimine whether. there exists
· · ·
· . . . . .:·;;

.. · . · ·. · .· · ·. · . · -. . . ·'. :;(~~6s~b!ent
:. Test ~O· ~ete1111me. ~ O!! .a f~j "f;l!,QI~.'tft~!v.~,dime
~.r-0und to ·e.nge~cfer a_.well-fo.unded.b.eli~f
.. ha.#'been .. c;:o~mitted. arid :that ·the. ,:,'.I
_Qu.~st_i~!"I· ,To .·d.et_ermine the .~?<1ste~,~~~~X::'l;f-............-.-i:.e~0.n.<t,en~s~P,i;:.obably
preiud1c1al ql:le,stion, 1.t m1;1st ;;ippe.artHc\!~~~~!,c3se= . ;;::-1fe1d·tc§c
gu)lty th.ereof, anc;I shou,ld be·,'supra at'183).'' ... · · : .
i ;~
d~e~ no! onl)1 ln\'.OIVe t~e sa.'!'e facts UpOfl,.,fitGh,Jhe. ~j'i '{.,;~\\~·:;pr' .; . .· . . . · ' . . ·."~~
. cnmn:ial prosecution is b~sed but also ~hat.;"'th~. .-J.V
ll Erelimfnary investigation is merely inquisitorial and ,~
resolution· of the .iss_ues rai~~~.'(n· .said· .ciy.~· a~ti"or.i~,...~'.6fterithe o.n1¥~me~ris .of di~~9v.¢.ri!)Q:the p.~rson~. :,~
would . nece_ssary be .. d~t.erm1nati,ve. of. the 9uil.t or who rhay be reasonably charged with a crime and to· /.~
.·. ir:inocehce of trie. accuse9 (tap v., :?ras•.·. ~-.FJ.·.:·Np. . t~e ~rdse~uior... to. P.~~pa're.'hi~· C.orrip\aint o( ;l''i
101236, /fJf.luary30,. 1992). · . · . . :. · · . . lnforrt;ia.trqn (BautJst;;fv. ·cA., G.R. No, 1_43375, Julyt!,;
... .· .. ·' · .· " .. ·'. :· ·- :···· · -6,2001).· :. ,, · ·.. · ,, '·-=:, .. · '.;,;
· When to,f:ile·Petitlon for S~spel)sion by Reason· · . · . : ' . , ,·. : . : ;;
of.~ Pf:ejudicial Question: . . ,. . ·. - .. •· T'tie 'presence of the accusep·or the.offended ·party·":;,,~
1 . .-.Ourin~..the pr~li.minary investig~ti0n; cir is not mandatory in the i1:westigatiori· (ROG, 'RUl'e . ,:~
2, · in· court before th.~,-p'rose.cution·..res~~.. ~J~;~se
· ··(ROG, Rule 111, £;).. · · . · . . • .. · ·
· · 1.12,.SEC. 3(d-e)J. . ·.
.... · ·. .
• . . . · ,. : . ·,·
· .... · .'
· .· ~I
· ;~
. . :· . ,' ·. . . . .· • • . . . . .. ', T.he court may not pas's upori .o'r. interfere ,with the ':·j
Even if one case ls ci\lil and. thEf. other· criminal the. · prosecutor's deterrninatioh:·. of the· :existence· of'·j,
prin~iple o(a ..prejudlcl~i question will not arise if lhe : .·. · probable ctiuse to .file an Information regardles~ ·cif. i~
. criminal case· was. institute~ priot' to·· the ·.ci\lil case · its 'correctness. Hpwever; if the ·puplic prosecu.tor. :~
{f?./ANQ,. supra at 1-61 ). · erred in its determination ..of·. c·ause, an ·~
· · ..
·where to. file petition· for su'spension by re~son
. ap~al, can· be ,mad!;) ··before the Departmeii~ of
Justice Secretary. :Simu'ltaneously, the accused may':'}
.of prejudicial 'questio.n: . . . . move for the suspension 6f pro'ceedings ·'untff J
1. . Office. of the Prosecutor; or . . resolution of the appeal (SEC.. v. Pri9e Richardson '~
2. Court·where the criminal ~ction has been filed Corp., G.R. No. 1·97Q32, July 26, 2017). . . . ·:~
.. .

.· CJ~!tM+NAt;· P·RO(~\tllJR,E·
as . Ai#Ai • UMIRF Sl!MCAA& ,ees,ww &&&
. \i ._ . .
>flens ~s.. R~q~I ring:p r~J irpinary. lnv~stig~t·i_on- formally ,,at . risk· ·of _i_ncar~eJation or some.· other
; Rule.: Preliminary lnve!itigation is ·requir.ed .. penalty,' ls not a mere 'fonii'al.or tecnnlcal rlgnt; it' is a
,efore ~hEi filing of a Complaint or lnformation.fpr an· !?.ubst~n~jve· right· (Sales. _vs.:Siinaiganbay~n,' GR.
,ffense where .the penalty prescribed ·by law .is at. No. 143804, November 1~. ~q01): '- .. ·. . - ·.
3ast 4 ye.;1rs, 2 months.:and·1~d.ay without reganHo · •.:.. . . -· ... · . .. . ·... . • ., .i.
10.fine ... ··:· · ...... · · lnstancas Wh~n ..: Rlgh~: .. 1p· . PrellitJ!nary
:lnve.~tigatforUs.Wajv.ed ·... · · ·· .. ·:. ": .. · _..
:xception:. Th~re' . is no· rigl}t of. preliminary 1. failure- to claim .it betore the accused pleaded
,yestigatl.on' ,un=der Ru!~: ~ :i 2; · S.ei-ctiori.: 6;, when: a · ·. ·. (Pe'8pfev, Marque?,· ($.R.- No; L'",2°3.~5.4,.Ma ref)_·._.
ierson _is.. J~~uo·y .arrested 'iti(h.out e: w?rrant; . -:·29 1969)· . · ·. ·. . .. · .. · :- . · ,.::.- ·,- -:
iowever, the ·. person arrestedshelt b~ ·$ub)ect to'. ·2_. . !-:1,i~ ~.i!,enc'e (f'ilapil ,11. ·_$an(l~ganbay~n;-_.~.~~-.'· ·
1quest proceedinqs (ROC,_ 'RUt.e;_112, S?.C. 6). : . · · 1019_78, Apfll.7, 1993v .' . . :7: : r, · · .·
· · 3 .. Failure to-request .it withln.5 tlays from.the trrrie.
nstances '.-Wf1en f>r.eliminary--l'nv~stigation:--May he learns ·9'f ttre. filiri'g al 'the ~ompi~fnt or-'
3e.o~irian9ed. by: the Accused;.,_· .. .' . . . . . : ·'inforina'tion; _. in' those· -tnstances where . the ..
.' .. ff· ~ . p~rS~(f,'.is arrested; ·_he'_.cah. -ask for a . .accused is la~ully_.~_rrestef _withqut: ·a:.warranf.
·.·. · ·_pr.eli.min?fy inv~stigati<:>n'J>efor'e. the· fiJi~g of tlie {Villarinv, People;·:G.R:.No. -17~289, August 31. ·
C~n,p.Laintr lnformatlon' but .he must sign a . : 20f1).. · · ·
··wai.yer· 'in accordance ,wi!b ~ Article 12? of the . . . ; . . . .
Revised P.enc1L'Code; or' · :. . '· .... : . . A?\. . · Right to -P,:elir~_h,ary. lnv.estigatipn ·1s ,~OT
' Af~er t~e filing_·of t~e :Information/ Co_rnplai~!~~-,-,:.~ Waiv~~=- . . :.. · ·,': · . ... . .-. : :. · · .. .:

· mvest1gat1pn (ROG, RULE 112,' Sec. ($). \··; y, ·

/J. · .·
. '.the a_CCU$ed ~ay,,"'."Wlln' 5 · the ,!l~·r.'.1f!e//~.h. 1. F~1lu~~ t,o. ~ppear·_b,ef<;>r.~- the. F3rose~_L!.lPJ~.~mng. ..
: ~e<'!mS:· :_~f --.,..its . f1l,mg . ask for· · prel!rrnn~r.y.1-: ~he· clanftc~tory, lie~n_ng ·or ':'~en s~_mmoned ·
'.' . . when the. nght was· mvo~ed ·atJ.he. start of the·
· CA G.R. "N· ·'130··644
· " · . :...· · : , '.: , ·... · · . • ·. ·. · .. · /;"~, t1.:,;••;.,,l ,,·.~_,;,•;.1t:f)r,p_~~,Ufll9
,. --~·- · ,. d•·::.· p·.
\L8rrarag~· ·, ·
_V. , ; . ·• ·. 0, . .' ,
,ur_p()se.s ofPre.l!ml~ary'.lnv.esbgc1t1o_n: ,.~f7,.'.- :.. ijtr=· •-...:.Matk./'f!j./3.!f 1998); ·or-.· ._ . ·.. · . . . .. , .· ·
I. : F?r ~he :Investigating Pro~ecu.t?-r·t9 ...1~.fe_rmr~e1f.rr__ l-l ~:; · -w~~n ,~ft1fc~l.(s~:(!.fil_~d .a~··ap.~licta.tion for bail .
·· a .crime -~as ..beten·coryim1tte~ (Mfflf?_~,cJp v., CAf;;,...;.1_ :·. and._wa'S!!ar,ra1gned 9ver h1s··obJ~9t1o~and· the.
· .· G.~. N_o. 1.0_9036, Ju_fy 5, 1995);~ I~<:""C·\;.,. .::::'< / l·}. acci.1sqd leie\iand ·that prelimi!lary 1nvestig~tion i
t: To_ protect. the)ic_cusedfrorn}.~h~pn·co_'_ ~Y.~-P~~ce,.- . r:,.\ . . . -be. c·~nd~cte·~.(Go ~- . 'CA" G..R .. Nr;,.·=: 101837, il
·, ~)(,and•;.b_ur~en of-d!;:!~n~.m~~~se~~ m ~~. ·'.,} :_ ·.·,.F~b,,~1
f.e>rmal. trial. unless. the re1fPl)1i~9l:.Pb,ab!.1\t.Y, ...of :. J . .
1~~2):·) .. · .. ·:· ·. _-·.. '_: ·: . .. . '
,.-,:m'f,,,.;.:~~1\~!>':'>~'•:-,;• . . ... , ... . .- . . . ...· .. ·.. . .. i .
. · hi~ gullt shall_ "have. be~m:{!rst asc~~~..?ed. in.[~·
'f._ ;~ Effecta.~~1~~';.t~:~of_P~elirriJ.nary l_r:i~~~t!gat!~n;' ._, .. !
... 'fatrly_.- l?um~ary. ·. proceed_1ng-""~Y.!]~\_p,(!lpete)jtf,·. ,··,:-t :rne
.~bsE:nc~-'0~a pr~1tm.1nary'inves:19.a_tton--does -~pt · :
officer ·(L(!desma ·v.. _.CA;.-G.ij.---:ffo. ''i,1:1321.f~, · ..,/ 1fTlpa1r_the·-valid1ty· of·ttie ·lnformat19n·,·o(-0ther:¥f!se· ·
Sap(eri'lbe,:05, 1!)9_7); .· . ·. ... ~ .c\ ·:· fj · ·. . f~f!!!,l'l~er.the. s'am·e defe.ctiye. It :does.. no~ a~ecl. tn~ ·
3. !_b secure .ttl~· innoc.~pt_13~ainst..h~¥-J~:ffiali<;lq.y~/ ~~'!~_illcti~~pf the-_ ~du'rt:ovedhe -<:ase<or _constitute a .
.. · and oppres~1ve pr.os~_cut1on .and- ,q1
,. fror:n ~n open -and pu.blic :accu~a1io~1.qf_ a( crl(r)e,. .
grouncf'for quash mg tt,e Information. (Budfongan,-J.r.
v. De .la Cruz, _Jr.-,. G.R, No.. 170288,' $epte[!ibef:22,
· from. lhe trouble,· expenses and- 'ahx~ty'.;of a. ·2006P· ·.·· · .· ,-·
p!,!b,11.c Jriai (Marie·-: .Calfo-C(aricl..a_c;J; G.R. :No. · .. : · · ·
. 191567, March 20, 10.13); : .. · lf:there · was· no;
i;freliminary· in.vestigatidn -and'.:tt,-e_;
J: . To protE!c.f ~he_ :Sti:lle fr9m ··hc1virig ,to_--:co_nduct accused .invites the attention of., the· court :·tc( its ·
·useless and-' :exp,ensiye · ·.tri;,i_ls· {Marcelo V. absence-before entering· 'his. plea, the· 0
... .
: V11fordon, G .R.· · N o.. ..-, 1· 73·"'81
v. ; . D ecem· 15 , · . coriduct·it o(nim.·and the·.ci:ise to - the , court s.o..
WfO). . . : . . .. . . . . .. . that the prelirriina,y inv_est_igatfon may:be c9~d4cteq,.
instead of outrightly- dismissing ttte litformation
P~elimfn~r.y -~hve~'tig~tlon:_ A ~ers·o,:1al .S.t~Jut9ry. . · (Larranaga ·v: -CA,• G.R:-No. 13()644,! ·13,
R_,ght-.. 1. • • • . • •. ;· • 1998). . . . . : · ...... · . ,' .. · ·. · · ·. ::, ,.' . . .·
fhe right to· p~elin'liriat,y inve~ogtati.on is a ·personai ·
;ight cove'recf b_y. statute .c:i_nd -may .be waiv.ed Remedies of. the Accus_ed W~e~ ~~-
axpres~ly · or~, :by ·. lmplicati,on.· · It· is f!Ot. mer_ely .. ln'(QStjgation Is Cqnducted: .. : ·. ·.. .~ · .. ' ' .. ·.
:,rocedural'buta·substatitive right included-in the dµe · 1. · Refuse. to enter a '-plea upon-.-arraignment- and
or-qce_ss. of laW. (.Go v. ·CA, ··'G.R.. No. 101837, . . qpJ¢~~ t~-futtner ,;>roceed[,:igs upon _s~ch groorid;
February 11, ·1992)... . . 2. · fr1sist or:q:1. prelimin·arY:[tivestjgation:. · · · ·
... : .. ·· . . ... 3. _'Fiie a c.ertiorari; if r~fused; . .. .
V\1hile µie· rig_ht i~. stat~tory rati'ie.r than constitutiqnai '4. Raise lac!< of preliminary- invest)gati6n as ·en:or
irj ·its· funr;lament,'. 'it fl>· a. component part of due · . on app~al (US v. '~a'nzuefa,·G.R. No.· t.Q1.72,
proces~ in ~rimihal justice: The right .to haye a .. Octobef 1, 1915); or ·, :
preliminary fnvestigation cond'ucted before . bein-g 5. File· for prohibition (Conde ·v. CF/; G.R; No.' L-
b_ound over tb trial tor' a criminal offense and hence, · 2123'6, Octobe'r 1, 19Z3).. ·. · ' ·


. . .
c··RlM.1 N.AL· ·PRO.C·EDU R·.E
~;um1111111;11!1Smamm1m1111iimP,m:1mmmaammll!IIIB: ..... m1S1ml!l!lllmlBm!l!lllllll ............. ~R!ll111111-..j
: . ~ ,v_::, I.

Note: As prenrntnary i)iyestigation is not par:t· of the ·3_. Such Qth~r officersas may be authorized by-fqWJ&
trtal..tbe dismissal ofthe case by the lnvestlqator.will such . ast . the .CqMEL.:EC; Ombudsin'an,· and·'.?'.:
not constitute double ·jeopardy ·(F(ores -v, . PCGG . . :' .. ··: .:.:--1~
Montemayor,·G.R:, No. 170'146, June 8, 201,1) and... . . . . .. . . ··· · ·. . . . . :·{:(~
will not bar the ·filjn·g of another· Complaint 'tor. the.. · .. Their :~uthor1ty to -conductpreflrnfnary invesligatio11;;(
same.offense, but if. re-fifel:t, the· accused is ·entitled · . sl1all include all crimes coqnizable by· the _pr0pet
. · tc.i another preliminary investigatioi-1. ·. . . . courtm their respective tefritorial lurisdiction. ' . ·.:'·.
. .. .. . : ·. . ·. . - . ·: . . . : . ·r:: . : . . ' .r~·
: The : conduct bf•.
preliminary '.· investig~tion.. Offe·~s~$ ·F~lling .the ·orl~inal Ju~isdi~tlo-·~·,
. proceedlnqs ..:....:_ whether by the. Ombudsmanor t;y a
publlc prosecutor .~ is !)eared -, ~nty~to··_determ(ne .
.: oi · )~~-; .
San£!~ga_n~'ay.~n:. · _Th_~ _. :?re!i~in~i"f
·.thvestigation of. cases,falhng under1he.1unsd1ctioh of...
whether or. not probable cause exists . to h'old an the S.andiganl)ayan·.'.· t:>ei .' conducted th~~ in
ac¢used-(t:!spon~eri~ for trial for the .supposed crime manner prescrlbed. in .Rul~ -1 ·12;-,S~ction ..3 · of .'the.'.'
.. t~at, he committed. The. yal[dify . and nie~~. _of ·~: . RQC. ·. U.po~ · the J~ftmin~.~or:-i. _qt: t~·~·. preiliinfn~l:Y·.i
• . p~rty's_ defense . or acclisauon;_ .as ·well,. as the jnv~§ltigatjon, th_~. investigating QfJfi;;~r.s~all ,forward.
a~missibi!ity of t~stlmonle.s and evidence, ar~rl;>ett~r. . : the ret:ords qt the. case. togeth~r. wit_t:,.his ·resolution.:-
. ventilated during.trial proper thar:i .at the pr~li.miiiary . · to th~. qesigriated:: ~uth.q~ilif?s .for·th~ir. appropriate ;
investigation level (PCGG v; ·Navarro~Gutierrez, .. : .actfo·n thereon (Roles of P.rocediir~·of the Office of.
· G:R~ No_: ,194159, o~~?ker 21, ~()~~).. . ... "~~:~~'~-~~dsmarz; Rule 2j Se~: 4):. .. · : .. ·. :. . . ·:.:

D_ue' Pr.o~ss of-.1.iw ·Q~rr1ar:i~s !h~t ·:~~-~~~f~gti°af\j -~~7~:j~~9{~~~~~ ·~·. ay:b_~_fiie·~·~Qdn6_C.?i11-~laint_.1 j

.ar:o~.r1c;1men~. of _an .Information ·n:',Jys~
8~!Jl!.\~Q==~ay.;~e.}l1.sm1s:~~_\f,ll~Qut ·th~ 'Nntten a~thont~ ?r·.-'
:,':'1tro.~t C?l_1.?uctmg ar)Other. or. 7-'~~.e~)J:~nary~.~.ppro'lfa{9~.!b!J:i~budsman ca~es .falhr:ig w1th1~ ... _ m
mves~1gatr9n_(Jvf<3.ta/am v. ~andr,an'b~YJ.%'?'.;Gft.;::fl<{cr:="'- ~~. tlie'-'it;1cJ§cli~!P..n_- o,(,~e.Sanc(ig!Jnbayari, ·of. the· ot. *
16.5751, April 12, __ 2005). . . '.f ~j /('.
· :.._.· . ; , . .. . ·· ·. _. ._if.· . :,'tf, >- .y . . '
f.. . . ,·
.$.;, .'P,fbped\epu~:~o;ib.u~ma.ri.lriallot!'ter·ca~~.s (Rules. .'
·~Jl'; · "6f<Procefufe..ot.<t!).e.,.Otq_ce·.oflhe Ombudsman,.Rufe·;;
f=)reh~mary lnvesb_~at_!~!:',;;.,~rel1mlr1l~ry .c:: ';. ,2,. Seg,_$j..-.··:· \\ \);.•.t. ~ ..-; · .. · . - ·. · .: .··. .. ·::
, . .. · E:icam•r:ic!~f~:,.-,. · . - •· J. '--·\~~ u· · . ,_.. · .• .· '.
. · . · . · . · · f! ""'·~: . . · .• . . ·'""'~(r'~·~ of
r-{'.Affii;c;rj~y- th~ OmbdkJsman · ,. . .: . · ··

~fillli/!4'1'6e P.OV1fl~lh~OmffMsman)omak_e inv~s~gati~ri->i
,.J;-C,·eit~~t;ld§ !l~{ahnllegal .Or OIT!iSsion Of any_ pu~itC . t;
~~b ·..the ·same is ·commltt~ 'in . ·'h
. . ... . . .. ~-~-~- i!ll~.,~. . ...
· ,:o ascertain wJ,e.ther the To\\d.etenntne·~r:Q..
:--:'-' ~ : ..
. ..
~<1!;~,~ff~fJp, nis t4'!fice: \'is however. does.pot include ;.'].:
:~~ iaj.Stratiy.ti~~ses!fif o~urt')'elbecaust;l thEY. ,,r
··.... alleged, offender ·s~ould cau!~ for· tfle rs~?. ., ·~~1 87\~on;titutionefclusively.v.ests iA the Supref1!e ·J;
.. pe. _held for.. tl'iat, . to be of a -~~rant ot~~est§ · IEN1:§;)i~~tfi.i_nistr~tJ¥.e·~upervision _over au ,court~ an?. :}
.. ~UbJ~cted. , . to.; -t'1e · • · ,. _/"o'~'-c--~£9:Ui:t.9..e.rso,A'Mlf(Caoib_es v: Otnbudsman; <;;.R. No. , ,:i
. ·expen~. . rigors. a~d . . : ~,~:~->r),; . . 1 ~!:(r..).J..a1ytli9,--:2001).. . •. . . . . .. · ·_. . . . . . . . .. ::..
~~ba.rrassment _of tr1a1.
. _or. if. t~e.offender 1s to be

. ~, l--.J _ lvf.P\.t1-;;-~E-_·. ;. . . _ .· , :. _. _ ·, _.
: -~~~ ~=;;:,;:;J~1~~t thefonqtipn·of_tfi~ Offr~~:9ttlie Qmbudsma!:1 · '.J>:
. __ :;
. releaseq · . to rule on the gur(t o.r 1l1!1dcenq3 of-the:aocused .. lts ,'!
· ·, function is· to weigh the e11id.~hcep·resented together · f;
. with.' ttie · counter:a11e.9a.t.ions· of thEf accused· ·and : jt
_determine,if_there wa_senough reaso"! to.believe that <t;
a crime has been cominitt~d and· that the accused - ..i~
·.. are prpba.t>i'y guiity ·.thereof. (Ganibe . ·_oFfice of-tfJe · v. Y
. Ombudsman,·.-G.Ft· '!Jos, . 21201-4"15, .. 2-1tf2f-:2B,·, · f
.. 21_269.4-9_5,, 2J27~1·9.5,·: 213477~7-8, 2J3??2-3;3, ··.)'@
213536-37 &·218744.-59; Der;;ectiber 06, 20'16) . .- ·· : .-:,,..,
.. ·. . . . . .· . . . ~. . . : . . - .- . . . . . . . .. : . . -';, .
(RIAN_O, suprjJ at 190). ··~ . ·· .... ·. .,·, ..
Ombuds·man's -~qi)s~ic,tioi1 ·in P_r~lin:ilnaty
.'SECTION 2.: OFFICERS AUTHORIZ~D TO· ~rr,;,es~1QatiOn -. _ .· -~ :-
CO.NDU~T PR~LIMINARY INVESTIGATION 1. · '·lt : : the .. ·preliminary ir:we'stigation ;hall · · be
' . . . condu'cted . for . a cnme cognizabre '• in
Persons: Authorized to Conduct' a Prelif11lnary· Sandiganbayan,·the On:ibµ~sman· has· primary
·investigation:. {PCANRO) . Jt.triidlct1011. Thus,' the Ombud$.man can
1:. frovincial or. ~ity prosecu~ors · and· . their ·over . 'any preliminary• .. (nvestig~tion .. ',being .
· Assistants· . · ·. · ·· · .' pe_i:torme_din such .mariner;
2. . National a~d .Begiorial state pr~se:cutors;_ and


· .·cR-IM]:N,A:L.':PROCE·ou:-R·,E.
.. SAN 8£.DA.ll.lW-CENTRAUZE~ BAR ()_PE:R4'TION$ -··Mf'MORY·AID ~0.1_9..

2. If the preliminary inve~f.ig~tion Is conducted for a . or. any penalty the service. of which would
crime cognizable in. 'any court other than the amount · to : removal from office because by
Sandlganbayan, .the Ombudsman only has. constltuttonal .. mandate,· il:iey··· can: 'only: be
· -concurrent" jurisdiction. · Thus, . if .. the. : . .remcved. from, office -on. impeachment for, 'and
.. Departn:,~nt of. Jusnce is ~I ready perfcirm!ng-t_he. - . '· · ccnvlctiori : .9f, . . culpable .. violation.. of · the.
. preliminary irivestigation, . the ·. Ombudsman . . Constitution, .. treason, . bribery, . ·:graft: ·and ·.
·· . cannot take· oY~r :the· irrvestigatipn (Uy., v. . corruption, other :high' 'crimes, ·or· betrayal of
· Sandiganbaya.o. G.R Mos. 1059()5;70,· M.aieh. ·· ·
_2(), 2001); or · · · · · ·· · ·. ' · ..
. p~~lic trust {CONST,,_;Ari: sa,
See. 2). ·.

2. Tb. prosecute public, o~ ernpfoyees who :.

3. if preliminary. jrivestiga~i~n.Js · fini°shed. ahd. tn~ have- committed· -e_tection offenses. (Biraogo v,
case-ls fi'red ln., court; the Ombudsman now· has -.- · Phif.:·.-rruth' Commission of' ·2.01.0;' GR. "No .
. , e)(~lusive jurisd.icti<'Efcase,: : 1-92935, 'Dei:;,ember 7.; 2Q1.0); and .

Gui~e;;nes ·t~ Be.: 6~s~~~~: lo :th~ iln~esti~·au~n . . : 3.. : T~ ~,~:·a~ ln;~~~~tio;~~;~fl .~ff~A.Sen'ot.'i~v~;Ving ..
and Prosecution ·of. Cases·· :~gi,iinst ·. Pubnc: ·'ficersiemployee~·(R.A 677o;·~e.c. 15). ·
Officers'anc:I Empl~yees:.. · . ·· .. ' , .. : i , . . . . . .. . · . . -~. . .
1. Prehrninary investiga~i.on·:. and prosecution of A1,#h<;>riti of the ·PC_9G . : . , . · ": · .
offenses · .commltted · by$ publlc ·<;>fficers and, . The- POGG: · has the ;·-power to· investigate -and
employees: _in'.
[el~tr~ii ·to offi~e'. .... W.h¢ther.: _;..·",: · · prbsecufo. s'uch i1J-::9ot.ten. w~alth cases· of {prmer·
c~~izahle py th'e San<;figanbayan olth~ r_egu}&\(/;t{.. ·President Mar~osi-his··relatives ~fnd .associat'.es. 'and ·
. cci4fts, -and .. wtie.ther filed with)he Offiye. of{lt\~),,-:~:-. gra~. arid·: ·corropt-. prac~c;es·. cases that: may' ~- . ·
. Ombudsman or with the Office oflhe;.P.rovirj,c;:jijf/1.·M.!'-'\1 assigned by:ffie. President .to the PCGG:to 0!3- filed
City P.r~s:icutor. shaU b~ under t~e''. :..f J_wi.t~.:·tn·e,_Sp,~d(g_~n_baya'n . (Crl!Z:· v:- .:cA: G.R:, N_o:.' .·
_supervision of ~e .off,c!;! of.~he 9~bt.J.~~s~a~{;;'··i' iiti~?J§~/}/fffJ.tirp_9ry-26,1·9..91).· _· ~ .: _· ·--: .
. . ,. 7'' ~ ..
..........._'}}, . . . ., .
~. Li~les~ the.Qrnb~dsrilan 'under i!~rs;#fi]iuti.~P~-7;·,yk ·-~~~~~~iiy ~f~p~~LEb: . · .:_· ··. · .. ·'-. . .. ·
m~i:,c;late fincls. re.a!,Qn, to. behey.~x~Jhei:w!~~,:-:-·!'1 !~: UndEir th~/P(~;i~r,itlaw, the COM~LE;C-and .dther i
offen$es no! in .relation . J9~C?ffic,~~/.and . tJ . · pro.s.ed.itigg'~ni'li> pf. the· gove~nm~nt, such as the i'
c_ognizable by the regul~.!"3./edurts\sfi'atl,. b~, f,:>, boJ, nof,i.. e;~~i"ci\~.coricurrent j1,1risd),ction in the·
investig~te~ and prose9,q~~f by~J~/~;f)ffice..o'l'.\. lf:r.Jl · !nve,stf~.~i9_n1~11.d ~f~S~_cutJon of ~te~tion. off~n~el?·· · i.
the·.Prqvmc1all_ CJtr_P~o~.~~otof,t1WJi~ch. st,-?~. .~,1 (R.A~9!·'i9.!~f;;;;~q;~$f3).. , . . , !
thereon . with fmahty
.. ,
"-'.-. .. ,,,,,..,.._.!'!
' ":_-...": -~~·lJH~
,..JY... },,;f
tt{f , • "..!(f.·~'.-. , •.,;~.,, • .
- -;--..:i:.;J.•_.-· ·
.. .. • . •
, · , ' I
.,. . . · : . .. . . · · ,.,~;;r~r\· . ¥· If) ln_~tead. of..~-'':'lE:re_ ~eleg_a~~<:I a~~-?cit}'., th_e othe~ !

3. Preparation of ct1mmal ln(or.matlpg ·sha!j ;be.the, . · f / •..,.....pr8sec!Jtio._g_.a~s of-..t!'l~ 9overnment, · such: as {he· .
responsibility of the investigating\,_offjber;·~ho ,,...c ,,f'·'··~'CP.~;;-,i~.o~ eterbise coi:rcurre!\t Juris<;!ictiqrj_ .with the, ,
·cenduc~e~J. . th~ ... · prelimtn~ry-~;I2,.vestr~~~~l'i~.....;Ji~~-qfv!_'E~~&.to ·conduct _prelimiriary-inv,esti~ation ·gf a.11:·
Resolution~ , r~corno'H3ridu:i_g ·. \p{o_si1~1on :~ . -elect.ion off.ens13~~.fl<;l)o.'pw\S,ecute.the sc:1rne (Arroyo·.
. . ~ogether with.. the duly' acc.ornphsri~~'>:-.~f!..,mJnal· · v .. DOJ.,. GR:'No .. J9f}082; .July 23, 2,01.3),.
, . Information ~ ., shc:111 .. • ~~. ·: to~a.rde~ · _::..,~ · ·the. . .. · · ·· · · ·· .. · ·
appropriate .approving,authority. ·.. . · ·:,· ':. · · .· . _Effects:. . 9f ·. an· .fn'~ofiiple\;_ j:,r~.ff~ln_ary/.
4 .. Censio~~~~- that:·t~e··bmce ~f. t~e:.~~;;ud:~~h..
has jlirr~diction.'· over . ·publjc ·. officers,._. ~rr~ ..
f~~Y~f?}~:~\~~t-.· ·warrant
. ;
·the· qu~~-b~I . t-~~: :,
'1nfon:n~tiorj (Budiongan, .Jr ..' 'v:.. be· fa Cruz/'.Jr.,
emproyee;i and 'Jar ·effectiv.e' rnonitorihgrnf all G.R: .No:. 1.7b288, SeptE;lfllJet 22, 20(!6). · . --. -
lnvestigati'ons and prpsecUtiOO$ . pf' cases··-·· '.2 •. {~-does·.not affoct th~.Couct'.s jurisdlcl_!O.IJ.. Or. the
involving'· pi,iblic offi'cerii · and · empfciyees~ the . · ·_,validity: -of . the )nfoi'mation .. (Rodis' · · v.
Office of 'the· 'Provinciali 'City' Pro~recLito{ shall ·. . ··~Sahaigqnbayan, G'.'R. Nos;·71404-.09,. October
submit to 'the Qffice of.:·thEf .-Omptidsi:na-n·.~· 26, 1988),· ·: ·· . ·· . ': . . .. · . .
.'. monthly - list'. of 'C'O!TIPl~ints . fil$d :··witn:~·their. \ ·. ' .. · ? .. .. . ... · ., ·
.respective offices .. against' 'pwllli.c .:offiters:'and N.~te~ ·Jtie, CO!JI) :can· C~!JJ.1;>!!1 .. tt)e ''F~ri;>s~Clltci'r. ~y.
employees. · (B.usiu;go .. v.... Office ·d{ .' ·the, . manqarrius to co.nd·uc\a l?relim.inacy investigation
Ofribi:Jdsmari .Mindanao; · GJR. ·'No .. : 196842; . · . . · as . i~ is his minist~rial·. duty: Howeve~. the. cdurt
· October g;. 2013j: · · ·· · · · cahnot compelJtJ~ P.rosecutor by mandamus·.in the
. de~er:minat.ion ·.. probable . ca'use . dudrrg . a
The Orribu~sman DOES: NOT Have'the'F~iloWjng 'p(eliminary. irivestigatio'n as_
th}if is' his discretfon:ary
PQwers: . . . . .. . duty·· (Angchangco . v;: Ombudsman, G.R, ·No:··
1. To· prosecuttf before the.· SM(!iganpayfin ;-any ·122728, Febr0tfry'·13, 1997). ·.. ·. ·
in:,peachable officers with. ijny offense. wl)ich
carries' With 'it 'the penalty :of rem.oval from office,


Ten $t~ps of the P"reli"minary .l~ves.tig~tio~ .
~ f • • ' • • ••

· 1: Filing of"the qomplainl accomp_anied··by th_e' .

· ··affidavits. and ·supporting documents· wtii<;:h ·
must be. executed under oath: . ,. .

-2. Within. 1 o, days the "filing·,· investiga.ting. officer · -. ·

shall 'elther dlsrnlss or issue subpoena. ·. ·.·. · ·

t .


8;. AQgriev~d· Pc:lr:tY· f~orr{th.e cie-;;

ttie ... :.. :
superior officer m~y.fil~' a petitiori·for review to
. . the bOJ. . ' .
•' .. ·
·~, ·fn_fqrn,ati"pr,}s·.ffjed in .~.o~'f1.ifthe~e is_ p~~able
cause: · ·. · · · · ··

... · . . l.. . .. ·.. . . - .•.

:10.· Ttte court will determlne .whether Jh.e_re · rs
"pjobable cause for the issuance tor the warrant
·of arrest (not technically part of Pl).


.;_.. ·
., :{
C·Rl:M lNAL· · P·ROC.EP·'lJ:RiE.·.
. · sAN.BEDA· '!':w·cEN.TRALl!ED.BAR.·oPEAA,t,oNs-. ~EMORY AtP 20,:9:.

. Nth '*' M;·

IA i1
Note: Uncouhseled··· ·.c~nfession . m~de· -during Cl.ty Prosecutor or chi·et. state prosecutor; or . the
.prefi,:n1n.a.ry 'tnvestiqation }s , admis'sible· . since Onibud~man orhis deputy.
accused. is not under custodial investigation (Pf1ep/e . .. . . . . ~ ., , .
v.-.Omilig;·.G.R.No. 206296, August 12, 2015).. . - _· . NoJe.: lnformation fifed by,the-AGP.of ~akati'City is
• .· '. . ·. . . . . . .. ' • ,' . ·• i• •. void .w.her!=)there·.was .no i:>.rior.written authority. trom:

IS· the·\~spo{ld~nfin·a· preliminary inves.t'igati~~ . the .: City Prosecutor, .even ' if. the ... lnfermation
entitled to btHurolshed with the counter-affldavlt · .: contained a -certltlcatlon that· the ACP. had prior
·. of his co-respond«in~s?.· . · . · ... .'... . · .. · ". ·· ·. ·. · · · w.ritt~n.authorifyfroni'the CP (Q.uisay·v •People, G:R.
No. Both the 'Revised' Rules of Criminal Procedure N.b'. 'J16J2<i, Januar.j;t'.13,:20.16).' . . · .· .· ··
and, the ·RiJles-.-ot:Prodedure: .of the· Office.of the· · ': : .. . ·· , .. •,·· . .. ·
. Ombudsman- requlre' 'the _jnyestigatinQ_ .'officer . .to =. Effett$ of ·exclusion of.Other'Peraona.frorrithe
_-. ft,lr'nii,¢ respon1:fenty.ith copies o[Jhe.affid.avits of . .· ·~nforination:: .> • • .". • : • •• • • · . · •

· the,. complainant. and" affidavits' ~f his' i,iJppoi:ting: .· 1.· lf.'durlng. the· trtat; .e_t,idence is 'shown that' Stich
·. witnesses,' .Nelther _of ·t.hese .Rules .reqofr~ 'the .v-" ·• ·persons.sho.uld.have·beeh charged, the fact that :
inv~sti~atinQ officer- \q.;fum,is~ -the' _respbrid~.nt' wi_th: . .,... t!iey .were nor .included in. the Inform ati.on does.
·copies of the affidavits of:, The· .. · riot._relieve.fh~m of c.riminal_ liability,. and th~y car:i
right qf'. the: respdndel)t is·:.only.· "to' :exan{ine· the· .. : b~-slibs·equ~ntly'<;:1,-\t~d:)t_jsnot a JTi'cid.eof
. · evidence submitted:· by : the - c.ompl.alriant,". ·as · .. e;xfirrguis~ingcrim·i~al·ffability:(REV/SEQ 'l~E(Y~L
·inc'preSsty .stated-.·in· S\eC. ~3 '·(b)~ .. R~I~ ·_1,1.2 ·Of. .the . . · \ .'· .coq~ Art: 89);• · · :. . ·. . .. . . .
Revi~eq Rules of ~ti~lnai P·ro_cecfureana,.wi:,e(~ ~e Ji?~ : ~:: ·.Tfle. who has bE1en . ?h_arged :"'ith· ttie
~seal. ~ets ·-~ · he~,rin~ :_.to_ propou_n9 clanfit;~t9,~:,,, · offense:1s·_ mit all_ow~d .to escape punts!'lment, .
questions· \o · the ·p;:i~ies·· br ·.thei_r· wi~~ss~s.·.10:~.~{f!\:.. ~~ely b~c.ause.. it ·9-ey_elPPfir\ of .~e ·
. pffotded an opportunity to b~.prese.~t,t>.~l w1,tho4t;\h~t·!'.-:'.:ga . trial t_h.c1t thef~ were .o~h'er .QUiity ·
· · right·t? exam in~ or c~oss-examine {Estrada. v: <:/ffj9~µ t!;r:.....":". /M trf1'!t3.lU:~'.·v. .Abat!'zado, .C:i.R N~- l;-128[!7,
. Ombudsman,,: G.R. Nos. 212140,41, J~a~/V~:p.,,.1J!t:/f.e_Pr1/af}'lj5,J918); and ..... · .· ·. -..
. 21, 20,10): .· , . . . · - . - .. ,,...·-~t1t . 1-..!· t~: · 3 .. 1n:1_o"es\o"?.t viti,3.te·the·v~liditY. of the 1nfor~afiot1.
: . . . : · · . (';?'·' ~ . · ./}.dli: . . N.~Jther~f~'iJ.h~same:a. grou':1? for. a motio.n .to
.-: ~~~.1~·'.efb!o.:~~~jit;~ir~b;s.::r~~~~~\~t-~f?~.r,~~lll: -:: .:..-~u~~~IRf:{R:~f-.1.1,:·· ~!· . .. ·. . . ·
· prehmina.ry · mve$bgabor:i _ the,.:··_p'resen~,-~f~.~~~ ·
accusefJ:(or ~s !<>n~. a~,~i!J1:
f:,~ · .Effect :.1,tf.-1nt~r~~1on .. ls · Fl!~d by ·Off.1cer Npi.
wer~~-··lit{··· ~4tl)~rJ~ ~y.f.~~~ , '·. . .. . · . · .: : ·· : ·
.mad.e_. <;1nd an ppportu11~ty to c<2qt.rove·rt·t,t'l,e·'?V1d~Q@~. f,r·1 · Lack'l~f ~~P.1J~·Y1~.0W,'the_part. of t]le· fihf)g: officer
of' the complai.nc1n~ is. accordea',!2. hirp::;(¥,~,;cade!!;i,f~ : e'1 · pr~ve:ntsJ;.t~..:.:..CQllrt"frC?,acquirin:g
m· ove'r
. C~,_ _Q.R:-No .. 10903(,,, Julyp;- :19ptf{:,n~ . ,~-. )/ ·.·the c~~E;t::A~ iOfitmi.t(i~:th~f'n~l?fo:1ation! such.a~ ·lack
. ... · . .
· • · . ·.. . . , ·. . _ ~: ,, .' .. '[,'} '· '... _ · :~~-9.if.lutl'lpn!yophe·<;>fflc~r s1.9rn11g 1t, .c.annot·be c~~ed .
. SECTIO~ . 4;. Rl;SOlU;noN · OF INVl:l>!J.GATING · , .;ir~:1·,.1;?,Y11.:f:Sj!~g.g~,\;9cqu1~sce9c~•. o~ . even. by.· e><pre~s . ~;
.· 'PROS_ECUTOR AN~ ITS REVIEW . {l.:. ·.,'-""1}:~·.ti.lJ!!.cdnsent:(f.~bp/e, v. Gartin, _G.R: No., .1,53'.176;._March
.· ,: . _ . ... · :· · · . · ·. . . : \i.:r c'r.JJ' ·. 29, 29p4).. .
. Wthe inve.sti.gatihg' P.r~ise·cutor finds pro·6'~1~ faus.e ···
. 't9. hold the·r,~sp6,:,de[lt:for:_trial~.h~ shall pripafetl1ef : Unc!er Ruled 17, ·.sec. 3.. (d), the accused;rnay·rrrove .
. r¢soh,1ti9n.and lnf~rm<;'ltion, · ·· · > · ... · ' . . .: ·.
fo~qupsh-th~ Complaint or lpformatiori on the gr9und
thaf.the .. officer .who ·filed. -ttie-· Information had :rio
· <::nnte.n(s· of <;:e:rtlfic.~ti~.n ·• · 'ot . Pt~tffn'1~~ry _, a1;1thority1;todo s'o.. ··.: . .
.· . .
. : ' .... .
.. l!lvestigatl_on: ·. ·' .. - .. '· ·.. . .· . ' . ' .. -·!:·

' ,:t,e ii;i.vestigating'.:pfficer.shall :.Certify unde'r' oath. in . tietermlnntion· -of '-'Assistant· Fiscal: or .·state Information that· · ' · . · ·' · ; ·. ·. · . . . , . : Prosec1,itor:·:- :[he· 'tleterrnfnafion : ·rnade. by . the
~r. as.
· 1 :. :- · 1:1~ ki13· -~uth«;>ii'i~·d_~of!icer, ~~'o~n . RY. ihe. a$sistimt fiscal.or sfate ·pro-secutpr· in: his reso.lutioh
· , re.cord, per~on,;1lly ~.x::imil)1:1d ·th.if ..cor:nplain~nt is :at b~st (e.ciomin~ndatory, .. their· fir]dings rriay he_
. . .. . . a.nd hi.s,;· ... , . · · .. , .- · . . · reversed or modifje_d._by.the .Provin~iaL·or.City fiscal.· ·
2.·. There is· ·re~$oi:lab1e· .gro.un~ .to· believe ·:111at·.a
. ' .· . ·. . . . ..

· crjm_e: has.. beeri c.fl.,:nmitted l:lnd th~ .?~cused .is . . ·v.J.h~r~·. the ·j~v~~~gatihg' Pro~~~UlO/" ·~~com~ei,ds
... Pfbbl:lbly·gu_lity th~r.~of;. . . · . · .:. . ;.·.... - · . · · the· ~rsmi~sal. ,ot. t11_e:...· b.wt hi~ .findings: are
. 3:' The;.a.ccused. was infon_:ned.of_the'Cc;,mplaint'and . reversed by the .Provi.hcial or City Prosecutor on Hie·
· of the evide.nce ag~inst him; ·and . · . gr.pµnd ti\at a pi'Obabl~ caas!3 e·xists, the. Provindal
. 4. · He · was . .'giv~n an opportunity· to ·. submit or ~ity .Prosecuto.r·may himself tile or direct another
.. controverffng.evidence. . . .
·. . . . ... . . . assistar)'t :·Pr9sec.u~o.r to file·· the · co'rresponding ·
lofomiatidn, 'with our: m~ed· ·of· .another .. p'reli(llinary
:Na. 'Complaint o:r '1nfqn:nation ·may ·be''· filed. or ·investlgaticirf
. (RtANO,
. :~upr:a ·at . ·184).
dismissM by an ·1iivestigatirig Pro.secutoi without Uie · . '. .
prior writ~en a_uthority or of the 'Pr~vJn9ial or


Appec_1! to ·the. Secr~tary.of .J ustlce ·
. :
. .

. • . A
. M
Forthermor-e; ailowing the DOJ' to -tak·e co~nizanc~. ·!!
. ii:

An _aggr!eved party. may ·appeal by'filing_.a·_verified ofthe appealon the resolution doesnot undermlrie,-:·J"'
:petition for review-with the Secretary of Justlce, and. the:ir.idependence. and'integrity \)f-th~_court where .·?l
· by furnis_hing copies there<?,fto the ~~verse pi::rr_!Yand · the lnfo"(matroo::. has . been filed. ·. The ·.real ·-~nd ·. -;.:;t.i
the Prosecution. Office . .issuing the· ·appealed .utttmatetest of the independence. and in~·egrity of ..
'resolution (DQJ.Circ.uli/r-No_. 70-.dated-.July_·3; 2000, · 'thts court is not t~E(fi!ing ·of thernotions to' suspend,<
Sec. 4). · · ""· .... · :, .· proceedinqs,and· to defer a!raignment-at.thar~tag~·
· ··· · · of -the proceedinqs 'but -the filing ·of-'a motion fo,,:
The. appeal sh~ri 'i,~ . _taKe~-i-ithi_n '1s :·ci_ays_.from dlsmiss.or to-withdraw theInformation.on the basht7-
. . . receipt of the resolutlon, o_r .of the ."<;fenial· of· ~he··. . · ... ·. of a resolution of the.petition for review. reven~ir\gthe:
· motionfor reconsideration· or-. rel~vestigati9n.. _if.9he appealed resolution (Id.), . · .'- . · . · · · · , ·.: . · . · ·.: ·
has been fi1e·d-with1Fi·1·s daysfrom receipt of the· .. . . . . ' ·. ·.·,·: .. · ,· ·.:·.-..:~
assaited resolutlon. . :9-n1yv ·. :bne, . ,m.?~iq!'l· for Guidelines· when the-. Petition. for'. R_eview·Was·.:~'
reconsideration shall be· all_oy,1ed,(DOJ Circ.ulw.No. ·g.rant~d by ttie·ooJ, .. · · · ., ·· :_:· ~· . . . .. -.' . ::\·'.'.~
70,· Sflq:.3) .. '. ·" · · · .'· ·, · ·. -1-: .. _If th.e :~~se.i~ ·not_ye~·f,lle:q ir:t,.t~e-~9i,11i, th~ QOJ .')~:
· · · ·. ·. · 'can order tlie :Prosecutor-t9·.e1ther fll~· or refr:i:1J11.. ,,..,,.,
Unless. the'. S~cretar-y.dir~el~ ot!ietwil>~_.':(he app~al-.. ·. -: rr.orn. filing the' case, In ·.this .i_n~tf,ln~e•. the court.<::".{:'
shall not : hold· the ·filing .. of ·.the' co.rresponding .: . has ·-nb discretion on· the. ac\&: Pr:Qseputor . J
. Information ·In cci~rt _on the '.ba'si~.:~f th·e· .~n~ing of ·.·-""' . : ·(ROQ; Ru~e · 112, S~c. A): R~_~son:··.Th~=ffe.(S 119 ·\t:·
.Pr?.b.~qle. 1n ~h.e _appeal!~ re~olu~_:,;e_07J ~~~.t3 flied-in cou_rt.(C(e~pc;?-~ Mogul, _G;R_'. No.. L-_ "':)
C,rcufar Np . ._70, Sf!c. 9).. . . . .. ._.;.;ft.' :·, Cf. . \ . J~~f 5l;3~~e 30, .1Q87). .. . .· ···.• , -~
· :_ . . . . . ·. . . : . · .,f,9:,:'~. [-. ~- .
,:-he.i:lp~llant an.d the_tqal_ Pro~ec!J.J~ s~il!}epi~•f:"-:
-:,,,.,,;_;,:aq;~~·!fzth1cas~ is !3lrea~y 111~d i_n .CO!,lrt',. th~. DQJ ··i
. . -:-:<r-r:i.wst4'd~J\,the prosl:lclltor-tofile fo.r,a p~t1llon ~o · ·: {
. that; . p~ridin~. resoluti9n:· of:ir,!-fi{),:ap~~--~~-di°sfr1l\s.~1n,. t::{i:vt· -1:iowey_er; ,IU~hal_l. be i_n the .:-
. pF~ceedmgs· m ~ourt ?r~ h_el97•~t~· nC!3-(DOJ it -w.. _dis'b,feti'o1'r9J;thJ1\?urt_whether. or ~otto grant the-· -~J
.'. C,rcu/ar. N__g. ,7°:· Sec. 9/ .. _· If_ J....'x_YJ · ·/· , ]P) .!,~ j6~ ·peti\on 'l
. · · . ·u d.· d.~
tq ~ts'm.!st· (Robe.:fs, Jr. v. CA,: supra;
Orespo vJb~;,.u4 \G.R.No. L-53373,. June 30,
Note_: _Sec:9, p.:=ir. ,2,ofthe. ~!g__ cir.·~ 1flr al _irec1e r· l'·,~_,,98,~J. · -,~ ', ~ · ·. ·.. ·· . ':'~l
spec_ifical~y,~tt~e·app-!3_11ant ~nea1nalPrps~i~.t.%-JI--=~ ·-, ( ·, '?=..\ .· , .. ,. , · ... · . _ -. . --~! 1~ clio9~·. ~g afrfm~dy_(o_ ens~re~Jl.Sft~edij,s·
that the prOCeE:dlng.s In CO!JJ:.,~'{3~~e.ld·m·.a~~yan~~\Tir!lP.~l(e~oh,1Ji1"
of h_A..9..9.fje'\ P;':lrty· ·Ag~iP_st :the
, ,rj~j>f q,d~~i!.4~etary ·. . , ..···. . . · .. .
. 1-;loweve_r,'novm~re 1n the:-s~~d pr~~1to~~+j!.1=>ta~e-.,~-i...f~'l.-:"'~FW~ ~ypetftj~q,..w1dc.E:rtiora_fl_.\-J.l}.d~~Ru,1_!3 ~?on--. ~
that _the,. c;ourt ~-u_s~ h_ol<t.:ft~~),'\'.rpc~.~·d(l'9 ...s · -'~ 1 ,l,~;..- gr_21:ll'J! s otprave,~Juse.of dasc~~tlo~ r~su!tmg·to .')J
abeyance,_. Therefore,__ the ~srlr.et10~,:o~~~(>,Urtt_:ff,·i""'<~~ia'6_rc.,o'r ex9ess·c?f'Wri~diction:{D_e Lima. v. Rey~s; · :f1
'l.(hether ck not to ~uspend tli~_·proc~i~in~~~r~~..,. ./i4a~F?.. Ncy}20933q{Jt1rwar1,11,.2016); or-.· . · ,;'!
ln:ipJementation of ~~e: warranl+.~of: a~re5:!, -.-upo{1~-~~-2~~ing:/c1n. appefal be(or~ : thjil Offic~. of: tl)e ij
~oU~n of-th_e· appella~J or ~e~_:tnal p~~eG!,l!.ot:']El@P.r~sfti~t an~%e.a.~ci~ion_ofthe_l~tter may-be ·. ~
. rem~1ns unhindered ·(V1udez :/I lk~CA,:J"~9- . · ~tJer.=--- -~ppea1\icN:i~forethe CA pursuant to Rule 43 (De·
. 9 J 5 2009'1
152~8 ~- _une , .· .'-> .
.' . ·, · " u-r . .l\;H
; /l /',_,
~ -.:..,.,..., .....,,,"'=--....,,......,..- - ~ ,>- .,,., .
-,1J,,ci!.£Jl{ip'V.'. . S~CrE~tary oCJusfic~•. G.R.: ... _.o, : _]

·T ....,.,e Secre
· · 1ary=may.
· . ' . ·: · . . · : ~""~- _.;{, .
.._.....,..,,, . , --~\..!'!.1t932,
__..,,:::""" :· _Ja,:iuary, . 25,, . 2006) . . . .. · . . . · . . . . -~,.
:1. :. (?rde,:.for. the REtinvestigatio~ of the c~se. (OQj'~"~relali~n'to the Roberts,' ,Jt. case, .it -is :important to j
-C(rcc/ar No: 70,, .' 11)( · ·... . consider the existing re_l,evq_~tnjJel>:.' ... · ·:: ·.. · ·.. . J
·2. · ~ev~rse, : Modify ·or Affirm · the i;i'ppe~led. 1. . Where the Information was.:arrea'<fy.flle9 iri court - ;j
r.esolution (Sec. 12); · : · : · · . . · .. . . bat the acc1Jse.d·file.d a p~tit_ion:;for.r.eviey.,- qt:the -J
· 3.- Act c_:>l')·a Motior:i.for. Recons1deration/s_ec,· 13); ·findings of 'the'.investigating Prosec!-ltc:irswith·tlie.· ·· ::1
· . 4. . File the lnforma)!on.without CQ.nduct1ng,13noihet _ DOJ •. th~ court is·_ boµnd. to. sus·pen~ ·ttie ... ·?
P.r~lirl')inary·rnve_s.tigatiori.·('10Ci_RU1f!J:1:2; Sec.·. · arraj_goment-.qUhe_'accused for a_ peripA not ·: "l
4); or·: . · . . · · . · · · · · ·· : . . · exceeding 60 clays (ROG, RULF11.6,. Sec. 11 ); j
5 .. · Dismis's -the_ lhforril_atlon.filed tiy Prose·cutor 2. · lf an Information.has been filed in court P.UF~.u;:int..- .·:
.. (Commun_itiRural Bank-of_(!uimba v. T..~laV(!r;a, · ·: . to· the·_appeale.d'.reso!utiqn; ·a copy qf tt{e o:ioti~ri· . · :;
. A.M.po.R7:J.~05-19G9;April 6, 2005). · ·.. . ... fo ·defer. proceedings ,filed in:co!,.lrt must also . •':;
Note': Cre~p~ v. Mogµ/.-((3:ft No: L-_53373, june 30, accfompaf!Y the. petition (Op.I· (;irqplar',:.Jo;. 70,.-·. '.·;
Sec. 5, par. 3); and·.· ·. . : -~.;.'· ·, . . · ... · :,
1987) m~rely -the. D.O~.' to, ;1;1s· f1:1r .. as:
praGticable,. refrain froi:n entertain'ir-1g. ·:~-- petition for,. 3. If an Jnformation has been filed iii court.pursuant ,
review.or appeal from the-_acticin:of the-fiscal, when.- tb't~e 'c;1ppealed 'resolution, the petitjoii shall not
the Complaint or Information _has. already be.en filed be given due course ·if. the 'accused , had .. ~
in Court. The. matter should. be 'left.·e!'ltirely -for.. the a!r~ady ~een . an:aigned.- Any arraignmerit .. · :
determination of the court (Roberts, Jr. v. CA, G.R. ma(le after the fiU_ag"o( the· petruarj .shan ·not .oar. .
:No. 113930,·M~_rch 5, '1996t_ · th'e' -~~cr_etary·.of. J_µstice from e)(erclsinfJ. his
power of re'ili~yr(DOJ Ci~cular No_. !0, Sec. 7)'.


. . .
· SAN ewA· uw CFJ,JTRALtzeo
·.. SAR oPiRATJONS. - MEMOlrY . ·.. ·
. AID 2·0,9·· · the Ombudsritan: Tti.e.Om.budsmi,i°nhas· · thereof. In· fact; :the_ judge's personal examlnatlon pf.:·
he authority. tp· re.vetse or modify .the· resolution of the complainant andthe ~itnesses Is not rnandatcry
he officers 6fthe .Office dftlie Ombudsman. He may . and indlspensable "for determi.ning the aptness of . fhe officer concerned :either: . issuing a warrant of arrest .{Cicainpo v. ·Abando; G. R._.
I. . Tb f.lle ,the 'corresponding · lnforma"tioh' without No-. 176_830;f:.ebtuary 11; ·2014).: - . ·. . ·
'\ tori'ducting .another,pr~limin'aryirivestig~tion; or
2:- To '.di$miss: .6r· hiove· .. tor. dismissal of'. th~ It is eno~gh th~t the.judge .peirsq~~lly. ~vai~~.t~sJhe.
complafnt. or, lntorm~!ion ·with .~otice :to. the Prosecutor's report ··al'.l<;l - s.upporting documents'
· parties. ··. ·- showing· the existence 'of probable cause tor . the·
ind_icfm~n.tand.on lhE3 basis thereo], Issueawarrant
Nl'lere t.o·Appea1·Oecisions·of the· Ombudsman of arrest; oi'-i.f, on the basis of bts.evaliiatton.he finds· · ·
t. When ·u;e· crlmlnal ·cases···or preiii:ninary·: no .probable cause, fo'di~regar~: the :Prosecuto{'s.
· investi9ati~n· the .Ombudsrnan is resolution and 'require the' subjnisslon · of additional · ·
., tainted .witli_.'grave abuseof .discretion, the.. ·-affida.v_it~ of witnesses·to aid him in dite:nninlng its ':
•appeal shotild-be: . . . . .. . . .. : .. existence (ii:J.j.: .·. . . ' . t " • •. •. . ·.,.. . ,. -

: ·:a .. gx~r~ordinar,y:remedy' pf 'cartlorari _under ·. -·· . .. . \ . . . ·. ·. . . . ,· .. ·. . .....

· -..·: ·Rule:65; and · . · . . . th;.Judge
1.f :flri~s pr~b~bre.''6a~1;>e,}le ~l~~II issue :~·· :·
· b. ·Filed in the Supreme Court (De Chevezv. .:··warrimt .. of.:arrest or
-.a ··committri'ent.·ofrierJf:the
· . Ombudsman,. G.R. 'Nos: 168830-31,. i accused-had alreaciybeeh.arrested ·pursuant to a
,F_ebruary· (j,. 2q~7.): . .. . . . . · ·' _.,./~;; : warta.~t· issued ::by: ~qe:.]~~~-~ ·. w_ho'. con'9_u~t~~-)h~
2. ~When-: the . declslon Qr. a.rders ·. of Jt;i_e,;r)J . :prelnrnnary investiqation or. when tr:~, qr
:- .Qmtsu~srrran . in _administrative disciplirjary/./'.'.>~.- lnfor:mation · _w~s fi!e:9 _pi.l~.S\Jant. to: Sec._ '6,l~OC, ·
meas~res is· q·ue.stione.d,tq~ ·appeal must,b_e;:-,,,,/,: .: ~ {•\ ·.RULE 112, Sec. ~). If the judge is :Satisfiedthat the~e.
a.~·. Petition for. Review l!nder ~ule 43; ana '1J i'· .>,...--, •.,. is~ no. necessity for· placing ·the ·accused under ··
b .. Fifed" iri ~he _CA' _(Ruivivar v: Ombug~rfia1t~~::i'{::cLil~#Y-..~~~f)llay ·-l~s~_!(,~_Utl)l"!:10r1,S inste~d of a
·. ·_G_.R. Nq_. }65~12;·S~pterµb"er)~jJJf)8~. :_. .rt·: tJ _w~rran:ofi#~f (Rqc,:RULE 1.12, s~_c. W. "
eo.nduct· Qf ~reljminary investlgatii~~,femov'~~:,::..·1~- N~te: In· ~di·t~,ast. to ._tliei' . abQve~cited rule, · the
from Judges O~.'First l;.e~el CourJl·i(A.Af;_µat05-. t-11 dete_rmi~~ifo~}ofhoba?le_'.callsefo~the "is~1,1~nce, of .
8~26J . . · : . , t:_ • ·.,,-:Jf.7 · :..r-..:J::,.- · ."' tA .. a sea~c~,war;ran\re1:.i_uir~sthat ~h~·1u_dge personally.
Jud~es of f1r~t· level .c?,,u.rts ~r~tfi-~rlont:!~J-~Uolf,(,edtg:" . ~~/·11 e)(a'22'.~t 1.~E:M-~~~Q_lamarit and : witness~s (Yon v.
conduct. prehmlna_l}' mves~,g~j\<:in '~fse·2-;";5i. qf.,---1!!-x. !_:.:~ · · ~eop/~~;;($1':~l'f</:C?,:~1:.fIE!!794,; 2015): ~ ·; ·
Rules of Court was de/et~ bY.-._.:..~·M.:f9_5-.;a,:i&s.q,1 -l'.;J . - .. · ·: :"''"1!1::!.~'t;,,r -,.·. ·. ,·,. · ' . .'', .· · .
Sib41a· v:-Toledo--Mupas, · AM~ Nfi!;::.M'P:1!.._Q,{-168§; tr ~eas.on_: In ·a_-;$earch 'Warrant; ther.e·is no previdus ~
June 1"?, 2008); · ·. ·, · . . · --~ ~ 1'.l: ·· · i/ ...~~elJminary · in\lestigatiQQ_ · co.ndµl::ted-· ·by . the
;. . ·. · . · · · . , .. · . . \\,.,;d,;.'f- . )1·_!,,.,!Jt9J in orcjer to -assist him· In· determining
SECTION 5. -WHEN_ WARR~NT OF ~ltREST}-:1~Y.t;:.-,,:;::'·':'·i§Ya~·SfulEY-c~use. · , .· ·. "·,.
ISSUE . . .. \.\M_'-·:f. · Four. !ns~ance~ .Cr;miri;I ~--P,rQ~;-~u-re-\vh~re.
Pr~>bable·c"ause _·. . . . .. Pi::obabhi'.~useOis-needed to.-b~ established:'. .
It .. has. . be_e~ . 'defined , as· ·. "such · .facts . and : .. 1-: . ' s·ec.. :1 . and··3 ..Qf Rule: 1'.12, by "ibe·· invesfigc:iting
circumsta·nces· which woul~ ·lead a·.· reasonably · · ciff.iciei::.·to.~eterinine whetlier·there i~ i=i sufficient
discreet 'and-prudent- man' to ·believe.thatan offense 'en.gender .a well-foun~~cfl?~lief ttia"fa .
has ., been 'GOl:Ilrtiitted' by . the pers.on Sought to: be c,rim~ has been·tominitted; . .' . . . . . . .
arrested" (Allad.o vi DiokntJ,.·G.R .. No. {13630; 'May· :2:' .. $ec .. 6 and g· of Rule' '1.:12,_:bY _ti_,e judge·, to ..
5,' 19g4; .. · · · ·. · · ·· ·· · . · determine ·.whether ·a sec;1rch wafrarit.shall. :be·
... · .. - .··,:-·;iss~ect;.' -. ,-.-._.- .. ·_··. ·. :: :.'. ··,· .·;_. ·· .. ::
Prol>abla 'cause. i~plies .l)rooability 9f guilt arid 3. $ec. 5(b) of Rule:.-113, by a .p.el;ice officer- or· ..
. req'uires. -more · than bare · susp.i_ci0.n but· 1.ess ·than.· privafe pers9i,·,. in: rnaklr:ig a :warrahtl.ess. ~rrest;
e~idence to justify a· convfotion; lf-n'eed·'not be b~sed-, and · · · · · ·
on clear·and 'cohvJ.Mcing evid.1:1iice :establishing the
guilt b.ey6hd:reaso'riable do(ll)t, and'. definitely not 'On S~c. ,4 : of· .~ulei .126; . by· ·the Jijdg~; : to .. :det~mii6~·.
ev:id¢n9e establishirtg ·absolut~ ·cefrtalnty· of g· w.hett,er a ·warrant of arrest or i:.cqll"imitr!i'eiif order;
(RIANq, ··supra at. 187.). ,: ·:. · if the accuse-d·has· alr~ady been)irr~sted;·shall be ·
!ssued '(RIANO, supra::a_t .f92). • . ." ·.
Although·., the: Coristitution ·pro_vides that probable
cause· shall· -be deteri:riiii.ed ·by ·the judge .after an:
exami~atfon untfer. oatt)'· or ar:i. affirmation of ttie
complainai:,t anti tt:ie:witnesses; we-have ruled ·that
a ···h_earing is not. necessary."for _the ·-determination·


-c~RlM i.1,tA·L· P. Ro:cEb.tJriE·:
. ~}~o·

,' ·. '• . ·.
· The executive· determination·of.probabJe. cause,fs · 'e~
. , ·. ·>:~
~... one made .durfng preliminary investigation::· It is· a .·j:~
· · . function .; that .p.roper1y .. pertains · .to , the ·, public ... f
.. :· · Within 10 . ' ·. Prosecutor. who is . given a broad · discretion to<'.J
days from:· .. ···- . determine ..whether: probable -cause .exists and to·.:.;;;,
:''tlling,{he . charge:.those whom
he believesto. h,av.e·,conim,itted.·){
. Judge must . . the crjmeas defined by law and thus should be held /J~
. 'pe'r~onally ... for trial. · ··· . ;· : ,,. · · ... . : · · · :'
. . ·: dete·rniin.e.the· · . . \: . . . .... · : : .. . . .
· . exiite1,1ce ·of. , Oth'erwi'se .stated, 'such official has the·qu~Sl-jUdidaf'· \.,
.. pr~bable .. ·. . . / authority to deterrnlne wheth~r or'not a crlmlnal case . ·. )?:
.... ·~· · .
.. qau~·e. , · ·. .
. .must be filed' in court. .
•• • • • ": .·:
·,. ·' · ·
••• • ....... ·,·
. ·. :, . · .')i»

· . · ·- • Whether-·that function.has.been correctly disctu;irged· -:.\(

:_ ·.·:··:· ,·'· •• :· •• •• J •• *
.. . . -.---.-.-.- : 'hy·the. public Prosecutor, i.e., ~·/~ether he rias made· \t·
·: Dismiss ·. ·. ·
case if.
: record·
· In caseof .
doubt; J.udge '. ·' . ·1t:::;;~t ·. .
. Issue .

.. . m~y ord~ .. · :·. ."c·om'·m··itine :

. · a correct ascertalnrnent of the existence of probable ·-!:J.~
cause lri acase, j~: a matter that 'the':trial'c'au'ri: ltse1(\t
does not ~n~
may not be compelled 'to pass upon··.)~
.· ctearly . · . Prosecutor·to ·. • . · ··· · · · . · · · .. .i
· ·. ,,-
. . , .. ·. .. , .. ·:. nt.Or~er)_JJ..,,. .-.-:...,·f.f.f!<J.FJ.le.,v. ·Castlflo, G.R. ~o .. 1,'71.188, Jun.e_ 19, i·
fail~ to.·: .. : p~esent, . .: . pmiofe" . "'2~}:~· . . ' .. ' . . ... .. . . . ',' !
establish: · · •. ·. ·additional '. -
;... bl 'd h. .
cat·i·e:.:· · ·. . ~-
· )fl.!
.• ~ ~. ' "- ~
I . _, ~: . . ', ·.
# '!~~~- · .. .
. · . . . ·. ; . · ·
· ' • · ·''
~roua . e · . ..ev1 e c~ ··· . 1>:. ~~x.~ S\•,·. • i:=-£=.:~ .,tucti~iaJ,cf~ernil.natioo o.f pro.bable c~use is };r
caw~~· · \v..~
w1t~(n 5 !;l,ay~. ·. .. .-· . oi:i~'lll_~ct( b,Y\,tt\e jud~e to-· ascertain .. whether. a :-:,~
. . . . - /. ';:·~ • . - . ·.1r=wamiot"-'Qf'l°"~m:est\sho1:1ld. be' issueQ. against the :1,:,
. . · . {-fD._.:'li.Y.t-_ · f-:. . 1t;; . "k,., . ..a.£Cuse"\}\~ju~e)!-i~s\ ~a~isfy 1:Ji'!'self,Jh~~ ~aseci .. ·{
·• • • • 1, · · r ·. .,H .j., 4'.i~·.Ji'Ji-.the v1de\C~-s~bcy11tted,'there.-1s necessity for ,.<;,.:
:c~,' · , 0
. . ,,~ placing·\. e· a_c,~~d)µ~d~rcustody in order n.ofto'. .. :.i
: · .
.. . .

·. · .
"':'1th in 30 9pys
filing of<?9p~laJ9\1°r ·
. lnfor,natih'1P.;~'i\rt. ..
. . . . Cl)USt ~so~~-~.:i~~~~--
. ~, ".'~--< ~ r-11,
k--~~~-(lf . .
, · ~ .• ,
.· . ~-<:"'"
:!~f: ff~slrate~the..erif.)~~Jll~ti~e:.'.lf t_tie judg~ fi(lds·n?. ·..:~
[ml ~p~o1tbl~caus_e,\l!iejµpt~ ~ni'l, i?·i.ssue · .. j
· · ~e arrest warrapt-;,:,,,(L!ef1ste v. Alam1eda, · G.FJ: No,: .
1026~,H·i·j)_ :ustlB -2ofoJ. · · ·.. :. · . .·
Note:.A~otio·r:i f~r judiciia,1·~3ti~tn~tjo~;.(.,~f8't5ab(]'. ;~ . ·-- · t'J.~ . ;,f~·~.J. . : ~. . . . ·. ~-:. ·. _:. : . ...
cause is a i:frohibifed m_?ti6\~-.and~alli~f.~i;IJ·· · ~Ji.!~' t,1d~/ m~y\~y.on t_he ~scal's·c~rtific~ti!'n .r..
qutright th~ scl'leduleli arraig'lmenf:~£1,·~ . ·. ''!.IJ~~~~-
he saf!le)s ,J1ot conc!us1~e en him ~he-· >·:
.. need of comment.<!ndlor oppos1tjon· (A."'t- No~)~~~0¥,~e c:,tf
wa_rr~a pf arr~st .calls·for. the ex~rc1se·:; f r
· · . . . · -~~. : . y"'~
10~s.c, $ubhead!og /~/,.itemno.?~··· .: "-, .(_.'5'~-q_t~}!.91c~iscre.tio
· a.nd'. for-tt)~t_P1:frl?dse, t~e Judge <.:(
m1s~1011 of.a~1dav1_ts of"."'1tnesses._':·;·t~
Determination of Probab/e~Gmfs·O/'l-~===to<'a1d~~f[!1'jlii($ the proper . co11clus1o_n, orhe :·:·
• _. • ·· .· •. ... ·.~ ~'ll ·! ·. 'i\11
t.m,a.Y•~Q_}iire'1tie~~cal t~ co~d~ct furt~er pr~limiriary·: ·;~
. ~.,.::·" ~~§,ti!ifalk>nor r':.1nvestigat1on: (Bqr!oogan v. P"!fi~'.·
·~ 'G,R. No .. -143591, November-23, 2007.),, ... . .
.· . ,.:,
. . . . ', : . . · . . . : . '. .. ·. . :.',.. . : ; . .-: . ;. .,· . /;J
D~termln.atlon , .of · p·robable. : Cause,.. · ·during·.,.'··
.. Pl'elimina'ry:,.inv~stigatiQn. Based. <>rt ·'Hear~ilY.''';17
. ·Evidence: Probable:cause.:oa·n'be'estabiisht::ci wiih ~ A~
. hearsay· eviden·c~.· as· lorig .as'
tl;l.ere. is .su\).stantiaJ . il
· -basis for. crediting the hearsay. Hearsay·eviderice is ·'\}
~qniissibie jn.- .deter~loi.n~.-.prot:,able' ill . a . :cause . i
prelimjnary Jnyestiga~ion be_c~u~e.,.s1:1ch inve-stigatio!1·. l
is rn~rely preliminary a11d qoes·n9t,fin1:1_lly' · -:p
right~ .. ~nd_: .. oblJg_ations... orpa_rtiE:i°s: .H.ow~v~~:- hi.~--,~
Wh~ther or. not thei-e ·is Whethet:or n~t a ·warrant ·adm~n,1strat1ve ca~~s; wfl~re._righ\s,.~n.d o.bhg~tion;s· ::i:;-
'.reasc:mable: ground . to of ~arre§t ·.'. should. . be ;ar'e finally: ·.adj,u~icated, .·.vyhat · is:. · r~Cjuire'd';-i~ .. ;;~''/:
. 'l:ielieve th~t the:a~cused .issue.d ·.against . ' the, · "~obstantial·,~\lidence.~ whidi ~rtnot. 'rest er:i.ti_tely or ,;.. {
is 'guilty of-tl'ie acpusecl. ' e.ven partia(ly ·on. hearsay evid~nce. · Substantial.:-:~?·
charged and should. be' . ·. . . . . basis 'is n9t. the same .-as substantial evidence .:!,'
held for trial ':. . . : ..
be?al,lse. · 51.1b~~l)tfaf. eyi<J.f.nce,.. e~c{ude~ ~earsay .. })
.. (Psople v. Andrade, G..R.' -No. 187000, .November _ ev1de.nce . )h'.h1fe·· substantial basis can ,u;iclude .: :-;:;
24, 2014). . · hear~ar ~yic!e.nce (Reyes.V: Ombudsman_; G ..R.. Nos; · '.J~
: 2.12593~.94, March 15,.-. 2016 citing Es(iada"_y. · '\:
. . . . . . ·.·.!J
. ... t
. :}
,' ::J
C-RlcMlN:A;L ·.p·R.OCEl)U.RE;
'*"* •·•a
.< MM Hi\&B ii
12'a,9· ·.
.,.,. .

'2015),.. '.
G.R. No~.'. 212:140°41, . Jenuery. ·2.1.
- . . . . .
Reinvestigation .of theProaecuter- . · · .. · · • ·,
Wh~~e an Information-was .file~ or~· warrant of arrest
, Issued . .pursuant: -. to · an ·:irregular. · -prellrninary
Outright 'Dlsmtssal: . .The absence' of probable : inyestigatioii, the aCCUS!,!d may file a moflon for
cause for the: lmmediate issuance ota warrant -of. . . rei.nvestigatidfl. ·~ But .once 'the : Cqmplaint ·.or ..
· 'arrest Is' not ·i. grotin,d:: tor·.. the\qu~shal·. of· tti°e. -Information' filed ·: in court. any' motion · 'for
Information but ls aqround for-the dismissal of the reinVestlgatkiri is addressed to the 'sound discretion
.case .under $1k 5 '(6), :~ule 112 which i.s W!t!jout : of the ·cpurt: .(L~i(ist~ 11::,;i.lam~da,.·; e,(al./G.F~: _f,Jo.
. ·prejudice. Th~ _trial court is mandated to irnmediately 1B26?7, August 3, · 2010). : ·.. : · . · ·.
dismiss .'the: case · up<fri (indir'lg that. no probable ' ·
cause. exists to· issue a warrant of~.anest and ·a~er. Not~:. A motion lo(r.~1nv~stiga,io~ is; a 'jjrol)ib.ited·
liavfng -evafuated the~re$blutiori· ohh_e.-:fis~I and: motion: .. ' ·· · ·
_SUP.Po.rting·. lf'iforrnatibn ·(People V. Sandiganbayah,. 1: . If the motion ls filed without·prlorJea;Ve of court; .
G.R. 'No .. 14?f1s59~J3~p(~ml>e.r,.29,- 2004):''."· ·.. . 7:· . When preli°qiinary irj_vestigation.' is ·~ot'r~quired .. •
.·.. . . . .. · .. · · ·. · ·. ;- . :.-;; : .. : under Sec.':8; Rµl~-.'112; and .:. - . ',:,.. : , .
If the judge-;i·determine prt>b~bfe . 3. · WMh toe 'regular .prelimlnary' fr1ve$figaticm ts .
to support th~.·iSStJance 9f a warrantof arrest,;_he . . re9uir,~d-.1=1~d j,as.beeh actually.¢oj19u_Ctl;l.di an~
may. Jf.l'.i.medJatelY:qismiss the . ¢ase· · (PAMARAN, : the..'grounds. rell~d _upon .. in the motiorj ar:e nqt
. 'sypra at234), .' . . - . rnef.Uorio(is;', suet{ . as. iSS!-1!3S pf ·0.cre.dibllity,
.. . . -~ : · · . . · ·.,:. .>"';· . ·aprn!~sibil,ity of· 1vicf·~nce; -i~r;H?C!3nce·: .of ttie'.
The consequence refusal of the,toN~\/)1 accused,. qr.: 'lack 9.f:,dl,ie process when the
pr~sen~ · additional · evidE1nce ... wf:len 'th~ j~elge,:/'.':'\:., ·ac;cused was- aptual!y,riotified, ,among others. · -
·.request~ suchv.,ro!.!td ~e·tAe·<;;.'..~ · .. ·. ·:, .. · .. '-~, ... ·. ·'.· .. :: '. . ,, .. _ ..
.there ls. 1ns.1,1~c1ent. evidence to ·find probable ca}ls.e1.• ·:, ,1,./~P-r~hrb1tea· rn~t1ons ,$hall· be demed ..~utr1gt)t. before.·
. in !he ·issuanC?e _of th'~ W,ji~ran_t of. arrest._ Th_e~~-Btioti,,;,..ty;:.J~)~he1tt!fl{:l~~~ignrnentwithou~ neeq '.of comment
·· to_~, or~er. thE: wosec1,1tor to - present.'.(.~(drtlop~!~. ,·'; · anq{o~~.r:~0p~~,~1J!on_ .(A.M. No.., . 15-..06-·10-s_C,.
ev1de~c~ 1s not mandatory. ThE: c;:ot.Jrt~jrst option ~s,!,1 }4 Subheadmg'i!{f item no. ?)-·
fo~ it t9 "ill'.llll~d.rat~ly:di~n:ijss t!ie. ~se V.:t!:f,1(~viden~1-·n,, .. _'. ·. J ,f t : .--: . : · ,. · ·
.-: on ·re~ord ._cle_arly,fa1t$ 19. esta~l.1sh •",: t;}. ·
_·: (ROG, _R __ ule _112; Sec.·.s;·Pe,(fJ!f:.e""v_.·.Dij·f.·~~orr~.· H' ~RRE_sr~o-r'lTf;!OU_T.WARRANT··,: ' ... .
Had_ao, .G:,R. No. 16?--1.44-54,{!f9Yr:Jm~ere:{~. 20!2):· \ b'l _ .· :::A J.. : _:_.~\ ::-, . . .. · -'·· . : · · . _ ·.
:: ' 1.: . :· ( . ' -;,}~!,?., ;-~';;.,."A . (,';.:;::,. . r;, lnqliest,n·1;1~';ijj!{.:i,;,,.w_ . ·. . . - .. , . ·.
~emedy,.Wher~: D_ismis_sa:1 ~~~·tw~~eJl;~pr1fptL~~;. 'I~) Ari· .l~.f9FM~!{!lrwfr:~\:i'mrti~ry :i~v~stigatfon.. c~ndu.c!ed
of. PrQb~ble: Cause: Suc,ti.cJ1~.m1ss~,,ls'·.~'fiq~l.ordjlr-, · ~'.'(· by-~· put?lr_<;: Pros~utor 1n, criminal ca~~s- 1nyolv1,0g .
.. . _?'rid is a _propf?r-·. s~~j~9t_ of _ah· i'!P.iJeMfjn_derj:~e.cti()n t:{..
,~,p~~~':ns.arrest_ed.and· ~eti;lined:withoiJ\th9. be:riefit of
... 1,·: ~ule 1.~- .(Cajlpe_, v•. Pe.qp/f:J,._ G8,·\~o.:::,20q6q~.._,.l\~~;_':',~~i?r'1!I';i;-.!=!.~~ of. _arr~s-~ 1~~ued: by· t~e .c.~~rt for the. .
. __ .April ?J,. 2014) ... -... . : · ·. . /· {(( ·. ,'4.;;:,:-:-....
"~·~pTh:-p~s~~of.'~~~en;n1n1ng~heth_er qr not·sa1_d P:~r~ons
. •. . .. ·. ·_., .. ' ·,.: :t~{ · ·.f:t'-'' ) . · _shoufd:rernam ur:ider-custody ?n.d ~o_rrespondr.ngly__
: Judg~ Npt Re.quired to-~e~d ,Entfre Ca~~'R.e~ord:. · · . be c!J~rg~,d· In. <:;qart (DOJ GircuJar ~o:. 61, dat~d .
. lt)s rio( req\Ji(ed~t~~tthe complet~. or. ei:itir¢--:recor.ds. . · · September 21-;J99.3).~::· ,· . ·. ...:
. · of .the. case ·during the. pretlmin.aty,'inv.e.$tigafion be ... · · .. · ·... · · ·
- submitted to a~d examfned. by t,hejudge.' We ·ao not , .. ·;. ·.
·)ntend,iq un<;!lily burde!l trialc.oorts py ob!igirig them. ·. ',_
. to.~~am,ne. th~ q9mplete reco~~s qf every case. ·all
. ·thetime sir:nply·forthe p.urposeofordeci'11g;the am~~t ·

of' th~- accused:.(Peo,ole 'v. cA, tJ:R:.'tvo... 126005; = • :t ... ·· ..

January ~1._ 19/)9). : :. . ' . . . . . . ·. . . .

. 1n~ta~ces:: _w.htfn_: :w~rrarit,:·ot:. Arre~t· ·i~: r.iot
·. n·ecess'ary.(Rule [12,. ?ec.. 5(c)):; (F~M) ·· _.. . _ ... ,
·. 1 .- . If the ·qtt~nse-is 'pt:ihishable· by fine or:ily;, · ' .
· 2. · ,If.the Complaint or: Information was filed 8fter
· · · the:,., a.ccus·~d was : la~ully: .arr~s.ted without'
. . warr.ant; and . : . . .·.. . . . ' . . .
3.·: ··1f: th~ Complainfor·lnfo.rmation :ts·:f1led'with. the· .
· .Ml'C .arid it involves an;,offense,. which does not ·
. require preliminarY: investigation, th.a iudge may
issue summons inste:a'd'of warran't of arrest if he .
is satfsfied that the~e is 'no' necessity, tor' piadng
tlie,accused unde(cusfody, ..

' . .
, ..-:~
~~~---..-t-R ...
l'M~:,1_~-.N~.A ~-L~-
p-; : t~E~-
R~..C)~. o. E~·
. U~R~-~.. ~-~- . .-: t
- "'• BEDA ~W <£N..i;RAUZ8> BAe """"TK>NS,:"'°"'RY::;•• . . &-SCOW- .. ,;:i
·. Procedure Ofl.·l~qu_ e~_t Proper.• · ... , 2. Wtien 'requlred under. S~c .. 8,. Rule 112,. or. ::"?i
- allowed in Inquest proceedings and· the accuse(f.: ·i·
.. Re~eipt ~y·tiJe-·l~qu.~st Officer. of referral.· failed .. to .. pafticipate. in : the . preliminary :~J
. . · . · .··. : dqcuroents . . : . : · . : Investigation despite·du·e notice.
.' ' ... ·. - . ·.. : .. : . . . ' .·· :· ..
. . · .· ·.: {°
. ...
Prohibited motions .shall'be denied outright before:· 1Jii1
. :Arre~t:nqlproperiy. Ai:rest . ... ~ff~ted
.· .. properly · the scheduled arraignment withoutneed.oj commer1t '··J.~~·
: . :effe~ted · . and/or .. oppositlcn ..' (A:M. No. 15~06~1o-sc, ..·,Jf
Subh.eading_.Jll,'item no.· 2). · · . . . .•,.:·
·. , A 'preiimlnary. .
· . • Release stiall be· .:investigati,on. may be .. Righ.t .to .S~il.
Peii'ding ·P;e)imin~l'Y,·l~Vesti9atio"!_:·. ~-
· .. '·recommended · · ·.. conducted.'if.: . : :While· a· preliminary lnvestiqatlorr is .tmdertaken, the! .•7
.' . ,,
.. . , •' . . ~request~~-- .... ·: · : ;person Is stiJ~ under detention . .To._eryect his. relea!le_;;. ~~
·. _ -: · he may apply fpr ballnotwithstandlnq-the waive_r.of._.'.·;;
....,___;._--:..,....__,._·. .·.-, ..--~.....,.~-"""!"'~··--,· . the provisions of Art: ·r2?.9f the Revise.dPenal Code o'
· If evidence does.not 'Othe~ise, i~q~~st.. · · · and e.ve1f1f:no lnformation has yet been filed. again.sf,.:
. .. w~·rfrmt ttie conduct . · · pro1:>~r . . . · 't~im .. The bail _must. however, be. applied :jor · and,:;
· ·.. ·. of preliminary·... .. ·... . ;· ... issued. by·- tne.: court. In:: .the.:.proyince, . ·city,· or'~

~t-. 1· .J\r,1· ~ .. .19~~2.P~!

. investigation,.the. . . .- ... ::··· .... - .- _ ·.. !lW!"icipa_lity.where.the ifors.on_arrested._is,to·t;>.e lieJd -. ·.)
detained person· shall : .
. 'be r-e!~asi3d ..
. . [)ete~m:in~H~n:e~·
'probab_le~9a1,1 e... ·. . . .
. . . : . . - :. :~.t)
ottierwfae, a
.· :'· '.' preli~inary'. -· . ';' .
.L ·-~
> ~· ',··.·; ,,',i:-•- .
'.,'"'·. '~
·ff '' · ' . .'.': . . ' .. .· ·'.. '., . . ''. -: . .
:-_ :;.~:V..· ;., . .
'L (.
. ·::~i.
. ·investigatipn ·shan he . · .1y)Ze~p;s>~!~;i, -.Ib"',-:-,;.. .....~,R):.~l}BL'IE.ACT No. 9372.· : :J,
... .., . : . ·/onducte~.:.- ·..•. :,. : ,-·
"· . If.
t. ,'~
/2.i1;·~&~6~~ .t~
''T '? .. ,. :r,- lf'
tHu)t!~iS~~uiuTY_ ACT_ 2 () 0
"• ii . f , -.·\ • " ,• • ·
7°. . ;/f

• . _. - 1;
otherW1se, ~,lease·
·ish.llb '··"
A~~-.; .
"~f:..Jl._ - ......
• . . ~.~t ...! ;, .
. ..

. . . ·: .

. · ·. . ·. . . /~ .... \ . · ·:;-:.Jlf lj' ·.

. . .: ·
Note: Inquest ·pr9seeding~
. :. >" .. N : ·· · .eJ'if-'''

: ,within·the period pre~cribediunde.r~~e'it5!§W,ioils

· \ ~~-

be ·tegnJi1a~~-¥~ ,· t: .
•.'j~! ~WJttfout~.Jud1c1q.!_ V'{.ar;lntof f.Jrest
o~~·IJ;i.e..pip,f~~s #!...-~!'!Jft
. :

~25c·of l~e.'Rev~sed·:~r,a/ ·..

. ·, . :. . ..
- Miele 125 of·the.Rev1sed ~'1Prl,:6~~·,~s..;a.~~ . -~. .if9qde/t9;.tf:i(-co~ttar5<,.nptw1thsta~a_mQ_,any poh~~. or.~- .
. 1-. ·: C:rirne· P.~li!sJ:iable by· 1Lg~t..$en(ltle"S:~!~:, 11.~ 4-~'*4..f~11e.n:.~~~'p:edljlnhel,Wh~;;ha,vln.?_ b_een dulf ,",:-~r
: .. ·.hours~ · ,:. . , . . : . \ .. : '\:. .· ~v 0~ · ~ifi,~!tc1. E!d .,~twnt1ng if?y the· .~riti::.Te.rr~.ns.m.e~unc1L ·.
·2.. ·Grime pun1shc:i~le by correqtiona! percl.lty... 1tti~~~·s: ._ken1{cust.Q_c:l.~f. a... perf;on. ct,arged: ~,t~ or .. -
. .' 18 not.irs-; and :· ' ·. · :·\,· : · ·~" .. ".$t:1t1~n::s:it~p g'{ftlJ of the·.prime Of te~ror~SITI Qr the ~Ft~e .. ·:
·3 .. Crime., pu1:is1Jable,,. t:>y . afflii;;~ive :- <?,f~~qltar"-'- -.L~-co'n1lpi~~Y 16' commit terronsm_.shal~. without .,.
. . puni~hment: within 36 hours :(Affli-;!25~'").<J)?.""'t..'=:,-=:4'ncl!r.~.9'.!ffe'l~n:1iJ1aJ,!iabiU_ty fo~ ~~ray th~·de_l(~ery :·.-. !n
· · _ : · ·.. . ·: ·. ·_ · ·: ... . ,,. --~ .. _;{,. · · 1\-, 1( IAf~t"!W~d_per~on_s·to_~e·propeELl;!<1.1c1~laut.h~nt1e.s, -
Two Situations.c_on_~emp!ated.· .. ·: .. · ·, ~~,:;,.,.; . ·lV ~!i,.,-e.r said. char~ed· or suspe.ct~~ ·pers~n·to the·. .
1. Wtien a person. 1s l~wfu)ly .?~~este~ w,~~lil a=;.~"'.'"' .·~\lthorltywithin.·a period _of'3 days ·
warrant, fo'r an olfe_nse requ1~mg ·a. prehmu:,ary.·_ . ' couhfecj frorh ,the·: m.o.ine'rjf .tHe1 s.aid' charged· .· o~ ._ ·
_investigation (ROG,. RULE 1.1'2!. -Se<!· 1}.j:md·no · stlsp~te¢: _peri,oi:i'-. has· ·.beeh a1::fpr~he_ridf.ld :o~ /
· -:·c01:nplaint or.Information /}as,}'.et-been filed, he, . arrested 'det~inea./ a11d'fa~eif into- C\JStody 'by the .
. ··may ask for .·a. prelim_ina·~Y .. 1.nvestlga~lo~ by .. ·.. 'safd poH~e,.Qr;1~,.y"e:ri{orceme~t'person~e1::. - .
__ · signing a waiver of t.he. pro):'tSton.s of Arti?le 12.~ . · .J. • ~ •• , • • • • • • : ·,:: • • • • _ • • • •: • • • ...

. . of the Rev($ed Penal C?de in thEfpres~~c~.oftus.' Provided,:That the :arrest-of those. suspected bf th.e · ;'.-
. · .' counsel;' and . . . . ' . . . crime Of t~rrorism ·Or conspiracy to commit terrQris,:n · :,
'.2.. Whel') the :complaint' or· lnforniati~m was. filed · rriust:'resuit ti-om
:the· ~urveiil~rice 1,mde.r"$e§t1on.?' ~.
.. ·: · without preliminary investigatiqn_, the.. accused; _. . and exarninatiori:'of ba'r'1k deposits .under Section. 2T. ::
· · ·· i:nay, _v,,ithiri:$days frorn th.e tie. leai:n.~ ~f the ,. of this·Acl '. · · · · · ·" ·· ' · · ' · · ··'
. · · · filing of the Information, ask. for a prel.rmu:iary · · ·. · : -· . ... . . . _ _
. . ·. investigation ~Ith the same, righ~ to addu<;;~ .: ,, T~E/pofi~e'orcfa~ enfqr~e~e~l:~e;sqnnE{co~c~rned . ;,
· · eviderice. In .his .favor in the .manner prescribed Shall, before· detaining the per.son -suspect~d ·of the·:.;
in this. Rule. . .- . crime oHe.rtorlsrn,·:pre!lerit· hirrj .qr ·.her, befor.f any: . .-:...
Noti!·: A,'mo~ip~ ,for prelimin/uy ·il')vesti\:Jatio.n .is a . ·'.· jud~e· at the_ latter).·d1siden9e o~ ~ffice.·n~ares.t the·.:i_
prohibited motion: · . .· . . · .. . . ., place ~here '.the· arrest t<>Qk P!~~ .~t an,Y tim.e o,f th.e Jt:
1. Wh~n it .is filec;l .beyond the 5-day ~eglem~ntary · day"o(nlght ·.: .. . . ·.)n
·· perlod. in. inquest proceedir:igs. under Sec. 6,
Rule 112; or

562 2019
. . .
. .
·. . - . . . .
. ·.. ·
It shal! be the .duty o.f the.Judge. among other things, SECTiON . 8: .CASES· .NOT REQUIRING.· -'A
to · ascertain .. 'the Identity·· of, the . police. or .law PRELIMINARY ·INVESTIGATION NOR COVERED
enforcement. personnel..and the person or. persons . BY THE RULE··ON·SUMMARY ·PROCEDURES ·.
they have arrested an~ presented before him or her, . .. . . . . .. •. .: .
to inqui,re . of them the· reasons why "they· . have . If the Co.mpla int.. is filed with -the :·j:irc;;~Efcutor·
arrested, the. person. and-deterrnlne .by ques.tio"nirig :involving an· offense· p"uorstiable~by imprisonment of
and personal-observation whether or not the suspect least· 4 years, 2- months,' and: 1 day,'~ule 1-:12,
.' has .been. subjected to.i-any physlcat,: moral or > Sec: 3."ln its entlretyshall be observed ... ~-_.·.. .". · ·.
· _ paychotoqical-torture-by INhom ·and why. ..- · . . .: · · · · · · _.. ··
· · · , . Note: ·A motion ·. for preliminary iri:vestigatioh. ts 'a
· · "1 · .·· · · · ·· · prehibltedrnotlon: .:. · ., . . ~. .:·:·_..
The judge sha I· then -subrnlt'a written report of.what· 1 _. : W.herl' it is filed· beyond "th:e :s-day-r_iig·1~·men_t_ary.
he or· she. had observed -wherr. the sub)ect·' ¥-.!as . ·· ..
. 'brought 'be __fore -hlrn-to Jh~ proper court.that tias . .: ·· ·: period: in inquest proceedings .:undtir Sec .. 6, .·
.. ·Rule 112; or . · .. · · ·. · ··,
jurisdiction :over . the . .case · :of the· · person'. thus . ·
arrested.. The. Judge';Shall-. forU,with ·s_J;ibiji"if_his/her . .2 .. When . required under $ec-: a·.. Rule n2,· or.
report: livith)h---.3·_:oal¢ndar.·. clays from· -the . tirne ·the, allowed ln-lnquest-proceedinqs.andthe accused'
suspect was brouqhtto hls/1:ler.resideripe or-office: _. failed· · to· · participate· in.· th!ii.L prelirnlnary ·.
,·. :, . . .· . · .. • .. ·· .;: . , . lr:1Vestig"':tion despite.-~ue._n0tice. · ·-: .,· .
Immediately after .. takiAg . custody . of a. ·
pe_rsori . . . .. . .
. ·.- · Prohibited.-inotions shall-be denied outright 1:iefote
. .:-- ··.: ...... ·.. - ...
. charged :With_Or SIJSp~~t_ed Of_~e ~rim&-of_-te'.('OriSJl\ ..{:Jj the ·sche~uled arraignm.ent.without.need~f.cbnirri~l")t. .
. or GC?~_s_p1racy.t<? q~<?~m1tter~om;m,. th~ poh~t: or J~JNj~/:\. ancj/cir·. · ·oppositioi'r .. (A:M:· . No;·_. :/5-.06'+10:·Sy,: .. ·
enfor~ement ,pers~nnel sh_~l,I._notify m wnti".!gt!h.3'/:/ui\ ·· Subheading'Ill, ite.m
jud.g~ of the. c;olirt nearest the. place of appr_ehen.s1Qn. , +·-,I\"· . · .... .. . . . .. , ·
·no. 2)·.. · ·:· ·. ·: .. ·: · :.-:.
. · . . . . .. . . . · . ·. .
,., ·.

. of ~rrest Pr~~ided,:T_hat. .where. th~· a-rrestiis)rrl~d~~;:..:-iHt:ff:;:~J:i.!·:._Cotn_P! i_s.-. fi~~d-. wl~·h ·:~_he, ~ro:secutor; ..
dunng Satwd~ys. ~ur:1<:fays, .hohday~ or_ a~~6.)ffi_c,E}zJ.'):.:~~1n:-r.-o.t':'lh~~-·-~~:~ff'e~se: i,u~_rshable by.1mp.r.1$onrnentof. · ·
_hours, the wr:_itt~n notice. shall: b_e · s;.~~f,at--.the(- li . less·Uian f{rea_rs, 2· m~ntij~ •. and 1. day, '.the .
reslden?e of .!l:l_e Judge ne,arest-the pJ~~e~w~er~.~1:iet':-·-;-:;f · tollowii:rg_s'}.iif~$ ot?serv_ed:.. · ": ,. ·, ~ ·. -: _·· . · _- · · ..
-~_cc~-s~ct.:,v~s~rr~ste.~; ·.·.. · ··... · · .. , :
· · · : · . . ., , .- . ·
k,>--4 · -~ · ·
· !)Y .,.·;~~ . .
)>:--{i\. 1 ... T~e-_Cf?tn,rl~lnt,sh;:tll ~t!=lte the kn~wn-~1:1.dre·ss,of
f~i- . the r.~sp9pdet1.t; . . ·· : . .- .; ·- ., . .· . . · : .
!ht:_pen~lty.of 1Cfyear.s and·1.;;,,.~.:t~.-1rYe·a:rs_-oJ_. :t:·:i 2: ·It s~all. ~e.a'i.comp~nil;ld :by··affidavits· oflhe . ·.
1mpnson_rr:ient ~~a11·~~ 1mpo!l~~-~p.9n,~-~~-lo!1c~_.on
. · \aw _enforcement personne_l w)~,w1l(,-.f~if1p.1,lfbf{~ny · · f,..~ ·.
Gl: ·9.9-~R~~1;-~r:1~_::_~iswitne.sses a~_\Yel!-~s otht:r · .
su~p,~~Jn9ii9'<?-~;,HTle!1t~ · .tp . e_stabhsh. · probable

·. Judge .. · · . . · ~-- -~,\ .,..-i:;:.) 1-id cause;--~-· . . .· ,. · , :'

; . -~-;:::',;j:.:;".X,,\·.i_ )! · ],'•j .. 3 .. The .affidayits. shall be. ~·xeclited-trn·ct~r.oath;. , . .
SECTIOfl! r. RECORos·, . . .. -~ .1\ J). · . ·
· p·-P-:-:,,· · .
'.f;\,,c,-fh\-~JT~eyshall· b.~in: s_uch·m.imber:.of c,opie$ as_.the:i:e
_; :.. .- ·, ~-;, .• ~ret.:i:espondents·, plus ~: copies- forAhe-. official
. Re~or.ds. · Supporting the:·· .:1nto"rn1at1o·n~~6f..r.:LL:::c.:: .. .....::...::..iile"1in'a : . ., · ',, ·_·. .·. ..
Complain~: (ASR) . : ... · .. ·. : . :"\.\\ <-- -fr..J_. . . 5 .. Within.1o·da~s from.fi_lii:ig, t~e.P.rps~~uto~ shal(, __ ..
1 .. ~!fidav1ts ,and_ cou_f1t_er-_affid~v1ts1;t t~p.e!Y.ef .&- ·take . approp:nate, ·aqt,on ,without . any Jurther '·
·- .. w,_t()~ss~s;, __ ··: ... ·.:··· '.. :·_.' . _. .. , , . J. . . ."inv~stigation· ,since ,this"·ref~s;'to··.eas~s-·ribt ...
~:_..- Other ~-~pportl_ng_~\'.1de_nce; ~n~-- · '. ,· . entitled .fa.prelim1nary ,iiv!:!Stig~tion· (Roe; Rule
3. · Resoluflon Qft11e·ca_!;ie. · · ..... · :· ·, · . · · ·.· · · 1-12·:sec: 3(a}}:' . : · ' ··.· . .- ,· · ·· · ·. ·, · · · · · ·
\ ... .: . .. . . . . . .~ ... - I.~.,. . . . t ,
• . • • • : • M .: •• •• ! •• .. : : •• '•.. • ••

: ·. ke:co_rdsof the Prellr!lin.~ry.1.:iyesfigaJion: ·. . ' · Note: . For caseI; Ql'.lder 'the.. Revised Rules . on-::
G.e.n:~r~I. ·Rule: They do hot f~mt part·ofth~ r:ecord _"Si.irnrriary. Procedure, no warrant of arrest shall:be
~fthe:c~_se,: ·.: ·. ·. ' .. · . .,. , ,· -·: ·.. : ._. :·. . .· . ,- : iS,su~(l exc.ep(wh~t~ Jhe ...acc,i;i~.\~d. .feils. t!) .~llp_e~r ,·
. . . . . al'.te~ bei(l·g·summoiiecJ. . ·,
· . Exce~ti~~~: The_-~oµrt-; upqn-.i~~ b~ri
inltt~_tiv~(or on... : . . . . .· · ~ J. • ... ·· · · . : .• ,· •
· _motion -of ariy party, may order it$ production irj the
~11 q~mg .•')Ges:
·. '. . . . ·. .. ··.·
· ·11. the: Complaint or
.Information fi_le~ .with the.·· is
,-,q_ . _.. . . : MTC:.. .· .. ···. · .. .":-· .... ·
· a. :W,~.e-~}t°i.j>riec~~9i:yJn.the re~qlution-ofthe.~~e · 1'. · Section 3 (a} of Rule 11'2:_J-nust be·toUowed;, ··'·.
or-mc1dent the.re11'_l;_and ...• · · ... . . . . . . . 2. -The· judge·. sh1=3II __ per~onally . ev,; the
b.. · When_iti~ ~~- b~ intfod!)qed as .ar:i;.~v.iderice in ~l:t~ · evidence·. or: personaliy examtn~;·.in writin~f afid ·.
. c~se·,by the· requesting_ party. . . . · .·. . .. 1,mde.r oath, the .-complain~nt .ar:1d. his. witnesses .
·1ri th_e form of selirchfng:q~e~tk>ni; and . . . . .
,Pu.rp~se_::To impl~m.e"nfthe ieq.uireinent .und.ei $~. 3: . The judge shall .act on .it within·.1 o· days· after .the ·
. 6, Rule 1.12, t~at the-Judge issuing the·wa"rrant .shall filing of the Complalnt"or·1ritormation.·· . :
··. · . ·-: ·
- pers6nally."eyaluate th~ res'o_lution.of the" proseci:J.tor
~·na the- s~pportin_g ev)'dence (PAMARAI'!; supra· at ." If in doubt,- the:jadge may .require $llbmission of
additio"nal. evidence. . . . . . .. . . . ..
,241). · . ·.: · · . : .. · . · · ·


~~r.s;:;:::!!9!11111~-----.-~ .....~tJl!lllil~--~--.~--~---- . . :·c~
1111 '~ ;_,t

c·RlM.f.NAL·· PR·ocE·t)LJ'R20.,9E·. . ·.·

1 ... ·.,?
. .. ,\!~
. .1.I! . Hi&S4 . . t ., k"*. . .. . a AES z · . -it~
. . . . : . . . . 'j),
If probable cause· not exist,: the ·judge shall or,. at least, 'constructive seizure of .the persbn · 't
,.dism.i$s Complaint cit Information, ·If it exists,· hEf may arrested. :It is sufficient if -the ·perso,,.- arrested·i•t
. issue warrant. ·of. arrest: or. commitment. order if understands that he. _ls in ·tt~e power oftri~ persor:i.. ji
already ar'r.este<;i. · · : ·.making the . arrest, .and-. s.ubmits i.n ·.co.nse.quence ,Q
. (PAMARAN, supra at 251}. . · . . . · ,'-.t:
T.hEijudge may.issue summons instead of.w.arrant of ' • ' : ' ._ • I ' ' • ' ' • '.'·j'(~

. arrest if judg~ .. is sali~fi~d that· there is no necessity

for placing the accused under'.cus.tody. . .
An .invitation t~ attend a. hearing· a~d ·ans~~r.· som~·.
. questions, which the person invit~d may .hesd or '?-!;,
· refuse-at his pleasure.Is not iile·gal.or constitutionally.. :;ff
Se:;trch{ng. a·uestio11s:·and Answers means, only, objectlonable.. Under . certain : c;lrcumstanceS:,·,.\~
. taking . into ~ consideration the purpose of the
preliminary'. exammatton whlch . is to determine
. however, 'such . an·· lnvltatlon- can. easily assun:ie a -,
· different .appearance . .Whefe· the·: invitation comes·.Jjt
. wheti:ier·there fri a reasonable ground to .believe that . froin a .powerful .group .cornposed predorni'nantly of <ff:
an offense has been committed andtheaccused is i'c_!n~lng. military- officers the· same can easily b~: '«
. probably .guilty'ttiereof S~)that awarrant of arrest. . takeh.tnotasa rstrlcjly voluntary Thvitation·which,it.·
.may~~ lssued 'andthe accused held for trla], such . -purports ·ta be,· but :as ..'an ·.authoritative. command .
questions as have tendency .to show the oomrntsslon · · .(Babs[:.v. NB/,· G.R. No: L~62992, September 2a: .,.
of a 'crime and fne perpetrator.thereof (PA.MARAN, · 1984) · · · ..,.:.
supra at Z35). · · · . . . ' .· . .. .. · it
. . . . .
'Nhat would b~ sEiarchi~g que.stions· ito~d<cFep;nd
. on what 1s·soug~t to he inquir~d ints.t(~~~h·d!:,t~~
. .
~~-<::;,..~:-.::; • .
-v · ~ol'~~-! iss.~ing}l!'l "in.v_itatib".' to a .~/1
...: ) ,!'fj_f-'°,F; ""'.po~_s ·'"~~st1ga~ed rn con,:iecbon :~v1th °:n ...
. • . . • . ~- ~?.l

natu,re of the·offens~, ~h~ date, t1m~(anc\f?l3'''S"'·:--:-~"-~{:.~~e 1~:>t!Spe?.t~d.. !<;> .have com.l"f:lltt~ . IS ...J:\~
comrnissio.n,:the-possibl.~ ~otive~lo~lj$P~£!JffllSS~J1 ... s,=;===,,f0nsi~~~ j.r~~,p)~c.rng hrm . un~er · ~ustod1al. ,
the subject, hii;n;1g~.·educationiJS}~t,us'r1~pfi~al':ancl .it:.. 11'1:ves.t!~ah~~J~~o. 7438,.S~c. 2). · , ~
so~ial _. circumstances; his itt1t~d,:~.;;'tow.13rd·. t" .
investjgat_ion, ·. social af\ituf s, OP.~ortiJf,lities to· ~. ~. ·· o~es ·.~f A.rtt,t, .·~~ · .
J, · lf« · ,.\ · ~
¥')~ '\ . . · . ·. . . .
. . . . :
commit the offerise; theyictirp.;-hi§I~~·,.. ~ A~~~y.vr~~fq'fa valrd wa~rant, .and .
responsibilities fihancial anl] secral:.circumstance~ -"·. ~"r'res.t wrth'~\!l.A warran~·. un~er exceptional :
characteristics.' etc. (Marimi)'v.-Sl!cni, c.k · N"cf.'!!i...~7· ,, 1 r-:.:~1~c1rcy~stan? be ~rov~ded by ~tatute· -:!-',
· 25707 May 14 1981)
.. .. ' .
· r.- -~~ -~
. '·.
· i
r;, Sffi'i1,.@ t:j (ROp, Ru!efJ ~~;-,,-~~f, o).. ·
Ii .. ;;;l: ·~ r:lt\ . . ~ . . . - l~ . · -~·
i/ ... ] -l ~ . . . . '"',e
Cond;tio·~·~ 1·~ai
~ust ~o·n~pf f~lhe r~r, ~~~ ot;f.
¥~ , ~J~RE~::~HOW
MAtiE . . . . . .;,!
Warra_r~taf'Afrest: ·. \\V/. \ '\(~. ..~ Jl~q,f~/4pv . ·J · . ·. ·. · .•:.
1. · Must personally ·eva)ui;i,te lhEl~.repi:1dP ( ~~ ~~ .. f._l;ffp~trng~rre:>t: . · . . · , J~··
. supporting. documents ·su~!,Tlitted li.y. .tb~fl ...., I ~1 ,v'tV
~~ctual r.t!Jstra1r:,t .of· the . person to ~e .¥·
· ·regarding the existence of pr~bable.~~~Cf'7~\.~A~~e.~JE:;d; cw. { . . ·. · . . ·Ji
2: . · ff on the basis thereof, he ff~S nct7pt<ib.~1~=----~!;}Y'1'.19~1Je'WS$!On. to the. eustody of the person . ,~1 ·
cause, he may dk;regard th~ repCll1~~efJV(e}l~i~"-:";;::-..,.,. ~~~~·t!j,~farrest. . . . · . :. · 4-:
the su.bmission of supporting : aff~9\i~t§l of I~ A l:\ y~ J--:.;,;r · · · ·. · . · ~;l· · . . aid a~ a,.ccih"e.h:1slg__q.,,,!-'-'H•~J!. rng_an arr~st ~ person nee~ .no~ actually:
f!S to ~e existert~e of.p~~.babl~ ~\JS{;l; and. . . : ~estr.a!nE:d by }he ·person m.~ki.n~. th~ arr~st.
3, Must personally be. satisfietl that a probable . : .su~m1ss1on to the!y of th,e,pE:lrson m,a.kinQ.t . . .:'J:
h: . J.,;._;
·ca'Use exists (Soliven v. Makasiar,'G.R. No .. t- arrest already constitutes (~/ANO, supra at ./·
8-2585,November 14, 1:988). · · .. . . . . . . .·. . .· . · ~ · · :.J&
.No· viole.!Jce· cir. unne~essary.force shall ·1:>e · used in .. '.fr.
:·. making an. arrest. ThE:l. pers.on. c,i,:rest13d shalF·no!· be <(

subjected to a gre·ater restraint than is necess_arY:for .j

I> . ARRES'.J'
his detention.

. . . . ' .. ( .' . . .. . :,:{
. :A~··offider ,i~' maklng. :~ lawful ar~est
· Usii'.lg such-:·fcirce · as:
is rea$oriably necessary tq
~EC.T!ON.1 ..:DEFiNITION Of AR~EST s.ecure and deta!n the-·'r,.: overcome hisi.: .:i
. . resistance;- prevent. his escape·, recapture ·him if he. ?\
The taking.of a:person·1nto custody in order that he ·._ e·scapes, and protect .himself from bodily harm );;
may be bound to an·swer fdr the co.mmissiori ~f -an (<;;abanlig.v. Sandigahbayan,·GR. No.' 148431, July .ft
·offense. · · · · 28, 2005). . . . . . - : ·,f
' • ·• • • ' ' I I;~~

Arre~t signifies· re;traint on a person, ·depriving one Bt.ft the officer is never justifi.ed in using unnecessary. ·'.:j
of his ·vAil and. liberty, binding hlm to become
.obedient to t~e ·will of law. There must be an actual
. force.or ·,n treating.-theoffender. with want<?r:i violerice;.:·
or In r1:3sortlng tQ dangerous means when the arrest_. ..
. ' . :·····



. P?Pm"IT!IWM49ii&¢A@¥1#
#Ci,eie,es ·sw;f fM¥Suef · · · , es· ¥af&i. · @:@&:a1asi-
could be · effectedr · . otherwise (Cabanlig · y. · The head of office to whom the wa·rranfof arrest was
Sandiganbayan, ~:R.· No: 14$431, July°2$, 2005).. delivered for execution shall. cause the warrant be to
executedwithin 10 days. : from
. .. its. receipt.'
. .
Upon A~·rest:the. Following May Be Cbrifiscated:
.. . .
•, "· ...

(F-D.ISC) -~ . -: • ' . . · . .: : . . .. , . Within . ten '{10.) days· after . the _expiration of the
1; Objects which are the Fr:uits of the crime;· . period.: the· officer to· whom itwas _{lsSigned for
2. Q.angerous.weapons and those which may. be execution shatl.: ·: ·. · . . ·
used as evidence in. the case: · ·.. , · "a .. ·l\fiake a report .to the judge· who issued the
3, . Objects, the possession of which-ts fllegal per.... · . warrant;-artd . . .. ·· . . . . . : : ·. . • . . .;
se:": b. _: 111 casecf fallure to executethe warrant, ha shall
. 4. Objeets .'§.ubject. of: the. offense 6r · usi:id ·.· or <. ~tafe the reaaonstherefor.' ·
intended to be used.ln the commlsslori of: the
crime; a~.d. -. . . ·":· .· . _ "'" . . . . . _- Period of Effectiyity.of a ·.warrant of Arrest ·
5. Those which . migtit be used: -by the arrested , .Unlike a search warrant,· the validity ,pf which i~.· .Q.omll'.lit violence or to.escape. .(Peop/e, {imlted to ten (10) days, after which it becomes 'void,
v.· V.el?so, ~;R No. L-·23051, ()_ctober20; 1925) ..·. · ne. time limit is fi?Ced for· the validity of .a warrant· of
arrest. · ··.. · .· ·
N~te':1·ln a la~u; .~arra~tl~ss·~;est; the,a·;rest miist:
precede the search incidental ther.~tcf The process·.;· The. arrest warrant" toritin1:1es to be. ·in 'force even
.cannot : he.. reversed. · . Nev.erthe)~ss: ·a: .search ,A . ttiough it· was not. served Witnin' the timespan· ,
su,bstantiany:cbnte.mporan~ous with .an ar<e~_t ·q,~~-2(. pro~ideMor' i°n Rufe .1{3, ·s_ec. ·4_ :
prec~de the arrest 1f the .police have -Rrobable. c~&~f ;t:-t\·. . · \. ·: - · . - . · · . · . · . . . . · .
· to make- the ·arrest at . the outset of the sea<cf;L..•.t? '.,. ,..\· So ·rang -as the warrant has not been .recalled-, or the ·.
(Peopie v. Racho,. G.R. No.: 186529,' AuguJ~·3,:::-,~;;;Li1.erson ·i,arpe.dtherein a~rested, 9r had -Oth~iwis~,
2010). .' . . ·~,Ji. :h~iti~):JJ:t~d,l:li.T,self to _the jurisdiotio_n bf the· court, the
.' · · ' . . rf ·
·. · . - . . .,:,;-i."i-;;..,: . · ·., V ~arranf.'.-e~~i~S.9'?°~· can still be ~x_ecµte_d.e~en. ·.
SECTION 3. DUTY OF ARRESTING_tpfFICER .. :e;~I. 1f a-prev10U~1)13;gat1ver~turn was made to tli.e 1~sllin$
.· , . · · . .> . V~,;,.f( . ,, . ,,i:".• 1~ . cour!_{PA_~/s,AfJ,supra. at 256). .. · · ·
A duly rs,s.u-ed warrant-authonzes:th~~Jr.0p~$,sofflcer:, kt . - . ·
1-. T:o make an arre.~t therea9q~,but a1$g·makes }! . l*t\ Rehtril zi: -~~rr~~! nf ~rre~t, , ·
1~,· ff. '-\ . ' . · · · .
· ·. · _. ·
h!S · c!.~ty . to . c~rry· Q.Uf•:f})!}th_OU!;t.:,~,~lay . · t~e ~- F!I · The ·-~~-l~m'.'W9!!et\~d.II) Sectipn -4 reters not-!,O_the
<)Omm~nds :thereof; ~nd' . ';-t(·.. ~-;;::;:_~4~1 · :~,_ f._;'!· p~ys,_~1:f.:~tw:~tr'i:~~fjtthevery. ~ame . ~opy. of th_e
2. To ?ehver.!he p~r~on.. a!re\t~.dt9;1~~f~eares~· l~~J pr<;>cess'<toc.J~:c:~·sa!ng co~rt.__ but :.the rep"<:>rt, of:.the·
· pohce station o,rJa11.w1tliout U!lf<f~~sS.i:l~ d~la} · ~;d . 0fflc~r-charged with ,ts execution-on thA ~r.t1~nt~kAn
· · . . ·•. .. · '. '\'.:. ~·· : )!ft · ,:L.;-'?~:'.t.~1mthereon. In st]ort,ttie ten~day penqd 1_S·only a
SECTION .4. E:Xl;CUTION:oF WARRAN~t:1 . . .!~~:''"!"dJ.r.~olive_tothe officer ex~cut1ng the warrant to Make
. . . · . · . . . · 1;_;,(·-, '. )<~~.:.:c<·:"'.:'.a.:..retuf(:i-.'t83the court (People v. Givera, G.R:.No,
!he: Jud.~e issues a warrant of
instances. . ·. ,
-~~t . lr'-{.fwo
, · ~-,,~.;,;, · . .
. 13215~; January 18: 2001). -·
- . . · .
·. '

1: U-p~n. th~, 'filing_ of-. the.'.lnformatiori-;bytile . Purpose:··The purpo~e Of th1{retµrn is ·in ordet (or
·.. prosecutQr-·rn issuing· this..kind o.f warrant, .th~ · · th.e. w~rrant to be: ~ervecf' ·immediately. Warrants
. -judge-'. , J)Ot .· ··per.sonally ·. e,cart..ine ._ the . deiiver~d to .the: . appropriate. officers for . S,E~rvice·
. complainant and the ·witn.esse~'he may:prodµce, gather'·dust_·in the ..pblice fifes'4riserved and unacted
. b1;1t tie ·'r:rierely, eyiduate·s·persqnally· the. rePArt upqn. By the virtue oflhis_.riew·r-ufe,·the'saic;t prob°lem.,
arid supporting c:;tnc; other evid~nce · is hqped _to be·remecjied, (PAMARAN·supra·at.256)·
adduced during. fhe pr~limi.nary :inyestigation · · ·· · ·
and submitted to him by .the:ptqs·ecutor,·.·a~d if ; SECTION.' 5.'. ARR.EST~·.·WITHOUT. ;WA~RANt:
he finds probable cau·se on"t!,e .basis thereof'he··· · ·WHEN-LAWFUL: ·
• issues the Warf.ant fot the arre.stof t.he accused,..
2. Upon' a·ppllcatlon .of·a In this . G~neral .Ru.le: No peace officer or person-has.the .
. kin.d of:. warrant.,>th•e judge·." must : personally . power-or authority to·arre·s( ahyone_ withqut·,fwarrant .
: ex~mjiie the appllc;mt.and the witnes·~~s·he may. those ci:lses expr.essly al.ithol'i?'.ed: by law
produce·,: · .to. fin·d . Whelher there · exists . (Um_if v. Ramos, G.R. No. 8156!, October~. 1991) .
. probable cause; oth.erw.ise,· the warrant issued is ..
null and'void·. He must .subji;ldt the .complain~nt
and ftie witne-ss.e.sto searchi_ng questions. The
. . Lawful-warrantless
·: ,-.

reason for this is there is no· evidence yet on

record upon . .whic;h he may:. 'determine· the
.. . existence.of.
. probable'
cause,. .


. . . .

. . . :•,•,
1. In Flagrante-Dell~'toArrest~ : -b. Offehse has.JUST been committed...: The. 'f
When, in-his pr(!!se.nce, th~ ~~ arr13sfed .. : '.· . dete~inatlon of probable cause.· _::1nd the-~. i
hi:\S.. committed, is actually. ·.c<;>mmitting, or is ·· . ~athenng of tacts-or circumstances should. ··~
·attempting· to·c_e>mn:ii.l. an offense {Sec. 5(a)). fie made. lmmediately afterthe Co!'llmissior'l · ).f,
.to .
. : of the: crime· rn. order comply with lhe- ."::it 0 •

Requlsltes: . . · ... of .irnrr;iedi.:icy,,(?,e?p/e. v.' Manago:::%

· · a. "The person to be arrested must execute an .. GR N.o.·21234~, A~gust 11, 20t6): ·Jl-,
overt. act .- indlcaiing; . tt,at ·. he has · ···just. · · · · · ,.
· committed, is. actually · committing, 'or is 'The : time- ,. interval -between··'. ·the:.· actual :)t,
' : attempting to;,comm_ifa crime; 'and . . . . . . : commission of th~ .crlrne and the arrival of the -~!~
b, '.·Such overt .done Ir} .the presence ·or··
. .within '·ttie view. of .. the 'arresting · officer
ar.~e~~irig otflcer m..Ust-he:.bri~f..(ln·:-,e.Petition (ot
Habeas Oorpus of Umil v, -Remos., G.R; No. ft.
·. (Remegio·v. People, GR:No.!227038, July 81567-, October:3, 1991). ·. ·. :.. ·· ·· '·it~
. 31,291-7{ \ .. · . ·.I' ·. • .. x ">: ... ........ ". .. ·:· .:. : : ,:.~.·
·.. . . .. ·An arresting offi_Mfs .dE;lterminati9n :<>t P.rob.abte ')'.~
'/ .. A(l.O.ff.ense i~rcommitted: in the presence -or with. . . . · .. cause in ·hof pursuit is based .'on
:his personal .. t:t
.. the view of the person making the arrest when. · .. - . · knowledge .df'facts -or drcurhstance's- that the' i1;
- he sees the offen$e; altho.ugh · at a distance, .or · · . person-sought ..ariested has· comrnft:tedthe! ·. ~~i
hears ihe °distl!rbances created .thereby. an~ .•~-.,,= - . crime. ·T~es·e facts or cir'cu111starlC!3S pertain .to ·},r
, proceed,s .at° on.Ce to ·tl)e sce·~e ther~9!¥.-6i"4he-
. offes:ise. · _i.s _ goAtinµi?g,_
,ru·· l\J
or ;.):as; . f~-~en, lJ.
-::.-:-1a°Gtqal.. facts:, Of. raw·
eviq~n:ce .:~upported by° ·;~
c,_u~s~~es.·s~_fficie.ntly_~t(ong,j'n }h~ry,selves.. 7*'
:: consumm.~Jed, :3t the_'tn:ne the8~rr~ft"1p.~~.,..,,~.-·'-::..-,,,..""""'~'·' t~ cif~e: tD:·pr?bJ;!.ble:.ca_use·of g~1lt of .. the: ·:&,;
. (Peoptev. E,(aPsto, C,.R. No.·!J'J"~~
. ;I 1, ·~:992). . ..... · . ; .' . :/:

:., In° in
J?"mb.e, ·. . ·
ll .·
:,-ecypfi· to;Jb)\,•

, (Slr,i:iac. v, People, G.R. ·'t
6, 201f3):- ... ·. :. : ..

the arre~tlng .offit:er ·_~_;i

·. appre~~nded at. ~h~ · 1 fr,ry . ipo~enL~?..:_.!_s._
comm!tt11ig or_ att.emptin.9't~o,fmit or,~~ Just
.,.. _. that} ·cr_irT:~\12,(~-'~\ fa~t jus_t ~e·n.committed is . )1'
. ~~ed· (P,..,!?_Jf!,.J{~Vill~reaf ·G.f:?_. No:_ 2~1:J~~. :~;
c;omm_itted an offE;3nse-,rrrt~'(/i,res~n~e -0~~'\ ~--~,Matqh1_B::~·~~-J ... < . .... "<_ · .· ,,Y· ,-._.:·
arrestm!;J . .. u """:-.,S
· · ·: · . ·· U £-~ I , ("1t .
·\· {-,. ~Tll7l?l~
J ._ .
P.ers~IK ~wle.i:l~e : ..
.K . . . ·. . , ·
· · . .
.... idon,e?~--;;-... -'Y9,tey./6us/arr.~(.lpr
. In an ~rr~st_in .f!.agrante\'d~lifJJ€>\l;..~et~~'/;. existing ·cnmlriat r:ecord,
and-~e.liable.lnformatlon \te-:hcl_tJ~stlfl~}l~ tfoig~ l~l'Y'-/~~v$,)t'or· we-~m~ _offense;_ :Wi!.l.:n·ot_·_suffic~ to-
~armntles.s·arrest:{~IAN~\;.supr~~~ il~~. e,;;t. 13
23~~~/~~!i 1; i;e~~;~i<J~~~ti:~~;:~.
As _ca~~ la_w dem_t?nstrates, t~~ ac~ Q~lklng;c]~{b_Warr$i~tle5°s-'., 9rrest.: ·To 'interpr~t · "perso~ar ~
wh1l~··re~kmg o~ liquor.per s~ ~r~o! 9,tf~_6<v1e:g:~"-~~- ~~ferr_1~g.toa .pe,r~o~'sreputation \1
, cons1dered_.a cnmlnal_a_'?L Tlie 'l('a~t~•t9ffi!h1:f':==-,.,~~"\~~aj.~,<~hmlnah_c1ta~lon~. would_. freate .. a·.. ,,,
warrantless arrest requires compha'r'1~ -A.im1'1e. 1~ ;f &~d~r.i~~i;6us:pr~cedent and unnecessanly .str-etch. '}
o\iertact test, sho~lng_that ''.th~.a~cusec:l:·e~iJ.bit •...Vi...1 ~~e::1~thority and.·-power ·of. police:.'officers to ~1
an ov.ert· a.ct"with_inthe view of:the°J:iolice. . "''.'"""'=~-:.'wa_rra.ntless ·arrests . t?a!!!ed. solely· on· Ji
. ~ officers s_uggesting ·.that accl!seq .was in . · . . ks:iowledg!3 · qf a-. perso~·s p.reviou.~·, qrir.nlrial · ;j1
· p.oss·es~i9n ofillegal drugs ·at thE!· she was · infractio.ns, ·re.r:'idering . nugatory _th~ -r!gorous · :.:·:~

:::::eJ:;:_::: : ~i~ . . · . . .· ·. . .
.. ·. apprenei;i~ed.",(R.~ye~ v. f!eople, G.R: .N<?- r~quis_i~es .laid·,,o!:!_f (m~e.r ~ec.tion 5 '.(P.eopJe· v._. · :~

·.2.' .
Wtu~n an offense . !:las ir,r fact · jµst·. been
officec.must· be·based on·.proba'b.l.e .cal!_se which. . ~
. committed, and he'. has probable cause to' ·-means ·. .'a gfOUl)d ...of siJsplpion . : -?!
· )!~lie'{t;i. b~sed on pfJisorialknowledge ,offacts or sµpported · · P.Y: ._the _ .. :sufficlent~y. : )!
· :·c,rcuirtstances· that. the perf?On to· b.Ei ·ar.rested cr-eatirig a·belleOhat t~e p~rs.on to_b~. arrested 1s. }l
· . h~s co_mmitted·it (S.i3c. 5 (tJ)). · probably 'g~llty:-:o(,_collJm.i~pg ·a::<-ertain ·crime >~
(Posaqas v,. Oml)ud~man, G,R. · No. ···13.1492,·-'... ·.i,'i
:. Re.qi.iisites: · . . September 29_,.:20QO)_;·-. ·. . . ..:1·· .· . . ... 0
1 >t.·1
a.: . Pr9bable . · cau·se. - based. on- ,.personal·. :·-. , ~l
kn·o~ledge - ·Knowledge of the arresting . Doctrine ;of ·Hot: Ru;s.uit. does·, rjot require the. . .;j
officer based on His personal evaluation· of arr~ting offi_cer or-per.son ,to.personally· witnes.~ :~
the circ(lmstanc"e° the·scene of the crime.. the commission of the _offense. · ·· : j
.. ~\ . j
. '-. .·.i
CRlM 1·NAL· P:rte·C.E.:DU:R·E · ·.

. lmm~diacy , . . . The· ground_s of suspicion ··are, ·rea·soriable when, in

Test of Immediacy: Whether or not there is an the ab_senceof actuar belief of-the arresting officers,
unbroken · s~querice of ·events . betw.een- the . the suspicion· that the ·persqn·. to · b.e atrested. is
;.· commission: of the crime aml the. ·arrest·:(Go _v; . probably.guilty of committing the offense is based on
CA, G.R, ·No, 101.837, February 11, 1992)::, . ·.
· actual _fact~. A ·reasot'lable s4spicion ,therefore'must
·. be:fou~c!ec! ·9h probable .cause· coupled -..vith.good
: .. A warrfmtl'ess arrest-·e.ffected the ·day·aftedhe. faith on t"'e part. of .the· peace· office~s making the
commission of the crime ·does not "fall within the ~rrest' (Posa_(lasv. Omb1.1d~man,'G.R.No;·}31492,
:• purview.of~-the .Hof Pursuit. The· requirement of°· Se'ptember-2?,20qo).:
imfDediaqy between the tin:ie. of th!;l .COmn,iS$iOn , ··
of the crime and the time the arrest is absent . ~iJy-J3°u~~ Oe~ra'tiOllS . . . ·: <: · ..

<RrANo, ,supr~ at
242J.· . ·... · · · . =_ · , .. . : . · ·. A;:torrn· of .entrapment .-~hich · has. been: repeatedly
accepted to Qe_ Fi valid means of arresting -violators
..• ·. This required time element acts as a safeguard . : ·qf the Oanqerous Drugs· Law, Tfie vioiator is caught ..
' to· ensure that the police officers have gatbeted· il-(f"agr"'nt~deficto·a·1_1~~hE3 police offii::ers;condudlng_-
the. facts· Qr perceived jhe ciri::urnstance's·-within· tl)e operatlon are'. notbr'lly authorized butduty-bound.
,. .,. a very limited tlme frame. This.:guarantees:that. ·.to. apprehend ·the search him for
?:,...~' the police ciffic~rs would-have no:<tirne fo base . . . anything that.may-have peen· parfo{ or· .llsed ii, the
their probable cause. ,finding . on ·facts"', or- .,4\.. . . . ·.comrni_ss;on_of the crim~.:(PeopJe-'v,:·salest G.-R.·No:
r·. . - ,·
circumstances obtained after an ,exhaostiv.e
.investigatioi:,•..The.reason tor-the. element 6f tt.f)•Jf .

2Q81 (}9; October.8;. 2.df4),·. ', . · ·: · · .

. . < : · . · . · · :':.'· . .
. . ·, · .,
. ,. .

k):,'. , io,rnedia?y as thE:: tiinegap f~om.the'com_mis~i9JV.;/,)A _ ~0~~: · ,C90r{ji1_1at10~,· w1tp.. t~e P,QE~.. 1.s l'.\Ot. _;an
i·.· of. the ~~!me to. the arre,~twidens, the_ ptec~ferP.f'.;i;;i,~t 1f1d1~p~nsa~le .r.equ~r~m_entbef?.re_p~Uce Jlut~onties.
f. Information gathered· are. prone· to. become, ;ji-;if ~a~---~any .. out_. a. buy-bust <:>P~r~_tron -(Peqple v.
. contaminated'and subjected to extema.·ff~;9t6rt1:!.ilf.-~Fii~!!Ri~{t~ 179_9,36;
0-. _AP.n:1.-1-1, 2,0-12),, .· / .
' :·. . interpretations and hearsay (Peopl~' . ~'\f~.
;.~nago, 1 l~-a·btrfb-~(~peratipn; ~ri;e'
'¢a t~·'c~;,;m-ifa
~-.R. No.. 212340,A_ugu$f17,.201fft- «. . .: ,'(;i1Il:f · ?·-:Jhe ·-?ffender,. w_itnout.--:a;c-;na-:-_y';,:;b"'o"'dr.:y,------
.. ·.
{ . · : • . . : · • .- . · · . P-4·*-:,::..>,1. ,,,r ~:-~· 11:i_ducmg-9JfP.focj.dmg !'J_ir:.n to commit. the: ()ffenSE\· If
· 3. · Evasion of the.serv,c:e of_s.ei:.1t,w.?-~,1~,;,--:-· · ...· _t:.{ . carried o,i;it iith \due· regard for .constili.ltionai--and
:h~n the. person _t~- be ·«,sfyla_!: {r~s.on~~-['.¥,J_\ ~~g~I,, ~f~gli_~fd.~;\a,Q~-t~b.u_st cip~t'ation d°eserves
ho . t• ~- .---:l· · ::;~~,. · · ~tJ Jud1c1al,t:.sanot1on e.ople ·v. '. Agulay G.R. · No..
: a. Has es~aped fro_m a_~pal'esta~_ll~!)me~{ b;
~~ij. 1ad~'iA§lii]itJ'ft( ·200.ay· . .·· .. ·, ',. ,,.-... ·. :
place. where· he 1s serving finiltJudgmeBf:t>I) Hi ·_:: · "'-r..~-~,. ::··' .' · · · ·· ·. · :.· .
ternp?ra:ily.·. confin~:d wti!~~~);ii-~"..\Gr.s~' ~.:?_ j.!. a~
!h.· e._,_buy~busi_operau-;n·an!J_t._he·searcli _l>~izure" .
pend rag, or , . . . . : ,\ .!.'l .. ·ti '.: ·. . · --!'~:':'.'-"~11~,uant_.. t?· th~~ b_~Y::bust_.operation. must _ }?e
·.. b.: Has- esC?p.ed wh1_le.bemg tra51~~f:ea,.-fr~!ll ,..-:t;tH..Fcq1;1t,rroouJ3,Jnorde_rto b~ vahd.(People v.,, ?apanta,
one.conftr:iementto another. ·'·d · : A'(f',1;::::-~~.;..~iZ"rlio~<Jj028,Jariuaiy 16,. 2(if4):·:. - ,_·· · ' . ·
-: •. . . .. . . . . .. . :__ . -: . . l}.f . : .. l.-.f:.:;g: ,. . . : :. . . .' . . . . . .. .
The founded on th'e p°ri('ldpi~)hdt?;:ittbe , .. RQl~s-hn illegallty·of Arrest:- .: '"
·- time ot-··ti:i.e .-arrest, t_he·- escapee is,....lri the . .: 1 ... bbjectfon· b'e-raisecfbefore ·
'continUQUS .act ofco~rnittiti_g.a crime. ·, ·· : . :~rr~ig_l'lmen(.ptherwiseit is··deemed waived, i;IS
. . . . . ... :· :th~ acci'..t~ed, iq. case;,.: has voluntarily
4. Wher~ a persc;>ri who. ,has. ·been·. lawfully·. . . .. .supmitted liiinself to the jurisdidioniofthecourt
arrested .~scap:es. or ·is rescued.:{RPQ;:Ruie . ·(People. v. Bringcufa;.~.R.)'J0,. 2264()0, Januc!ry
113, Sec. 13);:·. , -· ·., ., :·> . · ·:•.. :. _·. · :. 24; 2018); or-
. 5. ··By \he . bondsman . for- the:· ·purp.ose· -c;,f. , ·. ·. · ... -· · · · · · ··
· .. sµrrende~ing/the-'act;used•·{ROG; Rull[l t:14; -·. -: · ·:t..iot~:. While ttie.' cjec.~Sed; may·. l:!ave. alre~dy"'.
·: . Sec;: 23);.;and : : ; ··• :,. · . . ,.: :. . ·-.:·;:, _. waived)1ii:qight to GOflie.sf.t~!:d11eg!:)lity._df.thEf
6.. ··Wiiere the accuse~ · attempts to .lea~e' .th~- · -he •.is :nof. · howe:,,er;, deemed td ·have
. country . Without perrnissi9n_. of· the 'court·. i ..:._equally,'f,'ai_vedhis rjghl to, contC;JStth~ ieg°ality Of·
(ROG, Rule· 114; Se?. 23);· · · the search, anc!· may_ rai.~.the. same dµriilg ·trial ·.
(.Villanueva .,/v.. Peop1~; ·.. G.R. ·No;;,. 19904:?,. ·
In ca's~s falling under°rios. 1 and. 2,·the _p,erson Noveirtber.-17; 2014); · ..
arrested shall be deliv.:ered to the nearest.. police '> · · · · ·., · · '': 1 ·i :·. ·; · . .- · ·· , : · .· -
. stati_on or jail and shall be proceeded against ·,n. ··· 2; .· Once ·a -per.s6n ·1Jas.·.beeh-d_4iy.- c;har:gec_f in
· accordance· with Sec. 7 o( Rule 112. · _CQUrt, he iDay no longer'ciuestiori his detenti6n
by· p~t)tiqn for: _h.ab~as_t;orpus; n!ll reme~y i~ _to ··
qu~sh the Information-. and/or: the warr:a.rit of· ·
If the. arres_t was _effe.cted without warrant, tlie
arrest :.(Enrife v.. · Salazar,G.R. 'Nqs.--92163~64, . ·
arresting ·.officer must coin ply with the p~ovisions of
Jµrie 5, 199Q): ·
Article 125 of the Revised Perial Code·. .


RII J.8~:ms=~---------------am~--..---=----~-------.
C'RlMlNA(_:· ·P·ROC.E.,-otiR.E. ·.-
· + h · - · · · · es,Ats@1·e1&Maim1 ••. 'ti..-.·.:.:.~):
~ Offlk~-~~~~

Note: trying to rim. away when · no crlme has peen Except: ·(E-PEIY · · . .· .· . · ·· ;.t_,;
overtly .committed, and Without . more, ~ cannot be a. . Wheri the person to· he arrested .is.gngaged in .JA
· evidence of guilt. C~>nsider_ipg· that theappeltant's.. the commission of the offense; · ·· ' . I'll
. warrantless arrest was. urilawfut; the -search and· b . w~~.1'.1 :- h~ ~s f~rsue~ lmmedlately after its: i. ~~\
seizure. that resulted. from· it" Was . iikewi~1i i!legal COl1"')ffi1SSIOO;. ··. .. ,. . ,)t(
·(People· v. Edano, ·G:R. No. 1~81~3, July.7,' 2014). . c. W.l'ien he has gscaped, or forcibly. resists,·\~·.
. .. . ,. ·· · beforEJ. the officer · has· the · opportunity to so··;'!'":
S.ECTION 6. TIME OF:MAKING ARREST .: · inform.hlm; or· . · , : .. · ·.. ·· ·. ' .· ' .. · '}
. The warrant must .dlrect that it be served in. the day d.. Wh~n the giving .of such Information will !mperil .J;
time, unless the affidavit asserts thatt.tie property ls thearrest. · ", . · · . : ..:j:
. on the person or in the place ordered to. ~e se'arcbe'd, . .· : . . .. . . . '. •,i~·
in which 'caseadlreotlon may oe
inseifed thatlt be .. · SECTION 9. METH.OD.Of ARREST BY.PRIVATE )t~
served: at any time· oJ the day" qr night (ROG,, :Rule. ~ERSON. . '. . . . ; · . :)~
. ·126,Sec.:·gf : . . . ... · .. - ·~- ·.· ·' ..... ·-
_. ~· · ·. · ' ·· · Citize·n'sArrest . ·. . · . : . · -·-
. SECTION 7 .. METH0°D OF ARREST OF' OFFICER Refers to ~rr~:;;t effected by private. person,. a'
BY Vl~TUE.OF WAAR/dff': - . . . . ; . . -~ : ·.
. . . -Duty of P.r-ivate·.. Person Effect\1"'!9 ar:i Arrest: ·. ·,;,,
Duty of. the Arre~ting.Off'.icer .'
. The officer shall inform the person to be arrg:st€oof: 'if
1.. The cause of. the arrest; . · · . .;;;/.. .J~~ .Ii.
. ~~-=""--~\.~...._pr~Vate
'person shall inform theperson to be

/{'t..)T~lElinte~10n'to arrest hifT!; and .

. ·. . ·, · ·· ,:,i,·
,·. !~,
2. The fact that a. w~rraht ha~be1p~is~ue~ J_o~\..:r~'l T:_he ( the arrest. ~-
arrest (ROC, Rule 11:J, Se.c. ·J)~nd'\.~p.~ · . · -.. . ...,.,_~"~...,,._ ~-~ · . · . ·' · - . _ . {,
3_ His/h~r ~Mirani:Ja righ\5..,'' o{tfie~_es~!!J..ti@Fla1~""~c~1?,.t:":'f~~~i) >~~: · . · . · ·. . :(
right to ref11ain. silent- ~nd.ft~:"rJ~f'tofhave·~rJ; c_I;.._ ~- W~n ~:~e;(~d~ to be arres~ed is-~ngaged in ;1_{
competent and. independfnfCOl;l!Jl?e!· (lf!eopfe)~. ..&.t,.-:'the'·.,ommt?ef1ono\the off~~se; .. ,. '!_:,
: Cabanada, G.R. No. 221}f.24,JL!lY..1.9, ~017). . .rt.. . b .. -Wt)ep he l•{ f~r'!?ued nnmed1ately after its . ~:i;_
. . . './J :,. ~:-: .~ ff . \Jl.. ' . .~ : corrunis~ion~ ·: ~\ \\ . . . ·.~·
Excepti9ns (FRI):.. .
·a .. Wh~n h~ _.ELe~s,.
,d~ ~ . · . :.. · ~~~
.._. l . ;,t"".' ~. . ,
<':4f~hep he hai·-~sca,;ied,ne.e~ or foi'ci~ly resists ·~~
< _ ~funwift ~ ?eft~_-:the. ·~ff1ce~ ~as. the opportunity. to so ,1~, .
b. When ~.e forcibly ._Res1s.s7'1.> ";,3---1::: · mf rfli.lft~::~r - . ~ ~·
oppof!unity to so inform l:IJ(!1~~G.,· \<;).~\ ~

"'! ... .~ . ni§S.11e·g~v.!mg.:o'ffisuchlnfor~ation will !mpe~il .•~
. . . .§;.· r'

c. : When the gi":'ing of such,lfiffirrh~tiQn\'W~l~tl_

. •
· ,
. .
, · - ~
· -~
't;;, • '\
~ · V
~t> ,,~liL::.~
. : . ~ .
i'/ ['
''>!"',,... tV
~.,Cl· ~
.·'t ;J
"' · :'i/. · ·.- /,... ·
. .
he yr1vate .PJrson m·ust deliver. the arrest~d _ -:·;/
- . ~~

Under this rul~. an ·,mest m.~y.~ ma~e ~~en(iUf1e-r ~r-ij1F~pn bq{the· ne~~sLpolice statioh or.jail, and_ he· J7
police_ officer is nq! .jn pa~s~ssion\.2fthe iy.,~r~_Q"t~~~U.P~ pr~~~edJ3q against in accordance with Rule - t•
_arrest.. Exhibition of the war~ant f?~ior.-,t~·tti9i:r1$f.iS==--,,i.""f:!2,"'Se1cJJ-.;,9ttierwise, the private person. may be· .·-?
not necessary_ However, 1f a~er _the·~[d'~.ti{the '11-, ':{ ;het~~~!.$,-JOr lllegal·detenUori.· . ·. · : -:.{-
person arr~sted so -re'q1;Jires, th.e w~rranr--~n.c1JJ..,g~. .fy 11:1:.: ~;,:.,~- .. . · · ·. . . · - · ·~;
. ·shqwn to·h1m .as s:oon .ia~·practicable ;{PAMARAN~=~SECTIQN·- 10: OFFICER · M:AY .SUMMON .. ·
' supra ·at· 2fj.7;~ .Mfl]/ari, v: ·c~. · GR_ No;- 11(?~69,." "ASSISTANCE . ·.:.·:.·,·~-~.:.·.:,.
pecember:9, 1996). . ·: · . · · . . .. ·· · · · ·· . .. -. ·
. . •:. SECTION 1.1·. ·RIGHT· OF .OFFICER TO ·aREAK . ' ~
Rights p"Ol P~rson Arrested": }.NTO BUILDING OR· ENCLOSURE . . . .. . ·.···.~,'.:.·.:;!:

·1: Righ('.to .be'.as~·iste'cfby qoun.sel a'f all times;. · "

2. :.-Ri'gtJtto remain silent;· - · .· · · ,, · ·•· · · SECTION.i12_ RIGHT. TO BREAK· OF- ·THE · ,J
3. be ir' oMt)e above righ~; ~nd .
4: R!ght to be·visited by the membe'rs of:
. his family, . by\'his c~unsel, _cir··trx: ·~fiy'• non-
· : REi..EASE.. .. . . . . .
governn:ientar:,. organization, . national, . or · . ..;;~
· · intem_atior:,al {R..";I\. No. 74$8, ·sec. 2}:' · ·:Jf•y}


WITHOUT.WAR~ANT .< • ' • • • • •

. ".
Duty ot" Arresting Offic.erWithout Wa~raht-: .
Th.e officer shall inform the person to be arres.ted of:
1. . 1-iis. authqrity; · and : . .
. '2. The cause of the arrest. .' ·.


('RlMtNA·L- PR·a.cEou·.R:E:<

• I
• ,
. . . 4·1 i

MiiWWMHi d!&siMWM"'M;N

Rights of the ~re~tirtg,Officer:.. ($820) .. ·.. Note: .The. -fugitive may ·be· r.etaken. by any: person· .
1. To'§uinmon_assistanc<i {ROC,.Rule·113,. Sec. ·'who may not ne(:essarily be tt,e same -person from .
10); . . .~h9se custody he escape~ or was· res.cued. .Even1a ·
person~ 0 private.· p.erson· niay, without. _a ·warrant,' .arrest .a
1-ie may or~lly summo~ as ma_n; .as convicted'.. . . : . '.
deems necessary ·.to ~ss.isl. him·: i(l ·effecting .
. . the arrest: :
. ... .
. . .. ·- . .

. EV:~ry. person · summoned .. an. offic~i:. shall·
'assist him ·in effecting ·ttie arrest ,when.. he 'can ·
render 'such- assistance without detriment . to
· · .· .hlmself.' ;c. · , • , ••. • • ·

RULE. :a:i·4~:
. · .. BAtI.i. ,_.,,
· · : · ~ ... ~- · · . . . . SEC)ION.1.~BAIL;·DEFINE.D .'· .
. i. 'To ~reak·into building cir'e~closure (Roe: RULE .
113, Sec. 1-1); '. .:. ·. . : ·.TtH3 • ~ec~rity .·give_n· fo~.the'. re_!~as~. of .a>p.ers~~· i~ .:
' . -custody.of the law, furnlshed by·hirn or a bondsman, .
. ReqLiisites:,.(E$AD) , · ·:: · : . . . . -, conditioned· upon his, appearance before any. court
.a .. Thepersonto be.arrested is or lsreasonably .' as. required .under the condltlons speclfled .bY· the .
. '· · !!elie~ed·to .be. in said blii.ldinm · . rule, · :. · ·
. b.' . He .has ~nnc>'uncec;t his .. authorlty .·. andn/-:) .. · · · . · . ·~ . ' . . .. . . · ,. · . . · .
~ . purpqse_ of entering: therein; a~9 ·. · .: y{;_~{. . Jn all cnrn~na,l ~(q~ee_y.t1qn_s, \h~ ac'C_use~ ~hall Qe.
c.. ·.He· has. ·~·requested· and -. been ·Qe;n(~'1;"/. !~, pfeSl.!_mE':~ 11:mo~~.n~until U1_e. contrary IS,prol(ed,_The
· admittance. . · · · · . . . f;\~./: ..;"~ presurnptlon-of innocence _1s roote.~ m .~he guarante~.
. - · . · · . ._ . . . , : ·:J .fi"; : ...,. •J.. 'of .· due .. process' .a:nd . is saf~gu'arded· t):le
Note: This ~s:~1so apptlcable wher~ t~er~~ ~;:,.\·,·;:;.;~:@J~tlt~!t9~:4{tig~tto? op b~it,. l:!fld'fu.rther: ·
valid.arrest witMul'a wammt.. .,..,,;; · .. v1 ). b1nas-llie-co1;1tt;to y.,a1t until ~fter.tnal ~o.1mpos.e any
, · · ., .. , . ·. . , . ./"':··,,,,· }:........< puni~hmentj,1~>~on . the . accused .. (Enrile · v.
. ~h,e officer br:ea!<lrig. Int? .the b_uHdj~~'~IJ _·nc~.t 9?;::,,.}~ .sandiga~bfV~m.,. _G.R. N,o.. ~13847, Augus~. 1..8•.
habre· for da_mages.. h~ causedJS··~'··!sm. 1,( ~01 ~!-_ ,.l B · ,\ . ·. . · . , . . . . _ :.. . ·
-.the·:p~rfqrmance ·ofh1s ·d~ty~au.n?~~Rev1s~ct,:·t~J .... V ·"'· :\. ·.: · ,· -... '. _ .· · · :
~e~al; Co~e;; '."':-fl~/e. 11, r~~~
CO!l~l~~r~d· ~s ~. ~\•i .~urp_ojesOff~a!l.1>.. . .. , ·:
, Justifying circumstance .. ~,~ 'fl. -=Pr.,-;:0 , ~= . L,, 1 .. 1.~:~~.~~~~s·~~ara.mce:at t~e trial_ ai:,cj ..1:11~0 ..
· · ·. · .. ·. : ·•
· · · · · "j ,·~ ..!;_'. ~)}.. I~,; ,rel,~.v,_e,Q)m.:,<;ifJliengors.0(1mpnsohm~nt (Enri/e.

· . ~
. . •
,.,..,_,,. •
3. To Break - out. from the bui1d'ii;i·g·«rir~··gi;tclosurk5-~· ,. -1,,
1- 'J
· ,•", ·
· I
v. ·s a.n"if··
Jgan '"4•:'JJ'a
- .
GR N . 213847 A . ··118
· · · o.,· .
,: ugas · ,
. . .
when.nece.ssary to liberate hirrls'.!:?lf; ·and',·i · ·.. _· j~L- "¥"1J · · · ti .' ... " . · , ·- . · .. ·
·4, T·o s~arch ·the_.:~e-rson. arre~ted Jo.h-Oaiigerou~_.,.(.;.;;--f.},i:_:.-.?'l~?~oct_ e presum,pllon-of inno~ence ~nt1i 111~
.weapons or anything which · may<,>fiave-~~ef.l-,...··-...2-"'.l!J_:fl.,l_{l_~~-Prove~. beyof)d re~sd~able do.u_bt, ~rid.
'· u~ed ?r constitute proof in.the corfitnissio,~°:{an . . 3... To.. )11m to pr~pare ·his· ?efe.~_~e!t..
.. offense without a warr~ht _(RQC, Rq1~·?'6>-,Sec. · . ·. · .. be;ng.,s~rnE!l'lt _P~!or to conv1ct1on.·
· 13): . ... . . · .~ · · •1•. . • (~ortes. v. (?atral, A.M. NQ.. R.T,!-~7-138.7,
.'. · · .. · ·. · ., . .. ·· . ·.. September 10, 1997).:,.. · .. . · . ·:- . .
.. N,pte·: .These. rules orily ari of.ficer.eff!;)¢ling thle . lo. .• > . . .. ' . • . . . . ,: • • . . .
. . ·Ball AV~ilable-Only to P~rsons·in ~!,.istody of ti:ae·
arr.ei,~; It d_oes not coyeqf priva,te indivi<;fual making Law' .· · · . , . ..: ·· . · · ···-: ..
'ari arre~t (PAMARAfy s1.1pra ?f 26g-21$). ,, .. ·. ..A person i;,in. tile ~Ustody'.'oflaW.~heh :he.has,been
. 'either c1~rested or ott:mrwise. deprived .cit hjs ..freedom .
,N'a_v~rth~.le.s~;·a: iirivate·.i,ngividu~I may_b·e ~xempte~ . or:w1len'he. h~rs voluntarily. subniit~ed lj\'mself to the
.. frorli ;crim.i.nal ... li~bility.·_ A11 . ~re.spass . to ·dwelling . · 'jUrisdictiori bf. the. court 'by surrendering'' to the proper
.:whrmeyer: he has done· =so for the· purpose:. of. autho,:ities (Dfnapol .v.. Ba(dado,· A.M. No. ·92~898: .
render)ng· s'om.e :se.CYice 'lo. h'um.~nity· or justice. · . Augus{5, 1993j. .,. . ' .
· {REVl$EDPENAL . A.rt . .280,
. CODIE, . par: . 3). . .

. :SE;~TION 13i : ARREST. AF'T~R . ~~CAJ>E.. QR

· Reaso.ri.: The. puri:>ose· ·6f ball..fs.' to· secure · ore's .,.,.
. release and it.would. b.e in'congruous to:grant ~ail to
RESCUE one. who )s free.. The ,rationale behind this ·.special
:~ .. :rule or! bail is that it discqurages·and prevents resort
Whe~e a:·person 1awtully ·arrested ~scapes or js to the·. forn:ier pernicious. practice Wherein the
rescUE~d, any person_ ··may .,immediately pUr$u·e .or' aCCl,J~.ed couJ~just send 'anothe(in his stead to post
. retake him without' a any.. time and in any . bis bail; Y{ithc;,ut r~cognizing the jurisdiction of· the ·
·place·v,,it_bin.~h~ country. · · · court· . by his personal . appearance therein . and ..
~- . · ·complia0te with the requirements therefor (FfJ/iqfflnO
· v. Pasicolan, _GR. No .. L~14657,: July 3_1; 1961}. ·


PRO'CE.o·u.R.ECRl'MlN.AL.:.-~~*: ~,
. SAN l'IEQA, LA~ coonAuim BA~ OPERA'TtoNs - MEMORY Aio io19 >:'··:Jl
. . '• .. . <~~
When the Accused Filles an· Omnibus Motion Ex~ All persons,' except. those charqed with offenses . -~·
.· A-bitndant~ .Ad.-Caute/am; Custody-of the Law Is .. punlshable·by r~p_lusfon-perpe(ua·when evidence Of.· {
Not Required ·. ' ... · · . · stronq, ~hall! before conviction, be by. ;~
. When. the. accused files. an · Omnibus Motion Ex;;· sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance .• ~ •
Abundante Ad ceutetem '(to . Quash Warrant ·of as rnaybe-orovided by:law: Tlie right to bail.shall no't . ~J.
. Arrest andto.Fix Bail);.it is not required thathe be be imp~ired.·even wh~n--.the P.riyilege:of the writ df ·.-·$;
in the custody of the law, because the-same is 'not · · habe~s·corpus is suspended (CON$T.,.Art Ill,' Sec .. ·.l
.', :.~;~~~!~i_c_ation for ba~~ where custody of the 'law r~,' 1_$) •.. · '. : . . : · . .·. __' · ..• · . .. .· : . ·.: ., -~i·
. , · Right to Bail·in Extr.a~fition-Proce,edings . · ::).{'
However,. .it rrtust b!:1. f1:irther ·darified· that' aft~r-. the rnay ·be ·gr.a·nt~d in-: ·exttadi.tion-· pr9:9eedings, ·;:£1'
amount of baii ..~as been fixed; pelitiqne~ •. Whe:i, . provided that tha potential extradite proves· by· clear 2-il
pbstini;r the required bail, must, be.ln the .custody of . . and cqgvinci.ngevidence that he is -not a ·fl[ght.ris~ -("-~
the law· ·(Padua .v. Peopte,: G.R, No, 220913; ·a.n_d'.will.abide wlth alltheorders andprocessesoj .":;;·
Feb{uf!ry.4, 20'19): ·. ·: . '•! 1
the. extraomoncourt; or.' that there. exist· speclat; :\.
~- •

. . ." ; . . - . ·, : . . ' . . and . compelling· ... circumstsinces . ·'A,i,

· PEfrs.on in,Custody·of:th~;.Law-v·;_J:urlsdictjon · . justifying· ·g'(~nt,:6f b~il '(G_.overnment 'Of_Hongkon9'· '<t:.
. · over:th~. Person · · · · ,.. · · . .. Speciaf··Administrative.. Reg/on ·v: · O!alia, · 'G.R.' No.· ..:~~
.• . ··· · · · ···=-=-:=4.§,.~~75, April 19, .'2_()()7; ·Gqy~mmenf. of-the l.:J.SA..v.· :'?'"·
. • • • • U. r~f:,;~tR._.Nq. -~4857/ S~p~em~~r.2~: ?_DO.~).. : :·f
• · =:;.:.r!,.<!Jef ArJ(eji~qitionprm;eedi~g,is. stii g~neris and i
~ . _ · , · •· ,- . ,· ,., , ~-~ • . _ ·· ·the''~t~nda~9/-Q[,~roof..required in' granting and .. :":(
R~qu\red .· ·b'ef~re ·. the. R~aj!,MY'°y>Jjrr ~,;-~·e·· -3t':de1~:yj9_2~~~!.')_~hol!!~.~e "clear·, ~,:,d convincing- · :J
court can act upon--the adJu#,W~ti9~of{relref,% 'Jr· ~v.1den~e.\ardshe>uld be lower.thpn proof --~
?PPlication for bail . ·. 'ott;i#r tlia1;1}5ail srught b. ~\t
4ffJ~ }~y~md·,eaSOQ~f>te... higher _thanJ prepon'de·ran4e · .. · w
.·. · · . · · · · ·· ·• th~· . def~ndafi. '(e._g: ·(4)..t- of evide,r.;ce. T;hO_¢.' .ilfJ~ potential extraditee. must >;,r
. ..- · ~ njofioa:t~:qiia'shr-:- iifr''
prove by(clea~~l'.ic1c0tMncing ·evidence" that he is ;J~
jt ~rtf'w1u·
. . . ·... ~ ~- · . ~- ~.iii .,._~ ~~cf'fiigf;l~ rfsk ~bid: ..with ~I.I the :orders and '·;
• c • • --;f., '-~- ..oce~~is _ 9f ·jhe- r~~~~!bO~- .. (GO~(!rnme_nt _of fu
· b · d ·: h a' ~,l't b~ .. b': · ·H ~~~ongke~p_ec,tal.Ar11mstraflve Region v. Olaf,a, . ':\'
·. net :dean t·eth·u~I er··~ et tliJl~)r:~'ld:·, t-~~~~l~-th. 1'° 67})--Apt:fl,~'t.-9,.'2007). : . ·... ·. .J(;.
:cus O y O e. aw uU ·t?'s.Jl\lttS,lC 10\\'Jv~, e ~ ~f.'i~L4""' . ·,r· . ·'yit ... ··. . ~-
not 'yet. s·ubject. to ·the· co'u.rt ovel;~hi~\ ..P,.°~SO.Q; ;'.i- "'<.~JfuGo~ meJ5i .of..the'lusi v: Rurganan· . the·. Court. -~1,·
Juris~i~ti~n of the co':l.rt and\ye~('not
ove,r.hrs perso_n, such as cusJo.~y of the~laW,(5(5~~!!~ _..,
b~,~f~ 1 • ,/lf.,it~-'the ,ie"rc!5epfthe right to. baiU~'extradit_ion
. roc~e~inAs·be~§'e available only in · jJ.
· h n · a...." t d wli"'... th ~
w. ~ ._.a p~rs9_n f.'?s e . as· ... '<!fl · 0. -i,.a~c~~ ·
·... 1£Nri• ·r:frp)pa-. .,,....,. '}rl:I · · ·
··.~~9.s;e inQS,· · ·which an·· extradition J.t.
... by vntqe ?f a wam~nt es~~pe~\!¥~!!~-~ "==---..=lfi'oceeSin J\is"' ift. . . ·. .. . ,. . . . .l
-a!)d: the accus~c:l. ~le~. ·a e~tered :h1~~:~n¢]11s . 1\. ./(. b-1~. .\ ~~f/1, v:·· ·. : ·: .,.. . . . . . . . . . · ·. J
i:notron ~o : quash -~he trial · ... has. · · · ~~eady_ lV..ll.Lt~.®vernmenf'.of Hongk_ongSpecial Administrative . ·: .
wa_r~ant before comme1;1ced. .· :~ :~~gion y-. 0/a.lia, the··Court explain~ that ·whi!e ·. ~
-ar.r~~~nmen~: ·;, , ·, . . extradition·. is·. not ··a .. cri.mina~ pr.oc.eedihg; it' .:;·
. . ·· · · · ·. . · · . · ·. . . : chatae:f~rize~-··:by· tne · fol.10.y.;,ing: . (aF it.: entails a · }!.
. .' dept.ivatii;>n of libe'rtY.. Qn-· tl')e· parf of the . p·otential t,
. (:Dstocfy .i)t ·th~ .law.: .ts: As·.lqng a.s.Jl:l.e:accu~ed . . ~xfraditee.·and·(b}.Jhe meens ~!Jl'ployed tq attaiA.the. :i
.. lit~r-a'Jly custody .ovet. .the has been arr~$ted·Qr na·s . · pu_ri:ibse-.'of extraditlo·n.· IS·'··a1so.·-"the · machinery df JW
bqdy..9f tl;le accµsed . . . 'su_rrend.ered· · · ... ': anp . · crfniinai<taw. An . .extradition ~ p~oceeiding;. wliile ~·i,

·. · · · :: · · · thereaft~r , · entered· : ;a . ·oste·nsil:>ly_ -a:dministrativ~. bears all ea_rmarks .c>f.' a. . '~

pie~. · ·av.en )f . he. ·criminal· proc.ess.··sail. has· ..b~n ·allowe.d ·in this .. ,t:;
sµbs~qu·ently . flees, . tfle. . jurjsdic.tiori . .'tq .. pers·otis. il') .':·deter:ition . during: the ·_:,;.;.
cou·rt still has·Jwisdiction. perid.ei)cy of. ?dministr;3tive proceedings, taking lnto
.' ·over 1lie· ·mfrson bf· the cognizahc~ ·.tf'.i'e obligat\oli of the· Philippines. unde~ . : ~
accused ·.. and· · : can· international conve(ltions to uphold:_hurrian· rights·. · · · '·~
... !?.'.
continu'e .. trial. '·though . .• . . . . . l~
without- the. custody r;>f Recordl, show that-private respondent was arr:ested ·)t
the body of.the-accuse~ : . ·on September·2~. ·1999, atld remained incarcerated.,}
· · .until. Decembe~ 20·... ·2001'; when the· trial· court
ordered his admissio~ to bail. ln'otherwords, h(? tiad
{Miranda v. iufiao, G.R. No.. _15._8!63;.-l_vfarch :J1, l;>eeri ~etained for' .. ~ver 2 ·years without having
.2006). been convicted of any crime: By any standard, s~ch
. . .x .,

an. extended period . of. detention .. is ~ a·. serious Forms ·ot·Bail: (CoP~CaR)- . . . .
. deprivation of his fundamental right to liberty. In . ·1. Corporate surety (ROG, Rule 114, Sec-. 10);
fact; it was';>ertywhich ·. 2. ~roperty bon.d.(ROG,Rule 114,·Sed: 11):.·.
prompted . the extradition· court to grant ..flim bail. ·' 3. 'cash deposit (ROC, Rule 114, Sec.. 14J;·and
(Government "ot .Hongkong SpeQial Adminfs_trative · 4 ... ·Becog~izance (FWC, 'Rute 114; Sec{ 15). · ·
Region v. Otatfa,
. .
G,R .No. "153675;
. April 19, .2007). ·. f--!ote_: Prosecution witnesses may:'alsq. b~ required - ·

Ban' in Deportation: ProP,eedings .· : - . . "·. .. · .to post ensure their appearence at the.trial of
General RulerThe righffo ball guaranteed by the· .' the case where: :.
t.onstitution-· may -not be' ·
inyoked. :ih favor of· .. 1: · There is a substitution of lnfo'rmation· (ROG, ·
petitloners-appellees..considering that deportation. Rule 1.10,· Se~. 4); arid ' . .. .
proceedlnqs do not constltutea erim.inal-ac6orr(Oog. 2. Where the court beli~ves that a.material witness
See: Hang -v, · · The Hon •.· .. Commlssione.r · of may notappearat the.trial (ROG, Rule 119, Sec. ·
-~~ .. .
-tmmlqretion, GJ{ Nq. L~9700,Pebruary.28;, 19(32}".:

Exc.eptio~:. "When such: ;prolqoged. detentlon, as Requiring Ar:r~·ig,;ment B.efore. G~a~t of-Ba'fi,. No(
where. the alien-to · be deported 'had .been ' under Valid . . . ,. . · .: · . ., · · - . .'
detention for.over 2 years.. their: indefinite detention · !t is a ..mlstaken theory for the ..·court to ".first. require .
would _consti_tutean-unwarranted deprivation c;>f.1heir arralqnment before the grant of .bail w_h~re' it is
liberty.tBall may· thus be allowed.Jn- such ~cases ..:i}.. authorl~ep:.The.reas9n&.are: '. ;. . _ .... :
(M.ejoff v, Director::of Ptisone» G:R:'· No. L-:4~q-~f;,~;;;l· 1, · The trial cou~. cqul~ ens,1--1re.the. presen.ce,o_f the
September26,·1951).·· _·.· .. ·: ._ .. .t.,9/;,.i)\ _·. ac:;c_u~ed. 8:t _Jbe arr~tgnm;ent .pre~1se\y b.y_
.-. .. · ... ,, ... ·. , · ·· . . f.\:;/"\,,oi-.1.-( .,gra11t1n~ bail ~ntl,ord.E;nng·,.h1s p_resenGe:·at ,rny
· The 1909· c~s'ef 'of us v: · mustrativ~A ,rt;,;
,;;i{i_~:·.~, .pr®.~~din~~-such''as ar~aig"
. th_is case, a Chinese_fac_in~ ~_eportation_{or f~ll!!f..e f:~-?
•,f'1,,·1 ~:"·'.\'.(fif?{-d~¥l,]le,1.J 4, Sec. 2, _par; (b)); ~r;id .. ·. ""... ·· . : .
· secure the. nece_s.s"'!ry.cert1f1cate of
grant~d ba1!·pe_nd1ng,h1s appeal. Afterf'9tirig_that:th,e'\-,.if.
y fr.2. · Tfle-ac;cµ'.sec:L woul<;l be- placed 1~--a _pos1t~on .
w~er.e h,,(i~fs to choose between filing a r:iotion
prospe~t!ve· deportee had. c_o~mifte~·~m}:~;.~f.ime, -l!l,fY-'-l( · to ~uaiti.~~1-tl:J~s dell;IYhls _rel~ase on q~11•. and
Court opmed_. that.-"."fo refu~e huh ~1;!1~:,1?··YJ.Jteaf'h1n;i ./','t . for~gfll':\9),of a motion to. quash so that
a~. a person who. has_ committ_~-the moj(:SE:rio_v1~-; . •:?. .he-c:pn b~ ar\ ,once·and thereafte_r. ~e
cnme k~_o"'.'"1 to law;•: ~nd ·th,~t'!\Pile-~~p.~rtqt1~n_._!s"\. L~ . ;;_ rele,.~~~l'.lton. \a1! (Lav{des _v .. CA; G.R: JVo. ,
. not a cnhlmal proceeding; sti{Qe· of.::tl1~;:nj1J1chni\.~f¥- · !··1il' · t?_9,~'l~!;f$.h;!:f!~~>1, 2.000)., ' · .:· . - .
use_d. "is ·the machinery c;>f ·9rin:ii_Qal, l<3w!;:.r,i;ius;:1itl'i.~·. R-1 ~-?.:.:£•·.;;.i.;u..1·i·-' · - · · -- . · . . -- .
provisions relating-to baifwas appfreq,to'':cjes:>.9rtatio)i' ,:r SEC_TION. z. E;ONDITIO_NS OF THE . BAIL;
proceedin~s. ·.. ·,
. , . -
. :-. .. _·
. . . .
~r:(;.· Yi-. ~ '. r{,n.~~l
,-..,.... At{}
UIRErvl~N!S; (~A:E)
;; ·• .r.r·•·,,t; ~.--,- . . . ~
. . . · . . . . . . ', ·,;;-,.,;,,-:· .. ·"<::;-;.,;_;~;. ;.'·1.:,.:,;T.t.i.~~ndertaking shall tie ".sttective . upon
In Me1o_ff .v. _Director_ o~ !'nfons __ a~._'<.J!Phirs~~.r:;·V. . . - . approval, and"tjnless cancelle.~;-shalJ re·m'ain in'
Co"!m1ss19:1 of lmm~grat,o~, -~h~ Coi)ij,._J_I: '}~ ~hat ·" all stages. qt. until promulgation
. foreign ._nationals aga~nst ~horn no ·form_l!):pr:tmm~I·_ ·of. 'the. judgment. o( th·e· RTC,·; Jfrespective; of .
char~es·have;_be,en_flled·may be·r~lea_~.e~ .on ba.11. whether-the.··case. was '.orJginally fite~I in-:or·
pen~mg -~~ frna],t}'._of an,~rder .<;>f:'de~_rtat1~n.As: .aP.pealed_to it.: · . . · · .. · · · ·· ..;-
prE:v1ously_stated, p1e_Colirt;1n. fvf.W?ff rel_1e_d. Uf>O~ !he· . . .. 2. The. accused shall -~ppear' before,. the. prqper.::
Un1~ersa}~eclarat1?n of.Hurna.~_·R1ghts n:1o-s1--1stam1n~ coui'ts whenever- so·required ·by the: court or
the ·· deta1_nee'.s .. r-1g_ht .. }o; ba!l JG?y_er~m~iJt.: .of · these ._F_wles; . · . · · . . .. . .: ·. .
Ho(!gkong Specfal.A<!_rr11n1stra_t,ve __ Re,g1on_ v'._Olalta, 3.. ·'The failute of. tl)e appear at the'trfal
G.R. No. -15.3675, ,ftpnt_:19,.200'1): . . . wi!hollfjustificatiori despi~e ·d,,ie notice. sr~IJ b~..
deemed a waivs)r. of· his right to ·-l;le .. pr:.eserif
P_erso.ris under:' C)jstC:,:dy:· of: -~ inia·IY'.. C9urts. a_re · 'therea~. ln":stich "case, t~e-{ria! "may'proce.ed_ih
NOT'erititled to Sail · • · ' ·· absen.tia; ano. ·. . ' "..'· . . ·. . '.
Rei:rsotis: 4. The bondsman shall. the •ace.used :to
1. "Unique structure of tfre military; . . court for exe'cuti.on.of tt)e" firia_l ju~g'mer:iJ." ' .
2. Danger ·to."security ~s
.they _are. allov.,e_d· by the .
goyernment to·thefidl)ciary:use offi'rea,:ms; ahd . N9te: Once ai)· ac~~sed esc·ape, ·from pri~on or
3. Qarigercius ·as the acc::used--officers ·out. oh" cori1inement, ji.Jinps baH, or flees to a foreign 'country,··
may. use. the:ir military infiu~ncE!· to.
their fellow he loses 1_1is standing in court. Unless he surrenders·
.coi;nrades ii, order" to 'overthrow" the .govern mint . or' sub'mi,ts."lo the juris.diction ', of tl_,e ·co1,.1rt, he. is' ..
(Co,:nendador. v.. De· ViiJa; (3.R." No ..
·93.117, : qeerned to tiave waived an"y right ,to seek· relief from
August 2, 1991). · · ·. the court. (Villena v. Pe.op/e, GR.· No. 184091,
January 30, 2011). ·

~ 57..1 . :
ll!lil~~:::c':l;.;:;:~~ma-- .. ma-- .. illl!..... !IIZll,..Slllllllllmli!lllllmlll .. lllllim.lllll!ml!lm1311.1~------.m'll--~........llla ...... m~

C:RJ-MTNA.L· PROCE.D U.J~fE. . ·"·:-ft

- . . . . . .3'.b
. . . . . -.It;;..
The Surety's Llablllty <,overs the.. Followlng Note: The condition of the bail ·that ,''the accused :{i
Stages: . . . shall appear 'before the propet. court whenever so ·. .'·t
1. Appearance of the.accused at.the trial; · . ·· · required by the 'court .·or tti~s!F_Ules';··operates as a . · ~\
2. Appearance during · 'the proinulgati.on. of valid restrictlorron his:right. to travel .(Manotoc,: Sr. v, ·:i
. judgment; and ·· . . ·. . .: CA,: (3,.R-, No: L-6~4._Q9, '.~~y 3~; .1.986).: i:.r~~
3. ',, Ss1rv\ce· .by the. accused of the.. sentence ~
imposed upon him (Peqple v. ·celeste, G.R. SECTION 3. · NO:'· RELEA$E. ·OR T:RANS.F.ER : Jl
No. L-25806,:Af?ril 29; 1977). · .. . . ·. · .· EXCEPT .. oN· COU~T'ORDER OR:BAIL· . " . · ". :t!>.
.. . . . No personunder cJ~ientior, by legal process shall bf} :.;'?,j:
.. , . If the accused presents his notice .of appeal, tha trial .. releaseo- or transferred excet» upon order of ·the. ·. ::\Ii
·. ·COUrtwiJI order the accused to be taken [hto custody . COL!'.rl orwhsn he -is. admlttedtobalt, :·· .'.. · .. ·,._ · ... ·"~.
ln the ,i,ibsence.:of anew bail bond on· appeal duly.''· . . : . . .. J;.
approved by· the' court. 'If 'the accused .. does ·nc,t. . ~ECTIO_N.: 4.·· ·~All, ·.A· 'MATTER· .. oF RIGHT;, . ;l';
appeal;the bondsman-must produce the accused on EXC.~PTJON · ' · ..... :;;1,
the 15th day from -·promulgat\on .of sentence- for A matter.of rigl)t;... , . . . .. . . .if
service otsentence.. · ·; · '. "', :.: · · · 1 .. Beforeconviction by·th~._l,nferlqr-cou~~; , .,: .. · ·;·1:
. . . . . .. . • . . . . . 2.. After convictlon by the inferior courts; · . . ·: ·--~
.. The· ball bond that .the.' accused previously posted . 3,: . Before: co~victlon·'l?Y: the R"PC.of,1;1n ·offense not . ~
can'onl_y be used durjng the H5-d_ay periodto apP,-~!---~=..,,,,;,.,,_pu' death; _reclilsi9npe_rpetua .1
(RQC, Rule 122) an<;l not during ~hB:!3ntireJ.1er-lbil of \j·-)\·-.,)rhRi;i,t,onl'T)ent; ar:i.d · .·. · ···.-:.. ·.. : : ~i
appear. }liis_ is ~onsist~·nt with ~ectjon ~J.!)
ot3,~ule · . _J4\/
~ff?r.e">..).g?nvic_ti.on:.· by ·
.~he· ~ RTC~ wneri · the.. t_,
_ 11 ~- which pro"'.1des' ~h~. bail -·~~ii~~·eff.e~)X9-"""=--~ ·1~~o~leJienalty .1s dea~h·,. re~lus,_on p~rpetua · . i
upon approval an_d remain. !n fo~f~l.a1~{9~~:s·o.f . . ~..J1re 1111w1~o~rnent ~l)d 'the e"'.1dem:e of guilt is .. .:·t~
the cas~~- _unless _sooner. ··~r:ice)l~c.n:1,~t1t;.--..t~~fr"~-".:'""-tl!(st~Q~1" ~\ .. -,' .· · .'' .. _;. -. · ·. . .. 'c'
promulgation~ i:>f the 1udgmenti>t!pe. ~egiot'ial· Tn~ 'T ~- · ·\ ~~ ...-~;:.)--\ . · ·· . . ; . .. · · . . · . ;.
Court,·irrespective ofw.hether}lie casW~as,triginalfy 4!1\
.cV,!1hen H~_arin9is N~\Necessary ·. · · ·. .;!!
file~ .In · or: 'appe1;1led to ,;t.• · Thi~'·. am~~~ment, 7 InJnst~e.s· wMi.
e l;i:ail.- is.,a-. matter of.right and the . ;- II
.· SC. A,dm,inistr~ti~;eipcula.r ·i~~".i's ':1 :-'°?Ju1':fff.o1-grar:it~ ·~.~ase_d._on. t~e recommen·?ation. · )~.
d~partur~.from.the ol.d rules t,'nmh;,t~en pro~dec]:(t~!r

stages.of the _case. urWI ft~fU!ll.C,,elte(;@i~n: and~--...~

i::.(6~f-ie!'?: as~ !fated 11)- il:le. ·11\fprmation or · ,).
bail shall -be effe?tive a~d., rewpm, in forge··at !a1.b.fu-u:,' .. d~plajt.1t, · .· ~J' ;:. . ~'. · .._- · · _
•ioJ ·,/ ~... : · : ·. · ··· : · · · . '*:/· . · ·. ~: · I

thus even ·during the perio~ ofr;af%>ea~J;1qf~over.,,,~r· • ·.t'/~ufipf~r.~o"';'~t,er:::<l;i.ereis .;i.red1,1<2tip_i'l of bail_ as
under the ·pres¢nt rule, for t~~-actu~ed o.:2~,q__t4!_u~1, ,~d~e.op.~iac;ledi5raftetcor:iviction by..the · ~TC ··of ,an ·. ;jt.

his pro.~isional liberty on the ·lrme: ba~I boi'i°ij';j1;1nr:if ~ '-~Y{ff6_.f!jej{ot P,·,reclusion peq,'efUa, .'if~
-the, peno.\'.l to appeal, ·<?onsenl\of the 11.Q~ds . a:~n(~(im~pson.rrie9.f~her~i~. th~ _9~c!nt' of_ ball,. I~ .. -.;.,~
necessary (M_aguddat_iJ.: v.. GA. ~.R. No~ 3 ~9,''TE'I-·~~~cr~tio,1Jaf¥,th~rE} m1,1st be a ~eanng b' a bail . .,{
. Febru.ary23, 2000). . ·~-· ~ ~~- '-.:, -:.~,~~fed't)f\.. ~.(· __ aff~rd)he.. i;,ros~cuti,an. the···:-,.-~
· . . · .... : ~, ~ _.Oj.''h~.,. .~~anc~:i:to PRP-tfse ·1t (1;3asco v.. Rapatalo; .A:fyt.1 Nq. },~
Note; The tnal court ma_y .lmi)ose. other f:leq_~1tidrxs m 'J\
.if !Rir"~~::JJis, March ~. j.99-7,.). · .. ·· · · · · · ·J,
grantln.g b.ail where t!)e .likelihood 9f. th~·oo.itte._~· :v
JL~~ ;,_..,...-,v- . . · .. : . · . . . ..:.. · . . :;;,~
jumping bai.t·or ·of commit.tin·g · othe~ ti.arm· to tti~-....:==-..:..~.g~aritof.bail is. a mattf!irof-right ~xcept in ~ses. ,·:~f.
. · .citizenry is feared ·(Almeda v.
Vil/.aluz. G.r:?: ·No. L-. . invqJv~ng c~pital offen,ses when .tti.e·r.natt.e.r is. lef~ to.: '·:{v
. :U665, !J.U9.1.1$f 6; 1fJ.75):- · · the. ~ou_od discr~.t!orfofthe, coµrt .. T.ha~ discrEition·nes, \ff.
· ·' · · · · not in the determination whether ·or.; not· a · hearing .--:,;;
. .Hbw:ever, the . co~rt: !Tlay ·n.ot. i111p~se .. s.houfc! · ~e·... Mid ··,.bµt,: 'il'.l :.the .. appreciatio~,' ~nd~- 'jj'
· obligatio.ns upon the bondsman· otlier. tban· those · evalu~tion ~t: the pr~secution'(.evid~nce.- of QUIIL ){
p·r~vid~dfor:by law. The obl.lgatiqn imposed upon 1h~ · . · agains_t'the. accused ..,. when the: grant of.:'}'"
bondsmen -:caiJnot. be gre~ter ·n·or of a . different bail .iS djsctetionary,.the p.rcisecution:fias the ou.rdeo:·,. \;.;.
.cha.racter ''than - those imposed up'9n· the accused of ·~~o~ln,g t}.lat tfli:( evi~enre .6f .. 9~ilt .:~gairJ~t: the ~f,
(Band.oy'v: CFI, G:R. No.' L~5290, Match· 11. 'r909): a9cused. 1s :(Narct$OJv. Romana-Cru.i; G.R. ji,
No. ,134504. Marci) 1-7,. 2000)'.. . : · ·' . · · · : . ./!:
• - • • • • • ~ • .J\'lt
Effect of F.iling a. Fake Ball. Bond .
By filing a fake bail b.ond, an apP.ellant is·d~eme~ to · .. N~tice··.of H·e~-~ing Re_ q ~tr~d:' Wtiether:b~il ill ii,)~
h·ave : .escaped from confinement during· the ._matte.r_.Qf dgbt or. of dis9retioii_;,. r-easbnab1~·.~9ti~e .of.··-':¥~
. ·pepdet,cy Of hjs appeal and in the normal CO!JrS~ Of · ·hearing is required: to be giit~n Jo.=the j:>rQseculor o.r ::;i~
. thing's, his: appeal should be d!smissed .bc;lsed on · fiscal or at least he·. ,nus.t ·b.e ~sked . tor .his · ;~
Sectiqn 8, Rule ·124 (People v:. Del Rosario, G.R . recom.mendl;!tior . bed1use , in tQCing 'the .aniou.nt of . Ar
. Nos. ·1.07297-98,:December 19, 2000). · bail, th~ ·judge i$ requli'ed to ·take i.i:ito· a<;:count' a· . .;;:;
numbe'r of f~ctors.. such as U,e applfcant:s·character.. ·it
and reputation, forfeiture of other bo.nds 9r wheth.f?t l
CRlM·1· ·N·A·L· ,PROC-EB.0.·R·E

t,e isa fugitive'justice.(Qhin v. 'Gustlto, A.M. No. . exceedi!iQ 6 years, and none or
the' circumstances.
RtJ-94-1.243, Augus{11, ·19g5;, · . .- . · · ". -, ... -mentionad in the· third patagraph of RUie j1'4,- Sec.
5 ':' is present, _bal! is a .' matter .of sound judiclal ·
Hearing ls riot -requlred If bail is recommended by discretion. Even if such' clrcumstancesare absent,
· prosecution and· !t is' a matter of right ·'(Doryungo v. · . the court~t·illhas tbe:.cJiscr.etion'fo·grantoi:'deny bail.'
Pagayatan, A.M. No.' RTJ-03-1-751, June 10, 2003).,:..:
. . . . ·,
·. -· •. . . . ... •
. On the other.hand, if thecourt..determines that any ·
The Accused.Who Abscond_eda~er Postlng'Bail ;_ ·, ot-the enumeratedcircumstances in factexists, the ..
·. D9e!ji. No_t. Lose. His'· ~ight to ·Ba'il: When. ar:1 -court has .no other opfion-. to deny .or revoke bail
accused posted bail . as . a ·matter . of. right- . qnd . : pending appeal (RIA~O, _supr~ at 330): . ·. .: · .: ·
abscond.ed and 'then was··subs-eqµently re-arre.sted; .
his-hall wili' be forfeited. However,. he-·can still file for- · . No~~: i~: ·df
~rder. t6 ·~rant bail .; a ·.matter ~f sc~eti~n;
· another ban. The co-ur:t. carfr1ot' deny bail ~, it is a. there must p~ no finai judgm·e.ntyet: In, other words,
rna,ter of righ.~.. .·. . . . · - the accused should i:fppeal'.theconvlction pft.tie'F;ffC

tothe appellate court. :·: ' .

. Tfil;JS, 9Ver1 if the accusedjumped b~il.1 QQ times for ·. , :· . 1 • • , • •
an otterise notpunishable by.reclusiqn.perpetuf!;·life . ···Upon. convictlon of the. :RJ"ly, the b~il 'posted earner
lrnprlsonrnent ordeath, and it is pending before the · · as amatter .of,right-.l~ses'·lts for.ce and the accused
RTC, qail must s~III b~·,granfed (Sy Guan v, Amparo; ·must'file a new and.separate petition.for.ball (/..;eviste·
. G.R:No. t;._._177.1, Decemb,~r-4, -1'9.47). · ··: ' .: .. · .,,-~ . ·v. CA! _G;R:,No.:189122; March ·_17,-_,20_10) .. · · ..
. . . ' .. . '- . . . • . . . 1 Z, yf' . . . .. , : : . ..· , r . .

', Reme.dy of·the Court-: tncrease.the ~mount ~ftt{iii~'/f;h,.' When-Bail'Will N,OT ~·e'Gra~ted_: (~C2 E~) . · ' .
· in order <J!scourage the accused from j~mplhg'p'Jt'.i:\.;_,;\ 1 .. Before co_f!v1c_tion qy-the'RTC·whe11.accus~d is .
(~ec. 20) .. : ·. · . · .:· , .·_ · · ;J ·<i\;;,~_r
. . - . .
,!~~m .. ~h_arg_e9.-wit;h·~r;t·~ff~nsej)unis~ble·by r,E;iclu·siort · :
r ! J" A>L.,.cti.'.PJW>,!3,t.~)!0-hfe·1mpns9.nment. or de~th . and the
• .. . · · • : :. ·
, . · · ·.' .· ·. ...
· ·

. · _.... r;/·. ·
tr·. ·
' _·..;-o~' ·
evidettee;~f-~uilt is st~o,:ig (Sec. 7~;
j·L-d . 2. After. _Cp'ljiY1c,tlon· by ·the -RTC _ _.when, penalty

W_hen·ba!I is.a matter of disoret!b~, t!)e~~1~~inati9Y"f' ! . irt:ij)osi~"ts~i~a~h. life .imprisonment or r~clusion

of. whether or not _to gran.t bar I lte~.~i:th}~.EFSU~nd, . _\} . . perpe,(ual (J;:fl._vt~te. v. CA; G,R.· · N_o, 1 {39122,.
. -. discr~tidn:ofthe c.ourt. •
'. : _· '' .
. -<.?·· · ... a- ~~ · . Marc1'i.11, 201(/J);: ,.. . . · ... ·
·.· . . ;~, ,,:• -~i" :. ·-,. ~•. Y{J ~:'or:v.De Villa,
· · .

Bail is Discretionary: - ... '(./: ·~=.P2>i~· ~>,,: · fff , G'j~'ft:/~;'!J.3'.'!J:?tJ:agUst 2,}9_91),;, . · : ' · ..
· 1. ·Upo_n conviction by. th_e RT-q.__c~fijl.L~,ff~,nset~-;>f ~?} 4. Aft_er~'_m'!'Jl,ti6f!·bythe RTC:i.mpo.sing a penalty
-. ·p~rns.hable by death, reclusrbtj';P-_f!!P·~l'!~: or hfe .. ,·r', . : qf 1mp_nsonment·5xceetfingsix (6) years.but not
· impr_isonm.ent,.admissior:i to bail:i.S: djscrJ?jo!'lary:·.. r,l\.•:--r:-:- 1mo~e ttiar;:~Oyears ~n<:f-:~ny of th~ circum~!a~ce
.. 2., After conyi_ction by the RTC where<o:;a.;,~e~a(tyo( ;..,.ihi.,t\1:•'•'-~Jl.tlJil,~fc:!ted .. above ··and ·: other ,-. SJmilar.
. "imprisor:iment _exceeaing 6 but riot;o;i,oret~.a~~2'0t:-...::.~;~~-!,t'~ire1:i' is ··present- and· proved, '. nq, ·tfail
· ~~ar:>·:·. i_s ·ir1pos_ed, . _a·nd· -not. '.{>,P.t ·. "Py-:'~1th~ ·. · shalt b_e Qfa~ted:(Sec; 5!; and .. . . .
. crrc~mstances below rs present_and'P.f0~~9· barl 5. , J!,ldgmen_f ·1s· · f!nal and· · exeeutory l;!nles~
· is a matter of diScreUon; (RECFLI).' .. :-- . . ac·cused ·. applied for . probation:. before
a. ,Becidivlsm,, qua~i-recidiv_ism I or · ·tiabitu~I ·,, . _ · ~6rnmencing :tp serve sentence of 'penalty ar:i~
· -delinquency or; _comm_i~sio~. ·.of: .. crime . off~nse w!thin: 'purview--of prob~lion law· (Sec.·
. ·. aggravate<;!· by' .the' circi:.utistan·cei,;,., ·'Qf.. · ,·'24} . .: ·. ' · · . . - -
· . r:eltet'fltion; ·, · . . .. , . ·.. . ·· · ... ., , . . .. . . . .. ,
. · ... b ... ~reyi9us gscap~ from· leg~!- confi!)en'ient/.... .Where (q·File·B~il· up·ohConvie.tioo b.y-th~ RTC c;,i :·
. . . evasion· Of sentence or violation·. of-·'ttie .• ...: . an· Off~rise .N_ot ·P.unisti_ab1~- by De~~h. Recfus}c:m .
. conaitions of.bail without.v.alid jµstification; ... .- · Perpetua or Life lmprisoriment: . ...... : ·.
c. ~ommission, · of: an . offense · )t'Jhile. on ... : 1; · With'the·trial court. desp.fte the filip{f of a riotl6e ·
. probation. par.ale or under- .conditiona~· . . 'of aprr~al. provkled it. ha_s. not- transn:iltted 'the
: par.don; , . . . ' · . ·. .. . - · origTRa·1record -to v,ie ap~Uate:coort:(ROC,Rule ·
d; Girc~·l'n$tance. of 'the. accused · or hi~· .cas~ -114; $et:. 5); · .. . .· . . .. : .. · . .. . . ·. · .
. ·indicates th.e· p,robability of·fligJit if're(.easec:I 2. · \'\:'ith:-th~·appellate COlirt if the ciriginal re<,Qrds ..
. o(l bail~ . · · . ·· . have-already peen·transmitted :(RIANO,- supra·
·e.->Undue risk-of cornrnission. of another. crime· ·. at 328);_qr .' · . .
by the ·accused during. pendency.'oi appeal. . 3. · , With .the. ~ppellate·cotirt if the de~ision of. the
. ' ' . .. . ' .. trial ~ourt convicting t~e ,accused change,d the
Bail ,l,}pon Co.nviction by the RTC·Wh~re·Penalty. nature- ~f:.the offen!jie .from non-bailable .to
Is Imprisonment Exc~edlng·6·years . ba.ilable (RQ_C, Rule 1_14, Sec, _5). ··. thl;l penalty imposed on the accysed:.:
· app~llant applying for bail is imprison·ment


··---· ·- - ---··-------------------------~--~-~----·
CRl Mi NAL:·.P.ROC.E·o·u·RE
SAN BEDALAV{CENTRALIZ~D !JAR OPE(!,4-fkJNS -:.M~t,lOR_Yit1D..io19. ·

SECTION. 6. CAPIT Al! OFt;ENSE,· DEFINED to the primary .objective o_f. bail,. which 'is to: ensure
. . · · . · .. · -, ·· . that the· accused appears attrlal. . · ·. _. · · . :_·.:...·,-~
It refers to an offense which, ·under. the law-existing ,
atthe time 'ot.:its. oomrnlsstorrand at the time of the . · ,The Unlversa! Declaratlon of Human :Rigl,ts -has. • ·l
application to bei admitted to bail, may be p_unlsheGl : · authorized the. grant - of bail upon a · clear. and ·. -Jc/.
witlJ death. . . . convlncinq showinq; (1')'thafth_e··aeta.inee.will'·hot'be . ::f,
·. -· ·.. · · : · .a flig~t-ri.s~ orsr danqer' to and·{2,) · ·'ti:
The caplta! nature.of a~'offense is dl;iletmi~ed by the .. that there exist special, hurnanltarlanand compelling .. "1"'1
penalty prescribed by'law' and notthe penalty to .be circumstances. . . .. ,·;:;
, . actually imposed. To-,allow bail 'on the basis of the_· . ..., .. . . ... . .. .'~;.
penalty to · be actually imposed would requlre a . Enrile's soclal. and political. stand.Ing and his ·hpving , 1,\
conslderanon rio, only of. the evidence ·-of..the .·rmm(;?diately·surrendered to'th~·author.itjes 'upon hi~· : ';/,
commtssion uf the.crfme .but' also'tevtdence -ot the · befng_ ctiarqed In cou~ lndlcate' that.jhe .risk ·.of-his.-. ':~-.v
aggravating -. and miµg.ating ..¢ir9u.m·stance~. 'There flight or-, -~scape fronr this· jurisdi~tion is.. highly:. ·::Ji
wouldthen 'be need for.a complete trial, :after which u.nlikely•. Tlie currently-fra_gile.state of_Enrile'$. health. - :)1.
the judge Would. be just about ready, to render 'a . . .: pres_ents .another .. ·compelling· jUstification . for · his· ·: G:
. dedsion ih-~e c~i'se.; . · .. · . . v:
. i:,di:nissi.on to_ball'(Enrile Saadiganbay~n,.G.R. No .. _<j1
. . _ . .. . . . . '·· . . . 21.3'$47;.August-18;.2015). ··~t:
Nevert~eless, ·where it,Wi=..,;-~---; .· .. ,.: ·. . ..· , - . . · . -~i
objection that the ·,accus~d. is· or:iiy_ 1~;ye~r,.f>"!ifc!;it, l ·l · '§ej;.·~-.&;(~.,d· pa~).,.. RA 108~3; Ney,{_ f'.r-itl°Camapping. · ·-j;
f611<?ws that, if. convicte·d, .he wQuld ~lvep.).~IJ.e~~ :J.l'1,r,, 1n~~P.e~~n,~har~ed:V>'.ith can:iapping or-~~~~ j~
pe~alty nex~-. lower. thah. jhat .. pre~f~~O"'tfY>-1~,;.'=.=z,=-~!, ·.Gfimeyf.·.C~z.rnnapp!ngI~ com.rr-u!(ed by . ~rllll.lJ)al · . ·. ~
· ~h1c,h ef!ect1vE:IY . rules .. out ~~,deat!),,.,.p,efi.~J~y:: . · . gr~_~&:,,__~~~~Jr'e~ynd1cates or by·m.eans .of_violence· .:. J[
Accused ts. entitle<;!· to ba11· .(Bu3!fO,;t1('.i~qa~or.. _11;1.tii;(f1cta~1.Q.'-~~ 2_:-Pf persol)/s or forc~d· upof) things; ~~1

· · · · ':"o:
·. . _ /{ . NJ' · ,f. · · · . . ·.
-~·65228,. February 1 §'f/[~S-5):.:f'.:
.· · . . ,rn · ]· .~r.whe\the':q~erqd.~j~_et., ?<1ssehger o(ocC1,1p1;1nt of ·.:(i
lC · ~~ ... rff.\.e carn~ppe'a,v1gh1cl~skrlll;)d or raped in the·.qpurse· ·. ·-,1,!
-~-~CTION·7. CAPITAL OF_~et,4s.:,t-jPT ~~ll.A.B.!=_~· Qf._!h:_::~rnap8iFf2¥$~/1be:de_nied bail .wh~n the. .,fJ
· . : ·. · ·. · · .· :-·.Jf· ~;;;r-K ·. -,t' . .·
f . -II ·~E:V1aence-.ofgu1lt-is·l?J_q>'r.g ... _ · .. · ,· .,.
\ :'tjttrr · 15:"'1111,-_.., ·8 · · } F""' . 'ii
. .. . .)~

c!~t:;r o;:~e
G · · "I R I · · · . te:_ · K.
·--~r. :u,_ose. ~uri4;a~!~ .by ·,~~ius~~-r.;,
. · ·. · . .
to pete~tn,p~ifi~lde·n~~o.f :(;u_i1i.1s.'~-~:ong_:... : \~,
perpe(Lla, lif9: i!T'pl"·t>~il~~·-<The te~{~.·tw~either. t~e,eyi~~nce-establis~es gujlt .... 11
· · ·~

when ev.idence_of g!,iilf is- str\°c,1 \. ~~~~---

. : · ,· · . · . · . .' ·~ · ·· 'i_'' .~,()::< ·
lffi. .1 ~.f?-~YO!;l~z•~ejlSOt?.~~llt~i9.ubt
Ii· bt.ut. rattier _v,.ihet1ner._.11t·t.
~·~!-1-m~>e91de.n,gUI 01.4.a grea pr,eSUJ'.llptlon·o QUI ; ;~~
:tg I.
Reaso.n: One who fa_ces a.prq.~~ble·.o:~aUise_!Jt ~e-c-' - . ~~ the,/ou!i;!ricdly.·boun~Qo .decide .. -~~ i
fi~s ·a,: p?rticularfy·: s.trong _tem)tation."t~. fl.e)"(~.L,,·/·~iciytir.c~lfl·~t_ancej'a~d
· reaso~ d_oes ~of ~old ':YM_re.the~fccusea::.~s_9i@n~JEr'~@..YPpuu!,ol
~actors 9re·_Pr-ese.nt'~ich · .
s!;}.owev1de2f 9~!1tor_ pres~mp~o~ ·of' fJUllt. ... _. . "}"
fl·~ l
estabhshed without obJe~1on _to-o~a·· minph~y~, ..?'':, ~~ A/ ·. :·.. ·. · , ·. ·. ·. . ·_,.
law·_ ca'l)riot.,·be sarit~nceq·- .to id_e~th"<;(~~~rdr: '~·~.
1, · · "'F'~off~~~,T:-8i'.Evident proo(means;c.lear,~trori!;J ,:;~
. Bo(Ja, ,G;R. ,'No,. ,65228, Fe.brua'iy 1.8, 1'gf3~ (!""' · ~ .' \"~ !{_ (etY11Je!.JG~)Y.liJch .lea~s a_. well-guarded d1sp_a:ss1onate. }l
, . . . . . . · :·· : . . .· . ·. · : ~~..,.... .. · Iv 1}fu'!~!Jle1'ino·th.e.conclµs1qn t~at tl)e qff!':nf?e; has been. · ·ij
The grant or denial of Qail in: an- offense pu.nishab~~mmitted .as· charged,: that~acc.usep.. is-· the guilty ,.,t
·. tiY. reclusiO() perpef/i~! f l,ICh ci!i plu~'der., . hi~ges O.n_ . . . ~!:i'ent';a(l~ ,tha{ he·:wm pro~a.b_iybe.pu_~is.~ed Capit~lly· .·. J'.
. the iSSU~ of Wh~~~er .<>r·nqt'the evade~.ce,of'guilt· ., ..If the laW IS admi':'ISt~ed · 'J' .. , . · .. ·.. . ,· ;f
of the accused is strong. This.req"'ires the conduct·· · . · . . -· ·. . .. . . .. · . · .. · . ·.'·~
· of . bail heari;rjgs. w~ere. the pros.ecution· has. : the· Presurrfj)ti!)n great' exists. wheri'ttie- c\rc;umstances . .?J
.t>urd.en. of·. sho.wir,g. Jhat .,t!i~: eyideoce . ot,,'guilt 'is testifiecf .t<x ·are~ s_uc;h that· the ·.-1nieten~e · · qf ·guilt . {,!'..
stron·g,·'st.ibj~ct to tl)e right of the defen:se ti;>' crqs_s~ . natl,!'rally to.f?e prawn:_ther'·s~rong,..·c.lear,'~nd ·~:
·exafl1ir=1e. ·y.(itne·s·ses·. and· .. introduc~.::.ev~d~nc;e · in it~ .... · · con.vinc~ng fo. an. unbiaSe·Q jyd9rneht. ~n~ ·e1(CIU~~$ . }j'
own ~ebuttal. The-c9u'"! is ·!o condU(;:tonly a .s._um_mary . ~I! rea~onable pro!)ability .of any pther cori~lusion.: . : 1~
heanng; · ~( s~ch · brief and ·speedy . method of · . .. , . · · . . · .. . . · ·· \i'i
. receiving and considering the evidence of guilt a~ is Even ·though ·there is a reasonable doubt as to the, ·,:·il
ptactiqable ~'rid consi_stent with ti:,_e purpose 'of.the. guilt of.'accused; 'won·~'!l'· examiriation -of.,the entjre l~
he13ring which· is m,erely _to- determin~ the. weight of . rec9r~ the presurn'ption. ls.·great that acc1,1sed is g·uilty ·· -~
evidence fo.r purp_oses of· bait (Revilla· · v. ·ohi capi,al'offense, bail-should be refused (Napoles, };,
SandiganbayEio_ First Division, .GR.- No.: 21'832~,.· v.·-sandlganbayan; G.R. N,o._·22416.2,-November 7, <:ii
July 24, 2018)' 2017).' · · · · · .,...,:,
,' . . . .. . .. •'
' . .
: ~~
. ... ,
· Exception·: . . .For·purposes· of recommending the amount of bail;: · -~
The evidence of guilt, albeit a 90od measu,re of .the·· the privilege~ -mitiQating circumstance of., mi~ofity: ::_/1
posslbllity of flight risk or public ha~m •. is subsioia·ry
~hall be cons1dered.(R.A. No. 9344; Sec. 34). · . .
. . ~
. . .
·, . :

.·c:RlM 1.NA·L ·-P.RO.CE:DU,RE . '.


. Note:·. R.A.. No: 9346, {A~. A~t Prohibiting·· the. 3.' The court shall' examine the witnesses on their
Imposition of· Death · Penalty . in the· Philippines)._ direct'te"stimciriiesor affidavits to 'ascertain if the
· suspe.nded_the imposition of de~_th penalty. · evidence df.guilt ottli.~ accused ·is st~ong. The
•' ' court's questions nee_d not follow .a.ny p~ctl.cular
SJ:CTION 8. :· $!.JRDEN-: OF. -·.J:>ROOF · IN . BAIL orderand may shift from,one witness to another.
APPLIC/l.TION . .. . TIJe· court shali -then allow. counsels from both
sides to .examtne the witnesses· as well'. The ·
.The.heari.rig should. be summary or .othe~ise"in the . . court sha\l afterwards·hear t~e orar'argom~ntsof .
discretion of thecourt. The burden of proving that the . . - the· parties.on ·:whe'th~i- or :·not the evidence. of
: evidence of guilt is strong'lies··with· the, pro_se.cution · guilt iit1?trcing;' .. . ... . . .
·. (Coir);a· v. Ahtona,._AM..'.No:·RTJ;~g~1.s1Bf:'August_.. · 4 ... WittJi.n .48 hours.after ;hearing,· 'the court shafl
14, 20QO):_ . . . ·. . Issuean order con.tainiiig.abriefsum·mary of the·
,_.-.. evidence. adduced- before it, followed. by · its
:: Note: .The resol~tion'·of petition -, for bail .shalL be . conclusion of-whether. or ncW,tne 'evidence of
. based 'solely.on th'e:evid.ence:p'resente<tdurinq the gu\it. is . strong: :such. conclusion shall not be.
bail. · proceedinqs · by .' the · prosecution. The . ·· · reg~r.dect;,~s·a pre-judgm~:fn(t>~· the meritsof the
'pr-0·secutio(tshall present onlY:,'J)ieces pf. evidence. i case tlia_t·is to be determined -only after afun-
that are essentialin establi$fiirig ·that thei evidence.of --btown .trfal {A.M. 12-11.:.2-$C, Sec.: 6) . . .
guilt is strong. : The., accused .need not · present · 5. P1Wtion .for .-tiliir shall be heard·. and resolved ·.
evidence to contradict or·_ rebut the' prosecution's~,<>, _ a ..
\irit!1ir.i'. non-extendible.. iierio~ 'of 30::·c~lendar
?viderce .(AM. No._ 15-06-·1.0-SC, Subhe~d_ingJ(I{ ,;J{ d.;i_ys from:.9ate_9f_Jh_t'!firsthe~rinG·: e'>q::_~ptiri ~r~g.
item no. ·10) ·. ,. · -~-. · ·,. · . .. :-. /i'-':'~. ,; \. . ca_ses.wh1ch .~h.all qe heard_ and ·re_~9h1ed\o/lth1n
. ·. · ..... · . :· . ,: . . . . :·, . . . ·l;v~·.;.:'}'sl . ·29~a!el}a~rdays·,_without.needohiralatgurttent
. R~les:.yvben E,3ail Fi_le'd:·: .. :'· JJ h<~,:;Y ,-':;i:i---ind su_!;>~ission:of~emo~ar.id_a!.qo~~istentwi\h
1 ... ·. Bail i:riay·b~ grc!nte~ ·gnly ~f!~rmotton;!~)):::t~~\''/!ir~s"::,,Qfl:i~-~-~T~P.ry·mlture_ O! · , ..
. purpose has -been f1!ed_. ·It may not_~~ygrantec:1;:t:· f;, 6. M'ot1<;>n-fpf.;reconsid~rat1on .on th~ r_es-olutron of
. :'.: mo_t.tJi· pr.oprio·: (Lardizabal -v. /?.eyf}(~_.M· Ncy\,.Jj. . . ·
... _petitiqn/~~,ba1_'.!: shi;l'II be res.olvet(wit~in · ·.(non-, . -·
. -MT{~.91,:89/,. ~ecembe,;__2_5,: 19.9.4)j~}~(\ · ., :,.,l-<'i\ exte~qJ~l~_'~ftio:c_lof,1 O_ ~aJendc1,I'days -from _d¥1te .·
· 2:_. !f.tha prose~ut1pn.refu~_~sto-a~~,Y,W# eyttl.~~e.1t
.. _rs st!II . 111a11cJatory f~r_ th~.,_'~tllrt to J~~tlielct t\.-
h'F;\ : . ·· of'sutJ;m1~~1p,;i,,:of;the_!11ot1on_(A.M_.N<;>, 15-06-:-10-
sc;, ,Sub1eag1~g. _I{/; ,,fem,no .• 10) . . . . ._ .
.. heanr:ig or . asf< · sear-_c.~,11119,:;;anq~:!Jljlnfic~tory">_Jnt · .... : -~ ;f_;..J.~ :..~ '1;; .·. ·: · . ·· · · -: . . : :
. que~trons_(Bay.lon~v,S1so~_{XMP-Ngr,,f!t_·. ~2~0~ · tf;'-:! _NotEh.Jf.i~V;~~~_;~-f;l~Jfnot s~~P.~_oq.!~e presen~~!t~n.
April 6., ·J ~9_5);, ·. · · · ..... :~"~:::..:.:',0};7)>. . &-"°;\;,} . ,of the -~~1dett-®:'')!ef wh_1le_ ~wa1t)_ng_r~s~lut10~ of
3, the dec;;1s1on must col'ltam a cop;tpJgte~~mma_r,y · . ![>/ th~ petition for bail· or fh~ mot1or,f_or rec<:ms1deratlof!
. ofihe e·viden_c~.of.th_eprosecutiQIJ. (Jd.};,or .,_ ··. JII , (A:M. No;',15-06,10-SC, Subheading·IJl;'item·nr;,.10)'. ·
· . 4. , Fc;1ilure · to :aUege' s_urnjnary,:of. _eyigle,nda'Lifl th~- .- /'-/!';':i 9J''rki~...:.· . . ·: .
. : .·'{\'titt~n o_rder .o( bail shall repder .t.f.i~:'brde(y§j:a~Pii,v·•:'.~ .. ~ ··: ,)
.. whe.ther·or.not oait is. Q_rant~d~·.T~~~, .'ud\;)j{i5a'n. · · · ·
also ·face· admihis.trative ch.sirge.s.'f ~(lllls:fg v.
Puruggailan, A~M- :No. oo.:1529-RT. :~April: 9, .. : ·.
_ 20(?*). , .: . <," . . . : ' · : . . . . . · ·. :
"Procedure '-in:_ Bau.'_·. Hearing·.-. in: 'Offenses
_Pi.sriisl:fab_le by De~th; Recipsfan-Perpetu;;, or Life
Imprisonment: . . . . . . · · · . · : · ·. · · . ..
.·1.,· Ttu{hearibg of th~-~ccu.sed's mo.tion for.paiHh .
. off~ns~s " punishable:. . by .. de.ath; reclusion .
peipettiot. or life jmpri~onlil~!')fshall ~~ summary.
wilh the prosec!Jtion · .b'earing · the burden of .
'.s_howir.ig.. that the evidence of guilt is stro·ng.. _The .
· accused may at his-optron,_,ifhe wan(s the court· . ·
to consider. his .evide'nc.e as ·well, .'submit in·
. support of )iis· motion ·Jh'e_· a'ffid,avits of his
.. -

witnesses·attesting to his·ii'uiocence. ·
2.· At the hearing..oMhe accus~ts rriotion for. ba_il;'
: the :ptoseh_ution s_hall presenf its,wit_nesses;.with.
·the· · option 'of.. e2<am.ining · ·them 4on'_. Of
·adopting the affidavits _t~ey executed during-the
preliminary .investigation . ~s.:, their 'di~e~t
· testimonies.


CR}l:M-rNA:L PRO·ce:ol.i":R;E.
_SAN'BEDA·VlwcENTR:ALIZEDBA~ 9P~RAttous • M™?~Y._Aio 201.9

Procedure inrPeti1ions for Bail , · 7. Weight of evidence. against"the· accused;

.8:· Forfeiture of other.bail;·. .· . . · . ··_. . · t~,i
. · _-_·· Applica_t_ion.for.Bail,'·· 9." The fact .thc;it. the accused was a, fug!tiv.e from :;if,..
justice when arrested; and · . . · _:,;,~
10. Pendency of other cases wh~re: the accused ls."
. ., on.bail, · -- . · . ·. . ", · · · ,
.. ·. Notifl the pro~ecl!tor or . r.eqµir'3 > The D.epartr)'lerit of .Justice's Bail Bond Guide sh~II :. ·· '
h'im to submit his recom,mendl:lt[on
,· · be considered but shall not be controlllng.-in._no·case· 0t
.. . J·. . ·· shall the-court require excessive bail 1A.M.··t~·-11-2- -·ii··
SC: S 1)· ., . . . ~·. . · tS.
. .. . •· • ec: . . ... --~:f:;
• • !'-:e_

· · ·· · The prin~·ipal f~cto.r~e>nside~ed, 'to th.e 'de·t~rni.inati.~n·· .~·

· · Conduct a Hear.iog·of the of· which -mostother factors· are directed, is lhe·- 'k
. . '.':· -~pplica.tic:m" for bail. . . . \ . : : . '· probability' of the .appearance or the accused; or or."::-).
· ·· · his. fl,1~.l:it to .avold,: punishment. It. stiould be Ngh .. :!;
I · . . ,enough to assureaje-presence o~ defendant but not ··i'J.
. . 't..' · ·. · · · . . . . higher. than .ls ..reasohably··calcalat.ed ·t<:> 'fulffll the ·.··_~ji
· Evidence of .. . E\!ic;lence_of·_ ~~eose· (Vil/ase;Jor: v.: Abano; · G;R.. No;.. L~23599, ·. ;:t
· G~ilt is -, · · .» • • •Gu8ilttis~if: . ·-:-_ . :LJ- -- J.~jn/"le~ 29, 1967), . · · .... .'.· :-: ·· :-· ... · · . ·;::
..,Strong.·. . . . . .· roJl!':I. - :.. ."" . 'i'- .),- ~-..,· · . . . . · .. 'l'.
- ·I_· . . -.,.:P,--.,1.)'.. :, r;,._,;=..,.....__VJ!.:. ~eiA'f!~µnt_~f Bail May Be Reduced . · ;_·
't . · ",{?."'·· \, ,y"~ · · 1f tti'i=t,,~CCJs~,~J;~e,esnot. have- the· financial ability to .:
,'-' '°""'.? ~,-~ ;,._- ...--"";i:---pest~tQ,e~Qi'.:ln't~~bail.that.ltie_PO\Jrtinitially fixed, f~
Issuance of Order·
. /1.(, .1;;~ · ,~ ..
.,_.,'""; s. . ··/<ff:]jf\reductioh; subrrilijlng for that · Jt
·. l)enying. ti'le.. ·
Application for
~ i ~r . ! :
DIS!'.'.~ rg,\ng~the ·
.utRt0h11- . · :
,6)'\ sue~ (cl~2u1ent~ or affidavits.· as in~y 2-'
warrant tps.rea.~tt~fj ~e seeks, The hearing bf _tl'11s·· ·,;;,
molion ;·c:'111!ity_ i"n the hearing at cases.. -~~1:
. Bali"'.·. . J pieP.p,._ya o ~- e';',;_;;; ·.: t::(~~12· ·172-Sd/Seq .. ?3). · .· · . _: · :. ·. . - _:··:1
. ~ ~·
. f .ail Bonq
I· . . ,T· • .
~TJ][f/J .
~"o , .·. .. 1~. 1 .,.--~
. >----l ~- ·. . ..
Jj . . . . ~ ::V) \;?,
1;. · ,.......-n . · · .
. . .
, . · . ¥- - ./"'\ \~ . ){~~x- ·i' .:.-:,order r.the7, ·1~mb1:mt : of · Bait· NOT ... ~.
~p"p~al"'iiJy:T~~!io~~~ftxingt~e ar'!1bt:mt tif the bail . -~~
The evidence presented duri~~"the t5~il h~i!?_§_ire~JJl(!~·l:l""11ir;i~ e ~u?1'1:cttofjppe~I(A.M.12-11-2-SC, Sec. .. j.;,
. considered automati~l_ly re_pr~d.uced'~,tth~~°cl.~1.· l,!,l~ ~ · · · i-5,f" ,4~ ·. · f · 1l . · · · .. · · ' · . . .t
upon,mqtion· oJ, th~;,court ni~y r13dall1i ~~~ .. ?' ·. · · f ,. · - if ·. · . . · · 5~
·_ w!tness _for additional_ .. examf11~~ion -~Ql~s~e-~EN,r"f.~~ ·m~:t(o. C0]3PORATE_SURETY-.. ·: · . .. . ~.:·
' W_ttnes~·· IS .. dead, ..outs~de of {he.,_P~IIIP,pn'te~:aJ""'-'--~;.;../. -\~ ·/ . .. ··. . . ·. · ·· . ,:;,:
otherwise unabl.e to testify·(ROC, ,Rbt~.f~~ ..:.8p:--_---==--:::Gorp,afa.~e}3,ui4'fy · . ·. .- · · · . .. · i
. · · · · -, . .. . · · ." . · ~~}j,'1 . 1\,, · /J. lf\rir'~.~\j~~t or foreign c::0.rporation, licElns.ed as a .. : }\
The determ,r:iation.of the weight of U,e ~v1de~~.:.!s ,JJ/llsm)}ty~-rna~cordan'ce. yv1th law ·a_n~ currently. .l
di.scretionary upon the .judge: It "is _elementary. iaw~.-aµtho~ized to .act as such, may ,provide bail 'by a _,.:~
that mandamu~ will 11ol lie -to control discrettoriaty · . bor:id ;-subscribed jointly·_ by. 'the, accused and: ·an. ,~
actioR_. (Payao v. Les~.c~; GR No. L-45176,·July22, . ·, . offi¢er"ofth~ ~orporati«?nduJy·auttiorized by its_ board · 'ii
1936), · · , . · · .. · · · ." of directors. . · · . ·. · · . · ·, . : · ' 1'!}·
· · · · · :· .· . . ·· · ·rti
If bail is denied b.y triaH::ourt;'the re\iiew jurisdiction-.. · Not_e:· Ori9e the eibligatiori of ba°iLis .assun\ed, the . '!
of thEl. Supreme Court m~y. be invoked, but :not.. oondsm;;,tn bts(!rety becc;im~s·in law u,e·Jaileir·ofthe · 1,tt
wi_thoµt_ first · applying . to" the CA . (People· ·v,; accused- and··is- subrogated. to ·all th~. rights.. ahd .. -<.
_ lytag_a'/~anes.G.R. Nos.. f18013-14, Oct.· 11,.19_95):. mea·ns·. which the·_.gci'vernmei"it ·possesses to make·.. ·.::{
, , his control· -of him. effective (Reliance Sur_efy v. ··"
·. SECTiON 9. AMOUNT"OF BAIL; GUIDELINE;$ .. ·: !',17?an~~··G.R. No: 150994,Jun~30, 2005),·
. .. ·.·... .. . . . . . ...
...Factors .. to Consider . in. Fi~lng Reas~nable: s·E~TION ·11.:_PROPERTY, .How" ~OSTED"
Amouht'of Bail: (NOT exclusive)
··1 ... Financial ability of the. accused to .giv~·bail; .Property ·aond . .: . .
2,. Nature and of the offense; . An .·u·nde'rtaking constitl!ted .as ·.a lien on the' reaf
3. Penalty for-th'e offense charged; .. . . property given as' s~curity _for the amount of the bail . .•
· 4. Character and reputation 'of the c\CCused";_ . "(SC Adrriil'l_istratil(e Ciict.ilarNo. t2·9A, dated A(!gust '·; J
5. Age and health of the accused;--
. 6. Probability of the accused appe_aring at th'e trial;.
. · t.6, 19!!4: -EffectiveOctober 1, 1994).
· · · 1 .
·, . J
.. I 2019 SAN. BEDA-
. .
...MM ~ilmiHS&~im-zeaaJ:as·Dil:all&i~·:lillmlll
.. ........BE!\!llll.. ll'ill&•smiW#Blllimi&lllllllll!181Dll._,lltm·m:l..mlli1!111IIIIII.UU'21l~'~~~B
' . .
: Within ten (10). days .after· of the bond; 2·.1. Aff\davlt ·of justlficatlon .: -. to include a statement
the accusedshall cause the annotation of.the lieii on. ·· . .to the effect that that· l'1e -company :- has no
the :certificate of title with ·the Regi&try of Deeds,· and: pending obllqatlon demandable and outstanding
on thecorrespondlnq ta.1< dectaratlonln the office of · in 'any amount to the Government or any" of -lts
the provincial, .. city' and ; municipal assessor. .· aqencles ·.a~ :or the .. last day of . .the month ~
.eoncerned. F;a)lure to doso shall be.'$~fficie11t cause . precedinq the date the bond is issued or-pcsted;
for 'the · cancellation -of the bond arid re-. 3. Clearance from 'the. Supreme Court ~ $howing. · -:
arrest anddetentlon of the accused. ··-: · ·. · · -. · ·· ·. that the· .. company eoricerned is qu'alified to ·..
transact bustness which is valld only for. 30 days . ·
Th.e. bondsman; must· be.the .owne_r _of the property · .· of Its issuance; . . ·; . ·,. .: .. v,

under the propertybond. Otherwise, thepetltlon for .. 4 .. GertiUcate·qf. co·mpliance·with:Circul~r Nb. 66 ·

. bail shall be denied or the issued ball.order shall be ·dated $'ep.temoer19,'1996; . ·. · - '. ··. - · ': ,.
·revoked. ' . ~. . - . . :·.,· . · 5.. · Authority. of )h~ ?igent .. _ _tt1e.,t:iqnd· is :· .
•· .. . · issued throuqh a branch ·office.. or' throuqh an
SECTiON 12. QUALIF.fCA:tlONSO~'SU'JiET.IES·1N · · ·. agent, a copy of the authority : or power at · .. •
PROPE~JYBO.ND. . . ,. : .. . . . . ' : ' . ", -attorney shall be Clerk of Court.· ...
. . . ·. • . '.... ' .. : . for fllfng~·together wi'th th'e schedole.,of. limits o'f ·.
. rha ~ualificattb.ns:ot:sutetie~·1·~·a p,~~erty-t>q~d;s~a.u:. . ·<· · · .· . · · · . . . ·., · ·
·-: · its ·authority; .and , : . -
· be a.sfollows: ·. . .... , . . , · • · · ,. . --. : ...-6. · · Current: cert,ificate . of a·uthoiity... issued ·by the·. .
.1.. 6.~o~. must be·.~ '.re~(d~ii(own~.r- real es tat~,; -~7) . · · l!"~u~ance · .. Co_n:imiss\one( :w\U:i ·~.'.-·firir;1~~i~I ~h.\hpp~n.e$;·... . ·. . .. · . · · ,_t/·f);,/il · stc;1tement showing: the ... rr:,13x1mum. underwriting
· _ . ; . . . . . . .> . · ... :. · ·. ;,:;/~f/,;·'.\ .. ·.. capaclty,of the s.u_rety9ompany (200.? ~EVl~Ep
,Note_: .This, is .l"Qere!Y a .~inim~rn.. ,requ.ire"'e11.f.\i1\) : ·- MANUAi,.. FQR'.CLERK$Of.COl.!RT, C~ap.· VI;
Thus, the cou.rt.may .require. th~t _a. ~i;irety p~ ,,.:,·~1
l ( e.g,:,:prqVm~~,'
· · · ··
1~:\ x'' · ·>'•'"'
Sec. E,:par: (d.1)).·. · · · . :: · · . ·
res1'dent·. Of a.spec · lfi'IC pace- -.,Mt
;~I 't,_r 'rr.:!.'i.~~:~;;;~,-\,i· · ,. ·,,r1 · · · - ,- ..· · · .·'. · · .. ,_; . ·· .
R.eason: .$0 that the sureties Wilfbe.1!¥tHfrr the \Y 1.J · The: pur:pdsef,1.,ofthe rule r.equinng:. the:. affidavit of ·o.f ~i:>U~· p'roce.sses. (Vil!~sll/J,§.f.-~. Apa'r,~,;~l'j . . qual(ficatiory,f~tithe .surety _before the judge i$ · to .
GR.. No: L....23.599\ S~p~ember2~,}.1-J..6.'tJL .·.!;f:;'_ h. enable th91.t'i'U~_;t~. detern:une ;,v.hether or: noJ the
· · ·. . . ·· ~ , · ,,,,_.-!!,.!!) f"~·r. ~~ . . l•t ·surety. po$s~1>E:lt··the quahficat10!1}0:·~ct; as .;,·uch, .:'· .
2. · Wh.ere t~er.e .is only o~o ~~x,~ty':.his 1,p~;estat~ !") ...;; .. e.spedal_l1hr~1flnanci~.~:w?rth·.>.r,hejusljfi~_~tio.r;r,bein~j· · : . ·
ll)ust. ~.e . W?~h.· at. lea.s/,J!Je. a11Jo1J.nt)?f ~he..-: [!A· onder -~~~· )..!;1.'!}\'11~1tx.m!ro~1Jc_ed_-t.h_ere~ooy~.the . ·
. undeitaklng: and.: .. :i..:1:r~ ~~/;~:.· ~~ l··~·i s~re~1l,.ur9tt~~i:T.~.!~of ~1gnific.;t1J?ewoOIQ, r~nc:!er · '
3. )f t~e~~ a~e ..tw_o or ·'!'O(e "s,~re,t_t~s~tj,ch.: r::.r
r.n~~~. . him J.1atit~.QC:Q,lnJU.ry .(PA.\1ARAN, Sl.fPf'?..t!t:3/ 1)--:-. ·
Justify.. 1h an trJan;;W;~:,.~P.r\~~s~d J.fl Ip, ·: . . .· . . .· ·, , _ . . . ··. ·. .. , .·: .. :
the underta~ing but the aggrega{e,Qfth~J.~s.llfied . ~{.·;-,R~CT.l(?N14. DEPOSIT..OF. CASl-f AS.B~fb.
:>urns mus.t. be... e~1;1lval.ei:1t td-~~'1:e'.'i,who.1~::..../t:):~:. i,.~!;~'.?:::~~,.;· _.. .. . ,· . . · . ·. --
.- ·· ~mount.of't~e bail dem~nded.·?l· ·. ·/:i·F·-·~·"?Pe,:-sens-,-to· Whom .. the _·cash · Bo:nd May ·ee
. · . . . · :. . . . ·~· · N(J Deposited: {CTC) ...
In ali c~ses, every surety .i:ri'u~t be worttJl0.'e-,Ji11ql!fll · •. 1. .·The' nearest.~ollector.o.f !nterriaf ~ev,en\.i~:,: .. · . :
specifieid in hi~ OW.Fi \1hdertakin!i' ayer ·.anif~bove.all 2. . Provincial, City or M~ni<::ipal Ireasurer(o'r· , .. ,
Ju;,t. debts, obJigatioris a11d properties .~xer.npHro.m· . 3 .. £.le(k of· court.where the pase )s. penoin$i... ·:
execution; · ·• · · · · --·· ' .. · · .
A Not~·= judge is . oi
no( one- those'. iiuth'd'r-1zeci •to
Not~: Philippine ·res.idency..1s·'requfred·ot ~ property ·receive tt)e deposit'as bail, nor snou)d.'siicb
_bonctsniati. Th.e reas9n for- .. tlii~ is. t.tiat [n . Cf)Sh .be.. kept in the offi~e of tt)e judge ..(Ag~l?O,·Jr. v.
criminal cases;. r.esiding: outside ,of-the Phillppioes·,. · . Judge:·Femand~z;A,M. No: M.TJ-:01.-f354,'Apr}~.4,..
are . not withir:i th.e react( 6f - .the p(oce~'ses. of ;the _ .- 2001): · . . . . ·· . · .. , . : · .. · ·, . . . · · · . . : ··.
· coyrts (Vil(asenor v, Ab~no, ·' ·G.R ..
September 29, 1967): · ·
·No. .
. .
. · .. ; ·. · · ·
.. .. . ~ jiele~se .. of the -Accused Withoo·t a.·N.eeci fQr··~·
.. ' "• 6oui-t Order·~ · ··· · ·· · ·· · · '.· '
SECTION 13. ,J USTIFICA l'ION .Of.. ~lJR.~TfES..... ·. Jus!$Ubmit: . . . · ·
· 1. ·: Prope.,:..certificate.of. o.epc:isit: ·a·nc( ·,:- . : ..
· Rliqu;~jtes Befo.~e· Acc.~pting i:(~ur~t}i ·or·· Bali.' 2. · Written ·undertaking .. showing· cti.mp1iarice . with
Bond:· · · · · · · the requirementi, of .Se.c. 2, Rule ·1.14·· of the ·,
· . 1. Photographs of .the acclJsed.. ,-·· S\,lr13ly and Rules.of Court.:· . . .. ·l· ..
. · .. ·.
. . .. bonding ·coi:npenies: ITI\JSt ~ttach :pt,otographs
; .. (fac~,' left and rigfit profil~s), passport. size. The money deposited shall tie· considered.. as bail
recently taken of the accused.on all copies of the .and applie<:l to the paym~nt .of· fine and co~ts. ,:he ·· .
. correspondin·g.personal. bail bond ·to be issued··· excess,')Y, sh.all be returned to lhe.accusei:;l or·to'
or posted; · · · whoever· made the deposit.. · · · ·. ·


.SAN 'emA
LAW CENTRiiuzro-BAR op~RJ)nous - ME'M.ORYAto.2·019

Note: ·Tlie tr,ia( court maY· not rejec~- o~e.rwjse . and -w,tti notice. to the public'
acceptable sureties and insist thal me accused ·prosecutor, -,the Sanggunian .. '
.. obtains his provisional liberty only thru a cash pond. . where the child Jesides, and _:,
Excessive bail .shall not be 'requlred .(Aimed~· v..
•. ··the -private . complai~ant:. The . '
, Villaluz,
. . . . No: L-31665,August . 6,- 1.975).
. · child .shall :be releas.eq. to the
. custody · ~f · a ·' wifllng · arid
. . . . r~spo~~ible mother ~:fr fathe·r,
·. or guardian- or custodian,· or ·in
-lt ref~rs.. to 1;1n _obligation of record, _entered -lnto .. their: absenc~~ the nearest
. before some court or officer authorized to takeit wittl .· . ·relative·. . .• .
a ·condition-to do some particular act; the. most usual ·. ·:5_ P:b." No. · 603 - :-1n case a
condlnon fn crtmlnal cases being the 'appearance of . . :you.thful bttender .· hel,d •tor
the.accusedfor. trial· (People V.· Abner,. G.R. No. k phy~ical . 0r·· .~. · r:rientcir ..
2508, .O,ctober 27, ·1950).·: · ·
.. examinatiori", trial or c;1ppeal, .if · ·..
', ' ·,:·'unable. to,:'fuh')fsh· !:iaii" arid : ..
Note; The rele~se ~fthe accused rri"·~is own
recognizance, which means 'that he has become f:l.fs .
. . . under the -circuinstarices; <
own jailer. (E:;harac.ter Loan) ·'(S9 Administrative_ · · · . .6: Rule· 114;-se_c._ f6 -A.person. /
Clrcular No. 12·94, dated August 16; 199.4:Effectiv_e-.,,.".,,,;;;.~-
: Dctoqef.1, ·1994)'._·
. .
~ECTlb.N . 16.. BAIL.
WHE~. NO,,Y,,~~,!~~.Q;~U;
: .
· : · .. ··. ?")"~-~,~
· u·
'.'. ·who'has·peer, i.ii'~ustody fora ,':
.. period equai-t~ or"more •than:·,::"
· the · · '.JXlS~ibl~· · · ·. ;maxiryium ,
irnprisorim:ent .· ·prescti6<:id for '· '-
. the· -offense charged, . without .
·REDUCE~ BAIL ON R-ECOGNIZ~!)IC.E·y1"',µ;<.-_ . · . . . \;._pr~j~pice tolhe continuatior.iof .' .
. . . ,..,..-f,"--....,. ,f -~)',• _._.,,. ·.
. . . . . . . ·. 5?.: - ' V". · ,~·,9' _d%'_... J,. ,~the'..triaLorthe. proceedings on
Jnstances wherei~ the ')c,JJsetJfay;s~·. iUl· ~; ' -Ji:-tpp'eal·-':·:·. . ' ... ·, . ..
. Released on Recognizange,Wl~ll~ut ~Uttmg.l.f" .
·1~(!1.flff~4,.S~c.·2+:;Wli_ere. th~ . \ .
. Bail. or on Red.uced Bcfil y. . QJj -ac~ilS:~tf . . . has .. apph~d for . . \~
.· . . . ··/,,.t!·. ~-~~
... ·1.B.A Nbr4esf'
9 .:_·'::~fen~tfl;iji~--:::.· ( -~tq~atfon_and be_fpretl:i~ s_ame ·/;·;,,..:'
ha~ been resolved but:no. bail. )t,
offendd'r is~·! ndigent\and tlila• ;.,. ;:;
)'I " ~{'!\.. .. u..f,I,!; -~~~- fil~ci . .-:of _the_ a~~L:JS.~d, !S :'._~ I.
offense)'fs...: · , pu111s!Japle 'by ~~
. · death, ',.1sif~r-.~$:~ti\~. or
life impr'i~0~r.rfe\;i~. \q~, j) -q· ~:.:r
: · .m,cJlipable . of. ming .. ·on_e, In · "°';$', ·
~®h1cli case_·· li'e' - mciy'· :be... >l;.
. '·.;. ~'

·2. R.A. No' 603~ - '\~ens ' '"'' ,.:.- a.·~hlesof Summary.Procedure, . ;J{
. charged ,s vio[ati,f>n · · · ot;l'll' '""-.'>ec>./
.· .. ;se_f)'..:··· .t'S._ ·.-,,,~ictcuse~ ,.-:was ff
· ordlnance, '\11ght tefo~y -Qf Fl ,~
. crimlhar · ···:. '\qffense;}"·,.,,_Jh· -~~ '-i ··
St ~r ,-,_arrest_ed_tor failure t~ _appear ;{
f · when (! the court. In. · i
. ir~posable pen'a1ty-<wf.i~:i-:etoi~'
. does -not exi;:eed':·5~~±1'1Vot .
1\-'f • -~. ·such -instance; tt;i_e .co,µrt can. ·
· - ·. allow ·' the. , a6cused . · to· be .:"+
: . · imprisonment · and/or":fiRQf_· · --3 .:i . . · r~leased either · on· baii or . }.:l)
:;-. · P2;ooe. he can· be .placed in =---.=.';'-n, 'recotfrii~arice of ~-responsible :· {Y,
. recognizance of hi.mself oi" of.a ..
citiz~n;.-and • · .· · . ,· 3Ji
' ( responsible'dtizen; ; •·· .. ;
9·;. Rufe 1-14, ..Sec. 16 .-.... A person. _.'I.,
3... R.A No_:·761.0 ~- 01'\e --of the· .·:. accused o(a°f( offense',with a- .. J
. ·'.rights of a ChlJd. ar,"restedactfng . .. nia,xfrrium penaliy:-of de~tierro . J,
. . ·as a"co.m~atant; spy, carrier or 'shall be're'leased ·after"30 days
. ~ guide in al'.'I ~rmed coi:,flict is to
.pe teleased in recog_nizance to
' ·of preventive _impri!:;on'm~rii...
. .-·the·. · cu~tody :of ·b$WD · c_>r Rule di Se~. t'6 ·..,:.A p~rs6n. in. ,
· responsit)le . member·· of. ··the custody for: a. period equal to. or... , './~i
· community; · · .. ·· more ·ttian tlJ~ .minimum. of the·. <~.
· 4. A:M· 02-1-18 ·:-'-· : During ·principal pena(ty. prescribe? _for · • ·\~
· · p~ndehcy qf. a case· involvin'g the, .. o~ens1;1 . char~e~.. w!~hout , )~
an 'offense nor punisl:l~ble by application .of ·the indet~rmmate. · :}{
'death, reclusion ·perpetua, or ..sentence law .or any modifying : Jr
life. imprisonment, ordered by c!rcunistanc~ shall_()e ~ele~se~ on . :;J;j
the' court after~ hearing for tlie. 'reduced.· :ball .,. or · ·on · his,·· o_wn :Ji
. p·urpose, and u):),on favorable· recognlzanc~;at the discernment ·. '.i.~.
recom'meridat1on·of the social· ·of.the co~Jrt: · · · ?f
worker assigned ·10. th:e child
....... ,;
. ··,\

578 2019 SAN SEDA.LAW

. .. ..
. . . . •' _. .

Gene..-al Rule: No bail · 5 .. · If the decision of. the trial court ·convicting 'the
. accused _changed ,hf! ·n:ature·of the-offense from
Exc.~"!>Jion·: -When . warrant. ~f. a
arrest .. is issued . for failure . to
. . non-bailable to bailable, the ·application forball.
. ... can only. be· flled" with .a fief resolved by :ttie:
appeacwhen required by the court . appellate court. ; :. . .· ·· . .. · · ·
. A Judg~ presidlnq in. one. branch, has ':ncq>ower to
PROCEDURE, .:Se_c.. 16). :
. grant,~ail to an accused whd"ls-belhq.tried in. another
· branch presided by another judge who is not absent'
· · ·e~ceptioris ·tc,' Relea~e in· Recognizanc.e under . or unavailable; .and his act of releasing· him on bail
.R.A:·N~.-60~~: (FCEvi:.ReCP2j : · · . .· · .. constitutes .ignorance ..of. law.which subjects him to
1" .. W.heri"._hfc, 'i's caught oommlttinq: the offense in( disciplinary sanc!iri_n.,(Bafb.ero v. Dumteo, A.M. No..
Flagr.ante,-.. . . .. .. · ·. ... · .. · MTJ-07-1682,:June 1"9,.·2008) ". · · ·. : ·
2. When ·tie.~bnfes~es' the-cornrnissjorr of the
. offense unless tnecontesslonts later.repudiated ieqri.oN··~ 1f!,..:'r~OTICE :_Qf . . APPLlCAT:ION. TO
by him; ... ·. ; · ,. ·.. .. '. :: . ·_: .. -:· .. -: ·e,ijOSECUTOR . . · .: . . : , <, ·
. 3. ·when he ls found: to. nave, previously §scaped
. from· 'legal conflnemenf, evaded, sentence, or The lOle makes no .distinction whether. bail .ls ~-
.. jumped bail; . . . :" . matter of ·right or.. ·of ,qiscretion. In .all instances,
.,(· · found to have.previously Violated r re'asqn~bfe nctleeof h.~pr~ng'is required to be given
.. · the provislons 'Of Sec. 2 h~reof; · . :·, . . j1(;tr to the prosecutor, or at least he must be asked for
5. W.tien he is found to be a.B.gcidil1fatot a habit.O~i0\,. his recommendation {Chin v,.(3ustilo, AM.NoJRfJ-
. 6. delinquent· · ~- · ·. .. . ·. /' 11.>~'-"'t::.1 '94-1243
~°'('"'..' 'j\i;,•,,),\\ ..
August 11 .1995) . ·. . ..
When he.. has. be·err previously Qonvicte~ fo~iar?,;,;/d: · . ·..-. . ;:· · .· . · ·.. : . ·. . · .
I .. . . I~· •• J , , . '

offense .to Which the law or ordinance.att~?J:i~s..:·,;ft'!~'?.~t-n~t1q11:.i-1s nefess~ry bec:3-u,.se th_e b.~~de_n of
ar:i ~qua~ or ·gr.e?lter- penalty or for. t~9..-o/.l'Q10(e",,:1/}li!'~~-~~ ~v,de_nce.. o~ gu,lt. ,s s_trong__ ,s 9n t~e
offenses to whi~h it attaches a li.9_ti!~J:.penalty; l:t:. fJ . pro.s?~tlon .,_d ~ha~ the d1~cret1on of ~~e: co1.1~ ·in
· ·· 7 .· When he c~r:im1tsthe 9ff~nse w.h,l~-9n,~'.3role~"..."!E.~.f- ~dm1tting ~,~;fl~fu_se~to ~a,! cai:i on_ly_ ~ exercised
under~co_nd1t1onal·pardon; ar-1p ;-" r"(;~i-i-J'. .r: . }, after the .Ji~c~j fl~s .b.l:!e!l hear_d_regarding the -n~ture
8, When the accused _ha~-<,:Jff.evi~u.~tx._-:;;_;J>een. r~, ll
(}f the;~v},~en.s;e h1s.p.oss~ss1on _(>ple v. f:a!Ja,
~ard_~ned by- th~ _munipWat.~~r_c\W,}na};or for\ .
violation of mumc1paf or\ §~y .9E.(!tRance. fqr: al
t:l ·
,. ~ . ·
~~-!:?-. ~01,~-1c,.~~:?··(\pn1_2_1•. 19sa1:-_ .·. : , ... ·· .· _· ·
--l~... ,,J...;.-~;-l,...., · ·• · · . . . · ·. · : . ·: i·.
least.t..vo times.(R.A..No: 6fi36;_..
.· · . .-
s_~c::tP ·
· · . . ~>, l'')l:;'.:~
''¥_\· : t_;_;f No~e~:·t:;t!-~W!l':,\ti;?/:'.f!rrest_w,tho.~t r_ecom,~endabon.
<F.-··,<j ~:. ...f~~ ·· a.l:(lOlat1_01Jof th~. const1tt,1,t!onal-r.,g~t of th_e ·

SECTON 1_.7.. BAIL, W!-fERE :FILE~(-..,:;,,'··\}.. · f .}·ii : accus.~d to- b~!I u1i"less_the a:~.~used·is charg~d wit~
. . . : . . ,. ...,. r• -/·:·I · -. · . }-i, byreplus1dnperpetua or·higher
1. May be filed with , th_e· court wher~\t_!!ted~se is :.._,,)._t'?)i'jigi-,the __eyidence of guilt is ..strong· (San Miguel v.
. pen?ing, or in. ~tie a~sence or u~i,~J{aila~W~Y;of..,,:;,J.•.:f.t!.~JaaeedaJZ.wfM:No. ~TJ;03"-1749,:ApriJ-4;·2007;. .- ·
~e J_udge ~her~of,,.w1t~· any .RTC ~Y.9$~e,io/"8f!Y, . . . - ·. · · ·. · .'.' · ' : · .- · ··
mfer~o; C?urt JUqge !'"!'.. _the -provmee~;:.clty,·or. .. . SECTIO_~. ~9: RELl;,ASE 0N J:IAIL .· , ,·., .·
munic1pahty; · . . · . . . · · .,. ' ·· · ·.. ; . ·0•
.. . .. ; ~oce tne acc~s.ei:f:"hasbe~~...~dmitt~a t~ b~il: h~ is
. DElspit~ the fi)(ng-~f_a noflc~_~(~pP.~·aJ)hn~tstill, enti~led ·tcf .immedi;:ite release· from cuJ;tody. An
be ftlec;:l qefore the tri~.I cou(t,. pi:oitide<Ht.hasnot. .officer who ·fails or· refuses· to· release ·him from·
transmitlec:,l the ofi'ginal record fo the "ap"pellate.. ,detentiqh.,notwithst?1f)!;lingthe·appr~vat.bythe proper
court (ROG, Rule 114, $ec.. q). · ... · . .. ·· .. court of.hrs bail·bond-ro~y bi3 held liable under ~rtic!El.·
-. ··· · 175: of t~~.J~e_viSea .P.e,n~I. Co.~e··1or~del~yjng releas.e.
2 .. lf'the_.a~cused is ·arrested iria province,.·6ity°'o;·-: ·.. .(PAMI\RAN,_supia,'at324).". -: : .
mi:ln'icipallty .ot11er:· tfian··,·where. the cas.Ei'.'is··. · . . · "..- , .·. . ... · ·, . : . , . . .. ·
pending;. bail may-also be .filed with any RTC "of · Wh_ere baU rs filed,1n court than Where the case
'the said place, -o"r ifno jyqge thereof is al(a1fabl~. . i~ pen.di11g., .the. jlidg'e,· wh<:> apcep(1qd~the bail. shall
with any inferior courtjudge therei~; · '. .. forwa.rd it l9geti:,er..with the· order "ci.t releilse ·and
3. Whenever the -grant :of bail ·is· a matter of othe._r sLipporting·papers;.to th.e court.w1'
discretiol); or the accused seeks: fo_· be rele~!;eq is_ pending. ·.(RQC, Rule 114, $er;._ "j_!J;par:.(2)).. .
on -recognizance, the application" may be"'filed . .. .. ·' . . . '. . .. ,.. . ; ' .
. only. in 'the particular court "where. the: case is SECTIC>N 20: . INCREASE . OR REDUCTION:: Of .
pending,.· -whettier on .
trial · or appeal (As: BAii,... . . . . .
amended·by,A.M. 05-8-2f?-$C),s· ·· · .. When the. ~mount of"baii is· increas;d, th~· i:lcc~sed
4'., Any person-in custody who is· not yet charged .in ·. may be cqmniil_teclto custpdy}f_he does-~ot give baii"· ..
court may apply for bail with .any court -in the
provi_nce; .city or municipality where .he is held;
in the _increased amount within reas'onable perlbd..
An·accased released _without bail upon filinQ of-the


·. .• . . . . -~ . . . . . :i;;-
· Complaint :or In.formation l)'lay, at ~ny._subsec:fuent · . · ,;:)rder_cif Forfeiture
. . .
•. ..
v., Prd~~.ot Corifl~c;:atlon.
· , \~
: ":-:.-ir~
·stag~•. Pf the pro~eedings. and :-~behaver a strong
•~ .• ; ;!;{
sn.ownig of guilt- app~ars to._the court, b~,required lo .
give_ .~ail _in •the ·ain.ount... fii<ed, ~r·. ,n
lieu_:the"reof, · ~~~w:l!~.~-!li-!l·~.-~
. . . and
. . . • . . .-·. . . . . ' • !!
Not independent., of :th9', h~\
_c;omrn1tteqto:_custody. · · ., · · . ,- ··
anterJ~_cutoFy. Jt .ts not order. of.forfe.iture. It is a ..
The .guipeljnes· provided for· in Ruie 114,".S~c. 9· 6'f .. 'aP;p~alable. · (People \i. jucfg.1!1ent · .' ·~1tin1ateiy. ::'·;~1i.
the 'Rules of Court in-fixing .the .'~mqunt of-bairare . ·. . . Dizon, G.R. .. No., 150991, determining· .t),(i!·:l_iab1Hty ·.;:~·
also: applicable in· reducing or incre~sing the" bail · .June 30, 2005) · · ·. of the .surety lhEirelmder :·:.,;.~,
previously fixed., '. -, ·. .. . -,.. ·. .. ang_ .. ,:therefor,e..·. Jina I._: ·· .~$,
, ... :. . ,_.· . ·.. · . . . . .. ;- Execution ·rnay.1~sue at _.;·t
SECTION 21. FORFEITURE OF BAIL · . . .once ·(PAM~RA"!;supra · ~l
· . -,. · ... , . · . · ·· _at 330)/ · .·. ···. ·. . · ·f
When tlie 'appearance of the accused o~t on bail ·is:. . . . . . .. . . . I'·
~pecifi<:lally 're.Q·Uirec:fby' 'the. c'ourt .and h·e,. failed to . . _. . . ·. :<1;
. appear.. tt,e court. shalllssue 'an order of.forfe-iture. ~ECTl0~'2_~~ .~..A.~CELLATlbt•iQFBPJ~~ -.·: · '. : _: ··;·.:.~_:,:.
,. wh~re(n:: . ·. · ·· ·. . · - · · : •
. 1 ... ·ThEl provlslonal li_be'1y',oft_ti~accused dueto the'
. bail bond shall be revoked: and · · · · . .
. !:!!3ills_C~n~_e11e(~A--ADE) .· ., ': ·' s: ' .•
_ . _ · 1. Upon 8pphcat1on of the bendsmeh.,·whkhmust ,'JP
>·. } .
~ .. _It shall requir.e'.the bon'd~rtian 'to
.ptO.dJIEre'"'~1f~1""'""?":~...-.. ·· . . . ~' ~. , · ·, ._-. · . . · ,,...
principal: ·_. .. : :' . .,.i,/'· :·~\ ·it·-_;. J\ra·:J ~.due.notice· p_r.o~e'cut~r;:arid ... ·.. \¥
. . . · . . - _. . . . .~<.~·:( ~---=~.J ~ ·. ~p~~~~rrerid'erof the accused ·or.· proof of'. i.t
lf!lthm ~o days. from. t~e ~ailure t?Q°he)fi,~~se<;l-to . . ~~,.,, _ !;tis ~~p,tm._or
,; . .' ·. ' . ,, . . . . 'fi,
appec;ir_1n,p"'.rs'?n.a~ req_ulred, tbll::io~m~fr·nwst. .......=~-~' AulG>W-_at,o~fly:\ .· ·· . ·. . .·. . . : :t
a... ·. ~_rqduce th.? bopy. of theirf~€ip~l'§ ··
reaso~ for,hts n_on-produ'?bon;'a,ricf_. · ¥
·-tt ~·'lU~J:~-~q~N~I o_f_t_h~_ac.cµsed; · ·
i1. ~ %( b. \)pont~t$l'ti1s\~!_of the ·case; o~ : . . . . . · ·.p.
·• ·'.:·

b: . .f;xplam why_the accuseff did nof~pP..e~r.befo~e /(~ : .·. G•. jxe_cut,\~e!j>fjl'l~gm,e_~tof conv,ct1qn. ·· :4'
the _cou·rt when :first req~trlra'-Jo'~o so .. · · ·, ti:. . · - ... =· 1 ·: · ·. \\' I} · 1\ ' · · ' - · · · ·"
. .. · . . . · . · , ·. -t
Failing_ in \liese: requisites, lo~~.:..;-L
shall be·ren,~eretj againstlli.~1,d~§me~iAtly·and~f~~-
, :'.· .,
~t"" c:lt~t.9= :r1is is witt1'1:l:dt1>r~judJceto.any_1iability-on the -..~.
l\,:='~.J ~ · '. . . .. . . . -.
QJd~r ·of conr~catib'lif;·.l 'i. : ~f;ll.· J -- . ·
· . _, ,.(~

· W · .--:] f1· . ·. _-:. · .,. - •

\~}-,it)l · \~~~.
st:verally, for t/1~ amoun~ of
· ~-~-E&!J~qr~,~~~f ~:
-1 . '(5,~ ~ mi. J.-,r~~Y4f( I .'{r · · . -: - . ~
\, ,IJ,.
(j_,; :°"~C~SEP · OUT .ON:_.·
·. Court m~y· ~iti9.ate the liabjl1\y cif.. ti~q,dsm~lKlh#I~· I '--~~~,. · ·. l · /r · . · · : · · :. . · . ·. '.j
· · ·.1:1~cLJsed·nas·been-~urrender~~r·'l;)u)tt~"-.:~.~~t~9 s. 9Y -Wh!9h ,Sljreties · May Relieve·~~
._. : • ·• • • • • • · • • • • • • .'\. : •• •• -~ ~-?'O~~tllJ~ely,e's .fr~~}l~sponsi_bilities:tA~IF) · . -~
Note: The 3_0-day:·period gr.ante&_t9theb.ohd~m·er-J:.~~y:;EfstJ~~ P~ 9ipa.l and deliver h1rn to-t_he proper .·.J;,ll
• to c?mply w1!~ the two requisites _forl~_£~~-o.fll'i~,,_...,""',.;:,-;,,;~t~or[~es-;,· , .. · · ·· . · . · . . · 'j
~rder of_forf~1t~r~ .sh6rte11ed·b.~th-<e!clurt''- 1 J.f\.. ,W\t"!P,. .a_c~~se his to _be r~1ade by any· j
l::iut . may· be extended for gbOd cau~e-~.tis.~n ii./. ~l-~_9JJ~~ .~ffice_r.or ot11er peFSonof su1ta1:>.ie ag~: .or · .3
(Reliance Sµr:ety & . ·lnsuranc~ Co .. ·,inc .. · v.,
·Hoif..._~,.,_,,,.-""°'.':d'i:11scret100;or· . . : , . . . ' · . . . ~!
Af1!ante,' G':R.:No. 1609~4;-Ju_ne 30, 2005). : · . 3. . .BY ; the : al!lhority -):> arrest \Jpon . iir · ('.j
. .. · . ... . , . . .9er:u.fied,_c;:opy.?f~he ~n.d~rtaking ~nd .delivering. -~
.Judgmen(against the be·ente~ed ·. · ; tt to such.officeq~~PE}rion. . ... · · .· .. ~
·uriless _such prec¢ded t:w· the ·or.der:of. : .... · . : .. . . :: . ·. . ..... . ··· .. -~
fC>rfeitµr~ an,d·.an opporti..mitygiV:en·to thef'bo.ndsmen An ac_c1,1.sed r.ele~sed· oo· bail ··mc,iy- be re-arrested . ]
to produc~ ·.the ac;:cuse.d =or, t9. a~duce s-.?1tfsfac.tory wi.thout.a war.rant. if..he attempts to depart from:t1,e ·. ·_.j
· ·reaso_n fo~·their ina~iiity to dc(s_o (Id.):· : :Philippines. withou.t'_prl?r pe.rinisiion:· of . t~e, _cou~··.-.
where the.c<;1se is pend mg·. . · . · · ... : ·
_ :'7l
. . . . . . .· .· . . ... . ·: . '.·. . . . . :~~
An_ ~r~er :~f fo1~·1t~re fs·.-inter~oqkltory ;arid merely
· re_quire!? _appellant. to.-'show.. _cause why.-judgment HQLD DEPJ.\RT~RE?RDE_~·-. _.. . _- _· : .. °j
, .I ,. : .. , .. ·. . . . .. . ;,
should not be·reridered ·against lt fol' U,e amount of
. the bond:" Such order is ~iffere.n~fro111. a .Judgmen·t .. 01J.IY.C9ui:ts·~f.Ju~tice ~ay issu.e ..HD<:i~·a11d N,OT. · :.~}
·. on.the bo11d .wriic.h is 1ssued iflhe c!·ccused v,r;,1s ncit Dep~rt.mel)t of Justice . . .. .· :J
proc;Ju~~d:wfthi_ntt-ie·30-day·p~riod . .Ttie judgmen't pn · f.n HOO may be issued.·only by·the .Regional Trial j
Courts. in" ·crimihal . cases.· within thefr. exdusive ... ?
. the. bo"r!_d is the ·one ·that ·ultimately. determines 'the··
li~billtf ..or the surety,. and wh_ei:i··It becomes', -jurisdiction (OC~ Cir:c. No. 39-Mf
. . .
· .
' .
· . ~J
e~ecutlon 111ay issue. at orice (Mendoza. -v. Alanna, <•
G.R. No: 151970, May· 7,. 2008). .


. .-· C-RtMtNA:L.-: ·.PROCE:DtJRE·.

Hold- o·epart~re Order~ ·and Wateh List. Orders. . _Liftlng:.of PHDO · . .

lssue_d. by DQJ Uriconstltutfonal . I~. is 'lifted by- the -courrthat issued tHe- order," upon'. ·
The· DOSaoes..npt hav.e the inherent power to issue filing -of a verified· motion by the .respondent, in· the
an 'Hoo. unlike the .c;ourts; or to restrict the r:ight to following cases: .. · · .: ·: '- ' any '!",'ay.'P,OJ Circular No. 41 is an lnvalld, 1- :where, based on.the Complalnt-affidavit and the
. impairment 'on ·the i'{ghf to travel, and. therefore,... . evidence that tha'respondertt will present;~there
. · unconstitutional.. . .. . ' . is. doubt· thatprobable cause .exlsts lo iss1:ie'tli'e
· · · · .. ' - ·· · · · eHDO or- it is -shownthathe or- she is hot a f!igJ:).t
. THe Wl,.O. also, does ·not-~!;?..a: slqnlficant distinction-. . . ri_sK: Provided, that the respondent posts a bond: ..
frorn . .an; HDo,:,thereb.Y.,gjving the· irnpresslon :thaf' .. ·· -Provlded, -further, -tha.t_tt.J.elifting -of .the PHDO is
'thJ~Y· are one -.~nd,'.me. _.or, at the. ·v~ry least, · '. :. without prejudice \d .the . ·r.esQlu.tion. ot: tl'ie·
· .cornptementary to each other. That the subject . · · prelimina_ry inv.estigat~on·aJa)nst th(# respondent"
. HQo·:or W(O ·suff~rs'tf;le..same restriction in the .right . (AM No. ·1, $ec.:-7); 'or': ·· _. .. ,
to travel"is th1.Ha'ctthat h\'either case; the · 2.. Where · the · · prosecutor, , after · _'pre.liminary
concerned individual has to seek-permtsslon to leave ·. lnvestiqatiori.. dlsrnlsses/the orlminal Complaint.·.
·: thib.~untry_.fro~ ihe cou.rt,:d.urio~the_·p~,:ider,cy.e>ftti~. . . tqr-:rac~ of probable cause (A.M,: No.AB-07--05-
case-aqalnst :him-(Genumo v. · De.Lima •. GR, _No. .sc, -sec;.5)_.., .. , . _; ·
-· 1})7930~Aprj/·1.7;2018/. ··.-· ··: . · ·· - ·.. . , · .. ·.. . .. . .
. . ... ·.. .. : . . . - . . .;,..: . .. .... . . ·. SECTIO~·,. ·24.. .. NO·, ;.BAIL . AFTER FINAL
; ~U,Li; O._N PRE.CAUTIONf'~)'f'.IOLD uEPAR I URE -,.,...... JUDGMENT;''EXCEPTION. -: . · · .· '.· · ·.. · · · ·
-~~9~R-(_~:M. No.. 18-07._o.~.-~C}~ ... ·:. ;..;(~;J)i . ·. . . . . ...... ·· ·, ,: ·. . : . . . : ·. . . . . ·. .
Jh tigh~ oiGe~uino ".'· De. t.'ima, · tti.e:Court issi.ieef.(1'e/;· ;_.'.\ ~enera_l.-~ul~:.·_No bail sh:a11 _be -a'll?,:-ved·--~~er.t~e .
Rule on· Precaut;onarv Ho1c/ Departvre Ord(Jr. _\)''"':' ,;:· :· J ,JU~gme~-~ ~as ~ec.on~~fi~~!._,as_~h-~Hsl~ft 1~ ~or.~1~,.
· · . to servEi. the,sente.nce. • -- , · ·· •· · ·... · · · · - ·. . · .
. :... · , .,·. ·' · ( · · · • . .. . · .. · .. · · ~ JS·! ( I •...'·.,11,:-.··J
--,_f<T•· ·r ·); · ··
.Pi:ec_autionary.Hold ·oepai:tu~e Orde·r .(Pf:lgg,.,,: J( (1':;~i.2:.::~?;;;r.-~;~';l1 . . ·_. . ·. · : . ·,:._.::: ·· . . ·. · : . .. ·.- ...
A PHDO· is an order:.ln - wr-itin'g. issued .. .b9Af ·court·-· h Exception: 'When he tias· applied for probabon .- ...
. con:ip-:u~ndin$·the Bu~ei3u'?f lmmJgr-ati9r,r:f2,J:i.rever.i{~~.:fj- . ·b.efore:com~~~-cing~o ~er~~.~enfe_nce, ~he per;ialty_.
_depart from the. Ph1hpp1nes(Wh1c_b-~Ml_l,ib~:;1ss~e'd_
. ~x_-P_arte, in. cases inv91_ving_.,.~gr~iil,e~~::Y,(h"e~e~
.any_ att~r,:ipt: by ,a. ~~t;5~n. su~pE:cted~4-'·~~~eJp:· [·'-" . an_d .th_e ~~e~s~. beffl~ .Wlth~n the. _puty!e~
Pro~~t_,o,v.l:af ~~e ~~pll~at(on for J?,rE>b~~on.:must
th!' . ;'A be. f1lea.1,~~11f the'. i,eno~. of. p~rfec~mg. an -~ppeai •. _

-~,mm4~- o( trie· penalty·prfi~.cpb~~,~!aw·,~at~ . ,J. Sup~_f\!)h9.~9{';[.8_!}~ a~ .a waiver of the -r:1ght _tQ

. leas~ 6 year~ ~nd 1 .1a~ o~ w.~,!" Ufo ·of!o/"1,der.'~'s;,! , y -I apr:9af.•r:J.;,1 .~·;;r:;ciN!:i!· , . . .· . . . · . . . . . ·
. _fore191Jer regardless of th'e 1mposli6,le tpena1~}1 t.-J - ., ~u,·1: ··-·'""'"' , . . . ·· , · ,
(A.M:.rv_o:= }8-07-?5-SC, Sec.. 1)-:-:-.;f,;-:.::?'\\,.: . . '!.' · · Tf. Exc':pt)on ~o llie_Ex?eptron:·Th__e a~eused s~all not
.··· . .- . _ .. --~... , . /ti ... ).1~~.r'lallowed .. reJea~ed 01'.l: bail after he_ ~as_
.. _ven·ue f_~r:Applic_~tlo_no~ .~H~Q- .l:: ,; '-- . -'.,. ;,.
· \'":-'P-;;.. ,~~r;ii:r:i~oted t~_serve· h~ senten~e-(R(?C, Rule 11.4,
The apphcat1on fof a p~ecaut1C;mar.y .hp'Jcl depafture,--...~$ec,~~)~ · · . . ·· .·. : .· .. . ·. ·
. ~-~d~r~n:ray_l_>e/il~d_bta pr_qse~_ut~r.Wit"~ijxr.efg!ohaJ ... ·. •. . . , : . . .-.' ' .
.tnal''COlJrt .w1thm 'Wh.ose.- temtorial J\lt'IS:d-i~trofi the ; Bail·is not.a·-iick-;pa~sfor ah ailing <iir.a~ed detainee
a·ilegecFcrime ·was. :comrni~ed, f>rovideci't1tf.iaJ·tor. . -orprisqner n.eedih'g rj1"eolo~l·care 'outside-the prisun
·compellii:tg:reasons,'1t:-can .b~ fil~d. with ~ny region~I · fai:;ility: A mere claitn of illness _is riot a groundJor' bail·
trial· court· within tlie judicial "region .where,the crime · ·.· (Peopie v:F.-;;,;G:R.: No:··149723,' October 27;
·. was.c:ommitted if the plate'ofthe"conimJssioniotiiie · 20Q6) ~ .. ·' .. ,· ;.,; : .··. .
. ,crimi:i··is' kri'own; Provided •. 'further; that thejegional ... ·, '··. .. . . ' ' ..... ·. ·. . .
trial_'collrts.:ln the: City._of r,Aanila, ..Quezon:Ci~y; ·caber' ·, . -N·ote:. It is ·sul/'e ~qove. docttiri~ ts.· not
City; i16110. City,'.'>Gity; a11d. Cag"i:iyan' de .Oro . superseded: by, nor.· conflicting with-, . the ··co1.:1rl'.s
·City. -:sh.aIi ._:aisb N~VS.. th!{ !;illt~orjty. to - .·act;·. o,n' ·.. l;ntile. v.- Sandiganbayan--(G.R.
ai:1plicat1tms filed ·,:by' the prosecutor based · on . . No. 21384-7; AugJ.lst-18, 2015). "The p·urp·ose-of bail
: Corri plaint~ in-~titutEld.. by· the-J~ational s:ureau of is to.guarantee the appear.anci3' of the accused arthe
tnv.e.stigatioh, regardless· Where the alleg~c:1 crime : tria)·, .or wli_en¢v~r_so :r~qui_red ny· the- t,:ial. court"
V)la~_com,riit!ed (~.M- No_: 18--07.:os-SG, Sec. 2). ··. (Id.)_. It appears therefore.·(ha{ the.impe.tus of th.e.
. De9ision gra/1.tihg Enrile bail is tt,a(hls -•sociai and .
:How PHDO'itilted by Private Gorilp~ainiuit .:·. · s.tanding · and . .-h'is h_aving "immedialely · ·
I.Jpqn motion by .the· qomplainant '•in. a .'criminal surre·ndered·: "tq ·· ··aothorities- upon .,his ·.being
Complajnt ·til_ed·· before the·._offica of the· .cit)( or .. charged iri court/ .indJc·ate:thaf the risk. df his,;tjlght
provincial. prosecutor, arid-. u'pon . a . preliminary . or. escape "from ·...this . Jur.isdic.tion is 'highly
·. determination . of probabl:e. cau~e . based on the .· unlikely," {Jrici thaf.hfs "treatment "will nol'oniy aid in .
Complaint. and - attachments, ·the Investigating· his ~dec:juate prep_aratlon of his defens~ but, more .
prosec_uto-r:may file" app.lication in 'ttie name of'the .. - importantly, .will guarantee'his ap"pearance 'in court
PE!ople of the Philippines for a:·PHDO with the' proper · for the trial;'.' · neit merely ·because Enrile was of
RTC (A:M. No. 18.·0~-05-SC;Sec. ·3).. ·


. .
I 581
\~a!t:!!~1;k~r!!2~~~~·~o~.F . . ·. ,~
"advanced age· ~nd ill, health".. (Id.). Thisconctusion.
·is.bvttre,ss.ed·by 'the fact mat the Court itse/(stated. .
· ·Any· ,ev1dence . ob~~~~ed In · vlolatlon · of . ttie ...
constitutional jmrnunlty . · against u11re~sonable .
:·i<. .
that En.rile's . health .. 017/y. "presents another - · .seari::he~ ·and, selzures ~r~ inadmlsslble for any \Z:
compelling justifica~iohforhis admisslon to· b_ail" (lei.).. purp°.se 1!1 a.ny pro~eedl!'l_g (CONS,.T., Arr.}!{,. Sec. 2). -~
Cons1derLng..that his arrestwas Illegal,. the search · ·:.f·
SECTION 25. COURT . 'SUPE.R:VISION OF· ..'and seizure th/it re~ult~d.'from ltwastikewise !ltegc!I.' ;~
DETAINEE-s· · _ .. ·. · _ .. 9qnsequently,.the varlousdruq parapti_ei:naha·that. ')'.(-.
. . • the.. police pffic.~rs· allegedly found in the house an~: )J
The court shall ·exercise supervlsion oyer.altpetsons · - seized are inadmissible; having proceeded from 'an. •t.
ih .:custody. for .. ·the·· purpose> of eliminating· . invalld":search.~c!nd selz_ur~·. (~(ltiquera.-v. Peopi~; ·.·;
unnecessary detention. The ··~xecU\i°\'.e -judges of : G.R. No. 180661, December 11, 2013). . . ~";!),
RTC.s·shail conduct 'monthly.personal-lnspections ()f • . ,. . . . .. . . -.:.~.:_~.
provincial, city and m.unicip1:1ljails and the-prisoners. _
within their respective juhsdictions.. _. .. . . ·. "='i,
. . . . .. .. .. . . .. : . . . . . . . RULE-:1:15· . · ,~
The. ernpfoyrrrent ·.of. physical, .. psycholoqical ' O~· .- .· : .. · '.
degrading punishment : against any . prisoner or .
· o.F. tu.
Ili.o-a..' Ts· ·E A. 'usE·D . ·... ·..·. .
.... c...c. .. ~.#'.:_

detainee or .the· of substandard C:>( .lnadequate · . · · . . .. · ·· .. · :· ·. . · '· · <~

penal f~cilities.under ..~ub~uma.n conditlo_n~ ~h~~""'7~--:::r,~i~le ~r:iu.rrie.ratesth~. r,i.ghts·of.a;used · ·.,.
dealh':1th.qy law (CONST,,:A~t. Ill,. Se?/~~)~- {LJ:
.. · . ir ·an ~ffe.J:J£;e,whic~ ~IJ:). 9~th, c_on.sUtutional. ~s. wen· . :·.f
SECTION 2~. BAIL ..NOT .ABAR l'Q;,OB1°E1i1!'0.N,§.,>-·-·-da~~,t~{~t~ry;;~s!Ve ttie.~~~.ht_~o ap~eal, ·whic.h !s purely. ;·~
ON ILLEGAL . . ·ARREST . .· Lb!~:,;..-z,.... 7._; • ,,,.,, i=•• ~-:-0-R
:;:;- ~. · · · .. stat,gfory/.llJ.'Cna~cter-.
-·~ '.i(_A;.'\:;._ .. .. . . . ·. . . . , .~.
¥), ,,.,.
~J[" -l -.~ ~
~11·~, .
Proc~~S, . .
. •I
. -.*
. :t·
· . · .. · . ,(Yl"'Y).v. · fi .·.., ·irn 1~\ "WJ' Accuse.d:,l'fl\1.sp.h~ve.been·..!:! a court.of ;:r
Ba1l,Not a ~~r f(~~ ~.halle~~mg:'<¥f ~ - · . Jr /~~. ~ coni~ete~tj65isd.ic1ion; · · · . . · · -,.1·
1 ... The vahd~ty of his arrest,4·-~ : 'f1 . . - . ,-·-·_.__c,-<.,~ ~s.~sed1s"~~e~e~ec;Iagainst ur,ider the Qrderly ·.'f
2. . The ~e~,ahty?f the .warrc!pq~ei:!.the~ fore..:..O.(_. ';, · ·, ~e.rocr~ses·O,(.~;~ · i· · , · · · . · · ':;
3. JJ1e. r~g_ul~~ty .-or.. qu?sl10Tl1AgJ.the. ~b en~~?.! · .. ~1~~.He~.s beerri iver,i . o~ce .,and 6p~ortunity to be · : 1,
. .p~ehmmary in.vestig.at1or,,r.:<?Jrlilr char~ ~ ~ga1m :-
'¥ : hea . '·and . ~ --'4 11 · . '.- . ·. ·. : . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:J
h.1m... : ·: . . .··
~ote_:. Ob1ecbon on t~~ v,al1~1.tyipf)~1s ~~
.:---.·~·}!... ~\_::_

. legahty of.the w~rr~nt 1s.sued\l.~erefo~musf.b ~ad~

1 ~4: 'r'l ~ mem was.ffw~n:Jed within th~·Authonty
~~\9r:tfi~. . fjj:O. · :~f'(~6stit§tJoWif_law(MejiE! v.: Pamar~n, G.R; .
4.,:c.'fc11'.,1N6[f;'5674!1-42; "'A:~ril 15, 1988} .. · . ·. · .
. a~cus~d. enters .~is\~Je~ .(RQ9, .. !lJp 1~4~ . ,~,..~~)' / . ·. ·j-f , . .. · : · . . . - . · , ·._;.;
. S~c. ?6). N_ever.t~~IE~ss, y,,h•.1.e. ti\~ acc\J.s·~~·"'!a~~}~"-a;.~~pO:r,IDN _}! accl.i$ed .at tl:'fe tr1al . . - ·;1·
alr'~~dy waived .his n~ht to (?Onte~tthe·1lle!1~1~Y-_'QfJ.h~JT.;1'•~\.~),. /. · ·]'.: · .. : , : · ·' . · . ·. . · .J
;m~st, h~·is. not, h.o~ever, d~eme~to ha,).!e'·'l3.<i!...~lt~~t~$i~flt.t~.~~fl.e~!JIT!~d l~nocent - · ,: . ~;··. "·~,,~
wa1v.ed his ~ontest th.e legality;;.,9f..thQefil.r.~~=. s",1..t\,,t;;~n-waivable· right .. I~ all · criminal ../1!
and ·n:iay. raise,.the tjurin·g trial .('ilil/fiJ,fulf.Jj v. ··} /{. &,r<\s~~t)~9s, ttle ~ccused is·. preSl)rj'l.ed. inl')ocent · ··:
People, G.R N<t 199042,· November.11, ·2?f.N)~~.. •:'! Jl.LJfut~~~ contrary )s .pro:ved: .oeyond rM~onal?le . ;~
. . , · .. , .. ·'.. ·. · . ·.~=~1:!t:.(CONS'T.,Art. /11,:~ec. 14). :1;,
· ~pplicatii:m .tor 'Bai( Deerne.d ·~bl"(llssion. of
Person to Jurisdiction of the·Court. ' . . . ·.·
:: . r . .
. Reason for the Presumption 'of lnn'~c.e'nc~:·.The
· · . ·, 1
A s .· a Ie,. · on.e w a 1rma·t·1ve
. h'. o see k s ··an' ·-·ffi· · ... fa1··1e·f· Js
- . . . . . prest.iril. .. . . . ptlon
. ·of
. . .innocence
. . . . is fo,unded upo.n . -.·..the··first
. , , · ';ii··
· dee~ed :t?. hav.e; s~l:imitted foth~ jur.isdlction'~f:'th:e . .-:, .. · pn11c1pJe~ of Just1c~ an~ is 11~~. a, me_re ·form _but a . ,{
court•. F1.hng pleadings ·see.k\ng ,affirmative. relief ... su~stanbal. ~art of th~ la~ .. It is n.ot .o~?r.cqme. b.y . ;f
constitutes vql_untary .. appl;laranc~. . ;me! the : · l"(ler~ ~t1sp!~1on,~r conJectyre;· a pro~~b1hty that .th~ · : ·~l
conseque'nt. j\Jrfsdic.tion ·at one's . person · to . thi:l defet'ldant ,comm1ttec;l,the crime;. nor by the .fact .. ';fil
jurisdiction of the court (Jimenez ii. ·Sorongon,·(~;R. ~e ~ad. th~. ?P~Ortu~ity to_'.do .so. Its PJ.!r~os.~ i.s to .... ;;
. No. ,178607, Dt;3cember5, ?.012). .. . bala.nce -~he s.~al9.s m wha~ ,would. an. ·. }1
.-: · · : - · une.ven contest between· the lone: md1y1dual pitted · .•
Pu.rp.ose:of Rule:,: ... · ., .· . aga!ns't the Pe.ople and all' the. resou.rces·:at their· . }j
.. The rul~· is i,:itended to modify. previous. rulings ot' the COrT)mal)d:'(Peop/~ V;-,Jampa, G: R No_ 1:'17766; Joly·. ·.:)/
. Court that an c1pplication for·.b~il or i:!dmisslo,n to.'bai.1 .17, 2009). · . . · ·. · · ·. l!
by the accused shall. b.Ef consi.dei:~d as a. Wai Ver of
· · · h. .· ·
· ·
·his-right .to assail· his arrest or t ~ warr.ant issueo · That doubt · by ·an .inve.stig·atioo 'of the :;y
- ·therefor, on ·the leg~lities or· irregularities th·ereon ~
... {Okabe v. Gutierrez, .G.R.. No. ,190185, May 2!, whole 'pr~of and ~n Inability·, afte.~suc;t,.ir:ives'tig~tlon,
to let. the mind .rest easy -ui:>9n the ce~ainty of.'guilt .'. -1
(People ir. Santos, Jr.; ~.~: No. 175593, Oc.tober :f 7, . ;:f
2007). . . . . . .. ~

. .~) .


CRl'M.-1.NA.t .-PRO.CE·Dl)RE
.. _SAN_ 8£0,1( LAW t:ENJJ!AUZEDBAR OPfRA f!(JNS ~ MEMORY-~JD_2of9

Note: Absolute certaJnty of guilt is not-demanded by 2, _Failure to explain·pbssession of stole~ property .

the law to-- convict of any "criminal:.charge but moral . ·· , · (U.S. v. -.Espia, GR .. No. -L~5813, August,.,J7,
cert~\iinty"is required. and tt}is .cer:tair\ty is r.eqt1ire~as · , · 1910); an.d -· · . ·. . .. , ... · · . · .. . , : .
to eyery proposit)off of proof requisite to· COn$tit~te . 3-. Failure to account.funps and property of a public
. the offense (Yadao v. People,. GR. No.1509J7; · · officer 'entrusted to ·hill). (Wa-acdn; i{, . f:eopfe, .
$_epteiril)er 7, 20Q6),._ . G.R. No. 164575;.Decemq~Y6, .2006). ·
.._ ~ .
R~ason: The,strghtest possibility_ot an_innoce·ntm~n · · ,n ca"ses of. self-defense, .th~·-perso.n iNhp. invokes .
being .convicted for an·o"ffense he has not committed'. self-defense is deemed to .. have admitted.. the ..
· would . b~ (a_r more ·d~eadful·. than :rettir:19 a 'guilty co.mmissior:rof ·the offense. .Thus, a reverse :trial
. person;. gp. 1;1npu),i_shed;for a- crim~ he may nave· -may be h~ld, · · · · ··
perpetrated ·(People ·v .. 8aulite, -GR. Na, 137599,
. bcfober8; 2001); , . . . . " (See discussion on .reverse trial und~/ 'Rafe :119,··
Sec. 11) . _· . _. :.. · · '· ._ · .· · ..
The presuinption' of regi.Jlarity.iO'.the:·.p~rformarice.of
· official . duty · ·. cannot.· .by . itself:·· overcome · th~ . ti.' Right to' be lnform~d of
the. N-ature':"'arid the .
presumption ot- innocence' rior constitute .proof . Cause o_f th~ ·Accusation Against Hin:r ·· . .
beyond· reasonable doubt {People v: Sanchez; .G.R »,

. No.. 175832.,. pctol?_et1f?,· 2008). . . This righ_t_:i$-n.ot. wa.i:vable'. .

. . . ·;

Equ)j)oJs·e-R~I~·- . : . . . .. ·_ ./l/fj}··.
But multiple cases; the cou·it, upor:i· personal in
When .the e~ident:::ef!=lr th1ipros.ecuti?n.and.def1.61{tt,,fA;··.examin'ati?r(o.fthe: a,c¢use.dr--m~y·a_lLo\'fa. w~i\i~r·of
a_r~ · e"".'.t:?nly-· l:>alan~ed,:- the. ;;ipprecra.tion:: ~~: l;!UG~1;J,{~·:{ the ~eadm~- ·of th_e· lnforIT.)atJon, _upon the full
evidence calls for tilting oJ the scales m favor of)lh,~..,,-:'~(:'C--~~-<!1:,_r$~an~_\ consent oftneaccused
. accused. -~~not v.·-~rl/a, G.R. Np, 219525;,fo!J9U~\:1'-~:.~/at@..;~~-h1~1:t.1~r.,.{ _cpu~sel (A.M.. · N_o. 15-06-10-SC!
6, 2018).

. ..

. . .. . .- : .. .,,~,::Y.J/ .
s , • • •
<i .,,,... • . )< •
Su~/ieaetm9:!llt item no. __ 8) . · .
. ,.J
. . :'· .. .: .
. . -}1(u . , . .- . ,. . .
Vali~i~y of S_tatutes · Pro.Y.i~iryg_fol' '~f~~.tfmptio~;::-t_\_ - -~urpose: Jiblfi~i(fy the def~ndciht ofthe crimin~I ac~s · .
. of Guilt_.·· · ': -· ·. · · .': -,.. :.itiJ'·. Jf~:.:~:)' .:-_ !t
Imputed sP ~frnt~o that h_e ~n. duly prepare his
It .1~. ,well-settled . that there . L~;.no . co~1stltotlon~I t)
d_efense jnd r,·n~~. an appropn~~e,plea (People v. ·
· objection·:to, ti:,e,!ge, ~f ~1;'~~_,prbv!,~!hat;the~: 1~:~·t. Dim~~~;~~§:'N_.?~8.16~;Se!Jlembe.r.-1·4,2005) ..
presumption. of- mnocenq~ .lTI~Yt-be»oy~~t??f)1elil~~ :~,"~ · . :,:,.,:.,: ... ; ..., ,i:i.%,;.:;;;.· . ·. .. ,·. : . ·· .. ·. . · ·.
. coritrary reasonablei pre$umptib~Jou~~d!~po.n-»tieJ- · tttj 'Means'·,B!lln~g _the Accuse-~-of the Charge:
. experience of ·human: conduct, a'q'a·~Aa~ct1r,ig··wh~C . · 1:?f . (PS.A,-Bip) , · . · , . · '. · . ·
. _evidence ..: ·shall, ·__be' sufficfent. to ...~~~~: sue~ . ~:/-,--:rn1~~.e.r~li~imfry.inye~tigali9_n; .
pre:>u!Tipt1on or 1.n~ocence, . · . ·: · ~ •. ,;fe/. . ;·
.,..,....,.;;:,j_'.~;'. :4;'1'.'.R.~,!}P~':1~nt , of .. ·_ .§~ff1c1en_t · ·altegc:itions iri
. ·· . · · , .· . . . _. ·. · .. ~:r: .. . . ,,-<(·":'c--•,._.__""-'>,ll>I_Fifom1ationor·9omplamt;· :·. · .
.· 'T.he legislature may enac\ that when\(ertair:{J(~ts . 3; . Arraignment; · · .. ·
. have . b~~t{ :p-roveri, . t_he"y . shall ·. be· P@J.i-&tacie 4. 'Bill 9f particulars;:and .
eyidence of the ..e~istence of th¢ :guilt·ci(the'a~cus~d '5.. Rules againsrQuplicity·ofoffense ....
and shift 1he .burden .. of, pro'ot ._p,9videctthere be· ·
ration"a(:connection b"etween Jhe facts prov.ed· and'" Ge'neral ·Rule:- Ari ·accused 'Caonot be ~~nYicted ~f :. '
the ultimate·fact-preS\Jl'.l'IEid·S() that the ii1fe:rence Of .an'· offense ... _.uniess it. is . dearly. charg-Eld in "(he,
the O!le from prciof of·tne.oth~is is·not Complaint ·-or :lriformatio·n:. To convict him::of.·an
· and arbittarybecause-'ofla_ck Qf 9onnectioo:betwe.en qffense other than that-charged iri'the-Complaint or
the-.two· in ctimm9nC:experience (.Ti~y: _"Videogram Informationwould be·.a violaUon o(this:constitutional
Regulatory-·B.oarcl;. G,R.· No. -L~7{)697, June· 1a,: · right (People v. _Ortega;, G.R. No: 1167$6, July 24;_
>t.987):- -:. ' ' . . .. . ·: 19.9/). . . . : . . . . .. : '

. Not~: The ;.Rui~; .

~r- ·Jhe ·-1~~- .. .:0ay.' provide· "for a . This. right requires tha! the ·lnfci~mation should stat~
:presumption;of: guilt: The statutory presumption is· the·· facts . and. the ·: qi.rcuins(an_c:;es constitutin_g. the ...
· ... merely_prima .facie. At. rw.
lnst~mce can the accusetj crime ;'charged: in.,-su_ch a. way t~at a. p~rson of
b~ denie~ ·.the· right to rel;> the ·presumpti<:m·(Hizon c;:mimon ur\derstanding may:easily c;omprehencland
. ·v.. CA;· G.R,
, . No. 119619, .Decernber-13, -· ·1996).·. . · pe informed of what i_t is abo~t (Garcia v,.Leonidas,.
G.R. N·o. l-39e63', M_ay-29;.1975) ..
Examples of Statutory Presumptions of Guilt:
· 1. !Jnexplained- flight of the ·accused· (People v. Exception: · When a person· is charged in a·
·· . TabJizo,_G·f:· No. 88190; Fef?ruaiy 2_6, .1990);· Complaint with a _crime .and .the-'evidence·does not
. show that guilty therecif,·but·does show that he
is guilty of some other c'tlme or a lesser offense, the


C:RJM:1.NAL.PROCED-tlRE:;,. . ./?
. e+isae 56¥8PaiaM aittH i A ff4 f ...... ~.
. .. ~t
... court . may· sentence .. him Jqr_ the. le$ser offense, Effects 9f,Waiver:·(WPA) ·. ,· . . . ", · .. ?:~f
.provided, the lesser offense is a cogriate offense 1. : yvai,;,er··: of :~he ri_ghCto. present evidence. anti }j
· ·and is included in the. Complaint- with the court. .. ··cross-exatnrne witnesses· · · · .· ·,··,·:.;;.
(People Toling: G.R.. No·. t::28548, ·J.uiy:1 ~.· 1979). 2. : fr~s.ecution. can<present evidence .if accusid.' ·i~~
fails to appear; and· . . . ' . . . . · .. ,.:·.)~.•
The ·q·ualifylng or agg~V?ttlng· .ci~cu·m.stances must 3·. The court can' decide · without . ~ccused(i <
'be: SL!fficiently alleged and proved in order to be ' evidence.' ((3irrenez ·v. :.Niiz8:jeno, :~.R. No .. ~·:·
considered by'the court .(People v. Valdez, G.R:. No: . 37933, April ~ 5, ~ ~l;l.8). · · · · · ·
175602, Febntary 13, 2M3).·. ·.: _ · '· .. -. . · :· · ··: · . ·. ·· ·
,: . . . ·ir1ai'·ln_Absenfi~ · ·. '·.': .. : -:-_ ·: · . : , '- __
Note: The nature and character of thecdme ch~rged ·. : It ls -tmportant. to .. state-that the provision of ·the: ..
. . ~re ·determined· not by ,the. specification . of the Constitutlcn authori?i'r:ig the: tri!'il fry a,b's~Fltia the . : of'
. . provisio~))f1he law ai!eged·to have beenviolated but. accused In, case . of his . non-appearance (~fter :
by the .. (acts'stated·i.n tne.Jndlctment.tthat ls,.:the 'arraign.ment despite;.tjue noticesimply means that.,
actual recital of the facts ·lr:i the bcidy.."of the . · he thereby -waives ·his ·nghtJq meet. the witn.esse~·,..
. . · . Information, and not.the :tapHon 'or preamble :of the · .face totace 'among others, (Carredo v.. People, ·G.R:· '\ir.,
.. tntormauon or. Cornplaintnor the apeclftcatlcrr ofthe '· No: 775.'f2, f1,farcli· 19, 1990).· ·. . .. ..., }i'
. provision of, tav,, ~lleged to 'have been· _vi.olatE:d. . . . . . · ., . _ .. ·· .. . · . ' . .'<: . . · \.:~
.. (Peop(~ .v, · Pasmarmas, G.R. No.· 203989; Ootobe_!;,,=-~$uch wai11er of a nght-.of the ayeus:ed doe.5 not mean ;. i:l
. 4; 2017).· · . . . . ·,r;-~- ·'1u.-=ai'~~as.$._,of~tie.. accu~ecHrbm,his·qb!iQ'ation uod.~l'·.··1t
·· , . > · .. ·· · ;ttf' ·... (>_. ; _. }!'le/b.o~hd'))t~~ppeartn court wllenever"i·,o·required; .\t'-'
~II.· .Right tq. ,be Present· and.: De!~h~·P;e·r~9,.~.,._1J;lt ..a:Co~sed~maywaive his. right but ·riot hi.s .duty or:.\~
, . and by ·«;:.ouns~I at Evey~tag~~-f.?-'the_ .: :. ol;>'hg·ati,2fl-To.·t~'e;~urt.·(C~rredov.. · Pe9ple,. ~upra.), · .J}

· · . ' .//:/;)'·""-f ·.:c·,. -~·-

.· P ..oceeding .. · . - i ,tJ·. · ._..,...,..---~--~- ~~·~ft),... . ·,i':.
• . i' ."it~
('V:'.h .. ,5r'- . --,· ~ '\....
't,. .
() ~
· .
. ..
· ·. · .
.. : ·.111) 1f ·~/quir~r\'!e~~~l<IDl:~i·at in. Af_.J~?ntla: (ANU). ·::;
General Rule: Presence of t,tie aco~~ed.d;~·nrig tt;ie ~-,· A\\. Thelpccult~·~ h~~ ee!) ~rra,9.11.ed; ' · ·. ..--;,1&
c(iminal action is not;all be pased on.,~· ,.,,· 2: Ii~ Jias·peeK51;1} otifledof the trial; and· .~,{
. his. sol.a cliscretion (ROG, R~/{J;V5-.jSe.c.1,[J5a~.:.. -r~]E:..l!-
iif "".'3~rs:1aih.i[~~· ,~l?.B.~)r. is .Yn)ustifi~d. {l3ernwdo' v. . ".:
_ .
· . : · v--~tif .· t ·. '~~.'":'r· _.· t:~~Peo~le, G.:.··~'tvo. j~69.B.q,,(Jipril4, 2007). ~,.

· ·~~~~~~bR~T; ;h~f;i;~ittt?~~)i1:~d. ~- ~;;~i~~:~~.~j Je~~. d~.t~· ~ie~··~n·:~~seriti~

.1 .. D.unng tyrargnment.(R<pC,rtRfl..(e ·1'1.'p~S{c:1.,ifT i?,-Walv~s;}li~ng'}f-Ao~r{r~ser:it e.vrden~e on hr~ own· ·:.
·· · par:(b)),'·. . · l~;,· . .
l . .'\6~~. if~. ~~~9l1~}!'~l'.ld cros.s:.e~a(rlin~yvitrtesses ... );.
worQ1,1lgation . Of senten~e · exc·~ft i'Ji · ~/1 tl,1_¢'l · 1 . ,;,~~!JejbfiedJ?19ains)jhim:fGime.nS,z ·V.··_Nazareno;- ··.1
... ·. cqnviction is for:a light riff~se, .i~ ·VVt)ich ~~~~~- . o., L;,!'19.74; Afori( 1 s; ·1.988). ' : .. · ,. · ~'fl:
· may; b'.e pronouncecl'_in ,m'e~ preseh~ · f.jijsy,...,~.v:'f'\ ~: , · · / . · . . = .. : · ·. · . .}

coun~e.1 or a· rep~esentative.~florendr\~o:.;P.'A.~'.!.14 '...:.::,jR~1 ht·J~,,.~~un~el . ·· . . . :\]t

G.R. No:. 110886, Decem"f:?er 20~.9Q~)~r-1~"'-"'~~ ~l'.\ 't. ;/ · ' .· · . . .· · . ·· . ·. ~
3. When· Qrdered by th~ court. for-.l;>v.rp~se/ of ·~. r.,fgTffeJi..eii. ~&etween the ~ight to. Ccium,el During '\j
identlfl~ation- (Carredq v.. People, ·<3'.·R..;;;JV'?. .L y"m~\todial.lnv.ei:;.tigatloi:',~ArraJgnmenti:~rid Tr!at'::. _'. j
77542, March·19;.1990). ~"T:"·. During, custodial ,ovestigatlon ·....: The:State-·.\~
' . . .. ., ··,~as. the affirr:native·du~y·tci.intoim.the ·s~spect·of ·.·J
···~ot, SC an'd CA: Th'e· l~w se· . hi~ right·· to ... a··. ·' :~ufd 'ihd1;1peildent. =:~·
an a9p\Jsed persorr·t~e.,right to be every .··. '.counsei,.who· is. prefer$bly ·tht:(choice.·of·the {f
.·.'. stage.:oftt!Ef.proceedirigs.has·n.o applicatio'n-fo t.he . accusetLTl'i~·State· I.TlU:;t likewise provide· him :':,t
. proceetiings .beforei.'.the,CA.and the·.. sc.·nor. to th.e. ·. : With.sue~ ,;rcourisel·jfhe;ure :~.~
. entry and. promulgation . of. tMir jt..idgrri'ents.: Th,e · .. 't~e S~Nices of-one; · · :· <· . . · · .... : ·.·:,:.: · ~ : ,~i,.
. defendant·ne~ not·be.presen\ In court·dl)r\r:igthe ... 2. ·.Ouring arraign,ner,t ~ Tl:IE! 'court .has. thj;) \i~
he!3ring of th'~ ~ppeal (ROC, Rule 124,: Sec. 9). ·.. .· . . · ... affirmative duty tc:,. irito~in the ac~s'E1d of. his right··· .. ;~
to counsel ~ncj.-to.provl~e t,Jrn' cas~ ?:'?
. ~e'ciulrements·.of ·w~iver of 'the' Riglit .to App, he cannot;;r·t,~ court m.ust actori,its.own ··Ji"
(EKIN·., . . ... yolition; 'unle'ss. • ttiit· rigt,t:. is waiye~ , by the . • .~~~

1.. • gxist~nce of th¢. right~ ·, ... · . ·accused. ·. . .. . .. . . · ,. ·· ,·}

2, fSnowfedge. of-the existence ·there.of; ·3'. ·During.trial -·.It is tl)e.accuiiel:I who inust assert·.'"~
;i. · !ntentio.n to relinquish· wh'ich. must be s.howri · _ to·
. ·.his fight counsel. The court !Nill: hot act'unless. i
cleai:(y . ~i'ld conyiilcingly; (People v. .Bodoso, · · · the. accused invokes. his rights. ·. ' i· 1
G.R .. Nos. 149382-14938$, March 5, 2003)and .. ··~
4. Where the Con.stitution or law 'ptovides; must ·jj
-be ,With·· tt;i~ Assistance ·of :counsel to· be Valid.
(CONS.T.Art. /JI, S1,1c. 12; par. (1)) .. ' . ~~
. I 2019
.. J
c·Rl,MJ.N.AL- . -f?R.O.C.E·t>llR·E .

Right to Couns.el.durir,ig Arraign.mtint and Trial ·-N~t~·:_. ·Roadsid~ questio~i~g of ~otorist de~ained a
.Ge!1eral·Rule:'The right to counsel is lmrnutabfe-and .. pursuant to' a routine :traffic .stop, questioninq does .
·. m!;lY· be. i[lV0ked ·at ·all. tlrnes ev_e_n on appeal. (Tela_n . not fall under custodial: interroqatiori.vnor dm it ·be·
v: CA, G.R. No.. 99026, October 4, 1991). . considered a formal arrest, by.victue:of-.the natu:r~.of .
·. : , .. .. .· . . ,:. . . . . -( . ..., the.quesjiorunp, the expectatlons ·of the motoristand ...
Even the· most intelllgent or.educated man may have· the officer. 'and the length .otnme -the. procedurefs: · · ·
· no skill in the sci.erite of law: particutartyin the rules. . conducted, ·· ·since the 'mctorlst therein was ··
·. o( procedure,· and, without .counset; he· may. be · subjected to rncdest__ .questlons wh_ile .still. a'f;. the. ·
convlcted. notbecausehe.Is guilty· but because· he · scenaof the traffic stop, he was.not at that moment:
'does· not know how to ·establi_s.h hisJnnocence. And "placed under, :e:ustody (such · that ..h~ sh~llld have .:
this, car happen, more easily to· persons · who. are . beenapprised of his Miranda rights)·, and neither can
·"t or uneducated {People v:-1-Joigadd, .G.R: - ·. treatrnentofthls sortbefalrty characterized as the
No. L-2[}09, ivt.arcti,22,·:1950). : · · .· ... ~:. · · . · : · ·.:functional equivalent. of a formalarrest, ·: · . · . , · .,

· · Eix~,~~tipn: Appell~~t.'c~o·~~ to ;be :r~pre~.e~-t~d· i~ · . · a: : --'fHi·~· ~~iir;ig: d~·~s-~ot lm_i:>ly tlia·t~~re ;.;~. i/~~~t.
. this case by~ prominent ·and. eornpetent-member (?f · .. - .... for. a, ·tr~~c· v\olati:On,: C~rt~ifllY, ~~~n ther!=:}s_:an·
· the Bar, namely. himse,lf, even :if. thei:e were .other .. ·.. ln_t,e.n~?ri thE:- part oLthe ..P~l!ce .offlGf:lr·{C;1,d1:Jpn_ve the
· i:!Vailable counsel. Desp.ite admori!tions: of "the. Jrial . · · . . motonsf of-h.b.ei:ty,c;ir· to take the_ latter into c1Jstody;..
court, he. persisted· in--his decisio"n. to tty, hi:i ·awl): ... tl:l~:.'f!)cm,er:may l;>.e. deemed·. to ha-.:e :ari'~st~d).h.e:,
. case. Appall_ant:·is:riow eslopp~d. frqm cls:1ll'f!in.9:ihat_,.Pi · ·_mo!pri~t.!~ t!1is_cas:e,,.howe~er,the ?.fffcer'~ iss\.1ar:,.ce
. the t_rial cou~.violateq ~i_s_right to·-be ·reptes:E!nt~d;;pfy.}f. _(or 1!1.t~~tt~.}s.sue)~..traffi~ c1tatlon ~rc.~et_n~g_a~esthe·
. counsel of his own chorce. Note that he alsQ ~n:r~~~;qyff!t\ _-pp~s1q1hty_ .of an cirrest.f<;>;ie _v1o)atJo.n (L.11_z-v•.
aside· the ·,c;our-t's ·offer _of. a_'ssis.t3,mce by_ 'anqw~r;·;;,//~,,· P.fJOP_I~; G.f.?:.. Nq .. 1977~8,_t.ebru;gy?9,: 2()12)_; ·
co.unsel; a. PAO lawyer. H!E! declare<:H.her-ewa~,i110· ,, 1 .t}~L~ <. . · . : - · · .. · ,, · · · . .. . ·· - . · .,__,. _. · .
·need tl:lerefo'r.. ·.(P_edpte· v.··:S.esbre{ld, · G;'};f·fi/ti;:, ,q~:.-.:.~f:::::'.:!?Jl!,!~\~e Ass1st~d ~Y Coun_s_el,at-AII~l~es
121764;"September 9, -1999) .. ,·• · ·., ,.,....rr~, ·. · .. ~ .1 : Walve?ot'th~rightto 'counsei rriust be rn'ade with
. . /. ,7 ,, J, .. . "ll'~ ., . . .. .
. w··h.l th :,,:, ht t :b · ·. · t1·:fb,1 · .=; · ~;;:...~ the assistan~\ of coui1ser (CONST:, Art. Ill, .sec.
NQ._e: t _1 e e ng . 0. ep?wesen y~:;.,r~coup~,~ Jr.. ' 12 ···a,: (11f'1 -~· . ·. . ' . . ...
. !~· always de~~ndable,'the ~ght-to.~~~~tisJJ1~·,paf!~ · fj' _- .! ~ .. f · ~ ;\ ._-. · · . ._._. · · ··. · .
,~.. howe11er1 _not (P_eopTe_ v. ~o. r.;:l/3~fl?. N.?Q. Ji\ Sp-~ci~c~ily;ip, the~o1.1_0Wi,ng. i~st~nces: . .. .
1184~5,.June 20, .19~7.). . . A'Q,~ . : ;(:;~,..,_ , : ,. ·: '} -i')} 1. - Srgn1ng· ofthe written.custodial·r'eport· arrd . ·
~ . . hi >. . ~ -r\1~ . ~·-· r. ~ ·-r ·''f.-..:- -i'.~~rO"t"""""" . . I .
-~. . .· . . :· . •, \;I[' ....-:,.-'-' _,!J"1.i:- '-!;~.'.\. . .~.•,,.· ..2: S1gnfn{t6JJb.e.-w!jtten extra-judicial-confes~ion..
. C.onsequence of D~nliil of,Rlgl\f·tQ.;.e..o~,l;l,s,.el · ¢.J _f:t• .. · ·· :--,..U'.;'.::;~: · ·.. ·· ·,, · ·. · ·.
.·~ccus_ed.was depriv~d of his rig~tlp.i.q6u~E.;,l..whEpi' l[J . · · · Requisites fort~-~ Va.lidity ofan Extr.;:1judicfal·
· nf:' retained.· the. services , ~f a~ ,l?~rsq~ . wti~ ·. t1J~':"~::nConfe;;sion; . ·,: ·. · : · ·...
m1s~epresent9<:! himself .as a . la_wyen"l;\~Jr.rE!I was ,..,i,:!.,.t-f·7-:.,i~,;ir-df ~halt be m writing; _.:, ·.. , , ,·, · ..
order~d o~ the ·gro1., of.deniaf.of cqri(~Jµuon~!·n~nt.:;:,..-::.'..0:-~~-b:'.ilsf§'r-ie~·by the·.person. arre~ted, aetajned .or
. to counsel (Sps. Te/an v. · c~. ,G:R{\i~!'.· _&,5Q2.~, · . · ,.l>l~dercu'stodi_alJnve~tiga!ion;:a,n:d · ·· .
.. October~; 1991).· : . · :'~~.!):. ·, · . :·_q .. I~ rnust ~e .. s1~ned m.the _pr(;l~ence· of .hrs
·· · · - · · , ~· ·.. , · - · .... · ."·... coi,tn~_el, or in -the latter's. ~bsence,. UJ>Ofl' a_
. Rights . of a Perso11: under ci;,stodi~I.· ·: ·Valid waiver;- which· mµst".be si9ned in the· . :· '•: .·:. . .. : .·. . ,' . ··.. '. ·.·. ."P.resenc¢ 'of . any. of; ·the . p.immts; ·-:elder
1. Right"to·Be. Assisted- by Counsel at All Timesi · .· .· brothers·: ·.anq. sisters;. his· spouse; the.
. 2, Rightfo Remain Silentt ..... · ., . . . . · mµnicipat:. mayor,· :.the muri{ · jupge:,
3. Rjghrto Be ·1nformf:i.d, l.n a Lang_uc'.!Qe l:<nowri to ,_:. :. di.strict _-school. supervisor, or pr1est. :or:.
ahd Understqod bY. HirQ; ol Remain · -mir}i"ster ,of :the.. goi:ipel as. ~f\oseil by. hJm
Silent and to·.Have. Competent:a.Ad. lndepehden.t :. (People .v. Gallardo, GR No: . 113684 .
.: Cour:i~el, Prefer-a.bly'ofHis Qwn:C~ciice;. · . ·. · .. ': ·. ~anu~iry·25, 2q,oo~.
-~'. 'Right to.:Be·Allowed Visits -~y·~-~~onfer.e1J,ces: .·. 3. $.lgning ofUie :Waiver to the p~ovi~io~s·of Artfcie.·
. Custodial l!lV!i!.sUgation·is. the tjue~tioni~g 12!?. of the Revised' -P~nal· Code, in· case of .a
. enforc.ememt officers-of.a suspec_t~aketi.intocusto.d.y· ·1~~01:w~·rrantl.ess..arrest (ROC,.·Rale 11°2, Sec.
or o~he.iwise..deprlved of hi~ fr~edofl'.Iof ac\lon· in a ~J.". · · '
significant way. It Includes the practice.of iss.t.iing an Assistirrg_couns_·ef r:r1ay be an.y', exc.ept tnose: ..
"invitati'oh" to a pE;)r.S(>n · wlio is investigated in.
connection with an ~ffense ·he is. suspedei;i-to· nave. 1· Dlreptly a.ffected by ihe. cas~; ·. · . ·· ...
c.on,mitted (R.A. li/o. 7438, St;Jc. 2). · · 2, CJ'la~ged with ·. 9orducting . pre_linilnary
investig_atlon;an~ . . ·' : · .
3.' Charged with .the prosecu.tion· of primes,.(R.A.
No. 74~8., Sec:·.3).. · · . · .. .· . ·.


· ·SAN. emA. i.Aw
. cENi~iizm . BAR OPERA r.10Ns
. . --AiEMoiiY
. ;.,o 2oi9
. .

B·.· · Right'_t~·.Rem_ain ~ll~n~ · or ~hilct, · brother or sister, .. grandpa~ent or. · }!,
:- .. g~ndchild, uncle· oraunt, .n.eph~.w or i:irece: :.. ,;:;:
C. To Be.lnftirm~d, in a Language t<npw.n to ·a11ci. · · · and. guar~ian' or-v.i~rd}; . ·. · · ... ·. '. · . ·j
:·Uncierstood·by Hlrn, of His Right.s to Remal!'l·· - 2. Any Medical doctor .. or er1~st· or religious .... ~1·
·.··Silent ···and to' Have. Competent. and.· mlnlster.i'hlrn or by any member
... ·lndependent'Counsel,.Preferably of His·Own . . of his tmmediatefarnny or. bi nlscounsetr or
. - .. · CholC?e,. ~ho Shall al-Alf Time~ Be Allowed to 3. ·ArJY nationai :NGO :duly· accredited' by the
. · Confer Privately· with· the. Person. Arrested, Commission. on Ht(roari ·Rights·,or· by any
be.:taln.edorUnder Custodi~I inv!?stig·a~ion·.-, · · Internatlonat NGO duly': accredited-by the
·· · ' · ·· · .. Office··of.the President- (R.A:'. Nci, -7438, ·Sec: -: .'f:
.. Th~ ass,isting. ·lawyer>:by ·.his: failure .:,to .. lnform . . . 2, par. (f)); . · ·· ·· ', 'd
. appellant of the latter's .right to remain sllent.' by his · . . . ,· . · .. · -,' .. . - . . .· . . . . . - i:}
· "comirig_ ·an~:!: . goi_ng•; '. dt,.i.ring ·· the· ·.custbdi,al .. Consequences of \fiola.tlon of Custodial Rights _;. "/
.. investi!;Jation, andJ:lY his abrupt departure before.the · Ariy arresting public offi~t. or _employ~e. or any ·. :fw.
• term inati.ofr pf the-proceedinqs, can hardty 'be · the . · i~vesti~atrr;ig· 6!fice~, sti~II :>uff~r·:~·Jllfo··ofJ:>~.. 090,09. · -:,f_
· counsel .tha·t the framers 'of the 1981. Constitj:J'tioh ora penalty of rmpnsonment of not-less than .8·years : . f
conte'mplated ·when . it .··~dded. ·-:!he'· modifier·~. . . but.:not· mciri;l.°than··ten (fO) -years; or.· b.oth. ·Tlie.'· 1!f'j
"comp~tehf · ti:> the· Word·· ."counselt Thus, ''the. · investigating ·officer ·.who-·,hM been •.pce:vio~sly ; ·::ft,°
st~ten:ie:nrsi~n-edbY. the acc_us~d_is .still ..inadrpis_el}?.~: ·--&.i~Gtedo_f <!_similar offen_se·s~~ll:s~ffer: _the·. penalty. J?t,
. ~ecause the li;lwyer should .:issrst his che~_:!-t~fil--the 1 T :Rf .perru:tual ab.solute : _d1squ<;1lifi~ation. (R.A. · No'. . J·
..tim~e..the confessant answers the.first_qy,~tio.n.}t~k~_d··q__) ·.J!.1,~B,l3e~J.:: ·, · · ·. · . · . . -·. . · ~ .'· ·· t'f--
bY.. tt:ie. \nv~stig'ati[lg officer ·until tho/Si9p~ ,6fJ!}Jh=--=-=-~-.j( · .J ..>~ · · : · ·. · ' , ·. · · · :. ·. . _;f.
extrajudicial confessj9r:i (People V/'fl.Oria~,R:'W.o. . . Ob_Slr'1ptlo!1,1,~e-.:'{erttion '6r·Prol!lbltlon· o.f ·~ight ]t,
1~8._17.7,A'l{g[!st 15; 2001).. · ;). -~J/./--;""""~·:-1rr:-to•V:i$)J~~£~nf,r.~nces· . ··... : .· ·.:·._: .. J
A per~on; under.. rnvestrgat\of ha$)9)e ng,ht to Ile 1~
. . . . .' ·. · . · ·. -}1.£,_)-,.,.. j' . JI · :1fl) c4 -f>,PY.per/?orf:g"\Jlt~.Jh'~reofshall .su~ert!1e peRalty of
.Jmpnson)'nenr~of not'lt:lss -fou.r .(4): years. nor .::t.
a!ded by a. co4n~el ' .pre.fera.,,8}.Y.,_~r ch_ojce~.·. The~~t'\1-·,. m?re ,!11~.r _si_x(~-~~sJin.da fipe.,of P4,000.0.0 (R:A. 3:'
· word kpreferably" does~r:t?t Cffe~~~f:ie mesfa9f.{.~t · ~ .•. _07771-~ _Sec. 1)Z,; "4 \\ · · -: , ' . -' . ,~%·
. :the ch_olce. is ~xclt1sive s~ tas-ti:$ preclu~e c>'t~'¢~~ :ra; ~':W¥ j .. ·. . Ji 'f"':'.. "jl !. . . . ~ - , ·. . . :, ~..
. equ~lly· comµ~lent ...anc.L ~neypet,denl. .. etlorne~~:;1~.,.,jl'ilo~e.:.·,J'he co1.1$llk1LJ~t~al prov1s1on · un. ·CW1lbd1t;!I j,
handll~~ tbe· ~s~1 ?l~ei~ektP.~·:rfri}~t :<>f a ;;.b::.;jn~~!!s'i!Qi'!»,,
cu!)tod1a! i_~·west1gat1on vvrl~ !:>~ ~~}e~x~,n tq~~~ o~~--r ~_.,,-ifafor.Jl'~flU;~ot
~o/.:~. ~~~ apply. t~. ·. a· . sp?ritaneous ..
J;~h01t~.iilg~hro1:1~~_quest,onr~g- by _the .. :~
. an acc~sed py stubbornrv.m.s~'tiAgto}?,5.i:e~~~e_d~· $@~~~~i?but;fJ1verfl~ja~ or<lrn_a~y_manner ,whereb~ . :~
· by ~ ,lawyer· wJ:19; fQr. o~e r~a~on or '!loth'! .'''t6~~ast5ect.tflraUy_5',drrnts · 't\'~'lrng·. comn:irt:!~.d __ thE: ... ;,
.. ··avarlab1~ to pr.oteqt hrs ,_rrtere~t~_(Peopi~.B~~- 1s1ii'a;, . ,/~~e:Yi~. cw,~s. J'10t ~.lso apply}o an,~ or . ·;l

,~s .:\
· G.R. No. 109993, 'Jan~ary21, 1'994) . .' :·ii;.~ SC'JEN17i~~'s~n· · he l;i p)aced · uoder ./.
·.. : · ··. ·· :. ·. _ ·. · "-' .. · _'y' .,;,--;:::..~ ,· .....:-:in!.~Ni~Jlti~Q..(f',?PPle-v •. Baloloy, ·G.:'R:_No .. 140740, ... :#-:
It ,s _se.ttled.lhat:the_ srgn_at~re: o~ ~~..,_~cP~.d)~r:j~'='....:::=ff!{!!J~V9P/Jf' : .. .: .· .;:·· · ,.. : · ..: · ;:1ii
recetpt-of'proP.erty·se\Zed IS mad_(TIISStb)~li.\._eVJ.deflce. 1Xj /f 'to-:'/ . . · . . .. . .' · . : . ;\ : : : :· ' ,.
. · if it was obtalned.without the assist~~c~ 6f,':eo~§et .\ i..·-.Off!9dEfd, Party cannot waive . assistan.<;~ · of - -3
di.idn.g .:custoaial ·jnves.tigation. (Peqple v:··:Endaya;-=--.c=·="'counsel .·. ·: · . · . · · .. : '.. ·. · ~- . · ···: . 1,
'G.R N,o., 205741, Jiify23; ?_014f . : .. . · ·.. . · .. : '. ·. R~~son:. 1J1.e car:i oply.·i.nterve'r1_~,in.. ~~ .
., · . the cilse if."by.·coutrsel" (RUG, Rule 'HO,·Sec.:16),' .;~
Nqte:.. l'fre. right to .counsel 'righ_t. to remain lfthe ~erson·.cannot aff.o.n'l the· se.Mce~ ot'cou'nsel,, ·. >'A~i
sflerit'·· .do not. ·c;~as~· . ,aven':'.aft~r.· a·. criminal he mu~t be providect..with-one (f'eo'ple v.·Serzo;.Jr.; .::.~
Comi>laint/lnfortnation .··.ha\,· · -already" heen . filed .G.R. No: '11'843_5; June 20;' 1.997), ; . -: . · :. l
. agai.nsMh~ accu_s~d, .as loag. a.s he is still-in cu·s~o~y : ·. .. . ·.. · · ·· . · .: · · · ·.f
(Peqple v. 'M.riqu'ed.a,· G.R. No. 11-2983, ·March· 22,· ·v. ·· Right··to:.Testify ·as ,witnes~· in 'tils Own.·· :~1·
.19.~5). ··. · · · ' · ·sehalf · ..· :· ·,. · .. · · · .·. · · ... ·. M
· - The duty. of th(f coli~ t~··app6int-a,-counsel ·ds ·officio
- when the· accused-.has."no··rega,I 8ounsei of ·cljoice
This· is a waiv.abi~.·~igh~: A. d.enial bf. the defend~r;it's.
'rigj,t to_ testify. i~ his_ !le.~alf: w~~.lld c.<;>nstltute· a!1 , 1·
an(! O(;?Sires-~o .(;lmploy t.he Ser.vices ofone becomes unjustifiable_violation, ~f his constituth;>nal'.right.. , <,~
: mandatory· frorri the, time· of arraignment .onwards .' : · - · · ,, ·,
(RQC, Rule 1'16, se·c.·6f . ~-. : ·. : . Am~ri~n Rule -
lf_th.e.·accused teistifie;; h~· may'l?e
. cross-examined but only on 'matters covered .by his
. i:>. T.q_. ·~.e Allowe.d Visits · by, or· ;Conf~rences direct examinati9n (R,9C,Rula n 5,. Seo. t -iJ~(, ('d)).
With: . .'·
1, . Any· me·mber ·of his. im!flediate Family (i:e.,
his or tier· spouse; flance of flancee.,. parent



·. l;ngiish Rule· ~ ln>ci;,ntrast to. an·:· accused, an Questions on pastcnmlnat lf~bility for which he may
ordinary witness can· be-cross-examined as to any . ·still be prosecuted are.. coveredby the right against
matter stated 'in the 'direct.examtnallonor connected self-lncrimlnatlon. If.- he cannot . · be ··cuted· .
therewith (ROG, Rule ·132,.Sec.'6). · · · · therefor,_he may not invoke such rig_~t.(Pf.\M~R,4N;
s11pra f1f359). · ·.. · ·· · ': .. · · · ·_- · · · . ·
Faih,1r~ ofthe .accused, testify is·. not taken against
him· but.'failure to· produce- evidence, other than _his .. N<>fe: .. T.h!3 . ~ig!)t : Is . applicable· to" . one ::who is.
testlo,ony; ln 'his behalf' is consldered-aqainst him competted-toproduce a document, Who ts
(?AMARA~ supra at 360). · ' · · a
cornp·e"ued. to .furnish. SPf=Cl[Tl.en-of hlshandwritinq.
for-'jn' both 'cases, the ·witneS's is required to.rumlsh-
vi." Right .to be Exemp.t'frorri 'Being Compelled evldehce · aga1nst.. hi,mself. (People . it.'. Nfcimdro,. °f..-
. to ti_e-a Witness Aga_inst Himself . ·, .· 5!)378. febiwfcy 11,,,.:1~8.61'_ · ·

This is a waivabte rigtit", 'instance~ NOT .c.~~~...~d i,y' the. Righ~· Again~t
... · · ·., · ·SeJf-lncrif11in~.tio·n: · ·. - ·.. :,, . . .
The right ofthedefendant in a ·crimimil case "to be· .1 · Examiria~ioi.1 -,of., a · rapist .and .th.e._ victim· .for
· exempt from being·· a witness· atJain_st. himself' ',-.gononJ1e.~ Is valid.: (us·v. Tan. :1eng, G.R. No .
. signifies· that he cannot 'be compelled 'to ·testify or. · ·.· ,- 7081;'S~ptefT}qer'.7;_1fJ12); . . . . ....
produce evidence in the criminal case in Which he is . 2. .. Exa111ina\1on.of a Wdrrianfor, preg,n:ancy charge(j
th_e accused! or one ofthe :.accused._ He cannot. pe.,.,/.()i. · · .W.itti'a_dlrlt_9.ry -~~ valid (Villa{lqr/.:summers; _G~R.
compelled to dq so ·eve_n by subpoena or -o_ti;\~f ,/h.· · · No;·16f14,._Sep(ef'(lber8,-'l929): : .. : .
process- qr order.-ci.fthe.Gou rt. He cannot be reql!.ife.cV,~,ii\ · -3.. lJrtdf;lrgo . ultravio)ef ·1ight for examination of
to be a':witness·either for the prosecu_tioh;or foc'/i,'69/,:;., ·/,'..\: · · ·pre~e-nce_ · of . fl~oresceril ·powder.:. clusJed, on ..
_ accu'.sed, :~f-even for hims_eif (PAMAR'AN, SlfJ:>~~t.;:)·:t~:·~j.Jllarl<~4,ii?1bn~Y,- .,useitj_)n.·.:buy-~us_t: ·ap.erati9n
. 364).. . . . .. . . .?'.,, · Lj, • ,. ~---e'l~i:l-~~-9~1.~,_,V"'.Tr:arJp~, G:f?... No_.. 110357, Augus{_ 17,
· · · _: · · . ·· ""'~("' , \:Y 1,1f · 1'991):'-an'~· .. , ·. · - · .· .- . .
· Effect of of"Acc't...sed to.Te~t:(fy~~-- : .;\,;JJ .
4. DNA ~<Jtd les. obtain·erd fro~ an a~cus~d. in:·a
Gen_eral. Ride:· S!lence ~hol,ild ·not ;p}:~K{dice·t!;{~v''.l\ · . ·_crim~.n~(S~.J\~ill no,t_ yiolat~ Jhe righ_ts- ~gains_t
. ~ccused, (~OC, Rule 115'. ~e~. 1, JJ~b(d)hF"". · ·: _ r; \. .
sc~~19,t:r\if..1p,!10_1J., . This _ p~w1l':gc ._opph?G to
· · , ·. . , .. · :-· · . :: · . .:j,(J,~,,.- · ;t"t:..':'_'- .. c;. --~~- ev1djn~ijthat,·1~ ~com~urncative", 1~ essence
Exception: Unfavorable·1nfer,i(QQE! is dr;'ft~fl i;yhen:·· '"' r::~ tak~f'l.UO,er cr'qrE;iSS. (t-ferreTa _v. Alba; G.R. No.
·1. T~e pros~cutlon_ has cil!S.a<l~=-esgI~;f}she"tat..,.~a p:ri . r~t~(!K{~!I~f~2005J., .. · · · .
· pnma . f~c1e· case,_ the. a~l:y1 ~:d.
;.r.rr,qsh?res-e~)· t1 :
~,~!}:.Jh;,....f.""._ · .. , , ·. · .. · : . . .. _ .
·. p~bofto overturn_the ev1dence\~,rt<;t_:·":·'·1,:\-- · l. · ~·'I
The .,n,rt .. does: inclu,t(_e case~ covered· ·by
2.,_. The ~efense of the accused·1s.~rj, ..l'le -~_.,..,1}.r;r.W;1Umtystat1.,1tes.sucti as: · ... ·.. ·,
~oe·s not:testify,·the interference is;ct~~t.the~ib_0k".__;i~1.,~•''.~:~"r-l./o.'1_37!;! -··Forfeitu_re.of 1.ll~g_ally Obtained
IS not bel!evabl~ (P.AMARAN, supf;a,--tat36~kv.......,.,,·r..ll.~;.,,\.!..Wl3altfi)and· . . ·. .
. · · .· . · · / . . :· · . . · .' . ~ ' i . ·. 1 ~h' j/'{f ._.. . 2.. R.A,. N?: 749..- ·snbe.'ry ~n~ ~raft Cas~s,
VII. Ri·gfit Against Self- lncnmmabon\'i,>-,~,,.v · , . . · · · . · · ·· .
. ' . :· . . . . . . . < : .:·. . '. ~-- ... · . "':·,i'"'.;., . . Wh-~re .a~ailable: ·. Not ~niy in priminarbut ~lSo iri
The accu~ed· is, p~Ote~ted ···under this rule from . governmeint -proceedings·, : civil, .··administrative·.
., · qtiesticins· Which J_end :to, iricriminate- Nm, tl:laf Is, . pr-0.ceedi_ngs: wtiere there is . ·.a: . p~naf ·. siir:i~tion .
(wf".!·may,subjecthim to·penal)iatliJl~y: .. • .. . i_nvolved.: . . . . . .

. hicrimlnatfng Qi.lestitin ... · . . · Wti~n invo~~-~:After i~~ ~skl:n{of a q~~-stioii and

·. Th~t Which n1ay subject.l}iit): tcf penaniabilitY,·'·'.; :. before-:answetihg it · ·.. · · · .· · ·.· . · - ..
. .. ··;-- . . . . . .

·scoP,e ~ov,~r~d:!>Y the Right'. ' ; · · · :·: .. :· ·,. · T6e. .fight : .ag~ln~f §elf~iri"crimination · is . ~dt self..: .
The constitutional _guaranty, that no person shall be . executing or. automatically operational. .It: 'must. be
·.compelled'.'. in any ··.criminal ·case: to l;>e .a,' withes!3 c!ajm~.d: l_t .n.o_t_cJ~J!:fi'~d ~y,~r)~. betia.lf_ ~f th~ witr:i~s~,
. agai_ns.t hil'n~elf, is limited .:to· ·a .p.robibition·against - . -the protection does n!)t co_me1nto:p1ay. _I\ follows that
· compulsory testin\Qniaf self-in;crimin_atio.n·: The . the.right may b·e waived; expressly; or iinplfedly,.M:
:corol.lary · _to . the ;proposim:m · - is · ·that.; an, -ocular .. by a foilure·.to· at·the appropriate time (People
inspection cif the body of th!,3·accused is permissible v. Ayson, G.R. No. 85215, Juiy-·7, f989J> · . . ..
. ' ...
(Vill~flor·v, Summers,'GR. No, 1844_4, -September 8,
1920). :TJ'le · prcivfso is that. torture -or 'fqrce shall ,be N~te£°Ttie. right ~!:!Y. '-~
w~ived tiy the failure qf ih·e
·.avoided.· · accused to invoke the privilege at-the -prop_er time,
that is, _after'1h_e incriminating' question)~.- asked. ai')d
before his· answet . . .

. -2019
. · e~~--....----~~..----.~--~-.... ......--..·
Ill /f,

- ·MEMORY AIO :zo19, ·.
: 1
, .•.
- ii
.. ·• •• EFi "7"'"'"
MIN. . :·_'.:}
. j\!~-
Righ~ Agai~~t Self-Jncri!TI.i!'lation;Ac~used_.'v·•.. Confrontation . .. . . . . . ~\:
· Ordinary Witness· :.. ,·The act of- setting a witness face-to-face with.-the · j
accused so that .the may rriake any.. objectioc:i · ·-~~-
he has to the witness, and the witness rrray .identify .,~~j
the . accused, and · this must · take place in the _,,
· . :A.n accused may The ordina.r.y . 1wltness·
presence of the court 1:iaving Wisdi<;:ttonto perrnlt the .
prl,viiege of cress-examination. (P~ople v._· Punzafan~ . : :rt,s
'altog'ethet refuse to take· may. be corrip.efJ~.d_.._ !6 ·
th'e witness· :sta.rid and take the witness stand
G.R. 'No. 4165{S, November 19, f9!,1). . ,' · ·· ·
. '". ·.
'refuse . fo . ··ar-iswer ~~y 'ard :.ciaim 'the', p~iyileg~f Purp~se:.- The .prlmary purpose is to·.se_cure the: \t
· ~nd ~If qu.!:)~tio.ns. : . ·<.".as ·each. ·question opportunity of cross-examinationand the.secondary.... {J.
. 'requirini . ·. ; .. ,· .'ari·
purpo:>e is to· enable' .the -ju_dQe .to observe the · ;:.;
incrim[riating .::!nSWer. is . demeanor of witness.es_.: (U:S: v, Aan{lstas/o, ~-.R_1 '.-:fJt
·, ..
at'hirri . -, No, L-2821, August so, 1soe)..
. . .
··. ·~7[f'
. . ·' .· .. . . ·,-1\·
. .- . . . · . ·. · · . . · ... . . . · . The right · to confrontatiort' does not apply · in "°{f;.
Note:. However,.lf the accused testifies in hjs own:: · ·preliminary inve:,tigi:ition. The investigating officer ·~:~-
, behalf;.then he may .be cr'9ss~.e.~ami~ed·a~.~~Y .o~he.r ·. .during prelimin~iy investig~tlo.n'm.ay.set a he~ring if.:'. :...t.
wiln_es_s. Thl~ \s: c?ns(d.ered. a waiver . P; Ju.~. _fig_~=·' are ··fads a~d lssues to .b~ tl~ri~iedfrom ~ party Jf;
against sel~-mcrrmtn$lti~ll- He may · n.ot: ~;:c:'c.m-ss..,,. .j- Er· :Wttn~~s-, Wt:ule the. parties ~(~ allowed. to be- ':'.~
examin~tiori:.~efuse to answer any quesJ1?n·:ffe~';Q,, \h~.
groui:id. that th_e an~we.r _tha~ he ·~Uip;,~h. · '.-~~-.-=-~~mJnefl~~ss--examin~:»
l . R~~~-ei;i'taft!Qe heEtring, th'e.y._are without the right ta -~)
They .may, .h?wever, .. -~"
evidence he-will produce:woµid hc)oY};! @1t~n,,.ef\cy . ,subm1~&1itv . tfu~~ng offi~er questions which may· 't,
'to i.ncr,lr:rJ\nate· ~im for. _the' c~i"'fr~~i@'}'ffi~~.~~"4C~..,,be,
chargeq. But h_e.may f(!lfuse tOy§l,?._s~r).,11n11:1.~sti~ . '11"'· -~~pra~\42~ .,.-r;{) i\ 'I.
_· he. P\~ 'qr v><itness concerneq·(RIANQ!- .-.'.':!
. : · . · ::

incriminating him dff,e.n~JHtFSt~9gtfro11'ft!at.f~·..: Jfit· .~ - . t ·. '\ ( · ·\. · · '. ·. . . · . - .}'.

which. t,e is .charged. fPA¥AftAN, _s.l!,f~~ a( ~f,_8).~ of
By w,ay af'\ e\c~fi~ri;;{o this rule;.it i.s provided that 'J
· . . · · · . , ... ,,Al~-
VIII.Rights. of. ·the ·~c.c~ic,Q~ H_the_ . .
ft: '··r·~t.· ~4ff-
, . ~;r-etffior. p'";~rtv;may U!!~eaas part:qf its evidence th~ ... _·~
1.:.\il'~l· 1~1~~tlifjo~~ -~f a_ v?/ffi'~s~rwho~~ deceased, ~ut ?f the .. ]
. · _Tc~tifying or Produc,ng E~J.~!lCl't_ · .
. .;
Before the Ci\se:
. . l~-1:..,.
.. 1t ('"I..\
u.-· '. CJ . . c::('· · .f.uu,~~ -~el.lntry/f cannq,t:W1tn:ctL~d1hgenc~ be. f.q11.rid 1n_tl;le ~i
;;-.,,.,.d,''b-p~~-PEli:\ ,~D ~nj~aila~lff. or o!harwisA. una_bie_-.:to:
·{'$.:~~ ...,,... ..,,· esttfY.f :v..en.rn,flAOt,hl?.rz.,r.-.;:i~eor proceeding._Jud1c1at . ···;~
1. R\ght to be in~orn:ied; . ~ ())_. ,;,_\\
2. Right to remau;i l?lle_nt._ano.;,to coul)!el;
\'<).~-~ .
:~h . ffi:Jl . · .~
J::- . r.--~ qmmJ?trati9e,. in~fvingth~. same .parties. a_nd ··=:IJ
J~t;l'l}atte,f,thE:,.-~clve.r~e party· .having. !')ad tbe :,·1l
3; Right not to be subJE:·ct~. Clf,y10~~9. ,: . ,?':o, p~GnityJbcrossfoxamme.hir.n (ROC, Rul_e 130. · :Jj
_- .-a.ny other .means whJ¢h vittat,e'i~~ew1!!_;·a~fJ. ~fr:.<!,,:· ~<,;~ )t7l ,f · : . ,{' .: , . · . . _ ·:~~
4'. Right'to have.the-evidence ob.t~ined_11\~ro'la\1.~fil.~!;.,,-"' ~-~ ':b,,_ :./ : . . . . : \~
of thes~ rig~ts _reje~t~ · (feop)~·
No. 85215, July'.7, 1989).. ..
\f. 4f'~~~::.=._:,::Rfsfht11ifJ'f-lj~aiv~d:
. --:'.v)I
,When a .party has _h,~d the· ..
.1\. 1,i ·&pirotfC1R1wto'cfoss-examinei:i-witn.essbut_f~!led to .;\il
. · · ·. ·· . · · . ~.:!:·_ . . l. ·,/!.laviiilJJirn'selfof it, tie:.,:iecessarily forf~its the ,right t'? ,,.;1i
. After the· ~~se is Flied In Court: · · . : · ~:·=--""ffoss-~xamTne ~n:d Hie testimony gj,;,en on pirect ·:?M
1-.· · R)~~no .refuse to (?a.a wi.tn13.~s;_: . ·. · ·.... . . · .examina~iqn will· be allc>weq to ~e.main in Ui1;1 record i.~
2. . Right. to.. ~.ot have. any-.preJud1ce wli~tsoever (f.eop/e "'.'·' caparas, G.R.. Nr;,. L-'4798.8, February, 20,·· ,;~
·· re! h1in by such.refusal;.. . ... . . . 19.8.1), · . ; :. · .. , . · .. . , :)fl
, 3.. · ..Th1;1 right fo. _testify ~.n hi!> o-.yn·._b.~_h_ar~subJect ~? . . .: J~
cr.oss-e~aminatiori byjhe pro.l?.eC!Jt10,n;a_nd. . . • . X... Right-to Have_'Comi:>u!_s9ryP.roce~_s·
'4.· While testifying., the right tQ-.'(efuse ~ · sp~citlc · . · · . .:{
. que$tion ··.which tends ·to: incri!f!inate: him. fpr · . ·This 15 a waivable .. . · -<:.~
. .$0f)'.l.e othe'r crime· (Id.),_. _ .. , , .: .· . . :. . . . ., . .. . · . ... , . .. , : . ... . .. .J
This IS th·e right of the. accu.s'ed·1Q.h.ave a. $u,bpoena ''. '·
IX. ·~lght to '.C.C?,nf,:ont. artd' Cross-Ex~m.ine.: t_he ad..testificandum and/or. a sub·po.en1;1 duc;es .tecum, ~~~t
Witn' Against.l·li.m at_Trial. .. . issugd ·in ·-h1s b~h~lf in·. orqer ·.to coji,pe!·. ttie. )~
attendance of witnesses.and the production ot other.::.~
This is ~ waivabte-righL evidence. · · .. · · ··· .,1
. . .. ' . . ·:~;;J
rilote:: An escapee. wh~ has.been"our~·tried in
absentia w.aive..s'his righfto presen_tevidence on his
·,i a· w.itn!3ss ' t~stify '#h,e.ri required is. in \~
·contempt of court, the court may order a wjtnes~.to_ ·. :~
. owR b~half' and· to confront al'!d cross-examine give bail or to be arrested (RIANO, sµpra at 391). . .. · ·J]j
witnesses who testified against h!i:n (PeopleJ v. . . 1
Mapaiao,.G:R.'No·: 924.15,,May 14, 1-991). ~'
,· ~
·. !
·cRlMtNAL· :p·Rc>:CEllU:R:E·
SAN BEDA LAW CENTR"?-LIZ.E'oBARCPERt?,noNs._ MEMOl{Yi.,o 20,9 · .
,;:, . .;1·
. Purpose: To · assure,. a full .anc unimpeded . '· (Pepple v, Jardin;· G.R. Nos . .L-33037-42;·AiJ.gust ·17,
•' _opportuni,ty.for:him·.to meet what in the endcould be ..... 198.3J.. ·. . . · ... ·. ·. . . . · .•
a baseless suit Qr accusation (People· v, ceperee,
GR. No. L-47988,. Fe5ruljliy 20-. 1981 ). . .. Delay, · however, :jg 'not
determined · througti'.,.;,~re·
.. · ': '."' .: . . ·.· .mathematical teekonlng butthrouqh-theexarnlnatlorr
. F'rocesses whi~h, !P:ay;~e 're,~qrte.~ to, to compel "' · ··bf .tt\e:·ra:cts .snd )cirdumstance·s ·surtountjlng:.eaoh
the attendance of a person In .eourt: . ' . ca~e. Courts" should appraise a. reasonable period
· 1 . . Subpoena. ed testiticendum(ROC, RµJe ·21 );" 'from the ·pbint-of view of how much.flme a competent.
2·... Subpoena duce_s·~~-cum (ROC,'Rule 21); and independent public officerwould need'in relation
.3 .. Warrant of arrest (ROC, Rule .113); . · .to the ·dorn'p!e~i_ty,~f.?.:gil(en case. Noneih~.less; the ..
4. Conteri)pt·(ROC, fiuliJft>;' · ., . . .accused must lnvoke liis or li~r'~onstJtutibnal rights
5•. 'Perpetuation oftestimony (R09,. Rule 134X,and in a timely manner... Tlie 'failure so· could be· •
'6. •' Modea-of discovery. (R.00. Rules 23-2.B;' Rufe . ·CO~sidered'. by, .the, 'courts'.. · as
.a ~aiver' 'of .' ri~ht'
119, Se_cs.. .1-2,.13, ~ 15; Vda. De· Manguerra'/,1. '(Cagan·ri·ii,'.Sandiga:nbayan; ~ -:R: No .. 206438, .' ./1,1/y. ·
Rises, G:R. No: 1526'1-3; Ailgust 28, 2008). ·: . · '31, 2018) .._. · · - ·

In an; ·e;il:ninal ·~r~c~edi~g·•. thi. d~fe~dan'~'~nj~y~ th~· . · · .. The. burden.. of pr~vi~-~·:~~la/ d,ep_~n~s:on wh.ettier ..· .'
right -to haye'• cbmpu(s9ry:'ptoc~ss to secure'..the · ·.'.alleg'ed withi,n the-period~ law·..
attenc!_aric.e qf ~wiin'esses i3nd the-· Rtoductic;in ··-~f · · · or p_ra9edurat rules ... .-. · : .. . :. ·. . .
eviden·ce ir:i ni~·~e~atf (CONST.,Art. ·111;sec.-1-~. par:r..'>~7' 1. If .th~:d~t~y 'is alle~ed, to )iaye occurred d.uriag ·
(W'. · :· · · . ·; . . ·. . · ; ,1,://)J.· . _the. give.n_. per.ioc!s; ·-the ·bwden ..(s. · on ·th~·.
. · .. - ·.. . . . . . : ·.·: . : :: .. ·. . r:,;.(1:. .-=.:1':: .res·ponden~ or ~he ac~use~:l_o prove th~t· t~e..
-XL Right to Have a ·speedy, ·lm'partial and· Pll,~lie;,5,·, >_•A . · :del_ay Yl!as )~ar.d1pate.. ·,. · . .
Trl~J . . ..... : . . : . · . .-· .J (;,.,; ·':.;'.,l!,·;r;- If the:~r~~t !~.-~lleged to have-occurre~ beyof!~
· ·. . ... 'i : .· . . . ·. . · :. . , : ·. .: ,;,y ·. .;.,.(.:/~r- .... :._.J!J~.1}:l'Y!Wi,.Penod.si_ the- ~u.rd.en s'1)ftS. to, th~
The ~1ght to have. a sp~·edy·tnal 1~ waiy~abl_e-.-i5'utnot( f ! .. ·~roseeu,tiq~ · fo · ,prov~- ttiat · me . delay, was-
. th~ ngt,t to have..ayuohc·and impa~~ktt\al;p · ·.- /),.!·1 rea~o~a,b1,~underth~~1rcun1starwes and that no
.- _ . . .... ): \~.£!~,. ',1_7'. ( . . preJud1fe..liw.~s suffered l?Y .th~ acc~sed . a~ a
. : . .' . · ·. . .
Spe~dy. J~~al. · . . · . .. ·.. ·. · · p:.J r/c-:_:~·
(For the Right- to Spe.f!J._dy'ir1at1fr,aer the.,:._R1:1Tes <&. 1-;:ll
. ~ ... f
result~f e\1elat (Ca_gang v.. San~1ganbayan, .
.. ~:Rf'o_- j06-i/.38, Ju)y 31, 20t8)•. _-. . . .: .
Court,. See. 'discus_sion ·undertRu/e 14J?:,':Secti~- 9~'
·andqh_d~rA,fv!.. No.12:.~1-2-~Rr
' . . . . . . : .. . , . . '~~'* 0':":. ;.~..
=='':.:!:j).. ~:1 R~~J,~Y.~i~!Pl_o
i- · /f. .. ·J.: · · \ .: ., ·. ·. . .· ·., _.
t~e A~cu~ed .wli_~-~··Hls..
~.i.. .r,.i . ~1g~t to·;s~y,_.~1·n~l1s V,19lated_: .... . . . ,. :' .

. Purl)ose.: _The nght of the. c:\CC!,dytn,al F:f 1.. Ac_cy~ed.,may fjl~. a n:toUon to· ~IS~.ISS. on th.e
. · and·tq a' spee,dydispo-siti<Jn..of t_he 'c'a,s~agl;'j.ii'\st.him . 1 i\1-~..,..:-,1gro_und of·yk.>la~iq.ri of rfght .to ·speedy trial (RA
. _was .d~sig_n~a· Jc:i · pr~vent', ther·oppre·~)*:(w-Jof'th~_)::;;:-~ · ;_'•; r1>1.o~ ..8,.493i Sec. 1 ~); ·, . · .'. : .. · I' · · ·
. citizen: b.Y. hoklinQ eri!J)in<;'I pr6secu_ti~11,;s.u~p~r.qet1..,:;...t~~.:!-Aeij~se'd may file-~ .Pe~tion :for h~iJeas-cprpiis.. if
O\'.ei:-him. for ari ind~fimte t1rne,:and to pcev,enti1:1eiays .the unreasonabl.e deli:w . of. the . ~rial . re.suits to.
· lo the: adrniriJstratibri' of jusfioe. by in~~,f~#ilg. the . llle_g'al 'CE;Stri;i~nt of,his .il9.e_rty(Abt,J(jia ·v ..:CA, .G.Ri
cciurts._to p'roce'ed with r~asonable dispatch. in the . No. 105597; September 23, 1994); am;l · .
. trial of cnmin<!II .~se~ .(Corpuz v.' Sflndiganbay~n. 3. ·. Accuse~· wouiq: be· et.iti_tle<:l: .to-. relief in. a .
· G.R. Np. '162214.;Noveni~et 11, _2QQ4~. · , ,. · · · ·. · mandamus proceediRg to_ yampel the. dismissal
: . .. .'·. · · · .,· · ·. ·· · of· the :lri.fortr)atlOft···(Luman/aw·· v.. P.tirat.ta; · Jr.,
. Facts .· C.on.side~ed · to .. Det~rmln~ .. if'. ·Right · to . G;-R. Noi 1'64953; ·.februaiy.1-3, 2.006)'... · . . . , .-
... ;,peedy·Trialhcis been Violated:. ' . ·-.. , ·.·:· . -·· .
: 1. · Coriduct-df the p'arties (Lumanfai;lv .. Petafta-,'.Jr., Effect; Qf Dismissal. for Violatfo~. ~f Ac.cus'ed's
.. G:R. No.. 1·9'!1953,.Febroaty. 13,' 2006j; . _.,. . .: Righnc;'Speedy ·Trlai · ... · .' . . . . . . . .. · .'.. :·
. .2. · Leogth of th'~ delay; . . .. . Such · ~1smissai i.s·.- equiva1~nt.. to ·an· a'cquittai. Any
· i3. ·~eas6n; · ... · · · · ·· · · attempt to• . prosecute, 'tl:i.e . accusecl· for- 'the·,. sarrie.
. 4. · The ·accused's'.a·sser:tionornon-asseftidn of the offense W!l.1 violate hjs consfitutional . ~gEiinst'
·. · · right;· and. . . ·. ·.. . . . · ._ . . peing put twice' .ii"). jeopardy of. p'u~ishme'nt for the
· ~; · · Prejucti¢'e.: fo the- ··a~cused resut'ti~g ·.frol'n ··the ~ame o_ffense (Tar.-, v. 'i=lcoP.le, · 173~37, Apr.i(
. delay ,(Coscoluelfa v. Sandigan_bayan,· G.R. No. . 21, 2009). : . . ' . ,• . .· ·. . . ,, .· .
·. · 191411;:July
. . . .
15, :2013) ..
.. ·. ..- · . · · . ·
Public; Tr(al · ·..
Note;. There· is· no violation of the right where ·.the The trial must-'be··pu~lic. It possesses that ch.aract~.r
. delay is imputable to. the accused ·(So/is ..V. Aglord, when' ~nyorie interest!3d in.' obs.erving:the 'manner a·
A.M. 'No. 2.76~MJ; June 2.7, '1975). This is beca.use j~dge· COriducts. th~ pr!)Ceedings in. -his .. courtroom .
.When . the accused reso'rted to · such tactical · so (Garcia v.: Domingo, G;R. No, L-30104,
maneuv_er~. h_e w~ived his. n·g~t:_to speedy . July 25, 1973). · ·.


PRocE'.ouRE ·
BAft (,)PER,:\TIONS_-~ MEMORYAID::1~19_
. ',t'
1!111121111111111811lilllilla11lillll.. mmailll..:181lmmilllm11llilri1111111'1."31
.. alimm-.. - -~

Note: · A. public . 'trial, is ·not· synonymous .. ~ith · Purposes otArraig~rri.ent:· . ·.. . .. ,l1
publicized trlal; it only lmpltes 1hat the court doors. 1 Toapprise the accused 0 f th 'bt'0 I "~'ii
. st be open· to those w·ho wish to· come, sit
.,, ·1·n the· ·. ~,, even e ,poss, on
· · of. -his ·.life,. depending ossthe
-or ,:.·,_t:,~-
- . -
avallable.saats, conduct themselves with decorum. natura.ot the crime Imputedto 'him (Peopie v, ·:~"li_;
and observe the trial.process (Re: Reques-t.Radio- ·. Monteron, ~.R. No. 1307091 March 6, 200?); . . .}1l.·
7V.'(;_(jverage: of tiie. Trial in the. Sandiganbayan· of.· .2'._ To inforrrt.hlrn: w_hy the prosecuting arm of the. · i
· ... the Plunder cases ~gainst the . Fotmer .President . state is . rnoblllzed ag,ainst him', '{People V. . ·.;r
Joseph E. Estr?da,. AM. No. 01-4:.;03-SC,· J.une 29, . Mimteron, supre.); and : .. · " . -·~ ·
2001 ). · . . . . . 3. To . i,:if9rni the accused ·of the. · reason for. his : ;if
--exciusion cif'the.Public ls Valid When: . . indictment, ~the specific charges he is bound tc:i ... ;r_
1. . Eviderice to be produced ls .offerisiv~ to decency. face,_'c!n~:· the corr.espor,ding :pen.alty'that could. :~t·
· or public morals (ROG, Rl;l.le 1 t9, Sec. 13); or . · bs . possibly· meted: aqalnst him :(Kummer v. '~'
2 .. _ Upop·m,otioh of tbe: accused '(ROG, Ru/~ 119,. Peop/e,.GR No/174461,:September 1_1, iot3).: ' .. · ;li
sec._2·1J. · · - .. · · · · · ·' · · ·'!;.

,Rul_e-0~Trial,byP.i'ejud1c:i~i P_ublicity ·-:

The right of. the accused ·to 'a fair trial. is not·
-~~:~·r·al'lswer the 'def~ndanf_in: commonlaw
pleading: The answer of. "guilty" or_'.'.iiot guilty•. in an ·
of .::.;ii·:i
lncorripatjble toa free press. Pervasive publicity·is c\r.raig_n;tne~t t9r a cri_!llinal c.harge.. Any· _pleading i_n · , }
not per se .Pr7judic!al.l? t~e. i;ight to cl fair:t~i~l;;iJ:,o,:"""-:-7-··~""~~cle~~ast1c~I, .. <?01;1!'lt, _whether __ the· o~e .. or · :·:1j~
~~rrant a _finding .of preiud1c::1al Pl;ll:?lic::ity; t!;l.e'fe~must.-l. T
iu.~e'91,1.~nt one. Any, acti_On at l_aw (TAN, <;Jflmmal
t;>e allegations ~nd proof that the ju'd!i!J:~t.!~vJ.J~~~n : .,, jfr;..qce,clu~-E;..~PP~°.achfo_r_ t~.e B!Jnch and. the f?ar,,:
.·) ..~
_ unduly inttuenced, not simply that tti·ey~jgl)tb_e;.tJy~~-~Q.J,5f P: fl1J,3Lt~tf!1:19 Ph1hppme teqal_ ·1;ncyclopedia ·. :Jr,',,;,
the barr-age of publicity .(People,/!,olifai';'~GR. ,,~ by.'J?>s,~~ga~\,'stf!B..l·p_.7~~ [~erem.aft_er.TAN]). . :~
Nos . .121039-45, October 18, 2Q9J)_~·~({// 6~~- :Jr=---..~.~~<(.? )...,..,_- · .. ,. · " . ·}1
. - l ,,_"'-r.:---. if'. ·, 1C'J . x·- -B,lea, vv'l1ej\and;!j,owMade •-~ -
Xii. Righ_tto Appeal on All <::i~es~~owetbyLa~ f} ·A\\. In .. ~Pe~\{ f,~urf\ wh~re· t~e.,- ,C.ompiaint or
. and m t~e.Ma~ner Pres,cJ:!!?;,.dif>y_La . ;..___/C,~ai""
· ~ : lnf?ri;n~_tto,~~.l.~fnfiled c:,r. ass1_gned for trial;
, _,J}
. . . .· .· $- ·P -J! . , ~ : ~ ii . ~ llle JUd~i- or:£!er;~ of court; · . · ,~~~ _a wa1vable nght (':'~ K, · · \. "~i-"if"':JID.
.cc~~78y_tp,;ni_s~intthe"' ~c~u-~ed _with a. co~y· of the· }~
The right to appeal frord _a j~dg{te·~t of·c0r.ii.fotipn'1~~L1. l!ll Comi~\nt otnfo~ation; . ,- . • . . ·
_f~ndame~tally of statutory· qrigin,-ii\\ is hpti';nat1:1ral ~-·-:~- By_/t ~g!f19 ,1 m a . 1'1guage _o~ d1al~ct known to . _ ,1,l
_. )i
. ngh~and ,t may be.denied b~ tuf!fJgjslatc&'.e~s.lor:igfar J,.if'A,~.. :1
c~cl~e~,}.,,;'<~-// ,. .. . t!f~
.- ·. · .~
. · ~~. h~~-ring i~ condu<;:ted ·~xceRt\\the: ~.p'~¢11@~~ f '".", i - •_:.-,Y~$,.~1ii_~. : e ~_cc~~ed whe1her he ~le_ads guilty :~l
. Juns_d1ct1on of the Supreme C'purt wh19h C~~~~-1 ·
cani:,ot remove.· But if there iS'(f statutbzy _gr~n~~.::~'
,;,~~pt_g,~. · ..
.'. .. must1 p~rs~nally :-durmg .· <~J
J/. · · · · ·.- · JJ
~ppeal, den.ial of. !he s~me is \._violatio~~f'<;J£1,rr\t~rra1Q~~me_nla);l-tl. ~n_te.r i:i,s plea; .and_ . . ··1;:;
process (RIA.NO, supr.a at 514; Es(arij~,..~,-"'fi''ilbp/~~!;_.,~;;_l:},otn:'r~J9,,~~nt a_nd plea shall: b~ made of ·Alj
G:R: fVo. 173990, October 27, W&.9-i-...'frl,'fa',40.;v~------:'."' · ~,1~W,-f~1l_ur.e_to .e~ter of ~ecord shall Mt , -'~~
People .GR. No: 161070. April 14 2008~~ (';If · )\:JI /j..\.. )Jhe-_val1.d1ty.oftt"1eproceedings (ROC, Rule :;c;J.
· ' . . · ' . ·! · ""'--~ ~!;;J;l:6tsec. 1 '(a-b)). , . . ·· · . · .f;tJ
.The· ~ight~_to ~ppeal is ·13·_ r~med~ tti~t m·~Y b~ ;_.=~ · -·, · · · : · · · '· ·.. .<!
: exerc;1sed cmly in marier·prescnbed oy.-the provisions . A counsel c;annqt -~riter -pJ~aJorth_~ accus~d:)i,mere. : -;~ auth'brizil)g such _exercise (Philippine. Rabbit : . wi'itter:(moti<;>r) of' m_~nifestatioii,is· .n.ot a -V~lid plea: · ·it
:13'us v. People, G:R. _No.. 14,7,703, April 14;:·2004). The R,ul~s -of -~c;,urt ·~~p.llcitly, re·quires. that'· the ~
.. . . . . . a_ccused be presel'1! a(th~_,a.r:r,!;!ignment, arid .:rtjust .,r;
perso11~lly en,ter .his J?lea (Cabo v. Sandiganb?yan, _._.. '..-,i,~.'..c..·_",::.

n G.R.. No. 1{395<)9 Jµne Hi, 2006)_._ . ·. ':,'

· ,.n;ULK 116 . ~,-
· .. .. · . , . ·· . -_.. ·
Where all ·corri'plaints' were·-in .. English and .in
te_clinical _ legal.! riotlii3virrti ~en · -t.
trar'lslated to a_l~n·guage:the·accused Ul)ders1andS, . '}
· · together with ·the .lc;1ck of .education of the accused,· 'of,;,. ~_-
MADE. . .. hi_S· guilty .pl~a .. ther..eto: were voici:. The. lack of. ,-,·
educiltion. of the -~ccused (Pe-opiev.. Estomaca;' G. R. ·. · ',•,
. Arraignm·eof .
'It is, the formal mode· and manner of.
Nos, 117 485-(16, Ap'ril 24; 1996''/ ..

. >~~
the constitution·a1 right of an accused to be informed In. multiple case~, thE: .-court, upon personal ''}~
of _the nature and cause o_f .the accusation,against _examination of the. accused, may allew· a ·w~j11er of ~f4
him (Tag/ayv.-Daray, ·G.R. No. -164258; August 22,
m1~. · ··
· the _r~ading of. the Information 4pon · 'the tu11 ·
understanding and express ,corise'nt 6f the 'accu_sed \I
:--MEMORYAID 2919:

and his/her c~uns°'e.i, ·,which· -consent> shall be · In· other ·words; · there was. no · need for the
expressly stated in b~th -the mlnutes/certlflcate of .. . arraig_ni:nent .: as .... 'the · ad "tit - the', accused · 6f
arraignment and. the order of arraignment. The court. partlclpatlnq tn · the .trlal. implies' that he understood
shalt explain the waiver to . the. accused . in the . the ·n~_tµre ! and cause. of. accusation against him.
· language or dialect known .to him/her,· and ensure · (P'eop1e· v, ·cabale, · G,R: .Nos. 73.249~so, fv!ay. B,:
the· accused's .. full. understanding . 'oi . :·:the . 1990). -·: ·. . .... · :· · · . .· ,··. . : .· ·· ...
. consequences of the waiver before: approving ths
same /AM.; No. --15-06~·1:0-:.SC,. S.ubhe~tlinp
no. BJ. ·
ite':1 ·-~ r
. ·:effect-of Ab~;en~e:or .lrreguiarity.of Arraignm~ht:
1 '; T~e absence ofarraignrnent·resulta in the. nullity_ ..
-. ·a(the.p,roceec!ings before court (Tagfay
The prosecution r:nay 2iill,on:tri~rottier\vitnessesnot . · ·v.:-o~r'ay, G.R, No ...-1.64?.5~,.August 42, 2°'12).
mentioned.· in. the. Corhpl_aint '·or. · -informati(?il -, 2. · Generally, judgment. is void if_accused•has not·
·p.reserited-to the ~ccused during ·arrai_gntnent.(ROC;· . · been ·:valid_ly ·amHgne'd·· {People v.\E=sto.mfl.c,fr
Rule 1.16, SecA}. ., · - ·· · · G.R.- Nos. 117..485;.a-6,Apriq2; 199(3); ,
3. · Belated. af(ilig°ruri.ent, syc~ as. _tha(d_one only
· When Arraignment Shaff Be Made. . after the .case 'has been subrnltted.tor decision,
.. 11.rraignment and Pre-trial -shall be set withi'n '10 · . . ooes
: not nece&Siirily violate· the -constttuttorial ',
calendar days of the court's receipt of the · · ·. · . , ·right of th~ :a·ccuse~: Subsequent _arralg_nm.ent
case for . a detained 8CCU,Ser;J, and. ,Within ·-~Q ·:· . : .. . wm.cure the errQr provided that the accusedwas
Calendar: days fronf·th_(;? date- the QOIJft aequlres A/":' .•' ·. a!)le to-present evii:ler-ice_,and cross-exarntne the
jurisdlctlon . · (eithe~ · ·· ·by, ..: atre&t:. · or .. : voluntart;;};f_.. ·.. : · w!tnesse~. of the prosecution during ~rial (Pe'o'ple
surrenderjover .a .n6n-1e_ta1ri9.d accused(AM, {~,?.,k{>J.~r\ : .. "V .Pa_ng,lm.a·n;· G.Ft.,··:No.:· 171020, . March 14; ··
15-06-.10~sc, Subheadmg ~II. BJ: . _·. '.~ tt:il.~(:i.i..;;f .... _3007).:· . . ... ',. . .. . . ,.
· . . . . . . ... ;. . . ·. ,- )I i,,~.,1.•\!,i~:,1ih~f.rralgfJ.~'rnt · mus.t·. be made. ; agarn m _an
O~he~. lnst_a.m:es-.W_h_ere ·. :Arra1gnmen~, ~~<~et9Ji~(!j1~~~J.!!?~P,~~-1Hnfcirmat.1on ·~r. ComJ?lam.t, only:where
Within· a· Shorter .Perrod:- ·_ · . . ·. ·. ',..,,::"/ . . Y 'J . · su'6sfant1~ amencjments are made. and not mere
· {. . Where \he complail)a_nt ~s a~ou~. tp.;.~e~a~ f~OIJJ'rdJ . form~) ;;il%!1drile_nts (KLJmmer V. Peop/e, G,R:
the P_hmppi~es .~ith, rio'. ~~~(a~~e _9~.,... }~ .···No. 17~t;_1'i.Sep(emti~'r11,_2013) ·. '. .
: returr:!, the ·accused s~ould b~~~·~2,~1t'tlqut . jH: . 5. ·Acc~Jea!!~s_]f_>resl,)n:ied to have been _va.lldl~
. delay·(R.A,. 4908); , ~ /J.Y"· : v··,.:--;, ~". ·,~'\ a.rra1gr1~tjpnthe absence of ~roof t~ the·c<?.ntrary,
2. · c.ases under R.A. 761_0j9~il~A~~~'~'Act)~ ·,ttie"' -;~, _:· E;~~P.L~~~~..~~~ffen~e charg¢d 1s_purnshabfe
. trial· shall. be com~e.nced,~t6ny.t~rse.:~3)ct:3.'.Y.-~ . .
from arraignment; ·-., · ""~. "~l".ff::·''\ . l~.'\
t,~l ·. ·.
bY:i.?;e¥1tb~.~e<JR.f§fil. Al1ca_ndo!· G.R. No. 11_7487,.
De~11Jbet.Jl,2;1995).. .. .
. -~.. Cases undE;!r. the D~!]_ger~~s~~l:!~fo':A~;_.and_P'_ i•J · .6; . Ac~sed must · per-so_naf!Y.., app~ar _during
4. 1/1/hen the accused 1s. a cli1l9 m;~OR~1ctj,,t!1lav,, !~~~~:"='.':'.";.a_rra19.nm_ent_a,nd er:iter his pie.a (co~nsel_ c~_nnot
under .~ec. 27 _of A.M. · N~ .. O?~~;~Hh,SC,}h.e. i,1~., °"·'.;.!;t~JlitE:!~;1P.[e_a·for accused) (ROG, Ru~e 116, Sec.·
arraignment shat! be scheduled w1{Q!~ri~~y~n ·~1¥1-_,..,-'-rID.~·=---t(b)}-:--' . : . :. ·, . · . ·
days from the date of_'th·e fllin~ .of ~~;~oiji_plirnt . -7. · Trial fn abser;tia may be i;:onducte.d only after
or _Information · wit.h ttie ·. Family Cci\i't;;[lliJless· Vallcfarraigl'.)rn~nt (CqN$.T., Art: ill, Se<?. 14; par'.
.shorter p~fi~c!. i~ proyid~d l:)y law-: .lfi fic>.V~e~er, · (2))... ~ .' :. . · .· .
the. maximum:pe_rii;lltyfor tile Qffense ':"'ith w_hich· .s. Without a \l'~lid-.'prfor·.arraignm<3.nt, the accused
.. he is ch~rged is les$)hai1·s- i:Jioi1tt:is; .reg~rdles,~. . ·cannc>f ihvoke·. :doubiEf -jeopardy : (Miranda v.-
of fine or fine alon~ r~ga.rdless .<>fth'e. ~t:lJount, .. ·. · 'rut/ao; G.R. ·No.. 158763, March ~1•. 2Q06).
·the correspo.ndjr;ig:·compl,aint' is fif~ wlt.h, the .·· . : . . . . . ,_ :·· .
Farnity Court, H:ie .,cas,e $hall o.Qt. l:)e· set< for. .· . · · ~6nd;ti;,rial ~or. provisional ·arra1g~rrient wilf n6.t give
arraignmefitinste·ad~_it shall.forttiwith'be~tefe~re(:I· . rise tb''doub.le'jeopardy, wne're, as a _pt.ecdndi\ion,t~·-
·to alternative ·measures ·or services offered ·. being:allowed- to:·travel. al:>rq!'!d,'. Petitioner agr~e(:J to
·. no.n-court 1nstitutipns (TAN, ! 1033r_. . .. .waive his Tight. againi,t double·j~opardy_jn case a
. ' , ' :. . 's.ubstan'tiai"·ainendm·ent o( ttie· Jnformation should
A:rraignment.Made D.uring-Tnal ·. . .. ·. . . : .· .: become necessary, Petitionervias dul,
Arraign·rn~nt which·was:made after: the,prosecu~i,o_n· . . :cbunsel_d4ring_the con9itional.arralgnment and was
rested its .case Wa$·. Opnsi~e·red· a ·non~prejl,,idicial. 'presumably appris~~ of the· legal cons!:)quen.ces of ..
·error because: ; .. ·. , .v:
s.uch conditions. (?,raza . '·sandigarl_bayan,· G._R:
1. Counsel of the accused fail~d'to ·object lack· of No. 195032, Feb(U8,Y 20,.. 2013).. . . .
arraignment durinirt.riai; and: .
· ,2. 'C_ouiisel of the accused had·fuff ..opportunity to
· <,ross-examine the · witnesses · .(People: . v.:· ·
AUenza, G.R .. No. L-3V01,· June 17, 1950).
• I., • ' • • .• "•


~i:::::n;s;mimamllism ._ ..... ._ .... _.. ... ~_,._ iam.. · ·.~,,

CR}MtN·A:L,Pt-tO·c·Eo:u·RE· ·.
· sAN,a_EDA1:/<WciNr~azr'?BAR oPE~T,oN_s~ 1.1EMQ_R_YAID 2:M9 . . . ..
Mts&MM Bf$4Mi·. &4 ....
~ ·:-fm
Plea of Not Guilty . . . . .. . . : · b~longs to. the· accused.. whose. failure· to, '.do so. :.)r:
If- the .accused does not enter .·pfe·a· · of ··guilty,
. whether to a lesse~ offense·orto the .offense charged . .
a constitutes a' 'Naiver of the ri_g_ht to _obj~c~ (People. V- .
· Barlulay, G.R. N~. 83696, December 21, 1 ~90), . ._.:i~
in the. lnfo.rmalion; the court'--s_hctll. lmmedi~tely . . : : '.· . A1
. proceed ·with tlie.·arraignme.i;it 'and the· pre-trla! 'SECTION 2: PLEA OF GUILT -ro ,;..· LESSER Jt
.(A.M. No.' 15-06-10-SC; Subheadi~g Ill, B). OFFENSE . . . . . -·~·";;:

When. P,lea of Not Guilty $ho_uld.:Be.-~nter.ed:

,1: W!'len theaccused so pleaded; . .· · ·
Plea. Ba·rgalnin_g,(in crirnlnal ·.ci:lses) .is .process
w.hereby the accused. and the prosecution work out :;r
a }l
2. 'When. - .he. ·.refuses. _:to... plead . , or .makes .9- ·.a mutUa111-· satisfactory. -dlsposttion · of ·the:. case ·. i{
.' c_onditioria_!.plea· (ROG, Rule 116, $_ec. · 1; per., s.ubj:i:Jct to court approy~)· It usually ·in.vpfv~·s:t_he.-'-.'\'.'
. . (c));· · · . c• • • • .... •• • defendant's._plea_dingguilty to a.1.ess~r.offense .C?r .to ·.: j~
3... Where in aorniWng the 'act.charqed, he sets \ip only one or. some -of the counts :0t a. multi-count . ::;
. , · matte-rs ofdefense (!.JS v. Keliy,,G.R. No, 1.2f09, · indictment in returnfor a· lighter:s~(ltence than that . ):
... -December 1; 191.6) or- Wit~. la.wful jUstification. · for the_·.gr~ver charge.' .(Daah ·y.-. Sandiganbayan,'. t~\'
, . ·. (U.S v, Betidng, G.R.,!Vo>1_18q,J:rprif..14; 1903); .· GR. Nos,:163972.-77, Ma_rch 28, 2,008),._ ·, '::··. ·: · :;t'
4, yvt,_(:}n the. plea , ls. · i.n:t:lefinite::or:. amb)gupus . · · ·• '· ·· · · · · · · · ··· · ·. · · · · ;~.
~Peopf~ \I- Strorig, G:R.No: L,-;'38.62(); March 14, .. The.acc~pta_n.veofaj')·p_lea~ guilty a;iess~r \1j. t'o
1:975). : . . . . . _ . . ,=.--...==,,s:;=,~nse is_ nqt .? by.-the accused as ·a -~~'{-,
· ' . · · . . .· · . ~ : • .- ~-~~-,;.-<<P' :iLJt' • · -~a{!er,gf.,r~ghtbut !s a m~~tera?dresse<;It~ th!:l soun.d .• !f,,
Conditional Plea of_Guilty,,. : , :· ··:-:;<!,->"' . t~ H, }~91re,~on;otJhetpaJ_court. (Daan v. Sand1ganbayan, .{~,
Ple~,entere~ by th_e_accu.s?-d-~ubje91?t'a~!Th:iP.t~~t~,=-;,=...~:R:..-fo~11$3~(2-7~. March_2B, .2008). . .' . : JI
t~at: a certain penalty be 1n:1pos~gon~.J;J)~f.~1{ is. .:·_: ~"....: /i/.·_,A;:i.;, · .. · '. · ·,: · · _. ·.}
equivalent tq a plea of.not gudty (Peo'A%,,~Maqcaga~,-=:·f
' G.R. No. 129299, Novemberlq?.t:V.00)~,fv.
, · . ." . ( ·~l!'- .
.JP '~ - -~..S.C: i~~<t'.\ ~ ~~-.· .5

A&i ~ . Conrenl~tif:te p ~S9Cl!t~t~ . . . -

. ·.
0~,se,i:i~q_f!.!JE?ii . ended party;
. . . . :~
· Plec:1 .of Guilty is a .J~dicial :¢o_nf~s·Ji~l_l 1 . _ · ,· . "!3'. ~leaj to ~-,1~,s~f~i>f:~ns~ "".~ic~. is ne_cessarily ·, {_
G~n~r~IRu!e: l_t i~.~!emen!~r?]JXa~ pie? 1~L!!lly"is" If. -~-~A~~Me_~1n. \ne,o~\s~;c_harge~;-and_ · . J
a JUd1c1al cc:mfes~ron ·of ~u1IJ ~--:,anjadmrss.tono~h· .. _1~r~ppr,-ovalof 1U;,_e~irt.n:iust be ?btc!,~~.d. (ROG,_ . .::1
.the m~terial.· fact~- ·allege,a,)~ ~he. _lnfofJTlatf~· ,,-'~ Rulef 116, ~~,c.,&?p~1:lnv. Sand(ganbayan, GR. •.iii
includi_ng the . a~19ra.v~ting.\circu.rp~· ta\~l,~~Eege~~~4 .· .. /l.~f-JJ1~~3,~7.;~~7 ~;~ch, 2(!, 2~~8:. . . . .. :.;
(People v., (;omendador, -1 ;f3~
Septffmber 19 1980). • \~ ,,_3 ! '. ·
No ~.,,~~'S<JOO,r;rcii7 TL~/::::-::7_
' .AA -1~~ ,f:,f!j,,,e
z..._) f..tha 'ou' l
c~'/. - 'b"' n~~ .. e a Y.
'd p rt ··
, ·
· :,,_t
. . ·. .· ' ·_ .. \~ . .: ·_'\, ..... ~} '\., ~ 1. -q\e: f.eY'~te Jff~~d:89/ party_ sp~l.1 be. :requ_ired· to . _ · y
· E~ceptipns: ·.. · .... \.. , \,· .- .: :-.:0 ....,,~_f3e.~ t~7,a~r~,g~_P.1e.ntfor_t~-~rurpqs~ 9f. , -~
1.' Where .the plea ·of goilty\vas. coih~II d~------:;~r~~~a~~,i;r_rg_a(•:unw. :· .... _- .... : _. .. , · __ Y
violence or intimidatiori (.Carri~sura v;.,,:...::~~~J.~[~lna~,q.9to~ crv!~ l_rabrht~,-.i:ind. · , . , ·:~
. G.R. No.. L-874, March 1.3, 1941)-:~ -(~h°-~"-f' ...-,.,._"YL-="'~~-'~-i.3.lf.r t~~~ts. requinng. h1.s . prep.ence. (R_<::JC, 1)t
·2. Whei:i. th~ accu.~ed did pot_ fµJly_ ';llid~&~a.t!~the - 1, 4 .{t,,::il!J:.'!- 1:tpJtSec.}, p~r. (()J~ · : , . . . · :t
·me~mng anct·consequenc~~ of his plea fPk.,,....~!/::-.Ev~ca<of failure bf the· offeAded party lo.:appear : ,_\'
-v•. L_,z~rte, No_. ~-4~2~.1•. Mar_ .11, 1935); . : . -""""":'· despi\e due '.nqtic:e;'tfle c9t1rt may _a!l_owt~e accosed .· ),~-
·3. ~J,~~~ :th~ I nform9-t1on !s--1~sl!ffict,ent--to·StJstam . to enter ·a pte_a of g4ilty,to a .fessE!foffense·wl:iicti is · ·-''~
coo~1ct101).· of tl:le_ ·offens~. ch,c:irged (Peqple . v._ . ·ne.cessarily included· jn tne~offensectiarged..with -the . J:
. Lopez, G.R, No.)06~, .f'Jovem~er 29, 1947);. . cc;mformity'of the trial prose,cutor:alone-(RbC, Rule . ti
4; . Wh~.r~, the. 1.n!or~a~r~n.. ~-oe~. _11.ot ch~rge ~n 116, ··sec. 1, par. (f}).·.. -. · · · ·. ··: · :_ ·-:· · · · ...,
."offense, any. corw1cllo.n t_liereunder:being :void · ·· , . ·&
(qadimc1s. _v. Q.(re.ctor-.pfPrisofis;::G.R: .. N~.. i- . . Coiisent of ttie Prosecutor, :· ·.. · . .. : ··f{
9725, Octob~rt9, o19S5); or . · ·.', . : . .' ·.. · When the_penaltyimposabletorthe·offeliseicharged .· ~
5. Where the court has no juri~di.ction (Cadir:nasv._ i$ prision mayor ·or higher . or . a fine ,.:exceeding · : -i'
Qireetor"..of Prisons,. G:R. No._ L-97Z5, ·qctober P12,090, · the:· trial .. prosecµtoc:. must. secure· the '..]
. 19,'1Q55).· . · · ·. consent: in writinQ of the·.Cify/Ptovi.ncf?IP(osecutor .
or .the Chief State Pros.ecutor(DOJ Circofa/6.5 dated ' J
Note: P.lea·of.g~Hty is mitigating_ if it is.mad~ ti~for.e ·-March 11, 1996)._ . · · · -' ·· · ·.··' · ·.. · ·· .. ·\,'
prosecution ·starts to preserifev_ideri.ce (REVISED .
, PENAL CODE, Art. 13,.par .. (7)). ·· If the a;c·used e~tered.,i3- plea·..-to· a less. er· offense :}
vJithoµt. the· consent _the offenqed party· and the ·,r
. -The judge .has. no obligi,ltion to point ·out that an prQsecutor and· he was colivipted, his ·subsequent .. :{:
information-Is quplicitous or- to point out any other- ·convictio.n of the-crime cliarged would not place him . :ti
defect in an·lnformatiori during._the arraignm.en.t. Tre in Dol.lble Jeopar~y (ROG, Rule ·1.1_7, Seo.; 7, pat. ··;~
obligation to move t9. quasti defectiy~ Information" · .. (c)). :W


·-··-· . ----------------------·
. ·c-R1M·1-NA·L. p·R-0.CED:.U:R_E.
·A.WHH'!RAM+ .. Mi . . .

·Whe~_Plea Bargal.n.lii~ is Made ... . ·-sei3rching Inquiry

At ·the .:arraignment proper; · before the. actual . It means more. than ipfq'rming cursorily-the accused
arraignm~nt and pre-trial. . · th'!it he faces a.]ai! term· bulso also the exact le.ngth
of irnprisonment.und~rthe'la~ andthe certainty that
. Except in druqcases, lf_the.-accused desires to enter h_e 'kil! .serve at the national penitentiary of penal
. a. plea of ·guilty to a lesser offense, plea barg~ining colony (H{ERRERA,:supra at 60-1).: · · .
·sftali' .. immediately; proceed, :provided. the- -prlvate
. ' offended: party.-in· prlvate-crlmes. -or 'th~ arr~strng GuldeUnes '"' the C~nduct-of a Searchin.o·hiquiry,
offlcer in victimless. crimes, is' presentto give his/her/ .. •t .: G\:s'd!r,tiiinfrom the accusedhlmself: . . . . . .
. consent with the conformity of:ttie.·publi~:prosecutor .. a. . How he .was- brought Intothe _c.ustody·of the
tothe plea .b'argall)ing'.. Th~i:eafter; .judgment shall . . . . . : law; . . , . . . . . : .. .
be- .. ·1mme~1a1e1y · rendered,- tn .: the : same · . b.. Whether he .had. the assistance of · a
:·$/.{A.M.. No. 15-06-10-sc;_subheading ... competent counsel during the.custodial and
//{, item no: 8). . - · . . . . -. prellrninary inve!'stigations: .and ·. .
· · · · · · ·.c..· · Under what.condltlons he \'las detair]ed· and .. . .
.-·If ~/ Pl~a : ·~a;gai~ing, t~i<~i
Place. - After . . · interrogated during -the .lnvestiqatlons-Thls
. arralqnrnent but beforetttat, the accused may still ~e-· is.intende d·.tg r,ul_e ~lit th_e-pqssib_ility thatthe .

allowed to 'plead gui!ty. to .. a 'lesser offense ..after . · accused has· been coerced ·o.r placed under.
withdrawing·his. plea of not guilty. In thisplea.of guilty . '. . ··a state pf duress either. tiy actual' .threats of ..
to,~ ·lesser offense, no amendme·~tof tl)e 'Complaint _ ..A . ·
or, l_nfo~matio~ is· necessary (ROG,. Rut~.: 1:HJ,. Se.cJJj})f h . , .:
. ·. ptiysical harm .: coming:,. from. m~levolerit
·:quarters 'Or.·. simply _beca_use ..of the ,judges · ..

However,'the Su;reme -Gourt ,held ·that ptea ~f

· to a less'3r offerise m·~y be C?A'si~er'~d during th~'V-i?l'; ·
·_2.· A~k i~-~~~~:~~:t1~e:~se(a\eries ques:io~s·. ~i
as_ !o· /;:;1h$ther. · h~ . ·had _c·oh!er'red with, a,nd
proper.. ~nd· even after: tlie prose_cuhon has fin~sne9,;·'if.:!...oc::emp!etefy__ ~xpla1hed ~o. !tie accus.ed the'
pre·senting· its evidence a11d· t~sted ih( 9aspThu5,U l:i . - . _: _rnea'fllr:tijf~/cfcp~s~q°llE!nees of. a plea, of._g_l,!iltY:·- .
the Court has held !~arit. is__ -imm_a\~,af'!..that pleli,~Jj · 3. Elicit _lnf9~~ation abo.utthe·personality profi.le of
b?1rgaii1.in_g was not .ma_<;!e d~fing ·the p~,-)r,i~l·5:ta9}}...--i ~. ,.~' · .. the J~c#Jie~: s.uch· as: his age;.socio-economic
. · or th~t it_wa~ ma'de Qnlyafter_the pr~;,-~..9uti!)',talr.eady . }>-~).. ,: ·. sJ~\usfa~d·ec1u.~ation~_1·bacKgr'~u,:id. which may .
.. ·'pi'e~e_r:itect .. "-several-.. wifne~~!,s''.: (l:taa'P',.5> ·,v,-.::-,:"li·:.·. _: .. s~r\l[as·i;a·t~s~o~hy Index of.his ~~p~city to
Sa(ld,ganbayan, .'-(3,R. N(?S, .t~?,,Ql~-~T-;i'-Mar~h,_- 28;> · i:'.\1
... .
. · ... :~ · \'-({'.-"tr·"~'[) ·.. -"~- · i~il . 8
. ·g,V:~fa trJr.~~~lnfofi:ne.dplea of guilty., ·
4:· · l~r,~tli.~l" c~Jised· ;of· 'the · exact:'.length of
· .. ·. ,· . · .. . · \: · .::-y,'~~ .:-;=: .:r1· -·~1-., ·imprisorim_~t"a'(nature ofthe p~Jlalty under the

'Not~: ·.A, plea •. O~·gui!ty·tp .a·le~~!'.-;¢.ffe'%e 'attpr ~1 ·.· .. lav/and the.certa_inty that h~ will-serve.·such·
prosecut!on rests i~s c~~e is al!o"Y~c:l. 9nly _wfJi~.n.'tli~ . -1~.,.,.; . ,~~se~tence._Fa~ h?t ·ihfr~quenUy, :· ~n. accused
pro~eeut1Q.n.. d9e.s not· .hl:!ve s.ufftc,~nt'.~~,yid:erice to .:./'' ~,.1tf:•if ple~ds. g_t,ulty m th~ hope of a lenient. treatment
est?1!->li~.h .. g4ilt, for. tpe crime· :chargffp[(Peo8,tep;;;::... ..-..i.:,,:c·'-~~ :•i'orl:cip~f.i- b~~ advlc~ ~r'.becau~e -~f .P.rc:>r.nises of
Vilfarama! q.R. No. 99287,_ Jµne 23, .1fSJ~?}- J'f'<: ·.. . ...... the ,:~U.!t\Ont1eS' or _::p9rt1es. of a· lighter p.~nalty
: · ... · . . . -· '\:n·:\'• ·.._ ·: _ .. · .-should·-he· adn:'llt guilt,·remorse, It is
·.SECTION .3. P[EA_ ~F ·c;µILTY. TO---CAPI-PAL . .., thec;lutyofthejudgetoensure,thattheaccused
PF.FENSE;..REC.EPTION OF -~VIDENCE. . does · not .-lal;rbr- .uii'der. · :these mistaken ·
When. Uie Acc4s'ed 'p1~aas· :G\.lilty 'to .a C~pital . 'irl)pri:;·a pl~a o{guil!y carr:ieS'Wjth
Offense, the Cqurt Shall.: . , .·· . (. .' . · · · ·· · , . · iHiot _only_ the admission- of. .authofshrp·.of. tlie
1,:·. ·Condl,(qt ~.-searching ir'J.quir:y. lritoithe.: · · . , · cri1111:i . proper. · bt.:rt · ,plsa _·. of- tne·: · c!ggravafiog·
· ·. a;, Voluntariness..of.the ple1:1~ an·c1_,. · · ·. · · . cir9um~tances . atteridiog · it,,· :that ·increase
· ·· . b. ·. -Fu·11·comprehe('lsion Qf the consequen·ces.of. .-- _ : pt;uilshment:... · .. · . . . . .. . . .
. his plea; . . . . · . .. .. . . · ..... 5.. · Inquire if the acc;used ·kriows .the. crime \vith
· 2. : .' Requ_ir.e the prosecutjo'n to PfOYe. his, guil(,and:' .. · . wi,1ci; 'he is 'Ch~rged and· ~o fuliy·ex'plairi to h_ini .
:. the prec.lse clegr~e: of .his cuipabllity;· and . : ' . _·. . .· _.. . the· elements of th_e criine, it.'.hich is: th~ _basis of
3. <Ask .th~ a_ccu~ed . lf-; ·he. desires to · p·rese'°'t :riis· Jndictn:,e,nt,_Failure .of _t):le. ¢ouri fo· do ·.so
evide.r1ce-lri his:behalf.-and allow.hir.n-t.o do·so if woulcl"con'stitute.a· .violatfon. of his .fundamental
· , . i,~,desires (R.OC, Rule 116, S_ec.-3). right''.-infortn~d of the pr~cise n·atl:lre.o(the
. . . . .. . . l;lCCUS~tion ,ag~insl him, and a. de nial· of his right

Tpe. recepti6n "of evideri'ce is man.dato'ry.. However, ·to.due·proc..ess... .·· . ·.·.. . . ·.-
ttie def~ndani, afte~ ple.a9ing guilty, may not pre.~~nt· . · · · 6/ _All questlons·pcised to th_eaccused slJQuld b.e in
.evidence· as. would!:l_''him completely from· . . . a -language khowr:rand under-stood by the latter..
crim_inal liability·· such as ·proof of· seil(-defense.' 7.. · The .4taf iudge must. ·satisfy _hims~lf that' the
(Peop(e.v. Defilo, G.R fl!o. 1178.1.8, April 18; 19!17). accused,. in ple.a~ing ·gulity, is·.'truly ·g:uilty,'The
. 'accu~e.dmu'sl'be re~uired narrate.the trai;iedy
or reenact the 'crjm_e or fumisfl its missing details


!ia.~~!Cl!!i=:.:1:tS~ .. mamma.... lml!llllll~~----~11111!1 .. ~ .... ma~ ........ ~ ........... ~ .. ~---.·-·~{l\
CR1."JvliNAi... PR.O.CE-DU.·R·E ·-..,sir~
: . .S~N·BED~ LAWCENT(lA~IZE(! _BAR OPE~TIONS·: ~EMORY Al{? ~~19 : Et
{P.eople v. Baun, (3.R. No.' 167503, August 20, . .Effect'~f lmprovlderit Piea ·.. : . · . · . : : :\l
2008).· ·.· .. . . . When \t:iere is an lrnprovldent plea of guilty, it doe~ ·'.',l
not mean that the case should be. remanded to ·the .}~
. S.ECTION.4; P-L:EAOF GUILTY TO.'NO~_-CAPITAL_ trial court. Thls course of.actlon [s approprlale only,·,,~~~
OFF ENS~; . RECEPTION . : ·OF EVll;>ENCE; when t~e appellant's plea.of guilty was Jtie SQ le !:>asis ....fitiJ
D[SCRETIONARY. ·· .: for his conviction. 'If the trial court relled.on _sufficien( /~:
_and_.credlple evidence in. fin?ing the accused guilty,····\
.consequences 'of Plea of .Gunty· · · ·. · · : ·" the,Judgment Ttie·convlctio.nwill -...:;~
As ii rule", a ~lea of g'uilty.~onstltu~es. art unqualitied "be setaslde if the.plea of guilty is-thesole ·basis for-.\~
. admlssiori of the .crime' and of. -the . attendant · the .Judgry, {Pe_ople- y; Documenta.. G.R. No:·.:ifi!
clrcumstances alleg.ed in the· inf~rri:iation· and may · :f.88706; March 17, 2010.). · . · . ·, · .: .: · . · . . . · · ·: _-;~; ..
thus~ b~ -fhe basis of \ a judgment .':"lthciut "the· need -of . . ~ · . .. . · ·· : · · · . . .... ,~\:;\
evtdence tozprove the ' same.. However,· the CQUrt . . No.te: At. ·. ai)y tinje before·· the:
judgment . of ... 't'
.. may, upon motion,· '!3ilOW. the- presentatlon of .conviction beoomestihet; the courtmaypermh an;:)/
· e>iideiwe'. to . prove · r,itlgating circumstances · or · impr9vi~~nt·ple.a of guilty to _t;ie wi-thdrawn" ara .be·_·;.;1,~.
·aggravating clrcurnstances (PAMAAA.'fY,.. supra af substltutedby a pleaof not guilty- (ROq,.Ruie 11~, Ji
·394). ·· .. . Sec; -5).. · ' . : · .::it
. . :. . < ~ . .-· .. . ··.: .. . . . ·. . . . . . . . .. .. . .J)!
. While reception ·of: evidence -is . mc;1r.idatory for ...mP~::cW!t~ray.,al of such plea is 'not a matter of strict right . :7
court ~hen t~e 'accus_ed pleads g~i!ty to.J.!"~pit~I-
. offense, th~t IS n_'Ot SO rn.. ~on..c;a~ital.-o~Fis~s.-fln.~e ''
1~(16~a~usedbu~· of.. sound ·di~pretio,n_.:to the trial
..1:CQifrt,;;~rJ~·t~x:a~pellatecour:t ~1JI nc;>t mterfere-wi~h
· -;f-!i
latter, \he reception of ev1dence-1s·d~scre,fc>i\a(y]~,11...,.~~:o..~'::!&hh~1s#r~,t1~1\.:ln ··the a~sence of:- ~buse thereof )l
the court· (People v. · F/ores,kG, t~ No·~·,:'J.JJ'1491,
. · · (S,/l~m,jf?§lo.,,.Y.\Fl~n.Francis J.. Militante, G·.R.· No: . ~1
. Novem~er 23, 2000). . : ·
. .. . .. -
( ' .. ·~)/"". ~"!&.1-0?,"A)!{J[(lB;··1 ~,~).
.· ·. - ·;. ;('}""-) ,j7. .r...] -R)- ~ 4:r·~ ~7'
· .. · ·.... · . ·. -· ·
"'\ ~: \°"'t} \i. . . ..
1f tl)e accust,l'd pleads guilty tc:f'.th}~nrne·c~;qarged. n .,. ~ .· d?ffect of Witlld.rawalt, . · · · ·· . · · · . ·,;:
·. the Information,. judgmer:it #hall . b¥ in11edi'ately . , .A}~ The.judgp,ent ~f !!o1viJ~on is ~et aside; and the 9~se . ;:··· ;

l ::iJ::: ·<:J(
rendered, except_in those ga~]s~ifiyolvi'lgc~p1ta1~1~'."''-i's7e:?Pr- e.c!f~i\~dfif:11 (f?e.ople·.v. Mendoza; G.R. . .:-'}.j . 1'·
pµ~·ishment (A.M. No. 1.5ff06:.1,Q-fC,_-Su~h~a~;.1Wj! ~~(~8 78-80,'~a:ly2()>,\1'982).-·.. . ,. <· · . :)
Ill, , 8).
. · .' . · . .
. S_ECTION 5.. WITHDRAW 'i~· 95\~MP~)p{):~~)im
. : · ·..
. l · ....

. \U .·,l·'·. -~,¢.,~-·~-. ~~-

.,.,.,r-1 . . '. ·~ ~ .(Jf'.C~-~.;s . . , ·. · ·') jl,c,,e,tl·
·!._· . · ._ ~~"'SECTld,~

. · ~ · : . \._ · ~o:)~m . :'l?c,,,,E9..[?,-:,.f>uty;~f

· · · ·. ·: · ' ·.
OFf,.T!iE COURT TO. IN.FORM · . )l
'1!15.:-~t'Q'HTTO COUNSEL ·. .
_ r,f · .._.. · . • · ·. .
Co'};Ft -~hen Accused App~ars
' ·

·. _. .:_~1
, .
. Plea·of Gm.l.ty · .· • · · ·\ ·. ,-. . , . '""'->, .,.-? -1.fh,9Ut_'C:::9.,l!ll"lSel: '.( . . - . . <, , · --:!
An ·(m?ohditional . admission ')\,.of.. ·guilt:_~~@~'.;[J:;''\:b,JPm~s-r'inform
·voluntan!y qnd made· With· full: l<~owledge~'<:lt the....d....-~ .~ave a~ttqftiey befo_re berng· arra1gried; ·
]Jfedef~nda~rthat it-.i&his 'righl to ,.
·· · :.)
t~ (·
con~eq1,1ences a~d IT)eani~g of .~;~'>;\~~~jig),,wJ{ir3"=--==':2~"" J.\fte\gj,Y.ipg'nim·s~chl.n_forr:iati6~;the court·njust_ · .'~
cl~ar und~rstan~11;g .of -th·e._pr~~l~S:- nl:ltV,,_(~~f;~he \\.: .'if i\:\"a-&~~~-he.destr~~ the aid of an attorney; . . ·l
crime, ~h.arged _:in the Compla1.nt . or lnfotm_~~~n·. J~/.l.G"~t,,l:fed,esires ~n~ 1s:·~~a_b!e to ~~e: the . ~~
(People v. De'Lun.a,.G:R No.:77'96f!,. Ju_ne 22, 1989F,...,,_.,_rr.;=:. court: n:iust · as.sign an attorney _de -qff~c1()·.to J
. .. . .·. . . . ··. _-. · . _. . ·. : :_· · :-.- · ·. ·. : ··· -: . defend birri;;and · ·. ·· :·· .·. >·. · · · : · · · :1
It ·mus~ be .~f such nature as··. to foreclpse.:·the , 4. · 1fthe ~ccJ.Jsed desires to prpcure,an attorriey-:of · J
·· def~ridar:it'&·righl to defen·~ himself.from said charge, · , · · his own; the court· musf gra(lt'hi,-ri r'e;;iscmable · ~1
·!eaving ·the'·court .'n9 ·alternative bu(to .impose. lhe .. tim.e·ttierefbr.(People·~: Hblgado,' G."R: _No. L· . ]
"pena.ltyfixed by law (P.eop/ev. Ng .Pek/G.R;No; L- ·, .2809,·:ivta,:ch·22, 1950): ·_. ,·. · .. ·: · ... • _::. . J
1895," October·2, 1.94·8). · · · · ._ · · ·. ' · .. · · .- · .· . . ·~
·' · · · : · ·. ..... · ... ·Note: ln:crii:ninal-'cases, therei°can be nb fair'.t)earing: .. '.j
lmprovideht.Plea of Guilty·..:· : · . · : ,.· .
It is a ·ple:a i::>t' gui_lt. the acc;us~d ,wJthqut full
· unl~lls the' ac~u$·ed· be."give~: -~ri' opportuh.Jty-to be ·.
. heard by counsel (People v. Ho/gado, G.R. ·No .. L-
cornpreh:ension·of the nature arid the consequenpes . 2~09, March -22., 1950):'The·oni-y'ln.starice·where ·an· ·j
thereof. . . . ... . . ' : ... accused . would be 'allowecl to ·-defend. himself .. is" .. :'~
. .. . . . . . · . Where tle c_h(?Se to be_-represente~ in.'this·case by a . -:t
. Whe(e the trial .court f.ajled in .its duty-to.conduct the· prominer)t and cpmpetent member: of ·the· Bar, .:. 't'
p"rescribed,"searching inqLtirY" into·tt:ie voluntarine:,,s · namely himself, even if there Were otnfir."·availat;le ':}
<;>f. · the· . _accused's .. plea,: _o.f: · ~uilty ·,~rid:_. full counsel .(People·_.;. Se~b;eno, G..R No, 121·764;· ·}
comprehension thereof, the plea of guilty Is dee,:ned Septen:iber 9, 1999). · · i
made ' improvidently, ao<;I' rend·ered ·. inefficacious . <.
·. (RIANO'. supr~ at 448·449). . . : :'.~
. . .. i
.. :~
. . . .
'.. MEMORY·A/0"201.9
' : ..
· s·E~T10N "1. · APP.oi-~i-iyieNT OF- couNseJ..· oa ~ECTION 9·. BiLL OF:_PARTICUL.ARS
· OFFICIO :~ _. · . .' . :· : . ,. . · .
: : The·· accused· may, before arraigr,ment, .move tor'~
-Purpose; To secure to the accused, .whols unable bill of parucularstoenable'tum to.plead andprepare
to" engage the servlces cf an attorney: of h.fs own ·for"lrial. (RO.C; Rule·116, .sec: 9). · ·-: · · · :
cholce., effective . representatlon: by."· ·making- lt . . . . . . . . .. ·. . ..
· lrnperatlve on the' partof the-court to .consioerln the.: · Purpose,· : . . . . · -··;
appolntrrient of couns·etde·pfficio, the gravity of the .. The office of a· bill of parttculars lsto sup.ply'vague ·
offense ani:I th~ d)fficulty\of the questions· facts or allegations inthe .C6mpl~int or Information.
arise in thecase vls-a-vls the a'qllity andexperlence to enablethe accused.toproperlypleadand prepare
o( the prospeotlve appointe~.,.(PAMARAN, 'sup~ at · for trial.' It presupposes -a vaJid l_nforrn_at(on,·<_?r,e thc1t
· 4QJ:i404). . . · •. ·.. - : ·. ,· · . · . ... . · .· . .. "presentsall theelements of the crime charqed, -~I.belt.
· ·· ·· · · ·· - . under vague terms (Eprile ,v. · Peopte; ..GR· 'No. '.
·cciun$(;/.r;l_e off{i:fo. . - . . - 21_3455, August 11; 2(!15). · .. _ .. ·. · ... ··. . , · · .
'He is a .counsel appointed by the court to represent · - - · · - · . , · -, · ··
an·d;d~fend the accused fn.,case .he cannot't9 I~ is-~ettle~- that :tl'l~ exa~~ dat~--~f-t.h·e commlsslori of . . •
'empioy._p~~-~irns_elt H·is ~Lity.is_.r:10net~e1e·s~ to make raoe ii: bot an essf!~tifll .elem·ent thereof and o'eecl · -
sure $hat his cliel'.)t g~t~ .wl)at he _lawfu~t.de_se,~es . _.not be stated iii" the· 1otormation. The· remedy against·
· _wheth_er-. a9q_uittal 9r. C"Ol)Viction. (People \{:. D~yot, · .. : a~ , indfctme~i )hal _. fails .. to allege .. the . time ···of
.G.R_. No:_88281, Ju_lY:?P, 1990):_ .. : · . . · ~-~ - commiision ·>of . the''· offense--· .- sufficient·
• .. .• . . . ~: .. •• . . , . '. :.' .• • . . . . . •. : . ' ,'l .:·'.">i/ . deiinlten;,~!iS IS: a,oiqfioti for: bill of partlcul~r:s- (People .· .
. Who r:nay fj~ ..appotn_ted Cou,;se,de off/cl~. -/":/;".'i~i:,,_ v."bestJ··0 G.R.-Nos: 140406 Aptil 17" 2002)[ .: .-
1. Such mempers of the bar.11:1 good stanqu:ig_~l:i_o/:_.,;·1,;;·, _. ·.. . . Y 1-. . ·. . _ .. ' - '·:., ·· •.

. ~-y reason of"their" experien.ce a_nq: ~9ility-,\~$.ff~-.'\;_'.«)_ failureJ9-,_ask·f6r bi1~--bf ;a~icu·I~-..~- am~~~t; to - a
· . compet_~ntly ?etend .th~ acc~sed;_ or · - ·, :-_,;:/ Li=,·:,~:>:-:./ '.watver,-of-tuch-rt ·ht ana it-deprives him bt·the·rigtit
2._ .. In I.Ofl:!}1~1es. where. suet~ members 0~ t~~il-W~re\j i(-~- ~)fj'i/ct'..:'toAe~i3en~e. which · could · ~e ··lawtully
. n~t f;!_va1lable, . any r~s1dent. of. ~h;LP!...P~ln_ce of;\ ...JI . intrGduced jn·li aqmitted ·-lmder· an -Information of.
.- goo~. reJ?Ut_!3 for probity- and ~biht~, JR19c, Ru!if>~H . more . or·. - l~j,"s ~ g~neral terms which . sufficiently
· 116' Sec 71 J ~,H · ./ l' , "?I · - · · · (. . ,
• · ·. _ .. '" • I• --:- · · , ·:-.. · ..

- · ;.-,r;-s }/;~-ef :·
-;;1 chat-ges t~e ,rfe~da_ntswith ~.de_finite crime _Pe_ople
~9te_~--: A· ·-p~i~~tE: ~i-9sec;~to~'C~1~o..: as~~tea' th~_-_. 1:, ), . v. Cer~'!J1'\f R.'10. 1 ~'.1 z9.'. Jc1n~ary ?B! -~?.OBJ.. ;
prc:is_eputing_ at~otne}'... in.;pto~~~!!'? L> .·.".// . :i,l- ·_) .. -:-:-..·,' ··. , . . · · ·. .-. : :
defE;mdant, 1s d1sql!ahfie~--frorn?~c11ng·~s.:'-CG)in~e1::q~ _ ·1".,J The 1"1.?._H~;f$~-.~-~~l1:?fPartr_~ula_rs s-haU ~p.e~c1fy•...
· officio fodh1:16ther d~fendarits ir:K{IJ-'!,.~aft~~se·tti~ . t,o!_ 1 '. ·_The·-l:alt?_gg_d, ...'defects _.1~ the_ p<?tnPlj:l1~t.: or
v: Laranja, G)~~ No. 6-789; Februaw, ')tfY,,r1.9::J-.~). · . f rf Information: and. . .. - . _ - .. · ·. ·
.· · · -- • _: . · · ··' : · ' : : .. : ·.. ._:,.(,\ . · ):":):· :_· f:S:,2..~i:"pe_tails·desired;b_ythe accused (RO~.R:ule 116; ·
However/ alth0ugh: the· attorney -:a:ppq11:i.ted . ~s k. , ·,~-- ,/~et?.::..9,)..,: ,·: . ·-· ·... · -·. .· .,. ·'· .. · . ·:. · ·
• ' ' · •. · ·•;.\>" ' ·d ·-·....<·' I t·' °'l'rll · • •
COUliS!3I ".de· Of!iC.!~· pad prev1?~Sly·<~_epear~:;;'iS··"--~--·-,-·--'-'4·:~~...,~· :_- - _ · --~--- :··, ·· ·. ·.
;A 1• )•
· •, · ·.· ·: _.
__ private prosecutor l{l·; If 1_t_aPP..~f1[S·_t~r~;(he · - .· · Note: MQt!On: for. bill of_ partic,ul~rs-,,~at!.d0_.:'19t
- :=1-~CJJ.~!\ld. we_re.prpp_~rly_defe_n!'.f~~. tll!i!:~m~o.$N'e.o.t, . . cqnf~r.m - to. the·.-~re~cnl;?ed -~_anner .,stiall .;be.-
,tit be:ertone·oµs; 1s no~~- revers.1.ble error: (People v. . · · ·, c;,oris1dered ·u_nm_eAton9us. and shafl: ,b.e,_-d_en,ed
Mtin_igl:Ja.s, G.R; -No.'" .'L-,1Q3~2-53, · September 30, . outri§ht (AN, fl/0-: :f 5--06-.10--SC;.:Subhea:d,!!g fll,
'19.60);". . . ~'... . -:·.- . · ." . , , ·_ •. . ·item ao.·.2).. .., .· · - ... -. ·_. ·:. _. .
·:·~~~ti~N''·s~:'. TIM~-. ~~~-:C.OU.NS~L OE ··oFF"ICIO . ·1t is. NOT.the'ottictii ~f t-~~i~-1i1\;t;;;~;~~;a;~.-t~:. : . .
. T.O_ PREP.A)- R.·_·_E,_F
__ __o . !G_f:1M
__·.·~. ~R_- ~A_ _ 1:~:r .-_... · .- 1 ·.. Supply material alie.9-~ti<;>n·. ne6e.ss1:1ry ·to the
. : ·valldi.ty=.ot a plea.i;ling; ; .. . . · . · ., , ·. - · · · · ·
What constitutes "Reasonable Tirrie:" It depends: 2, . Change-.;\" <:~use.•_dfacti6n :or q~fense· stated in .
. on ffie circu·mstan·cesstJrrounding..the'eq_se·such as -. the pleading, .Qr-lp state a cause. of.action· o·r
the: g·ravity·· -of_ )he·. of!en:sE& complexity:· of. :the qefense other than ona·s.tated;._. . . . _ .
alfegatioris; whether a· motio·n fo · quash· Qr a- bi.JI· of 3. Set forth the pleaq~r'.s. th~9ry Qf his. ·cause of
particulars has filed-;..'(PAMARAN~-si:Jpra i:i"t 4.0<i- ·action-or a ·rule o.f evidenc.e.on_ he. interids
. 4051• : . ' _. , · • ·- · . •. . , • . t I . · . ., . . .
1 . 9 re y;_ or . · · · · . . . . . ·· :· · _.. ·: : -. .
4;. Furnish, evidentif\TY ·information_. whether. _such · ·
Note: It ~u~t ~e pointed. ~~t th~_t,th~ ;ighdo ~;~pare · ;Information CORSiSts 6f evidence . which -\he
for arraignment ml!~t be 13xpressly demanded .. Only . pleader. propos~s-,to introduce. or: of.facts. which . .
when- ·so-"nianded· does denial t_hereof. constitute . . constitufe_·a.aefense pt" offset for·the ·other party .
reversible error and. a ground for: new t(lai., -or -which will er:i~ble · the· .opposite party_ to .
. such right tnay b~ ....;,aived, · ex1?ressly or impliedly establish ~i,- afffr.mative. defense no_t.yet.pl_eaded
· (People. v. Agbayani, .G.R, ·Nos. 1227-70, January 16,. · (VINita v. Sandlganb~yan, ·G)~. No. 106527,
·1998). .
. Apri/-6; 1~93).


- --···--- -------------------------------~~--'
. . .


. . .
. . . . . .

-·Notably, ·the 'specifi~ations .that ·a bill of particulars Thi_s··. right : is. -also ·_ayc;\llabl_e: d4ring preliminary:
may. supply are ·oniy formal amendments' to ,th!:)'. investigation ·if 1.t Is .in_d_lspensable: to protect ·hi&::
Complaint or Information. Where th_e-fapls charged. constltutional right to lif~. liberty, and property.(Wetib:·
· are no_( only vague but lacking,..sucb _as."{h_ey do· not . v. De Le,o_n, .G.R. __ No. 1212_31-, . .August 23, 1995);···.· ·<.
constltute an ottense, the 'proper remedy is a motion
to. quash (Enril~ v. People, G.R. No. 213455, August '". SE~TION."11". SUSP.l;N"SION
.. . . . . . . . _. . .. OF·
.. .
. .-;
. . . . . . ·..;...
. 11, w.tsJ. ·.

·.Gtou~ds tot S~.(ipe.l]Slon: (UPP) . . . . '. . · ... :.:.:;:;.::

· · : . Bill of Partkular.s in Criminal Cases v.•. Civil ·· · · .. Upon motion by_thE:'·p~oper:!l~i:lY! _th~ arraignmenf-.:·f
· ·C.ases·.
.,. shall be suspended. tn ~he f91iow1ng cases:. . · · · __·., "l~i
1. The accused appears' to ·he, suifering from an~.~
. . !!n~~und . mental condltlon whlch etfeetively ;
.. · · renders· him ·unable to- fully·: understand the.·
. charge ..against him and to · ·in~ellig'entry": :,.;;:.;
· thereto· · · · · · "" · · ·· · · ·... ,,,.

·. Eryter a \iaild plea, and to To .. f!le. a ... re~po_r\sive

2 ..":·~x.i~ts-a·valk(~rejudicial question: an~
3. A -eetiti9ii for.;Review: bnhe·!r.esoluti6,n th·e.-Jf: of :_-/il
prepar~fodriQI. · pl.eadmg,_ .~nd ·flOt · . prosecutor jS ·pendi'ng at -tJie· Department bf.
· nece~_sa.nly· to: _pre pa~~";,,.,_~"'.~ Justice or t_he Office of fhe-Presldent; provided·~
for, ;rial ;--~~fie.1. -y 1\. >lri~l,Jhe·perlod.of suspenslon.sballnot exceed ..
.. . respond,~nt.,¥<1-~}f~!. fer ~ j Jf~ T6(}~a~(20Ur)ted from the ·filing 'of the petition. . .'v ~
. . . . the 111.o~s..c;>f:-d_ s~tWr,()'~ "" ·-"<:r.,;;_'i~.£. p- ,:/,: . ~. ·: ... · ·: · _;" ·· . . . · . .. . ..~~
: ·:· ~· , • · .· . N:ote:\>}J'~ion;N~,~uspend arrai~nment based, on. ·~;f,
. .· .. • : .· •. -~ -~
.,, ~.··· .. : -~;;---gi,"01,1ndl~ot@ated~!;t.':ld.e~.~ec .. n,. Rµle 116 sh_ali be · t_;.
.Only\he accused.,and not Eitfi~_pf·t~#P<Jlti~s_t~~J ')~ .'G,y>n~i~ed\u~Cl'\"~~-riou.s ... ar:id··.shall ·-~~- de~ie_d· ~~~
.the offended party,, can file ~ffi. r,re0~ . respqn_stv.e -01~ li11tr.!ght (;A.,,M,)ff0 ~5-'06_-10-SC, Subheadmg·l/1, item : :&;
a·. bill. of p~~ibu!ars as, ht}
w,llenter-hrspiea,. ...'
~~~~dlnf ca,n. ~SI< fot:-. a 1;~)"''- n9, ?), . .
· , ·ttf . • :; ·.
\ u11 \ . . · . _' ·. .
:\\,,,~t . · .. -:· · .-
, ·'
. . · ::::
· --,-- · ;: ,. ~ , ·:.:. . . "~- '.'":'-:.- 11
·.r,,$.orle.the penct~ncy ~ a pet1t_1on for~evlew· 1s a · .'.-i·

~J~x, ~- I
SJ:CTIO:N .10. PRODUtTIJN~~~-~f(fi~l~.~F~ra=i{~;o~~trc;:'1i.~'it~~-~t~~e- d~:!:;~r)~f .!~~- '~:~·
MATERIAL EVI.DEN<;E IN,. -:f?""O·SSE;~,S(GK OFro.{ J. ,efa~I~li~irl!'to}tp~?,9 ?f.60 cays -~~ck?-ned from_ ./.;;
PROSECUTION . \ '-<P . ..-. \ :: _.,K·(,~e,,;~1:Q9:;6f~~,e. pet,~~I'\ W:ith t~e revre""._rng offi_c~. · _·.:4,
. . · . · . .\ '\~ . ~~~~ i.~ .. ~~~ft.:. C:.~~exf?Jt~tion· <fl ~id. period, the trial. cou_~ ,s <"'}
Upon· motion of the accused 'stJowing'tg_oo~s.~...~ a11a,'to ~i~r~.nt)i~,accu~ed or to denx th~ n:iotio~ · ,g,
and with .notice to the parties, tn~,court it.i:or-tl~\&'/ fil~''.f'etcfe~e~,ra1.9nm~pi (Sam,son. v. :Daway, G.R. Nos. .' ;°':
prevent, : ~uppre_ssion, Of'ii.,altej~'ti~~~~-:'~~~5~.f!'Y./'1:,
?rder t~e·_ pros.ecu~r~n to produce a"'9q_iplf_;tqjfie=--~-;
2004). ; . ,
"1·, ."0,._~':4,,,,J... '::,J'_ ··· ·. . · ·
. · · ·· ·.
-. · · · ,·i
rnspectron and· <:;o.pytng· or photo9raphtn"1fQ.f;v-{ .. ·. rvi
ti , -.,_,, · l-- .y .·.. · · . . ~ iK
· - 1: Any. written :~taterrrarit giYen .by _the Ri;>rriJJtain~.n.~._. __...:._.f.;;;.,,-,,:G··. · ... · . R. · ·· · · · · · ... ~f1
· and. other witne~ses'in any.·investlgation· of the - · ' . ·. -IJLE 1:~7 ::/
. ?ffen·~e..c?nd~cted_by_ti,e pros_ecut!9r:t._or-=other'. . l\ilQT~ON Tc>"°Q:UASH .-.:it
rnves,·officers;·c!S v,~11 :!=ls ·,:... · · · · ·. · ,. · ·
. .'2 .. · Any ·d~_!;ligni;ited· · dot:ui:n¢rits;-. pat>.e:rs·,· books, · ·· · · ., · ·:
· ·< ' a.ccounts;"' · fetters, . · pJi'btograp°h's~;,.'.til;ijeqts · or · · ·· · · ' · · · ;.,
tangi"ele lhi_n_Q~·not:. othE::rwis~_. t>°ri'l(i_l!ige~. v,,r~!ch .... SE9TION. :L TIME TO M·ov.~ TO
.QUASH . · · . · .!.,·.
, ·. ~. . con_SJ~.~te or CO_ntfl.l~-0V!Cfen~~::rp.!'!.~J3i'.f~J-~';' any . . : ~~~lo~ to_
Clu~S~, . :.· .. '.i . . :-.·. · . .', . ·.
i:._ . ·. . · ·. :_ ·.-~)
· ·.•.· :.': matte~.1~vOIY,~d rn the.9ase:.~odwliJc~ are:rn.the . · rt is the -mqde by y.,hich an·accus~d assails the ::.ili
" . po!isess,on ..or unde.r lhe contr-ol-bftti:e: · · validitY.,9f a'.crimlnal .complaint or lnforrnation.file·si · · ;
. ·.,. a::.: Prosecution; ' · ··..· . ,· . agQinst him for i.nsufficie.ncy_on its face.-in point of ·"'~:
·; · t>: . l?,olice; or ·, . ..: _:. . . · :;\. · :· . . .
e. ·Ott'!er law inv.esiigating agEfncies:. ·. ·
law, or ,·or'aef_e_cts w_tiic,h are app"are.nt. th.eta.c& .· .]_J in. ~
:~.. . . ·..... ·::. ···; .. · .. .._·. - -·~. ·.. : ·.: :_;·-. .' ·. of the.Information.. hypothetical admission_ of . .'· -}l
.. ;:-,.Mi>~e. llf'·Pf~~ov.erj . . ... · :, . ;_ -_... , . . · .thef~_cts~lfe~9:a .in_~he-~nfo~aJioti. Tt\eflindamen:al .. )i
~ · · Rig)lt o! the accu~ed · to .moye fgr' ttte. production· of. .. .tes~ 1.n _de~errrunrng· the-. suffrc1et)cy of the ·matenai ·. }J
.· · .· material evidence.. in · the possession of the ·. averm~tits. in ·a,'i'lnfQrmation is wt:,ether_or: _noi th'e ::ij
· :· · · r ·· · ·· h. · - - .. · ' · facts alleged t!'lerein, . _which .are ·hypothetically ... ?·
pr9secut on: It authorize.s. t e defens~ to inspect,
. . copy or photograph any evidence of the·.prosecution
admitte_d,· would,establ.ish the. essential ~iemeots of ..
· · .. in its po$session·.after Q~\aining pem:liisiori :0f the.. the crime:defined by law. (People·v. Oqtuhan, G.R. · ·!i
·· . · cou.rt (HERERA;·.~upra a( 632). · · No. 191566, July 17! 2013). · · ·,')
• • • • • • 1 • ~-i
. CRTMlNA,L:'.°P'R0CE.£iU··R:·E·
. · ~ ~E~A LAWCEf'l'TRAJ,l~ED_Bf(R.OP~RATIONS - MEMORY AIC/ ~019 .

· Evidence Eiliunde · or "matters extrinsic . .to .the .._ . approval.ot the court in the) exercise of its -judicial:
lnformatlon are. not to be considered. To ·be sure, a . ' dlsc~tion. IJ partakesot.thenature of anon-suitor
.rnotion to quash should be bas~d on a defect .in the-.· a civil $Ui.t PP~ leaves tt:ie matter in
tntormatlon which 'is .evident. oil lts: fact (People v.. the same .. condition lri which. lr-was before the
; Odtuhan; G.R_.· fl!.o. ?91566i July 1!;_2_013).. ,_ · . commencement of the prosecution. It is nqt an
acquittal; lt-ls riot a final· d_isposit\'on\of the case; -and ·
. H~,.;,,ever, . a motior'i· to, q1,Jash.. based "double · ·on it -does-not bar a. subsequent prosecution for. ·the'
jeopardy or extinctlorr of the crirr1irial action or llablllty same offense· (Galvez v, CA, ·G.~ -. No. '11404f3.
may, by theirnature, be basedorrmattersoutstde of . october-24,·. H/94:). , · ·. · :· · · ·
the allegations. of th~ ·lrtformatio·n or- .Complaint. In·
such· cases; addltloual facts · are thus .ailowed :. Qu.asJi ~.-De~urrer to.EJideil'ce. · .
: ...... ·~· . • •• •• • . ' • r ' ..
(RI~~()_, supra ·at 41;!} .: ·
~ • ~ I ' • • ,• ·. •

Likewise, additional facts not alleged .ln ' the

ln'formation but .. admltted . or (Jot. .'derried. by· .lhe·
prosecution may .peinvqke:cllnsupport.of the motion ·
to quash- .(Lopez · v. ., S~mdiganbayan,:. G:R. ·· Nb.
10391.1,' October 13/1995). · ·, ·.
. . . . . .....


However, · J~risdiritlonal . defe~ts ·=ihich. cannot · be ... t~e·.) .. '.9-~'?.1.1,,[)<fa·. "ai-~

A'.~_einµrrer to _ev'1c1e';;.ce •, ·..
. waived, such as.tliose l[l Section 9· of ~ule ·117, {!'I.SY ·... • generally.: based: ·on the: .woafd . n·e.c.essatily. tie·
be considered motu ptoprio by the court atanystaqe ·. ·.matters: JaQ~d;ori ·.the pi:edicpted.upori-matters
of the proceedings · or on appeal. (rencnenco v. · face .of t£ie};omplaJnf'9.r. ';i:iutsi<;fe.of the Complaint
Sairdiganbayan, "G.R; · Nos .. 14167q-!J'6,. Nf/v.erriPer · .lnfon:n,atiotT~.~ v,hen .it·is. or..,)1f?rrn.c;ttj~n .:su.c.h as
: ,.
25, 2005). . . . . . . . allege.d that·,the .facts- do the ev1qence·or lack of it.
.... ,,. not . ·cons.\ihit~:;: .. ·a_n·, ... ·:· .·., _: . . :..... .
Quashal v. Nolle P,rosequi .· . . : .
·offense:. . . . ... : .. \ ~-
The quashal : o( . lhe Complaint· or Information· is
different from a {J0/18 proseqiJi, althoug·h both-. have ·
of .the· ~s·e. .• Whe'n . . . gratileµ,; ·.: .. a Tl:ie ·gr.ant of g detri'urrer
one result, .which is the. dls.mi.ssal
. . . . ·: ·.· · dlsniissai ·qfiti,~<;;~i:le'Y.Jill 'on ·.: 'Jt:i9: "'\ gr61.lrid .of
.,· I . . .. . , • . 0•

. A no/le prosequi. is .a dismissal Of the >criminal case not necess·arily, JolJbw. ·in&iJfficien·¢y of evidence· . ·.··
·. by the' govemr,neht befbre 'the accuse'd fs·'p.laced on·. The c91,Jft. _rriaY'· '.eJen Js,... .Jw'.. jurispr'udenct ..
trial arid, bef?re· he is cal.led to· plead, With' :the. . o'rdar.t~e. ~ilfn~ of,~. "!EiW. d.e.~m~d:,at,.acquittal and .·
.. .... . ,-_... ;,

. . ... {:·: .. ·. . ;..... · . ... .

'. '. . OPERATIONS . 597
' .

separate purpose afpbj~cting to said jurisi:Jiction: lf "

· complaint' . . 'o·r·.could ·preclude th~· filil'lg
.. the appearance. i~ also fo'r:any other, purpose, the.--]
information . because· an of another lnfom:ratlon or' .
_defendant is deemed ·.to have. subrnltted himself to. ·. ·-~-
order . ··sustairiiJig . 1he an : . appeal . by. tre the Jurisdiction.of.the·court-(Peopfe ,v. Go, ·.G.R.. No. ;:~-._.o:·
. ·motion is generally not a ·prosec~ti'on....
bar ... . . to. another .
168539, March.25, 2011).:. .· .- . . . . . . . . . · .- .at
.pro1>ec1:1tiop. · ··
. SECi-JON 2-. F?liMANDCO.NlENT~ " -~
. ·F orm a.nd .contents.of-a. NJ otlon -to. Quash:· {W.SS) ... ·~,
The usuii'I" coarse to take An accused who "a . · . 1. lo Writing; . · . ·. ·· · . 3}/
is tor- the· 'accused ·to demurrer to :·e'(id~nce. 2 .. ·-§ighed;cu·se,l'orhis·couns.e!:.~nd ·.<T~:·
proceed ~it~·:trial;and'in 'with'leavito(cou.rt··doe_s. ·3. 'S,hall .§pecify distinc.tly the faqtual, and legal .. ),#'
case of. conviction, .to not lose . the· .right .tp d. th · f · · · · ,,~
. .ar,p·eal . therefrom: . and .r present. evidence .ln _..thif . . . ~roun .s ". ere or: . . . : . . ., . . . : . . . ·. ·1*,.
. · · assig~ ~s.. error ·the. event . his ·_.·· rllQti(?r'l. :, is· . : o·mn.ibus·Moij~n t'{ule . · · · : ·. ·. . .. .. ·Wt
· denial· of th~. -~?tion to dented; On.. the.. ·9thef A motlon ,atiac_k(ng -a -pleacUng, order, judg~ent.'or ;··:-t,
. quash _. ·.· (Lafl~n · .·V.· h~nd_,: If: fl?· :-f_iles. -ll_le · pr9ceediog·, shall, .. in~!ude· ·all ... o.bjEjctlons then :. ·~
Verg~_r.a,·.. G,R._ .. No .. demurrer· w~thou~ leav:~ . · . available, and all objecttons not so-included shall be·,-"'~
_ 108_6'1.9, July 31, 199_7)._· :C?f C?Urt _an~·the same .1s_ ..::x'""":......"g~erned waived (ROC, Rufe 15,-Sf!C. 8}. . . . . . - . , /~

:- . _·. .· .· . ·. .-· · . ~-;~~ed.'·:·; ;-·~-r~:n1~J. :U .}~h~;i'~o~~i~~t:n·~ ~r~~~~s· th;~~. ·j·

. · : • evrcfence,).._r~ta11~':}-., =--~ij(eJ{{rrfilJ..,e::_'ih<JJJon, ~x_ce'pt iac~ of .jurisdi~i1;>r.i· ~ver !l
. : the c~s~:-"X'I(.~!9.e,..~e . : th®ff-€;;ri~echa~~~d-a.n.d .when. the lr;ifqrmat1011. does ·. :f .
... . · s.ubmilt~~[ ~jl~CISl? .•n,.-~"':".""'nehcJ¥.l~~.;~Off~'fl~e (ROC,·-Rufe· 1n Sec.. 2). ··. ,.· /fl.
(De tJ~os·,:v.';/Ci;•..-G'R. .J.6
"'q • .,,~ :~ \ ... ,. .. . • . . ~~~

. . : .. Noi1-0:Jftf}fAu.' ust ~ to
11fl -~\. :~rrfotiot .:ci~~sh 1i\an o,rnr;iip_~s.·:~~tl~i) si~ce the . · i

· . ·.
. .
. ·· .. 19~9)·
. ··Jj P.-...-. f
..(! ·. ··r·'J~. rule-impl\edly ~~B~f lti~ all obJect11;m~ ava11a~1e at, :ii
·---...-·~=:..1m.,......_~1fmEnthe motion. 1~-,led· shot.lid be 1nvoked .. The :-:~

Filing -a _.PioUon to: Q.u~sh_pcni"'~s,·9.uentlyt Res.!!t{szj.;. ~~~hstd:Jct~ th~ftfie .fpl!! assert any ~round. of :~
i.n ·the ·su~!til_~·s!o~.~f. th~· ~erso. , of_ the:~ctus,~~... ~otio?-to quat~befj>";t}-a:· plea to the -9,omplaint or · j
.:to the .:Jur1s,d1cti~-!1·0~t~e,'Ro1flil,_ i ...
G4:ne.ral' Rut~: :Fihl"!~ p_l_ea~,,~.isfl~r-~,n~r,_)~at,ve\'a't
<Ji..\· , · ~'5 lnJ?rm.~t~sh~jl be .. 1~eemed ·. a._:~a1ver1 .of. any. ~~
?J°<i? 1ecp9p~s1Af10r~q,'l-r; ,J.13)- · ·... · : . ·. ·. ~~
rehef, suc'1' as ~,IJlOh~n fo-~a§h,,r\quir~ ll{ltary~ Jj-&"7 . kD ~ 11 "'!..J/ . .. · ·. ', - · · · 0a
: .. ·appe~ra?ce/sl.irre_n~~r. .' ·an~, . ~-e~ ~~)t~~t-.;:;s .. ~~fh :-.~<!ii rf?J~ · ass~ft ·a. _·ground .·ma~ · either · be_ :.;·~ 1.
~ubm1ss1on of o~e·s pe-r_so~ to;'l!h~Junstctio~~ · ~~s~·- ·/. · / : . .. : · · . . · . . r I
. : court.·.9ues~(ons _on thE:)u,nsd1c~<?.n ov~r-~e pe~9~D~ --~· e .accused;qicl_ not file. a·_·moti_o.?to. qu~s~; or . ,f. !
. of the,a~l!sed .. are. d~~med ~mv~ by_ the:a~sect]El>-~: . JJ:ii'ac~!?,.edfiled a motion to _quash:b.l!lt ~,led to · ~
when he ffle.s a·ny pleading seekln?,J.~anfo."@,Ef!lv~-:..~ <\il~.f..,}'1~~ound in. sai9 · motl9a (R.00. Rufe ....~
. reii_e( '(;-eopfe v:.- Go;. GR ·_No. 16_8531J.~a~u_2s,· .1'~_/{
2014). . . . .
. -.~ ~~- . · J\ .ll-.·~-~~ . . , . : . . . . · .... . .
9)._ . . , : : · .•.. · . . : . . . .. . . .. . .
. -~
· ··. . . . . .: .' ' ~~~~ECTION3, G.RO~NO_s .. ·.. . . . :'tl)
Exception:: In. cases· of pleadings who~e· prayer-is · . . ·.• · · · . .. . ·: : . . . . · . : .. : · . :.~
pr-ecls.e_1y...1or the ot the ;urisd1,ction .o~ the: T.!'e · accused may m_o-ye· to_ quash_;th~ 9om plaint or . ..j1
ce>u!1, ~hicli_ e>nly' leads to a. spe_ci~I ap_p~ai:ano_e,:~n~ ' Information on_ c:1ily of the .fqllowin~:-(Nc;rr -JJ~~AME· . · :':"~J
-does· not. need· fo. sµbrn1t ooe_s· person to· the AP) .· . · · .. .. .· . . · .. ,.:~
juri.sdict.(on<?"fthE;· cciurt _such as:.' .. · . . .. ·. . .. 1.: facts: charg·ed d_ci No~- const\tute a~ ··. ~
1. Motions to quash_a_Complamt or lnfo_rn:iation o_n . . . offense;·.· . .: · .. . ·. · ·.... '. . ,,;,
· .the gro.und _of l~ck of juiis<;li~tfon over the- pe_rson·
. of the accysed; and· ·· . ,
· 2. · Tliat the cou~ t~)ng the ca_se ~a~ . nc>~L!risdlction .
0ver:the .offense:charged; ... ·· ,.. · . · : . . .
·.1 -~
2. · Motions to· quash· '3 warrant' of-arrest. 3_. .Th.afthl:3. court trying .the ·c; · . -~
. . : . . over tile' p~rso~ ·or,.t~e a~µsed.; . . . .. . . :j
. This is·iconseqaence·of tl:1~-fac:t that it i~ the·very:· .' 4. That it'do~s not ·conform- supstant1ally· to the· ·. :!
iegal~ty.efth.e·court pr~ess forcing_th_e submjs_siorr_ '. prescribed.Form· . · . · · . · . _:__ ili
. of ttie person· of -tt:ie ~ccused which !S q1..i'~stionecl·. . t?., That-the'officer who filed ttie.lnformatiqn ha'd 'no . A
.(Miranda' v." Tufiao;· G.R. No. :·158763, March. 3_1,. ~u~hority so.; . . · . · · ·.· · . -.·,!
2006).·: .. - . . ·. . 6. That-More.than one offense is.charged except '~
w_hena'-single puriii~i'nen.t for v~rious offenses ·-1
~ot~: where the· appe.aran~e is by. ~ouon t9r the·· is prescribed by. Jaw; · .. . . . -- · __ ::,;
. ·purpos~ of objec.tiog to the, jurisdiction of the .coui:t 1: That the .crirriinal action ·or fiability · has been j
over the person, ·it rnust · be for -the sole and. _sl<linguis_hed; . . , )


C.Rl.MI.NA:L·P .Ro·cED.lJ·RE.

1;3. · That it contains ~verment; which, if true ·...,;outd .2: Lack . of · ·Jurlsdiction-.: Over . the, Offense · ·
.. . consthute- a legal .excuse or Jus.tifi~tion;.'a Rd : . Charged . . .. . . . . . . . . .
. · ·s ... That the accused has been fr.evious°ly·convfcted · Jurisdiction overthe offense chargedmay also-
. or acquitted.of.the oftensecharqed, orthe.'case "be .consldered. as Jurisdictiqn over 'tn.e isubject'.
against him.'. was 'dismissed . or otherwise .matter.. which. is' the· .. power ·. to: adjuqge
. terminated .w_ithdut his 'express consent. . . . . - - : concerning' . the - gener'al ·.. question involved .
. . . .. · .. · ·-.(Herrera .v: Barreto, G.R. No:·8692, September
·. -Note: : Th~. ·grm~nds::are exclusive. A. motion .to · ..· 10, .191j):' ., : :.. .: .: ,: : . . "' .
·. quash "lnformauon' when:'the· grc:it.ind:'is. riot one of . ..· "
"thosestated inthe ~uies is a prohibited .. mottonarid : · -. ,'··cri~inal cases 'isan esse~ti~r:~le~ent
- shalt . be . denied: outright' before ':the scheduled · . · of jurisdiction. Tlie'jµrisdi~tion of a court. over the
arraignment. .without. need. of comment- and/or ·.. -criminal case is determined by the all~gatioos in
.: opposltion (AM. No. 15-06-10-SC, Subheading lll,>. .· the· Cb.mplai.nt or- lntormaticn, and the offense ·
·item~i10. 2). · · . ·' . ·.. · .... · .' · ··.. ' . musthave 'been .. cornrnltted or ·any one of its.
• • • • .: • • •• •• •• • • r· • • ·' • • • -essential il'lQr~dients··.tOOk·: place within the
1. t'tie·' Facts'. ·Charge·c:i'·oo .,:fo~ · Constlt~te:· an. . · territorial· jurisdiction of the... court (Agustin. v:
Offense· -. ' · ·. . :· ·. · · . ._. ... · ' . · · P.amihtuan; G.R. No:· 16.4938, August22, 2005).
. Th~ Com'plai°nt''6'r"111fo'rtn.atfo~mj.1s.t§h~W'on its . . . : . ' . ···: . . : . ··: . .. ' .'; . : . : .. ' ...
. . _: face that if'the facts alleged'are true, an offerise: . 'For failure to shov-.i ih 'the amendecf lnfoi'tnatioris ..
: . h~s·be~n_committt;i_d_.'i~IJ!USt.stat~e):c'pliG!tly:and ,At): ·fha't 'the cl')arge,''of murder was'''intirnately -
directly eve,yfact _and C?ircums~.nce necessa&(j/;:il . . <connected with·the.discharge.otofficial fun·cuons .
·. to constitut':l an..o~en~e. 11:ie_ te~t:to clet~r!:"1,(JtJn~~ · ,•: :of _the_·--~~cuse'd · ·~NP. A~~er~. : th~ . ?«en~e
. · ·thE:;_ fae:ts·_chargep_: ~9.nsmut.~ a.n- .o~~~.$e.··\f/l9. '~,.-l(\ ,: cha_rgec!. m_ the st1bJElCl cnr~ui:i;al·. 1.s _Pl~'-" .. I
1eterm1ne . w~et~~r .. P' . i:ot. all:. th~_ .. :es;>,~•JJ•~'.:::~!L.,..~:~I'1ur~~r.1r,W:<t_..t~erefqre1 :-w1t~1.n. ·th~· -~~cl':'swe-
. ¢.lem~.nt~pf.the_·c~tme l"lay.e.}>,ee~ _all~9~:~}tfthl§ .;f~#i,:2.':!It!,~l..~~\duy1sd1~~1e;'.>n:of~he ~eg1onal _Tn~I...Court, !.
:exam~,:iaUbn.,. r.i'iatt~rs aliund,~are n?.t..q£>_1;!Sl~eredf .H , .' . .' ·. not-~h.e:1~rnd_1ga··.(l;fJ'C:SQn v,., Executive .
(Dommgo'v. Sand1ganbayan,G:Ffi:,,<plo. 10937~,·::-.-Jf .. . .. sec_retaryij;,f7:R. No. 1~~09(>; January ?O, .1999).
. January 20, 2(!_00). . . . . .. · , ~ :w,~,J{._ ~ -~
· . ..-_ · .·. . . · . -/1!i6-.f~i;'-.'
,/--·::r1,., .. , .·. '•,
:t{ 8t
_3, Lack
·r .. \ : ·.·: -~·. .
.!/ f .. . .
u~<:t•ctJ<>'n: Person·of the. I
Tre fact_that the allegatio~fJ~::t~e.C6.JOt>!aint ?~ - r~ - . _ _J\~<_:~?!:1!· . :\_-·. .: . · .. ._. ·. · _ .... · . · ·
I nfonil_at1on ,are v~gu~ or ·~)-9,~d.,1s_::9,qt__gen~rally·~. JP, · In _gri;un~ .cas~s, )1,msd1?t1on ·o~er tlJe·.per~Ofl ~f.
a ·ground ..for. a mo~on tQ~1quash,,,,Jtl&')re~y Wl · . art't. c!.CCL\~§cJ!i~!~.acquired upon. - either his
. ·: being·_t!) fi:le' motion.for b1fJ'<f. .[e!1rJl<?:i:J,l§t~(Eti11i4 .. -· 1-~i~. . ·, a_Pl1re~~~~i.Oll~Witp~r ""'.it~?Ut a _warra(1t, 0( his
:v. P~ple, G,R.-No. 2.!3~55, Af1,'tl~..§.t:.fir~?-?015t ·
, . ·· · -X1 · -,.} .
fd ..· ~µ~m)?~,on to th~Jun5.di~t1on oftf1ecqur1. ·U:nllk_e
. !it,..,_..,....m1Jun~d1~t1on ~ver the st.ibJect m9tter:.and ter~1tory,.
Rule on Negati'ye Averme.nts · (\~<1! .. : · · }:i_li:~:;·!i;11jttris9ictic;moyef·'rso.i:1 of the,accus,ed may
(S~e. discus_sio?·M_Ru/e 1.1 ~/:$e?_~
· . · . ·
f ·. ,..
· . "(- · )y'V
,;{0~?°':,,.-;>b!J:?1'.. ~'.~~f,af:v~09·either
;_ ex.pressiy ·or 't;>y. '.implication
(Pe.opfe v, G,o, .G.R. No.. 16_853~, Ma,rch 25,
·Genera.I Ru_le: Wh'en ~n--exceptiorrb}~f.l~!'!-~ive · ·_2014). .. _ :
. · .allegation .is not aR i'r'1gredierlf'o'f the offehse and · · ··
a is m·atter Qf ·deterise. it ile.ed: 'not be alleged.· . Whil~ th~' accused may ha've.~I ready ·w~ived his
·(Pliopte-v: Mac';:igfifirig, ·G:R: ·.No.'' 1091-31~33 .-· contest't~e .illeg~lit;(onhe·.ar(!=iSt; he is
09tobec3; -19~4): . . . . . <. ·. _ npt, l:lowev~~.· d.e~med _to ..!_:l~ve eqU~IIY. 'w;:iived
· · · . '> l)js .,right. to. ·c9i:,test the · regaJity · of the searoh
Ejc_e.ptlo~:wti~n ~he ingredi.ertts•ol the offe~se . . ·, (Vilf?rr.Ue,va: ·v. Peopltt; GR.' .No.. 199042, .
cannot befacctirateiyand.clearly's.etforth'if. the ·. ·· ··.. ,_ )\Jov~mb_e.r{7, :2014) .. · . , ·
.exemptiOn·is omitted: ttien·tJ')e.~.nfornration must. - . . . .
include. ·.the: ·.ne9ative .--~verineni (Pepple v. .'4. ·W_int _'·of Auth'orjty'. of Offfoer. Flll~g ·the. ·
Macagaling,·. G.R. ·No. 109131-33. October 3, ·lnform·ation .... . .' . .. . . · ·
1.994).·' ' . . . . .. . : ,, . . . . r11e' fiiing of ~in lnf9~mati60 by an offiter without.·.
t/le · requisite. authority·, to · fifo the' .same·
· N~te: ·wh~re the· 1ntormat1on is vai.~ or. ct-iarges· .consti~utes· a jurlsdic;ti.ona1 !nfirmity-v.ihich cannot
an: ·offense: thal :do~s not' ~eatly 1;1xlst, ··the be cured· by silence·, waiver·, ae:;qi.Jiescence, or
·presentation o( evidepce cannot validate said , .. ·ev~ri by· express .consent. Hence, ·su·ch·. ground
Information ·(Pe,'op/e. v. A~unciori,' G'.R:· Nos. . may. be· ri:\fst;iq at any stage o.f the ·proceedings
· . {13837-4~, ~pril 22, -1992). : ·or everi -o'n appe,'il -(Qi.Jlsay v: People; G.R. No. · . ·
216~20. Jan,uary 13/2016). . ·


(RI.M.i'NAL P:A.ocitDU··R.:E
SAN":B.£DA LAW_"c:ENT~LIZ£D BAR pPE:Rf.TIONS - f,1EMORY AJD llOi9 . . .,' :·~?~
~~~~ll~'1!llmamajm.:.111:1illi:11111m~ .... llilllllllillll~m:1:nii11i ..l:lll!11111:ms~mailll111asS&11111111D1a1r,.Raa....~11111~
. ., . <r~
lnfoririatlon Filed by 'an Officer 'w1~h~ut mentioned. is _·pres~nt,; The Informatlon ttius>·%
Jurisdiction cannot sustain .a conviction for rape for lack of ::}{
The City Prosecutor of · Angeles City .. had no. .sub_stl:mtial conformltywtth the prescribeo fo.rm .·'J,
. authority to file the ffrst'Inforrnation, the offense ·. (People v. oso, G.R.· No. L-42571, October -10,·_-..'.;,~
. having beeri. committed in the· Municipality 'of 1935).· ''.
. Mabalacat, whic!,. is · beyond' . his Jurisaiction.
.. . ·.. · Intormation, when required to be fi.l~d. by a ·publ_ic· Mere . f9rma1.· defects m~y be cured by. · ·
. ' prosecutlnq.officer. cannot be·filed by another. If . amendment· at :·any · stage· of. tne. -trlal. An:·.
· so, the court.does not acquire jurfadictio'n (Cudia lnforrnatlon. filed not in thename of the People ... ':i·
· v-..'CA,. G:R·No. 1"1..0315, Jari.uary 16, :1998): · of thePhlflppines but in the name of the priva_te.·A~
· . . · · . .. ..· · · . com~lainant is a form (People v.,·.)'.{t'
· The officer is dlequallfledfrcrnappotntraent to· · Santiago, G:R. No, L-17584, . 8;'-1,922). : ." \'=!;.~
soct;posifion.Thelnformatiof"!is.invalid,al')dthe ... :_
. . . · .. : ·. ·. · ... ·. · ..... ·.::.,;,/
. court· does not ·'acqu.fre [urlsdlctlon ·to:·:try. the .. ' ·it.must be clarified though that not all defects 'iri : ··\
-accused thereon (Villa v. Banez,. G.R. No .. L-.· an. lnformatlon are curable by. amendment prior : c}
4313, 20, .195.1).' .. . . .. to entry otplea .. An't~for,r:n<'ltion;wJ11cn is :vofd ab'.·:t·.
· · ; · . . ,. . ·· · (f!itlO cannot be am.end~ to obviate,d for ;'J'
· lnforrnatlon· Filed:·· Without· P·~)o_r :Writtim . . quashal, An arnendrnentwhich operates to. vest )J:;
~llt~ority , . . ~ · .. ,1 ·.. , . .·. - -· c-' .,..;_ . Juri~_oict!qi\ :-1:iP.On, :t_he·. t.rlal cour(.is: likewise :/{r
. , We cannot equate the appr~val 6f
~e. A§_.~sta~u~~m:w_.frn'.11ss1bl~. {L_ev(ste. v. _Alameda, . G.R.' No. : }!
· . City Prosecutor ~o-tha~.. of his supe!i,~.Gjea_r)y;-, · l\
71~J.'ffl,7,, August 3, 2919) .. · .. · · · · ;:f
.w~ see . nothing .. m . !t)e
demo~~trat_~s . the prior· ~ritt7p~
p.~,0r~ ~Jct:i~~- .'ii.· tf
t~:, . · : .
"6~~P#~•ty ?~~ff~ns_13_sc~.arge1 . ·.
. . · .\ · . · · . ·..
. . }:.
·: :,,,.
aut~onty ~,yer:t by the ct~v1Sr~ae<;1,1\?~~o't~fl:--='"fi:--~~~~IT!p,l~ht .. ~r lnfqrmat,on._mu~t charg~ ·only '.Ji
ass1stantp!ty pcosecutor tq;aP.e~Y~SjfllinQof ~~. -~~· ~<1,nEl·O~f.!S~. ~~ept ,,...~en· the-law. pre~c.abes a··}{(
··_ !h~ l~f<;>rmatlon. The .:cfuri~~fn~}f ~cq_ui' · A.J[ smg\e P.tirn~1~i:ne.l}J: for vari9us. offenses:·(ROG, . ·~
Junsd_,c_tion . o_ver the ~fj1~·.b·e9use tiere ,s a ,£.."),..,. ·. .. Rut~:71 O~s;,ll1f( . . . . · . .. . · :'~ I '
defeqt m the lnformatioaj'(Ma-~ryb v. V:,tapa~do,-..I!.-/.' ·"" ·.
. .. . . . K. . . ., • . ., ~e i~ ""· . w . ,Y
-~ · . . \ V1 ,. "
·Jr., G.R. Nos. 7-14[125 &f~)1~pr;April. 6,.2Q.,,'fiilj;__ ~~ ~P"!l>!,,~SeeJdlSCUS~I~~ Rule.110; Sec .. 13) .'
i . -· ]
· ·. ;

. . .·
. ..

. • · .• J ·

lnfgrmatton FUe_«;t by _lp.l~~ uto~:···'r.i,\,P.riva1~\~WD!J'B

·Crlimes . . Ii ~-. ,·:...,~~'t... ..
Tti1g)mi"ifl=A~1on -or ~labilit¥·:h~~ be~n
:::;)--C:::. .Ex-1mqyJshe,d. JJ , . .
· ·*
' This ·. Court . 'h~s ' in\ta~l~'t:,1~fja1~feltf;"" A
strict'!.-;? !$'• . J'~,;:s2-.JII~!¥- . .· . . . . . . . ·. ' . . -~ .. ·.ii I
adherence tq tli);; jurisdi8-~c;rAafr~gufrE( }eo.f ~ ~@-/A~ ,u~as t?r Ext1.pct1on -~f ~nrrunal_ Liability. :.. J
Compl;:iin.t· by the offend~.d_,p-~rt}:1n·."~~s.' ·-/~.{1§:7irltS~!f..PENAJf.·GOD_E,.A1t.~9}.(~·MADS), _- W
which· cann9t ~eprqsecul\d de tficio.. 'Fh1i"re~~~ ~-Y_~osol~~)!ardqn; · .. . .. • ..... '!JJ

nu.!lifying all the·proc~edings a'l~1ac:Jxli?1}1li·.~~~g..,...~y~~(rpt'
lower court (Donio:Teves·.v. Vame72.{a,'!.i'i(.'~R.=-=~
No. L-38308, December26 1984). ,~

Prescribed Form',- ··
. • ? .•
v._;r · : "',,

S-. · LacJ<. c,f . S~bsfantlal : C.onfprmity· -to·. the'':'''''."'~~--~· ·: Pena.I Code: · · .

· ( ·. ·
must be· .&trict. cor'npiiarice· ey~n !o"th~ie t~~i)6i'l'SN'(\.~'..l:l; Bf!:i:e~cr~_w.~onof the cnrne,.. ~ . · . . . . • ../,
.on penalty, ;a. t '(.1h
.. ,,;, -..:l.,\..-::--.9 on or express. cons.en. o .. e ,,1!
\,.o_!l,~d.ed. part~ to !he accused 111 ,;s?me . '1
• ,,,:.....,..~ . .fv~~;;. ...a·rinvate· in Article ~44 of tt)eJ~ev1~ed -;~
. . ·. · _
e.. By·the,M~magepftheott:Eilnde_d·wornan, as··:::·
. .


. . lt)s sdff!cient.. if the :¢omplaifi( or···1nfbrmation provided irfArticle J14 ~qn¢ Revised P.erial ·. Jj
· states the e-ssentia( elerrrents' which ·.constitute Code;·. . . . . . - . . . ')'.;'
. t~e off ens\~ a'i(~eqairedin .~he-~tafute arid it·is ·not·. f. By 8mne~ty; · . · · ~ : .: : . . . .. . . : . . . '. : . j
·n~cessary to follow the. ~~act. lang1,1age .0f the .. g. ~Y .t~~ Oeath qf the conv,ct1. ~~, to. p_ersqnal J•
statute. (PAMARAN;·sµpr~at 425). · · · ~_en.~lties; .am.t:.a? Jo.· p.~c~mary: .p.en.albes, -\~
· · , .· , · . . . · ·· . h~b1hty. therefa,re·1s exttng~1sh.ed t>nfy.when. }fl
.There. ri/no.. d.oubt that.the f~ct~ ~~nsid~red as . t.tie deatn·.of ~e oc~urs.:b~fdre··final: ··:~
proven by the.lower' cpi:Jrt·.this court' constitute. Judgment; and .' ' ', .' ::::w
the complex crime . df-·fori;;ible abduction· with . h. a·y .§.eniic~ of. the· se.ntence. ·. :,J
rape/·Tti.e: all:egation thc1t .t)'le · acc·used · · ·. · · · · ·· · , .J
cohabited··with {he co·mi:;l~ina.nt·,-_-witl'louf-her' ·• Note: Where the last day. of the-pr.escriptive· '~.
. consent, d0es not concret~ly describe the crime period for. filing" an Information i_s a su·nday or· :!.!
of rap·e In :l:!h.Y of It~ fOtms· wt)ich: .. according ·10 legal 'holiday, the. lnfo;rfi'~tion. C.BfJ' Q.o _Jong¢': /)e .'~
art!cle 335 c;if the.Revi·sed.Penal Cod~; are: the flledon the next worl<mg df!Y. The·remedyis for .-:'~
use forye .or ic:itimidatiori·: . that- th·e woman is· the}fscal or pros.ecution to file the Information on. ·~
deprivsd of reason-or ptl)erwlse unconscious; or . the last:wor.king day befor~ the criminal offense :-.-,:t 1"'.'
that the vietim is :t.1.nci'ertwe!ve years ,qf ag~. even _prescri~s (Yapdiangco v. Buencamino, G. R.,:
though .i;ieith~r of. l~e circumstances ~boxe- · No. L-28841, June 24,. 1'983)- . · .. ·. · · : . :j·'i.
.· ..] :~
- CRfM,I N·A.L- ·PROCE,D:U·R:E:.
· . . . BAil OPERATIONS·:..-r,,iEMORY°AID.w1i

· 8. That lt C.pntain~ ~verments,· which if -True, ju~fsdiction of. ·-the . court, . none Involved ·: the
would: ·constitute a· L~gal. · ·Excuse ·. or . amendment.of an Information before arralqnment
. : Justification . . . ·(Dio
. v, people,: G.R. No.. 208146,
. .J.ilne' .8, 2016). .
Exam ples are · the · · averrnents of.-. facts · Me; ~rr~lgnm~nt: . Qe_fe~ts · whi~h .fall t~ e~~~tilish
cortstituti_ng: . · · ·. '. .that, the court has jurisdlctlon are lrnpermtsstbte-.
a. · Justifyi_ng clrcurnstances (Rl;\/l;>EO PENAL . . . .. . . . ' - ...

-CODE, Art. 11);. . • The. absence of an..y'.allegations in the Information.

b.. :Exemrtin9 Circumst~n'ces · (REVISED that the: : (?ff ended . party·: ~as
actually r~siding i_n .
. PE~AL:.COD!;, Art. 12);.anp_ :· · . · .... Baguio ,-City, wtiere: ·ttJe· .crimes. Charged were
'c, . Aosolutory causes (e.q. "REVISED" PENAL aileg~dly committed, is.asubstanttaf defect. Indeed,·
C(?DE,-Art. 247a!'ld ~jnstlg_ation"):. -. '. . . the amendments ·. of. . the. ·tnformation". 'to . vest .
jurf~diction . upon-.ffie . court -~rinot,_"·b_e· alloW.ed ·.
· . 9.: <i:>~uble Jeopardy .. . ... (Agus(tn.v.· Piimintuan; GJ:?. No:-164938, August 22, .
Double jeopardy mean.s- that when a· person is 2db5). . · . ·. • · · - ··
. charged._. with-'. an offense .. and. the case . is· ... -. . . ..
. . terrnlnatsd either byacquittal or conviction or in.· SECTION· ·5.: · EFFECT; 0.F SUSTAINING.'..rT.HE
- ..·: a,ny- ethermanner without the·consent , · . MOTION J.P.
_QU~SH · ·. ·. . . -, . · . , ....
. of "tbe 'eccused, the latter" -cannot a"g~in .be r..' . . . . ' :. . . . .·
chi3rged -w1th. the ' sarne or _identical· offense ~·it . Effects If Court Sustains_ttie;Motion to'Quash: ·
(Vfllar~fJIv. People, ·G.R.·No .. :151258; Febru;i.¥>-_;11 . · 1.- , lf.t~e 9.ro_und of the motion i!? either;· _. ,, , . .
· _.. 1·; _2012). · · : · . ·: c<f/:~·\,
·a .. T~at- the facts:ct:iarged do· ~ot_·constitute an· .

' .. : A~ a~p~ad~rnri~l~a-i~-SE:-OP:.0~-~~ entir.~ i~_~i;,?;;:t~~ib: . ~~;~i;~
· fo~ rev1e'!"' · o_n a.n_Y. qu~stmr:i,mclud1r:ig o_(J~Y_n~t:';-,(r"•;~~:..:!r}i>""!'"Aq_(~Jho~1ty1<?-do ·s_o; .
O_ffic~r.;~.ofilecph~ lhf~r~~ti~~had:
. . :· .. : . : · . . . · :
.raised· bY, {be parties. The. ap~el_lant;9?\!!.ih1otbe '.v IJ · . . 'aS"'-Tna~~ldoes i:iot e0nfol11) substantially to the ·
plaeed in ·double jeopardy when tl)e CA modified~L.:.J· f. . . _ .pre§'er1bed for.m; cir · . ·
. · tl\e·ruliii_g i,11. t,tr~·RT~:(Pegpfe·~. ~6dft.s((G:R:
. _1fJ9850; September 24, 2014)'49
· : .. _- · .. · · . · ·· · .·. · .
. A-:{.P. .-·.· 1r~'-.:,t;- ~- j.
!\ . .
d:- T_'l,at_ff,~re .. .ttian -0n~. _off~~s~ is·. ch'arged, ·.· ·
... : ttie.n,u tH~- court, may :Order that another
. . lfttorgiati~!') ;,e.: filed or ah_ amendment.
. .(:;,ee ·discuss_ion~under ,r_~i{i.A 17,_t~P· 7).. _. " . ;_~ -~,__}he':pf~~::~.!'Ide,-~s:the ca~e may,l:)e_, within
, · · .· · v. / ,cu:v-.,.._.,1:,.-~ · ~:----... · ·A \-~,c<a"'.?[efli'iJfe·'P-eWod~· . · · • · ··· · · .
:_:. -SECtiON_ 4 ... ~E.NDMENT ·cf~£?JY1FiKAt.NT~ [?1·'l _~•iii;~J,:i~ti,?6~d.~:r:is -~~~e. and the aCC?L!~e~
INF.ORMATION . ' . .. ... --:.-,~ ...'\).' . F iJ . . ,s_ Jl') cu~tody,-. h(t sh_an.. n_ot. -~e: .
. .-: , .. . . . . ·. .. . . . : .\!.· i'. ·_);j- .. ·. . !'!I""7,7f::'=;.t . _-· _d1scha,:g~cl u_~les:s ad1m~ted. to b;ul;
1::- If.th_~ m9t1on _to quasi\ 1&- bas~d o,~:-~_.alle~ed.:-_...:":\iv/{~,~~S--..:-.:;or:·.. : . ·· :· . -, . . :·. . .. · . _. : .. : -
defech>r the C.ompfalnt or lnfor~~t!on ".Y.hlyfi::....,_J_t.2..-~:i,!.~h':-'t:lIf such order ·rs not -made; or ·1f .h.avmg.
. '?~n:.-b~·cured bY·-~-"!elidm_ent, thE{c.our._t/s.l'laJI· · · · b~en made,-another l_nforrn~tion __ is Rot
.-_ pr_de,rthat-;,m a_mendmel'lt be made'!~1~j filed . wjthin th~ time ,.specifie~ · in the ·
2'. If the. m_otioo-:tq quash is. based 011 tt:ie."ground order; ·or within s1,1c'1. _tirtje a.s·.tne cqurt .
·that ._the. fa~t)!i_. ~harged do riot constitute an·_ -~ay_al!ow for." ~oo_d.CqiJse_; t~e accu~ec!.
offens~.· .the prosecvtion .shall be- given .by the _. ·.. · '.if in -custpay, ~Jlall · be dls:Ch~rg~d · .. :.-
··. court an· ·opportuflity_ .. to ·correct the defect· by." _·. · therefrom, ·-unless . h!,t '.Is :also._ in ··endment. · . . ·. . .. . · ·. :(]l,l.$tOdy_for some. other charge .. ·.
·. 3 .. In both·instances,'the mofion·to q·uash shall be. . . .. · ., ·.. , · · ·
. _· g~bted if:_ '··. _. · . . · . : . 2. If tt-)_e 'moti9n_to.gua~h:-issusta,ir:ied'.t.Jpon any of
. a. '. Ttie · prosecution · . to . ·make ; the ·the folloiNiQQ grounds: .. · ·. t · . · · . ·. -_
. {.: ·.. . ~mendrr:ie:~t; of ' . . . . . . . . : ·. . ·a·. :that a criminal ac;Jion or, liabillty. has p!3en
· b-•.. Thi3 Compl~int .'or. Information ·_stjll ·suffers extinguis!)ed; : -'. . · ·· . .
from the same· defect-despite amendment. b. That- it"" contains avertn~n.ts·. which,: if true.
. . .. . . . w,qi.!ld c;onstitute." ·.a · 1~ar" . excuse cir
.Am~n-ciment \ie~t'J1:1riscti~tio·n~~er the-Court· jl.istificati6f1;· cir__ · ·
·. Be,for'e arralg11rrierit:".°Defee,~ which fail t<_> esta~l!sh · . c. tt:-iat the . accused has· ·been . previ()!JS(~
th'at)h~ -court has jurisdiction may b1f amended. · ' · · co.riv.ict~d. or:··. acq·uitfed of .- the offense
·· -- · · · · · ' · charg~d. · : · · .
..Th~re'. is ~~ ·1~a1. b!=! t<.> r~vei-;e the c~urt: of · · :.. The court musi _state-;: in- its. o·rcter. grantirig
App,eals' ..det~rminatiqn that" the· defective . . . ·.the motion, toe. release of tl:le ace.used.if
lnfprmatioa may· b~ amended· before arraignment he is in custody ol'the-c·ancellatlon "of.his .
.Although the . cases petitioner cited· involve:d· bond· if h.e is on ball. -. · · ·
defective Information ·that failed to establish -the


. . .


. . . . ,- OPERATIONS
. - MEMORY·AID-zoi9
. .

De.nlal·o.f M.otio~ Qyash to . bo~1:>1e·-, j~oparay }1'.l~al"ls_"that .. when. a· person is

The denial ofa motion to quash is an Interlocutory .charged with -arj'offense·anc;l the case I~ terminated
order and: therefore not appealable. The 'denlal: ot .either by acquittal .or convlction or in .any 'other
the· motion· fo. quash .rneans- that· the criminal .·. mariner_ withot:lt\the express .consent .'of the . ·-~!"
lnfo_rtr)ation·remains pending_-~ith· .the ·court, which accused, the tatter cannot again be.charqed wltn the . ·-::.,
must proceed with the trial'to determlrtewhether the same or ldentlcal offense {Viliareaf v." People, G.R·. . Ji:
accused is guilty of the crlme charged therein. No: .151258, FeqiuatV 1; '201-2) . ." · · · '.' · . · · ·At
(Miranda v. Sandiganb'ayan. and·Th<J Ombudsmen, · · · ·. · · · · · ·-1J
. GR, No: 114760-6-1, August.2, 2017). .. ..... . . · . .. Note:' '.Re's j~dicat~ is a doc;trinf!'~f:ci~ll:law.arid thus: ;j;·
If .the 'court, in denying.. _the motion _to: quash,' acts . . has ·:no 'b~aring· on· c'riminal "proceedh;igs. "Res .. :J:..
.without or :in.- excess- of jurisdiction· or .:with grave.. .". judicata 'in pijson:grey''.·ls the-cnmlnar 11:iw-coricept of··.·.,;;,\
abuse of discretion, then-certterari or prohibltion will . double· .. jeopardy -(Trinidad: v.: Office of the ·.::· '.
l_ie. The reasonis that it would be untair-torequlre, · Ombudsmen, q.R, No. 1660.38,December a, 2007). _.· :,tr.4
t_l1_e accused to Lind.ergo~he :or~eal and expense Qf.- a . ... . . . ' ' . ' . . . ' . ' ' ·. . '. :·. -.t.. t~
. . trial if the court has no [urtsdictlon over the subject .. . Kings '.of:Double .fe.opardy:- · ·. . -. '; , · · · ·. · · :;;~
· ~a1tftlehr odroffen~ef:or is n?1t_the_co~'1. of_ prop~r_..,~n~e.. · 1: · No .P~r-sbn_shall be put twice_-in. j_eop_aray·for the .<.·.~,._?~
· or. .e enlal p the:·mqton· a-whimsical·,... same:offense;_and. ·.' . : · ·;.
and capridous· 0Xeteise: of judgment ·{N0wSW0ek,. ' · 2. ~·When .an act· -Puni~ihed ·Dy. ·a, laW ·arid·. an .-·'-iii,
Inc. v. !AC, G.R. No;_ L-63559,. May ·30, · 1986). -~=;_..,:-~~ ._ordin·ance, · co'nvlction -:or· _acquittal··under· either
. - .. · .: · · ·'. ·. · ·
s_us~ainJng Mo~iQn_·to Qu.as_h' .. · · ·,-/.~ _:
· · ·.·' :;~·:·. 1r
·t-··~- ~:sha.1.1 be a oa~·to--affother-prosecution for the-
_t_j ~-i~J~!fin"t!.:act.(CQNS,T.Art.11/;.',Sec. 2_1): ..' .. ". ,.
Ontheotl1ec-haf!d, 1fthe·mot1onto_q~~~~~~J ~ q.;.>' . .· . ·. )~
.the order to that effect· is a final ·pr.d~r:\.of'..mefely .. Requii,it~s t,s>"f,toperiyInvoke :the Defense .. of .. · J,1
interlocut~ry, ·and"is, the;ef~fel'itippe~lc;i~e~~-n.e~~~~u~~~'lto'pjrray}~ATS) · .. _..; - : : .. ·: · . . . · · . ·. .:l
(W.orld Wide Web.. Corporatioq;~'Beople; ,.R .. N)p) '-1c -~ F_rrs&Je~l?,af.df_:!;l'l~sthave_Attached; . . · .. ~,~
1~11-06, _.,Jantlary-13, 201_4).11~ . I<'~/ - : : · · .!f. ,it\ ]~ Firstli~P~qymu~.have ~.een :te~minated;,and . ·:j'.-
. . . ·· / · · · f · . : . --~J'~ 3. Ther~· IS a ~¢cJo.dweopardy(Cud1a- vs. Court. of ;·~
The q_uestion to _be ~a~se~';-~·ty·the:~P~I~ .. ~ 7J:pp.~als,o"fr"~1l;I0_315,J~':'-!ary'16, 199~). . .]~
GOllrt is; purely ·legal so ·thag·-~01:tl·:ttie.:q~s~'fGe/. ~~ q · .. ·. ~ . ·.-. t ·.·' · ;. :..
1 ·. '. . .~~,
found rncorrect, th~ ca!1~· :WP\J a· .·ha~~. to!15t lieqms1t~~i~s~ J~,opar<:fy M.ust H~ve -:iJ_
reman9~tl · to the ~?u·rt ~-b"!'~rlfJin (f~f~\further;~~Atta~~ffe::f~CA~) -. -- '-li' .... · · . --. ·· ·. ·... .. :·· {;'i
proceedrngs to determrne me..;guilf1or ihnn'ttllice otrn . , . . .:~A ·)lnJ[g'?Jntolrhattdn'! Is fifed; · · ·. . -,~
_the ·accused '(Miio ".'· :Sa/on\Ji;-;j<£R?,.N0~-~~l rt~l,A. ,J;t:._-~~~,:~e'a·Q~l!'rto~·iompetenfj~ri:=,di~tic_m;'·_ .. · :.::~~
.Jlily 20; :19~7), . .. ._ ... ··\,· · \\. . & . ~"" I """-~/ 4;1te;Y'.'a
v.~J,a ~raignment;·and : ..• · . ·. .: .. --~
. .- · · · : ·.· ·.' · · . · ' · . · 1' . .. : ·
. · SECTION 6. ORDER SUS_TAIN,!NG THE~Mc,t1g~J_Effi\_\)..!_8eop!e,
°''· . · 1. ~ ~~~vali_~_elea . ~,13.s b~en en~ere_d · (Cf:)rezo v. ·. ,:fB
G.R.-No; 18523.0; June_ 1, 20-11).f .. -,:®
-TO .. quASH.: NOT .A ·BA~ '1-To '®):,JJER~j;,<I:',.,:\>;~; ,f ·: ·. \·; .'' : ·. . .·. . . _;.,:_'
·· · · · .
· . · . · ·. .- °" '. :(
. -'. . "." "~ jJ·)~.,,__~<""""'_.,...;-5~.orta(f}f!CJUfslte.:.....:First
~~- '(. f1I! ·1
. \ /]j'Jil3eern\i';i<>rmiifated·(ACT)
An order sustaining ·the ri1qtion to.quash is"'11ek~bar _ts \..-1~~e-~ccuse'd,has b·e~ri~cquitted_; ·.. . ·
'\ ~ ;,g ? •
Jeopard_y ·Mti$t-Have
.,. . . . ... , ·. ·

. to anotlier -prosecutiori-for the sariie offen·s~• .ex~~t::"-~--.Q.bnvi~tE!d;_pr :· · .': . · · ·. ·. · · · . ·. :, . · . . /1~

1-:" ,Ti,·e:-tnotioh.. ....,as base.d on the: ground that the .· · .' 3, · The·· cas·Er,·. ·was ·dismiss~· ·or.· ,otherwise · ,;:I:
.. criminal :action or·liability.has ~en- extlnguistied; . .: ·Terr:ninatedwithout.hi;, e_xpre·ss·~_onsenf'(Cereio·. ': -!'~. :
and,,.:,.:. • ·· · · · ·:· .. ·:. . . . ·v. People, G.R.No:'185230;June i,:201·1J.·: · :-~
2. 'fhat the accuse9 h'as-beefl previOUSly'COl'\11.iCted.. · '. :, > . ·. · :_ . _,. .. ·. . . . . . ?i-
.. · or. a~quitte·~-of-the _offe~se._charged, qr_the -c~se ·
~garnst: him was d1sm1ssed. or otherw,s~.
.... IJism.i_s~~· vt_ A~quit~I
·' · · .. · · , .. }
. ;ii
.. tertnir:i~ted Yo!ithou! his expret,s corisent. .. · · · :'\!
SECTl'ON ···1. - FORMER. CONV;~T-ION.. OR· ·boesjipt-de_tlgeµi'~·case· ilways:. oas~d .. :."on:· th~·. ~
ACQUIITA'L; DOUBLE JEOPARDY. on the merits or Uiat th~ merits'; ttiat 'is·, the ,-59
' ' . ' ' ' de.fend,:n\t:is ';iiot gullty :c:ieferidant 'is acquitted. . -:~
Je(>pardy . _ (B~rjafe v:.z1,!/b_ano,·G.~: 6ecaifse, 'ttie evide~ce· . ::;
Tlie ·peril in. which a persor:i is 'put when he. is f'lo·;· L-~1?~3r ..July 31;_ d9es. .' _not · sljo~ ~
. rE;!g'ularly charged with a. crime before 'trib_unal · a · 1984). , defendant's. guilt -·Ji
properly ofgar,ized and compete.nt"to try·him (People: · . · : · · .beyond .' _. rea_scin;:11:ile · :1;·!
· ,., . · .., · Jhe di&missaf is without· goubt (Paulin v. Hqr,,. . .'~
~9;;~aja~. G.f". Nos.L-9238-3.9. . November· ·1~, prejudice. to re-fi'llng: of. .Gimenei,. G.R... 'No. .. .\·
'anothe~ lnf.oimation · _for_ i<J.3;323,.' . J_anuar.y .. 21, : : ~·
the sal'n~.: acts·. There 1993). .. ;_ '.f


.... .I

.. . ·- ·: SAN BEDA u.w. cENTRAUlfD BA~ pPUIAiloNS. -.. MEMORY Aio·20,.9.
. _

being·-. · no valid Another .lntormatlon fbr · .The ... <>nly i~s.t~~ce· when , double jeopardy :wiil not
. termination of the: first the same acts' may not ·. .attl;lc~· is. when the trial court acted ·with. grave
jeopardy, the · · right be filed ~thout vtol13Ung · a!)use of discretion- amounting .tolack.or excess of
against· double :jeopard},'. the right of theaccused '. ji.Jris.diction, such a$. ·where the. prosecutlori 'was
m~y . ·.'.(lot · be· in.vo~e'cl' ag~inst · double' : . denied the cppcrtunity to present its 'case ·o(. wher.e .
(Cere~o v.'.Pedpl~_1'G.R. jeopardy, unless · the · the.tri~! was .a:s~am. However, while· certiorari.may:.
No. 18523{),. June 1, acquittal· was void.Aor beayalled of tocorrect an erroneous ecquittal, the:
201.1). . · · liaving been dbne(with petitioner in such ~·n extraordinary proc·eeding:.must'.
' ,grave .· ' abuse . . 'of clearly' demonstrate ., th_a't the 'trial· court blatantly :
' . : discr~~ofr:amounting to ·- ' . ~,bu~ed its aulh,o,dtyto _a point so.qrave as to deprive-
. lack 'or· · excess . 6f .. ·. . 1t of its v~ry pow~~ to. dispense justice _(People v. (,Jy,
:' .j.urisd[ction.,··.(Peop/~
' . ff
·v. .: G.R. '
'1981p7, •'S,eptember30, 2005). · ''. .. ·.
. ·· '!r,.:G.R/.No. "15p151, ... ·. : ... ·. . ·:. . . .. · . · .. · ·.·.:
· · · ·Septeirib-er.·3o, 2005). . ·.. -: . Third R~q':Jisate-:-:-Ther ~·ts a Se~onr;t.Jeop~rdy:,
- · ·· .,.· · ·. · · · · • .. . · There-rIs identity. two· offenses (iiecdnd_ ;
· [eopardyjwhenthesecond offense: (SAFP) · ·
. pis!'Jlissal.wfth E~pre~s :Cons·enf of t'he.Accused. . .1. · The Same offense·:·; · ...· :
.· Expr~ss ·consent to a· pmv1sional dismissal is. given . to
.' 2'. .. An ~ttenipt commi't the said offen~e(.
either v,va voes orin writing .. lt is a posltlve, eirect, · · 3. .A!;rustration of:the said offense;' .. .
.~.nequivoyal consent. ,requlrii")g : no. lhfEf~E;?qce· 9r·,,(.'; 4:: .. Aryy. offerse· neces&arily'!ncludes-the first. ·
·1mp!!c-~ti0h· !o suppl.Y. its rneaning·(P~ople v.. Lacso,#~f;/' : . : offense~charged;,or · ... , ·. . . . · : . · ... · · · ·
: G.R'. .No. 149493, Oc_tober 7,.2003); · · :. _. ., · · "f,~~'!f({"'t'l. : ~. -. Any off.ens~·which,necessarily !ncluded the first·
· · . . ·: . .'· · . · · , ... , '. · ,l:'f·l:\:.;:~~·l . · .
offense .ch,?.rged (Teehankee:v. Madayag.'G.R.
.Genera.t ~ule: A-disjnissal with the express··c6hs~rifl;-;.fr¥.t-.'.~,'.-,.No .. ·101;1.02~ Marct7· 6,. 1992f · ·. ; . . .. · . · ·:

.- ~lt;·ow:~r::;:~_~;~ts~f h:~;n~~~~1·~~1~,:~!i~;J'rf~Zi1~;~~tt. Not ~~e,'Sat.n~ ritte-.,·~~ i •, : . :·. - .

a. v~hd waiver. ?f' h1~ ng~t agatn$t ~o~~le_.Jeopardi! :-j:~ . B.';>tf1. c;>~enp~~;Ma/~ In s~..-. : . . : .·. . . . ..
(People v... Saltco!· G.R, No. L-·1ot~,Oi:/,lobet: _1.2{..,.. ;\, It: 1s-:-~e .t~a\;\~.·t'-:fo offen~es for ~h1ch pet1t1oner
1949).. · . . ·; .. · . · ... - · . . . ' ,,.;.;t· ~ ;,1·tr$1,. .'. . . ·r,.~ was . ch~r,t;E:<'li,:a't'.se.. from. ttte. same. ~a.cts. Thi?,
. · . . :. . . . : . . · .. · . -x;:,,./7 ·4·•;,!';;:<· ..
Exception: ', . . . .'. . . tfi'=i-1 A~~: '.;' : . ·"'st
°' . :~t
~\ ·how~.v~r/ c:!q.l:!s ·n.ot ·_preclude-. .the. filing JJf- another
lhforrricl~ion 'Mgaini~·.him· if' 'from tho;se ..fc;1cts;' two··.
When a tlismjs~~I. even wit~ tl5'.~rexprEf'[s':q9.nsefit·~f. . :i'iJ. ·.. d_isti~e:J';~~fi:~~~ffrequiring different elements,

1. ~.ism1ss~I based .~n . a ,de~Uff~~t<?

. (11is!,lffie1ency 'Of eyidence..g1v~n~x1pros"~pution)
.. ~'lidenge .. rr
the. a~cu~ed,. is t~nta~ount t~ a~!_~ar'~if~l'bas:.~)} 1,·•.j ar,:ose. Tnu..s:.;_~1.Le"-th.~·

accuse<:i: ha~ ·~een ae:quitted .
of C~n:>ented At>~uction,. t.le may st~II be conv1.cte~ .of ·
1'9H.&'hfied.·.S'e.du~tion :f~erez·-_v. CA,· G.R. Wo. ·80838,'
. filed by ·the accu:>ed ·.after·the pro~~l'.i'uon·l).a~;.t.~r.u.\N~.Y~~~~f29,.1988), .·.. · : · . _ ... · '"-•· .. : ·
rested· or ·· . . ·· .<--~l '-' · )'(i7"~---,--. . ~d"'~~ · ·,, ·.. : · • · · .. ·-- · '

i. Disrnl~sal due ,to• the denial of acclile~'sIJ{iht to : ' .on·e' Offense· .Ma/um In Se, th~ Other' Ma/um
. speedy." .. frtat ahd; .disposition·: o{~,t~e,1t.'case~'. -'P.rohih!tum ·. - . .. . .. ·. . .
. ' (Cond~da'' ·v: ·. People; ·... G.R: iib::',)41646, ' . ' A.J5E?rs0n convict~o of illegafrecruitrri~nt m~y·; ' :
FebriJar:y _28, ··2003; ·caesji.: JAG;: ·G.R. Nos. ·· · ·.in ad<;lition, be -convicte9 of estafa under Article 3'(5;.. ·
. ":7.4989~90, 'No.vember6,."198.9).. . · · .. ·. .. ' ·, p~ragraph:·2·(a).·of the- RPC .•'e .same manner, a.,'.· .
3. Proyis.ional .. dismissal. lhat'. has .. beccim.e . perSOA,a'<";.QUi~ed·.of.illegi;il i'ecruitirfent may· be..h~ld ·
perm~l)ent.d'!~ t,o:appUca~iOhJ>f_th·~tlrn~_barTUle:. .''. · 'lia_bJe: f<;>r :e~{afa:, D~ul;>le J~0pc1rdy. will·· not· s~t'dn: . .'
' · (People y .. LaG$On, G.R. No,: 149'453/Apri/ 1,. . b~cause ille9aL reeru1tment ,s fT!Blu_m ,pr.._of/ibitum, in
· ·2003).... · ...... · :- ., . . ·, .. · . ·. · .. · ·. · , . . which lhere is no necessity to prove criminal jhtent;
· .. .. ,.. . ·. . . . . . · -.yhereas e.stafa iS.·fr?B.iUIJ'.l °ii7 ~e,. in the prosecution. of
N<>te;- ~tier~·.d~fhi.l~ier to :e~id~rice was _granted' ~bt . ·. · .., Which, pr.oof:.of crim1rja1· intent i.s · neces~ar.y_ (Sy v.
. on lacl(ofe~1dence atterJt,e:pr;o~(;lcutio9 has rested; ··· · · ·Pe,op(e; ·G,R. No: 183879, April 14, io.fOJ.' ,·
but ~n 1.a~.k. Ofjt;Jrisdi9iic>r:-t. ov~r ,h~ offeri!;Et ~h'arQed: · · · · ·
the sam~ .i$ in.the nature of a motion to. quasli: lfwill ·. ·second. Offense N'~ces;~rily· lriclride~ the· Firs~
. n.ot be a bar to the filing qf anothe,r Information Offen~e! Exc~ptions:·: ·. · ·. ·: ' · . · · . . ..
. (Asistio v P~pl~; G.R, No. 200465, Apr/(20,:2015).. .1. ·. The· · gr.ave( ·offense ·. developed .· due.· fo ·.. ·. .
. ..' · · .· . ,.. : . · : .. ·· .. · · .superveningJacts .affsing irom the saine act or
Acquittal· .. : :.''. : omlssiOJ'! ·co~stitutin.Q the.former. chargej ·.
In our. Jurlsdic\ion, we ·adher:e to. the.· finality-of-·. · · ''!;!. · The fact~ constituting the graver charge became
aC!ll,!ittal_ qoctfine, that, f~, a· judgment of }!CQ.Ulttal ·. -·known Or Were:discovered only after a plea Was· .
is final · and ·utiappealable · (Peopfe · v.· Alejandro,, · entered ir1 ttie,,former Complaint ·or. Information;·.
G.R. No. 22,3099; Janua,y~t1:,,.iq18): · · · or ·
... . . . : _. :::·:..~( :,·:· .


·cRrM·I NAL--J)RQC:EO.U:R:E.: ·
I · tiww6 saw we· # eweHe sa•
3. The. plea. of guilty te the lesser offense was made (Peopie. v, Latson, ·.G.R. Nd. 149453, . l\pn1 1
·.· witMut-the· consent of the- prosecutor andof the 2Q03)_: ' ·· · ·· · '
I ,, .. ·;.v
offended .party; except when the offe.ncj~d party ,
fall~d to appear during the arralqnrnent , . In crimes involvinq' pnvate, interests.: .the offend~d·· · · ·i
.. . . : . . . . .party or- hls heirs given notice :at leq,,st three .. J~
In any ,of lhe: foregoing· cases, where·1b~ accused
satlstles -or serves in whole or in pert the jlldgrru,~At,
·. · ·
.deys b(!fore_ the·hearing .on fhe motion as mandated. ..
by Rule .15, Section ·4.. of. the Rules of .Court, Such }'!
tie .shail'be credited ·with the· same in the ev.ent-ef notice will -enabte tti~--o°ffended party .orthe heirs,o{ :.-°-f··
· convlctlon-tor the g_rav.e.r.-offense: (ROG,. Rule· 117, · · th'.e victim ~~e ,
oppo~t:J°niiy · to: .seasonably and ·. :f
Sec. JJ. '. . · · . ' -; .etre·ctively .comment -on- or .. object to the rnotlon · :f~
·, · . .. · . . .. ., . . . · -, (Peopl_e .fi. L.acsonrG._R.._No. 149_.453; AP._.r,,il1, 20()3) ... _ ..·,",'4!_·_'·
SECT.ION 8.-.P~OVISIONAL DISMISSAL'. '. . . . ,. -_,;.!

·c~nc'ept "', . . . . Period "for .Reln_sta~eme·nt;.' · ; . : _.... · · , . -, 't

· In.' a- provlstonat: 'dlsmlssal, . t.~~ . prosecution, .. the. · ·- · __ · 1. :_Offenses··.puh!l?hab~e ht ·101er1_so_nment- not·_:::!,
defenseandtheottended party.Jn.ettect, enterInto . ·. :, .. exceedlnq .6 .years -·.1 year after..issuance of :1
'a ·tacit agreement for. a. temporary . ce~s.ation. of . the order of provisional dismissal. . . . . \::,,•
hostilities, i:e._; to. ·momentarily hold -~n ·ab~yance the : · · 2.. ,Offenses_. puAis.hable·· by 11}\prison~ent ·pf·,.~).
pr-osec(Jtiori" of the' accuse~. . . .. . . ,•, 111o're.-;ttian-6. years ~2-years .after":issuance of : .'&
. .. . _ . . . _ . _ . :. ;;-"""~ ... ::.~he·.o'rd~r· cit _proyfsi<?i:i~I: ~i~-~issa"I° (ROG, Rufe_ . 'Ji
. The_expr.e~consentofthe a,ccus~d.toap~1slon~I r,- ·j~, 7
1!. . 1'1<'l,,,.Sec. 8) .. · - ..... · .. ·.· · ·. . · ···j
·.dismissal.of.a ·criminal cas.e.-is- t9;,' /\ }"",~-,- ... : :-- .. ',: ·. ·. · ·.· ... :· :_. :·:-'
·: subsequently ·.a!iserting .- that the~~vtwil} cjf )g~,,;,;;.=~<i~~±Tl)'~ro~sion.~hq4ld .be:cons~ued to .mean . ·.J
criminal· .. c~s~_. w]U;_.pla.<?e :him ir~[' 0.1;;ly _. _ . that'~.,4~ or.d't~ of dlsmiss~l 'shall .. become_ · J
· (Pe_op/e v. Lacson., .G.R.'No. 14j~ ·~J/?1~3)~'jf''-p~r,~<!M~~r;re ~~~(:c1ft~_i:.sery1c;~.qf.the:order o~. ·.1i
. ·. ·- . , ·. . · .f
£..h J'/ / , . . ,m . ;{'.., . -~1sm1s,,<;1l~.,,1:i.,-A.llj 't~ubli.C?.. _prosec~tor wt,~ has , ·:;41
Note:· Express consent is. given ~ltl~W viva voce tif. · ~ .contr.ol \of.tffe J)r:ose'cutlon. Without. the. criminal·. J
in. writi,:ig. :. It is a 'positiv~ ._d{ref,· tu1~uiyocal · ~.!'.).\ case tiaving,-'i\iet'1(~e\ived. Tlj:e public pro~ecuto.r ·t]
~ooserit, requfriog no ln.fei:e~or impJifa'fio'i'lrcrA 1ixll "-caimof"~e exp~c;!~t~. c;o_mply wit_l:i, th,e :tirne!ihe '.~
supp'IY,ing its'meariing. TheRn°ere-J?i1action.f\r.sif.era'~ !!ill ~ll'ess lje is· i,~ed~j'h·a copy.of th_e'order ..of 'j
of the a~c.used.or his failuretto_g,9-je~tto.a pr~V.isio6~\~~J'.liSmi~s§.1Peop/~jv-::-L.,f-~ son;· G.R. No. 149453, April ;1';1
· dis_r:itss~I of the ·case doesfoot-la, our(fJ~f~xpre·s~?r~:1' 200~t y::, ·, ,H · · - . :- . > . · · · . . --~
. cons.ent (Peop/~.. v: Lacson, \G(R?'-)~; 11,~~~Apn
.. 1,-2003). . \\ .J \, ·~:i~f''" ~-' 7;;;~-·. 7,}:::).. · ff~ il.
'7o'fl.'J... ~l:{ev1v~a.Gas_e.:
> ·. : : , .
· ., . .- · . .
:j 1
. . · · :._- · · . \ . , ,- \ (V ~- E . '-~ ,~:R~';iittn~J9fthe lrif~rrnat)on; or : · .... . . ~-~~
· WHe~ Dismis·~al Becom~s Pttrmaner'lt_(Tiril~~ 2[?~1'ng~,1iew.l_nf9fmation for th1f.saine,'c:iffenseor ·. ,1
. Rule} . . : . · . · ,, .. · ::, · ,5'QJEfrr\b;9nep(cessaril"lfincluqe_d.·in-ti:1.e.<?fig~na(oft:ense·. · . .J
:· JJP.Ofl the_ ]ap~e of the_.period fo(('stai,ment..__,!1Ef--,;-.:.£!L:l..~l:rarg~,"'r /" . _·· . . . . . . ·. .:,_-1~
. State . is .presul)'l~d. albeit· disput~bly,.~rt,.av~...,.-~ -1.)\~ .. -.r."'l-t : ·. . ·. · : ·: · . . . . · · -~
abandonea or Waived its righfto revivett~~:E_a'se}nd. J\ff.j~b~!:l'g'M~~iYe,provisio(i~IIY:-dlsniis.sed .criminal· ;~
. prose·cut_e. the ·acc:;_us~d: He can _no 16r.fge..i:...;e_e 1:~11:. <:3!,S~.,_fof selling_ dangeroLs dr;ugs ,may l;\.e._.fil~ by · ~
· · <,hargejd ~~~w for th~ s·am~ crime. qr. .another- cri~~=~af:e~ting.offic'r since offehs~ oharge~.: a victimress -}j
.. neces!,ar.ity: mcluded theceln. The State·m.ay .revive. .cnme.(Salda,rtega, v:'fln,,_G.R: N_o_•. 21.1933; .···1
. a ~eyofld the '1>ne-year·or two-year April 15, 2015). . .- . . . . ~-. . . · .. :·;j
.. 'periods, pfovid~d -th~t 'th"er.e .· is a. :justifiable· . . . . ~ ..... ·.. ·. . . . '. ': . . . /lv.l
:,necessity_ fqr.·111e .de_!ay- (Peop/~. V;,:Lac.~t?n,. G.R: . , . Under· th'e Adminis~rative.· c'octe. ~f. 19~7, .. ~ year is .· ·,:
No.·.149463;·-Aprit..1, 2003), .,·· ·. . :. ·. · · . composed of 12 calendar months. Hence the.:tact · ~;
. : . · ·. .. · . . · · . . tha.f February ~004 ._t:,ad 29 ,day¢. is }re~Yan_t since. ·. J
Co~ditlo~~ $it1~ (:lQ~ :Nciri. to· the· _Applic~ti~~ · of the-la-:V speaks_ of"c:Jar mon_ths.:H~nce, _a ~otiQn .. , ~~
·.:the Time-Bat Ruta · to rev_1ve filed.on i-~uly_4004 was 'N1tt11n 12· Ci3le~-~r _ :~
-1 ·: The. pro.secution with th~ ·express .c~n(onnit/-ot-
. .. the ·:·.accused ··or-' {he a~cused moves · fora
: morit~s from ~2 July· 2.0Q3. (Co v. Nel"I .ProsperiJy ,
Plastic. Produc{s, Inc.,.,:G,R. Np. 183994, .30 Jufle. · ;,,,
pr9.visional (sfn. pe_rju/cio).dismi~sal of\he ·case; 2_014)' . . .. :1
or bpth the::prosecutiorl and tile accused move
.for a provisional dismissal of-the case~
. 2: · · Th~_otfendeo notified .of f~e motion for a
· .
OR ·.
. ' '1

. . . ;pr-ovisiolial dismissal of th~ casef. . . . . . ' . .. . . . . . ,.";,;
. ·3: Tbe court ·iss1,1es ,an· order- granting, the motion The-fallu~e to a.ssert any.ground of a, n:iotlon !~ quash. .·j
, and·dismissing the:c?ise· pi-ovisloria]!y; and· . · before. he pleads, .eittier. beci:'!use ..h.e did. not.file a ---·.j
4·, . The public prosecutor i~ secved with a· copy of motion to qu_ash or failed ·to. allege ·th~ same in said . ·. t
the order of provisional dismissal of the case moti':m; .shall be _deemed a waiver of any objections. :':j
. . . .. ~s

. .
. -;l


. CR·i M.·i NAt·· pR()CED:l:J,'R·E·
ctiWiM,. ADM see+ 1
it · _w & a Ii . "

.except: (NoJ-JE'DI).'.•I . . ..3, and so. on. The;~ affidavlts ~hall ser~e as direct.
1. · That the facts doNot constitute an.offense.'. te'stimonies of the.accused and his witnesses when
2·: That-the cour(trying'the·casetias_no Jurisdiction ·tney appear before thecourt to testify (A.M., 12-8~8_-·
. over the 'offense charged;·. . . ; . . .· . sc... Sec. 9)i .. · . , . '. ·. · . . · . - . . . ..
.· 3. Jhat tile crijnlnal liability has beeh §xtingulshed;
and . .. . . Note: The Rev/sed·'C3uldelines-for Continuous Tiiais ·
·.·. 4. ·. That the defendant would be .piac~d in '.Double {A.M .No. ·15~06~10-SC) .-provides· tot: new 'rules ."
· · [eopardy' (ROQ, Ryle 1 ;t 7,' Sec: 9);. and· . · . . . · ret;arcling · forms . ol . testimony, · .including . -Ju.dicial
• · 5." ;f.h~t th~ officer who fil~'d [nformation had .no. affjoallits, See:. discussion·. under. 'the .Revtsed
authority to-do s9 (Qulsc1y' v. People, .'G, 'f?. 'No.: ,Gl}ideli~es for comlnuoue Trials. · · · : · ·
·,. ·' ·: 216.9_2.01\fanu;;:,~.13; 2016). . .. ; ·. · ·. .; .
', . · · . · · · · ·.SECTlpr.f.··1-::a: PRE~.TRIAL;.· MANQATORY 1N
;. The_ .. defend~~e~--~i~a
.the Jnf6r-r;nati~n Is 'not a.
· · ·. walver {O fil~ motion to 'quash o'n"the grpund :of lack.
CRIMINAL CASES. · ... ··. ·
·. ~·urp.os·e~·'pf~~e~t.rfal. : : · . .
:i .' of jµri.~di~tion·.By. express-provlsion ofth~- ru.le~.and · 1: 'To simplify the .lssues of the· case; -, . .
~:-· PY a 'loi:ig 'line of. declstons, qt.i~stlc;:>hS. of Wc\nf of -2. To .shape ·1.11{the ~~stim;onie:i and documents· to
jufisdictiqn ,_m1;1.y be . ralsed ·· at ..any. s_tage of the . .presente.d at trial; .a Ad. · · ..: · . · .
,proceErding~ (People v. · Gartin-, 'G.R: ·No. 153f76, . :· .:.... 3: _.T9·g.el')~rally_·c1Eiar_.~rid'orgaqize.tfle·desk.ofth1:f,
March ~9. 20~4). ,.. · · · ·· parties for th~ trial (PA MARAN, supra at- 495), .
.... ·;··:·.,A·. · .... ·.·. · ... · . . . . . .- · .
..,..........._ .......~ ....._., .... .____ ,.... ._ . .._.~.,...;.;·.1()(,
.. Pre-Tcla! lri C~~ifd.ases v.' C.r\minaf"
/·1.r.t\ ,_. ,.
· .,{,.1~ . -· ·.. Cases·
.T 1 · ri,8
. . . .. . ·\} .• -t.i~'r!l'f.~~-J
. RE."'. R AL · f ;J?:{f'.;.,;
. - ·>(/
· · .. ':f. ·,4 \_i ip:"'-
. JU . c··IAL .. AF. .. •. . . >-:;>,.. : . . ~~ [1 ..
. . or . i:m~VffRULE .. -:r-r .f .<' ,;•.rl ~.. . . . ,f I .• . . ....•.•• · .
(A ..M, No:. 12.-B><tl'~SC) .. . . .: /2,ft:--. · · /: . . -, -,.. The ~ pr~:~ _c~1 of .. the. T,h_e.~_c_cu.sed:·,~·mereiy
·. · .. . · . · ·. · ·A.,.··U-· · k'!'i;d.f. , . t.;t ·
.~ef~hcfan.~ . ·IS 't/equ,red,. requrred to sign. tl,!3.
Applicatl~n of-Ru.I~ to:cnmirJ~(~~iqn;_;f[b'e-:g:_gJ,;:~ '·,·;\ ~~li3s~ // h~.-'-·:i~:.· .._d.u[y_ ~rJ_t~en·. ·. a~t~en:ie~t
This rules.hall ~pply to.all·.crim1~·'!-w~\(MAP.>.·. ~
1. · Where _the _Maxirnum. of l~ impo~~~ pen}Rl~. ·
:A .
r.~pre~1~tedJL!~~i!.Pr,~~ :_m . :th?. pr~~·,
tr.1~1-,,'\~<j?~~e?1fr.'!'!!1t~.- y1c1I r.nnfer~nce, if~~· 1s ..
· does,not exC!3ed 6. ye_ars; _._ .,....,,~::,,· ·~\ .. _.. v :-:j ;·t{ · 'Coun_s~I-wlf{(U)e-:-re~u,~1te .I~ co~f(?rn,1tyther_ev.i~tfl,
2 .. · ~here fhe·\h~u~ ~t·Judicifu1 . l;,-/ !3uttio_nty ._to .. e._oter· •.~t?. a unle~:3 _.. . ~th~~1se.
··a~davits,~h'res'~e9.tive.?~the peria1t~(irii!9.l}1~d/ or,. hi~.
,~g~P.~~mls~... agreem~nt. ~e,qu1re~ by the ~ourt.
3. With re.spect to. the _g1v1l.~spec_t_1?'f.'tt,1~....,i::ic~l9..~~_d~Jt;)~,~l~~,t',.in.~1th~r of·e·penalties involved ar..e0 ·· '/~,,. .,. . ·· ·the.oas~'-Snall- proce~d-as
_. · . . _, · . . · .· ... \~·.}. (' I~ ·. . · If the de,f7.ndant,has be~n
·su_bmisslon .9f -:Judicial: Affidavits,~$yt·tl\e·
Prosecution,·· · ·: · . ·.
}he pi'ose~utio~ .shall.subll)if the juc;lic/~I affic:l~vits .of
· declared def~ult. · ·

' . !!i
it~. witnes~_es nQt: l~~er than ~ ·days before th'e· pre~ . The preserice bf. the' Th~ .presence .of th.e . : .
trial~ serving copies of tt:ie'·sanje'·uport ·the,accused. plair.itiff is· requ1red at
t~e private ·cjffe.nded:
Tfie.compJaina(')ror pubJic prosec·utor sh.all a.ttach tb p're:fr(af 1.mles~ · excused party is not required i:it : ··.
the affidayiis ,su.cJf_do9\,lme,ntary ~,cobject evidence therefrom for Valid. ~aus:e the . pre-trial. lnsteaq,'· ..:_ ..:
as he.may have',11'.larking E~hibi~A.·a;._c, . or 'if•. he. is represented he. . is r'equ!r~cr to.. /
and s·o·ol). No further j1,1dicial a·ffidavit, documentary,· · , ·therein.. by ~f person ·'fully appear . at · the,,: ·
·· or object evidence shall be':admnt~d at the trial.(AM;- ~ut~oriz.ed.'. in writing. : to arraignrneni. o( : the ": .
12-?-B:-SC, S~c. 9J: · ·,. ·· ; . . . · .: ..... perform the,acts. specified accused . for purpos.e,s. ..... ;
.' . : . . . fn 'Sec:' if,.Rule ·1 a: : . ·. •. ·of . -plea. b!)rgaJninQ:.· . : :_;:,
· . ·s1.,1brriission . of Judicial · .. Affidavits .by_. .. t~e· . . · · determination of. dvil · -;: ·
· Abs'ent -such justification,. li~bllity; · and . ~th~t: '_:".;
Accused ..
If the ·accused 'desires fo-·be. hea:rd on his· defense t.he. .case . 'inay, be matter:s .requiring'•his, "'.. ·:.
after r.~ceipC··of· the -~ judicia·I affidavits of . tfie dismis'~ed· With or without' presence. ·.::· -:·
prosecution, tie shall have the option-to submit his .. prejudice_: . . '•t;o:'':
.'' . .-.
judicial affidavit a:s well -a.s thos~- of his witnesses to . . Should . he · fail
. · tht) court within· 10· days •from ·recelp("of such _appear . ·f<:>( : ·::
affidavits arid'serve .a.copy of each·on ttie public.and ·. ·arraignment·; ~·n4. t~.e.,
pfivate prosecutor, induding his ·docul'ne11tary.. and · · accused offers t0:pleact : .
object e1tide_nce_previously' marked as Exhibits. 1,, 2, . ., guiity . to a' . lesse:r

CR.1,M·.1:N.AL· eROC.ED·U R:E

'6ffe'~se· .' · necessprily Sec, 23 · of-: R.A. 'No: 9165, . disallowing ·. plea
included iii tlie 'offense .. · bargaini.ryg in :drug :cases,.. i!S ..· unconstitutional for fi.
charged, lie . may . be being qontrary to .the ·n,i1e-:maki!')g · autho~ity · of the
allowed to do . so with Suprem~ Court under-Section 5(5); ArticleVl(I of the
.th4;)· co.hformity' ·of the · 1987 Constitutic,m (f=stipona, Jr, v: Lobrigo, G:R. No.
!rial prosecutor alone.·. 22667~, AUfJt1Sf15, '2017)... ·:

· Plea Bargaining FrJ:lmework hi. Dr~gs C~ses

. . ·. · (~.M/No: 18~03-.16-SC)
.A pre-trial _brief required .T~e Ruies·. do.· . .ri6t . ·-
.. . . ·.· ... ,
.. · .
. with' tha" particulars "ilnq require the. filing .of a
. · thesanctlons priHrial brtet incrimlnal
Sec. ·6, Rule 18. · · casesbut: only require' ·
. . . . . attendance a( 'a . pre- . SEfC. . n, .pai~·. 3.. Seg. ·.12::Po~E?ssiori ~i
' . trictl' <, 'coRfetenc~·-': to . Possession . ·. ·: ' . ' . of -~qu'rpment,.. ii')strom'eA,t,
· . -ccinsider-·· the matters . . .·Dru!;!s. Apparatus·. a.riq ·-. Other
!?late~· ·in· Sec;. 2, .· Ri/lii _(V'/here . . guanUty_ ;:··.:9-f Pa.rap_~crnali~ ·. -, ·. for
_-: '1,18(2 .. REGALADO, shabu, ·: . .op1,Ur,,"DangSr!)ys Drugs. ·
· ::.~ · · . .. . . $Dp'ra·at ~19-520): · · : · . . morphine, · · ·. heroln,' : · ,. ,.·· · . , '·.
. . . ·: ''. . · · .. ; · . ~~'=-:_:=:.~o~~:·!s less· than- 5 Penal\Y_.:6·rtionths··and 1
Mandatory Pr:e-tri'al..ln
In 'a1_1 cases 'coqnizable l::>y th~ Munici~ri~r ~o.~~
·tf if"
· · · · :···
0,· . ·. _. . .
day__~o 4 yearsand a'.fih~.
ranging from P10;_0~0 ~?
Municipal Clrcult · Trial . Court, ~~rop~~jtc'.'fri~I. · .. }:).e(~~Yi-tr1~_ fe?rs. ~ 1 ..P~o:o.oo... _ · .. · . .. . : .
Court, Regional Trial 'court, and"SanJ;Jf~an?fJi.J1i:fF• ·.ef:;: .,. ·d~y ~o~~ ¥,~~rs
~,~J1ne · . ·. . · , -: · . -_~;~·
. the)u.stice or judge shall; aft_e';tfel.faig_rO}lm!forder;R··· 2.f. ·-:ran'§lni, fr,e~~~fS,~fOO_ · : · · : , . · .j conference to' cons19,er t1(it1oilowt9:(P§"J .!.~Ni. ~ P_4o ,_qoo,. ·.ii: · \\: ·., : ·. · · · · · .. -.:;J~-~"'.·:i.;:
VVaMMO) . . .· ., · . t' . _f ·. ·,. .;. :_ ·. ;., . .. -~s!=.:._.J~1, ~;p~) ~· Sec: 12,. ~Q~~~sslon, of i
1. EJ~.a ba~g131"'1ng! · : ...
Z.. ~tipu~ation ~f fa9~~; . ~ ~Ji . .
fl ~ /j .. · . ·. ..
t "-~-b'F~
~\ · · Pos~e~1on l, "~ ~f. EqurP.ment, . lnstrµ.ment,
'Q:ai'iger9us lr"orugp. Apparatqs .. an~ .. Other Ji
. 3:.. Ma~mg for '?~·n.~1{i?'3il0i:lof,~~~~.n~e; .\; · ·1'W~-~ro/rr::- qua~tlt~_""'i,~{ Pa~apl}enialia : . . . fqr )

4. Wa1~ero~obJ~cbon? to.{d~~~1!1.t~-ofJvi~enc~;~~rilianJ~~~~ts l~ss tfi.aJl D.angernus pru~s: .. · · :);·
5. Modrfic~tlOfl ~f.the ordef_Ofr,illfl).lf t~ei G,C'OS~'9-.~ .,··.:. ~300 <fira~~·· ··.f~-·'(/ ~ .··. ·.~· . · ,, · ·\
. . ··admits-.· the charge .. O,U\_ (l;llteijese . .<~~'ta~wwfu~,
. . detense{reve_rs·e·tr1~1);.~n:~.· .. · '\ . ~s\~~
J: i:-/,d;~~-,.
~ ' ·,}'. ·.
·,1'.~-9~,'~.:12../,~rs a~#-1
.t;- .. PEin~lty~6 months an'd 1
.da..y 4 years ari~.a tine · ·.. ·.~t
6.. Other ?natter~ that.· w1!l._'f~omo~e\_a.f~.,~/a.._t?'~~/.:-<'fj(y.~: 20 X~~r.s;ancl>'fine.rangiil.9 from_P,1'.0,000_ t(?· .· q;
e~ped11iOUS· tnal of. lhe .. c1v!I ~d cnm1r:ial a. CT ~I:, -r: lf?."!,.Jfom f1ri# fro.m PS0,000. .
of the case (~OC, Ruf~ 118, ~q._..1).
. ·. ·. . . .
.: '..IQ~ ....
-='' C-•·"":~ ~ 'IY >~,;,>'. .. .
. .. '
· .. -· ... . . .
. · ·
. .. J,~
When to _con~udPre-l'ria·, . · -'._. ·~. , .·.v 7- ..· --. , ,. .s~~\\JtY par'... :2.'' ' .. ~·1_; p~,.., ;t . "l
.Afl:'?iQnment an~$11 be:s~t· 1if.eaj._~jar lVft. '~·~J_£~s1on. ·. · of P~s.sess1on. ·.-. .of ,.
d~ys fr<:iri'.l·.of.lhe:bourt.'s rec¢1pt.of·the caseT6r-=:.E? : ~r:igetou_s .. · ·. Drugs D~ngerous Drugs ..' .~l
·a ttetained~ fjccused, ~n·d. withl.ti · jo caJ'end8r da}is· · (Where · quantity of : . . · . 'i
· ,from the· date the coyrt acquire~ Jurisdictiof"! over a shat?u, · · opium; :Penalty.:·1 Z years·~nd -1 . ··1_t,~.
'non·~c:1eta.ine~ ·accuse~. (1;M .. No:_ 15~06-1.Q-SC; mo~hin9:,· ···. l}E:}foin,. day _to 2?
Y_ear,s.anct· a . ,.f.'J
· 'Sul)heading Ill, i{.em·no: 8). · · · cpc_aine 1s 5 gmms·-or .fine· . ·.·ranging · ·from . · .. · .: ,
. . · · , · : more ·. .·.-· bul . not P300,000 l,o P400,000. · _:,fj
~1e~s~r9 a1riil'.li · < :,. · ·; ·-.·. · . ex<?eeain·g10 ~ram_s).;'-: · · '· .;·,· · · · ·:. · · · -
· (See discl.Jssion_ln Buie 116, Sec.· 2)-
.. · ·.Penalty: -20 years tci life
. . . ·.. ,· ·. . .
· · :·. ·· ·

Pfea bargaining. js encouraged ·.(R.A. No; 8493' . imprisonment and fine· ..

'ot/ietwise known as Speedy-Trial Act of 1998).. ranging from P400,000. .· ..
~o· P500_;ooo. · · ·
Ruies on F'lea Bargaining_!~ R.A. No. 9165 or.the Sec;· 11, · 2.. ~~c .. 11, , · ·3 ..
C<>mpreh~ns.lve Dangerous D~ugs Act · . . . .·Possession , . . . . of Possessic,n· . . . . of .
Dangerous.· Dn,igs Dangerous Drugs. ·.
Plea ~arga;nln{I~ o,~·g ~a~~s; Al~~w~d · · · .
(Wt,~re the qi.Jantjty of .. ·:. . .. · ·: ..
In this jurisdictio.n, plea bargainirg has b~en-.defined. marijuan~, is·300 grams .Penalty: 12 years··~rnd 1
as "a .. process· .whereby the .,accused and the-
or !TI Ore but not.. day 'tq 20 years ai:l.~. a
proseculion .. work out · a mutually satisfactory· · exceeding,5,00 grams... ·fine.. .ranging . (rol'n
~isposition ·of the c~se subject to court .approval." )=>300,000 to P400,000., .


CRlM·-1-NAL· PRO,c·eo:.u-Re· .

Penalty; 20 years-to life ·.. . Imprisonment to :oeath.l diiy to 4.yea_rs and'a fine
-fmprison,nent and, ·fine· arid "fine ranging from ranging from P10,000 to I
ranging ,ftom. -P.400,000 · • PS00,009 _- :, '· · to ·1 P.50,000 ..... ' •..
.to P500,Q_OQ·.. : ·. ·I . :·· · .·. · ·.
sec, 12 .. Possession of Sec. Use 'of . ·-is:·-··
Equipment, , Apparatus D_angerous·gs, . .2;
and Other P.araph~rnall~· · . . . Alfagre~me.~tsor admlsslons orentered into made.
.. for Da_n·gerous Or:ugs. : pen_alty: · If accus·ed during the pre:.frial.conference·st1a"ilbe: .· . . . .
' .. . .. admits . drug . use; or.. ·, :. i. -R_educedto\'.iriting; an.d .. .. .. . .
:Penalty:-_6monthsandt. found.posltlve after drug 2.: · Signed-by tfie accused 'and his counsel.
· day to 4· ·years arid .fil)e• deoen"dency·test: · · . . · · c• ' • • • • ··: •• • •• • • • • • ~ • ••• ••

. . rar:igir_'lg from P.16.;qoo. to: ,6 months treatment and. Otherwise··the ·sa'me·.shaunot. b,e used· i~ evidel'lc~.- ·. ·
P5{),000.. -. ·rehabilitatio~. .. . .·.·· : .·. again~{the accused:·. -: .. :.·, ·: . . . '. · .. · ;_ .
·<f.. • • . ._, •• . . • ,' •.•

. · · ,:r: . a~used _.. is. . · ". The. requ_1rem~rt._isintended to ~af~ uard t1:te right. of 9
. :· . -. -: negative . · fot drug . the. acc:Use'c;LagaJnst.impjovldent or -unauthorized
. · -: . : · . USe/depe_ndency.. · · . , . . ·.. aqreernents, 9.r"1idr:t1iS(:iJOris··which -~·ts C 0lln~~l .may · 0

. .. . ,Uflderg~.. '. cou!1sell~n$_ ' ·. . . ·. have ~nt~_r'ed:into; 9(which any _pe·rso'.n·may.ascribe ...
, · pr:~Q~m at reha_bilitatio~.,J,.;t} · t~. ttw_
·acc\,ls~? ":"ithou"t,.his~n·9wledge,-as .h~ may
·- · · _ ., ···. _: .. ·. . cent~r. . ·. ~- . . . /.~-. t: -~-:-\
haVtf~aiyecj _h1~·pr'1s~nc~ aphe p(~-trial:coriference. _ . _.
Sec: 1~., Pqsses~ii;m_?f _Sec. ··JS_. . Use· f- .•~.''~;:r·!;, (~~qple v:·
~illf!:'1ueya,_ G.R. No._ 18_1849, S~ptem_ber ..
Equiµ,ment,. Appa~at.~s D_angerqusDrugs.. :~ '(, ;·~.,1.i:1 /·
_2gtp). ···,r,.,__ · . . . : ·:·· .· · . · · · ·
and.Other ~ar:ap!lt:1n:iaha , · ·· . . ...,-:;' I. ·d·7'~·-,2" ~l:-- _· \11,l · . ··. • . · · · . ·
f.ot . Dangero\i·s 'Drug·s 'Penalty: .,Jf'c{isecl;'~·fl·'~ 'No~e....1f~~$.f'I~ fo_r.~tip~lat10.n_ss~_all.Qe ~.c;>ne w11!1 ..
<;iuring Parti°e~. . Social" ·admits . dr;uq>·.Sse, or >\.,.. J~ .
the active_P~~~1pat\Of\Of!~e t?OUrtJt_s~)fa.~d ~tJa\l not
_Gatheriflgs __ o.r ~e_etlngs. !ound oositive"'~tter drugi ~-~'-~1: < 00 l~ft,aro.~~~0·\heco_yn_sels:(~.M. _No. 15-,96'-_10-~C,_
··. · ·. · . ' · · de·pendenc;y,te~t.:ii:-,;:~_!... . ,~) ~.ubhi;-f!<!'J,. l~l, 'ft!;m 'JC!: _Bl: ·: . . . . .. · .. , . . ..
-Penalty_:~-.: . !'Aaxi_mu~· 6 _ m.q~~t\s~freattp~ru,.,an1 t-;\ -=:S~~TI~~ ·3: ~o~-..APPEA~NC~_AT- P~E-tRl.AL.
penalty 10 Se~tion 12.
. .
· -· ~
''·:.,.~;, . -6--·,,.,,, . ,.. .
;~_, CO~Ec~'"'i::t.i..J.e.:· -'Iii ·.
--~ . :;>l.ll~ ·=·/hr.;,
· _. .. · ·.. · ··
·· · . •
· · . ·. . •,-,,' - 1, ,,..,_ ~i"--,.. · • · _,i.,. ~-' ~l.;<t-''.",• '
· 'l' 1.'jj>"
· · · · · · ·
• •

.- .
If accuaed1•••.
1e,: fouAw- · . [:';.."1 · · ·. . ··E~~..;.,o:•
fa tt:. A ':ii,'; l- '-..r•u-:J F
· . . · · - · . .

· negativ~.-for~-,(,dn.i# · •:.1 Non-Ai:!pearance of-~_ros~c~tor ~! Coun~el.__ .. ·

.... · .use/dependency\!\ . :,: .. ll~
lf·the c~unselfor ~~ _ac~used or the P~?secutqrd9es'
U·ndergo· :r,,..
~ ·~ ~
0• ;'n's·•·0-·11-1ng.. ) r-:, ,~ i:rot1..appear• at the ·pre~tt,al.
l"l.>••i;J.t'I: ,·~)TJ~ .
• . .
and does: .
not. .
: prc:igram.. ~t t~liabilitati6n::-~;tl.i'1' ~ PlfE;i';••\~~!'.!JICCepta_ble __:ex<?Use... for ·__; h_!s -ra·ck_. . _of.
center . . \'.~( ' !,-,.(.? I ' cqope.r_at~on, th~ court.may.impose prqper sanctign~
. .. . . . · . .. . _ - ,..:;-.. ;;{ . ·. orpenalt1e~_. :... ; ..
Sec,.... 5. S~le, Trading; Sec. 12. P.oss~s.sidn_· of
. · ef_c: 9fDangefous.Drt.1gs; Equipment;··,n~trum(int,- lllne~~- .. arising-- "fr~m :· .high . ~lood ~ '.sl!gar: .. and .
(Metha_mphe~amin~,. : Apparatus "imd Otl:ler hypertension is _a ·good ground not to appear""-atpr&"·
hydr9chlqriQe pr .. sh.€1.PU F'arfiptiernalia. · · · · ·for tcial. but ~c9uns·el sho.t,1ld 1nfo_l'm. ~pu1;L{qaraybias V: . . .
· orily,· yttier~: q·ua_n1ity·1s' Dangerous Drugs. Ong, ·G.R .. .Nos: 174507-30, August:),_ 2011): . .-
... . ' ··: . .
less'than 1 gram). : . ' . . .
. . Penalty: 6 months and f . . : .. . ·Note: _The'°;s-anctions or pei;ialty m~y be i~ \h~- .fo;rri
Pe·nalty: . ·.. . · ·.-~ife_ :day\o-4 years·~nd i:l fin~ _- c:if reprimand,_fioe:orJniprl~onm_eri~:_.lnasin1:n::h-ijs_thi_s- .
l_mprfsonm~nt t9 · Death_ ra.ng_i119from P"10,QOO to . is· to indirecfcontemptof co-ur1, the ·penalty for
and .'fine.- .r'flrigir:ig from· .P50,000.- , ... · in.d_irect: coritempt ·may.. t:ie . lmpo~~- (fA°fv!A.RAN,'
P500;000, .. - . ·.to . . supra a( ~00). . · · . · ... : .. . · · . · : · ··
'• ....
. Non-;;.A~p~arance Ac~iised or Private Offended ..
. ~arty. . . . ·. . . .
of . .· ··...
The·court .shall proceed wiiti the pre-ti}al·de~pit~·t~e·
Sec: · 5, Safe,. trading', 'Sec: 12 .. of · absence of the accusecl"arid/orprivate complaina_r:it,
: etc. of Dang~ro1,1s- prugs Equipment; : Instrument, provided tt1ey were ·duly._notified oftf:1e. spme, an9 the.
(Mariju_an~ ~mly, . ·where Appar~tus and· Ott:ier
quantity:is·less than'·10 'Paraphernalia . -for
counset for the acclisecf, . as. .-well . the· public. as .
pros·~cu~or, are present. (A.M. No.·. -15-06-1(}-SC,
gram).- ;- . · · ; Dangerous Qrugs. · . · Subheading lll,.item no. 8). · · ·· · - L_ife .Penalty: 6 mo~tris an-a 1


.·· SECTION- 4. P.RE-TRIAL ORDER. li_!:>~I, by means . of
'v . '• ••• . .• ·-
. writings . . or . slmil~r
Afte( the pre-trial conterence, th·e court shalt issue -me·~hs under ·, Ari. "355;
an. 'order reciting the actions taken, the facts · .. :. RPC;. . .. :· ... ·-,
stipulated, and evidence marked. S1,1~h order sh~II: . ·2. Threa:t~nlng' to .
1. · Bind the parties to Issues raised therein; . · · .
2. Limit the trial to matters. not disposed of; and . ·-,
. .. and .··o(fer : to
·. _:". such . ~~blicat1on. · for·
· 3. Control the course'· of
the 'acti~n _du,:ii)g_ ·.trial, · • · compensation·underArt.
unless modified ·by the court to prevent manifest · .; · 356·, RP.C;; · · . . .
Injustice._. . ... . . ·: ... .3. ·. Prohlbltad - · publication
. '; : 'of acts. r'efen:ed'to in the
The pre-tfi~i-orc;ler shall im~ediat~ly ·b~-.s~rv~d upon · ~":,. . :course"·. . . ·"Of • official·
· the parties .and counsel on the same :day after th~... · ;' ·. p.i'~ce.ed'iiigs : uri<;1,er .· Ji.rt.
terrnlrratlon of the pre-trial (A.M. No •. 15-06-1_0-.SC,~ . - .... ·357 R.PC· .
Subheaqlng II!, item no: 8). . · · .. ·· . ._- · . ·_·. 4: ' Grii~e ·:· s'1ander.: (G"rave
-, . '..oi:a1 . ·o~famatro.ri) . - . or. · 0,
.. · -s~~IO\JS. ··an<:f · in_s.ultir:,g 1.,,
. : : · nature , under Art. . 358, '~
. . : par. :f, RPC; . j,1·
5.:. ·s1mp!e -$1ant;fer .. (O_ral · '~
·· .·.·. Oefa"mati.on_)··..:. ·not" of a · •. } 3
. · ·. -~-~_ric;;°L!s: a.rid .. insulting :·.. t
·.: .-.".:')'!;3t9.r~:. i:Jr,c;l~r f\11. 35~. . '-Jj
'c. par. 2, .Rf:'<;;;_... ._. · _ .- '
i~~~~~~- . .1
-Art, 3S9,_ par. 1, RPG,. ·· ~{
. t.. ~ Sla11de:1r by Dead - not of r,
J·~ ~ $~rf9us. 1)atu1i u_)1der· -~,.j

· -~ A.rt: 359, par,. 2, RPC; · .. - .
·a_:-: iricrimiiiating·: innocent
~"'< i persol_l-" und(jlr Art_. ~(?3,
. 1'·
· "i
-~{. ~~;{~·ii~~ aga_iti~t h~nor · ·;";I
:f . · .i.inde.r~r;t,. 3~ •. _Rp<;;. , · . · : \";
1: . 'L:ibel · .under· R.A. ; No. · /j.
.. 1017.5 : .. ·_.:. ·_.(Cyl:iercrirrie.. /{
• · P.rever:ition ·. Act. ·..of : 20_12) · . ·~
· · wher~ fhe l(a~itity ·may"_be · :1
. -civil in nab.ire;.·. . . ·. . ·'il

2:-· : Cri!ll!n.~I .. '. -n~gllg~_nce_ · 'jf.'

. ·· · -under . 'Title·:": t4,. RPC. ·;.f
Theft .: under': Art... 30"8, . : . w.heri'ftlie"liabiiity• may:"tie · .. .'
RP_C; 'qognizable: by . the, ." . .. ''re", : · · · · . · ·· -~i1
~.: ·.. ·-'1nt~llect~ai ·.. · ptoperty ·
fiis"tJevet courts; . .·. . : .
Es.tata under"Art. ·315· (1),: .: . . rights· . cases . where th(;) : . .,,
RPC·, e:kcept estafa !Jnder · ·. ·· ifabiiity mii!y. ." be· civil· in .. _·._:_:~:;... _{_\~:
. Art .. 315'(2).-and:(3)_;,. ·. ··. : . 'nature; "(AM. No. ·15-0Q;- L
Other forms of- tp-sc, · Subhea·alng _fll,:- .· f'ff
· swindling "undei' Art .. 3161 )temfto:9} ·. :" .. · . . ··-
. RPC; :::: :· ·_··· . ·4_ · Under· .. :the : ·. Revised · .. ~ .
· .Swindling·. pf .. a- minor · ·. · · . Katar.unga:!1p ... · ··, · · · . j}
urider.Arl-31"7; RPC; .· .: .. ·"Pa_m!>.ar-P.l'.l~~y·.L;:;iw~. all ·t:c
Other deceits· under Art. · · · civil and. -criminal .. cases .:. <~·
31"8;-RPC": and · ·· · filed with ,.a.certificate to ··.-!'

· Maliciqus · · rnlschlef . · .file aGtion :Issued.· by the

under Art. 32?,1 RPC; . . · . . Punimg, Bara11g~y. or· the·
Pangkat . . · · . ng
· ... · Tagapag_kasundo;and ·


. .
c·RIMl·NA.L~PRO.G·E.··o:u.R·E -,
. i-W . . .· .. . . I # .
· · · •· .
I )ijiiHii . NA AWA li&SYIHAtr'f,,or'r.

· ·· Said limitation shall not apply where special laws or··

5. i.The. clvll aspect of .l~ss, circular.of the Supreme-Court prqyjde. for .a shorter.
grave ·_. · ·::fefotJ,ie_s:. .
punishable by correctional perlod.of ume.", . ·. .: .
; . ·.-: penallles not· ~xceeding 6 · . . . . · t ... ·.
. ·. years . ·: . tmprtsonment; Cases Where Tr1a.'Is for ·shor(er Period: . .. .
where·the offended party]': 1. · ·Qrug.·Cases· '(RA 'No. 91.65) - Trial must be
· · · · Jfinished ·not:later than 60 .days. from ·filit1!:fof
. is· a private person. .(A.M. . .. lnfcrrnatlon and .decision within. .15: days frorti · .·.
. No: · 11-.1~6-SC..PRILJA; · .submlsston. . ·.. ..
a,L,. __ P....,a_rt_O_n....,e_(3 --'-·:.. . .,_.,
---·~~-J._,_. 2: . Environmental Cases - Trial shall commence30'.
,: . · · .. --·:. ~ · -~ . . .. · ', ·. ·· :·., ..... · .... · · · · · .,\ . ~ ·'9_ays_fr9fl1 arralqnment and pre-trial andmust be·
. Cases NOT· to.Be. Referred, for ·cour:t Annexed- flnlstied within 3. months. · After- the · 30-day -, .
. Mediatltin f:incfJu.dicial Dispute Reso)uffon; .. _: ,· period for filin9 of memoranda. there must be a_ ..
· -,f. other crirninai' cases not covered ~),ove; · ·. . ... . decislon, within 60 days. ·. .. · . ·: ,
2. . Cr;iminal:cases_.s1,Jbje'i::ft(>the Rule·o.n-Surnmary · 3·; '. lntelladual 'Property Rfghts 'q:ases -~ ·:trial ·shtJlf..
P.rocedui~. · except tbose.. cases '11J.el'\ti9n~q .· .' , commence so days ~ron:i .arralqnmeritand pre-. ·
. .·a~ve '{,4. "!f-, _N.o. ·f5~Q6.-.10-SC;. Sub~e;;j_qing··11?; .trial and·,mUstl>e ·finished ,within·120 ~ays·:After
,Jter:ri'rJo. ~J:·a()a:.. .. : , .. ':.: .. , .... -:- .· ·. . tHe30-d_aypetiodior·filingof.memot.a·nda,)here
3. All.· under R.A.. _No. 9~64, (ADti~Viol~nt:~ ITlust qe a decisfon within ·90 days: · · ·. . .
!3gainst ~omerfand:_Cfl!ldr~~),.~?<c~ptwhere tp~· ...i"- . . . . .. . . ,. ,, , . . . . .
parties agree t~ .sub!11lt· to. n:ied_1~t1~n (A.M. N.f;;;.1_ :T/· · NQte: .The t,-ial dates· ma_y· 1:Je shortened ?~P.ehdinQ ..
11-1-6-SC-PHILJA). · . ·. . ·. /;;-t,i(;J\ ·
on. the number of witnes~e-~to be_ Pr_e~ente~ (A.M. .
: · '. · . ·.. · . · . · ·· · ... ·:. : ·... _·_ ··(j:vt;;!,:~J
~o., 15-Q6-_1~~sp, $_ubhea_dmg 111'._ 1fe1JI no. 8)..
. . , _,,J', .,, -l'-.f••2..,..;- :::i-,..,;. :I:_,., ' ·· · ' •· · · ·. · ·
· · . · . · · ·. ',./,,'/. ..~ ; ....,.r·,;._:,µ_fostpon~metits .... - · . . ,'
,: ·. .
·. , . . ·.
R.l!~.~ t9. ·.. · ...
.1 :_,,)-;)7 < ·~;',r .
-=-:t:;~~-"··.: . .. '~·,-t'J · . ·~ _f>ased oi:it~Ft~. Gqd, fc..,rce fna1eur~•. o.r physical .
_Jx,c~pt if .r
· . . .. : · . · .. · , . : ·1~"',. r!. · · ·.i ~ ;t:.-r•K.·
lnability-ofJ~~ 'llllC!l!; to :::i~p~~r and testify. l~.any
·. ·· . ; · · . · ··: · ... . l/J. ·k_t.,"i;::t-" ·.· (; -cas~.- the/s:>r'fiSelit.ta.tlon_,of ev,den~~ mlI~t st,1! be : .
SECTION f.-TIMl::'TO.PREP~.'.i:tbRT~~. ~.. ~:;\ ..fini'she!i,9!) ttj_e 9!tes· pr~viously aweE!d u~on.(A:M.
~ .. · · ·. . -- · . · · .. :lh;J' . __ -;;r.;l~ .· ~····.~
· . Trial . · . . ,· ,~~r. .''"-::~"1:;i'>:,... -~r::-i,.
No_; 1f;fl.f~.~4~~:"~,r';,theadlng
t.iJ . ~,1,~t:_r ,d.;'~!r.···Y
/1/, ..
?). . .
· · ' ··.
The· ~xamir;iation. before- a.~ 0rnp~~11f;tnb4~1~~ lff(. _Note: Tn,~~!~~1i11ce.,of cou,~se(.. d~. parle,_ t_he
aCC?roing toJhe:laws 'o(t~e.)and~'9f;JB~~J~_ts

pµtif! ·.
is~l,!e'in a .case; P.Urpoi;,e· of_il@i~rmitl!\'.\~_s_uch :
hec!ring sha!I _proce~d·:~pon. appomtm~nt !'Y.,the .
qfa,.couns~I de_ officio (A.M.,_.N_o:_ 1&, , . '.
issue,.(PAMARAN;,s_upra at'502), .. \}.:_.,{.,;,1 . 1;.,.,7__._,q,9..~rt
/tl_1~;s.J~tieadt[lg 11/,.ile_m no. 13). . . ·. . ... . . . . .. .
.· - .·.. ·. ·- . : .·· ... . ·-6~. ·ifa~~t._~!'.,~·<·~)_y· .._· . . . ·.\.. .. . : . .
W~~r{Trial S~'lll Com·~Emce ;-- . . t~r:. :lJ-4° . . SECTIO_N3. EXCL~$iON~ · .'· . :., . . . .
_After_c! plea:.ot.not Q\,lllty..1~·.ent~re_d,th~. .a9~u.~!-~,~h~ll '. · :· ·. ; . · : . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . '. : .
hav_e ~t. least :1,? days ~o _prepare fodnall--"fhet,:ial Exclusions in C_ornp~tallon of-TJme w.1\hm ~tuch
shall commence witl;lir:i-30 days from rece!ptof_the triaf·mu'st·co'mmeilce:·· ·. ' . . . . .
prei:triai_ ordi:,i'. : ... < ·. ,. ·.: ;·;;. . ;_ : . . ;_;. · The 1ollowf!19,periods.c,f delay.s,h_aii' pe e~cl.tided in
.. :·. . . .. ·. . . . . . '· . ·-· ·,, ~ .'.-'.: _:, .. ·' . ·: ·.. corn'puting: the time .within . ·wtiich . niusl
. Denial.of the rigl':lttq prepare ,s reyers,bl~ :rror. 7"he ·commence:: .. · , .. · · ...
p~oper.r~fl'l~c;Jy,_ from a jud~_l"fleritof_!=On~1ct1on_µnder .1 ·.· .. 'Any_, period; of delay·.. resulting . from .. "oth~r-,
:su~h «';!,~s~ .•~. ~PP~~'::·a_rid n_ot c_e_rtlpran,t:1~~ hab~as . · proceed_in!;i'Sconcern\ng ttie, 'it1c_lu~Jng
:co,rpt.(s (Mor,fil{a-.y; -~re/lane,,: .G.R. · No .. 123,872, ·. '· but riot limiled'to·the fo.llowing: .· ·. ·; ·.
. January 30; 1998~.· .. · ...•. · . . · . · · .... , : a .•.. De!ay. fr,om·an. examTn~_tion·6! the ·
~EC~i~N.: 2. cdNTINO~us· . T~IAL:. 0.NTtl . . .. _ptiy~Jcadt:'-an,d ~en_t~.1 :_con1itio'n:.. ?f. th~
· • · .. , · · · . . accuse , · . • · .·
TER!IJIINATED; ·p~Si'_PON.~MENTS ; . . .. . b·.. : .Del~y resulting from .proceedings. :with. ·
· ·. • . · · · · - ·
· Trial once comme11ced shall cor:itinue froi:n pay to · , · res~cno.othercriminal._c;:har.ges·against tt.i.e
day ,is far .as 'practicablk·uhtil. term1n.ate.d;liut it may.' accused;· . . . · ~ . · _. -.. · · . . · · · . ,-
.. be postpo_ned for a· r.easbnabh,r p~r1od·of time for . ·. c. Del~y resultirig·from extraordinary remedies
against interlocutory orders;
good ?ause, ·: . · ·· ·., . .cl.· ·Qelay · .. ..resulting · . •. from. pre;tr.ial -....
U~ltation·of.the--Trial Periop_ . . ... · proceedings; pr_ovided,·tn.~t the delay·does
It shall'in no case exceed·1 BO days',from the fir&t d~y not exceed 30 days; • · ·· · · ...
of th'e· triai,·. except a's oth~rwise· provided by the
Supren:ie Court. . . ':


~~=---- ..... -----mml!ll ..... ~mmlll!II----~--
. · CRl"M1N.AL-· -PRO·CE:DU~:R·E
· . ·1
,~ ·v,
e. · Delay . res4lting . . from . orders . of . conti'nuation of such pr~ceed)ng Impossible or ::~
· inhibition, or proceedings relating to _change ·
.resultIrr a miscarriage of justice: or : .·· · ·,;f
. .of venue· of. cases cir transfer frori'l. .other ·2, . · Whether or ·not the· case "takEin -as -a whole is so · ·j
· CO\JrtS; Delay re·sulting from a finding of the . . novel; unusual and ccmplex. .d~_e·to.the.n·umber -~
existence of aprejudlclal queationr.end.: . . . of accused" or the· nature of .the_"prosecutjon,·-,or. . ':
f. · . ···"Delay. reasonably attributable. to any'.·. · that it is unreasonable to expect ·-adequate· .' .,..1
period, net toexceed so days, during .which preparation . within . -the -._periods ·.. of · time· .. ·.:J
• any proceedlnq, concerning the accused'Is ·. establlshedthereln. · ·•· .•.•.-, · '.lJ
actually under advisement, · ·· · · : .... · . ·.. · . . · • .: .. ' ."J
··2:. Arif· pertod. ·of-delay·=·result\ng from .··the ··1n."aqdition, no continuanceunder__ Sec.:;3(f)·_of this . j
.absence .or .unavallabllity .·ot an_·_ essential Rule .shall be_granted because of.cqr.ig~stkm of the · ;~
witness; (.. . . .. .. . . court's. calendar; or Iack of dilig'enf·'pr.eparation~r .. }J
·. . . . failure to obtaln available witiiessef on.,the 'part of . -~
Not~:- Ail essentiai'1r/itness shajj·be-c~~-sldered, .: the prosecutor." . . . ': ''~
. -absent when hiswhereabouts are unknown or . -. .: . ·: .. . . . . .. . . . . . . · .. :]
. cannC?t be, determjned ~ith due -~ili9en.ce. He . N9te: Insofar as.the pr6secution·and the counsel for .. --i!
. shall "be considered- . unavailable in .his . . the . accused' afe. . concerned,' .a'".·. motion . '· for : : J
wh~'reabouts.ar_e.knownbut his. pres!mce-fortrial : • postpo.nel'ylentis "prohibited"except if it is))as"ed on . .i

. . ":, . . . . ·. ·: · . · _. ,~- ·iu

. ·carmot_be obtai!led·with due r;img_ence.
3.. -~!1Y ·period 0f delay res~lt1ng _fre°.1.<.Jl:ie'11{ntal .
~=~.$t?f~o9• torce :,11aief.!;e-, -or.Rtiysic~_11n~~mty-of the .- .]
w1tC1..ess.•J~- ap~ar:·and. testify·(~-¥· No .. 1"5--06-19- :.t~
J~.c;JSjWh~atl/ng:t/1,item no. 2)... ·: · .. ·. ::~
· . incoi:nP..etence or- . _physical . 1r;,~lj!J.~ty·\ ~t''>t~,;.;...---~~~~ ../!: f .. .-~ . · . , : . ~- · _ . · '. . . ·~
. i;!CCuse~ to stan.d_tr'laJ; , .... _,!,~ .'\,../... ~· · . . s~c:i;to/l.r5.:.-"'fl~~LIMl"(.FOLL,OWING AN OR~ER ,,~j
4. lfthe · ~nformati?n 1s d1sm}~seqf.l~},;.C"'m~~..,,,,F0~EW~IAL'~_ ..• · .. --,. .·. .. ·· '.-I
of the prosecution and t'1!;lr.eif.teli::.?1 ctiatge 1s. =,• · "'\ -~, .::?t'~ · · . ·, : · ·
a~y.P.enod ~fdelayfrom ~r: 1
f!!ed. ag~lnst the _accuse~f)f"-tti~,~ifmeff<?ffMsjV

_ d1sm1sse~ t.o fhr, da_te ttje: tiiw3 ;h_rn1tatipF1·•W">.IJt~.

: run as, to{ftt,l~ sequ_e~t CMJtl~
had-!here-been nd previous qp rge; . \- . ~L-
5. · A reasonable period· of°· · e.~~'1l\cp_used~~1JJl?,;sEC.
. Ai.
lran.daiJ~d b}.~trr~i?t~·
_dat;fh: c~Jirge~as ? . ,·· which IT}9st be'\Yi(h}.9lday~·tromthe date the or9er
the "c<'.)m~e.nb~i;rienfof tri~I .

l. ·. . · ~ 7"---:_-~ . ; ~ · . · .
. . fo(a ne.w trjaJ ~ecomes filial (PAMARAN, supra at
~~J , . · . .. . !I ;..:,;.,,,..d '. · . : · . ·
s:, §~[EN6ED TiME.-LIMIT · · .· . ·. · · ·
·. · _- . _ .- .
· ·. .:
is jof11ed for trial with .a-tco-9:--~::se~e.~.r~wtiemf:==~~"" · fj"·(·. ¥~ !J - . . .. ' . - · . ·
. ttie c<?urt· t,~s :not_a~quir~1(JJirJs~ctJotf(~~-~ to~-1 Jf'.tji~~~ e~,fc ·"1.ft'f46R~EY'S.DUTIES. WHERE ·..,
· . W,h_om_the. time for trial has,not rut\~Ad~- &l{1~~~- -,~<i:C~SEDIS/IMPRISO.NED: . · . · : ·. . ., ·
· _for separate trial has.bee~\~ran_t~o,;~,- .. t. 1~~ °/"s:;Jy· ·?.:·. : · ./. ·. ·. ·.. . :_, . , . . . ·. ~
-~- .. _Any. period__o.f.d_~l_ayresultm!),fr~n:'a•c<;!p,tln · ai'}e~---=---~t~ys~_9tfon re(ers- to attorneys· 9t the Public · ·,
gran~ed Q.Y any court ,motu P'"'?"f{'°·
<:>r ~,t-,:1QQ_:ffi N:1.~Q.!"!;lE!fs 1~!f1,e~i6t. the .'?~part,ment:·of Jus.tic~ yvl)o.
. Of either.· t~~ accused 9r_. _hi~; COUIJ.?01(),_slr"'tti~~~ af$.iS•tilJ'g;a,ecuseqnot 'fil')~t~ciallycapa~le to.h;'ly_e
-p~9se_cut10~, 1f t~e C?u~ granted ilie~p~"tr~~~pce 1\-- :" ~ c;p1;Jtl$~)'.;~ftheir: <?Y>'~; Th~se p~blic a_ttorney~·.ent1:r
on tb,e bas!~ ?f !~~ f1_ri~ings s~t f?".1'1 1~_b,~~~der lV.Ut®ff-,,ap·p~aranc~ In l;!ehal_f .o( the .~ccused,upon his
. tha~ the ~hd~. of,Jµsl!ce s_:rvE!d.. ~Y sa~l;\:.-==,=-,::,ie:quesf.·or that .of his · relativ.e or. upon being.
~cbon outvfe1g~· !he. best inte_r~sr of ·t_he· public · appointed as , .coi.n;isel . de Qfficio "by the . cqi..11:t .
;;i~dthe accused in a !:;pee_dY: trial. .. · {PAM~RfW,supra, a~_512:~13).: > _. ·
· $ECTION. 4.. FACTORS ,· FOR . GAANTi.N<;; .. It sha.11· b~.-ti\s: d~t~ ~~ .do th,e·1~,ii?~ing·/ .. · .
C.O_NTl~UA~C.E. , .. · 1~ - . P,:omptly un·~ertaketo o~tai_n th.e pr.esen¢e of
· · Conti~u;;ii,ce · .. . . . · : the. p.risoner 'Tor. trial ·or .cause a '-·notice tp .b.e }
Conilnuanbe means _postpon·~ment:ofthe· triai, a·nd . . . serv~d. on t1:1e p,ers_on.havi_iig_: 9l!,Stq9y_ o.f the·
are !:iUbject t6 jl.Jdic"tf]I ·disc"retloh (RiANO,. supra at · j:)~jsone/ r~qulri11_9:_sue~. person to ~o ·
... ·. 481). ·.: . . .· . : prisoner of J)is right to demand.trial:·· · · . . · .,. ?
•. . . .. ~ 2. Upqn -receipt"of ttiafnotice,:the .cus.todian ~f tlJe
·· Grantir:i9 o,f rnouon for conui:iu~nce ,is a matt~r . of prjso:ner .sha_ll.·pi:omJ>tly· -advise_·t:he prisc;iner ·of' . -~
discre.tion on the part: of court and· not a matter of . · th~ :c.t1arge-ar:id of hi_s 9emand_. trial,_ If at
right ·(Bautista v. CA, ·G.R .. No, 157219, May 28, . . any. time . thereafte_r,. {he .prfsi:>ner: ii:,forrns. his
. ~004),··. . . . · ·. . · "custodian :1h~t ·he_· dema_r:ids such ·trial, the l~tter · .
. . ~ ..
shall cause ·notice· to . that eff.ect to be -.sent
. F'aclors in the"G"rant of Conti"nuance . promptly to the public"attorney; . . . ": . . ...
1,1nder Sec. 3 "(f) of this Rulei . . . 3. ··_upo"I) r~ceipt.of·such notice, the p(!bllc·attorney ·
1. Whether o.r not th~ failure to ·grant a.continuance sh~ll prqmptly-seek to' obtain the·presence _of
in the proceeding would 1fkely make a the prison~r for "trial;


. ·c·R1MtNA.L· P·Roc.e:t:)u:R·E

· -4. · · When the- custodiqn of. the pris9ner ,r~eive.s .. observe: · . . .
. from the .public. attorney 'a· properly··s·upporte'd . · · 1. . Period from when the. court acquires [urlsdletlon
r~q\jest for ;the avallabili~y of th(;} prisone'r. for : ove~ t~e:~~rs.on.-of, the accused to arrait;1nment'
. pu.rpos~s·t;f. ttipl,,the 'prlsol)er ·shaU. b~ made .. and pre-trial ~ within- 1 O for a detained accused;
' avallable.accotdingly. ··. · .. · . · · : ,· · within 30':·d~y$ for· a non-detained accused
.,(A.M,.No:·15-06-10-SC, Subheading Ill, item no.
·. · s-=cTiON 8. ~ANCTU;)N,S'_ ·'8); . . .... .,. . • .. ·.· ..... · -.... ·.. .
· ·· · 2: , Petioct from· tti(r receipt of the pre-trial order to
~ . Certain S~fictions und~t S~c~ e: Rule 119. may. bif... the trial..,;. wi~hin. 30 days (ROC, Rule 119, Sec.
imposed ·by the. court Whenever the private .counsel. . 1);·and : .. : '. : . .. :. . .
· for the.'. accused, ·the· -pubflc: 'attorney, or the .. · · .3. Periods. of·· delay · to be.. excluded from .·
.. prosecut~r:: . . . .cofl)putation_(ROC, Rule 11~, Sec, 3). '', . •

1:. K~owingly .allowa th~· to' be set for trial . · _. 'SECT.I0~ .. ·10.' LAW.. QN SPE~DY ·TRtA~,NoT·-~ .· ..
without dlsclosinq that 'a necessary . .'witnesir . . . · -·BARTO:PROVISION ON SPEEDY T.RIAL. ltfTHE .
'would be unavailable for.trial: ". · CONSTITU:flON · ·.. . . , :. .
2. Files a motion -sotetyfor delay Whjcb be knows -.: . . · .~0- ,pr~yisio'n Of- law on · sp~ed~ trial. ari~ ·_,no -rule
is 'totally frivolous and wit/iout merit; . .. ., .. 10,plementing the ,same shatl' be interpreted as.-a bar ·
· . ~-· . Makes a statement . for;. ,the· ··.purpose : bf · to any:'·¢t,arge of d'eni?I Of the right to speedy .tnal .
. . 'obta.inin~ continuance.' he~~kri?:,VS to be . . ~ .. guar-a~tee,il.~y Sectlon _14(2);Article.O~ •. otthe 198~ '
false' and wHich-is rnaterial to the granting o~ a:''·fi'}f · Constltutlon, · .. ·,.. · . , : ~' ·.. · :. · ··.
continuancetor _ .. ··, ·. ,. · · ,_, .. · .:· . .J,}f/:;:~c;t)... ·· .. · -·· ._.· .. -. · ·.:·... · .·· · · .. :·, · :. ·:·- :, '· ·· ; ·
4: . Willfully: fails' to. proceed'. :t6". 'trial. Yiit&ov15\~)-}t (S~e· dis~us~io~ und_er· R_µfe·.·!1p Pf' ·_tl)e righMo. a .
.. jus.tification consiste~t with·.· th_e.- ·provisl;~h.1:!1:i;::rif.!';;~y,-'~:1~1-~n.ctpubhc t~a'!.. •' . '
.hereof. . · . ·. .. :.,,'.!t? l.:f.'.,ft:~sECJ;fOlll"·1'1fl(>RQ.ER.OF TRIAL . .. · · .' : ·
. . . . "j/ ...... \~ E, . --·J;· . . . .
Sanctiqn~: . ' .·· . · ·. · ·--~.: . . . .:.J.l-,..,.1.i . 1 .. .The pi;pf~cutlon· shall prese~t ev.ioence to:
.·. 1.:, ~rlvate.-Oefen~~ ~ollnsel :-:.fine_:~1tt.~~eedi!lg:..---,:l_ · · : · prove .tn~ .ct}~rge.·an~/ in' the proper ~s~; {h~ .
, . P20,000 ·a~d cnmmaf ·sanct1on~·.Mn~;t.t(~\ .. -~' . •, civ[IIWbiJLty;\ · · ... · · .. . . · · .
·2: ;_ C,ounsel . de; o_fficlo~: P,~_g!l~ '. ~tt9.fney · or._ f·;} · 2:: ','Sl:ld~ay.pres·~~tevid~r:i~<=: t~ prove his
. · P~o~~c~t~r ·-: fir:tf. -1;1ot ,~~r~dln_§!:~5,090 ;anl\ f",'j · : _·
1f any, ··a~sing_- from the ..
. crnn!nal s.anctlons, Jf an~,~~~. =<~tr. ~~. : IS~~~n~~sP.tJt'.ef
It . P.V.'Sl!)~al reme~y m·the ·c~~e_; .
3 .. ,· Defe~se Counsel or·s.~slf.t6~-:V,~Q_t!3L ~j
~Mt\~. -~ 3. . The •p·r.o.~~c"tt'tiC?n the defense· may, 1n that
c.arl ·. t:j . . ·.
..· to..~~c;1c:Uc.e before._the.c61,1,1fjryJh'~1t~~,p~esent!l(f!Iand s.ur,-rebt.ittalev_ide~ce .
· :.. for a ~ei:i?.d not_excee~1ng 30 d~~i. · t.). · .,: t,7"",f:r:-~iun·iess.·the' court,:. 1~,. fl!!-1hera.~9e ·of 'J_ust1~ •.
. · ·. . ·: · · ·. . ~~~p.·.. :: ....
~.-~)Jtft:--i.1 :~AA~!t~.
the111-_ to pr~sent add.1t1onal· evidence :
"f'h.e · pur.lishment provided for· bY,,.th1s,i,·earni'g\ upoq th.e ma1ty Issue; · .· · .
. s~al~ .be _without ·prejudi~e ·~o. i';l~Y.~~'.3.,f.>P~ep:rjate · '4 ... Ueoi1:_adm,issi.on.of the .evidence of th~ parti~s.
- . · cn~mal_. action 9r sanction . author.~~d'· \:.lnder· · . · . the· case shall. be deemed submitted . ·for·
these'Rules:. ·.' . . ... '·~'~.:' : '- ·. decision:unless thii cour(qirectsUiem-to argue··
sECtl0N ~.-REMl:PYWHERE·AGCUSE~·~s:-·Ndt ·.· . : ::,_orallyoi"to'st,i~-~it.Written m~moran_da; ...
B~OU~~':(TO.TRl>\L WIT!'ilN jHI;TIM.E,-ttrvi'IT;·.. lh - Whichev~r . order .:the. tri~i .may.· .Qe. set,. the· ·
. . _ , ." .. ,... . .., . . p,ros~ution must qe·gjv_eri':the'opportuni:fyto' present,.
_If the not brought to·rrial withiri'the timi3 . . ·it$ evidence.- Other-wise, the judgment is. a n·unity·
limlt ·ntqujred the :Rule's,. the· lnfcini'lation· may· be '{Peoplf? v..Batisacan,-G:R. No. L-263!6, Augus/'31,
'dismissed on ·moti6n of ·.the''·accused'·Ori -'the·.,·. 1_9.~?J-- ·. · ... · . . .. . . . . . : :· .'. · ..-· ...
. . grouo~ of denial of his righfto speedy tri~I. The .... . .
· ~ccUs~ Sha.II have tli'e.t:iu'tder.i-of proving.themotj9n . Note,_:. Trial·9f an a9<,essory cai:i proceed ..without
. but the prosecution shal.l ha11e the burden'"of ·going. . . ,av.-aitirig · ~he result of .the separat~ cnarge. ~gainst
'forward wi'th the. evidence tci establish the' eicclllsioii' . ·. th.e. prineip·a1. They ~re dlstirictlrom each. other: (Vino
o.t tim·~ under Rll\e, 119, Sec·. 3. . ·.· ' . . · v. 'Pei::ij:)lf!; G.R. 'f!,lo. 84163, Oc(ober ·19,..19.89).
· . . R~t;; Evidence . . · . . .
· The cii~rnis~a! stiall .be subject to the rules on.dci\Jble . Evidence to explaln or 'disP.rove· evidence off.ere'dby
je<:>'pardy,. · · · · the opp:osing side,. . lt :is:· generally used o(. th'e.
. . plaintiff's·· evidence to· counteraqt. e~cµlpating
Failure of the. accus~d to 'moye·for i:lismis~al.prior to e:vidence of t'1~ :defendant (T~N, stipra at 1126 citing·
tria°I. shall constitute a· waiver of the right to dismiss . Ph(lippine Legal En'cyclopediaby Josa·Agaton Sibal,
. under. this section-: . . - . . . .. . .
p. 8?9). :


. -~ ·. ~
~~--C--·.R.._ ll!lml:.M-1:N-·: -L,111111P-R~O~-
~ .A-.· ·c-E~Dllllil...
.·:u. ·E-·. .._ RIDIIII· lllllllllmau . ·?~
UZlm:1.. ll!lllllm.. ta:;lllli.•
·pllll!ll!SIBllll~i~.AHml1 .. illll.. illSllmi1111P.31S
Sur-Rebuttal E~id~nqe . . . . . make 'hlm unavallable or prevent him fr~in . ;~
Evidence offered-iby a defendant . to attack .-rebuttal attending tpal. . · •o
.eviqenoe ('TAN,jupr~· at 1iV citing PhilippineLegal . , . ; .·i~,Jose-Agaton Siba/,.p. 829). , . . . ~ECTION , 13. ·EXAMINATION OF· 'DE;FENSE . '~
. ~ . . WIT.NESS; ·How. MADE · p. • • • • • • :· ~--~~

Note: The .admisslon of, rebuttal- and _sur-r~butt~J" . .. ' : .. . . . . . .. .·, ... ,;,:"
evidence Js discretionary uponthe court.'(Pe.ople v. If the court- is satisfied ..that th~···examination of a ·-.-:\
Franc1sco, G,R. No. U-568, July.:t 6; 1947). Likewise: wi_tness_torthe accused lsnecessary, a11. order shali', '·J
. the ,p_res'entation"of evidence ·t:jeanng upon the main. . bejnade directing 'that the examined.'at·a .: :&:
issue; after a party-has closed his case, rests upon ·. ,... _specific~date,.fir:ri-e·an~ place and that a copy of the .·.· -.'.t·,
. the dlscretlon of the court (L,opez. v. Liboro, G·.R, No. · .. be served on the. prosecutorat ieast.3·days: -ti
L-1787, Augusf 27; 7_-948): . . '. ·· .. - : · '. ··.. ·. · before ttie-schedulec;I examination. The_€~_arjiination.. .: ::11
. .. . , -. shall proceed. notwith~tanding".the absence · of. the .. .-·.\
Reverse Trial ·.-. . -: . .. -prosecu~or. provided. he was .duly l'lOt!fi~d'· of.:the: :~t,.
When'•U,e ·a-cci:.lsed·."--ai:imits·-the-.act. O'f'. omission ; hearing. A written record .o.f the.testimony shall·be '. /t
.' charqad .. 'tn the · Cpmplaint or · lnfonna'fii:;i·~ -but . . .taken. ··· · . J;;
. · interposes a lawf1:1~·~efense, the ·orden>ftricii-'ma:ybe .. · . ' . · . . . :· · · · -v •• • ::!g

modified .(ROG,. Rule 119, Sec. 8), . , .. Before Whom Ex~m!~ation,May Be·M~_de '.. . .. \fi
·. . . . : ·. . . .. . . . . . . =';*"'=.,J'.111;} examina~ion shall tie'·taken be.fore: ..... : .if.
'The modification.of ·the .~r~er ot··the frlav~o\5'ft. . ..h, ir. -f :)°\, ".:~~lW;-J.pdge;.· .. · .... · '. · .· ,. . .. r }f
discretionary upon. the court. -r:he prbVislof{u~~i. th( L,. 1
l2\7'tpo pr-a2_ticableany member :of .the Bar in. good · }:
permissive umay.' (;pte v. Gt.ili,~rr- ·-'t'
4[.~9,/3_. '/!.{fl..,,,o--="-"'~"'~ s.tan';·.byt~~ trial .cour:t;pr - ·., ·. '.}.1
116281, Febru~cyB;X~99). . .' 4:'Y/. ~ 3.;-:ey~o~we~~~~- de~ign_at~i:l -by a'. court of"·. ::~
. ' ,• · ' . . . .)_ . ~-...,}/.f .• ...,;~~ ...-~.._--'4!J~e1~~ns·qretton
RE 11,R_IAL--ll" ·~!\\. Be;posit1.on :
J:· - ~-~/!~.--
which issued· the order.
·.' · ... ·.. . . . · -·
!?--.... · . . ·.: ·. . . · .
· : ··."'

.· : · ·· . f · f! :. r f , · _- It 1s ·thej, te.st1 ofti !P a w1tness·.taken upon oral : :-Ji
Cc,ndltlona.l l;?<~minatlon ti ~l! ., . · .f.~·-.-- . . . . _q\.T'esuo"r'ii-or wii~~- terro-gatories,.not· if'.'!. open_ .j
R_ule-24, S.ectionJpf:t.heRufss-of;Gou~·pr~vi~~'r;~ ~~iif~( _b~.t)o·:-i:>Lir.s~ao _;of a. cor:n_mission ·.fo ·take . ~,
the.r:1.Jle on d~pos1.hon_s., It al~o~t:hif!
one's _own tq~t)mony _.'or t~~]o_f arj!'{t.J)]l\person
h-y:at, · urt, or-~ndcr.o ·general l~W · ;~
Qr. C'}.!}.fl· r:-®or:i .~~:e S~~ect, ~hd reduc~p-to: ':"11:iti~g -~~
reg~rdrhg.,ah~ rna~ter: · ·. \ ,, {.)\ :· \-~~
. . . · . . {'-' ,· \ · <10'·,.
Rule.~ 1.~•. Sectio~~- 1·2, _13 a~d~-5: 0(. th?~~~~_. · ''3«~l.j.tion·
~ · . Y!l~ f:
1~no.9,tJ);. aii{?efdt,~atE:'dt:and. rnten?ed_t? be _u~e~ ,n
&41 Jiz--c@Je~,1:...aJ}:j>fi al'! :,:Up..ori,4the t.n~l -of .a CIVIi or-cnm1nal
(}) ack's {4,w [)1_ct,9nary. ~th ~d, (1990))._ .
.,Court ~!k>ws cond1t101')~~ exam,,~tr~n olwtrtri!c!-=S~e~~/ ~"Y. . .,1_· .. • ./. ·. . _-., • . ·.. :: . , . . .,. . . ~~
. · both the:9efE!nse ~nd_prosecut101'.l._ before'Tri~r::f,.h~~(E)ti'~""{rt.\l\l\Jr;r;r;p,p,~~~-rr~f t"rtt"-{ Tak10~ _Oe(!_os1t_1on;,.. : · ... · · · ·. . ·<~J
.a_r~ akin to. discoye_ry.· prqced!,!~.S irJ. c~v~q~e's...:::.:...~~1ve. 'g~tef_. assistan~e .. t9 ··the ·. parti_es . in · "&l
(RIANO, su'p(a at 466).' . . . · , . ..f;:,Q(J..,:.;·~"':"'.,:-~.-'?"_-\S'{~rtjma( .. the -tru~· c!nd· . eheckilig and ;:~
· · , ·.... ·. . ' . ~ A
,-. :)_ · i\. ·:r "\•pte.!/ird{rfgp~rjury; .' . · · · . ,· ,.. · , . . . . 1 ·;;,~
· The. taking of-·. dep_ositiornt .uncter. Rule,:-'24.,~f!~._.!JJ1.L_!'t__;gr:e'1iae .._an· effec;:tive means··of' detectlng' and ·· -41
.conditio'nal examinati(?n .of. W!tnesses Uf')de.r' Rule"-:=-:--=--. eJ.<.posing falseif~audulenfofc!irns and_<::l~fenses;· .· · ·.,,
,119 are taken under the sam~ circurhstances-~ndfor · 3. 'Mal<e·:~vc!ilable .·i11 ·.a · s.imple,. ~6r_wenierit .an'd . ·.:;.,
the same .. p,urpo~e; "ttiat Js, ttte preservatjol'l·. of a iriexpe.risiv.e. way;_ facts whl~· 'oJtierwi~e. coura. -,1'
mater1al. witness' tes!imony (PAM,ARAN;. supra at : not be pr<;>ved exceptwith gr!;later difficulty; . . · :4
525). · . , . ·.-. · 4. Ej:luc~~e._the.part!!:3~.·!n .~c,v.ance--o~_trial:as to the· :j;
, · · ·; · ' rea_l-va!_'-:1.e of tlie1r claim~. a_nd defenses th~reby ·'.;· a·i:cus~d ·i:riaY,·L!P9rl motion with·. notice· to ,tbe . . . . . . enoc;ivragi119 settlements;..... ; ; ... ·. - . . · .. : ;i
other "parties, fia~e · his . \'Vitn~ss ... _examined . 5: ~.i;ifeguardagainst surpr.i~~; .. · . . • . . Jt
cohditiof1ally_lr1 his behalf; . · -6. -Preyent.delay; ...... ·. :, .' ~ .. . . · ·.; · .
.. . . ,. . .. 7. Simplify-and narrow.the· : ·.. . . ·. . .' .. - ;;,
_The· motion must state: .. . . . (3. . E~pedite ;:1n·d faciii.tate both pr_~·paralionanc;f trial . :' "If
1. -.Name anp resid~nce qfwitn.ess; . (Aye/a 'L.and, "Inc: y.· Tagle;. G'.R. ·Nq, 1f5_366l; · .. :i•
·.2. ·substanc"eof_testimony;.and . .··." August 1-1;-2005). . . . .. · :;);
· 3. ··Any ofthe"foilowing"grounds:,. .
a. Witn·ess is :go' "sick to afford reasonable
ground to bell~ye ~hat.he will n·ot-be able to

- ·.
· · · ..

· , ·i'q

: .- -~-3
attend the trial; . · .'. ' · · · .. . : . ·;i;j
b. Resides more than· foo kilometers and has If .thE;)_ court is satisfied, upor-i.. proof or oatt,I,_;that .a . · '#J
no means to attend ·the sam·e; or . . materiel! Witness will- hot testify. when S'O required, It.- ... (),
·c.. Olher·sir'nilar circumstancesexist that would may or)' motion of either party .order' the witness to . ·. -~
. .,,.,


........ -·- -----------------------~----~--~-~--.----

~~~--------l!lllmilim---. . . .~----~-~---~-·-~. ,•._-: <:· -·

pqst b.ail iA such sum a.s may be deei:ned pro.per. · . Appilcabmti .of Mo"~es. of ·Q1sc9v_e~ to :crJmiria·I·
. Should . the refuse· ~o· ·post · such ball as . Actions ' ·. · .. ·· · · ·
required. the, co.urt shall cbmmit him to prison·-until. .: .ThereIs no.rule V.:hich precludes the use of/elevant
he . compiles" .. or is .. legally . discharged. after." his modes of d1SCOV!3,ry in a criminal case .. The:,r'riodes "of
testim6ny·has i:,e~n taken_. ·. . ·· · .· ·· · ·, · : ... dtscovery : are '· applicable, . no doubt,. ···to. ·.civil' .
proceedings ·. which . necessarity include· the. civil'
. SECTiON" 15. EXAMINATION. OF" WIT.NESS-·FOR aspect of a. "2ni:ninal Gase: B.e itnoted that .a person .
. THE PROS,ECUTION· . . . . :-:· .. crimlnauyflabtetoe -a- fetony is, by the terms of Art.
100 .of.'the·. Revlsed Penal ..code, also :civil'(y-_liaple .
·.>c~i;,ditic>nal Examination. of Witn;ss . ,. .. (RJ_IWO; supra "at 475).1_: ' . . . .
1. · The witness for -the · prosecutlon'<-may be , · ·. __.. · · ~ ·; .- -, · ·.. . ··:· · · · ... · ...
· ccnditlorratly.examlned by t-1:le _courtwt:Jere· the Rule 23 of.theRules · of. ¢ourt allows the tciikirig of pending if said witness is: . . deposltlons "i_ti :.eiVII · .cases, . either upon .oral
. a:-.: Too sick to.appear at thetrial; .or .: . ,- . . examination or written interrogatories:· · •
b:·. Has to:l_el:lve,the-Philippines·with'tlO"defjnlte.· '.".. · . . c ... - .• .
· . "date·of return: . · ·... w_ithi~ .~e. ::Phtif~p~ne~~-: b:e.tcire. any Nd9~; · notary ·
. . ·. ·.. . . , : .. · public or person. authorizedto administer oaths .at
'2; : Such examination shou1~ -be.·ilJ the presence of. · any tim"e:-or-p1·ace '!'{ithin ··tfie -P.l"JlliP,pines (ROG,· Rule
·.··the·ac~used. orIn-hisabsence after-reasonable , . . ._, 23, Sec.. 10). · · . · . :.. · .· . ·.:: . .. .
. ." . : notice to .. attend the ·'l -has" _beer_.:.,r.?!: . . .': . . · '~- · • . : . . . . . . . .;
. ·. served on him. . · · · · : ~/;:;'.<<( 01:1tslde ~h~. Philippines, befor.e ·any ·Philippine ·
. ·· . .. .~ ·. . . . . · · {,.{:f(/;,')1.~:. consula( pfficial,· C(!mmisslor:,ed·'offjcer or·. person ·
lllote: · Examina~on of'. child:· witne~ses is · ta<t!iid; ;/Ji)..;~ autt'lorized ·to:·administen)aths in· a _foreig'i-1 state or
. 1,m~~r. tl)e Rufe'C>n. Examination: c;>f. a- Child. Witr\~~~\ ,,.tt; 4, F~~nf(y (RqC,i. Ru_{e ·23,._Sec. 1.1( .:'· .
wh1~h .took-E~ffect on December 1-5, 20,00 (A:MfN<(~;"·~1ij·e".J..dJ!.'5~.d-J1J.· . _·. '. . · · . · . ; . . . · . .·
·004-_Q7-SC). · . · · _,.,;,<;,-1- · '• 1 y.l . 'The· rules-·-op-tc1v1l- procedure ·applies supP,letonly_.
·. · · · .. . . . · . ,-::f"',.,. · . /L,.;/ . even: td crimlflf!I proceedings. But where ·the latter
·, .. .' Co~dltior:a_i _Exafl'linatio"n _of-Wi,tn~f~es:· • .,~;ri;ri,J~. · _a.~~-- ~ove~i4 l>1-imadly· by- the . Revise·~ -Rul_es:" C?f
· · · · . · · ·· '11 ·. ' ..,, .. . t\.
. ,-1 Criminal ......
· P.rol!:ed~e.
. p . '4 ..
Where~ ..the·.. . rules of·
•- · •· . • • • ., i}) · ·proce~1,1~~ ·sCJi_u.:t.r i~. coyer a silu!=3tion_, _the·r~· is no
:-- 1;A cogentfeaspR} to ~gply the ·rules of c1v11· procedure· ..
~~~-~ •••tiW.§1 _ .• ,, • 1~·~1. suppJ~to'fiJY.-':.9-i!"B~~jwise· (Ilda:. :De·: Mahgverra.· -v:. ·.
1". . W!tr:iess is si?k; ··,_ 1 . ...,_,~itn~~-t1s;· . si~ . l:,JA. Ri~os,·G';~:Itf@.,'f;~.~643," Aug~st 28; 2008). ·-~ ·
~- .Witness resides 100 tnnrm.-t8!apP,~ar at - ,i;t
. . · ·. · · · · · · . . . · ' ·- · .". :
·k':°:from the place of · .. th~,fri~; ari?:.1 ... ' . _:~~~ple v.. Webb an_~ -~o· ~- P~ople;·Cofiipared '· ·
trial: and 2. ·W1tnes~k-:,:t.\as to li! 7,;.:<_1-1.i~!~.;J~krng tli~ di:!pos1t1ons of defense witnes~es,
3. Other. · · ·.. similar . leave/.\!}e coyJftJ.Y; -;::;.;~£:::.:g:::!11'.Rul'i?.~ is. applicable/ .. ·. : : · . · ·. ·.
circun:istances . e~ists .· · ' With· . t(io,, difir.ilfe · ·· · . '. . · · · : · .
tlia}· w_ould :make ~lm date ofr'e.!, .. 'i:tie" ~se 'of.dis~ei~r-y prd.ce.d.~r~s:'is " to. ·
·-·-: ..
.Onava1lable or prevent . . .. tt,e . SOU,(ld . di~cretion . "of, tt)e .. trial Ji,Jdge: The
. ·.. ,fro111 attending. · deposition "taki'ng· cani"1ot be based nor 'can. it be
"trial ·. ·-.,·-denied on fl!msy ·reaso.hs (fec;,pl_e.\i: W~bb~ G.R:
· > ·· · ~
:· No: 132577, August-Fl; 1"9'9.9).:: · · . :- -,.:;·. · ·'
. . . !. - • •

1. Judg~"of 1:=iroper. cpurt "sefore.the c"ourt wh~re·

: ''p;_·~~ch.·str.orl~_er"r~~~~~ -c;x,~~s ~h;
.de~~s;t;on .i~
criminar·cases of-a,Witness for.the detense·who
·2: ·- Member offh"e liar . °:. the ·c~se is p"ending . . is -residing abto"ad "mu·st be: allowec:1:" 1iivotved ,in"
~: · Inferior court . ' a is. not"just ftie":status cir the
PfOP911Y, .o.f th"e 9efendc3nt, but th_~ .life or limb or
t!")e:liberty·o.f th~· _accu·sed. If, then, a d.epgsi.tion
Ap.plicabJe . to. :.takihg of N"ot . ·. a~pllcabie· to. i~ allowed for a .witness in a· civil case, then_it is.
• 1with more" reason "that it"be. allowed in a criminal.·
d~positi6ns. Qf. def1:inse tc!king·ot.depositioris"of.
· witnesses ·. ( . · v. ·prosecu.ti.on witMsses· ciis'e; 'nsdenial-would :_amount io:a-.depl'ivation "of
du.e · process 1:ind :. to·· the .:\1ccused's right . to
-We~b. G:R. N_o. 132571, (Go. v. People, · GR.
Aug_ust· 17, ·1999). · No. 185527, July.· t:8, compulsory pro2ess to secure the attendance of
. 201~ . · wiµ,ess_es ih his favor; Which .&re gu_~ran~eed by
t!le .. l;lill_ of Rights ·"(Sepa'r:at{3 Opinion, ."C.J.
Davide, Jr./P.eopte v. Webb, GR; Nr;,. 132577,
-August"17, 1999). · ·


-.(:'Rl:MlN.AL·- PROCEOU RE:_
SAN BEDt' LAW CEN_TRAL1lED 91-n "<;}PEf?AT/'i)NS ~- MEMORYAID io19. ' • · ·.; . , . {t
2 .. ln taking ·the, deposltioris · ot_."prol>~cution Cruz's .extrajucliclal- . confession is likewise. ~
witnesses, ~ule 23 is NOT applica!;>le. · fnacfmissible· ""against -hls .co-accused .. (Peop/e -.v. :j~'i'
' · ... . · .· Opiniano y Verano, G'.R. N(J.'.:t-81474, July_2~, 20J7). · J~
In · .Wf;lbb,· we sustained . the .. tri~I. court's, ,· · · · . · -.:
disallowarice of thecdeposltion-taklnq" on· ·the · SECTIOl'-4 1t:01SCHARGE.OF ACCUS'2D·TO.BE }11!
limited_ground (hat· (here wa.s no neq'essfty.(or STATE WffNESS . , . : -. ·· /
the procedureas the matter be·proved · ·· · · · -- · _.. · · · . · .-}"
-by·y;ay of ·<IE:pos.ition was considered merely :. ~lrcumst~nce"s"f~r Dfscharg~·to Be-Pfo1;>er:-(JB~ .<?JA
corr.oborative of the evidence-for.the defense. In . PCoS) . ; ·. · , ·. . · .: , ·· .: =·: : ·. . ·. ' · . .: ::}
this case, where it ls.the prosecution that seeks. .. .... 1. Two or o, Jqintly'chargedwith a· ::f'
to depose 'the co(r'lplaini11g wltness against.the · · .: commlsslon of-an,offe'nse; · '. -: . · · .Ji
.accused, the· stringent.procedure-under Section. I: . · 2·. The · motion for discharqe .· is."filed by the . ·.}~
· '. 15-, Rule 11.9 cannot.belqnored withoµt· .: . ; prosecutlon §efor~:lt'rests·its easer ·. ·· .·.: -·./t
·. the constltutlonal.riqhts of the -accused -to-due . ·;3. :· .The prosecution is require.~to. .::j~
-'·.·process (Go'v. People, G.R. No:18!552!, July . . - · and ·the·-swcirn- statement. ·of.'each 'proposed ,·:,·
. · 1.8, 201-~)-. · . . . . . accused to- be di~d,arged as state witness· at a
' ' ' ' . •,' .:· hearing in'support ofthe.dlscharqe;
. ·SECTION 1'6. 'TRIAL OF· SEVERAL ACCUSED . .' · 4 .. : The accused -gjyes:,his, ~nsent .to- be 'i;i· .state .
. . · ·. . . .. . ...~ ...,. ..-=,;,.,."°' w1 ness; an_d
... :·. .- . .. . . . .. . _- -. ~-
G.~neral Rule: Joint trial _Is proper._wti~re.:t!l~at1ibnsll"u: . .,. 'P,_;.yhe,,t~ial ·court is §.~tf~fied that the co.nditionsin · ··f-1~
ari~efrom_tliesamea~t.·event.orfrans~.9-tion,j_~lye· ~ . · /\{thi"S-~til~r~pre~ent, , . · ,. ··· JI\
the same or. like issues\ -and degenq,ja\g_jllf.!;9.b--~..,, Jf.-..1r ~. ' ' .. ' :- . . ' ·. . ··~
subs_t~ntially .on t~e- sam_e · ~"ti~~~~(fj,~frl(. . __ R~qu~t~Vs a~~o..,!b.e :Tes~lntony of:a,n- A~cused ':11
·. Sanc:[1ganbaya'?_; G.R."No. 202~13, :Al{6'as}so/,?..a,143)':"'"~S!J_ught~p{B~. -D1$_charged as State- Witness:. ·?:ii
. . . : ;_.{;~ , .'~'?": r' - · .;if. , ..{h,O.i.C~M~ 'fr:Q \. · : ·• . . -·~
Exception: The court, upon rrrotion9:f~~ fi!oal o~_=j . 41!} J\.\ Abs\lute \nfces.s•!Y·for. tl)e: testimony· of the · · j
any ofJhe defendants, :may:.9fsJer·a efepara(e trial foi. 6A
one·qr more of the accus~f}!7''MfRAN,~up,rira rn~m-.-:fher-'~.k\Yidenc_~:-ayallable· f0.r. the .. J
· ac;C\\sed wtlif:vi'?l.i~charQ~i_s requested; .;~

« . -:- · \:'
5.~0). . , . . · . . . · :. . · )·"~
. · .. ··.··i~q- · ~ ,.8_,
~~~,~~jSrospcu~o~X\_exc~pl tne te~timony
:cl.a~fse.d,. ~J=1li . ,· .. .- _of ... _
~-he ,said . . . ,~
Jhe resultlng inconveriienc{'ar:iq~rXP~'f\.dn:·the,- ......-';;,,, 3. _: T~ft.!-~P.Y.'$~·.b~· pbstar:i_ti_afly:~oi'robor.ated)n·. '.J
part _of the.· government ·\ii;1nt?of~no~'5~Jf.~.\~1ve~'Ft'' f°i;:1.f\ •_l1~a:ijinal p6iFJ.tst C · .- ·. ···. · .1i
wetere_nce over.the:rig~t.t~~i~pEle'iify._in • e.~~~l ,~!t-A..R~Jed d6es ricll. ·pp~ar to be the mo_st'§uilty;. l
protect1.on _of a- person·~ hfE!,i- hbert\_ or -~$."P~~YF ~~.. ,n.f· /· ·. : · . . · ' · · · · ·. · · . · ·;. _:
Go11solid_ation sl:io1:1Jd. ·be· refu~ed if: i_h~i~:·ill~Uf!a,~~r"-,,./5P7~C:lJ~~~-f,as.n~¥e.r ~een_convic.ted of an offen_se . '-=~
expose a· c0:-accused to \totally~unr.~~~~@v9},) MoraJ1tw,p1tlJde. . ; · . · ~
testi~onies; i:1i,iddle_·the· issues, a~. e~P,!1L~~--- .~ ·/ .. : :· : . . .. : : ·. · :,j
the- inconveniences of .a l~(l!;Jthy ti\A~...,,Ej_oifi~h~c:J'f~~i~~i:rso,f4~~HJ}CessJty", that -he. alone has - ;.
legal battle (Neri · v.. :i;andiganbayan~~-~/ jvo. ·\\ If Jkn'Elw)tio9 ..Werthe crime; <:1nd.not·whe,:i ~is te_stimony . '-
202243, August .7, 20,13~. ·· ·.. ·. · .. _N>.,""'='...._ .·. · 1.vilw,£.~ld<-~hiply .cQrrobor~te··o( otherwls~ ·:strengthen ·. -·'J
, -~""=-4n1:3 evidei:,ce In ·the l:lands .of 'the .prosecutor ;.:_{
Admissiblllty . of -Testimony _.of-. a C~~Accused. · (Jimenez, Jr... ·v.. ~epple, ··t3.f?. No .. 209195, /i
Where Th'ere.'ls·Separate ·Trial . . .: ~.eptemb_ef't 7, 2014). . .. .- · . .. .. · · · · . . . <\
If a separate .tdai' is 'grantee,.' the testinion.y .of one
a~cused imputing the crirlle to his 90-1:1ccused ls riot ' a
'' Wher~ c;ime· 1~:_:"to~tiNed in·. setret, t~~ ~is~h~rg~
admis_sible a·gainst the.latter, wtio hacl no·opp·ortunity · . ofo.rie-'60he conspirafors is essent_i~[ because· ciniy_
to. cross · ex-amine·. · . the : former . ( Taiino. y. . . they hc!V~.. knowled_ge. of the. . (Salvanera v,
San'diganbayan, G.R. Ngs. l551F-14,· Mai'ch -16, _·. People, GR. No. 143093, May 2.1.. 2_007). ·
1987)_. .:.. . ·'
·,ir:Jo."other dire.ct ev.fde~c~,,· ~~s~:rhes · ~at· th~
In a joint trial, it would. be admissible if the latter had· · . . tes~irnofiy of the accused si;,Ughl t_oo:etllsch~r~i:ld as ·
the opp_ortunity for cross:.:examination · (People v. . . . a state Witness WOl.jld ponstitute di~ect evi<;lence-.(Le.,.
Ctirpio;-G.R. ·No.' 46109, .Septeinbef-22,
. . ... -1f}39); · th~J he- ·d( sti_e Is an· eyewitlle~) in.'that it' requires
. that there. is. no other direct. eviden'ce, except the
hi People v. Jara,. this. Co.Lirt· l)~ld. that where' a testi.mor:ty of.the. said.)iccosed (People V. ·An~be,
contes~ion · was., illegally ~btainec:1 .tn;,m . 2. ,of ihe. GR. No. 17Q033, September.6,2010): · · .. ·..
accus~d. and consequently· w.ete not .adm.issible
. 'agalnsr them', whh much more .reason sbollld the· "Substa~tlally cdrr~borate~. in Its mate.rial
same be·inadmissible against a. third ·accused who' ' poll')ts" :- is reqµired, · · and i'IQt · ·substantial
had no participation in its:_ execution:· Hen.ce·, Dela . . ~orroboration on a/l'pornts, In resolving a motion to


.. ?AN .B't:~A ,0":Y CENT.flAJ.IZEDB(\R OP,ERAilONS.- MEf'il.on'yAID 2019

discharge, ..a judge cannot. 6~ expected, at the. sf~rt · ·,

ofthe trial, .t?inform himselrwltti.absolute pertainty
.of everythinq thatmay develop-in the course of the The · witness ·· . is The . · · :~itnes·s· , so·
. trial with·. respect to the· gl)rltY. .participation of the : . •. : .a.ufomati~ally. entltiect . to . 'clischarged' . m(rst -still
accused (Jimenez, Jr... Ii. Peop(e, G:R.. No. 20:91:9.5,. ·ce_rtain rlghf~.~nd benefits .. apply ·:. Tor'' · the
. Se.ptemb~r 1.7, 2014).. ' · · . . ·,· .. .. . . : .enJoym~l1~ . ot . -~ai.d
rights . and . benefits· !rt
.. As an exceptton, the uncorroborated t~istjl'!lo~y~f ~~' · 'the DOJ::: ..
· · .aecused rnaybe sufficient when :jt is shown to be".
sincere ln itselfbecause it is given'urihe'si~tinglya6d . : ·
in a straightforw~rcfmaririei"·ardtuUofdetails'i.vhicli,
by thejr nature, could not-nave been tlie result of . .
deliberate . afterth.ought:·· This. exception, however, . ·
applies· .only' it the stat~·· witness is an ·.eyewitl')ess <
since tl)e· testimonywouldthen-be dlrecteviderrce.
(Pf?opte·y. Atiabe, G:'R. No:· {79033,' Septemb~r 6, .
2010): : . ·.. '· ,, . . . ·.. ' . . . . . ,:. . £
. . .. . I{ ~itri.ess is ad.milted i.nto Ttie . ch.arg'es ·
."Most Guilty''· r-eferi;: to :th~ highest· degree of .~~. . program . betore him shall be .dropped
. <::,Ulpab.ility !.n t~~$ ?f panic!pJ~tl.?O i.l).th_e GO!'llml~~ipf!~~JB [nformation. is' flled, \It and the sameoperates .
. of the oftsnse. Wh1le·all the 'accused may t,)e,..91v.en'> U operates as· an acquittal, as an acqulttal. ·. · ·.
th~. same penalty' by reason of con~piracy; 'ye.Cti6et;f .•'\ . and said y.,Jtness .. cannot · ·
: may be cqns! l:iave [esser or the 1east ~Pil.(;.;·! ;,.t::.x su~~equ~n~ty b.~ included. · ~
. taklnq f nto account .. his c::legre~ ..:·C>f.. pait.lcipatio~} f:-.,l.~_-/./._,
; ;ipJh,e·.'?,<].ll .lnfo1111ati9n.
: pri~.cipal ~y ind~y~rn.ent i~ pot aulomaijcal\~,;~h~;tnOi\J'/ t~-~ ~·• ~eX~?,l?/A.'h.~~j. he f9ilS .or
gu11tr VV·hat' ~r.~,.co.~trolhng;.~re. th.e SP~f)~ef:°a:ctsof.,,... ·11 .ref!-,fSe~~to--t1s1hfy.. ' . . ·.
the accuseq 1n C<;lff\F)1!tteq,. --'}~..I 1 .. • , .. ;tit~ .
· ,. · · . . . . · ·: . ·. . V:L, If. . ·· f"?'_.··11 · Not~: 1rf. !1w~tness . ·is . '. -. · · .
Neith~r does the law requir.e that ;t;E;l!.9te~ip~~t"fc7· -~~.. ~clrilittedt,attlrt'f:iJorl!lation . · .
·.be dischar.ged is :the.'~least guJtD;Y-'(Jim~qe.z;-.;i<1r.·.~~ -~~ wa.s_ · fiJ~d H butt "before , ·
People,. G.R. Ncr·?09195, Sept(!,rnberp{l'.~0.14~ .... ~ ~',/ .the1;t m:ust,
. ··. · -· ·· · f,,.,.. ,.. "'"~~;,:Ci ~.: r~.l be milst';5ejea\Wo"f:Icourt ·
".Mora1 Tu~pitude" ·has ·been ~~~ned.-as~:erytl;Jil'i~· i;~/ an'a ·ne>fi c~~o.~J,#e·oded- 0 · · · ·. ( ·.
~hich is done _contrary to justic~;::~_ssty~·~rgod:i : H Party (R6C, Rule 11Q,
.. mo.ral~; an _act Of· b~.s~ne~s. vUe.nes! ~t deprtv,ity1n -·
the private and social duties which,:.{)wes·h1s
t1:t: /?-fff
:.. . . .
. .
fellowmen, 6r.Jc5society general (Sott;fn'ov.;·Q~.z'91'f~.::,·; . ,J;:;r:·1..~~·,-\i·i: . . . . .· . ;,
· A.G. No. ·6792: January 25, 2006).. · r_,7- · ·/J~ - · ·l'."ote: .A.s· a general rule, the .d1scha.rge _oi a CO'-
. ~ . : '. . . . . . . . . ': ' . : : ... ~~JJ . .a~cus~d from the (~formation rest~ ~.pon ~h.e r~ui,q . . .
:Witness Protection Program-v. Dischatge as .d1scret1on of. the tnal co~':· su.~h d1scr~!io_n .1s. not ..
· · ·. '. · .· state.WiJness. : .' . . .. . · absolute. A!')ent_!~e requ1~1te t~at:t~ere mu~t. ~e an . _ ...
· ·. • .· •.,i • ·· · · · ;,ibsolute necessity for.the t!3sbmony,' the· tn!31 court .
. . : < has to·rely 00- the' stiggesiiol')s'·of and'the· Information··,,
: . ,provided by the public pc6se·cu~or (Ampati,Jao, Jr. ·v. · .
·. be Lima.- G.R. No.: 1-97291-,· April 3; 20{3).. . . .
~~ ~nde·~ s:~cuan 11 ot' ~u1e:1 ~ 9: o;'.he ·~~;~~;of co~·rt. ·
. it is explidt that the.-te.stimony df the witness,during·
· · th·e discharge proceedirig will only !:,.e i.n.i#l~i~~il?.,leif·
· · the court denies the motioo to discharge the ;:iccused
as a state .. Witness,, Nc;,ri-,compliii·nce: ·with.'. tM
requir(;}!'Tlei, testify d1,1ring· triai pro Mi' would orily'
. prevent the order·of discharge f~¢ITJ operating 3$.• an
acquittal; it does render air .the t.estirrionies: of the
·~tate Witness during' the .disd:iarge·. proceeding.
inadi:nissi~le ·(Peoplf). VS~ Dominguez, G:R.. Nb..
129420, February HJ; 2018).
Tiie. ·1~inunity, i~ ._granted T~~ .. im~ur:iity. .... : .· is ·.
granted by the court.

. .

- ·---------·------...---·
-, ::/f\
IWh. A ,· *" . . • .. . . • . "." :sr
Two-Types ot im~unlty Effect W~erwAcc;usedFails·ot Refuses to.T~stity".,,.;~~
Where one of,· several co-defendants -turns: sta.te's. .;~1~\
.. evidence. on a promise. of' 'immu.nity~ by. the·;.:i'it,
,. · prosecuting attorney, but.Iater retracts and falls· to · ': t~
. · Wit.tiess' . · .... · :cri.i-(ipelled ·IJVitri~ss · . ·immune· keep bispart'ot fbe aqreement, his confession.made.·.~~'
testimony . ·a:n<;l .'the fruits from. .prosecutlon of under such aprornlse (!iay then be. used againsfhim. iii
thereof cannot. be used. ln a crlrneto which.his (People v. Beberino, G.R. No: L-23o92, October 28, ,·~t:
. ~ubsequent prosecution ota compelled', . 1 ~t'7). . .... . ·' . " .. · ·. . . , . ,' ·. . . . ": · i~·
.cril))e agairyst h_\rri, . _: . . . .. t~.stiniqpy_r~l~tes: " . SECTIPN ·1.9. WHEN MIST~K~ J:tA~ 's.El;N M~or:;t~)~
· · .. IN.C.HA:RGING.'THE PROP.ER-OFFENSE.' . . . -.,) ·;,-t,,
. Witaass, can still , ··be Witness eannctbe . · . . . , .· ·. . . _: : _. ". ·. . .; ... :)'~,'
prosecuted. · ·, . but ·' · ttle prosecuted at all. · · . :. When. it becomes manifest. .at. any time- before<i:;:
compelled testimony cannot . . · . . . . . · j1,1dgment: tha( a. mistake has .b.e'en'made ·ih char,g,~g.~:;¥,;_
be us.~ against hii:n. . . ·• ·. . · ·. .. · ·, .. th·e proper . .Pffer:i_sE:,1. and ·. the. accused: cannot · b:e '?!':·
: ·, · · · :· · · · · · · · · · · ·con'{ictep .of "the.. offense· cti~rge<;I'. or·. any. other,:}'t~
{Tancha.nco v. · Sandiganbtiyan,· §,.FJ. Nos. 14167.5- : · . offense. necessarily' inc!uqed. therein, .. the accused ... f~t
~6•. "'!~~ein!JeJ 25~ 2005).' . . . ' .. · ', . · shall n':lrb? discharge.ct.if, the,re.:app~~·rs.good cause. \if
. · · ·:. .. .. : . . : . · . . -· to detau:i ,!1111). . .· · .. . . . ... . · '.t,•\
PiS:c.~arQeu~d?r. th•~. Rule 1s ?nly one .o~ the ·~°-9es,--=~~""''':a~..,.,. . .. .: . ,. ; . · ··. . . - . : ;., · ... · .. . · .. }.ff
.to be a stat~ w1t~.~ss. (?th~r mod4;i~ .ar.e:_,.~~"..; · . lj :~._..suc;fi't~!.?~;.'!1.E: c.9urt shall co.~.IJ'li! th~ ~cc~s~~ ~o. :):;,
1 .. ·The Witness Protei;:tion .Progra,;:'9f~·A)·~~d.-~· Aa¥~er. fp~~ e .Pr?~er. o!fense. an~, d!.~T.!S~ th~. -.~~-.
. 6981; .. , , ... :. · .. g .....__ ~~ }.~·--=""::'~ntn!fat~e.,,.u n.f,l!m~of.the,.p.roP.e[lnformat,on ... : :~;4:
2, The pqwer of the om.budsm~g·t(9raritJ,:r.1rnu~~.,,,..;, .._;, ·. : ~\-1.. , ~, · ;!''+-.' .. ,. : : .. . . . . · . · :.. ~i .
. under .sec, 17 of R.A: No1,/6770~@;tl6ypsttian Jt '.i'l'i~"-G.Q,~rt·~~ll·~)$:t!1tss ,th~ original Co!11plaint or. ·J:::.,
· . Act); .· · f 'k.'r:) ,!'.'· ·
f · l j;. ·l~orina~on'Qp.,~f@e}ll~g'ofa·~e~ one pha(ging Iha.' 1i
: ;3. Immunity und?r P.O.· Np. 7'49'-i_/Law. !.GtantiAg. -: ~· ,f;foper <?lf~ms\ J?rOfJ<(~~ .the, accosed ·.shall not··be . <;~
.· .. lmmunJty to G!':ers of.B1bP.~ {?ribery1Cases);, ;· el..a.£!~:.!,u~~~R9C, ~uJe 110, Sec. 1;
4:. TIJe. grant of.. 1mmun1tyt~9,derf.E.,O. ~O.: .•t_j~-4\ _J.!f)~j'. ]·
(Recdvery of llf~Go·1ifn~ealth \by."«f er ~ .... J~ . · . · · ·
. l\"i'.i-~ .,,·~
iJ. ·.: .. .·• ..
· ~, . , ·:
; · ·
. ·. .
. ·.,·
.· .,;~
· · ·; · ,:.« ,,;;,!. ~ . . ;\, .- ,. ~1 , ~re. J. ~hu~ ~~bwR~ t~at ~he_ .cl:lar~e ~gamst · the . ..£?..i

6. a~?n~th:~~~~r~~~i~%\j!t\:~J~~}:,~:Ai
No. 9372 {Human Securitk, Act/ \
· · · . · · · , ·
5. Immunity und~r Sec.~ ~;--i ~.A~fi~.J.,M;;;-~.accu~~ji~ldgi,ave·~~ensin'lpl~ reb~.lhon and n.ot ..:.~~

f ~c;.~J·~~:"' I
.\._ · 'l:a~wary.11f201A}.ll ... ... . .
· 'II./4baf!d9;· G.R:·. No. ,, 1-76830, ' _,;f
· .· . . · .• :~
~= . :·J1
..... SECT!PN '. ~8 •.

. . . . . ' . ·. . . . . . .
~~,'!._,-v;._ lvi ,r , . . .
~~;·,li:f'k~~P-RQ.S,~CU~~, ·.. '· '. : . ', . ,.· . .
T . . ·\ ..,~ X} '\.,}
jl~~Ol'~.~~~~T'. ()~ '. Acri.NG...
. : . Jij}1
Effecls:olD1scharge: .·. · . .. · .J... ·,. }c~r/i'~cussionsunder-,Rul~ 1.10,.S~c. 5) . ..:~
.1 <
• !~~~t;it~·
If the court
denies· the motion
~~~.~~a1:',,,,~~Tio~'21~.-EXCLUsio~·. ()~ ;~~·p·~BLIC'
-9is'charg~ the . . · ·· · ·· '.. · . · · · '· ·
accu.sed as' state:wH11eS!>, his .. sworr:i .~tatement 'Ge'ne.ra(Rul~:· Trial' Should ·-:~e:'.·pabllc 'j~ o~der .t,o· .':j~
.. shall'b>einadmissible In ·evlgence;·· and . .. · offset. ~iiy danger·of conductin(flt in ~n- illegal and. \;-1
· 3·_ , [?ischa·rg~ of a~ci.ts.0;a·.oper~tes a·s an acquittal.· ·unj.ust ·-manne.r · (Gwcia ·V. pomln'go, · '<3.ft. No. L- .. r:11
and bar· to further- pros¢cutlon· for ·the. same .$0104; Jvly 25;'1973),.·: ·· · ·:· "·: . · · ' .,:-~
offen~e. . .. ·.• . ' .. .. ~~~epit~n,;~ vi~~re. tr~·=.~~l~e~~~:.. ~~·~.~ .protjuce~··. :\~
N~te: ·. Any wittir:ig .. or. Uf?Wi~ing er.l'Qr. of. the.
prosecution .in. asking· f9r th,e .discharge o.f ah
d~ring th~ trial is of such charact~r .as tq be offensiv~ .
to dee.ency ,or. public 'morals', ·~e court:may motu·. :~
. accus~d and of t~e tFial court in granting't.h~ petition pr:oprio.exclud.e.thEf puqlic from !he co~rtrodm. · ·: _.: ?·}
. for dlscl:iame,. so long as no que'stion of jurisdictio.n . . . . . ' :-;~
is .lnvoived, would· ·riot· .d~pri' the discharged· T.he court may. also, on. ·motio11 ·of. tt,ie accused, · '\i
accuseo. 'of his acq.uitfal arid of the constitutional. ·exclude the. public: from the 'triaL ·except ·court·'• j
· guarantee, ·against qouble. Jeppardy. Is · also i P~~o~nel ar1d. the··c~'.'1r\fel .~f ~he p,a.rti.~s·:· . , . . ·.1
relevant to. note' that ~he, improper or mistaken SECTION 22 CONSOLIDATION OF TRIALS OF · -~
. d!scharge, of ijn accu'sed would', nof affect his. . . . . . . ". . .. . '~
. Cqmpet~n·cyas a ."':itne.~s ·or(en~er inadniissible his · R~T ..Ell O.FF.ENSES ...
te:,timony (Bogo-Medellin Milling Qo., Inc. v. $on, • Thi~ contemplates i· situation Where·. separate ·:".]
G.R. No. 80_268, May. 27, 1992) Informationsare fi~ed (groundsfor consolidation):· .·J
616· i :201s .sAN SEDA LAW CENTRALl;z.Eo.BAR qPERA T10Ns · '

. 1. ·F.or·offenses fou~dep on· the same facts; or How Made . . .

2. For .offenses which form part ·of seri~s. o( a Demurrer to evldencf3·.m·ay· be filed by the accused ·
. . offenses of similar. charncter. . · · · wit!i or with,out lei,\ve_of-court. . . . :.
..... . - . ·. . ' .
In these cases·; the :charge.s may l)e tried jointiy .at .After t~e ·prosecution has resteo ·it~ cas,,i'. the court
th'e court's.discretion. The object.of consolidation of. shall iAguire from· the accus·ed if he/she desires· to·
trials of related offe·nse·s· is td avoid inultiplicl\y ·af. ·: . . move -for. 'leave . of court -to .. file . ·a
demurrer': to .
suits, guard against. 0ppression ·Or abuse,. prevent evi~erice;_;qr .to ·_proceed the . p_res~n.tation.cit'
d_elay, corgested c;lockets>simplify the work of hi$/her· .~vlderiqe. If the-accu~ed. orally- mo.v~.s. for ·
·.the·. trial· court, · ,afld save unrieqessary,_cost ·and leave:of coui:t ·,o file ·a demurrer to ·evidence, the ...
· expenses.(Pa/ahca v:. :Queri.Jbin,'·G..R. Nos.:L-2'9510- c;:ourt· shall or~.IIY res·olite the. same (A.M. No. -15-06~ · ..
. 31 /November. 29, :1969).. ·. . . . . . · · .. · · · ~ .. . 10-sc,-subbeadingIll; item no: 13).
. . 1 . . . . . ··. . . . .
Lik~wise, cons~ridati0n. of -two. or .. rnor~ .. criminal : Note: The:court nia~· also dismiss the .action· on th~·'··
- cases.: ~pon the; afor.etnentionecf grounds,· niay' b~· ·gre1,mct .n.f :ins.t.iffici~ncy· of ·evicforic~ on its·· own.
.allowed by the. court. upon. motion· oJ ·u;re public . · fnitiative a·fte.rgiv1~.Q-the.prosecut.ionthe opp·ortun1ty··
: pr'os~cutor . (Neri · v.. · Sandigan~ayan, : G_:R.'. No: · to'·ba
. . heard . . (ROC;. . Rule. 119,,'Se9:
. -.23). ·
20224~;.(Wgi.Js(7, 2013), .. ·· · ...
· ; · Effect If D~h:)urreds· Denied ·: . .' ·· .• ·.-.: ..
Where Jwo or more defe,r!~fints are j~J.[ltly c~a·r~ed. ~ · 1": ·Filed. -wit~ ·1.:e~ve of Court ·--: I!. th~ motion .for
with· any offense, joint ..trial.. is automatic unless th.~~{{ · · leave · of court to· tile -demurref' to evidence i~
court; in. its SOU.n_d -~isq!etipn, Ul?On:· motion Of}he/2~;: g·r~hted, . ~.nd Jh~ subsequent.. ~er:r,, ~O
prosecutlq~ :or a_ny of the· defenclantsf. orde~~.- a·<;;J·~l e_v,~ence; is. _den[ed!,-~h~ .. accus.':a· .shc:!lr .st1I)
. separate tna.l forone orrnore accused (Peoprg('?:~·.,i-/1'·1,) .. prese.nt:h1s/her·e~1dence:. . · . : · .·
Neverro; G.R. No, L-38453-.!54_,_-,.vfarch.25,:,197j)!- f;·.;;:.!t~~;:,f-:--:~, .·:_. .'(f<'\·,. · ... . . . .
. .. '., .· . : ...

. ~ECTION,23. :~iM'URRE·~ TO·EYlbE~:q1;it. t~,.L~i-~,tl~;t,esti~e;su~~~un~~ ~ci~1~~~rbe·~7:~".

. • . :·. · .•.•. ·.' x-::v.. ·, · -, J~.J ·... ; :day~.fJ#r'$
·,, ·· . I ';··:

A.d~m.urr~r_toev~~:9nce rs .~:..~.9!r~n_fq-, MJ.,"?..!s~~ue Sp---:" )!,~

Within aJ·~r~~-!3Xtendib)e~_riod Of 10 (?al~nd~r
...Ui..p aa_te)eaye of court is gtc!nlecl, and. ,·
. the· inslif_fi.~1ency_.of. tl:ie. evJaen_c;:E: P,.r._y;;enJ,.~~i:>1 tne · ~;\ ... : the cwr~~po~?i~g -~o'!·fi_led withfn ·
.. prosecution., to .o':ert\Jl°J.)·· tJ:iet<p_r.e:>~ll\Pt1on ·. ot,__ -~;!\ · ... a -~~~-~,{jend.~l;>I.~ pertod of ..10 calendar days :-
mnocence In favor of the{?;~d.1rrs'<a@Jlbj!3ctron~ ~Jl-r. · . : . 'C~>Unted from <!fate ohe&elpt 9f th!3 demurrer to
by one Qf .the_parties,in an. aqti_p~(t0;-:tn'iAffe~(Qlfl! f'i1ri ·. ·.·,@~Jci~e;]1~·'!':~~ ·. ·. ·. . · · ·
. the e.vider)C~· Which 'his :adi;le[,Sa'ry~p,Fq9y.ced~fi:,
insufficieht in RO int of law; wnet~~l'~!:!)\fe"".qt,~not.,
.1::r· . · _., ~~~ . · . . : ' , -· . . . : · :. ,
t~ ~-l ·. · · . The d~~t.irrer·~shaU ·be · resolved bt the· court
make put-a ca~~ o~ s,ustain the issu~i(WA~SP-tsupra··_ f(~:-ri:---;,jwithin a no-n:-extendible_pe.riod o.f 30. calendar · ·'
at ··.19.o; .Ca.sent. Realty,, peve1opme,ht.:5?6rp. :. v.. · .J./i·'l~~~;.F~~y,~J.r:_amdate_.of, the ~1hn!kO~ thE: cornrpent or.
Phihppi!}e·: Banking.·. Corp.,, G.R. : ~/}{P.·, , 15P.'f)J:;::: .•..\l ..~'-;~.- _.mla_p~e,.efthe 10-dc;iY. penoc_! to file the s'a.m.~. · ·
September 14, 2007). · :'. :· · _ · · ··f:( · -~~A'J · · · . -~ ·. · : . . : .. ·. . -:
. · • •. • .= . ·_. · .. \~~>·/'1 · ,· 2 .. -Without Leave .of'Coµrt-;-'Jf despite·tt)e dE:nial
Test . of S·ufflc:1ency of the Pros!!c.:ftlo11 s. · . ()f th1:! .mo_tipn for. leave,,tl:ie· accus.ed·lnsi~ts on
, Ev!den_ce · . . . : · ·.: . :· ., . :. · · .:. . .filing the. demurrer' to eviden.c.E;i,, the pr.eviously ..
."Th~ e\ pr'ove.-pey~n~;.reas~na~\edoubt: -sct)epuled ,dales. fof- the .accu,~ed .tci. presehf
1: The·comm\ssron of the crrme;_ a~o. ,· · · .. · · :.. evidence st'lall'be cane~lled (A.M. No. 1-5•0.~1():.· ·
. 2. _The pr~~ise dewee of,parti~ip_ati~n ~~ereln. by ... · ... ·:- S(;,.Subheading /IJ;·itein '}O, .13}.. .
,the accused (P.eop/e v, Go, G,R. :No. .. 191015, · · . · ·
Augus~ 8,.20~4)- .. . .. •· :_--. . , · ·. .No.te: The filing c;,f Jhe demurr~i- to eyiderice ·without
.. : . . .. . \. . . . . .. ... ·. . . .. leave ·or- court ari!=l •its' s~bseque~t denial Jesul,s in ..
The court, m · passing : upon the. ·.suf!iclency of :the.,·. . the submission of.the case for Judgment on the basls
evidence ·raised· in a- demurrer; is ·merely.i'equ.iredto · .. of the ..e"iqe('lce on· record (Reop/e v. Estreiia,. G.R:· ·
. whettier there·. is competent. or ·sufficient . No. ·,..; 7·6..,'-'85,. .F·~b.ruary
· .. 26, 2008'
. '
1. .
. ,.
evidence to. St!slaifl th~ inqictmefito·r' fo support a . · '· . .· ·
·ver<;lict'of guilt-(Singian, 'Jr. v, Sandiganbayar1,.G.R, R.easo·n: for. fQrfeiture· ·of Right' 'to .Present . ·
Nosi· 1950,1 i--19,. D_ecemb(;Jt 1-6, 2005). . .. · . · '. Evidence: When the· accused .ml:S.ves for dismissal .
· · ·, · ·. · · ·· . · on ·the ·grc'.>und··of·insufficiency' of evidence ·of the.·
.. There is sti.11 sufficient ·.evidence, fot example, If 1he· , ~rcisecution. evidence;. he d'oes so. in the belief that·
: s·pecific. acts constituting rt;1pe, as a11eged in · the . ·said evidence is insufficient to convict and, therefore·,..
lnforma.tion, was P.rovenevem if .tile victim's minority . an'y·i'leed for him to· p·resent ai:iy evlderice is negated.
. wa~ not. A-den,·urrer tb ·evidef'.!c~· for. failure: to p/~ve He. cannot be a.IIowed to wager on. the outcome of'
the'inlhority'of the victim Is riot propei (RIANO, supra · judidal.. proceedings by es.pausing im:onsist~nt
.. at 491). · · · • · . '· · · ·· viewpoints· whenever· dictated by convenience,
Another pu.rpose is. to avoid: the dilatory pracU_c·e'of


OPEJ!AnoNs_ -
. SAN B~DA.·LAW CENTRAtizE°v· MEMO~Y.AID 2·~;9 : .

'filing_.inotjons ~or dlsrniasa] as a demurrer-to the. SECTlot,1"24. -REOPENING ·. . --~

evidence and'. after denial thereof, .the . defense >~
would ·then ·claim the right.'to . present its .evldence 'Requisites: (BJ-Co.ME) , , . · ~,-
(People v. Est;ella, G.R No,' F6385, February 26, 1. Reopenlnq must be .!;!_efor.e the finailty of a ·· '. }Jr
2.008): ·. · · .. '· judgment.of.convicti9n; · . . · .,:_ . · . . .· ·
•• • •• • z • • : i .. Order is (~s~ed. by .t_he · Ju~ge .motu :pro~rio- or... · _.'·j
Effect If ~raote'd · . . . up.on m<;>tio~, , . . · , . . .. -. .: :;;'i
The. grant of a demurrer toevldence amountsto an '. I .3, Or~er ... •s: issued only: after. _-a hearing·. is 'f .
acquittal andcannot be appealed.because it would- . · Conducted· . , · .· ·· : · · , . · · . · · ;.J,
place fhe accused io. double' jeopardy: Theorder is · . ·4;. ·Purp_ose .Is to ~av9id a Mi~~ttiage of justice; and ·. ).
'revlewabte ·only.· by certldrart if· it was Issued· with S·:· .Presentatlon ot. additional and/or·· 'further· . ·-,4?
.. ..' grave··abuse: of discrenort ·amo.unting 'to. lack or·· gvidenc~_sti~~ld be·terrriin·ate~-within· 30.daYs· .-.~1~
. excess. of jurisdi.ction .. ·(People v, · Go, ~:t?,. · No. · from the 1ssuar,c~of the, orde_r: . _... ... . _ _- · · }i
~68539/Mar'ch 25;_-20.1.4)." · · · · · · ·· · . . · .. . . · ·· · ,.·., · ·. · .'f
. - . · . , .. . . . .._. Note:· ~eopenlng. of proceedings · presupposes that:- · ·~:
lfde~u,rrer· is granted,· t~!3 a~c.Lf~ed has. ttte' righl to .. · . .
bot~ .sides nave -~e~ted'thejr case, .ln contrast to fhe , ..,.
a~duce eyidenpe on the· ·crvil aspect o( the.. case -: .. : other : ~ost~~or:1v.1ct1on_ ..r~~edlE;_s/·:_/e9pe~Jng : ·of _'A
. unless. ·the court also declares . 'that the · act . or proceedings. is already ava1lablE!. ~~ early ·as when. :_.i~.
'enjis~ion from. ~hich· civ_il !i_abilitf~.a/.arise. did-~l},9(..:.,., .,.,;~e ?<3Se y,
~I.Jbf1:!lted for ~e~oluti¢r:', _even before .· \
·e~1st _If. the·. -cou!i ,issue~ .an. o~der _ _-_or_,,;reffd'ers ,, T iut:1grn,,2~t · (Valencia v. Sand1ganbar_a~, G.R. 'No. ·,:~,
.Judgment_not only granting -the demur.r~to~evi&~nce ~ r _ ('~/j99§.,'rilfJpber 17!-' 2005).. ... . . . . ; . · · · · .. ·
, a~d a~q.ui~in_g_, him. bt,it_ alS?. ~n hiS,jPl'vi~-~illtt}JJg_;.._,_~rl . )( ;, .. _..·· _-·:: ._: '... · · ·- . ':. '. "·:_ .
pnvate. offended party, ·. sa!d .Judgment 0~1i-ie:::'Civil. . . "": ' ·. ,.' \, ~ . . . . .., ,. . . . . . .' .
. aspect_ case would be a n6lli(yt~!l'l~~ig'ht--of-"T"" ·~..,..,. '-~ .JiS,- · '~~ ·:-' · · :'.: . · · · :· · .. 't1i
the a~~.1,!,zar,11, ::ir" .• w _&~-V:J;S§,P,}qu1pin.;_IN:ES_ ~OR ·· · -1~
.... ~eop_l~- G_:R. No. _151931::~erj,fe_ml'fe/_}3, ~p03). lP'>- · ~-. . ~O~~~~V,'{)U$:)1'~~1\I,, 'OF . - · : . · · ;~~
:. · .. · ' :i- · · !
._ Motion}o_D_ismi~~-NC?tAl~a}"~.,sl·-lf.emu_rtirr ... ·.. . ,' ·:-
-i- · · · · ·•i.. :CR:~BINAL
t~~·-f;:i ··:... ,CA
.· .~~~:·. ··
:. _: .·:· .f~f
· In ·or_der to_. determ1~~- 'v\'.h.~1 ~~~1:
n1~~1p~ fl~g,To-;~ c·~ ·· :·. . · ·. -~· 1r· -. ··. t . _: : · .. · .. . Jl
.-. reall'~ .a ~e.m.urrE!.f: to ~v1deo~,Jb~lfollo~1.t:i~';l"lust..!;?.~;-_. <T~fw. ·,f. · A.M;t,,fn>l \ S-'crG~ i-o-s&· . · :;ij
cor:is1dere~: m. the allegabfn~(de~rrtf~:,goo~.·
. fa~ltlJ; (2) the stage. ~f- ~he p~ce~i)ilg. at·~1ctru-is~ . . ·.
·· .. }ID~ ._,y~.- .-:zu "..-.
"'if {I~, · .i: t ~ .{,·
. :_· .: · · .··, ·.· :~
· · · · : --. ·. · ..·.t~
~red; a_n_d.(;3) tli_e prirna';ft!~~cit the'"gi),t~{[li~~:
-~-(9a~ad~,:v. ~e~p~e. G.R .. , ~- 18(30(j_1, ·. (q'h. ir~
Jfl~ ~~ ~B/1.!ff)~:<}J-~0,~~~~<?TIVf::S, ·... ·.-. · ::":Ii
~~~a~~'O_oye.i/d_by_t~t·Revised·Gul~eilne:;-·.·. . J
009).. .· .. · . · · _. \_. : . \\..· _ . . _ """'lA~~:lv,s~p.·G':11de~r·~~- sh~II ap_ply to.all newly filed·· :~
Demurrer ~Q Evid'ence ·V, IVlotii~ to Dls!l'li~, -~\~'.!}!J-A_;~ases, tn~,~dmg,.tho_se·.~ove~e.d by.Sp~clal 1-J~
. ..
the Ground of-Vio.lation .0f tit~ Rigf\f'to~...__
· • .. · :.
. . · .. Speedy ,Tciai .. ~
· . .. . · · · · · · · · · · ~- · ·,1
-~v· !.,!.l::a~~ .Jld't8-y_l~ •. 111., the F1rsl ·and · Second Lev.el
"f · "=-..:~-"''0~Urt\~t~.,ey,.. _$,:(iid1ganba_yan-pnd the .Court: of Tax
. _ri./1 ~1'e~1s-,a~fSept~r:nber 1_, 201.7.. . . . . . -.
· 'i'.:41
-~ -i:L :c.. ..,;p·f" "· .. ,. . . ' . . .. .. .. . . . . -~
=="'"'*1f'sifa!f'aJso a_pply to· pendi~g ;Ctirili~af cases. with· ~ :~
. . . . .· re~pe~ to:the _re~aJnder of th,e ,pro~~cffn!;J~: . : ·.. ·.. 31
·unless o;herwise . !?pe_ci_fically· -p_rqvid_ed_. 'i( ~'1~1.1..'nd_t. ·,-:.,!
' .. A~er ·the pros~cution Bl;i(ore.. lhi: .
pro~ecufion .· appjy to.: cases: under the .R~le ,01:1·; Summ~ry -":;,
. h_as rested its·case. .: has rested. its case oh rne . · Procedur-e. . . · · · .. · ··· , . . . :.i,
. . . . . . . :·. . . . . ·'' ground. "of denial of. . the.. . . . . . . .. .. .· .. · . . :-~
accus~c;J-'s ' speedy Repeafof Other-Rutes. . · s-· .·. · .... ·. : \;I
. ,~. trial. - ExisU~g · rule.s_'and . g.uidelin~s inqonslst~nt,.-with·.the· ·: ;·i;
Revised· ·. de~med amended· qr ·.;f
. Rea$on: Non-assertion ~f rep~ale~: . · . · . · :, : · . · · . ': - . · ·. . · · . . ., }
•· ·: the ·r:igtit.-m~y b~ a ·waiv~r
· 'therebf . (Cqsi;;olufllfa· .'v. Note:. N9n~com.pir~_rite. ~ith the-ke~i:;.~1d. ~~dklines;. ·::~
Sancflganbayan, · G,R. No. lnclud_l~g- fl:lilur~. to bb~erve. th~ ti.lJ)e'li~e~ ·and.' _- j1
19.1411; July 15; ·2013}. degdhnes·. :.herem. provided;. ·Is· a · ·gr:~>Und for /.J1
disciplinary action. · ··· .. . · · · ·. · .. :~
.Obiectives ~f the 'Re~ised Guid.elfnes
·. . ·. ·. . .· ·
-.1 ':ft
.M~y pe· fifed with ·oi". Flied without (eave of cou'rt: 1. ·;ro:protect and' apvance th~'.'constitutipnal right' .J
without le~ve 'C,f c9_urt. . ·' : . of persons to a speedy disposition of their ·-.f?j
crirnin~I cases; · · ]
. ,'ill


·.~: .

2: . To reinforce and give teefh;to thEfexisting -rules· · . . ·fll~d -by the .prosecutlori . as -a result .of . a
on criminal procedure and
other. special rules ., . relnvestiqation, ..reconsideration, and review ...
prescribing periods for court action and those . 2. Motion.-to quash wammt of arrest, · .: · .
wliich ·prpmote spe.edy disposition ',of ·criminal .. 3 .. Motion fo quash search warrant underSec: 14,
.cases;· and.. . :· .. ; . . . . .. ·.. .· to
.' Rule 12, or-motion .suppress' evlcence.. .·
3_- ... To 'in1roduce :innovations· and best practices for: ~-: · Mo.tidn·l~ dlsmlss orr the gro(md that the criminat
.the b~nefit
- -. ,· .. . .. · ·. , . -, . ·; . · · case -i~ · a . S.trategic .Lawsuit ag~i~st · Public
. ··. ':·.· ',:' . . ·. . ·. . ... ' P.artlcipatioti·(SLAPP) underRule 6 of theRules
· II.. _PROCE.bURE.(GENf:RAL:.·MATT~RS.) of Procedure for:Eri"'.ironir-i:erital Cases.
.·,,.., .

:· ~~ohib1te<f_-Motion~: (PreReQ-JP_AB) '. . .·:·. . . ·.The. to,rnmenh,J:lhe adverse party s'tiall,.be_-filed

· 1.. Motion for Judicial .determir:tatl\?n of. probable ·· within a.non-extendlble-pertod -of 1.0·.caleodar days.
cause: .', . -from notice/r~~i'pt-9fJh.e_order'qfthe.court:tofile t~e
2. Motion for Preliminary investigation: . same, 'and the· court shall resq_lye:flie · motlcn with Iii .
'a.: When· !t is.' _filed beyond : the · 5-day a non~extend.ibl~:period of 1 o. calendar days fror.ri the . . •
. · reglement;:iry period in lnquastproceadtnqa : expiration · of -the .10-day_ ,µ·~nod, with or, without
· ·. under sec.. s,· Rule.1 )2i or .. · . .. . , . comment, . . ·. ', · , 1 a· • •·· ~ .. ·•. -.~ •· · ·
b. · When required under Sec:--8; Rul'e· '.1..12,.·or. · . . . ' ... ·· · .· ... , . . · · .. : . . ·.
. : allowed in , inquest : pro'ceedi~gs . and :- the · ·· The· mo~Jon:_for.-r~consider.atfon:of th~ resolution ·
: accused failec3:··.' to "aparticipate in· . the _....,...,..;. ·_of. a· merttcrlcusrnotlon.shall be filedwtthln a non- -.
. . : ... -p~eliminary~l8Ve'S~ig_a~idn_.despitE:1._due..tiott~~,t::r!f !c:Xten~ibla·p.eridd..of 5 .calendardays from rec_'¥i~t of.
3. Motton for. Remves!1gatiqn of the. P.roseq1,1,tQv~:-'.\-: Such re_sq.lution, at1d.t_he a~verse party·shail be !'.}Iv.en .
. . .re._c.ommen'dintfthe filjng'of l_riforniat!on on.ce;w,ti:;:-.a ~n eq~al per(od of~ .cale~q~r"_~a~s rro.m re<?eipt o_f
:_-· ln(ormation has b~en_fil'ed;~efore t~7 court;\u~:r-.-iilA~~...QlOt!on }~~:reconslder.at1on.w1th1n wh_1ch to,subrrut .
. . .. a.· .,If the Q10tlon 1s_f1led. without pr.ior-le~'(e <?f.,.vf~~Jf-U.~~'l'fl,r-l'.!~0't.'.:(f .·. . ·: '·. · · ·. -: ....
. · .. · court; . .. ·· · .:...···'/;,-,· · '-·/ l'l · · ·',l<..l. 1i'liJ.:>t;i.,
Moti~fl~J!1~t • : ··· . · . ·: · ·.·· · ·
P.'r(;';!..s .

b.. _Wh~.n :· 'preliminary inve~tig~tf

.· - .. required unde_r $.ec. 8_. ~l;,'i.~9.d .',; ·;.j/." r~ .
n~·i\:·?r N-ote:
_. .c.- ~when th~ regular prehmm~!>'.}!iWe?.t![abon 1s ·· . ~:JI . be ~~meqjoutngqt. : ·: · . · · , -:- · · . · . · · .
do__ r.iot cdnform ~o t_heprescr\_bed .. and S!,!31!

. _ .· requlred·an_d has b~et),~tm,llly ~nauct~q,._ · .. t~~ . ·. · . ,1,7- J: . \·· . . ...· . , . . ·. . .·

· : · and the .gr.ounds rel.1~:ypon· ;ln:-we motibr\~ ·1!,7-a Ill. AR,~Gr,iME)l,T·PR°'PER . · : ·'
· · . . ate not nieritorious)5•·sgch~:a1.:~issues;,;:_Qf ~;.:,;. · . <;;,·.,.•.i:,i'1fJ.~"'!'~? · - - . .
. ·. ~redib_ility, · .atlrnisslbilil¥,-'. '.9)~7"·:~~i:'fen~f~ ;_.,i]- Arraign'rit~~per. if')cJuq_es · pl~a·, b~rgaining,
· - !i'mo9ence of. the ·~ccuse'cf~_r;;,a~}of d_i.!~ . {1/ . _ .arr?l.f9n'l'rlent and Pf~-trJal.·. _ : . , : :· · .. : . . ·. :
.. process wt,e~ .. the "was·}~atuafiy · }!,m~· ,n·· _.. -~: : · · · . ... ..· . _:. ·. ~ · : .. : · · ....
· · - n<?tffied, among others. . ~., __4-:.1 ; . . . ji~i-fi,'Ntl~,i:-·Ar:ra1gnment_Proper·H~ld : . ·. . .· . ·
4. · l'y1otlon to wheM:,U:(ei gro1.:1r.1a;i'§?--..... ~Ales$t·a1:sworter-j:>eriodis provi<;fed by.special law.or
:nqto,ne of t!'lose stated in Sec.3;·-~~le11c_:f-:/ · · . Supreme Cciu_rtcir'cular,.oiiceth\3 ~ou'rfha·s:acquired
.5. Mqtlon. for .§.ill· .of·· particulars tha(~do~~- :riot · 'ju·risl'.fi(:tio'n · over,· the; per.son· .of. the accus'ed,. the
·. conform to Sec .. 9, Rule 116. · · .-......,-..-. . ·· arraignriient'of.the accus~·d anffthe pre-tril:lt $hall be'
6. Motion· to suspend the Arraignment: based· on . set: ::.. · · :: . •: ·:. ·. ·'. · . . .- · :_' · ,. · . . : ..
grounds not statE?d u.nd.erSec.. 1.1s; .R'uie 11 'Ei: · · . : ·. . · · 1 ... Wit_t,i°ri'1_o calendar days troni· date:of.the .c9urfs
7, PE;itjtion to ··stisp!3nd crir'nioal .actiqn on the . ·. :,receipt 9f the -eas~ fo(;i ~et.ained accused; ·pr
. : 9[0iJnd· of. frejudicial ·questiOI),: -When rio · eivil . : 2. 'V\ '30.Caleri~~f:dayS' from tlie.'da, !)OUrt.
. case ·has been filed, pursuant to --Sec.. 7.,. Rule.· · · · a.c·quires .-'jurisdiction· (either··· _by· arres't or
· 111· ... ' · · · . . · ·, . · . voiL:Jnt~ry s,1.irt'enqer) · over a . ·.non-detained
. . .. ·· . . . . . accused, ' .. : '
Not~-: .P.roh.,bited. ~·oti~:ri~ ·shati :b~- deoi~d.:c;,u~Jght:- ·
· before the ·scheduled arraignment without rieed of .. ·1n~tao·a~s•.. ._.;Ar~aignment . Held.
. and/or opposition. . .. . . . . Short~t P"ettod: · : . .- :_: . .- · · ·. ·. ·. ·. ·
· .(See discus~fon-vnder-Rufe ·1,16, Sec. 1) .
Meritorious Motions ,.. :- . ,.· ..f::.:.J:··\:.: : . :· .:... · .4 :" :· .
Motions.that allege plausible grounds supported·.by. Effects of _~l~a Barg~inlng· .ani;I· Plc:ta_ of Guil.ty to
r.elevan( doquments and/or cornj)etent ev(deri~. Proce_dure-: · : . ·.· .. ·. - . · .. '·. . _; . · ·.
. except thbse. t_hat are alr.eady_ .oover~d · by·. th~- · 1. ..'P.le·~ Bargainlng:Except in Drug· Cases,...'-lf the
.. · Revised Guidelines,. are··meritqrious motions, ·such acccised :desfres to enter a plea of· guilty· to a
as: lesser·: ·. offense,. .. pl~a . bar.gaining . >shall
1: . Motion to withdraw Information, or to downgrade imme~iately . proceed, · ·provider;J ·the.· ·private·
the charge in the original Information, .. or fo · ... = .offen<;lei;I party in private crimes,'or the arresting
exclude c;in· ·accused originally cha~ged--therein, officer in . llietimless·, is pre.sent 'to.· give .

. . "'
I 61'9
~ .. l!ml~ 1111111111~----
. .. l,lll--lml .. . mlllill!m:1
. Blll!lill!ll
.. lllmilllllllllil .. ~ma:IIIII~.
a.~ ~
CJ~JMI N:AL-'PROC.E·o.·u,RE. '·'.0
·, SAN.BE"DA-tA'w_CENTRAlt:(ED·_~fl OPEtMTIONS_~ MEMORY AID 201S?,: .·~t~
hisiher.~~n~·e~t ~ith the-conforrnlty of,th,eplibli~
. prosecutor te the plea bargaining.·. Thereafter,
· tes~ifyo~ the aut~el)t\city'. ci'ue: execution and the
· contents ·Of publle documents and reports, and ~ .S
judgment shall be ·immediately rendered-In the in· . crimin~I · cases . that . are . transi;ictlonal· ·in.,, ·:ff
. . . same proceedirrqs, ·. . . . character' . such as falsification, . malve'rsation ~}
2.. Plea the Crime-CHarged-·in.t'1e. . ~stafa;or other- crimes·culpabil_ity:o~. ~,J~
. · Information c...lf-{he accused pleads guilty to the innocence of the. accused can be established .. : ..:;;~
. . . crime charged, iri the Infcrmatlon; judgm~nt shall> . 'thrc?°ugh' documents •. the '·testimonies ; of the'.· '.}'f
· ·be lmmedtately rendered ,, in those cases witriesses sh1:!IJ be rn· the 'same as· (a) and .0:>) . · Jt
involving 'caoltat punishment; · , . · ... · .. . ·. ..". · above, subject. to additionat direct. and cross, · '':ff
3. Where No Pie~· Bar.gaining ·or ·f>lea _pf G_µilty · . e~a~inati~n questions. . · . . ·: · . _.' . . . . {$!,
Take-s Place - If the accused' d_oe~ nbt ehtera · . . · · · · · ·· · ·.r, ..1',
·plea.of guilty. whether to a Iesser .Offense or to -- · · ~ote: In aJI other cases ~~~e th~
c~IPabilitY o/·= ·-,.: ~!t
the offense c;harged in the.tnformation; ttie court · the innocence of ttie · accused i;i based on the · ·.. ;j;,
shall · lmmedlately . .proceed · . .with . · : the . testimonies ".of· the alleged eye.witnesses,· the · ,,.,
· · ar_rai!Jnment and _the pre-trial, '. : · ··· · i '. }~~!t'-~~ies ·of ~ese··s shall ·be .ir:i o'ral _·. ~

Absence of Partie's In Pre-Trial- . . , . ·.. . . . ·~

The court shail'proceed With the p~e-ttial·de~pite the ·. . D~rlng·pr.e-trial(_pre)lmif!~ry c~_nferenc~. the court'·:··\
counse·I for··the· accused, as well:·a&:ffie ·Jtublic .~
~bs~i:,~e Qf_ the acc_use~ a~~lor private c<m.:1pfain~~~~-w~e~uirefhe'-pa~ies to ~nJe~ !nto stip~la_ti<;>ris' on· ..
provided they were :duly notified of the sam~.;:.ancfthe 1f. 'lhe..~1.:1b1.~ct.of .both direc~. a!')d cross-exam1.nation!;. of {
1~\!t'{es)H;1~'~U0haye: no personal. knowle~ge of the :}f
pl'osecutor,are present. · ..... ~.·~~"7)'r~-~.,;,._.:;t[1}it~al/fagis~on_stitufing-.the ~rimes;. like- .. expert ·' >t
· . · · ·: · . · . .· .,,,f;..·.·,-\V_.,:~ ,·. · ,witfl~e-s,$.~~ajd,~b._t.rer·similar wi\nesses,.·who'will . rz,~i
Note: As for the couns~I de·partJftfl~(DJ~)s-Bjftere_nt'''"~11;~"4estify.J'i'-l~~')~ut~nticity, · due .executiorl' ·and the · ··. tlJ
'during trial. In ~he absenc~ of.~i;i,tl9s71)'f~pprle,.t~~r ·J..? ~entem$ · -~ •(P.q~lic, :documents: and· r~ports;· .\~
hearing shall_ jm~cee~ ~p_of ap119wtmenltby tl:ie .{~ ~~ro~o~~!iv~\~\~et~\s;· and.·~os~_who·will testify .. ::j
court of a offi_c~~-/J
. . .
· //. · . ·.. · :·
. n )!"""::;,,,

Cou~ A_n~;~e·d ~edi_a.·t1or;'!·_.(i(C:1.(Ldi~;'a;_iKbi~p.tif~?

!("--·~·p\:J·l~-rf ,,~~~~le':·
...'!. . . . ,._,.G,
on thE,? c1y11 hab~~ t,}. ~ ·; .

.· ..
_. ·,. . . . . ,,.;
:{.)< ~. . . .
,·:,·~_g·re~~~~,~·-.6~-- ~d~is~:ions. - ~a_d~ or · .01
. -· '!

Resolubon . . . . !i :.,c>",-:4 ij . ·. .. . 8'1£:.:mru:,iiJi~'Olered; durm1;1. bt'71ac"':W\t'trrat·co~fer_er;i_ce shall. be . ;_.; i

41'11.. -· . j
_(See discussion. u.nd~rRuleihf'16).,~¢;_
· · ·
Forms· of Testimo!ly
. . - . . · · 't.-:iflt =-~~'\ .·
· \..£/ ;!I \ .·.,
I' "::,_:-'S~~~J@~riti1~.

'f)~~-· , .;\ . )f_cf/!'e,i~r-.Y'

ant! ;1>igne<;l_· t;,y. the. ·a~~_use~· .and ··:~
~?un~f~e-~1se,::th,,y_-can~ot~e used ag~mst
~d ·(fOC,_ 'R_1Jf.e 118, Sec. ~). . . . . .1
:{- 1,
· 1. For First Lexel Co.urts -~·tn al/_ectmmafi'g_a~·es., 4
~/.:...,<~"' ,.r . ii · · . .- · .- · : ·'.'.;
.i!'lcludin·g· t~ose_ .covereJi~by t'fi',~· R~lo/'-1-~-.,~~
Summary Procedure, . th'e~ t~stir'ltQ[lie~Ser~\t:v
AL:./·, ...
.-7·. 7
J-- . " ·. · · . . : ·. '
- .·.· .· . ', .. .- •,
.. witnesses shall cons\st-of: . · '\ .. · ;,:~~~~s· · · .. · •'',
a. T~e duly sut?scrib_ed wri~f~U 'sfs§~':']eJ1~"'..=t;F~"'(P.~hi~~:>;.;ttr. trial
-_·. . pr-o~lded' in.Jhe. Regular. -,
. law. enforcement or p~ap_e Qff!,;ers .".:\\A~ (~~'te~~Sp~ec1alRutes 11re r~tameci:·:. ·. · . ·. ...
or the affidavits · or . :counter!affi~y_its .f\ Ii,l' }:J;,;·~ . , · ·. ·. · · · · '.
. submittep . ·before .. · ttie . · ir:wesfigafing"""~--"""'-".ffietrial· dates. may be shortened depending on. the ·. · :
pro:s·ecutor.; ai,ct : . · . · .. , · : . . . · · nµm.ber.of·witnesses to be presented. · : ·.,.:
b. ff such are rrot available, 'fostimonies shall· ·. · · · . . . . . .. , ,
b_e in the form ~f,judicial afflc;iavitS,'SUbj~ctto....
additional. ·direct. an,d ·-cr6.~.s-exar:ninc1tii;m.,
·< N.ote: The court·sball strictl.yadliere f9,the':iu1e'that. ·)
a witne,s:;·has tQ be fully examined 'in 1 day. '·... . .. '> ;
questions. · · · · . ·. · .. , . . . :. · ·:· . ·. · · · ·. · . · · ._ . . . . . ·.. . . ·. . ·;
· ·· · - · ·· .. 1n·this regard••.~ flowchart shall be jirepare~ PY. ttie. _-;:
N~te: The trial pr~secutor ~ay dispense . court. which ·:Shall· s_ery.e ~·if tf:ie · fir:1a1· sch~cfule· ·of .. , .
with· such. sworn . written·. -statements .. and . hearings. . . . . . . , . . .
. prepare. th.e jtidiqi~I af{icfavits of-th~'.affiants-
or 1T1odify ·ar revi_se t!)e: .:said sworn . Postponement : . . . ·
statecnents before presenting1t as e~idence. .A motion for-postpo{ prohibited 'eXCE!pt ..

·4. For Second L~~~; . i~urts,- _s:~di~~n·b~;~~~- .

and Court of Tax Appeal_s..:. In criminal q'ase:s·
_is based on.acts of (3qd·, (Orce majeure, or·physiC;:tl. · :
. .inability of-tJ:}Ei witn~ss to,a'ppear and testi_fy. tri. any
·ca$e, the· presenfatio11 'of· evidence rnust ·still be'
/ Where t11e· . demeanor of ·the .. witness ·-is · not .. 'tinlstied on th_e dates'. prev.iously ·~greeq upon . .
esseniia'r in cietermining. the. credibllfty of. said
witness, . such as :"forensic . ct,emists', · medico- · Note: I~ the ~qsence of. counsel 'de parte·, 1h~
.legal offiqers,. accountants, qustodians, expert hearing .shall proceed' upon appointment ay ttie
wit_nesses and other-similar.witnesses, who will court of-a counsel de officio


·c·_Rt ,~-ft:N·At·i~RocE:b.u. RE·
·SAN BEDAJ._flW .C&l1'flALIZED.~AR OP~ATl,ONS -; MEMORY AID 2~,~ . :Eviden·ce . ·. . 3, · 'Juri~dlctiori over the·ferso,:i-0f the.AcGUsed.

(See. discussion under Rufe 119, Sec. 23) ... (Cruz v,: CA, G:R. No: '123340, ,August 29
; ... . :.2002), ,. . . · '
Lack of St~nog~aphic- Notes . " .
Judges. who . conducted the . trial and· .heard. the .. et
F.inal Ord .of Ojs missal.'.: . . .
testimonies of some or all bf .th.e·witnesses sliail not . The ·<fisrnissal made i~ ,o'p'eJi' . .COUrt; whi.Ch 'was .not
defer the·sul;>rnissioo of the case-for decision on-'ttie. reduced .. in V¥ritJng, . is . riot .a .valld ''ct'isrnfasar or
grpu:nd . c;,f . lncomp,lete or .. mi_s.sing .:transcript . of , · ~e~1J]inatlon.. of the .c.a.s'e., .The ,v~r.~a,I ,t;>,tder does not ·
stenographic. net~s. . ·. . ··. . . . . . . .. ex,_st .'at. :al! .. In . contemplation- :of. law . (Corpuz.. v.
: . ~an_cfiganbayan,.G.R:·No.' 162214,:. Nove'mbec11
. If the ca~e:.' heard c~!Dplet~ly by an~tt)er judge,. . 2,004).. ·. :· . . .' . . · .. · . . -, · . . . ·, ·: · . · · '
not the ju\;lge· tasked to write ·the decision~· the latter · ··. . ... ... ,· · .,: . '
.shatl direct: the stenographers concerned· to submit ~eine.dy .lf.Judgmen.i Is Not Pµt in.Wtiting ·, .
the complete transcripts. within· ~-. perled of.30 . . To·rne_s pe.t!tiop fo,r r_ia_n1a.m4s't9·c9rnpel the ju~ge·
calen~ar -. days from date of ·h,is/her a&su.mi:ltion to · ··.
· office: . ·. . · , · · . · · · . .
·. ti? put in writing the decrston.ot the court (Roe· Rule
· · 65, Sec,,, 3J";.:·.: .. ·. · ·. · . ·. . . . · . <. · '., .
. :· '(Relevant additions..orm6dific~ti.D~$·by 'the'·Re~ised J udg,nier't 'Rendered 'by J,udge w-~~'ofo Not' Hear .· J
. Guidelinessre lncoroorsted{1mong. the discussion the Case · "." . . · .. : . . . ·.. ·· . . . · · .. r
: t1;roughou,ttfieFfule.s)·., _ · . :_. . . . . -, . It lsnotnecessary d'iaf the ju~g~·wh_o.!ri.ed thicas~ ..
. ·. ·. ·. . ·.. /~I .
be: th~' s~'me jq~iCi<i.t '?ecide it, Th~ tl;iat... - fctct:
.'.. :
.. .
.. . .. . .
~RUi..E 12 ff' . :· . .

·:, ./;-¥:
''f...tri-:-· .the tl)al J_udge 'A'.h_o r~~?ered _JUdgm_43\1t ·was· l:'l(?t ~he
,; r :.- .i~ one _wl:lo ~ad tlJe oc?as1oli to·op& qemeanor'
~f': ,}t-;·;;~.J
.of the W_it~e$s'es: during·tril;ll,'btit'm:erely·r¢1!ed the· on l

· · . ·, ...., · · . . . . . ~../J} ·::; ,

;_,\0.{tE::~?}~!:of f!J:~·ca~e, _do,es·'i"the judgment· i
. .;J°'UD.GM~NT_, · ~ ~.. ;,p-· .
"\)!o(*.1.c~i:f~O~~i.e_:~pe9rally_wt:i~re the ev{q~nc~ an re~prd I
. . .: . . :. . -1·. ;_;,·. ,, · ~_·_,.JI ,
1.s sufflc1ent;;~~suppott -!t~· -~()n~l~siori..: (Pepple ·v_: · '
·... , '-·!_c _d· · .. ··{;..-~i ·.. Alfred,o, .ffe!ll ~o. 1?.~.560,_D_e.cem_b_er1.5,
·:. . ... _G_ 20.10•1.... 1 ·
·s.ecT10·N 0•
1.·._-_ JUDG MEN'f; ··. DEFIN1!1:'.ION_.,ANI.J.
·,;;..::. " _, , '.. f; · ·. . . · i,1 ; \ ' ·. . · · ·. . . · .. ·. .
·FO:,'tM .• : . . . '·: ·_., ~~--\~;tS:, .. '. (i . ~(~cT101f·~ot;tfENTS.OF TH~'JU_D~t.ii$NT .. ·· .
· · . . . ..· ..... f:•~ . · · ·. v · ~. 1;-J. :· . It · ~- . ~ · . :· . . .· , . /.
J~_dg_~.ea:1t i~ ac:lj!,Jd_!~_tio~~~}~t~t~~:t,tna~tJ:le l ~:; I~ t~.E;:i;1,qw:n1.~U~$~~-:~fconv.ict1on, it ni_usf st~fe:·
accused,~!>· guilt5'. o_r not guilty:oUl:le. off,!:!n,(i;_ch.argect, ft~
1 :. T~~.~g~(q.~~-liq~a~1or:i.. (?f .the offE;nse constituted . .
. -~nd ..the. 1mpqsitlon of the prop~r::,,Pt(JJ~Y~·~.nd
· ha!)1hfy, 1f any._ . · . · . . • \C' 't\
·c~yff.. tJ ·.
b__Y t ,~ta~~;~?r1m1tt~;
by \~e .acc.~se~;'ahd lhe :· :
,, -f:) · , . _aggra~a,t1~g ... or . m1tl~at11:ig_. ·circµn;istances ...
' · · · ... , · ··. 0 · .. ,U · --. · . -:,~- ....,r.-::iattendmg its commission·· · ·· : · · . ·, '.· · ··. · . ·
. . '"' ""·;!.;. •··:.t',2t1~<Th ...
R_equ)~it~s of ~h~ Jud9.ment: . , !.' ,y::;.. · ·. /~:i0..t.J.!:...iw·.~ t. . • • ...
1,P,~,rtii;;ip~tio~ _of t~e· ac_c~sei:f Y_'hetlier. as_. ·
A. F9rma! Re~ul~_ltes:· (~PC). ; :, /:"':t.
/j.J·l~ . _ . . · ·-prlncipal; accol)1phce or acc~s$~iy;_ . : . , ., ··. .
1.. , Writtet') 1n t~e _o~ct~_I. lan!;Ju-ag~;, ...~~";,, .. . · 3 .. The P~n_all?' ln_ipased upon th_e ~<?c~~ecf; and · .·
2. f~rs!)nallY. ar:id.du:ecUy prepared a"Rd-stgried 4. !he _-c1v1I. h.a~.1ht.y or: damages caus.eq ._by the
. . . ~ythejydge; .and .. ·. ..- . : . ·_ . : · . · .· · . wrong'ful act(:)~ ornis!'ii6r:i,' unless' a.·separate civil.
· 3( _M_ust go~~ain cl~ii!rly·:· a.rid . di.stiiictly a. · · · . action ~a\peen i-es·~hf~<fo(wafv,td: · · ·
~tatemenLof fac\s·, .and upoiiwhich .. · .. . . . .: .-_._. · · · · .. , . ·
/ · ·. it is ·oased: " ··. · . ·.' · Note: ·._The court· :should prescribe., the correct
. . pef1alties irf stric(obs~rvan~e: of the. Revised·.P-enal
Every. decision ;0f
a court of rec~rd ~hall. Cod.e: Ofherw{se; ttie ·penalty prescribed. 'invalid. IS
clearly. and' di~fin.ctly state the:'facts' and the'
~nd'i,yif( not.atta_lhfinality.(Oe Castro v. People, G,R:
.laWAi,-wh.lclJ:·,t i$ !)ased (QONS'r., Art.· VIII, No. 171672, ·Febrilery'2, ~015},"-· . . · ·. ' · .
sec.14). ·. ''. ·. -·: · ':··:· · · ·. · · .· ... ·
· · If ~-h~:jµcj_gnient·is on~-.of ~cq·uittal; it·rn~;(stafe: .·.
·: .Note.:: ·_. A v~r~~i'.Judgtnent. is. in'c·~n:i~i'!3te .·.··, .. 1 .. _Wt,et.t1~'r the evidence· ·of ·the··. pro's·ecutiori
.. ii!b~olutely_failecl tQ,pro\i,e the-guilt'ofthe accused .
an~ lriyali.d as it.does DOt ci;>nta,lr.,.findings .f:>f
fact· and· is· not. ·sign~d. by· the ·Judge. Ttie· · . ·._or ni_erely · fa_i!ed to .-,p~by~ hi.s· g!;lllt: beyond'··. ,.
reasonab!e tloubt; and . . , :· · , · · ·
. ir'ifin_:nity, IJow~ver, may_ be corrected_ by -a·
f!Ubsequent f41l-b[ow'n judgment.Th.ere can- 2:. In either .cas!3, 'the .judgment'.shall' determine if
. th~ act· dr .9mission from which tfle dvil liability
l?e no oral jud_gnient (Pe.ople. y.;
. ·G,R.. No. 90626, Al!gusl, :1a, .19.93). ·,. · · · . ·might arise' did not exist " _.

B.·. J.urlsdlctional .R~qotrem.~nfo: (iTP) ..

-N ~te: Judg;.;,ent ~,°-~.;q~ittal
is :cons;der~d· final ~-ncf . : .. a
ex~c,1,1to1iorder and ncf app.eal will lie; no matter hoW
. · · .1-. .Jurisdiction over the .§ubjet:t Matter; .
. erroneous · the . judgment. The only e,tceptlo.n Js.
~- .Jurisdictic;>n ·_ove_r the I_errit(?ry; and . . ~ .

. . .. . . . . . :.... ·
. . .
•\ .;.,.,}-:Y,~1-~i ....~.\."'='··~
. -~- .,~r.~

Aio -2019
sA'N SEDA uiw ~ENTRALizio IJAR_oPE~rsoNs
• ~~-1
where tliere Is grave·~buse_of discretion amountinq lnvaslon. bf. the- rights. of an·
-injured .. or a · .. )t~·
to lack or· excess of jurisdiction (People v. Lagulo, : punishment . for -those·. guilty of 01:1trageous .·.·.·_'ft>.,:_,·.
Jr., G.R. No, 128587, March 16, .2007:).. · . conduct (People v, Jugueta; G.R .. No: 202124 ~
. . .. .. . . 'April 5, 2_016).: . ; • . ·. .- . · . - . ' . 1~

.. 'Li13b\lity Depending ·o_n· f<ltid of-Acquittal .: · \_'._~-~~,

· First is ·an' acquittal 6n .ttie. grbund thatthe' accused Note:_ Being· -correetive ,..;-: nature.. e)temRl;_ry ·"
.. ls not the 'author' of the 'actor ornlsslon ccrnplained . damaqes.ttherefore, can 'be awarded;· not only •.\,;,,
of, -Tbere ·is· ,:t'o:clvll liablilty, 'fqr a person who has .
· been found to. be 'not ttiit perpetrator of any act or"
. due . to ·,the·.- presence of · an . ·
circumstance, but.atso where the circumstances
omission .carmot ai1d cannever be 'held ·napta for .' - ·. · of t~e .case ·snow· the. higryly reprehensible -or _::);J
.such act or .omlssion. There ~eing no dellct, civil . · .. outraqeous-conduct.of the. offender (People v .. -\;.'.,
. liability ex ·deli9tc;>~is out pf the question; and the dvil . · Jug~eta~ GiR. No. 202-!'?il, Apri/.5,. 2016) .. -. .· _j~·
action, if any, WhiGh maybe ihs.tifote.d.rriustbe based . · · · ·· . ·. .. · · . · ... c . · :· · ·"J·
on grqunds other than th!;! de°l_fi;:.t c9rr,plail).ed. OT.· ~- . N_~e;Jf th~.jgdgn:r~rjt did n6t'p[oViqe·fot th~. award .. ]§,
.• ': . . . . .· . ... . . · of 9ivif: darnaqes, t!'te jl.idge_ m.~y.'b~ -:colnpelled· by :·Jq;
Second is ar, -acquittal. based- o_n reasonable qoubt · .·. mandam·t;is "(Padil~a v. CA,· L--8$}999, M<1y 3·1, 1984). · ·: f-
on the guilt of the accused: Even if ·the guilt of. the · ,· · .· · · · :·· · ·. · · · · · .· /~j
~ccdsed tia·s'noLt;een~~a!isf~ctb~iX est1:1bii~h1(d,. t-ie. · - SECTIO.N_.:;3. JU~G~_EN)". FP,F{ TWO OR. MO~E . · }~
.. ,~. n_ot ex~mpt . .frorg C!v•!.. haQihty_ wh1ct) may_ ~,;,,..==:...-9.F.fENSES.· :· · · ,· ·. · , . · ·. · :JJ
· proved by· pre'pondera11ce·of eyide·nce <?OlY,+",:-nfs" is il' ).,.: ~~~,._~· ·: · · . · · · · · · · · . · · . . .Ai
the situation ·contemplated !n.Article 2J)~.(_tht~ivi1J..:..· Jv'V~~~'}~w1."'e..r;..r.i')ore·offerise·s·-ar.e charged_ l_n single a ',~J
Code, ~l)e_rethe ~iyif·aqtiqn.for da~_agt{~•S\~to~~--=''~·=';i~'l~rma_t.ion,_a_nd the' accused falls to ··· ·~~
~am~-ap( or ~f!Jissio_n_.(Mananta,p;y·C~;,,..:~;-8.f:No. · · object~'1t . 9,tt~r~, _trial! tl:l~ court.may ,convict-the · )l
. 1<;>71~~~ J,mua.ry 2_9,.:2901) . .- ·. /, '<1'//.;-""'.'"'_,,'.~f"""7ae~u~.~-t~of'\.... as ~~'?¥·.offenses· ,Js· charged· and . ·-~~
. , . .,.... . q. ~· 4- · ,ct
. . Note:. Reascinal:ile doubt-.'isf.that<,~ich_·;~er fi:i)(
• 'Im ··
·. it~
·f)JQVed.\ "--,,,:1f:}
't ·
\ ( ;:..i .. ··, . : '. . ·.' ... · . . . . .j,
· c·on~ider~tion of alf e.videf)c~{l~aves,~the mJn<:J.of the.. -~· l'• .Gom~a1rit ·ot~fo)matibn miist .charge· ·j:)µt one >~
'. 'judgefri'su~h. a concfit!o~. that'~e~nnofs(yJFi~t~~-.. ~~nse..rxc?pt~Q.f.y.i:q.lp<;>s_ec~ses i_n which ~xl~ting .] if.
_feels. aQ !3b1d1ng C?nvtcll~m.Jto:-:a':f:11er~l -ce~a111\y.;~?., :~rq.~~ pr~scnbf;! 5;.a_ · s,q~e :·puni_st:,m~nt for various 'i
. ~~--~~~:~;~;~~t~~~~~f;~::~~~aca\~A~~~~~e~5ji~oc,_rt1/~~~'f-:s~~:· 1}J·. ~ .·. :_·.~i 1· .

. . . .· ·. ,-- ~-:(0{ .. '\>.f\ . ··)1:f Jff9'i:qTJ9 . . -;J4m;_~~~TJN_CA_SEOFVARIANCE •

. ~;A~~ail~~~t;:r:~sa~wi~~=~~~i~~~\;~r~}\le_~
awi;irded. by_,-the Coui:t;- na~f.!ly: civJl i_nderr,ri'iit},',"'':.~...
~'1.!{; ::~,~f1.:0~
_A~O ~ROOF .' . .
. . . :'°j i

moral·, af!d exemP,la~y da.ma9~%.Lik~wl~ ~§ir-~.-IN.,&1::;UDED IN ~'NOT.J:IER: , , . . - .. .

. d~magE,?s· rne1:y b_e aw;:ird~d or temp~r_a.te.c;i~mag~I~.,:'~ ~ ·· 17".. . . · . ·.. . . .. . . . J
. . some _install.C~$- . . . . . . . .. ' ..{ _Qv·
~".'""~-:-.;i,-.=iV~·ll\C,_9.0.9:,!ii.rle... : . ··. . . . . . . . ·. ' : '. ... ,,.
· . . · .:·. . ,. · : , · · - ~~-- '1 . ~ A 1.Wl(er\ itn~re."' is ·, a. ~anance . qetw~!3n t~e offense . , ,
· . 1: . ~ivil l!'!1nlty ,· the qffi::11.a~.c.P~~· cl,~ 1.-~~~~.e:!'(!n 1h_e: Complaint. or lnfo~~ti~n arid th~t . ,·:
.. as·· a kind. of . monetary- ·.·rest1tut10!1 o~=proved,fl.n~ the offen:i,~ a_~ qharged-1s inclu_ded in 'f.
con;ipensation to lhe victim-,for the.·d<:!!11age.·or •. cir nece~~ar!ly' in~lu,<:fes· the''pfl'ense prov_ed,. -the .,
·· infra~tion t~at '-Y~~ d.9110~ ~o t.he 1atte~ by· 'the,. . · ..accused :sh811 '"b0 _Co'1~icfed Of the 9ffenS~ proved · · · :1

· · ·.· acc:us~d. :Which-1n· a s·~nse covers t/Je civil· ·· ·.·whic!'l is· included in the otten~e. qh'arged. or .of the .. ,'.?
. . aspect .. (apart.· . from . other pr.oye_ri:'.·actual' :: o~e.,:ise Ghargi=ld whi~h is ·inch,ided in the'. offen:s·e. }
. . 9amc;!ges );· . . . . . · proved (ROG, Rpte .119, Se_y;_ 4). . :i
2. Moral damages - awarde_d·.to·compensate one ·. · · · · ·· · · · ·- ·· . · .•
. · forinan.ifo_ld injuries such .a~ pnysical' suffering.,. · . Offense Ctiar~~cr · Nec~~sarliy :incfudes· Offense.· ;'
·. mental __ an.9uish, :serl_ous ar.j_xi!3ty, besmlrchet!j. . .. Pro':'ed · · · · . ··. ·. . . ·. . ·. :· .
. reputatfcin,.. -. y,,ourided · f.eelings and. so,cial . . Refer~- to. wheii some of the esse!')tial. e!ements. or. . , .
.. . . ,h\Jmiliafion.- .. J'hese . da·rnages, _m(fst . be_ . · lngfedieri\s o_f.the·form·e~. as alleged In the.Complaint
.. understood to -be in_ the concept of ·grants,: not · . or .lhformation, constitu_tetheJatter:· · ,:,:,
. 'punitive. o'r <;:orrective ·,n natur.e, ,~loulated to .. : . . . . ' . . . . ' ..
compensate tf:le claimant for·the inju·ry suffered; Th~s; .if {he:·a:ccused·ls <;:h~rg~~ with .murder b~t it . ·. ::
and'.-. . . . . . .. .. ._. . wa~ ·hami~ide ttiat y,,as proven,. tht:1. ·a_c.cused: shall be ·. -
3. Exemplary . damages - also known. as conyicte·d of.hq,rticide, tl")e Homicide·
"punitive'! or "vindictive" darnai;ies~;exemplary or. . . is Included iri the ·offense charged, whfch is' murder
. _correctiv~:darnages are intended .to serve as a · (RIAtilo, SLfpltj at 5..Q.4).. r ·. • . . . ...
deterrer:it to ·se.rious .wrong· doings, and as a .:;
vindication . of : uncfu~ sufferir.,gs· and wanton . ..-·


. I '

t~R-fM-1-°NA.L· P·ROCEtlU RE..


v'arlance. betwe~n··· -~.r,iminal N.eglrgence.. a~d Va~iarice in .Mode of Commlssi~n ·c;>f Ci:lme
Willful Offenses . . , . Both'Modes Included -in. the "Same .Crime: Where
While a criminal negligent act.under Art. 365 .qf the_. the mode of commission alieged .Is at variance'With
Revised .Penal Code is not"a"simple.modality of a :the "mode . or commission ·proved,. conviction.: is
.·willfu·I crime:but:a .distinct ·crime In i\self, ·a: coiwicijon··. posalble if the. variance does. not change th~ crime...
for· a· crlminal.. neglig·ent ·act c;an be· had u~d-er. .an · and ·the 'accused fails to object thereto: The· offense
lnf.ormatlon ·exclu~ivefy charging the commission- of ~ha(ged. is ·suit included in brnec~s~ary includes - ~h~ '. :
_a wlllf..ul offense:. upon theory that- the: greater'. offense proved (People .I(. Abe/lo., 'G.R: No.151952,
h:rofuqes the· 1esser offense' (PAMARAN,. ·supra at · · .March 25, 2009).. . • .
585) .... ·'. . . . .. ,: -. r.

. Whil.e the Information in this case cle·ari"ystates that

. ey reason thereof,. a"ri accused rnay be 'found' gul°lty the -crirne' was ·committed by -appellant's iris"ertjon'ot
of ·negligent . falsification . under . an· Information his penis 'Inside AA#s vagina, ·the lattersolemnty
·, .ch.argirig w.lllful .falsl.(lcation fSeviJfa'v. -People, G.R. . testlfledthat appellant" merety: put hrs penlsfn. ~er .
No. ·J-9.4390, ·Auf!_uit 13, 2014).· · . "'."" · ' _mputh. t,Jever:th~less, appellantfailed to-register any
. . ·. .. objection that the Information alleged . a .(!ifferel'lt
. Offens~ '. ·charg·e·d . N~cess.ari!y . : Included in n'rod~ of tile- commission of. the ··cr"im'ei:of:rape:·.A
_Offemr~·Proved-·: . . .; . · 0••
•• • • ·.-· •• • varianceIn the- modeof commission ·ot'ltle ·offense.
,An offensecharged is neceasarlly included in the· . is bir:iding l!POO the accused if he fails'.to 'object to ·..
'offense proved, when the essential ingredlents of the...A~. eyideii.ce s'howing.that the. crime _wa~ commltted in a .
former constitute 9r. forr.n -partofthose cbnst~~Y.~r.~:-~,}~.· different ·manner_ .th~J\ what was: :alleged,·. _Thus, .
. th~ latter . · .· .. · . . .: . . . · :: · ... , ··c 'i{f}~i'i.f}t\_ ~ppelfa~t's,· c;;oh~O,~ion fqr ra~~ by· .s~?(u;a1..a~sa_ult
·.. · . . · ., : : . > . · .· ·. . ·, ·• -. . :,. h.v}:'''·~:':; ml,lst be. su~ta~nea, .tf1e ·v,an~nce n~tw1thst~~-dmQ
· .:r.hus_,. 1f a. P.ersort.,s _l:ICC!.!S_e~of. ho__m1c1d_e~ t?.ut_ 1t,~~~:,·~;~~!2"/~'foplj:1 _ .v,,1i~o.'!7aqu.e,:G.R .. _N~. ···189~9.7;. · June' 5,
. n:iurder that. was- proven.;. t!"le_ accused f>~~l,··t>s·~.\!'• ·~<Jtil""~~·.\i::11 · .··. .. · ·· . . . ··. ·.: :
·convicted of homicide; the'offe.nsE;3 charged-/ple·shall·"--' · . · .. · ·. . ··~~~<it , · .. ~- , · ·: · · · ,. · · ·
· not be . co.nvicted. · of murder.." tpe 6:ffo/''s~. proved! ,..} ~o.des·(??l),i~i!ute Different W~e~e. t~ere
.(J:?IANO,' supra_ at 504). · ·,,ti,...-. ·'tl
:: · .. :: . ' . Y('0-,tK · ·. :· .are mat~n~\-~,ff~ren?_~s and su.b~t~nt1al d1s~11'lct10ns
· · ·· ·. · · · · . : . ·. . '.. :· ·.,-"""µ.-):::H_~:9' .· t!"i . betweent·e twow,oaes J>f cc>tn!ll1sslori, -as-when 1h~
.·Examr:,fe~·: .~ . · · .... .- . ,: -~~ · · V-~- . ··. ·.. 0
~.~\··tirs_t n:iod i~·- ot.,\1cessati1f1n.c1qded·Jn ?'~s·econd.
1·. · Theft- 1s 1nc{uded m. Ro_bb~W..;,1'1. ·, ;;.~:---'< '. . · ~- lt~1·1 and v,ce..vers~~·th~te can·be_ no. c·onv1.ction:(People.
2:_ ·Ro~t?.ery is.incll,lde~.i·n Brli4nda$el2;~:-:.\~·:: ·.·. '} . v. Pti$]i!,,";9.;'3,f;FW{'JJ!212:2, J~r:i.uary !5;" ~01"4):. .·
3 .. Slight; l,.ess Serious and~ Seri§lllSf•IPhysrE:at ,!-! ..:. ":::-·~-dc:X~·"· · · ·· ·· : .: . ;··
·.. Injuries:.i.n,c;:lud~d in Atternpt~~P.R1itfd~f·{· /. · !uJ . Since. the chw~·e iry. the Information is rc;1pe.t~_ro~gh · · ·
,4. · Estc;tfa 1s·1ncluc!e.d ir:i.Malver~atloi;l;· ~·· ·, ·\. .. . 1J ..rf~~paLknowJedge, the ac~used cannot ):>E3:found
.s-. _ Illegal· Detention · is · in9lud~d. tin•. Ero~clble ..,)~·,:--.;~piJ!Y.i·~f.:.~t?e.bysexyal~sault ev~n though it.was
.. Abduction; : •· : . : : · .. · 4-.,_ · . ~.-,,,~~:--,,-........ ·-pFa;YeW:duF:ing tria!. To do _so· would. be to..!at~ his
. 6. . "Slight. Physical Injuries Is .. ;not Hhdud1illl .in . : QOr:lstltUtional. right to be informed of the ·nature ana
.· Frustrated.-Homi.cide· .;is mortal .w"'&_~'i"rdt'.i,\"!·=ttie ·caus~ of the acc;;usatioh·agains.t him. !'ievertt\eless,
' .. ·.. tatter negates minor injuries onJy; ..... ~~- ·.· . . . "the accused .in_ay be· convicte·dqt the· lesser crfme_.of
7 · Slight-,· · Less ··:-Seric;iµs·: and. ,se~iotis ·-Pliysic~.I · . acts. of lasciviousness (People ··v: P~reja, G.R No.
lnJuriei, ·not .included in Hofnicide. as. latter· ·. 202122,·Jani.Jary fS; ~Q14): · · .
· involves "thelde.ath of..the victim;.·.···.· . . .. ·. · · · ·· ··
8. Rape. is not lrtch;idecl 1n Qualifi~d Sedudi6n; · Clearly,· the accused· can ·0111y ,.be ·convicted :Of an
9. ''Consented .Abductio1, . is ·not· .. h'icluded in · offens~ when, it is botl).charged arid· proved. If it is
Seduction .(fCJrexamples,.seePAMARAN, supra not .charged;:_a:itliqutJh ·provEid, or: if .is priived;.
at-584-586). ,: · .' · · • . ·althdugh not charged; :· .. the ·f!CCllsed cannot be·.
· conv\ct.ed :thereof: (Maiabanan · .v: · Sflndiganpayan,
.. Prescrl~tlo1i" ofCrimes.Where There is:Va.riance G.R." Nos,• 186584~86 .&" 198598, Augµst ~. ·2"0·17).
·The ·accused> can.not tie . c0nv.icted . of an · offense · • : ' ' • • ,,.". p I:.
.• • •. :.,
' ', '

lesser· than. ti:iat charged, if:the·. ~aid. le~ser otte·ns~ si:ct10N·s. PROMl!.LGATION a"F jtio'GMENT
haci air~aay·prescril>ed at-the -time th·~ Information"Is·
· fifed. To hold. ottierwise .wci.ulc;l".be ·to".sant:tion the The judgmeri~ ·is .promulgated ·by .reading it" in ttie
circµmventio.n of the .law on . prescription: by the . . presence of,the accuse~ and any judge of the" courr .
simple ·expedient -of accusing the. defendant.of. the · in which·it was rendered. · · · ·
graver offense (Francisco v.° CA, G.R .. N,/.F4~674, · ....
"Mciy 30,. 1~83). · . · . . . .. · _H9wever,.if the-conviction is for a l!g_ht offens~. the
jUdgment may be. pronounced ·in. the presence -of his
· counsel ~r repres.entat_iv.e. · ·


-··-··-· ···-- ··--·--------------------------------~~~----~---·

-c·RrM fNAL· PRO.GE:D.-U:RE.
:· ·~;;;:
. ,......,,
.. • 4 . FtikiiMW & : .. ·:~~
. '
Wh~n tt)e judge is-abs-ent'oioutside of-the- provinqe ··CFl .. of Quezon, G.R-.- No._ ·4881"1, · Octob-~r 29,·._-\~f.-tr.
or ~ity, ·the· judgment _may "be: promulgated· by the. 1993). ', '. .
. : · .. . ··;f):i
: .· ·
cler;k of court · ·· · · . . . · ... -.
2: Permanent · ~bs~.n~~ t: . J'f ._the: j;dge· 'whose /;f~
. ~~t~ i 1~e j~dmn~~t
~ust be r~a"I'! i~ ·,ts e~tire~Y.- Th.e declslonrwas- pr6t11\Jlgated· had. prior to its.:'*)<
. promulqatloh, died, resig·ried, rl:ltitecf,. ·be~n ,:j
· mere rea~i~g- · of the . dispositlve- portion · is n0t ·
sufficient (Dizon v. Lopez,· A._M. No. RTJ-96.: 1-3~~. disrnlased, promoted to.' a· .. high¢r. "court, ·or ·,-1-':,·.·
Septemper-_5, 1997). · . · . · · _· . · · · . appointed to another' ;:o.ffice: with "inconsistent · ,:1
.. tuncuons, -then -1:ie-:·woulct· no. longer ·.be. an )t
Rules -on :the · Validity · ·ot Pro~uJg~tion of · jncumberit - member 9f · court. "ot. equal }:_~1: a.
Jt1dgment: (f:>IE). _.· . .. . . . · : . · · ~- · jurlsdictlon. His decisions '. written . thereafter·:·~~
1 . . Jtjdgment must. 'have .. been . rendered. in , t_he . , .. ·. would be invalid (f>eople· v. C,i=J.of Quezon,.-G. F?i 'Ji:·
· ·fi'oper•. form, -'l)ot merely orally __proryiulgated ·· · _.: . N.o..-488.17,.'0ctbber-29,:199.3}. . . · :_ ·,. ·. · ... · . ..:: ?_%.
· {P~opl~.· v.. tescune; G.R.· No. 90626, A_Ligust, ·· · · ·. · . · '. . -.-. , ·. . . ·· . ·. · ·\~
· · .. 18, 1 Q93): . . .- · e • •• • , • • • Promulgation In A_bsenfla · · .·. ·. . . . . .·· ; :f.t
2.- Judgmen.t · must have .been · rendered by the· · Re_g9rdle.,s_s· ·_of· . t~e ·. ~raVJty of '. offense, ;.-:ffiil. ~he;-
· judge_ c!.r)d 'prcrnulqated. dut:ing_. his ·!hcumb.ency. J?rO~ulgatlon. of- J!-,ldgmer,t. tn . af?s_r,:nf1a: IS .-allQWed . W):\
(People v. Garaia, G.R. ('Jo._ 126252, August 30, · under the Ru.le· 120, Seo. 6.1 provl<;led -ttie•.e_ss.ential. . )'t,
. . 1999); and. . . · . . · . ·. r . ·/~-,.::=='==--=~!e!iier:its·ar.e·preserit._ .· ·:. · _; · · . , ;_- · · ·:t
__: ~:: ;~~J~l:~~v!n~~1~r~.:~!~~~i~!s
. · at. 598). · .. _· . · . .
{J }f;:1;~)~e~tl~ke;·~~-e~i_~-.f~~- ~t~ ~-aiJ~-ity ~;e': ..· ·i}f.
L ~:::''"""==----=1~.;..":X:qi.ejj'.Jdgm~,rit1s recorded 1i1Jhe.crl_mmal .qocket;. =--f·
. . , .. _. __ . . rr .. \ y··, . .- -,a:n.g lf,..,._ ..t' ~ . ·.. . . . .· . ·.. . . :·il.f
Pf ~t'.
.·~ho-May· omul_g~te__tl:le· j udf~e'n:t}~7c§);...;~·:".".::...~-20--...ei,.~P¥~~~0J.~
1 .. Judge of the coo~ in whit::!f,!.t"i'as Tend'ired; · -:J!'J:< 1
2. ~le"tk Of the said_ c~urt Jf
~T lasttkno~.~i~e,~s
the~~fser:iae_of tl:ie -f~ L& Peo~Je.,-,G/r. Nf?/(-62371,
&erved_.u~on tne accuse_tj i~ his
or. to-his counsel (Estrpda v..
_August ?5; '2Q05J. }Ji·
: ~I
Judge who rendered Judg_ment; 9f . . ,?-">,If~ . , -~ f. . ,
· . \ (;J,.. J~ · · ~
.3. -.§x.eeutiv(;l Judg~.9{ _the;tf~:.havl_ngj4f1sclica~---,-}r~-1!'st3,nc1~.-W~~)',: 'f>.~isfi\c~ Qf the Ac~used·May ,·t
. ·· -t~e-- plac? ~f c~~fi~"'eft.. or cteien"fi.¥',--;~.l_-08~isptnsed~lffi:_ -11 .. ··_.. . ·.. , . ;.. : . ·. _ij
. · · W.her:i a.ccu~-~d1s coryfioe~_lj«leiained-l~anot~~(~~ai}'~' Wl:IE!l the. J0dgmli\;:1s for a hght .offen~e. m -;:~£
6):. . .. · .. · . · ~v,
:~.~~ ~~il~:9,~~:.1-~ta~c~~~~di~.i~~~~~~~I .
7._\ - ~,;,_\. .. --~·- ~'~{t~e
W#.~ihe}}i'di;i~e9Jisforacquittal,.th.epr~senqe- -·,::,1.
. ; ... ,·. . ·.; .. ·... .. . .• . .. .'~ . 't.- ~_p'-.~ Ld aco:osed. 1s1pot nec~ssary,(Pascua v. CA, '? _:',"
, Perma.~en~ :and . tempprary~ A!Js~~e · of/!~~~·rj{t4024-3/,Q~c~~be,:.._ 1-4'. -2~00), ·.· . ·--·.f
. J1.,1dge . _ " . . . '\ . . -~ .. < 1.:)( 'EE"... ,~Jy . // : . :·/. . . - . ,. . _... ~. . .; ._. ,·
· 1. . Te~por;a~ ~!>.sence-:-the· d~q~lon~ffle,j~fa.~--l:i.1'1:!'!,9t.::W~fAfJ«:fsence of _Accused ~s Req~h'ed, _ ;:!;,
may be_ 1)1'.0mul~ate.d ev._en ~1thot!1.IJ!1~-~seJJoe-===-=-"-~~~ ~it~~~Js_J~Appear ~~~reat ·. . . ,. · ·. · . "'},
_so.. long as··~e I~ ~t1.ll 8 _JUdge of _tha_t--._Qpt.'i~fhe . ·~
.clal,lse --~absent or--outs1de the- proV1nce~o~c1tt_'.----
'\, ..,....foffeq_se~ ·
1r IS. ~or cc;>nVICtl?~ Off.jer-fh.~[l'for.a light _"i
· (. ·. · ·: · . · ·. · · ··. '. · '.1
re_fers only to temporary phy$_ical absence oftti~°""''='-,..""1':"'°.,.Ac.c.used ·~.Deemed. Fugitive· ...:. the· -~ccused . >!
· judge an:d .his 'inability .to be. represented during . · Who fail~ fo appear .and: whos~Anrestis prdered : · J
.the.promulga~on,(Jim~f.!-e.Z_v. Republic, G.R. No. . is. consldere·d _a fugiti_\ie.~f.Jus!ice·; _!-ii3-l_os~s _his··.-.j
L,~4929, February 17,.1968),· · , ·. . . · · ·legal ·star,dlng·in.-ci>urt, :and·-ts :deerrted_-to have-._.-,:>,
• . . = , · · ·' · • · "'."~iyed ti"is'righf to s~ek sny r.elie'f·frorntli!:) cou(i, · 11~

...... · The i~~g~rilent of -acqu.itt131~~~ne~:by.;Ju.dg~ un1~$s·h~_.surrer;iders tp the juris~iction-ot the J

:. . . Montecillo. most: tie:,d~c;;li\red · valid. It is"•. n_ot · . COl:lrt c;1nd' "files_ a. motion for leave-- {\1(1/~qa-- v. · Ji
·· ·. 11e~essary .ttja1 h~ .bi{ tn¢ ... p~esiqing judge of ·: ..Peopte, GR; No: 184901, Jiin_u(Jry.a1; 2011). · ·."<t
·Branch. -X af. the time·. his decision was 2,. · Accused Fq{"fei.ts Post~Convic_ti_ori,R~(fledles,·:t~
p(omvlgated si_nc~ even after the. ~xpii-ation of . - the'·' accusecJ. v,,ho fa_ils·' ·fo. appea'r.; at the""'.i
tii~ . tem'.porary . de~ig~afior- at. Bra11ch_ . X he . _prom ulga,tion~f t)"le judgme1_1t of .cqnyictlon·fbses· ,~
continued to be.. an fr:iCJJmoentof BraAch 111..After th.e re.m.edif.'!.S lllider. ··th'e· Rules of."J. .
.all,'·where a Re_gior.ial Trial. Court is divided into
several br.aJ1ches, eaeh·of..the. branches is riot a .
Court against the.Judgment, ..specifical_ly: (a) tt)e
filing. of. -a. rilot\on, for.: n~w tr1a_l . or· for -'(iii
,, ·. ·. court '·distinct aml separate fro'm, :the others.. ·· reconsidetatioli (Rule-.121 ); .ai,_d :~b:). a.n. appeal '_·.:i
_Jurisdiction i~ vested in· the court; not in .tlie · from lhe.. )udgl'f!~nt of convictio'n. (R,Lile. '122)-'·'·*
·· judges, .so tt,at wl:len a Corvplainlor lnformati.on . (.Salvador v.· Chua, ·G.R. -No. 212865, J.uly 1p, '''1
i~ filed ·be.for~ one branch or judge, jurisdfction 2015). · ·· ·J'~
does not· attach ·to .said branch of the juc;lge
'alone, to the. exclusion of the others (P.eople v.. - .·.
·.· .....
#FEBHF Jwiti•eee ; A *'7MMMiAEEAWijiBr6.
' l

Wfrhin 15- days from promulgation -~f Ji.Jdgrti~nt, A -juclg~eht of a_cq_uittal, bec9iTles 'final imn'ledia!ely
however, the accused may surrender and file after promulgation and ·:can.not be :, rec~lled for·
a motion for leave of "court· to "avail of. these. Cdrrectionqr amendme{lt. . . . , . .. ' _.· · . . . .:··
remedies. He· ·shall -state ·ii-te -reasons for his
absence at the scheduled protnulgation and if .. ~Even if· the.court should. make a mjstake, suchas
·he_. p·rov~·s : that· . hl~i absence ·wa~: -for . .. a. or'ni~ting'to considerrelevant testimony' that .would
justifiable cause, he shall be allowed-to avallof . otherwise. lead... ·to a conviction, -an , acquittal. -ls
. s.!iid remedies w.ithin "fifteen .'.1'5 days from notice lmrnediately final 'and executor.y. An issuance .of an
, ·. (RUL'Es:oF COURT, Rufe 120, s~9. 6). ·. Order .rec~lli"ng.' ths jl.idgmen"t of; acquittal for lhe
. . .. . . .. - . . . 'purpose of ."rectifying its .error, · ther~afte(,:-a ..
.' ·Note: The termsurrender.usedin the rule-vlsibly . ·. .... rendltlorr ·.Of a. Deeislon convjcting". the. accused-
.. necessitated- h_is ph~i~I~ ·and .: voluntary · .. appellant. tor two .eounts · of ·'.~pe; . cannot be:
.·. subrnisslon to the .jurisdi~tion of th.a court to . ·. coi.Jiitenaiiced.lor.a contrary ruling -would transgress .:
. · :suffer any consequences.of theverdtot against: . _.: ... the : accused;-a"p,'pellant's.·constitutim:iaily-enshrined-
. · hlm.'Mere filing. of his counsel of t!ie motion .for · · · rjght again~t 'double ·jeopardy .(People v.. 'Alejandro,
. ·.' .leave will not sufflqe:(Safvadorv. Chua, .G.R.}W,. <3.R.'.Nb.,-223099_;.Jariuary 11; 20.18).. ·. : .
·· .. : ~21"2865, Ju.tY· 1~~ 20·15J. ··, .· . .... ~ . ~- :., .. :.· ·.. ··· · ~ . -~ ......
. : ->, , .·. · • • · · .Tf1e·:tl'iaJ. ~ourt may tose juri_sdlctio!l -e>.ver·th_e
s1:(cTio:N'7., MODIF.l~ATIO~··aF JUDGMENT .Judgment even b.efQre-t)le .lapse qH~. days: . ·, .·
·· .:· ;:"': · ·.:_ .·. ·. · :.·· : · .,,.:)\'..subn'litsto·the
~p.or~; _motlqo:- .of ;'1he. · accµsea., ~ -.J~dgm_1!1t.~;<Jt
_copv1ct~on may: be. modified -~r set aside ·by -t~e-Gf.~1//\f> . : -2. When
'):w. . . · _
_l_exe_CUtiOA:bf th'e judglil~nt;_ . .- · ., . . .-_: ':·~· ·
defe.ndar\t perfec,ts·-his: appeal;··
b~f.ore:1t_has become final:o~ b~f<?rE,l an-_app~al~~~$!;~f.;!·~~--- . · ·. · : . :· .. _.· .: . .. . .. .. . . ·:: .. · .....
b~en. perfecte_d. ·. · · . :.·. · . · ·. ·. \1
· · - ·/:,',i,1'';,{,;.··~·S"1>cN9te: ?~f
d1scu$S1on unqer Rufe· 1·21, . Sec. -6. .
· · M ·...:.ifl t: · fJ d ·· t ·N :r • ;/7 f .i,,i[I,c:1..!l!.:.1,tegar.d1ng.\the·periodforperfecUngappeal. :
· ou ca ion o u gmen v.. ew ·1 ~1aiv~ ·,''I. ;) Ii · ~=;!.:-.- · ·. · , · · . · •· · ·· ·
· . · . · · ·". ,, , . ~~:"7{.3_.. : W~ell t/;\{~~'? -~_ppe~I; .· · .
.· . ·. · _;:i~b . _. ;$6~.
4- ·. ~hE:n ·a.pcuse~ expressly "."aJves i~ writing
·.· :~9 . . . ~·
11e"Y-. bearings :·o_r. frr~~~~<Jttties_-·\t0::::;'."8:e . :
. proceetlmg~ of any k1n9 exR~~ged ·0~qm -:t~e. -.' f'{ ·
't'~ ·
Fil . .. ,.-
his. n9J'itlp aQp~al, OI'.
.5._ ._Wh~r.
· _[._._
. ... . .•.
.acb),ise_dfiles·a_petltior.t:for probation,
• __}_·. . .. · : · . . : ...

or crange In ttie record r~cerd;;, •""8flWP~,· -r.1~w, . 1t~ .Note;·J~·.aA,.,.0.~Jl'i~~~tilases,the courtqoe~ not l0se
or ...evi~_~nce. · .A simple_ evi~~~--9e j§:~:;Iryir?cfu~ . l'-ji
juris9icjien~e-::purpose.of -~orrecting . clerical
modifica_tion is made on. ·(P_e~ple'..,tt;;;-.t~,:nayo, G.Rr, ,14 · errors. . ·• · . . . · · · : . . ·. : .. ·. · , . . · ·
tl').e basis of ·wh!:3t is ~n N.'?- L-22~~. -!'-fr.f,:2.5, f
l..:..;i.~~-;"·• ··. · . ... · · ·: · . . . · . ·.. · · ' ··
_re~o_r~. . . ·. · . · · . · .1950).. . }:~~ · ~:u-- -cd:;Ti.{~~~'Wg·fh~·~,:RY·?F ~UDG~ENT ·
· ·: ·. · . . :. . · .. : :-. · -(·-1 .
(?if::. .·entiyot-ju~gment; how:made· : ..· .·: : ·.. ·. :
A_Judg_ment Becom~~ Ffi:tal_:_ (P2-~a~~b ·\~ _ . 'ThE;J_tecord'irig o.t theHuo~fment qr order- in_ the ·book.
1. · ·.Wh.erqh_edef~ndant eerfectstus. appe~( . . · of.entries·of1udgments shall. constitute·its. entry;,The
2. Wl:\en the a·ccused .applies·for frobation·. . .·· recor.d. :shall contain the . .dispo~itive. :part ·.of the
:r· .3;· Wh~n .the p.eriod for ..perfecting an_·E1pp_eal ha_s· : ·. .j1,1clgmerit ordeF.E!_nd sh~II be slgl)ed bitheclerk, with·
: J:fill~~d; .' . ·.. . .: . . .. a
. certificate"that.s~chjudgment.or order has.become .
4. ·.. VVb.erl'th~ accused Wi!_h~raws !)is app~al; • . finai'and executqr {R-00; Rut.e_-3f3;_.8ec. 2): ·
5. When the. actu!;,ec;:I .expres.slyWqlyes_-m writing .. , · " · . · · · .
. . .. hisrightto. appear; ~nj:i . .• . . · .. :· N.ote:. A "mittimus." aften~onvicti_on;is,.-in-:crin:iiQal
6 .. Wti~n ·th"e defeh,dant volunlarily §ubmits .!,O ·-th~ . cases, simila_t to·,ari executioh after" judgment'in a
· -: executjoh .. Qf: Judgment (Yu. v. Samson-Tat~g.,. · ~lvil case: ll is final process, It i~ .carr.yiog·.i.nlo·.effect
. GR. No, 170.979, Feb_ruary9,,2011 ;PAMARAN,.. ·· thaJudgrrtent of. the -court· {f.?eop/e. v, Mamatik, G.R.
supra at 5_~9): · · · ·· · · · No. L-11922, Apri( 16, 195!J). _;- .. · · .. ·. · · · ·
.. ~ . .
. ,.Not~;-Se~ dfscussionu~derR_iHe:121; Sec,_·6_._ . '· .. ~ittlmu-~- - . _ .. -,· .: · .. · . . ·
.. regardingthe period for perfecting an appeal._ . . . A proce,ss: i~sued by tr~ ·.court a~r- _c.otiv.iction t6
·. Note: The--aforestatedrule~ do· ~Cit apply'wher~ the· . carry out· tbe fi'naljudgmer:it, such as commanding a
·dealh "penalty is imposed (RQC, R_ufe·1~0, -Sec .. 7). prison warden· to hold the aqclised ii:i .accordanpe
Instead, 'the .. judgment --shall ··be· auton:1atically · with the term·s.of the judgment.- l.t sball be slayed
-reviewed ~Y the ,Court· of Appeals .or_ the supreme during the· pend~nqy of the motion· for i:ehe~·uin.~.o~
Court as the case may_be (ROG, Rule .122, ·sec., reconslderatio.n (PAMARAN,· su11ra. et 90S;·. c1tmg
3(d);" RCJ_C,· Rule 124, Sec·. 13).. Black's Law Dictionary).·


. · · ..•.. -=:.:;
.,.· ..
C-RI M l·N.A~. P.R.0(,~.o.·u-_Fi:E:·
SECTION 9; · f;XIS.TING PROVISIONS nuqatory . the appellate ecourt's affirrnance of his. ·-;i
GOVERNING .. s·usPENSION'.· OF.. SENTENCE,· convlctlon .(Dimakuta v. People, G.R.· No; 206513 _ 1
.PROBAtrON AND-PAROLE.NOT AFFECTED-BY.. ·. Oqtobe_r 20/-2015)'.. .. ·: ·. _· · · ' -. ·j
THIS·.RULE. . . . ..
Nate: Ar:i order · .O~ .denylrig probation. :shall ·~
Su.spensioo of Sentence af·C~ildren ln·,Conflict. · . 'not be appealable (P.D, "f.Jo -. 96!!,e-s emendea« Sec." ·j Law' . · · .. · ·. ." ... · . 4).. .. :· . ..J
(See discussion ·unde.r Revised Ru1e ·on-,Cl:Jildre.nin
_Conflicfwiththe Law (A.M. ,No: 02. ,._1.-1a~~C)). · ' . Ap~~al of (;j~ifAspe_~f Stiil. Ayailrible .· . :~·-~_;_;)'.
. The Pr_obation · !.,aw .. prohlblts. a -judqe · from
Probation· entertalnlnq or: granting _an application for-probatlon ··:·,-~
The trial court; may, after· it shall ..have cqnviCtecfand lf_tt,e detendant.bas perfected an appeal from. the ... · ~~
.. sentenced a defendant for a probationable penalty . judgm,ent of cenvlctlon, nie fact of conviction .most . . . . >'.J:
and upon apptlcatlon - l>Y -said ,defenc;lal"!l. wlth in _. : .. · · c;ertainly.refers. to tt)~:¢rimjnal 11abilit~ C?f the ~<?cused, :.,'
·,. the period for perfec;; an appeal- suspend the .
execution. of the .sentence. arid· place .the.detendant
. · a~. a result ,Qf. ~ finding -mad~ :bY. a J!J:~ge that Ii~
, , · guilty of.t~e crime· ~_har_ge_d_: f.l?~ever; t_h_e .:ipp~~I ;in . . . ·?;
!s · · .I
on.probatlon forsuch period andupon such terms th_ls,<;a~e involved 0nly.~~.,c1--:11.~spe~t.o'. t~~-trral ;~
and, conditions as,!~ may deem best (P: No. 968;" o-. co~rt s _J_t.Jd.~me.nt.~-ye.n If by. d7t1~1t1on_ civil h~!:J:'hty -~x. . ?~
as· amended; sec..4).". :; ... ·: . ~ ..•.. ·. . . . . . =-'S',.- de/Jcfo-. ~''~!?~ . from.,- the · Cf•!11tnal_.,_.act,. one~ . its . :~
. . _. _ _ . . . . . . . .. . :· . . ~·~ · .. - ~l~~~~~e._ 1s'.s.~e~•. 11_ .. _ s~o~1d , b_e tre~ted \:j
. Note: Th~-- penalty • is· probatiof!abl~p1-~_h.e_r~ttie -~~ }!'i'~o.rn: tl"\e _..,ct1m111ar !11;1b1llty · ~Sa/van__ .v., .. ·. -:~
~cc~se~ -'.· 1s· ·sentence_d . to . sery,.J~a;'.~--i r.e.9f~~Je,~· ~15384§, -$eptember:11, _200.3)'._. -: .. ii
·. l!Tipnsonment 11ot ~xcee~m~ 6 Y,'J~Jf~< o, ~6~~ffe~~s·:gJ\ctl!~~fie(Ifrc;>m .':'robati~n: · , . .. . · ·.{ij
as amended, Sec. _9(a)). . . f -~.#- ~ · ·.. '3fJ 1~:ho~'e\~~n~~r;i-q,e~to serve a· maximum term .of .. ·;)
· . · · . J:t:}41;, .i' - l ·.
1ro · f;,. ')'f' 1mp\1son~ti;;1t~otQ:1ore tnan·6 years; · · .
Prob~t1on-11n~ Appeal}~': M'.~tuall.y,:1:xclws•ve. ·.11. . ,, -~\ ~I;'- Jho!~ .chl(\,rbe.q,,~with · s_ub11ersion or afly ·crime _· .,fgl
_Gen_er~I Rule. No_ap~hcat1ort.9..r_prpi>at_I<? . .,..........aga,i/.isfo.ati~~fsJifurity;· :- . · ,, . :·. '.·. ··Jj
. entertained or grant~d 1f the ~~J~~~n.t.~as ..fe~ e_ _. . , ~ -~'Ih.6_~e. pr~viw~sJy,b~rivictedJ?Yfinal iU:d~rrrent of.-. . :f!:.J
. the.appeal fron:i th~Judgme~t'?f-£<(>Piv1ctt~n K· _';'-~~ 1~11?::: .~n ·<i,f{ense ~~~IJ;eW_ ~~_ lmprisonment_of !11o~e.... ·;_~
9.68, as amendep, Sec. 4). iJ :..t",d k .. · · G, ~-~ 'thanmontl1is .an.]i]!I day and/or:a fine. of..mote · 4f•
. . . . . : . . i -\...i-l ~<'~~ \ ·-··.. ·;:s::;=c.. . ba1Jh~,pliooyoo;:.:., n - . - . ·. ~.- . . . _-::.: : -;;'~~
Nate: : Pr9b_at_ion·· may ·be i,qr~~~~;~i:"' . 1~!Q°l3( . ~ · . 1;,~4,-. ]}J, ''(f'whoJi~"i(b~,¥eri once ori,"probafio.n; . ·. . ·. ji
. sentence ;l";P~ses a term _ofwRSrrsor,rne -~&,_a:.~n,~.~[§f/)"jJ whcf are ':alrJacty:serving sent~nc"e 'at 'the . .,:.,:,i
only. The filrng o_f the app_hcatr~n_$'1all:-..fe ~VI~~~ .· _ ?/".C<tJ)n"Ef'th# . Prcib~t(qn: law ··qf _ 1976·. became · -1~ ,
W~1ver of -the right_ to appe~~~-~- '1¥.,o. 96 ;~~"1.- plicaole (P.D/.N,o.":968, as amended, Sec. "9). . -.;.*fl
amended, Sec. 4). ·· · . ,~- . --~": :·Sc'IENf\b- /. •.. /' · .·. : -:,° .... , ,' .-J;J
. ; . · . :. · _
. Exc~pbon: .Wh~n a Judg.ment,.~',f-'4: C.9Jl'-c.':Jofr~=-
,,~. J:.~i':-3'~,-~. .
and ·the. Gorrespon_ding'
: ·.. .
impo·sing a non-pr9bationable penalty·i~a'ij~~l~j:I or. ·7'," IJ. f.t ....., · ,. ':/" ,.,.. · ··. .- · :., ., . . _ · · · ·• · · · ··. · .. -." ·.-. · . \,;
reviewe·d, and such-judgment is0modifieo,'t,hi'otigltY,e ...VI!: ~ }f
.·. imposition-of a prqbat.k>napl~ penalty, ·the defehdarj~. .. .. . .. . . -:~.
· , "shall be allow.ed. to a~ply for pro_batjo·r.i 'based-011· the · . N.ot mor~ than 1 ,year Not. r.fiore\b'q~_-2·ye·ars. · .
· modified· decision. ·.before· such::dec~slon. beC:omes More·tJ,an 1 ye'ar· . N,ot.more·tha_n.6.year~
. final (P'.D. No. 968, as amended,·sec. 4).; . ···. : . i:-:.·....,......-.,........--~"--'---~:.,-~---'---''-'----i
.. · . · . -:Fine ·only, buf' offe,ilder ~f- least.: equal· :1o · the.
Note: The·. :accused shall,· lose.;,the .. benefiLof. serve~. suq~idjary number ·of .-:··,cfays-'·.• of

probat{ori._shoLild fie·-seek.a :review.of the.inodified i_mj:itisonm~nt . . subsfdia"ry")mpri~ori'ir\ent .

dec_i_si6"n which· .already ;,impqses~ a p(obaticma,bl-e' .. . ·. . . : . '. . but nbt mo_re·~a~··l','(ice •..=.~---~.",·.
penalty.",(P:D:Nd.-9?8, as·amended, ·sec:'4) ... ·.. ; . . . _suct:i ~eriocf ·. ·· ·. _;: .::.
(P:D. No: 968, as9mended,' Sec. 14),.- · · ... • · · ·-}~~~
Re_ason.Why Remedies Are Mutually Exclu~ive· · ·; ... , . · ·.. · . }5r~
. The Prc;,batipn · Law · expr-e.S$1y' ·re<tuires '.fuat, ,ari · · ·.Parp_l~ -. . . .· ... .· . · .. · . . . . . .. . .':l
accused ··must ·..'hot have · appealed . his =com,'.ictiqn- · The_cohditional" release._of ari off~nder froirnil,'llenal ·..'.;)
before he can a1=1ail · himself of probation'. This · , or co~r.ectiortal "institutioh • after. he has_·:seryed the .:::_~
outlaws the element of speculatioh on the part of the mjnim!Jm period of his _pris~>n seritence. under. .. ~~
·accas.ed -'lo wage·r on the·resuJt.of his appeal·.,..:... ?Ot:,tinu-~d.. Custody of..the u_nder condltlolis .. . >k;
that when his Cf.)iwicfrpn isfi~ally affirmed on ·appeal, that permit his. reinGarceration ·if he violate·s the ·:..;r
.. the moment of trutl) well·nigh at hand·and the servi·ce -conditk,.n_s of his release (f!?ulesand" Regulation.s of · ·. ;i
.. of _tiis _sentenc~ inevitable,' he now· applies. fop the- Parole:and P_roba'fion Administra"tionon Parole .:;f;~
· probation as an 'escap~ hatch,' thus rendering Supervision, Sec. 2, ·pa·r,,--(d)i · · · ;f;.
. .1 ~-~\}'


... ··-·· --···· -···----------------------~-----~....---·
. AJD·2019.
. .....

, I ' , 2:
'Thal sublt evidence' . could · not ·have . been
. ··, . RULE_ f 2,,1 . · Dis.covered and .Pro_duced at-the tr!~I evenwlth ·
the exercise of reasonable di!igen.ce;·. . : .
.N~wTiu4L:Oll .. , . 3. That \t :ts ·Material, 'not ·merel~ cumutanve.: .
R~CO'NSIDER4TION_-· _·. .ccrtoboratlve or lrnpeacrimq: arid ·, · · · ,'·_ ··
4. Theevtdence- isof sucn·a.-We:ig~t it woulct:. ·.
probably ·change ·the j_udgm~nt. ·1r admitted
SECTION 1. NEWT~IAL ORCOt,JSIDERATION (vbtemesv.Tenco-Gebekion, G.R. No.. 178925,
June' 1: 2011):. · · ··
. Af. a~y· tlro~. before 'a .judgment . of .oonvictlon · .. · ·
becomes ·.final, the· court ·may,· on motion -of the· In order that a parttcular piece ~f. e~fdence-
. accused or at its:" own instance but with th.e' consent property ,c1ppreciated. 'as newly discovered, wh~qs ..
of the· accused, gr~nt.'a new tria), reconslderatlon. · essential is not so.. much' the 'timewhen.the evidence .
: · · · · · ·... · · .·· ·firSt Carlie. into existence or the lirnf:1,WtiSn· it"firSt ·
Except wh~ri3- the. ·c1~&th p·en:~lt~ i(i.mpo;_ed·:(R,O,bi . came .to the kriowl~dge.~(tlie party nowsubmtttlnq ·
Ru/id 22, Sec. 3(d)),.a judgment becomes final.after: . iLWhat is essential. Is that the 'qff_erlng.Psi.rty_ had · ·.
the laps~ :of. the. pertod foJ pe.rfecting anappeai, or exercised reasonab1e-'dili'genc'e In" t(Ying locate: to
when the sentence has been partially.ror .tot?lly . such ', evidence '_befo~e: -or. . during .. -trlal .. '(or: .. ':
satlsfled or served, or when the accused jiaswalved .. in-?e&.tigati;:>n),·:but.~~C! nonetheless failed-to s'ec4re·
in writirig · hls- right .to appeal, or ~Ss.'.ap~lieC for :{:\ ff;· (SYia90 v. oflg, ·G:R. Nos. -1.79282 ..8~, (
. )Jroba~I~~(R~C,R~LE':.20,· Se:: 7).: . . . . /~(;~&_ · 01, -2010). . . . '. . . :.: . . . . :.


: · . ·. · . · · · ·· · .·
· . ·: .
+?</· :·/~ The. Rt,les d~es not ~o~ti:tin ari.. e.xact:d~fi~itior of
'-,;;~.t,,.d,1,1~ di.ligenc~:. It is. often: ~Quateifwi~ :;"re'ason.a~I~
. N~w.Trial.:·.:··: ·. ·: · ·. · ·. : · · t9
_ rji . (?.,(,.~P.@'...'1!;l~,l>,~ av~1d preJl,ldrcet? !he:defendant.. It
· The r~heanng of a case already-decided,,,bu~.befor~\·'. !, h_as both-'-·~·ttime component and a goo~ faith .
·the. judgr.J1ent .,of ·conviction therein /e'j)i::l~red ha~-\-1{ . component.lit\ situatit>n where -the '.
beco.l'!"_e/inc1I,where_bY.91_TOf$ ,of_Jaw Ofi'J[r~ulari~1r,..,...·t\.. part}'.' acts.fe~~§fjnat:>ly.and ..ii"! .~ood. f~ith to ol:it~Jn
ate ·ex~ung.ed _from the-· record or n,f6er,q~~.~e-,is · H evidenc~.4mJ19ht:;,otthe tot~hty o(th'e·.e,rcums~ance~ · ·
ii:1troduced.,: or :both- 'steps· ar~-di!l'kE:lo: {fj~Pple~ .. 1·,t and .th~Jacti kr:i~~n to hi.rr .( v, .Ong! G.R. ·.
Tamayo,·.c,;.R..No.. L-2233, ~qfJ.rJf -1.~(]).< ·, _., >. ;·.~ }'1_:,\ No_s.f!t,;.;?2V!_3'. (!..ecemlj~.0.1;,.20JO),_.: . ·._ : ., ..
. . .:. . . .. . . ~t7,
·" •.!,.,, . ,e=:,",.;.·").,-,n.. ~ ~.... . t• ;~ . "':~. ~,-1· n ~1 . · · ·.
. Gro~.m~s t.or a ~ew ·~rla_l "nt·. t.:1 ·
Cri.w-1,efal·~)-Ca~~;l . N<;>te:.'"F.qr4gMfiV-eYideAce.o.r,.'ev.ide~ce :already
(ENe.Ma) : . . ·: : · . -...:~~·-7(0~~' · .J/ ;.,~, known ·which should. ·have been: known ·to the
1":· Err:or$·or:irregul'arities P.i;.eTu~lti~bto tlie· ·){.~accused or .his. co1:1ns~1 c;llirfng.·the trial .doe~.not.
-sllbstan~ai" rig_t1ts .·of- the .accu~e.e;,.~yJ'!'·be.en {~:::tjvstity:~~ triaf (RAMARAN,·a(6~4:-61.5). _-_
· -commi\ted dufiryg t~e .trial; or : ·/;(. : · ,.,.(1,~.:;'~__:_,,.,.,il!.~r;_:.._;_. . .: . · ·. · : . · ·. :.... , . : ~ '. · . · · ··
2. New. and .~ate~1al· ev1denceti'.has "(_P-.~eR •. ·. . -.Recantatiqn. .. .. .. . . : . , . . .. ..
dis<,.overed :.~~ich , the-: accu~e.d <?~~cf_::/~9\.w(th : The public .an~ Jormal wi~h-~rawalo.f a wi_tness of ~j~
reasqnaql~;dihgenc.e. have d1scov~re<·tnal prior statement: · · · ·· . ·. · . ·.
and proc:11;rc~d:atth~.trial .and which ·ff intrqd~ced ·' · · · . . ·. · . . · ·- ·
· and. adm.ittecr- W6uld : pro.bably· ··phange. :t~e ·a.'
.. G~~er~l·.)Ruie; It; ls··. ~ot. gr'ci~·rid for. ne; .;!rJaf.
. .. judgment . . . . . ,·. . . . . . becau'se it rriakes.a mockery-of the court and wc;,uld

Nota: R~~kle~s. ~r ~ibs$ ·n~gligen~~:~{th~ .counsEil .

of the investig_ation ·. :tr.uth. ~t :the .metcy. of the-
. unscrupulous ~itnes~.. ·Mor~6v~r;. retractio.ris ·are.
deprivaistt,e cl!ent. of, d.µe-pro~ss.'of-·law. Howe~er, . ·. easy to extort ou.t· qf. wjt'ness, ·1n coritrc1:st; theJr
.the.gross negligence should hot be acco.mpanied. ~Y · statem.ents are. made uncfer,ciath; in .the pr~sence of.
. tM. clie'nt'.S' own neglrgence or ·malice_; consfd~ring:·· ' judge_, and'·With· t~e;.Opportunity° to. cross: examine.
· that the <::lient has theJ~u~y to be vigilant in.f.sspe_ct of · (People v. · pavatos,, G.R. No: 93322, Febr_uary4,
his interests by .keep1rig h!mself- µp-to-date on the_ . 1994); .: · . . .. ·
statu~ of-.'the. case: Failing in this. duty, 'the .clie:nt ...
··.sho.i.Jld .. suffer _whatever ... . adver-se. 'judgment is Exception:' When··aside· from the testimony of the
· rend!;)red agafi)st.him (1;3ej;irasco;Jr.'-ii. .People; GR. retracth,g· wifr1ess; th'· is o.o oth·~r evideripe_ · to
· No.. 159781; Pebrµary 2, io11), . support the conyi9tio.n· ~f tt:re ·accus_ed. In this :cas~.
the retractiQI"\ by. th.a sole ':Yitn~ss. create:~ a doubt-In
. Req~·isltes befote a·n.ew tri~\ may:b~ granted on the mind· of the judge·as 'to the guilt of the ;,iccosed
the .'ground of newly ·dlsco.vered evidence: (A- · (People v._. Montejo, G.R: No. 133475, MfJrch 26i
·'-MaW). .· · · · .. ·: ·. · . · ,: . _2001).· .
· 1. the · new evidence was . discov.ered · ~fter


. ·a-l."IJ
- -1
· · .!.-.
. . . . . . . . ·. i);·

.Recantation-~, ,6,ffida~if of D~si~ta~·c~: .· .· .·.fi~

. - .. .. ' .. . .. To ask the court 'ro permit the
. to' reconsider its reception .of"
To .permtt. ihe
reception· . of. ;;JJ
fi~dings of la',<{ so: ·new evidence new. evidence . ::;~
A. witness. . who The complainant .states as. "to· c':'>_nfo_rf1!to and ~xt~nd tl't~ ~nd :extend the · · il
previously. . ,ga,;,e_ a 't_hat he·. did not really . . the law applicable proceedings. , proceedings. . -::-11
testimony ·,subsequently intend . to 'lnstltute the in the case. ' . : ·. . ' . .. . .•. . <t
declares . that . . his caseend that he. is' no . . ~:It~ · · ·. ·, .
statements. were, not longer interested in . :
true. ;. ' . testifying_.or prosecutlnq, secJ10N 4;'.i::~RM: OF.-Mo'f10N ~ND ~~rice ro' ·, · ·'*
THE· PRQS.ECUjOR : · . . . . . .. ..~}
. ·...... . . x.
. R~q~i~i.t~~. for :· ~ ·. ~;,tio(i
It Is not a ground for new· It·. is.. .-~ .. grOlina . f~f '·- . , Reconalderatloh: (.NoW-FiNe)" .
for New Trial o·r
.. . . . . .i}
' trial-}iecai.Ise it makes. a dismissing the cas.~ only 1, ·:. Notice .' of .: the . motion for. · new trial . or ·. '.~
· mockery of:the'court ·an_d. if the. pro~e~OtiQ(lcil~ no · reconsideration shall be given to the fiscal; .. :,·
woultt.·... pla'ce :· 1he. fi:mg'et prove(~he.9.tlilt 9f . . . 2. Writing,; . ... : . :-..... · ; . .. .' ._. .. _. . · · . . ·.:-;
lnvestiqatlorrot truth · at tile · accused . beyond .. 3 · Flied-with- the court· and ·. ·· . . . tft
the : . rf!ercy · ?f. . the fE:as_onable . .'.' ~bt' ~:~~'"~_::W.i~re·spect ,{o ~ Motion for, New _Trial..- .when -it ·t
unscrL!_pulotJs._w1tness · · w1tho1,1~_ the _t~§.l.1~/\Y.o~ .-l_j. /;\ /is ;i,a~;ect on ne~ly dis~overed'ev.idenc~, jt· ,:nust · · . ';1
the : ott~9.-dJd~.~alJ~.;,~~.;_::'_.,Q:e~~PPfottl.dby th~ affi~ayits·of the:wit~e~s by_ -~
(Peopleff';Y·"\'{J!'f~tos, . :--W.\~m"s~q_~~~~dence. i_~ expec; Qe ~1ve_n,. ~r :,:1
. :i . ·· · .. G.-R_: .• / /:€f'
1 ~~3~ · -~-·-~,\.lly-au~~ntic~d
Febr.otjzy 4.;<.,4'Jg4)?" · . · ·'.d.;...
·copies of doc:L!m.ents wh1c'11t :
. · js pfool\~4,{t)\introducein evidence. . .: '1,!
: . ._ .,.\,r ·.. ·
IT .. ·- . fj, " X · . \ · · '\, v R'''; ,\ . · . .' · . . .· . ~~
.,.· . · ..
~ECTION . . 3. . _ .
·. . ·1 · V,tJ: · ,· ~
~~~f1;bS ·: t~FOB.~..1..
.· t ·· ·-:ihiJe ihi't"r.ule\.~~~~luthafan ~ffidavit of ~e;its .be
-a_mn::li"i!r~ to sti.Pio!j,,"1oti6n.for new trial based· on ~,lJ
RE~ONSl(;IERATION- Yf.:. :. . .1If: . \. ~'"'ii~':-~ '(~Y. d1 cov_ere'~'ev1~ehc.e,_ye_t,lhedefect of-lack of . ·..
, . : . . · r,
::Ground·~ f':)r ~~c':>n~id~rafj~'h;:._;,rr1 .
,p-:1 :t .

' 1. ~rrors of _law IO the JUd!if,mew~t,1c ~~' 'l"""°ll','

fucther proc;eedi~gs~ a~~(JI .).\. ·:
2. E.rro~s ~! fact .in • tl")e_ ~~~g~~r;it· .w, -~-~~
l :-
'Q\~·'. . ,

JlJi,,.r.o~~v-· (.
-jt1:;Jnay.-~e 01.1re~ ib..y... timony . under oath qf the
tt:ijJie.afi.· g of the motion (Lejano v.
N'ii ~ ,. Decen,be, 14, .2010). . .. ~
'f.!! · :· ·. · ·· . ·. . . ,. . - . ·
l~L~!· 1 · ">~tfrf1t;, '1,t5t1on.~tor. Reconsideration -·.

. -}
· req1._.1_1r~s no f~rtl)er procee<¥~-gs.. -\-_, . : ·L~O[id~R<3:,~ Rul,f..37, _.Sec, . 2, .a ·.. i:t1otion for· .• ·-~
.· . · . -~ ·. ·-:,, , .(\::;:,~ r~~).3.9!)~1d~r-~!1pn_.s~~l(. __ ou(_ . spec,fi~al/y the ~ ~
. · • . • · l...c.f'l . M1r-fyJ~gs;·o_r'~(t!;Clu£1ons 9f.theJudgm~nt or finator~e~ ··;~
· -··-"'""'"wl:lf~<{'rt3.J!O~~ppQrted · 1;>y lhe.-ev1dence or which :·i
·. ~\ A ,' law.niaking:express reference to the J
·. fVi/.(&i~r,ti9rti~I- or· docurg_ehtary . eyid_ence : or to. the... }
Aft~r-."jtJdg_ment ·is After judgmeii_t Aft~r' · · ., '.both·~ia~~f~'isjqn~_of ·lc:1w.:alleg~1:·to_~e ..oontrary·to ~.uch . :~
render.ea··· ·. ··but is _ren~ered'-b.ut ~i:)a):ties . have · . · findi.n~sor conch.1s_1ons. : · - · . · . . · ·. . · • :_,~
before :Jhe finality befQr~.- ·. the r~sted. . their . . . .. . . . .· .. . . ;.. . . .c_'.j
·ther~of. . · .fir,ality·theFeof:. case, , . e,;,en Othe,:wise;;ihesarne shall be considered a prq(orma :Y,
. before _ , ,motion .for ·reconsideratfbn· ~nd": shall:· not• loll 'the .. 1.l
.. . . , regiementary period of.appeal. . . . ' ·. , . ··1
judgm_ent . ·\~ . ., . ,. . . .')!
-- rendered, · .'b4t
. tiefore. finality
of judgme-~t..
· ·· · · · • ·· ' ·· ·
·,tor~gaing:·ruis app1i~s. ·oh·1y to. civil ·qases·..and' :;~
· :Not to. criminal .cases :.(People v •. Q.olmehaies, G.R: }l

... ·. · N_o. Ld.3284, F,eb.ruary-~9.-~60).:.· . · -,~

. .. . ·. ·. ., . . . : ~l~
. Under·.ROC,.Rule)5, Sec. 5,.the' notice of hearing~ :~~
BY. "motion of 'iiie By_.. ~otion of By motion of shall be ad.dri:Jssed to all parties concerneo and shall ·· ·· ·{1
accus~d, ~ or "t;>y .the<;.used, ~ither party;:or specify the ..tlnie ar:id date oT t_!1e heafing. . . ·-~
the· . court inofu or· by the court by · _the · _court . '·. . . .. . . ·1
. pr9prlo bu~ 'with mott.i_- proprio motu proprio. Otherwise, tbe-same s!iallbe co~sidered.apr.oforma .. :':~
"the·consent of the but . with- · the rri"olion .for 'reconsideration and shall not toll the • -~!I
accused: . CQnsenl the o( . . . .
reglem.entar:y_ p_eriod of appe_al.
, . :4
. i

628 i ·2019 SAl')i SEDA LAW C:EN~RALIZEDB~R OPERATIONS . . :j·/.!

. :~
·CRlM}N)\L·"PRO·C- E/D'U-'R.E :'
. The ··forego,ing 'rute ' ~!?P~IE~: to crimlnal cases .. ·
(Valderrama v. Pe"opfe, G.R. No. 220(:)5'4,: March. 27,
. . ..,.
fresh 15-day period to appeal from disll11$·sal of.
Motion . for' ·. New· · ·Trial or · Motion for ·
201~·-.· . . . . . Reconsideration .. . - .
There shall be a treshpertod of 15 day~withln which
Second i1ot"1oh for: Recon"s°lderation". to file ;a. nonce. of 'appeal; 'to be counted from :rece"ipt
(See discussion uri'!erRu/e 121, Sec. ·16). of the. order dismi~s,ng .a·'r.notion · tor A~:W trlat-or
'. ·• t..: :. motion for reconsideration. (Neypes v, CA, G.R:No .
.SECTION 5.- HEARIN~ "ON MOTION · 141524, september."1.4.-2oosJ; · · · ·· · .. · · ·
. . . . . .
Whe"re a.'~otiori-for new t~ial \:afls for reso!Gtion of . In :.,!udjth Yuv, Ju~g~-.. ~·ain"~o~~Tatad;-(G.~. No.,
any qu.estio:n· offact, court may hear .evtdence . . 170979, :·February. 9,· 2011),. it -was, held ·t!)at ~he
. · thereon b"y affidavits or otherwise .... · ' · · · . ''.fre_sh·:R_erio_~"·i:.ule.previ_ouslx,laicldownIn N_eyp~$_
· · · · . '-· -' · ·· . , . . · .: ·: . v.: ·cA, · sha11 · Ilkewlse be ·ap·p.!icable to crlmlnat
. f>u.rpose of Hea:ring · -; . .. · ,:' · . ·. · · . . cases fa!'the f9liowing·,reaiions:,: . · ·. - . : .· .. : .·
.To defo.rmihe whether the new .trial requested should 1. . Sec. 39, of B.P .. Bit{ 129 do:es: not"distinguish
be ·_gfatited ck hot:.'it· Is- _not. the ~r.iew trial. proper- . . between ·3 civil: aiid· cri111iria1 -casaIn ,se"tting
·.·wherein • the'. newly. 'dlsccvered evidence, for_ .the P,.eri9d to appealat.f S'days frorti .the notlce:
. cexarnple, wlll be. received by -the court .(PA MARAN,· of·tlie "final order-appealed frorri.: Note· j~a_t.the
. sypra at 623). · ·· -, · · · · . · cour:nn._Neypes 'had' IJeld that the _denil;!I bf- t(:ie ..
. . . . _ . · --.;~ Motion for, Reconsideration os for New, Trial is ·
S~CTION. 6. J;FF.:ECT~ 9F; GRANTING A." N~1'1~W . :- . the'''finaf~~~er"refer(ed"t? .i~.--~_p; ~lg: .1~9: . ··:. ·. ·.
TRIAi,:. OR CON_SIDERATION'. , _-· ·.• ·[_;"t_/{r;~~·":),_ .2. The ·p.rovis1on~·of _Sec.~ of ~u1e·11- ~l"!.d,See:._9
. -· 1:ti;f}.1~:,·r-l·.~ ·. of R~le 122,·.though· differently .worded mean
. Effects· of. . Gtanting · a · New Trial ·_'jio'fi,,•'.i.f~:G:,:,.~xaclly.~ we. :S~_r:ne. .-·T_hi!\t ~he:. app¢al periqp. <
Reco_nsideration: · . ~ · . . ·. · ·. · .. · j./ ~tH ;j:f~"!?}ff~OJ?;i:-i.u,n.nin'g frotn·the .tini) ·a nr~t19p'fc;,r.oew
1 :· When· ·a new t!~I is g~a~~ed_ on t~~-$J~und?f'& t5 frtafl_~_rlfe:c.~~~ideratiqnis f_il~~ aqd be~in~ ta
err~rs of_ law_ or 1rregulanbes _corpl!?'1t~d·.durlnl1.;,J. . · ... ru~. ag~-~~po'1 ~~c~Jpt _of t~!i!."orde~ denying
. : .. · the trial, . all · proceedihgs ·afld :" -~~Ld~l"}.ce n9f·r·;{ . such ·wo~totis, .There·isH:ien. no reason·_-vyhy the
. ~ffocfed ...~y .t!if,i- c.0111inission._~( s.~p~-,~r,~~#rafid · f.:A · . PElri9.<,f'~ff1p~,ral~d.i,yhi~~is. st':1yed i~_c.~vilcases·
.1rregu_lanbes shall . stan~. ·, ,8_9€-'those['<ilfecteg. Jf.~}.
thereby ~ha~(· se~t ~si9~j~ng _ta.~11:,new,'fh_e"'-<\.·
?OUrt rn~y! _In ~h_e .•~t_e(~~t?f)11~tic~-!~)Jlowt~~·. <i} .
if~t_· sho~!tl ll~ew1s;~ not b~ stayed·!" ~ _c;r\mm_al c§.se.
·wh~. ~-ij~t.i'?_~f?.!.. new .tri;a1" or ·'rafibnJS ·
fif~?~i°?~'?::'t~c,:>r . . . . ·. . · · . ·.
11:1trodu·~t1on of ad_d1t1~n~.1 ev1~~~n~;:r:-_:.i~- ~·=(j \-r 3.. Tl)_e~C.Q~~~« m~!uc;t~_d_ 1~ th_e -·c.o~~rag~ ~f
.... · ··.: :: · . . . . ·. : .'J.":#."'-tf.· : · ·'),! . 1f 11/eype.s .Rul~ 4~ on P~!1t1ons ~9r re)(iew ,.f,:orn
· In_ oth7?t words, ·not a,11 of the.~v,t'fc'lce: P;f,y10usly,.. i~\:;n,.-::p}heRTC Jo _th_e-CA.and.. Ru_1e·45. on :ap~eals _by.
ad<:fuced sh.all ~tand. . . ¢>:.:.~~:-" · · __ _;(f;~,,.r;<·,~~'1J9,gmto. ~he $upr~n:,e ..court .. B?th ttiese.
. .· : . ··:,_ .· . · · · 1 ~,:,,: · M'~-;..iJ,;-...e.:.,.a.:rules,l'apply to· an appeal in a--crim1na!' case
2. · ·yyh-~rr a new .tiial·.is.·gtan{ed on· t~tgr39pc(cit . . pursua_ntlo S~; 3 c,>f Rule }22. ·_" ... · · . ·
newly discoy~red'. evidertce . tl'ie$te-gjgence · . . .. · ·. . . . . · · : · ·. .
· already · take_n· shall_·. stand;_5and ·· Jti"~ ·new!y
discovered an<:l"such oth.erevideriteasthe·court ...... .._ -- .....- .........-,. ----- ......-- . . . . . .,. . ;. . . . -_........
· ·· · , . ..
.. may, ."in .. the ·interest ··of Justice, altow-,to be . : ·. . llu:LE. i22 ·. '. · .·
introduced, ··shaU. be taker{ and>cons1da'rect·_· __ -_.· .. : · .. : AP.·P.·EA .. L·. ·· ..·.
· . ·togeth~r-wih1·the evidence already in·fhe ri'lcord;.
t:ind · : . · · · .:. · ·· · · ·
1_ _ ·.. : . · · , . ·.. . .. ,. J·
. , _. ~
1 _

. in o"ther words,'
"adduceq. s~a/1sfa.hcf.
a;;. ;,--:,~e·· ~:i~ehc~-- p;~vi~~:,;,.
.· . ..· .. : . .
-::~~~~iog forreview bY. which ·;~e-\yt,o.le ~~s~'.. j~
. tr-ansferre.dto a.ti]ghe'r°court for-a tln;;il Eletermination :-

(P.AMI\FJAN, supra,.at 634). : · · ·

3: In ."all ca~~s• .when ·the ·court. grants:·neJ;, trial. or ,_
.. • .
reoonsitjeratiori,. _the··.ar1g111~l judgrtient ·.shall be ~inal O.rd~r ; . .. . . .
set 'aside and · ·a ···new .judgrn!int · .renderM· . It js c1_n· or~er" wNch. disp6$es".o( ttie ,whol_e."st,bject .
accor'.dingly .. · . · . · . · ·· · · · ·, ry,a-tter ·or · terminates a particl!lar issue leaving
. .·. . .~
. . nothing fo be done but to enforce·by execution-what ..
The granting of a hew trial-does r.iot operate. lo ac.cfuit ~has t:,een·. deterryiJned. (e,.g.., Order ·of the court .
. the accused·oftii"f] cri(i-i,{olwhich 1he judgme'nrfinds denying a Mot.ion for R~consid$rati0n . Cit .the ·.
him guilty; butprectse! set.asidi:t said jiJdgm_ent judgment)· (PAMARAN,. supra at '635.-636). (e.g.", .
. so that the case may be tried &e. ilbllb as i(no trial 9rder grantin·g a motion to q1,1ash; Order _granth:,g_a · · ·.
had b'een before. . .. - . . : ' ·. . .: .. . . _demurrer to evii;Jence) · . . . . ·


C.RIMl:NAL PRO.CED.-U·R:E- -: ·- ~I
· ~AN BEDA. LAW CE.NTRALtZ,E.PBAR .0!'~ T'JCJNS' - MEMORY AID :z'ot.? . ·i~!
A judgm~n:
Rule 122; Sec: 1) ordeLmay be appealed (R.OC,
: · .." ·· · · · ·: .
However, v,iher~:,the o~_rceof the_ ~olicitor G~neral
. takes a contrary posltlon and recommends the.
·l, )11
· acquhtal 'of. the accus?d, thE'i-_~~rnpl~l~ant·~J'_ight to i-.~
. .
6f a· Ju'd{J°ment
. . .
v. Appeal
of an _Order
be. heard on the question of award. of indemnity and . · ~~
darnages arises, In l_he. interest ofjustice and equity · - >ct
'and to provlde.perspecflve for theappeal, t~~ Court · . ;.~
. . . may allow in. the memorandum filed· by .- the . . ~-:'!;';·
Must' be perfected within· Must .: : be perfected complainant which will'-theireby· be -adniittedas par;t .. 11
15 .. ·:. ·: days fr'dm Within ·15 · days :trpm , ;, ;
"romu'gation . .
P ,
. 'notieeof the fina_I orde r of the records_ofth_e appeal (Peqple VS; Madali, $.R. "jfj
• . No. 12605o; January 6, .2001). . , ,~

1,tn~1esria~n~.uotrodryer9wh_rd,1ecrh·doe.~ -·~ot dis·p::ose ·o; a'..~ase

Whri M~y· .App~a.. the : Civil . Aspect . of-. the .
Judgment · · - :. · .. -. . . , · . . ::.~
completely,;":s_oinJ3thingrnoretto bedone Either ·-the offended '. party ·.or·: the.· -aeoused ·. _-'Jj
on the inerits.'(e:g.,:·.Order o'f tt)e· _court-·den_ying- the may appeal the c.fvil aspect of the.judgment despite '-~~[1
. motion to quash) (l?AMARf\N. ~upta· at p35:636): :· the acquittal of. the .accused, The public prosecutor . :fl
: . . . · . ·. . .has_g~nera~ly nointerest in appealing the clvilaspect j1
N<;> appeal maybe taken :from an Interlocutory order : of a: decision acquitting· the accused. The acqulttat ---f,j
(ROC;Ru/e 41,.S.,.ec. 1r·.· . . · . · ·. . ·
"-""'-"=1---=,_e.nds.his.wprk. )he case is terminated as far a~lj~ ;:~
-. . - : . .- · : ·. ·, ', --- · . . . .u-:: 'LJ· i~or-rc..~med.The .real parties: ln interest in the. _'..:~
. The aggriey~d,party·can·.que~t_ion the ..!J:ltertopM,~or~ !~ · .·.fat~il f~p~t~f~ ~~cj_siorraifthe·offen"e_dpart-y ;j
. · order through the extraordmaty rerny_d~~f)~f!~~""'!----==~'?1:1!1~-~l!1e J.a9/c~e~ (Hun Hy_uqg. f?ar~- v. Eung Won : '))
(ROC,_Rule 65, Sec. 1). /-r' '\,. ,p· . ._ Chot~.F?: Nfi{6'¥,4.96,Febma!Y 12, 2007), · .. · ,i
• ·
. SECTION .1: WHO M~'(-APP~J-'h
· ,f' ~;j•: j ~ ·-=""-·•~ ''-<)., ·.,\ .•
,'" · lo.., -~f · ~ot;~ff,the'\.af~@;e'(.isacq~itted, the j1._1dgm_ent·is
r , '.•f
. ' .: . · ·' . p' · _,, ,,~.JP f · . Jr· ~} }rf:im7di_~ely 'Jr/1
~-fi~ex~cut_ory.:'.he civil_·,~spec.t · .. ·:J;
• : Any party may appeal ·tro~ a J u~gm~ni or .final . ,ff-\~!". may :._t>.:._fssail~c( ~y)e1the~party via_ a -_Pet_it,on for ·· :1
_or~er; unl~ss_,thea~~u~ed JY1ft-Je~p,1aced11n:·d~~~t~, :.c_'if{!!_?,r~r,~.u_nde)r..~~ \es,_·t?f th·e· Rul~s._ of_ Gourt
·H ~.-:oft _ ~- . -~~~ /4 GR..,__f
o. · 183652, F_ebru~ry · 2_5, .
· :~

Je~l?a(dy.. . .. _ - ~~R.eople 1,.v. CA;_
. - . · M -df',--1. .
. All those aff~pte9_ by. the Ju1:!'gl:t:p}t ~-·
. t:.;q_"'SJ:.rfi;:?~-0..15).• l
I .ot'der';';..~2;- · _
. F"f=J ... - . . . ·. : - . ·. ·. · . · <1.~;
./ffiJJ;. . _, . . · ·. ·.
r~nde'..e'd: . · · .
1. Accus_ed; · · .. , .
· of)
\\v .· \
~k l :oz:.;~ ·, ~ii"";-;gm,i;ayJn,,on~
0"1\_.fl,lt ~ the P~ple t~ Appeal .
'{-~~- · fr· ,.:;:''t.11.P~.:n~,t~JJDfth71 P.~ople7to·appeal is ~xpress,ly·made
. .Ci
2; Governmer:,t; ._ ·. . - \ ~ .' ~ o: ~-"" -;:::~lfr;>j{~ft'othe,:t1rov1s0Jh~tSl.lch an app~al should not ~
3. .om~nded pa~y (Pe__ople v1. MadWi, G.~. ~- ~/-·"pj~-ee'the~,¢cusec;Iif double jeopar~y.(P,AMARAN, ·•·
126050, Jan_"ua,y 6, 20,01); \, · , ~:;_ "-'-~[ .... --:-::"'\1Pf at 6M). ,f . · ,: · _:: · · · ·- ·· ._.'.:
4. Employers un~er,:·J;',rticl_e_ 10!\of _th1~,>R~~e.·ct_El\f\ ·:,-f'-1-P ~ ~ '· . _· : ·_ .• · , . • ·. 1
PenaJ·Code (Ru(oMaunc,oCon~uqliqjyy')l~'G;=-.,.==Ti)fs.;Ju~i~b · adhet~s to !!J~·finahty-of-a_cqu1ttal .. -~l
G.R. No. L-75357, November 27,- 1~~;{h.m9 f}. ~\ /9..o-0ti;· is, a juqgment.0.f ~cquittal is final and - . ,
. 5. Bail bondsma·n (People v. Ali,- G.R. No:,,~@62, · .tV.t.lunc1i1pea'fable (People· v.-. Asis, · G.R. No.. · 173089, '
. ·'· April 25, 1956); ··· · _..,._~=---z-;,f{tgust25,20·10).:: - · · ··. _· · , ._, 1 ' · .-/
. . . ·:.

, :rhe. wbrd ~party" includes ·not only the governn:i~nt· : How:the-f>eopl~ -M~y)~ssall A.cq!Jitt~l ·.:' . . . ; :· . f
.. ari.d .the .accused.'but-other person's as well, SUch.f,lS By :w.ay of·exc~p~ion,'a iud!;j~e'nt of._ac.quittal in a .. ~
· the . conipli3inant who may· be .'affected by the . · criminal :case may·-be as$ailed in a petifion for · -·l
judgm.ent·rendered. in the criminal proceedings. The <;ertiorari under 'Ru!e 6S ·of t_t_ie Rules-pf Cpurt upon .. -- · -~
complainant has an i11~~-res~ i.n-fhe civil liability arising
from fhe:crirne. unless of.course he.has res'erifed to·
clear showing .py:the.p~titioriet .that'the-l0wer co'urt, . <'fl
in . acquitting_ . th~· ··accused( .-com_mitle'C;I. 'ri()t . .-.!
· bring a separa.te: civil .action to !he civil merely reversible errors 'of ju_dgmentoufalsograve ··,:
'liability · (People. vs. ·. Madali, ,G.R. · No. 126050, . abuse Qf disct:etion amounting·fo·lac:k or. excess of ··. :;
. Januc,1ry 6, 20Q1) . . . . · .
jurisdictiqn ot. atlenl~t.·_of. ~ue proces~•. thus
P:a:11icipa~ionof the. Offe,nded Party in the Appeal .
. rendering· the · ass.ajled'.Judgment· voi9 · '(.People v, · :f
Asis, G:~. No. 17~089; Aug_u_st 25,_ 2010 ). : · ·;;i
o·rdinarlly, the <;Ip.peal :of crimin:a1 c1;1s-es involves as
parties qflly the- accused, as appellaots, · c1nd the The· Pedpie·m~y ~s,sail a judgmeht.rif acqujttal oniy'
. State, represented by the- Office_ of the· Solicitor . via peti.tion for ce,:tiorail_u.nder Rule 65'·of_'the.
Ge.neralo. as ·the appellee. The pcirticipation· of the Rules,.. NO,:- under ·_'a· .petition··for· review. on
'private 'Off!;!nded party w.ould: be a mere surplusage, certiorari-under·R_ule 45._ If the p~tition ,· regardless
if the State were simply to seek th~ affirm.ation .of a oHts nomenciatyre, .. merely· calls~ for ·an:- ordinary·
judgrilent of conviction. review of ·the findings of the court a quo: 'meaning


t.R·IM I.NAL:·p:ROCE:t:>:u-RE· :.
···-. B'AR
. . MEMORY AiD 2019 ..
. : .

there_.i~ !10.:
ali-~ga'tioh: that the?CQUi_tfai_.was made . . .SECTION :2. WHER~ TO AP,PEAL
wit,h grave ·.abuse· 'of dlscretlon, 'the constitutional .. .
right. of the. accused a_gainst doubie [eopardy wo1,1ld The appeal n;iay be..takenas follo~s:
be. 'vlolated (Villareal :v. Aliga; 'G.R; No. '1669gs, ..
.January 12,.20.14). · · ··
. .
. -An appeal from the: order of "dism.issa1 shall :not
. Me
. TC, . . MTC,: MC.Tei'·
•... MTCC, . ~ .RTC
. .... :~
. constitute double jeopardy ..if: . . .. -, . ...,R_T~c_.
....,.·-_ _:_..;.i·.....
1 .. Dismissal is.. made upon- rri0ti6n, ·ot·.wiU:i )h.e CA. SC·'·-:-~·:·
express.coneentof.the defendant; · .. .. ; .. ·
· 2:.. Dismis~_al ·' is . not _ _. acquittal or . based 'upon ..
. · . c9_ri_s,cter~tlqnof 1!1'3 evidenee' or ori.'tti~ mertts of · SECTl~N

..3 •. HC>W.:·· J$'APP
. ,. . .·. ,.
. · .
. · the case; ahd ·...,;: · . · ·. .· .-, ...
.. 3, · The question to be. passed upon by the appellate How'·appe~I is t~lcert: : . . : · .. ·. · ....
·, . court Is purely legal·so that.should l!ie'rjiss~I to·
. f.' ·App_eaf the.~egiona! .J'rlal .Court - by · .
. be. found incorrect, the case would have to _be . . . a Jiqti<;;~ of ap'pj:3_a·,·with tfie: court that -reridered
remanded. to 'the court Of: oriQin .·far·. further · , . the J.u~timeiit' or ;fi_na1·..order.:·apJ?ea1,ed .from and .
proceedings, to c1eier::r:nlmfthe·gullt ortnnccence ·. s_ervmg_:acopy. to· .f~e adverse party.. '. . .
ofthe ·defendant (People \I. City of.Manfl~, $:R. .2. App·~al. to :the·· CA from .declslon. of ·tt:,e ·
. No. L-.36.528, September 24, 1 Q87): ·. ·. . : · .d"';"' . ·Region·~t· Trla.l Court. in. the ·.·exercl&e · 'it·S · · of
. . . . . ).r.f.i. . .o'riginal [urfsdlctlon ,::-: by. fillr,g ·. a . notlce of
:N_qt~:. _T~,e -accuseo rnay . appeal a .judgme,~t:.;;~(;',1:, ~~ppeal .,_with the . court whlch .rendered tile.
· acquittal to,stnke·o~t an,p expunged;frOf!lth~ r~ef.q.~>- ,.u~.j ,, JU<;Jgp, or. ·fin~I order ·appealed from. and
the· li1:1rttul an.d irrelevant_ remarks .agc:'!1ns.t '.Jh~.,; ;~::~·:p-,_,,,.~erv1n.~,.fi.copy to..the a~v~rs~ party; : . ·:
·acc_used (People v. Mendoza, G.R. _No~. ~8,Wf..:B(t,,>i";....,:...A:.>~::A,~pf..~h,·t.9. :the- -CA· .1~ cases- ~e~ld~d by
JL!IY 20, 1982).. ·., , · :~'.,;·:'. . _>..Y 1..f Regional\ Trlat· CQt,1rt .m the exercise .of its
; .· · , · ·. . . . ·. ,,:'?/ . , ·. !~,!41·. . aP.pellat~t,~uri~dictio~- ·by petition for review .
The .~1Qhtto Ap p_e~I 1s Not a N.~tu~a}.J!.if!ht.. j.:.---:-,,.t! : . u.n.ct1er ~ufe,12: · ·, _.. ·. . . ~· .. . . ·
The nghf to appeal 1s. not. a natural qgpt or~q:r&'r1 of f~. 4; · ApP.eJ! to
constitutional du~ process, bu,!:-:nfiifely aj-¥taftlt'o.i:¥;. r-'·JI
CA m
cases where the pe.~alty .
. hnp9,.sed't· i,, :·-:r((Jclu_sion · perpetua, . fffe .
prJvi\~ge ~nc1 ~::JY. hf;''l:!*~.::S ·manne~·
. l'lf)d ·. !n· . accor~an_ce. '<-11th th~'pr~V~9~1t·Of~.itl~~-
r.~r:1t·~']'l·en\,.:orwher~ ·~_lesser pe~al~Y is ·
l~P,:O~f~f~Jt!!i-V.OIVlngoffe~s~s .c.om_m1tlet.l
l<;1w. Tl')~ party· wh9 .~eeks t_o ~o\Y.?JI J;liros~lf-oM~~.. ~JI!. _.o~"tb~~-~c:1[1.slon~r ari~mg :out
. same must comply. .with 'the reqifi!~~r.efein'~of t~e ttJ · . sa'me occurrence that gave 'rise to t~~··o,~re·
rules, .!ailing .which the right fo~c)pPeaJ,:Js · lqs~ hl~m:,~r-:·;seriou~ o~ens.~ !ar· which}~~~ penalty C?f.
'(E~tar1Ja.- V; People,. G.R. No. 173990(;0r;Jpber' 27, ii !t~~ 1"'?-t~1~~1tn or hfe · rmpnsonment.-1s 1xnposed - by .
· 2009)., . ,. . _ .. · · (;(-". .· . · ·~1,~~:;...1..,;.,;.,&l:ti!it'ig,a,hoti.ce of al?peal with the OA;· · ·. . ·
. . . . . ···. · . . .. {!'.:f · : (J'-i.5: : . · 5. - ·.oeath·.penalty .,,. .automa~c. review by the CA
Effect t)f Promulg13tion lnAbsenti~· As::tc>'.AP,peal · ·. (A.M:·No. {)0-5-03-SC c;Jated 200.4);.
(See c/i~cus~iQn un·de_r.'f~.'u1e·f20, S,ec,- 6) '."''..;.'"":" . . ·;and ·' · . . . : .. "-: ..... :: . . .
·.· · ·6. Except as ·provided io_.the·tast·paragraph of Sec.
. ~ffects and.Sc6pe of ~o Appeal . .... 13; Rule 124.,· other ~ppeaf~ to~the .Supreme
An !3ppeal_from the:·se'l"1tenceof the trial ·court implies : Gourt; by pe_titi9n for r~view on certiorari under·
.a . \yaiv~r :of · the' constlh.itionai' safeguard .·againsj .. . . · · Rule 45. · ..
· doyble j13op~rdy,and throws _the whole case_oi;>ento· ·.
~ review. !JY the._appellale cp_u·rt. · · . · ·.·.: . ; · . .N~J!l;°· · Pu.ndamental ·. law. requirE:S manclatqr.y. .·.a.
• • • ; •• \!• • • •• • • ••I• r • •' :.:~ • ~
·.. r~vi~w ·. by ..the SP· pt. cases·. where· 'tbe penalty ·
Th1e app_ellate court 1s. then called upon to render· . --imposecfls reclusion perpetva,.lffe impri$onment; ·or: .
judgmEi'n~ as · ,aw . an.d' Justi.ce . d.icti:)te, wh~ther . · · death, i,o~here', _h9~evet, · has.· it .proscr;ibed an
fa.vo.rabl_e or . uhfavorable·. to . the appellanl; Such . · \rit~rmediate · revje~. · If . to ens1..1r13 utmost
appellate,co1,1t1s nave' the powEJ)r to .reve~se~affirm or. -· circumspection·: before· the penalty. of . death,
·m·odify_ tht'I judgmen~· of the ·tqwei-' ·couit: and· to· -reclils.i(!r:, perpet_1.{a 'or
life lrnprisbnment·.i(imposed, .
_ ln~rease or r.educe the _pen.alty it imp0sed (Philippine · the Court· !')OW deem~. it wis~.:c;tnd compelling. to ...
Rabbit. Bus · Lines, tnc. · v: People, G.R. ·No. provide in these cases a revi·ew by the CA before the .
· 1_47703~. Apri! ·14. 2004).. . . . . ··case. is the SC. A prior deie.rmination by
· ·~he .-CA on,· p~iticu1arly, the factual -issues; would
·. 'm inimiz;-e the p:osslbllity_of~r:i error,of ju_dgment. If the
CA- sho_uld ~ffirm .. th'e penalty· of death,. reclusion_
. perpetua or life imprisonment, it .could . .ttier;i _render
judgm·ent imposing th~·<::orrl;ispo~ding penalty as-the

. iiw
. . 1.e31
.c:R:1 M·-i NA;L- ·p'R.OCEOu·R·E-
. sii-#Mc4 I -b iMi#+l!iei GRAM . Y&HCAiifM WM Wfla
circumstances so ·warrant,. refraln: from ~ilteri~g RTC and. CA, .sc Petition. ·.for ·-R~-v.iew
judgment and 'elevate the _entire records of the case· .' "':!hen:. : ", ~nly . on' . C~rtlorari' (Rule
to· ~he SC for its final disposition (People Mateo, v. .questions. of law. 45) .
G.R. Nos. _147678--8_7, Jiify"7,"2004). -· :. -: . are. ' ' ,involved;·
except ·-wher~
. Ho_w A~Je~fl~--,:_a~en p~nalfy of death, "'·
-~~-mi recluslon..
,• ·.
·, perpetua,_._of)ife· .. .
. . imprisonment ·· is · · ·
.md.lnary-. Appeal.".- · _:. -· __ -. imposed· . .
· · BY. . notice of .. appeal · - ...
' fil~ With '·the'. court'l t-C-:A~--. -_-__ ...:..-.+A--
w-:-. . ..:.R_~-.v-le_w_'..:._J
ti:,at ret;id~_red -, _-jhe _penalty' . . . is . ' .. ·
.. ·.· .. ,
declslon. ," a"ritl · by , :: · imposed, . or
s_eivjce :~of. c6i:,y.
·.to · where, a.
lesser .. :·,< · .
·:...,.-a· penalty . ;.is
RTC, ' . when CA c :Petition .for·· Review- .· . imposed .but fqr- .. }J,
questions of both . (Rufe 42) ":' In cases . . offenses_: . . . _· ·· '· Z
fact .and law are · · .-. decided by tj'.l~~-G<!-~ r;u··=;"> CO[Q~J!ted on . .. , :~
involved . . ·. its' : ... ' ·#;appr.Jlate l: fJ:ir- .. t~, . .: .~
. J\.11:isi:lictiOQ._~ .. ~ . . • ~c~s,o~I}- ~~~-'Or . . . · ·;:
_ . . ;.6.· ·. '\, ):.e:~~~---,oseg~ · _. ·. ·.. .·. .· -. . :~-
.· Or:ginaty·~lfp'eal ~~- -~ h~, J~·,e. · . . ···.:°'
:c~!e~1ecf~d,t!)y,the _-jt .,occp("':1n~~ -~ \ . . . : .. ,·.: ·~
,!1T'~~ipi°iits~ofigin · !~at 91"\e ris,~'tt~, _'~ ._.-·_;_:_i.·i.
uri~didtjbn,. b' ,r:iotic; •·triE: mortseri~&i ?"I.~( =
, o_f~pf al file. witM~e, . . , ..Qtf.~.e,.:~or~h.1~1\, h A: t~ . ;::~
· ~oo.d-4 f(tl:lat ... fOder~~- i-
P}t;,-~~al~ · ~fL ~ ... 1 '·,. f 'fl
!1 the :t~ecislori ,pnd "ij} ?. Jl~atli_ f · · !I . ) ij -~_i
• I · ,-f'~i8,d 1 ._<l~bpy-·'tq·~_n 1-,,vi). ~ · .;.,_ ,·· ... -:. _.-.: ·-:-~-·-· . .
__ ,-· ·._,
.- i a~v. r e p_a,_rt 1-;'- . . ~~ C~"r"'- _x~ 7-:herp1 ~~9.J ;I · Ordlr:ia.!')'. :A,ppe_at:. -;:.. ' . )il
death pena(t . js ·
where CA : .
f\ -' . ~,-
· . ~d>~ ~,I
' r-k"'\!{~naf!~~)~posfd ""\r l: '
t _ 1J~¥C!U,sf?r!_- . 11- ·. ·. _filed W[tA _ the ·court . ;. J.
,~.Y-. n9.t1?~ of appeal· ·.. ·1;.

lmposed y .. ' .. ·. ' ~ . . ·. -. .

1]!/e.,ua, -I 1ire \ I,. . · ..· that . r_enc!~r~d .:, . the ' ?-

. ' ' . ,\\,• ·. .. . '"' '.._ ·- -!~~spnrnent or. . . . ·decision:;_ and. . by. - ; ,,
' RTC, . whei:e .(;A" . Ordr~ai1}'.. ~),~~ ~4-, 'fEN1~er~.?cf-~·1es"sei_ , . . . service of _·GO~Y.- -to ·-:,}
··p·en·a· lty.·_ · · -· o f .. ,;9·
· B y -.nQ ·l~.._e.;;_o:
- "-1-.,. ,. -.. ~
pp,:,a., ne·nfif{.~-
· . .-P"· ~' .· ')~ ,; · _. ·. · , ·-·adv""r· ,:; ..... 'pa'.·rty'"·, · .. · ·· : ·. · .«J
"":'". ,i;,1
'' . recli./sion_ . . . ' filed •
/' • -~'- ~
.• • }vi" · c,\ V.'.,/
J..l..... i-- s:1/ . a.:. . - ' - ·.. ,. . : ..\ . '.,,·f'M···
perpetua or :lif~ that·. ·_.rend~re~he J. -:~----
~ . · .. ·;j
imprison"i:nent. is ... · ·.. . decision · ai:id · :,, o" . --~~- . - ·. · . · · · · · . . ·.· . .., ..111
imposed,· · or·_.· .· :service qt... copy to . ·. Mo_d_es of. Rev_iew:·rhe_ ~ules;of CQurt".recog'n!ze 4:. -:~
where :'a 'lesser adverse party. : ..: ' rnod~s .. by .-";~ "tb.e: qecisioo~(?f ..fii'ial order of. the . ';:;
·penalty . . is . : .·. court 1.n·Cril'!linai, ca·ses. m!3y be ·revjewed'bya'bigher . ·•
imPO~ed bUt. for" · . · tribUl'lal, viz.:. .. ... . . : :. · . · ·. · .· ~
offer.ises , .. . · .. _ '• ·1:. Ordinary' app'E3~r (Rule 1j,2);. ·'. . : . }~
committed .' ." ori . Z. Petition for: review (RMe 42);,. . : -~\
lhe .. _same . ·.- · · ·· 3... .P~_tition tor
rE;?vf~w-on CE!f't1qr~ri (Rule ff-_q); or-: · ·-:~ii
occasion . · or 4: Automatiq appeal (Rl!lf! 1?.2) (P'AMA~N,·s4pi:a -t1·
'which arose ;our at 643-644) . · · · .. · . . ' · ;ti,"
' of-' ' the· same . . . ·. . . :- . . .· : : - ' .. : ' .... -'j
occ\.lrrence ·: that. · S:E_"C:'r_!<>~ 4_••:_~l:,~V_ICE_ o_ ~_-NOTl~E ..bF_AP__ , P~_AL ·.-.. ).~.:-~.·
-give ·dse to, -the {'J.
more serious · . If personal ·service of the co'py ttie._riolice of app~~I . of ·.'j
offense for which - ·cannot b~ made · upoh the advefsii. party. or ~Is . :'N
·the. · penalty .. of · . cou_ns~I-, service may t1e done' by inaii or .. · ::,..,
death:·. ·reclusion. by_ substitutecl·.seryice pursuant to· ROG, Rule 13,. ·..-r
. perpe(Uf:1, or life Secs .. 7 and 8. .. · . ' . · . : "~
· irhprison!llent is - · · · ~,.
imposed , · · · · · · · ',:i{


. . .
-:~I·~ ;
CRlb:t·l.· NA.L.·!p RQCE:D-U:R·E .: 'MEMORYAlaiot9 ·
'. -~B:E.DALA.W CENtRALtZ(D:8AR.0PfRA7'10NS';:


. ·.· .
App~ais, When ~erfep~~-d· .. • . ·. ·. . . · · · . .· · it:i wri~irrg. The stancqraphlc reporter shall -c;<:?[tify to-
Appeals, in, crlminal .cases do not take place and are the correctness · of. the notes -and . the . transcript
riot. eonsldered 'perfected ,until -atter .' the interested · lhereof, which 'shall' consist. of -tl)e·or.igin'al and four-
party.has personally-or throuqtr-hls .attorney, ·filed . oopies.iand shall fil~ the origitial ijnd fourcoples with ..
with . the 'clefk of court. 'a .wrltlen notlce .expressly . · .' the clerk \A{ithout unnecessary delay ... ::_. ,·: · .: · .
stating_the .appeat (Pe9pte-v_ .. Natividad, ·G.R. No, L:-·
~ . 'Augtjst:22,
-1936),. ·· · · . If· c!~.ath_. p~nalty ·. i~ .'i~posed, .. tlie. st~nowaphic-· · :
reporter shall; ·wit_hin 3Q· days _t~om-. promul9atiqp _of .
~ff~ct of. Pe.rfectiOtl 'o.f,Appe~i ; ' ., . . . . the sentence, .. fil~ :v,.,ith -the cle~k · original :ancf four ·
Once ari appeal:in ·a case, whether civil or .crirmnal, . copie~ of .the dl,Jly ,::ertifi~d· ~ranscript..of hi.s ·notes of ·. ·
hasbeen perfected; the court. a.quo loses Jurisdic.tion · ttie ·p~oqe.edin~_s. · Kio -~~tensi6ri of pme for·.fil_ing .of
over the case both. over the: record and over. the said .transcript ~f' .steoographlc ·riotes· · shall ·b~·:
~ubjeq(oHhe-case (Oliosa v.s:_-CA G.R..N_o, 114350, gran.ted. the _Suprerf"!e Qourt and·onfy.t.ipon
16, 199.7).·
t., l.. ...... . .
· j_usfifia_ble.·grol!nds.: . -.: • .. · · . · ~~ ."_. · · . ·.: ·
. -:. ; ~ -, : ·_.. .· . ·. . .
... :. ~.. - :"' ·.. . - ..
Mere· -fa_il_ure to .serve copy· of notice. of appeal to the PAP.f;RS. · Tb
.. prosecutor is hot a defect-which can either i-11;111Jfy the AP PELLA tE COIJRT u'PpN AP.P.~AL' . · · .. , ,· .
. : : appeal or preJwaice the unquestlonabte ·rights• of the . . . . . . . .
.. accused (PAMARfJ.N,supt» at 652).' ·, ' . · .: .' Wifhin.5 days f~ori} the-fiHng of t~e rrotlceofappeal,'
· · · -. · · · . · · ,,.,01 • the c_lerk. of the.court .:V)th. whom t.h'e -notice of.:appeal
. SECTIO~·!>_. WAIVE1' ·oF:NpTICE . . . .. /{~.>'? (- .:
w~ ..~:file~- -rnui,t_ transmit to the.clerk. o( ~ourt·_
· · ··. · ·: ;_ .-.··,. :· ·· · ·:. · · . · :· ·J.:-:'.(./~.~- c!PPellate_court-the complete r£:!C.OF~l_.,of. the case,
... T.he appelle~'may Waive ht::; iight.t9·a:notice that·.i:iJ.i ;; ': .... together wi\h·Sc!idnotic·e. The original flhd 3 copies
·_,appe!3J-°has·~·eei, fa.Ken.~ '-:· . .. . - ·.. :·. - \J
r:·-;-.;.:;:.iCC?J..,.ttte."trans.qr.Jpf.of,stenog·rap_hic notes·. togettierwith
. Tl}e- a_pP, may, in_ its ~~~reti9n, e~!,ftaij,: .. f i';..::JtiA;~:~~~,:~a.11,als'?. be 1q;1nsn:iittect·to;tlie clerk of
an· appe~I_ n~twit~stah.di~g give.~sugt.t n(>tice ;-., Fl ·
t_he -appE:1lfate~~Q-~(Jr:t .. V\'!lli~ut 'J,mdu(3 · delc!y; rhe: othe.r
.• · i_f .the ~nte_r~~ts· ~f-justi~e·s9. require. . ((:;/': .. · ~$:;:!_! .
copy of _the_j~~-cript ~hal! re_ma~ i_~ _the lower court.

' . . ·.
WHE.N'APPEAL-To_sF{i;(~Nd1 .. /
. . "-<·('~-
. ' .
f~-f_"'· sEGTIQ"i?~>~~llEAL.T(?.THE
COURTf H .\ .
. ..
An_appe~I must be-.fil~§witbjri,~1'aya;q6,~t~~fro.~~-' ~\1 · · >-1, .. · ~ . ./\,. ·.· . -::- . ·. . · .' · . · : : . · ... ' ·
· the_pro~u1g~tio~ or n~tiee o~ tti~·tJna1ei:i'r~;t,-appea!~~ . t:.j · 1 . . vy~~W:!!·HfY.~}~~f~ertec_uon_..qf~!i~--~pp_ea1,..ti:,e
fr9m ... · .. · ·
· · .· .
. ..· ,
·, . .
~::.,_!.~ . ~,,}.
."°'d~··.:;?.\\ · :
~~·J . . ·CIE/r~.t::~@~~~all
t·'. th_e·appropnate·RTC;
tr_ansm1tthe onginal.record to
··. ,. . :
·Ttieie,riod fo~:ap·~a'! is inte.r~pted1rS\IT_l tHl1tirf!' ~- 1..~~·rr~·.,:jup~n:rE;"ceipt_ of the"_q~mplefe rec?rd ~f-t~e ca_se, .
· motion .for new tnal. or recons1dei:at1ot.r~is41l~d. until j~ N• • .• •! tl'.f\.hl>..Prlpts a11d:~xh1b1ts:_ the. cl.~rR Rf court of-the
. notice' of-the prder overru(lng tlie ·.moti9n hc;1s. 1:>e:en~-~,.,::.....!:.~R--t,-G>-~all notify the parties pf -such'.fa_ct-; end· . .
~.e_r:ve~--·.upon_ the:_ a¢cu~ecror hi~ qouije!" at,:'j4~i~h· 3} . Wi,thin -1.S ·days fro~·,rec.eipr ohhe _sai~ noti~e.,
time th~· balance_ o(.tf"\e: period· beg\11s to·.~{J · :· · the .J?.arties ,may ·submi_t men"lor;mda o~ br!efs_, or ,.
~· · · · . :· · · . - · ·· ,r · . nwy_ 15e -require_d. by th~·· RTC tq d_o. sq .. f.fter. tt:ie .
Co'mputation ·of the Period to·AJ)p-eal .. . . :submission· <;>f SUG.h ·.n:,emoranda or ·Briefs, ·.or
.. in e.ompl,Jtirig .. the'• pEftidcf to appeal; the _.1st ·day Is .. upon".th,e _eixpiratio"n# ~e _j).eri0~ to. filEf.the ·~am~ •.
. exch:idecl .md.tlie i$ iricJutled. Should th·e last .. the RTC shall decide the ~se .oh the· bc;1sis of
~ai t~u:·on.: a :·sunday: or·:·a··_hqliday;< t!ie-iperiod . :th~ e.ntir.e ·rec;ord: of" . .tlJ.e .. case·.-ari:,( Qf. ·such
. con\lnues'·td ruri until the. next d~y·wh_ict{is neither~ .· · -· .memoranda ci'r briMs as.'mayhave:b_e.~n:filed.
$1.l_nd~y ·."nor· tipliday ..(BE.VIS_E:(':DMJNIS.TRATIVE . . · · ,- .. , · 1 ·. · · . ·: •. .',, · .. ·.: . . . ·... · , .
CODE; ~ec. ·1.:n:. ,. . ·. ·. . . .·· ·_-· ·_-·. · SECTIO'N _1Q: TRANS,..,.ISSl(?N :().F RE,C0.R.D.S_:_IN
.:· :" .·.> . . . ·. · · .-.. · . ·· ·.:
, .· . / .;._ .
-CASE DEATH PENAL.TY ~ORKS." · · . . . .....
. In all_ yases:where th~ death_.p_en~lty is imp.ose.d. by· .
. OF . THE S!l;NO.G~APl'!,IC . REPORJ:ER. UPON : . ~he ·trial court, the r~cor-ds shall Pe· .fo~arded to t_he ..
APPE;P.,L .. : : ... : :. · CAf9r automa:ti,:; r.evie~ ana judmnent '!','i\hin .. 5.da~_-.
after the 15th day followirfg. the' proi:nutgation of th~.
: wt.ieri iiofice.-of'a'p~e~i 1s tiied,:tii .th.e ~cciis~d .. thei . jupgme~t or notice .6f den1a1·ot a:ry,otl.01,dor r:iew tri_a_l ..
·.trial. court--sh~II direct tlie. stenographic. reporte-_r to or recoriside~tioi:i. (A.M. No. ()0-~03-SO,. ·
15, .2004). · . . .
tran.scribe , his notes of th~ proceedings. . '

Wtien file.ct ~y·!h~ P~opie Q~ the: Phl!ippi_nes, th~ The tra~.scFipt-s.halfalso. b~ fc;,rw~rd~d·,,_;;ithin. 1.0
days .
trial .9ourt ·shall direct tlie sten9gr.aphic reporter ·to after
. the .fifing thereof by the
. ... stenographic
. .
. transcribe . such portion· of his not~s -of .the
. proceedings a~ the ~ourt, upon ~otion, .~haU specify


. . :, ~ ·. ·:
.... : .
CRtM'-1-N;A·L . PR.OCED.UJf.E _:

SECTION .11: EF.FEC~ OF APPl;AL .BY ANY OF . 2. · He shall transmit with the record, upon a form to ·
.. b¢ prepared bythe clerk of the appellate court
.. '
a certificate of compliance with this· duty and of.
1. An appeal taken -·by., one -or more 'of several. the response ofthe appetlanrto his inquiry:
accused' shaff not affect· those ·-.yho dld not .
. __ ;· .
. appeal, except insofar' as the judgment of the
appellate court is favorable. and applicable to the .
latter.: · . ·. . · . ·· . · RULE.1·23
2, The ~ppeal of the offended party from 'the civil
aspect shall. not affect the criminal aspect of the . ' . . TRiAL
. -. . Coun'rs 0

judgin.ent or order appealed from. . .. : . : .. •, .

3. · Upon perfection cf-theappeal. ~he :!9)(ecution of·
the-judgment or final order appealed from.shall.
be stayed as to the appealinq party. :. . ·. · · . .- Pr.o~edureto .be :observed. in· Metropc;ilita~:Trial
·Note::·- the Supreme Court. has · ·iel.a?_<e.d . th.e .
Courts;. Municipal ...Tri~i
. ... •
Co1,1rt_s and Municip~J. ·
:. ... . .
. application of this provisiohin cettein cases: They.ahatlobserve the-same procedure as In the.
. : · .. . . . . .· · . . · · · · ·J· .. Regional Trial Courts. . . : ·. ·. ·· ... ·. . . . . . :·
··1, hi People v; Fernandez:(G.R.No. 80481; u~~==.,,.,;,:__ ·- -·
.· i7, }~90), the benefit _of an. :acqo~t~,;)afriaed.] :1 . ~xi;jit'f'.~ .. :· . - ", .· . . .
down in _an. ap~al was applied -t~}a'n-_acP...',lf~d .l1 u· . N y;/tier"f3 ~~-
particular . provlslon expressly C!r
. · . who j_ump~d. bail_ or escaped; a_ .¢<'
2." In People v. Olivo (G.R. N<?;f.l'f[f18_,_1f.uly 2!,
1 '{1.
?~eJies only to the Metropolitan_Trial
Cotifls~·~'rii¢.ipal-Trjal ~otirts. ~nd Muni(?lpal .
. · 2009!, an 1:ccused ~as ,.~~ne~-.3-~frolJ.l"',th.~ ~''J}ircui~~JalJ;)\il(;ls_qr Regional· Trial .c~urts;. ·
, .. a~qUtttal of his co-_accuse~7~~~~t~,;ffief~me'f J[. 'In .<¥-imii\~l''Ja:s_~~- goven:1ed, by. the Rules .. on ·
.. _ ~a1lu~e to._appeal_from __th'ludg~,~·. C '. '· L . s_um~ary~rUe1~ie IriSpecial C~$e~ _
. ON 1·2·. WITHDRAW"·'"'O"'•"'Yr.PEAf_
.S ECTI 1,._ ,.r-:,:.r . · 1:- · . ~ . ·· . · • \/,,';\ '·· · ·
l:;TF< . ··. ·'· · ...:· · ·
. ·. ·. · .. .. · --· · r1 ;4'......-.,.a ·.. t :-".""~~'"";.'\ ~- 7 • q :~ · . • · ] ..l! ·. ··
An appellant may withdraw~~;fo!PP;?arB3f.~~~'E('s\1N111.W
record has been forwar?edijt5y,-l~~cl_er;_Rof. ~ourt-to ';::1:--.-e:- ~~
_,.ii r . tJku:ifi~_
1.;24 ·. '.- L
the prope, appellalecourt ahf\l"~sfd
Sec. 8, in which· case the J~d€frrfent'sha~~).!'l~·
~f ~
':, ; · 7,1:,,-,oc;.,
· '- · . ft
· ··
j'. . .
· :.


final. . _ i-. · '\ ·-~\-.. ,."' · /..~_.:; ' .· l! , · .

· · · . · . '\ ' ~ -~,/Sec::fON ~f Tffll:;r,OF. THE CAS~ · · . .
· The court may also, .. in;its ··<;li~~reti~f.l('~J:> .. ~~,,~ ((\.br' /, . · ,;/ .... ·. ·. · . :·· . · ·
appe[lant to-withdraw his appeal;p{ovid~fJ~lifl..q,,, t?rf~~~S.§P,Tl~N~2'--'i'A,ff~OIN-TME;NT~F. COUNSEL DE ·
to _ that- effect is. filed befor~ :the: r~~li~g.!,ov ;,ffi~"""":=r;;"'Of,.FfC~pf,>WTHE_ ACCU~ED . ·~. . '
judgment in the c~se on appeal (Peop~e:·v~a.d1yJ,al-.i\/i b..._ ~>,,.;?-, . ~-- , . - . . .
Gonzales,·G.R. Nos. L-16688-90, April 30, '196.~~_!.-':~ds~'(1ces when. an accu~ed car, .bl:l giv_en a
··. · · · . -·,----:· ·counsel de officio on appeal:{P~CoN)__ . .
Once appeal is Withdrawn, Jhe, decision or jlidg_ment ( Accused is confined·in f(isc;>n;. · : · ·
~ppeale-d fr:on:i becomes at once final··and exe_ci.Jtor .· i: w1ftl6.ut Counsel:de'paittlori appeal; or
· (People v. buefio; GR No. L-311()2!, May~; .19.79). · .3: . '. He"·t!c:itice Of appeal tiim!!elf. ..
. . .... . . . .. . ~. ···. ' . . -·
SECTION 1-3: APPOINTMENT .oi= couNSEL OE .. f;~ceptio~:- ~· ~accus~d-~pp~-ll~nt._hot. co~fir{ec{to .
OF!=ICIO FOR-ACCUSED ON.APPEAL _:·, . : ... ~ .. prison can have a coiJ~sel de officio if requested ?Y ·
him in tl)e:a·ppel.late. court within .1.0 days receipt ·
The right to counsel de officiodoes r:;~t cease .upori of -the notice•. to file: brief. and, .ttie .. righ~ fhe(eto · is
the -conviction ·of an ·accused· by :·a ,tifal. court but : . e!ita.blist,ea by.affidavit, . . . . . . . .. .
· .continues:even during appeai' (f'eople v. ·Rio; ~.R:
· No; 90294/Sfipteinb~r ?,4, 1991). · · . : SECTION 3. W.HEN·BRIEF FOR THE APPELLANT
. · i-6. s.e.Fi°LEIJ.·- · ~ . ; . · ·. ·, _. . ·.. · · ·.
Dutie.~ of the clerk of. th~ ·trial court. to the
appellant · who is · confin·ed in·. prfson upon · the.' · . sa"ve~ copies of the bri~f shall be file~d witl)in 30 days .
'. pre$ent~tion of no,tice.of appeal:. . , · .. from. ~eceipt by the appellant. or. his _counsel. of the .
. 1. . He .shall ascertain frpm the appellant, whether ·. · notice froin the clerk of court of the CA that the
he ,desires the Regional: Trial Court, CA or. -the evidehce, oral and .documentary, 'is al(eady attached
Supreme Court to appoint' an attorney de to the re.cord. ·
to defend him; an_d ·


.'. . .' SAN BEDA
. .. . OPEAAXIOl>IS.-
. . .

sebTt_oN 4. -WHEN. BRIEF F.OR THE·APP'ELLE:I; • · · l'.E!l(iewing CO(irt is n~t ex·pected to ·sear~h the record .
·TOBE-FILED .. -for every·error'qf which the, appellant might ·take
. .. . advantage but did nc:it, nor would" it· be fair to ·.the
··. The· sha·u fili3 7 cqp_ie;," of Jhe b(ief with.·the .. ad,ve.rse par:ty· for the· .co'u"rt .to" do ·so-
jVillareaf v'. .
cler;k of"court ~ithil"} 30 days from :receipt ~if the -br.ief_ Pe'ople, G.R. No:_ 15)?-5B,;Febn.-t_a_ry·1,. 291~)- ··.: .
'of t~e· app.ellant acqompanied by.proof. of.s~rvice .pf· ·
·2 copies· thereofupori the appellant:
. . . . ~ ' . . .
. · · ·. . · · ·~ec.TfON . 1t .. Di~~,~~~~ : o/
APPEAL· · ·F~~
· ABANDONMENT OR·i=AiL:.uRE.TO-P.Rb$Ec(r_re·
, .: A r~p1y br~et,,on.tne other hand, may.t>E}·fi1eci. by the
. appellant -, Withi_n zo qa_ys from re~eipf of th~;~rief of . . Grc;µ.hds for dfsmissal~of-'~ppeals by" ttie CA:.
the -appellea, The. reply brief $hall traverse matters. . ·. (BEBaF) . . . , .· · . .· , . .
raised in the appetiee's brief but not covered · in the · 1. . Failure oo ·1he· part ot: the' appellant'to, file §ri~f
•. : brief of. the appellant .: :: . . '-' . . . ... within the 'r'eg)E!/nent~i:y.period, except when he
· . ,. ·· · · · ·.· ls' ~ counse£"de:officio~.. _ ..
. SijER. 5.· EX'Tl:.NSION .QF·i'l_llilE FO.~:· t="1i..iNG·
c,.E-TF_.,_os·t:f . ·. ': 2. .§scaP,e·. of. "the appellant .. fr9~·· .. prJsdri" or."
contlnement: · :. . - · ,, :
. .. . . . •. . . · ., ··. · · . . ·· . ;3; ·whEin ttie.appella~tjumps;td. · . . .
.Extension of time fem the. filing· of btiefs will. not 'be · 4. · .flight ot the appellant to. a·fo"reig·n country during .
.allowed,.e?(cept:.· . ·. . . : ~ .. . . . . thependericy of theappeat. ·. . ·. . . . .
. 1: F.or' g_oi;id and _su.ffic;ient caus.e; and: . · ·. : •./.\ , · :· · . . ·, . · . ·, ·. . .. _ · : · . .-
2. . · Only if tl'ie motion for extenslorits filed before J~e'1·;.>-'Jf . Tl:i~ dismissal mew-be, made by the. OA.n'lbtil pr~prio
_· ··.e~piratlon -, of the time_sought JO"_b~ exten?edr/:·~:.f;;i or upon "moti~n ~y the :~ppellee, a"n_~'.with notlce' to
. ...
· -, , ~ · : . . -,.. · , . . . I;,.~· ... , ;1~." the~ appellant
'<:i·-',.,·,f-or. ...
1~ either case. . ,
· ...
· _. . .. :..
. . SECTIO,N.6'. .FORM OF B~IEFS· . .: -~· !\ ;:;,itd.-,;:ri~ · ·. . ;,,--,:--., . . · .. . ~ · . .. ·.-:.· ·· ..
· · · :· ·:- . .· · · · .·. · · ·. · ,_-· ;:.;:p-:·k_,~,'ij. r.~~~:-;~Jl,~p,P,e,al.Yf~S-d1s_tt11~sed:f?-r. fa1lure,.~o fire ·c;i
: SECTION·?. CONTENrs OF BRIE:F_S >--::;/· . ~st ~ brieFo·n-tfme-;,a.nd the order of dism1ssa_l had ..alre~p.y
. ·. ·. '. :· . · . . . · · . · /,;)< . .)L '].. become·fin ..;if,'itbe.lost.appeal-cannot.b'e retrieve9 l!>y
T~e: ~riefs .in -~ri~r~a(. ca~~s_-:shall-:_h~&,/iie··s~'!l~·,:··_i( filing~- m9ti.01fB{ n· (Navarro_v. CA;_G.~. Nds...
· contents as provided in ..Se<";s,_1 ~ am#1.'4;).Rf;Jf;ft!: "44. [\J : t 12389-9U:A,.µg~~t1, _ 19g4). · · . . · · >·:. . ·.
A certi~etl true copy of ihe · d~foi~,{.6r fjn~:orde._f 1 t\. . . . . . j. · . ~. \~ . . . ·. : · :... : . ·~ . . . · :_ .
. appealed frqm shall_be ~PP~~e~to:t~~~9rief.9f the~ f.?i SECTlgt,l__ 9/U~R~MPT ~ISPOSITION· pF·_ THE_
. · ... ·
· .· .. ·.: .. ~ · ~~:= :__ · ~i
.Necessity of. Makin~j"AssignmeYif~!·J$rrot,~. ·
..~·: _:_ ·t.::'(i) . ·
r:~ . - . . .
. · ~ :·,y·.-.=-;-~-1-)i) \:.'---. · , ·. ·cAS~-lr,;,:P,;J:,('>'!r-:7
~:~.:.:.~:~j.i:~ .
: · : . : · · . , · · .. :
. . : ·.·. . .. - .. - . ~
_.1~1 · · Appe.als of-accu.~ed ;who are ~nd~r. _detention, stialf.
An appea_l from the.sentenqe ·of1ti~ ,tr:1a~ co~~Jhroy,,s )\~7_b~i-~ivenprecedence over:o_ther·_appeals. :. : · ·
.~tie whol~·ca·se open to-a·review' byliti_e ..1=1ppellate. ,;:;;~::~\,,~~:.1·' · . ·. . · _-· · · · .· · , .
-court . - ' · . ,· .· · ' ·. · . . . . r;,r.; · .;-~,,_~if.fie,.;,€~.'...5H~IIhear . and decide . th~ ·:appe_aL_af ti"\~
. -:·,· .·: .· _. .. _·.. : .· · · . .-·_-);\ !''';._ · earlie.s.~pra,ciicabletime~t.~dueregar~tothe_rights_.
· . Hence;_ 1t 1s not. ess~ntial_ . .for. the: !:ii;:cul1:1~M~_·3t1~ke. of_lhe part,... ::;. . · . :. . . :. · .
assigrtmelit-of ertots:in"~i~ l:>~ief: -: : ·. "' • · ·
. '\ ·"("he-accused need"nbt_be present-i"n court.durihg"the.
· · N:ot~ithstandih~ \he abse·nce:'ot _ah
·asiignl)'lent :of . hearing of the _appeal.· . . . "'·
errors, .the appells:ite :court wiirrevil:,w· tne rec.ord· and
· · · ... re:verse · or modify_. the· ~1ppe~led jui:!gr:nerit, 'Mfo!l!Y, . secT10N 10., · JU.E>"G.MENT. · ·Noi ·:To· .. .: ~e-
. on grounds· ~hat. the: oour;t.had. ri<Y jurisdiction er that- .. · REVERS.ED· OR MODIFIE_D.; · • ·. . . , .
the · acts.' p"roved ·do. not constitute- the· 'offense··
charge_d."'bu"t also"o,:i preju~iqial errofl?, ti{tlle--:right ~f. No j~dgment._Sl)i3fl be rev~rsed" or·motlifie_o un1e·ss-~·
accused which are. plaln-i ·ru.n<:Janrental, :v!tal; or.. . the.CA; afte.r an examination of th~ re'c6rd and of the·
seirious, ·1?r-<>i:i" error's whi.c~ go· to -the. su_ffibl~nc~ of": . $V.idence adauced ,by the" parties; i~ri·o(ttie-:opinipn '
·the evid_.enc;:~ to convict (f/;ijlippine-Rabbit Bus·L:.ines, · . . .that· error wa_s com.mltted which. injuriously ."affect.eel
Inc. v. People; G.R: Noi 1"41!03,-"April-1"4,- 2Q04j: · . ·. . th_e suq~tantial righti,; of thi3 apP,~llant.. · · ·. , . ·. .
"However, the· ·saici :rule·' wfth ·. General ruie.: The findin·gs of thefJudge· who:1ried ttie · .. ·.
· the nec~S$lty :c;>f·p.o.inti~g.·ou(ln_~-On:te other .fo"rm cc;1se arid heard the witnesses are. Rot distu_rbed on- "" ·
·technical .and non-fund.a"tjle.ntal errors whic;t, do appeal.. . . : '' . . ..
· .: . ~ot-.a"ff~c.t the substantjal rl°gltts. o,t an ·ac,cused ·tQ
· .a fair-trial·and are ncit,·patent. Such technical and· Excepti~n: Wh~n it is shown th~t-the .tri~l -co~it nas '
· non-fundamental· · errOl'.S. mul?t . qe Sp~Cified "with ov~rl.ooked·certain facts of.s"ubstance:and value1ha't, .. · .,
convenient· proposit10A· and ar~ument.if· they ~re· to if ccinsi'clered, IT!ight affect ·the . result of. 'the. case. .
be made the basis for modification-or reversal ofthe (People v.. Ancheta G:R. · .Nos. ' 138306-07,
appealed judgment or for further Proceedings. The . Decembw: 21; 2001) ·


.. ···- --· ---------------------'

· ·:
CRlMlN·AL ·_p·R.0-CEE>:U R:E.
SAN f1EDA LAW,CENTRt,.UZED_BAR OPf:,Y,. TIOt:JS. - MEMORY AID :20-,~ . • . ':j~

secT10N.1.1. scoPe,oF JUDGMENT..

~ •• •
'secrionis. WHERE NEW TRIAi:. coNoucTeo
• • • • • • ; .• '•' ••• • • ' ' ~• • ' '; • ' ' I
The .appeal conf~rs upon." the appellate .court · f~·ll When a. new trial .is granted, the ~A may coqduet the · .· }i
jurlsdlctlon over. the . case .and. renders suet, court hearing and .receive evidence as provided ·-in- . ~;;ii

competent-to examine .records, revlse.fhe.judqment . ,Section· 12 of this Rule or refer the trial -to·the court -,i}/
appealed -frorn, increase the penalty, and 61.t.e· the· of origin · · · · - · · : :-,~

\','.1. /V~'~1;~7/~~~
0 \;~~~~f;JReople v Nguta, . • SECTION 1~. ~~cb,Nsl~E~AJ;(>N •. . . . . ... ·

.SECTION.12. P0WER··TO RECEIVE EVIDENCE ... ~ motion .foi" reconslderanon ~tlcil.1 be filed Within ~5 .. ·}i(t
. . : ... ···:. : ·... . .. ··.· ··.·. . daY,sfrom".noticeof{_he·decisionor"tin"alor<;l.erofthe···.;:,t .powers pf the CA: (CPR) . . · · CA· ·,. . . . · · - .. ,<:.
1.... T_o try. Case"s and· conduct hearings·; · . . . -. . . . -, . .. . . .. hf
2. , ·.feirtor;:;;- any and all' acts· necessary to 'resojve T.he. motion )llUSJ setforth the . groimds° in. SQppo~.· ?l
factual issues· raised irt cases: · · .· ·· . · thereof and coples of thesame must be served upon :],
,a·.. ::F~lling . under .its· ·._ongln~, · · and. appeuate the ~dyers~ party. . · · :· . · · · ·· · . · .· ..• ...;;~~
.j(irisdic~on; · . . . .· . . . .· -• -, . .mitti~u~·shai1
· · . . . ,. . . ,~
. : .. P·:.··.t_he P.<?"."'er .t.?- _gra~f aad_ ·cdndt.i9t. .
n~w. tn~ls or f~rther proqee_d1n_gs._ · ,,;.,,_~Jg_e·

be stayed dLi~i~g· the·P.e~dency of : ·

motion "for· reconsideration.·. · ·. . .· . · · .. ·.
3. -B~ce1ve .ev1denc1:1, . . .. . . r::r-:""~ ~ .. ·1.-: ""'.~ .· .· . · .. . · . . · , .i1
Tr1als..o~hearit1~~-.ih-fhe,C~ ~~st b~.~r,;~~1~pd ._U..:.J ~f~~¢~p~~;,?n_f?,~,Reconsi.d~ra~~<>~ .-. ·.. ..i"'if
: must ·be.: cd.mpleted· · .w1th1n 3 ... ~r'itnj~ upJ~ss~~q ~a~y; J~a~~'"-be-~llowed a sepond motion
e* the ~hief Justice. ,-{/'/)~ /(Y::,~ : .. .r~SJ~t~F\~fl~1udgment or fii:,al order...
_fo~·. . ._t·J
.. · . . . . J; ~/ ~~"··,.~ .. . ,. . ~--' :_:·.· .. · .. ,· ... Ii;

a~,· ·.'"t ;tor rec.onsideratlon. . ·,~

&;)-~ . .
SECTION'· 13. CERTJFI.C-ATl9N(it~y/~-PrAL --iener~..:R,.tt\J;,~~-~nd.!11d~iQn
. C.ASE·TcfiHE·SC ·. · ·:!/ '...;/' ,· .J.l · ~~ .l$>,a prot\!b1tecllAfei3din~. ·: . · · .. ·.. . ·. . · \'.'}
. . , ., . . JI . l .. ·. . -~ \· . ,, Jj
·. : { ·Wheriev~rtli_e.CA finds ·u,_&ntre/penal~"of~e~1fi~!~i i;!\·,9.~~\ es a~~ ex~cutory ~fter: - ,_:ta
. ... ~l'!ould .. be .,~pos~d, fi~:·G~~~-
_sha~ ren:~ !~!-~~?aYsff~oo:i·t~l-_re'~~l t. of-the.denial of.t~e frrs_t. ' :~

·Mlgment and forthwit~ <:ce~fi t~ lrse· and·.-..~--..:...... Nos. 2
elevate}~l'!·entire record:~o/~·· pfo~,vi~w; · llit , ,~'··
·. /
. Jl;ld9[!1en~ but refr~Jn · f ff~""}.Tiat.1f!g.!n·~~ntry,:q~\!r:@,~j;°!~derat1 n {l(illaro.s__a v:.~eople; J3.__F~. · ·.
63 ,J.ufy'-rf, 201.BJ _. ·...
;ff::J. ·
l ~-f§ - · '. .
· ·' <: :
.. · ..
· '~l
2 .. Where ·t.h~. jl:l~Qment. ·a~oli·i~!l!?se~J'\~se~. £., . · g..;_gffJJ : .#vhile'! fa.· s~co~d: . motion for; -1
_ ... Re~alt_Y: fa! offenses ,co~mitted~n.·thf~~"tm.~~' · ·'~~f@.~i9e~~tignJs•. :afa:ge··.rµI~'. a:proJ:i.ibi_~~tl · ··i
. . <;>ccas1on · Qr, Which. ar?s~. out" of~ the:'j~11t~-.,,,:,,,"',,.lpft$~1~g·, 1~$'W!~rl"ltfl"e·~o1:1r;ird[s_c_rebo!1. of~~e·C~urt. . --:~
occurrenqe that ,gave. nse·.t~, the ~r~ s!~~Ie)T_EN~C>ta.9fl:1U);l~ same,.ifro~1ded 1t 1sfil~d WJl.!'l pnor_leavi;, . ,.ij
offense tor .. ~,ch the pena._Lty ofldeaJlj -,s-:!.. ~-- :_ !;.,J,Jr~.r;\, '.~J:>st~nti:,.,e Jt,Jstidf )Tl_ay be better ser:ved ··~
impo,sed,. a~d the a9cused appe~l~:~t_h"§tp~{e~J.--.. -·x::,.ffijfepi\, (:s?i/j.foso V. · . CA!·. G.f~. No ... 164815, . . -~,
~hall be i!1c1u·ded 1!1 the case ce~fie'dJoflr.e]ti.ew '!\j't·/l f§/"t.>.to/''~Jv<1;· 200fJ).,. . . 1. · ~ :·· . . . .. . ·. ~·~
!;;,,.,..9- .. . . :.-. · . :. .· · .
_to th~ St.Jpreme:qourf; and · . .~~~-....:.. ·.,...\ it_r
· . 3. '!'JK~neverthe CA.finds ttiat the.pen·a1ty9fdeafh,~ote: Even if a .seco11q ll),Oti.on fot_recoosideralion is
·,:e.clusion perpetua,"or· li_fe i~p~~orim~t sh~uld.. entert,_ai~ed,::th~,· r,i!glementary · period f9r.. ~ filing .an. · ·. ,.i1
-~· 1
·appeal is .~ill-reckoned. fr9m .the receipt of the denicll · · Al
. · be. imposed .in a cas.e, tl)e court, a~enliscusslon
..·'. · ·at ·the_ e~idence_ ·.and ··the)aw· Involved, sh~II ·
·. reri~er. judgm_eri\ Imposing the ·pen~lty of death,
of. ~e · ·.moti.9.r:f}Qr ..r.eqobsld~(ation -{Reye,s .. ~,. ·
People, GR., No/ -193034; ,;/ 20;· 2()15):-. · , . . · • ~i~
. reclusion perpetua· or ·lile -imp·risonnien"t as the·· ·. . .. ·· ... :'. :. .... . .· ·. ,. ·.. · . : '.··. . .: .... <:.:.,:
· cirCU!P5taqce~.·warra~t.·Hqwe~c:3r,·.it sh?ll. refr~in S_EC"I:lON · 1.7; J llPG"~ ENT . TRAN S~IITED.' AND· . ·. ?~
. .froTTI ent~nng the judgment.and forthw1th.cert1fy ·. . . FILED IN TR!AL.COJJRT : .· .. · '::-:·;
· the qase.. z1nd eleV,ate.thEfentifo reCdrd thereof to:. , . . . F. > ,.{b :.·/. · . ..
.. · .-.the'Supreme Court fpr review.. . . . T,rimsmltt,al ofJ.u.~gm~nt t~ ,court a quo. . . -;~
. · ,. . · . . . , _ .. . . After tne judgment h;i"s. been ~f!tered, !3 _certified_ · · ."J.I
SECTIO~ 1·4. MO.TWN.FOR NEW TRIA4. · ·co·py of the entry ·should ee -tr~nsmltied to .-the clerk ·: ·'~l
of the court of origin. . . . . j
MotiGl'n for new trial' based on newly. discovered ,. . . ·. - -~
evlderrce m~Y. be fil¢d at 'any t1me·atter the appeal ·
from the lowercourt has been perfected and.before
. The copy ~f thEr-~ntry'~~-~e~ as t·~·e·f~;m~l."n.qti~~ to . : -~
the court from which the --~PP.. ea.I was tak~n.of. the .:·A ·'J

the Judgrn"ent ·of the appellate court convlctlnq .tre- disp0sition of the cas·e in ihe app.ellate -court, sp that '"J I
. accused becomes flnal. · the Judgm"eni mpy be executed an.dt or placi=ld or. : :1
(See diSCU$SiQn under Rifle 121; Sec. ·2)
. noJed J11 the prqper·file (PAMARAN; supra
704).. . ;~ at
. .. , .·~

C:R'l'Ml''NA. L·;P·R·o.·c·E'·D·'·U~:
• ·I . : ·.~ E':'· .
lil . R· • ••• • :. . ;_ .:. ,:·.

'SAN,atoiUAW CEN,TRALl:ZEO BAR opE(M.TION~ - ,lrlEMqR,YA/().2019

f#IM#.¥9 9'I .. PSliiiH MN sai . . . . #ff IA4NM
. -
SECTION'.18.· APPLIC,ATl<;>N.OF CETAIN Rl)LES .1 o . .When the' finding~··of fact .are ·.er~mis~d. on.' the
IN CIViL To· CR(NIINAL; GA:SES ·.. .. . • . - - .·.·. supposed absenceof-evldence and contradicted
by the evidence ·an record: and .· .
Th~· ~rr.espondil')g arnendrri'ent was m?de·p~r~u.a·nt 11..' When the. CA .. manifestly· ·Qve.rl9okecl·-eertaln
to the changes. in.traduced under the 1997 Rule_s· of . relevant facts'not disputed _by the, parties, whloh,
Procedure. . . : · .. .- . . . - ·. . , if prop·erly·,-_cojlsider$~.· would justify a different·.
. .
Note: Rule 47 ·(Annulment of .Judgments of Final . '
· conclusion . (D.evelbpment Bank df :tf1e · PH/..· v..
.:-:tr..aders R(jyal .f3anf< . end :Privatization · ·&·
· Jut:lgment ·. and ··:Resolutions) ·.do,es ·not- apply ·:to ·-'t,-Qffice, ·GR No.. · 171'982, -Au[J'uit·..
. ci:/rr,iQ~I case,s. Th~ ~.PP~Qp_riate·rE,?.p:iedy'for tac.1<.of .1a, io10). · · . · : · .~ ·
· Jurisdjction:o( ~xlrinsi<2 ,fra_ycj is ·certiorc1ri(Rule.~5) or· · ) · .... " ·. . .' .. ·· . . .
h.abeas c~rpus: (Rifle.. 104).,: ·. : . . ·.. . ·. There .Is a ,qu~~tion- .of. !~w ..when· the doubt. or
-difference arlses.astbwhat the law lson a certain
.. ' ..... . state of:f~cts. Such a question.does notlnvolvean ·
· · .' examination of trie probative value of tti.e evldence
..... RU:LE 125. : . , . : ··,'pre.~·en.tei{bytl)~litigar;Jts or-anyof th~m; . '
. .·. " . . . . . . : ., Cc>'URl' : .' . -.
s U;F·RE·ME" : ·. :rh¥(e 1s': 'i:~.~~s,tl~Q. o(~~~t· Wh'eq ·th~-doubt ar.j~~~- .
as to' the 'troth :or..falseflood
of the· alleged facts .or : .
.. . .. wheo',ttie q'tiery. ne~eisa~ily lriy1te1?:c,;1ljbra'ti.6r1of the .'
. .. . . . ·. ·, . . . . : ' .·. ·:-, .... r~:.:) .
whole evidence, qonsid.~t\ng n:il:iif!ly'tha cfedi~ility of' ..
SECTION'1· lJNIFORM.PR06EDURE ,... : ·A-f:.7:Jt
witnesses; .exjstence. an.d. relevancy· of'··specific .
- · · · · ~ .· .· · ~ _ · · · .. - .- ··. :· '/;:idj{H!( J :.surrounding circum·standes, t!leir rel.~.tiqn to .. o.~e
·. Th_e·procedure ,iri the. S~prei:ne Court)n oi'fglj'iaI~ink' ::~;~~ . ~;npther and!~ the ."."'.~ole, ary~ tfie,:1?0.~biHtiesof_ttie · :·
tr:' .appea·led,~ases is_,~he sa:m.e· as. !n tht: c~::~~F~~Jif i[:~.f.~~ttu.~~~n.~~s ·~eY;:sy~ ,:"eople,_ ~G.R. .~o. 1.86()30, ·
. -.yher .othe~1se p~~>Vided by .t~e (?o~~t~!,t-?.!P0r..the;~···1r !vfa.~~!1-=?1t~~f.l·. . · ·.. ~ .: .: : . . ·, : .
· l_a\V,. . . . · . · . ... : :· /:/~ . ., - ·.{iT-l'
.-. A··ca~~ may ·rea~h the.·su~re:~_e)'bf{~J~ttre':'.
. to.1lowing .m~nne~. . . ~,,.,~:;r . ~-...~,., · ~ ,, . ~1 ·
The ·.suP,/e.m~
td. /'l\. ·: ·. ~ · ·:- .: . · :. ,.· · .... :·"
·-as the '2oostitut!on . ordains. (tqrrt,
1. ·. {\ut~ma~rc r!l':'1ew a~qc, F'$1:!.'J:12~,ft,e_.'d.1'1(a fN·~ ,·A
shall -bp' co~P<?,s~p.. of a. Chief Justice .. and , 14
2,. Or~1~ary a~pealJROC,-~f-1~/{~-'9-,l-?(i.J;.?r .~, .· Assd'CJ_;lfe";,tlP,S~it:-e;s,llt
. 3 ... f> for- review on cet:t.[p1c3nf';__.!j.-:,;·[<ulej1~
· . .. 1j.. ·. ·. · ... :.. :\::~y~4i'..· ·.')/ ..
1 'J·'i .. may sit _'f!n ·bane. or ii) ·its
oiscr~ti~6~~12~cu).!fsjons·of.'. 3', 5'. 9r:? inemberi;;
~li.l!:Seq._4,p~f ..:(1)). .". . ·.... : .
~s~. ~haU be· rehea'r.d by·t.he ·~upreme
·.-THE .CA .
. ..
. .
SECTION· 2. REVIEW OF, THE•. c:>E~ISIQ_NS .O~ ·. f.;'i3rir;t1ir.ia.l
. ·.t)f . . .
9?urt _en ba~~ !s -~gµ.allX. divid~d i!1
opir)ibn. or·the ..n~ceMacy maJonty sannot be had, If
_· Gel)era~· Roi·~:·. Findings-:. of fact IS . m,t~{J~~' · • nq deci&_i<:m: i'$. r~ac:h~d t~~ :con·~io!i(10. of the. !ow~r' .·
· conclusive upon th.e Supreme Co~rt. . ~"'···~·" ·. . ·· .court shall pe.reversed and the ac.cusM.acqu1tted.
. Exceptit>ns:'·(~l~a_.J<;:.l;l.-~02-Nd~Of. .. ·. . · , .' :; Accio~~ing t~ ,~he
~o~stl;utl~n:... ~up_re~~- on~i. \~.~
. · 1; ·When: the findings are,§_rounded ent1r~ly on :court e'n ban,c. may rriodify or 'feverse a do'ctrine.or ..
.. spedulaticin:·surrnises or conjectur~·$;,·: · .. : . .. ·' . . pril'.)cipl.e' Qf:la~:.o.r.'.ruling,I_aid·down ~y tM.. C6_1,Jrt in a· ....
2, ·.when the· ,Interference·. m_acfe . is manifestfy · ··decision rendered, en'ba·nc·or iri division (Oe,Castrci:
- mis~akeh,_a~S!,Jf<:io(i_mposs(ble;_;:,, · .. · :· 'v:JBC; G}~: No.:·rn.1oa2;-Aprii·17, 2010). . . . .. ·
· . · 3. When ·there 1s Grave abuse ·at discretion; · ·· · . ·. .:_ :· .. " . : ., · . · ·: · . , ..
4 . .' When the·· -:4udgmen~--.. is · based on . . ·. · ., ·" · . . . ~. · '· .... · · · ··
misapprehension of tacts;. · , ·;_ .· ··: ·.. '·. ·· < · · · .: . ..
;R. · ... ·.. . ·· .. :
~ .. When the findings of fact are fqnflictirig;>: .. ·, ·. · ULE 1.2 6·'. · .· .
6.: When. in· making :its findings, ·:the.'. Cl\.. ~e't1t.: ,• -S'EARC:8 . .AND. S~J;ZURE' •'. : :.
· : ; §.eyor) .is'sues of the ~ase. or its.finding's _are .. ·. - . · ·· · · . · t. . .. ·. . ... . . :.
contrary to: the adm)ssions o_f.. both the appe'lla11f ··
and the.appellee;· · : .. . . . ··' · · ,•, . .: ·.S.ECT.iON· 1· .. SEAR:e.H\~AARANT OEFINEO
7. When the findings are Contrary to theffrial cqurt; · · · · · ·· · · · · · · ·
8. When the findiiJgs are .conclusion~ w.ith9ut ·. S~arct). W~rra.n~ . · ~ · ,. . · · · · . . ·
citation ·at ·spe'i:ific evid.ence.-on which ·~he"y are . Ao·-order in Yfl'iting··issue.~ in the:nam~ of the PeQp.te,
· , based;. . · . .. · ·. . .. of the. Philippines·, signeq b~·a J~dge an~ djtected to'
9. · When·.the. facts· set fort!1 in the petition ·a·s.well as · . E! · peace . pfficer, 'c6irir;riandlng hii:ri to· search for
in the petitioner's main ~nd ·reply briefs are- Not persoo,;1·1 property ·d~scribed·therein arid to. bring it
!!isputed by-the respondent; . - : . before the court.
. ·,

May b_~ .served :°n any To: be.. served· .onty ' i~ ·,.
day and at any time ·of daytime · unless -~-tt:ie
day or night (ROG,. RULE. ·affidavit ·alleg!3s ·tliat"th~ .
113, Sec. 6). . property 'is· ·on- · the ·
person or in the-place to
be·· · searched '(ROC,
. RULE "126/Sec.-~J.


. B"AR . . ·. . · .· ..

~pecific. offense Dimal v,:.P~opfe, G.R .. No.· 21692:2, shall be enforceable nationwide a~d outstde of
A'pril 1?, ~018) .... · · ' · · the· Philippines.- (Sec.. ·2.2, AM.. No. -17':'.1-1-03~
· ··. ·, -SC, Rule on Oybercrime: ~arrants}. · .
_. '. . ·. SEIZED:•: . . -· ·· · .. .
General ~u.le: ·An application fqr search .warrant . . . '· · .
shan be fil~d .with any court within whose terrttortat ' Kinds of·. pr~perty t~. be··-s~l2;ed by v'Jitue'..of a
. J_u~i&dlctlbn ·a t_r.ime _was commltted. :· ·. . . warrant: (SMS) · · . .·. · . : ··· . . -
· · · · 1. , §abject of-the offense: : .-· ... . ··
E;xceptlons; '<RP-P.t:-flL~-DaG~T) .: ·. : : ·. . . . . . ?- --~folell - .or erribezzled- -~-nd.·other. 'proceeds. 'or
. 1 :. "For compe.lling fteasciris; it can be;fileC,,wi.thtne: · tr.vit~ of the. offense; or :' .- .•. -, , · .
··., · court within·whc:i.seJuciicial regioo the· cri,ne was· . . .3: ·. The· Means used ordntended to··'t>e "used for ·
. : .comrnitted . or- where . the: -warrant . s1iall be cbmmitting an'ottense. ..: . . . . ..
.. :enforced. . : . : ; .. ·.. . - . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ·.' . .. . . : . '
.: .. · ·N~t~: 1ir,.e rule do~-s-~~t re~ujre tha~:·th·e-~rop~r.tyl~· --~
NQte:·THe-inqh,..isig~·~f aetaternenrofcompelling · · be selzedshould be; owned-~}' 'the person a·gainst. ·
· _-reasons ina' search warrant appli.catio.nthat is -whomthe searehwarrantls directed . .It· may or may
. filed in a' court which does. no_r-.hav~ territorial not-be owosd.ny him: It is suftlclentthat·the· ~ers6n ··.
jurisdiction over the_· ptace of commission·_ of the:,/•~· .against whQ_rn the warrant"is-dire~ted :has control or.
. alfeged··crime is-a mandatory requirement,, ~9.'':1\(J{ p-ossess[on:: i)f. the· prqperty':so'u.ght' to ·be- seiz_ed
the-;,:absence oL:.suctr staterrient r.en.ders{Lt~-~_!;('ii'i<·_..(Burgos-·,· v... ~hie( of: sta-ffr,: G.R>. No. · L~64261, ...
· .. ~PP!icatio!1 d~fective:. su·~ the·ab~e~ce th~r.fPt,~;;~;t\ Decem_per 26: 1984):_· ·_··: .. : . -:'.: · · · _. . .- .. ·.
'" IS _not_.a·g_ro~~d .f~r ~!;! ?-u~ng_ht_dernal.of a se~,ro/,\. ,.,,,.:i!,,.,,~,.._~.:.~··;.·_ ,~~ ... ·,, · .. _ · >:.-. · · : · . : . - · .... ·
... W~rr~~t appl1cat1o_n.; Smce It IS no~ Of1e;f?fltti_;.dt,<~,.t:.;.,.,,i.a~?1arfl)J',}C15lentalto a_n arrest ev~r't ~itho:ut a

· :. re9~1s1te~ for. the.1ssuance··of_ ~· .s_E:~-~~~:;.warrant· . !:I ·

_wa~_atlt-...t~eJt~er!ion a_r.re_stef,t may l>e_ ~e.a_r.ched
und~r .~ule, 126_. Sec;:.. 4 (Re: -~~PO°'J. Of} tn,e\77.,i . for.. · ·.,· · (,11]\ _- , . : · · . . . ·... . .
Prel,m(n_ary Resu/ts.ofthe/3pot Aurff!JtJ:'!he R!-g;,-~ l·t 1._ DangeJ;o~s~eapons; a~i;J . · . : · : . -
EJra_nch_170;.', A.M{:lfl.61 1.ffP5i{4_2- . H ·.2.· AnytiJJng~\\!i\cti" n,a_y-.~e. used ,as proof ·of-the
. ~Te; Sept_em~er-'5; ~0~~~1;.7:::~_~;;;/'_.~-:_;· i_~ . t) . ; : . : ~jJ/Ti~sl["- ~\:n:o~e~~e. (R~~· B;Cfl~_. ?~· Sec.
.-?. 6Ld-if:tf1e _crim1nal:_action.t(~fa!r~aa~~~.enfll.i?_<:l,; · · r·-~J . · . . ~~':'~•.:°:<!I'';7 .. ":": .... , .-·· .· ' .
·•. : ·the" c!PPl!catio~ for.-_a.searcfr't-'t.rr'.'lfl~ft}>~ly•~:e}. ,x·lf . -SECTI.ON;.-b,~aU1s1TES. FOR IS._SUING·S~ARC_I--J .
. . ·. ma,d~ in· \he -coutt -wh~r-e the· w~J;ia1\.~ct1onJS. Jl'. J ,.
W~_RRANT ·. . ·· . · · ·. . ·. ·. · ·. ' ·:
. · f.en·~ing_,(ROC;Rute 126, Sec:'2).(.1.: ::j,\ :·> .
-11:'<~,.,T-:T·"-~·•• · :· •
3. Application· may. be made with U1~.;.,txecut1ve· ,,,.,,.;,Re,q1.11s1tes: ·(ProOe- PeD~·OA}
· · •. • ·.· .. - _- .- .
- · . · · - ...
. . Judge.s and; whenever they are 'otj°officfal lea\te-~' ;....:_.i4~.~~!ftvt"illt"fJI~ issued u_pon Probable cause; ·., .
. . o( absence -0r c1re .not' physically"p,resent-jrlJ{he . · .. 2. · i=>ropabl_e.. cause, must.' be·: Determined by 'the.
. ... .station, 1ti!:l \lice-.Ex;ecutive Judge:>'&f)hJ,.~T~s issuing.judge perspnally;_- . . · · ... .- · . · .
~- . of Manila and ·Quezon· City, who sfiaif have. -3.- The j~dge tnusr t,ave Pei'sonallyexamined, in
-aµthority _to act;o~·applicatioris fife_<;! b.Y. t:ne NB.i, ·, the for'tj, of searching q·uestjons atld answer.s, in ..
-PNP, .ACTAF, PDEA.. and., -the ·Burea(;J·.of- ·writing·atld uri_d~r ·o~th;_ the·applic~ht arid his_
.. Ct(stoms fo'r the fol towing. crimes:. . ·.. . witnesse's on. facts persohally. known: to ·th·ehi;
· a.:· · .In -oas~- of. .search warrants invol_ving illegal_ . :· and . . . · . . . , .. ·. · . _: .. : · - . . .
· · ··. · .fosses~ion of.firearms and am111unitions; . 4. ·. The warra~· issued_mus.f partlcu!arly Describe ·
· .. · b. · ·.Heinous.cnrn·es; · .. ·. · .. · : . ·· . . the place to- be· sear.ch1ad ;::1nd ,he persons or
. . . · c .. j=he fntell~ptual Property. 96de; . . . . · .. · · tli~ng~ to be:s.eized .(Sqntos- v: Prye~- Ga,sei; Inc.",
. _· d: .. The:Ahti~MoQ~Y-baunderil)g_Actqf2!:)0.1; · ·· ·,G.R;No.165'1-22, Novembet:23, 2007}: ,.. : · ·
. e.· ·-vlolatlons.: . ·or ; the · Comprehet.isive. 5. ··It. must ·be.· ir1 · co'nnection._. with or:,e.· specific
·. ·. · Dangerou~ CJ°rugs Ac~ of 2002;·, : · . Offense; an_d .: · . ·_- . · ..-. ·. : .. . ·· ·
. f._.- Jllegal Ga'mbling; anq . . . . .6... The· sworn statement~ together· ·with. the
g: The.Tariff and Customs Code (A.M. No. :03- · · affidayfts. · submrtted -' oy ~itrie~ses be
·: · 8~02?sc).. · ·. · . . . · '·· . .- ·. · ~ttached !o·the record (Pr_udente Ii'. Dayrit, _G.Ft
· · ·: .· · · = · · No. 82870, December 14, 1989). . ·
4. ~·The . ·cyoorcfime .. courts . of . Que~on, M~nila;.. .· . - . ·
. · Makati, Pa&ig;Cebl.l, noilo, D~vao and Cagaya~ Probable Cause · · . .
·· ... ·· .de. O~o··cities·shall nave· special a1,.1thority.10:act" lri rela1ion-to searches and seizures, it refers fo·such
. . . ori applications an.d iss.ue Cybercrime warrants facts . and.' ·Circumstances which . ctilild . lead. a
, for violations· 9f S~c. 4 (Cybercrime Offenses) . reasonably discreet an~_pr-u9ent man to believe that
. and Sec. ~ (Other Offense.s.) of RA 101·i5_, whic~· an offense. has been commi~ed arid that the objects ·


1:t.·,~'lfiilkidifffidik. ii . . . aai ,..., Pliiti ~ IPG»Ab1Bi IE 28¥& ....

soughtJn. connection ,with the.·offe·n~e are· in. the ·The :·abserice of a.probable cause .for; a p~rticular.
place souqht to be;sea.rched'(Wor/dwide Web·CorP.. article doesnot ger:ierally.invalidate the warrant as a
v. People, GR-. No. 1-61-106;,Janaary 13,. 2014). · ~hole but may be severedfrom'the rest which·r'neets
. ·, . . . .. •... ·the-·requirements:of probable cause: and particularity
(People v. Saltinguit,·G.R -, Nos.' 13325'!-55,· April 19,
2001f'. · . . .
. complainant or the witnesses.he may ,produ~e· 'and j
not-based on mere.hearsay, The test of.sufflciency SECT.ION · · . 5-. . EXAMl~ATIO_N· OF · THI;: . ·.~t.',·'.
of a deposition -or affidavit is whether· it has been' C.OMP.L.AltilANT;.RECORD .

. ::~t a~d1~.~n;;i!~~\!~~~i '~~b/~. ~~- ~~:;~~

. cat.isep_(Burgos v. Chief of Staff, G..R. No. ·L-64?~1,
Manner ajud:g~.~houlc(ei<amine ~- ~itness to
determine the·existe.nce otprobabtecause.. . . . .
· ·'.'ff
Decemb_e,r 26; J984).. · · ·· · · · 1. · Th'e Judge.most examine :the ·compl_aina'nt arid ·}J;i
·' ... · witnes.$es P,ersonaily{CONST,;_Art: lll,"Se:c;2); · : :\ ·
Note:' 'Mere. affidavits of the cqmpia,na-nt·.~nd. ·his·. . .2. The, exarnmatlon mustbeunder oath; (CO!'f.§T:;.. ,·.~:.'_:,.!.)
witnesses are not sLifficient. .. Th~.'judge. has to take · · · · · . -·. Art: ·Ill, 'Sec. i); · . . .•
.depositions in . writi'ng of. the oemptainant and tile . . . · 3. · : The "Eix~mination musf be reduced to ,.Vl(ritiag in ,;;,.~
witnesses and·to attach themto the. record (P1'1ople . the· .form of searching questions arid, answers
vs. Mamaril, G.' R.' No. 147607, January 22, 2Q04&:,.:,-ox6octo;-r;z,- · '(Verzosa v, Contreres A.M. No. MTJ~OB-1636,·
. )i\
. 1.
deterfui~atio~ ~~-p, 'tJ :i~!~1nii~~ %~t 0 b:e. ~~- th~·fac~s·~~r~onalty
Time of the appllcatlon .in i:p1~ijon)t...f>...lP.9..-:=?."'==-.,;.,,,~..,•• k..fib+.J~'fh.e.?PPlfcant.and his witnesses; · · -. - g.l
alleged offe~se committec!.f.Jih,_ewar.ef4h_e : s. "."'J~,~Ost f?.e'~~~bin·g.and exhaustive, not merely. · :~
. time at which the obsei:vatJo'n ·0)£t9-~;;;sftpe,<is-""':~=~~P..utir:,a6i_~· P(~Jotma(Yao v."Peop!e G.R. No. :,~~
al!eged .to hayE:l_ · ·be~n/.tfl}ldej/':_th¢,. mor~ , ir .~.)/" 1i[s.aoi,'-l"!:"(i~i-2007);and. ' , :, . · . . . ')'
reasonable the coriclus1~>n 0~~;<;1bl1s~ment~F . .e~ di~ . It 1$ }p,one\~:(Pf;fl~,andmay even be held m the ·!~
probable cause (Asian/l.~uretj lnstlf..a!!..':~~ v: . .secr~cy oH:~i;nb~fS '(Mata v. Bayona, GR. No. ·,;,1·
He.(!era, G.R. No. L-F,5~~/{Dec.erpoer ?.r,. _";-L~OfO, M~rfp.,,.,W,\1f]81).: · . ·'.1
197~); ', . if ~""1'/{ . \ ~.('":~ ,t";._-:?}V'· :;: ... l
t . , 11 . : . ... . . :'i,
2. . Need· for· con:ipetent p[op,hof.partic~~a.ra6.t~ECTlO).t6.IS~JJA~Jt:A~ D F9Rl'.vl OF ·SEARCH ...i_: _~
or specific omissions l!ffh'e"'a~ce~\ien~of ;5.~.:....::.:·WARRA'1!51 . q.
;! ·- · . Ti~
· probable cause (Stori~'2!l':f·5ipiolin'ii{iupra,,;;g1lt\~··
June '19, 1.967); and ·,. x;-.U1 ·'i'-1 .. ,<)~\.,. !f~ . · 1 J:::Yr ·. ·
~f~S1,I !i'Oiof SJ¥arch Warrant
if 1>;.. .<! ff .
. ){,
3. T.he. facts and circumstance~ th~jv~d,r_"' ·· . ·j~ ~~Jbh
w:yrant sh,#11 issue except upon probable <;i·~i\
sh~w prob.able_ ca_use tl;\'u~! 6e,_ the)Pe~t"-to?~,.deterrni!-fodpersonally'?Yth~judge.after · .. )!~
e:,rrdence that .could be OQ$ain~d ~U;i~e:r;._~8'\[t~1>.r.'\~..!J.lmJJJ.<:>n und~t ?ath o~. aff1rrpa~1qn of the ~ .r
circumstances. If such best\ev1de ~~rn1~.J.:i2:coffi_p.lamafti_Mf1d1tne w1to~~s~s. he may pr.educe,and : ,,:
.. · be obtained, · the ·applicants ~s o~~=~partk;'th~ ·place :to _be _.s~arched ·. ?;~
. justifi~ble: ·: reaso:1 . J~erefor · upe~. u~!e'~ j\ 'ft.
-~~~.,§.i'f';:A1( 1/f;_ Sec: ?J. ,. · -,ii
-~xammation-_(People v. Judge E.stracl_a, G,B..;J)!o. -"-\~:-·.::~~,;:,"'.. ·.. . : · ·. . . , . . . ·. -~f
: 124461, September 25; 1998),. · · · . ~.-:.::.-,he $eijrch warr.ant must be·· in w~itmg ··arid must · ...._....•.:.•_~~;: ·:,:,.·.:
.contain st.ich '.particulars a~ .the' -name otthe 'perion _, -:,

. . . . . : .. .
Parti.c.ularl-y Require111ent . , agai!lstwliorn 'it<is ·.directed, .the offense .for.which it
. Tlie purpose of th~ rule is to le.ave'the officers of the . ', Wc;IS :.Jssued,' the ··place· -tc;> be searched ,ind the
laW with. no discretion regartiing_ what 'articl_es they_ · _ . ,Specific thl!?QS fo be seized. ~ikewise·;' it must contain .
shall ~~iz,e·, .tcf th~ end 'that <runrecisoriabte sea'rches . I . a directiye to :law enforcement officeFS: to se~rch th\3
and Seizures~ l)'lc!Y·not b!;l rriade.-:-·that abUl?eS may plac'e.ther¢in unequivocally'identJfied,·and to.seize
. not be: committed. (Tambasen v. .People,C GR.· No> the. person or things' therein specifically a~scrlbed;
Bft103.July 14, 199_5·· . . and'tcr t:i'ring them- tq·'the cciurt. The warrant must
bear.· ttie . · s'ignatu~e.. -bf~ ·the . juage· · issuing it Qetermioe .Partiel;!larity: . .. (f'ARAMAN, ·sqpra at-745). · · . . . ,. · .
1. When the descriptibn·thefein. is as specific as ..
. ..· ' ' .
. the circumstances wil.1 ordinarily allow : Note: -S~;rph · warrant .. -c.~nnot .. ··i;sue · · against
. 2. Wh~n· the description ~xpcess.e~ a 6oncltisfon of . diplpmatic officers. Diple>1Ttatic immunity; wheth~r by
fact - not of law whlch the warrant officer may vi'rtue.· bf the Vienna Convention ·on Dipl,c:itnatic,
be guided ill making ttie search. and seiz~re';•a'nd · Relati.on; ·or give11 · iii -~ hpst. agr_eeinent- with the
~-· When the things described are limited to. those Philippines, carries·with it, among ·other diplomatic·
which ·bear dlreqt relation to the . offense . for priv[lege~.· and immunities,' personal . inviolability,
which the warrant js. being issued (Uy. v.' BIR; iriviolabiiity of . the: official's·. 1:iroperties; exemption
· G.R: No, 129651, October 20; 200f!)- • frorT) local jurisdiction, and exemption from taxati?n

640 . 2019 SAN BE;DA

CRlM.·rNAL· p·Ro:CE D:URE 1


pep,e+'lsib &-flifh¥.S F 5 a,,bftfFSHP,. +¥+

· and customs ·d~ties (WHO ·.v.: Aquino,..G..R.· No: t: . SECTION e.: SEARCH, OF aousa, ROOM :oR
3513·1, November.29,. ~9,7.Zf. · · ·· · . · ." · · .. · PRl;MISES TO BE MADE IN PRESENCE OF TWO .
WITNESSES . . .: . . ·. ,
SECTIC>N' 7. · RIGHT -ro BREAK 't>OOR- OR To ensure thatthe-execution o(the warrant' will be .
. WINDOW TO EFFECT SEARCH · . 'fair and reasonable, and 'in order-:;to Insure. that the
· · officer conductinq the 'search shaunot ·:exceed .his ..
. Th'~ ~fficer,· it .refused admlttance··to· the· pi~c;e oi authority or use· unnecessary 'severltyln executing-
dlrectedsearcb after giving notice othlspurposeand . the 'search warrant; as well as torthe ofticer'sown
authority, may break open any'outer or, inner door or- .
':protection -against. unjust- accusattons.• ii is -requlred
. -wlridow pf ahouse-or any part_pf~ nouse or anything thatthe search be-conducted inthe presence of.the:
.. therein to execute the Warrant orhberate hirnselt or .to
1-. '. Lawful occupantof the place besearched; or .
any · person lawfuliy .aiding .him' when un_l_awtully · 2. . Any member of tJis family; .or : · . :· ··. .' '
detained therein. . . .. . . . 3. In . their- .absebce, .. in, the: presence 'of two .
. · , · ··' · . . . . . . . · · wltnesses ·of..,sufficient age -and ~iscre~!on
General Rule: KpQck.-.~_nd.,J\n'noun_c.e·firin~ip)e:./ resid.ilJgin thesame loca,lity:. ,,::- .
Officers ~Xecutirig''ii 'search .must' do· the follo~ing . : ..
. acts (AIS.E): . · · · · ··· · · .. Hierarchy ofWitnes,ses . ,, .. . .... ·. ·
1 .. AnRounc~.thelr presence: . . .: _ ·... In Peopte. v, Got the SC .rendered in~dmiSsible.the
2.· Identify themselves .to the accused and .te the . . . evidence obtained in violation · ·of ···'the ·rule .: and
• · pers~ns ,:who. rightfully'·have:·n:of.'. the·.,/.~. ·~_tress~d that the. Rule.s of ~ourt'clearly a~d-.~~ptici:t.Ly
prerruses to_be:sea_tched;:·. : · ..' : · .· ·... : . .t:/';";,,·)il.._ esta_t,hshes a· l;iu~rarchy .. among the .witnesses.· m
'3.' .§.how to them_,the s~ar'Cl:'l W!'irra~t~ and··•·. , f.\./1,,~:;,, whose prese.ncethe-search ofJhe premlses·mL!srbe·
4: :§~plain .. t!'l.e· W?rrailt .. in· a , language br.. di~l~qr,;,.·, t:·,\:
cor;i:du_cted,-'Secti6n_-.13. R.ule.. 126:, p_rovides;il:iat :the .
· -known .and 1,Jnderstood ~tth~°:1: ": .· : .. \J(,~;~:.}.;;~\~'~-c_hs;t:,9,gla- be -~itne~·sed' bt .-_2·.~it,0es~es. of ..
· .·. , .. · .: · " · ·> ... :· -:---·•c ·., ~ · .• .- ./,7 · (1,,,::,.,.i_,,, .....SJ!J'f)~rer1t..,.age1andd1scret1on resrdrng m the .Same·
The.requir' n!t'~ · mere .proc13d_~t<"!!Jor~a.lity~1 iodali_tfl•enlyf}r. 'the· :'a~sence .Qf. eitber.' the lawf~I
bu~_ll,'. of the ,~ssE;_nC~::of lh1r _subsfa~tJ:aPprov1sroP'\.l . occ.~pant oy1\q°J~ premrses or any_ member .o.f ,hrs
which_ safeg,u~~ds.;1,:id1vrd_ual.lrb~r1ya:lnJt'.!.(;lfta'!awr.vr.J. rl: famrly. -_{! -~- 1\ . . , _- . . ·: · '
e1;!ry IS the..:r~d1~p~~sable p~ed1ca~eBi:a. rEr~s.o~a~I~--. r;~ ·, _,. !/ 1 \.. : .; . - . ·. . . . ,. . . . .
sea~ch. A searqh · Wo1.Jld y1,olal'r;Jfie·cd~sHtmtron~. -~·<.\ · _In Pe?PI?,· v. -~et °q_ast11/o,_ the SC,at ~!.t~o_ugh
~uara'n.tee ag~inst_u,11~ea~ona1?Jt:~,earciy~~-~ se!~ure\ f!3-
the_!av.1,!?IC>CJf_Pa:ri~were pr:esent_dUf:11;)9 ~e:s_e!=lrc.h., i
.-rf the en_tr-y. were rllegal,· ~et~-ef,a~.mP}!?.x · · .: ~·':! tt:le f~?}}!it?J·!-~i},~~e not _anow,ed :t<;1· ~1tness the . I
for9ce, or b~ threat :or s,h9w oU~?e··9-!'.=S?R!~ineo:-:,tq~- .· · t:~:f _s_ear~ns_o.f:t~2'1.J:1~em17es _.violate~ -the !l'l_a_nd!3_tory. lt
_. stealth, or.. coertibn (Pf3.C!ple _v.,~'} ·Ha;; CJ req'tJrrement. · . · ... ' . . . . : . · .. ·. . . :_ . .
· _ G.R. No: 13930,1, Septemblf)t 29, 2BOiJ.. . ·\ -'J-·. .. l-ll...~. ~- .· . • · , , . · . . .• · .. . ...
. . - . , · - . ·. ... , :. ·." . {'.,_, -;J.;,:.. . . , . h· .wirwBlf!<JWfan v. People; the SC .decided for the
Exc~P1ions:.~-Wbei'l unannouncec(<iit:usio11-\tt;T'..:'.:.:~:~.±I.a~~Wit~.!.~he :3i:;cused !Jecau~e ?f ·failure t~ -~#~p_ly _·,
pern;iissible: (B.E~K} · · : ..... ·, · . : · . . ~H . · . .-
j/J\{ · . y.>r~h the afo_requ~te~- ~le·, --~~rch .: -rendered.. the:·.
t .. When'_ officers ha:ve· an honest g~lief)t.itWher~ . . evrdence against ~111) madmlssrble. .
· is a11 imm_in'entdanger to' lif~ and -lirnt?;;~ - . · · ·
2. · V\lhen·-·thc:is~ ·in :u,e··"premises; .aware of tne -Here,· the.. hiera:rch.s,· .among .tti·~ ·w,tnesses .as-·
presence· .. ,6f: ~oriiione . ··ai.itside,c: are . then . e_xpljcit1y pr,-0vid_ed u~de.r·the law. was ·_not qo-mplied
· §ngc;1ged li'I actjV1ties which ..justrfieS· tne ·officers : With., For. Ofle; the-lawful OCQUpa_q.ts·of 1fre:,pr:en'iises
to. J:>.elfeva that:,an.-escape <i>r tne ':destn:ic;:tiori.of . ·wer~ . not '·abs'.ent when,, .the' : po_llce:. iii,ltt, ..
· eviC,~riGe is in:iminent; . . .. , , . . . ,.·. . · irnpl~mented the search wartan( E'veri so;-.t_he two-
~: Persor,i ;)n pr.emises::·,B'efus.~s·to r;>pen it ·upon · . , witrtess·'_rule· ~as not' compl1ed whh. as ;one . only
'demarid: •or·, · .. · · · ·· · · · .. · .. . "'{i\1;1ess, l;l_rgy.· Kagawad Ar:,galot.'was p_resent'when
4.. Person .in· the premlse's aiready .·finew ofthE/ the·· se·ar_chwas c9n~l.jcted (()af?on _ 'v. Peopl<f, ·GR.
'- identity and authority of Hie :officers. · . · No. 2'QfJ775, January 22, 20ftJ).. '. . · ·. . ·

Note: . This list . of< eX:cepJions .i_is · :neither SECTION

. . 9. TIME
. .OF
. . . SEARCH
' . ~ :.·. ..•... . '" .
· conclusive. nor. excluslve.(f'eopleii... fl'llaog Zhen.
Hua, G.R: No_;-f~9301,. September, 29, ?004). : ·, Gerieral-'Ruh,i;A searcli w~rranttitd~t
_da.ytime. · · ' ·. · -

l;xception: A sear.ah.~arrant.rn~y b,e made at n,ight

when oit is positiveiy'asserted iri the .affic;!avit that the
property is with the pers.on or in the. pia6e ordered to
·. be· .searched. The affiday(t · mak1ng · ·such' assertlori
.must itself be sufficient as 'to the.fact so asserted; for ·


. ·.CRi:Ml··NAL PR.OCECiURE-·. : -
: SA/ll'BEOA I.AW cENTRAl,Ji:io BAR.OPERA noNs ~ "1EMORY Aid io19 · : .· .

if.the'.s~ine is based·upo~ tiear~aY., the ge~eral rule . Within 1 o· clays after Issuance of Sea.r~h'\/\Iarrant,·. · );:~
shall· apply (AJ.varez v: CF/ of. Taya bas, G·.-R: No.L- .. the: judge shall-ascertain if ·3 -return-fias been· . _:"f.§1
. 45358,. JtJnuary 29, 1.931t 'made: . . . .
·.. 1. If it has been made : ..
. The searcnwarrant viotated the 'speclfic:injunction.s The judge: shal('a'scertain. Y.!!'1ett)er-J~:u1e 126, ·'\i'
of Section [9j' of Rule 126. · The' search warrant. in· Se~t_(~-". 1 ~ has· been ~n_:ipll~d · wlth and. shall '. ·'t,
question ·,e·ft blank -the "time". for· making. search, require deJ,very oft~e. property seize.d... . ·. · : "1f
Whlle.adu_al search.was conducted-in ~IJ~ eveninq'of . . . . .. ' ". .,,. . ··,:
October 27 19Q5. at 7·30 p rn ·until the wee· hours 2. 1t'1t' has· n.ot,~een· made ...... · ... ' . ,fi'
·. of tH'e 'morri·i~tg'c{octObe~ 2s;'.19s·s. th~:> causlnq The judgE(~h:an::Sumr:nqn th_e:..e,secuting officer :-(}
.untold lnoonvenlences ·. to .petltloners herein. ._ and requlre__ t!"l'_e-latt~~:to explaln..": . · ", · ·.. · ·.-/j
.. Authorities are of the viewthat.where a search ts to · . · ··: ·· · ·· · · .:; .. . . • · .-.1·
.. be made dLirfng. the. night. time, -the 'authottty for_ . Viol;:itlq~ of this set;:!i?n shall cpn_stit.u~e.con,tempt. ·i
exe·cutingthe same.atthat ti&,e shouldappear in the. .Qf court. . .. . . '~,
to ·.<(
. ' :;;~;s::i:/J: :i~3r
·dire'ctlve on (he face of the w~rrant(Asia Surety~nd : SEbTl~~·:·13~ ~EAA~,~--~Ntlo'E:Nt ·LAWFUL
'1-ferrera,. ?·~-. No: L-25232, ·:ARR~s:r . _· .· ·. ;_· .· · r •• :· \':·Y--· . . .. .: _:... _:'. : .· : , ;·:~;
··· . .. . . .. Wf:len may the·r~ibe'a·-sear·c~withoufwarr.ant: (IF- ·" ·i:
.SEC:ION :1.0. VALIO.ITY OF ~~E SE_':~~'::"=:-'=~~g.oM~-~~EP).. :-.- '.:~,·...... .· ~~-- : .· :::fi~
WARRANT . . . . . . . , ... ...,~· . ~ . I 1\ ,..,.... .. . . ·-- . . . ; . J~
· · ·:: . .. . . . ·· . :. ~ ·J' U·
~ .. ·. . _i'i\f S_g'arff.~J~c!de~!·ilto a · ·.... : : ... -,it
Ten.days· from·1~s date, t_hereafter, 1Jl'f{_a:fo~:~01cf;_~~=~~ ...'{!{he_~~~ ·~t.~est 1s', 1t ,s r~asonl:iblefor the
search:.war-rant can be used okly ~···' · . 'a"r~est1ng:off1Gerto searc.h the per~;onarrested in· · : :-:41
.beco_mes·fl.}nctµs officio:·_ . ·. . -~~~=-~---.~t.~4ot~mo~a.~~w~apori th~t the'l.~tter.-migh('. :7-1
· · _ · ·· . . · , .Q'\ 1r- f . , .;m · . '],~ "'W. use~n i~?~~
'\i\'.hite· under· ~eclion 10, a ~earchiwarra~t hasl~ jl _·Lll\.·.1n a~ditic(~.fif Js\ei'itireJy,.reasonable:for the :)i
•.r~-~1st ?•rElst or effec~ his escape.. .'}~
..validi!:Y Qf:10'da~s. ·'e used '\1:"-~ arre~t!n_g. ~rc':ir)to,search lor_ a_nd s~ize any )~
. every day of. s~1d.. penod {~!!,J5nf'e. a~1~0es. , . ~~ . ·ii~~~--_ . ~v1~nc~ ·?~ ~,..aVes_tee'· ..order' to 31
alr~at;ly beer:i se1z~d .under.s.qt~Wri:1~,rant_,_ 1t ctann1'H1.6e7JI" r'" ~!IJ,prevgmt,ts ·c;ofrceaj&e.ntor destrucl1on•. · ·. . ·-~
, u~eQ"ag~i~ for._another.. se8itS.h:,,~il~
whe~ :·~1;1 . se~r,c::~·. conducfi8'd~Q.R,io~~~~ · was
.s~izure.;·_e~c~~' rr~n J/ c::1 :- .1 Jf · · .• ~
-~?!72 ._. ~,,r,il· . · ··;. . · · · . : · ·
,Mo(f>:J:y,r;.. ,ry11_awf'.1:1l ,rrrests,1t becop;i~s bot!l. th,e . -.:.~
intern.ipted.,·. in which cas~ r,1~0\{~am@'.').~~y-· Bero]· . , ,:s; . ~fi:lli"£.~ t~.eJr;1g~flthe to . 1
continued ·und~r the ·salT)ew'\rr:ant'tf:\.ffqlfQ~~.,da~ ~~~ J,Sl!:'\~Y&'.au~arraliltJes.s. s~~(ati,.not·only._on. the ·,i
if net: bey<?nd,.the 10-day PWiod (t;jy Kh.....'if$t'l.~\~E ,:i;., -< £fw~n·. gri -the .Jsu~p~ct, ·. but · · al~o -·in ·. the . · J
Vill§lrea.f,.G.R. No. 16009._Sept~mber2.:/.. 192Q). · . ~1?Jli'fo1s~JBle: .~re;t · .~.th_m:. the'· latter's .re;:ic.h_. · .:\~
.. . · · · . ·. :· . - ·. '\,. (~" · .l.."Sc· . ~ b dth~!)'Jise · st~t!d, ~ :yahd . arrest allows· th~ ·J
SECTION: 11. RECEIPT FOR -~-HE ·. p~~Ei'trvd:t:~~j_t.ur'et.,,!?f · e,.viqence · or dangerous . weapOfl.S <-4
. Sf.lZED.' . . •. . .. ... -~~ -f9n-~~===-~"'""~i~~r 91ftf.i~'p~rso11o~ the ~ne_:arr!:)~tedor,wi~hin . j
. , . '"· -. · .. ·. · · . ~ \.,/;/' ~· ·HA.. ...._,:..t.,f\ei;:i)ept&i_h1~·.1r:nmed1.ate_control.· · .. ·., .· · ·· .··?
. The officer ~eizjng the property· under 1h~a!c;lnt
must:· .. . . . .. .
l\t ~;1~0: ;,:-1~~
... _,_----=""'=""'.,.._..,.=-~"Flnaliy,
•. , · .. - · : . : . - .. · · .. · . .:· _ · ;
t}l!n~rr-estmust pre.ced~·~h~-"! .
. . :@
1_·: · · Gjve _.i \:l~t~iled receipt f6i"'me\o. the lawful;. . · 'not, t~e . rev_erse · (Peopl_e: v,. Cf!/arifl;jlo'. .(1.R. No. · :.,
.. · 'occl..Jpanl of the premises ·in whose ~iresence.tbe :-2039,~4;Ju'?e;_1B, ~014): ,, · : · . ··.... · .•: , ... · ,~
. : .· j;~arch a~d s_eizuri3_~ere·.~~d~;:?_r·. . :· ·. ·..,: :N~verthe1ess, a·. ·,{e~rch-> . s4bstar:i.uaiiy .. ;j
2_•.. l~__ the ab~~_r,c~ _of s~ch C??_cupan~.-~~st, 10._the tonten1poran.eo~s·.'t'l(ith._.a~ >,,;.~~-~t.
can' .Pt~~ede ·. -_:~
.. pr~5.~n~e.-?f ~t ~e~$t .t"'.'~ w,t_nesse~ of ~u_ffiC)~n~ ·ttie arrest ~.-,tJi~, pplic~ 'have.ptqbabl~ _ca4;,e to }~
. agl3/md d1s.~r~!1on residing. in th~ .sc;1_me !ocaht.y., ma~~ Jhe ~.rrest..~t:..t~e outs¢t':<>f. the. se·arcl).· .j
_le~ve a_recE:JPt. in ~he plac~ in wh19h.he fol.Ind the_ ipedpte:·v. Racho· $.R~ No. 186529.·Al.igusrs · .. :.ft
se1zed:prdperfy:-:: 201·0). ·. . · '· · · · - ·: '· · ,. ' ' · · · ' :}
. .. .~
.lmmediate;ControlTest . ... .. :. . -~
IN_VEl'ffORY' THl;:REOF ·. 1'.0 COURT~ RETURN Th'e.area.that inay be_v.alictly tear-ched is-limited ,J
.. to the area 'w~thirT.the' immeqiate control· df the '·-~
. person arrested. '' . ·=.l
DuUes of the Ex¢9·uting Officer: · . . ··:. . . ·ir
1.: · oenver the property s.eized;. and A search .Incidentalto it lawftffwartantless·arrest . }
2- . Make a true lnvent9ry thereof to lhe judge who may extend beyond the p.erson :of· the ·one .. ,:
is's1_.1ed the warraht. · . · · ·· .. arrested:fO.include fhe··prernisesor SOrroundiRgS .:'.~
·. und~r his Immediate control (Peoplti v. Musa, .. ::
G.R. No. 9S829,!anuary 27, 1993).- · ;'. ·
. .
BAR.OPERA110NS• .: MEMORY A/0'2019;
• • -• •I•

R~ason; To pro.tec,f. the· arresting offlcerfrorn -4.' . .QQnsen~ed S~a~c~ .. .. . ...

: being harmed. p.y.the person arrested; whp·might · It cannot fie presumed that there was ·a waiver,
be armed with·. a concealed weapon'. and to. or that. consent was 'give'n by.. the accused to be
·P.r:eyent t.fle latter from d.estroying evidence searched simfily because ·he failed ~o:qbjE!ct To .:
. 'withln reach, However, the -exception :s.hoi.itd ·· constitute a wa'l~ei:, '.it. must appear first that the
. not be strained beyond what' is, neededto 'serve . · .. right exists; 'secondly, thattheperson involved ..
. ltspurpose (Valerbso·.V:' GA, .(JR."No, '16481{5; . had knowledge; :actual' orconsuucuve, ofthe
Sep{ember3,20,09). . ·. ,. .' . : ,: ·existenc;e of'si..ich·a·right; and:lastl.y/that·sald
· . .:~ · person had an actual fritention fr,. relihqulsh tl;le
2: s'top~and~.Eris'k(Terry'.Do·ctrlrie) · · . •. ·. . ', rjght ..(People .. v..· .
Bui.gos;·. <;3,R. No.: L-68.9~~.-
. The act of a police officer to stop-a citizenon the Sepfember4,-1986),, ·. . . · ... , ...
. . . . street, '. interrogate . birh.;_ -and pat'': hlrri for . . . . - . . '. . ,, ·.
· · weapcms): or contraband.' The pollcetofflcer . . . TClUtlity.()f;c1rcu~~tances Prtnclple :: ...
. . should properly 'lntroduce hlmself-and make.. . . ·'ffhe question .w~_et~er'·conserit to ·a ·search was
·. initial .inquirieS,'·approach Md, restraln.a person, irL.fact .. voluntary 'ls a- question of f~'ct -to be.
who rnanfestsunusualand susplclousconduct, · . ··determined'· from· the. ·.totality .. ot. all ··the
·, : iri 'order to ·check the latter's outer. ''biott.1iiig for- . . -clrcumstances. One.must conslder th.e foliowing·
'·.possibly · concea.led' · wea·pons.: .. · .. The ·. 'Cl1aracteri¢ljc's·of th~-pers.on giving consent and
·. _appr:ene'ndil'Tg . police officer.' must .. hav.e . ·a. . .. :the, environm~nt in: WhiOIY,~bnse_nt is given:
ge~uin~. re'as_on:;in asc_9rd.a~qe:W:ittyftw"j:>ol!ce;>,~,... · .a,. Th~ ontie def~~dant; : . . . . .. .
. :o_ff1c~rs:.:.. e:'~pl:lnence . .an~. . the · s1,1.rr_o~.ndjn~, ;/,:( ·.: · b .. _Wtie!hEl~.:,he \Vc;IS ·in; a public or secl_uded
· conditions. to warrant'the 6ehef. thartlie persbw:,,f!,~ · · . . loc;at1on, , · · ·.. ·. · ..
to ... 'tl~. ·h~ld.' hSs ·\4.'.eapons :{or-. c'o.n;t.ra61'~8J{1//~·u~. C. 'Whe1h~~. J1e. 'ob)~c~~d. to the .or. :
conceal.ed about . . him. ·. . · .. · "'>·,,.ht:?.!.,·, .. · ·pass,ye.(y
ThLT~-;., lpo~e~.
.. . . onid · .. . "II' . ·. ' . .
. ·' . ,:. : . .. ·. . ,..y, ) i'; ..... -~·~p.._d
~ :)j~.~ ,:.~?.~ ·~~.,.-.(?··,:."""u~tion · an, · mte 1ge·nee<of .the
. .
.such. a stop-andsfrisk practice se~e~~::a'.·cii.rfl\?
· purp?se: .' . . , . . ,:::;,.-_,. '. .
~I · -·"~~llaefi~~ant; •..1 _:' •
...r\.....( . . :.·

e .. :·Tht}§~~res:en.c~. 9f .. coercive ... police

. • . • •

·a. The: general ~nte~es:t o.f ~~e£![y~e.- <;~1~----:ri . pr.9:>c~,w~s'. ... ·, . :. .· . .. . . . . ·. . .

. :prev~:uit!P~~ ~l'l~ detecuo·n·,.~Wbic~i.~'.e,~~r!ie;,.. _f,: ·..-r~e._if~t~n~.~nt~. beh~f. that no-1~cnmmatmg
.the rec·og,mtiorJ.. tha.t ..a 'il'.~1fce :.9.~cei;:.:,i:nay 11~. .1 . ~w'Jdt%pcew1.ui,e_tot.m~,.. . .. · ... . · ..
Linder -apprppriate· ~ir'~~$>tar:i9'E2~ and. i,~ aW.\ ~~., g. J.The·riiatu.rit;.,af'lh\i!
. ~hce .q.uesti_e>n,ng; :_.. .
.. appropriate. manner- .. ~proa-c~j;~e;s~rt.j.9r. ,.t~j . t.1:,:~,.T:n,e;:~nr1~9,ry~;rent in which .th~ .q~e&t1on1ng ..
purposes ·or inye5tigc1ti11g po§.sipl~':,.crimiRa\ . }!,1 . ""~2,~.e~·and· ~ ·.: ·· · • . · .
;behavior, even ~ifh~u.t pro~Ri~:c~µ'.$..~; ':1&.! 1r/ '1· · .. i ... The po~;,ibly vlilAe_~i:lble ~~bj~tive ·st~te of
b. The more wess1n9. mt£lre~t;of .saf,efy .an~- ,_\'..:_,-:-i ·. - U:ie person.consenting.·. · . . . · , .
. . se!f-pres-eivation which .. Pe~1.t;!t1e?'·pel~ce "~-/~·'.·:~.'g:)~7'1, . · : · · .. '. ·; · · ·· · ·. · . : . .
.. of!icer to. take steps to as;,.ur.~~m.,s~!f,1V~--~,~t•,•.,i::<,!..~l.!a~~.St~te. v:,,~1ch has t~.e.o.urd_en.of 1;>r~v,ng, _
the person with:whom h~ aeal~ifnptfirirled . , : ~~.· ~le.~r.. ~nd posiU~e, te~t1mony, tliat th.a..
-· wlth . 'a . · d~·~dly : weapor,. · th}.t)1$o:uJd. .'. : , . . · n~c.e.ssary ?Oil sent ":"'as. ~b!ameq -and that it was
unexpecteqly aJJ,d (afally b~ ·us~q.;;igaifishhe fre~!Y.. a~~ Yol_4!1t;mly 91.v~ JQ.aba((es.. v. CA,
. police. officer... (fyfa/acat ... 11.'·, ,c;A,···<3B, N,o: . · ~..R. NC?, 1,36,29~;January 15,·200.2). · .. ·.
123595, D_e.c;ember12, ·1.9.~7':"- ·:.'.. · · ,. · · · · · · · · . ·.
1 .' 5. : . Seizure of Movtn~:,:'Ve.hi,cle' .. · . . · • .
,/{ warrantl.ess' searct,'. df ~ moying ·ye,hic(e is
. 3.. ·.Che'Cl<.P.oln~;·B~.dy chec~s ,;:,.·Alr.pqrt; ..
Ju·st)ffed o.n-t.h.egrO'l.,!n.1:1.that it Is not pra~tlcable.. to
Warantless searches · and selz\lres.. at . the · secui'ei ·a Warrant be·cause .the. vehicle· can be
, c.heic\(points are· .· , to,· searches .. and . ·· qu(ckly moved ·out of'the locality or jt ..riSdiction in ·
. seizur~s. accom'p~nyirig. warrantless, ·~rre.s~ ... . -'.':.wtiich·th'e warfa~(ir!iist:b~ sol.!ght (Asuncipn v.:
puring. t,he . 'comniissicm . of. . a crime, .. or·· · · CA,.G.~. . -No.. '125,95fi,. ''Febi'uaiy 1, 1999).: · ·
imll)edialely thereaft~t: . . : . · .. ,' . . .
. · .No~etheless,. ,c;:,fficer.s ~or'lducting .. ·the search
A war·ranttess search ·.at. incpmi~g. arid outgoing . . .·.. · mu'i:Whav~··'re'ason<§. or..: prqbatile cau:se to
passengers·. at the arr.lval and departur~ areas · .:· believ.~ \hat tr,ey will·find'tf1~ instr!Jmentali~y.of'a
. of an international ·airport, is 'a . practice' not . . ... crime or evidence pertaining to a crime befoi'~
cbnsfitutionally o.bjectionabl.e. becau·se · · it is. they their·wa·rrantless·search (Valmontev.
founded on\~rest, saf~ty, and nec~ssity · De.Vi/If,G.R. N.o. 83988~-May 24; 1990):· ·· . :
(Va/monte v. De Villa, G.R, ,No/·83988, May 2{
. 1§190).. : : .. · .6. W!irti~.e O,perations·· · .
· 1n' times· of· .war .. within the · area of .militaly
operat.ion (Pecople v. oe· Gracit;,, G.R. Nos.
102009-10, July'6, 1994).


~~. . . --~r.waill--~~-------~-----------··,1.
CR[MlNAL :PR·oc:·EtlUR'.E.- · . '.}·
~ '1 i.'l~---a-•lzi"••··---.a···tim~~--~~--i!j.
QW'M . ¥¥85

ATM&. . -, hf&MSF. ·!'l!·-m!!l!l:l:I!·-·
· tiB4-E
11111••···-··.... ,,i.: (~).·
. .....
7. Enforcement of. Customs Laws .... :... :· ·· · . SECTION-14. A MOTION TO _QUASH A S~ARCH ·,'1
For the.enforcement otcustorns dutles and tariff _WARRANT . OR. TO .. Sl,J~PRESS EVIDENCE;.' :~:-~
.faws;·the. Collector of Customs· is authorized to · WHERE TO'FILE . .·. . · . · ·. · · . :·i
effect searches and seizures -conformably With
the provision of the said-laws, the .Tariff-and
. . · . · . ' . :. .
\Vh.ere a !"-1otlon to Qi.rash a S.e;uc~VVarrarit'May \~
. . '. l
Customs: Code' does. 'rrot orequlre a .search Be Filed··. · .. · . · ·. ; · .. · · >. · · .:~•
. warrant "lri that case. Persons suspected", of 1.. · .A motion to q_ua~ti-,a search warrant may~~ .filed: -. ;1t
holding or. 1:;onveylr:1~ anydutiable or prohlblted :<'.Ind 'acted upon only by ·the· court: wnere the ·:'?<;
articleintroduced into the 'Philippines contrary to action hasbeen ihstituted· · · · · · · = · · · - . : ;·;.:

. law ·may.. oe ·.s~arched Without the .need of. a 2. lf.-no· crimina! action has._be~n instituted, .it may \l'.·
. search . warrant. However, \he · search. bf. a · b~ filed in. andresolved by the' court that is.sued .. · :;
dwelling house may be made only· upon-warrant .: ·. t~e_searc~·wa.rra_nt)jow.~.ver;if such ·c:C?.urtf<jiileci ?j~ i
issued by a 'judge:·· (R. ·'A=._- 10863;' i:>iherwise. 'r- . . to resolve fhe. mo~10.n and· 'a criminal. case is .,;~
known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff -:- . . subsequenuy filed jn. another court, the.motton. . ·.~
.Act)' . ·· ': · -, · ·. ·. , :· , :. · · · · . ··stiall be-resolved-by the)c:1t~er ~urt._.. · . :·. ·, ... f
.. Nott!: The ·-jurisdicli~n of ·the Co·~-~i~~i~n-er'of . :.. P.a:rty'.~~o. m~y_;que~tf on. ·~al;°dity. s¢arch. 'and .·. -~;: of
Customs· i.s .clea~iy; w,t~ · re'gard ,tc:,... pustom~ : .· seizure_ · ·... . . . · > . . . . :. . . . .. . . .. ·.\·
.duties,_ Sho~li:l _the P,NPc susp~ct' a~ytf:iing,_j!~.,.~~n .apphcat10~ ror -~ sea~ch :,v;i.rr~nt·1s_.not ~ cr!~m~al. ·. ;J
·stii:mld f_Oor?i~ate with the. BOG:a~d.'9_!t.t·ai_ff"th~y y fetl:>q~en.c~, any a.~~ryev~d_p~i:.W:JTI?Yq! .· .. ;ij
~ntten _auth.onty from t~e. ~olle:tC>_r.~'.~C.ll~l.':ffiS
in order ·.\o conduct ·search~~t::~~r~.s.~:g.rrs~=,,.,,..~~~f9p~1t~.0N,~~
l; . ?,i<Jr
J/l~~~jl_!fl9 the: ,sarp_~ W)t_h<:>~t.·. n~eq ·:~9,r the ... }?J
P.upJ1cpro~ecL1t_or.. Theru_!_e m ~e.c.. ~1@
arrests.: .~oordination' is e'il~P~...a}iz~d~p,Jpe1aws. · · $';.R.1JJ~}J:0j·~?.~~!1mma1Gl(;~tons · -~ta
(Boac v. People, G.R. No.. 1805~'~:.§/Q.~~e,.,.¥7""-;ti-;=-JJ.P~· tl:l..~....,.efiect~n an~ copt~ol ~f. the P\Jbhc. :"il
2008.; ·. . . ·. · · . '/'/v~·
. · ·. . .. · ... · /J 1_,<; .
_"'·r· ·re~· ~·{~
:_gtos~~t. ~ "-cl0es::f:\p.\apply·.(WorfdwldeWeliCoip.
'lff10Plf!,1{3.R\~'fh~--:i:({nt06, ·J,,nuary 13;.2014).'
v.· .. J_;.\·
· .- . :)-;;~
. //. . ~ -,,~· LI\.>.. • "{,vq. . ' . . . , , ' ,.

~~~J;~d~~~;;~f~~.~~ ~~~~1l~~u.fe
v. PosactiJ}
(Soo People ifBB-13
~n~er -4~haJ~~~ity
.. CRA 2J~-r111~);-.:,.
! ~! :!~-~.. p.:a_rt~Wh.~'.'c~i'W~trl. :
~an.b~·,.~P~ie~~~d .oi)r~ b·y:.
·)~ye. been ~!11pair~d, .t~ereby, . ·. '.~
·J 1
Valmonte v. De Villa, dIR. ~og-83988,lMa .a~.(,..Jlfili.,_;bt).0lt,ay-.toe. 0~>ie~~.~-f.o _an \.ml~~ul &?arc~ .and .. :-S, !
1990; People v.·Maspif,~1Bbt_RA,--n}\(1~90j~~§Lti.z.m.~~iz,u~~Jljl~~e).~pe~.s~.,ll a_n.d c~nnot ~e !3v.a_1leu:of., ··-~ I.
·_PRopfe v.·sucio, 195_ s.~.RA~Fffl (19.(iJ/?~(?Pl~';i·1· ,;.~by':"t1:i,,~~~i~ 1;~·,1~~!r v~.· Gop_.F? .. ~0-.-..1~46.3f) · 1 !
y.Mat~stedt,_19~$,CRA~4(H'(1,91)):-Q;,~~ J$7.I.
\\\ ·'\ s..~.V,~,~~""'-
f(,J/·P_.~'J}.!!,,y· ·.· j-9.«z· : · ,~ . . ,_
'1.J;J.;1.~~(E!· . ~- 'd ,.
. .t ,
· ·-:· : ·. J
. . ~
' .
. · • ·. • . . • . :; .
9. · .f_l~m View S_1tuatt~n . · • · .
.. \·
, .
·. ~ · , ;,; ~Q'mRla1n!nw·to. tl;ie.: ~!31 o.r to a· goyernmant agehcy

)9JC.M_ U.c:J. :-or . a. w1v_a .c~rporatipn ·. :{~
In 9:d~~·f()_r t~~·~Ja111 Vl~Vf D~ftFlnfl tO~P~i~iEt~rfs&Jg'ej_,;,.With ·tne;G'ntor~jnent·of a.·'special'p.enal ... ,)1
·.foll~WH?~.eond1~o~s mu~t be P~.e~e:m:1-:~,~·-.....;,--:-ta_~~:,:Rl~y 1@g.ear, participate; and file ple~di'ngs: 'in
a. ~ -pnor v~hd_ 1_nt~~~':'n:__b~_s. :. ~n~~r,.v11ra::....~7'="-'tn.~...;~~-a~~b\W~c\lnt pr0qe~~1ngs··. to~ maintafn the _.j
warran_t!ess..~rr~st. m :Wtuc~. ~ } j'l: l'~)~~1f¥.!Qf8:"~~arct-r wa~ran! 1_sso~d _oy th~ (;ourt ~nc;:l. · . -;:~
.- , leg~ll~ P~~sent in th~ pu.r:;=;uit _.of 9f setz~d. in a:nticip_ati<;>O . · ;_.:~
· d4~1es,. . . . · ··. . . . - . · · ... , : . : . . . of .a cr.lminal, case (Unired Labbratones;·!no. v. Isip, · ·-,~
b. ¢le ~v1de~ce·was· _lna_dY.~(ir.AtlY:,d1$9ove,red·. G.R. No. 1638,5"8, June. 28, 2005). ··_. · · · ;. . . · · ·}
_by the .pohc~ "'.-ho t1i:id th~·F1gl;lt ~o b.e where . . . · .... : · .· : · . • . .· ~
they· a(e;, ·· . . : .. •. _· .• ., . , . . .· -~f Party· :advers~ly · ·aff~_cted".by a. ,· "!~
c. · .. th!:! ev1den_ce:must be 1mr:ned1ately app~rent;: · Search Wii!rrant: . . .. ·. :.' , · : -. . . ·, · .1,
,- · ah~ . . . .··.··. ·.. ·.... .· :.. . . . . . . · 1 .. Motion-·to t1uash.'the. s:earcb: warrant wit!Y.the ... :-·.
:·. d. pi_ain·yiew.just\fie~ rtl.ere·seiztjr~:Qfeviden_c_e .· .· · issuing CO\;lrt;· · ·' : .. :· · · _-. ··· .. ·. ~'- .' ·' ~ . ;:.
without .further se~rch .. (People . .v,: Sa_rap,· · . _2 ... M~tion ·to ;~_u°J?press ev.idence .. with the.··.couit· · .:,
·G.R .. No.· 132.165. March 26,·2003), . · .. t!)'mg the criminal case;.or :· · . . ,::J
. --- . Waiver.of lll~Sality: ~fSe~rch ~'nd .Admissi.bliit~'
.. · -of.E.vl~en~e . -~·· · ~ .'. . .. . . .· ·. . ,\ ·. .
·3· ...
.· .
., ·.· ·.. . ., . : . .
10~~'.1Y. po~se_s~~d ..·~,
., .. . . , .· ... '.,
The : right unreasonable s·ear~hf;ls · and The:ifleg_aUty of th~ ~earch 'wa·t~ant.dqes. ·not call fqr .. ·:j
seizures a·nd the exclusionary rule is deerhE'ld Waived the returtj of the thi)lgs se.ized,. \he possession of . ;i
~here .no opj~ction of the -search warrant. was raised whlch is proliib_itac;j b.y .:law. However, : those. ".J.
. during . the trial .neitt\er_' of the ·c:ase nor ;10. the pers6n.alities s¢ized in viol~t,on 9f. the_ constitutional ,:;
admiJ,sibility of tht:1 evide11ce o.btaine~ thr,ough said immunity. wt,ose possession is not of itself illegal'.or i/
warri:ljlt (Demaisip v._ C~, _G.R. _No. 89393,_ January , u·nlawful. .ouglJ_t fo:be- returned to thei? tightrul owner · J
25, 1991 ). . . .. . . . . .· .. .. . . or P?s~ess9r (Castro v. Paha/an, G.R. No. L-28642,. {
. Apr,/ 30, 1976). . .I

644 ·1 201s SAN SEDA LA'ifl!: CENTRALIZED siR· OPERA -r10Ns_

noNs -
SAN PEDAi.Aw ceNrR.Arriei, BM ·oP~R,/\ MEMORY A10 2°019- .
;;as *'t ,w wa i@cn-,, •, us; ;. . r,, A

Any.. evldence. .: o.btalr,ied; : i~· vlolatton ·. 'of the· When~ the application I~ filed.
constltutlonal ··lmmunity _ ·against .unreasonable With·.any.;of..-.the. ·.RTCs->of :.the .. judicial · region ·
searches -and seizures." are . inadmissible: for. any c;l~signated to try violations of intellectual property
purposein any.proceedlng·(.CONST., Art. 111,-Sec. 2). rigMs sfatloned · at ·th.e · pji;tce ·wt1ere· ttie -allegeci·.
vlolaflon occurred or I~ to occur, or. tobe :
.. o"bjectiort "to Issuance.or,,S~rvi<:«:t of.a Warrant .. the election of the applicant. Provided, ·
Arly objectlonconcernlnq, the- lssuance .or service of however, th_~f where· the· Complaint for- infrir,gem·ent
a warrant ·or 'a procedure .jn the acqulsltlon- by the. has already been flled, the application shall be.made
. court cjf. jurisdi_ct(on over the -pe~so"n of the 'acc~'s~d . ln the CQUlt where. re.ndil'}g:(Sf:C: 3); . ·
must be made before he ..enters his plea, otherwise, ofth1:i°
the.objection is deemed waived (Bernardo v. People,. . . Gr~u,;ds i~~uiince
for" the·

. G.R. No:)66980, April 4, 2tl07).· · · . . - ·: · _: : . ., 1: · The applicant, \s .the right hotdec_.or nTs ·duly
· · · ·· · · authorized representative; · · .. : ~- . · · .. · · ..
The :. co·~stitutlona1 ·· right .·.of . ~ppe·ll~11t . ag~lnst 2. There · is probable cause. to believe ·tha·t the .
. warrantless arrestandsearch was not violated when ·.: .. ·. 'applicant's' ·right-°i.s b~ing··in"f_rJ~ged or that, such
the- appellantfalled-to assau'the legality"pf the arrest ihfriogem.e.nt is imminent· and there. is. -a pnme. -.
and, t.he seizure of the sachet of ihabu· prior-to" his f~.c/e case Jor. final"._relfef ag9_jnst .the ··,.alleged· ., •l
artaignrrient .or at any sta·ge in the' proceedings ofthe : . . . infri(!gi"ng defendant,or expected adve_rse· party; . - • "'
·_trial° court. T)'.le arrest was.'pursuant·fo a buy~bust :. ..3; Da.f11ag¢dX>tentlal pr_actual, Ukely,tb·be caused : il
··operation. which Is· a valid form· of entrapment of ,.;:;-,... to·the appliGanfis'irreparable;: · '. ·. - · · ·. -· ·
. ·the ,~xecation of their. _c"rin,inal.p~an'.· an_q ~!:l~f;-;);( · ~. .The(e _is ..~em_~n~tr._abl_e riS~·~f evidence. that the .
these.arch con~ucted on appellant w?s 1f!c.1dent~t~~-,,·,\ allegeii: · 1nfrm9mg . def-endant · 9r_ . · expect~d
a lawful". arrest (People v. Macatingag, __ G.R. [·o/~(), .-_"~ . ,- ad~er~~ pai:o/ m!',l.y ~estr?}'.• 1-:tiqe or.[e"'.oye_tlie .
-181'037;)anuary 19, 2009). : . . . : . . . .. . )) (d:'''.1.,.-.-,.dopu.rn~'}ts.orart.lcle before any apphca~1on mter
.:. ·· .
. .
:· · -·. /.;/·.,1: '('V{'"J}<
·. rvt!"~.ut'··.,ctaltest:'ar:i
--- .!_•;''"-~·)"
be -·.made·; and .. · · .. '·.: · :. . · .. -
·· ~· · ·· · · ;_,.,<tv . ~ /:. t1 5 .. Tn'e-cle~i;iT,~~ts c;\Oq,Art.. to .be seized constitute .
· · , · : . . · . · . ·. · . . (' /":. · · ~ Jt--1.) ·. · e.vide!.)~ffPK t~e i:IJeged infrii:i_gi~~ d_efendant'~ or
: . RV-LE o~ .SEA,.RC~ t.'.rff?:- . ,.7--:--1~\· .... expecwana~vers.~_pa_rtys infrjnging activity or
,_., .· SE-IZURE.:IN CIV'I~ .AJ:~·::r1J>Jts.· · e} t~at_. ~~yimf~_rge._Llpori tt,e.inteUectual propertx
: ... · · · · · ·I ''.F · · 4;.· · ·.(: ...,.•.,,,, . . 1 : [JQhypf_t.,~ a~ptlcant,or, thaqhey l:lre u.sed or ..
. .FQ R;. . N. 1:lJN.Q~;W,¥NJ_::_~F, .. , .. "~ :<} i:J!~f!.~:d, Q·. be\~s~d _as· mean$,~/. infringi_ng th~
· · . INTELLEC~.UAI(!}R:O.~JY~
. . ,· : ·RIGlITS~ .~.. ,, ... J;,. ~
. ·. · . ·.:. . '· , : ,·. :·
. .
_ . : . · ~.,,', ·· )'J
!JIJ · . · . ~..:;.,,. : · · .
aRpl~~~r~tu~l:pro~-~rty.nght (S~c. 6).. · .
. "=~"?~r;~i\ : -. . !.1 . ,./ ,Content~_ofth,e W..r.!t . ,
. ·,(,;_;i_;.AIJ Ofd~:.tQ,the. alleged- in{ringing defend~nt,
... · : · . · . · · .· ·. . ·

)i.,M.· No. 02-1-06-SC January_ !J):~oih. . · ..;/;~p-·:;-; ,:lexQ,Wed ,adverse.. pa.rty or to tt\e · person whQ ·
·'· ., · . · :. . : ' . . ,· f·~ •. . ,~·<',:;"...:~:2..-;.,··. ; ~ap"pear1 to l)e if) ,'charge .or . .in control ·'ot the
Tnis Huie goverr,is ttie . provisiona(~".'eizu_~~i\i:ind. ·. . premises. or)-esldlng_ or. ~orking _thereir:· .
. · impo~n\:lin!;i:-ot d?.~,ume~s. and articles'~.i.~;li~ding. ~· .. To,-pe~in"it ~e .pe~~.ops· Jhe writ to
-and· mte.nded qv1I · acti.ons for. the· purpose . of ente.r into· the ·prem.,s~s :for; .the .purpose of-.
pre.venting.. lnfrlrig~menf 'and p"reset.virig :relev.ant;. . . searching, inspecting·.. copying,.or:"remoyi_ng
·evideoc1{·in rega·rd-,tc( alleged Infringement· undei:. · , from the pre·m,sEr~:·and "tran~ferrjng to the
.HA No. a.2es·or.the"·lntelledual Prope'fty Code and . , . .cust_ody of t!iei s.h'eriff .an~ s'ubjeqt to th~.
the TRiPS.Agreement., . · · , -· contr.ol. 0Hl_:le~uri the subject documents·
· · :· .ai)d :i:\rlicles;.. · ·. ·. · · . . , · .. · ·
. i:1:ie ot·s:~~rch and ·seizur~ : .. . . : - . . · . . b:. :r.o d1sc1os·e ,P. ' JJ:ie. writ the
,Wt;iere· any i:Je.tayJs.lik~ly'to. tause.. irreparable ham:.- · ·:· ·1ocafior:1; of!~!3 d_oql.(ments .1nef Art. subject '
:to:_t11e.intellectual property holder·or wheFe th~re is , .. ·. of.t_h~ __writ; . . · .. . .. ·
demonstrable risk of evidence being destroy~d.. the · 2. :.The. pe(i°Od when: the· Writ .sh.ali".be enforced
intellectual property- ·:righi. holder or his .. duly ··whict,· in .n·o ca~e. ~shaH .t?e more. than ·.1 o. dc1ys .
authorized r~presentative l_n a pending civil action tot · from.. the dati3- of is'S.~iilJC~ .tiy the ,c;ourt · . ·
ihfri!)gem~nt or who intends to· comn1ence sucn an 3·.. Th_e· !1am~s·. of· the· _applicant or."liis .ageni or .
.action: may apply ex parte for the issuance·,of ·a writ, ·and;Jhe. Gommissioner woo shal~
ofse"'dsei:z:ure-directir'.t£fthe alleged i!ifrlnging supervisi:dhe enforcement of.the writ~ . . . :
.def~n.9a'nt or _.exp~cted a(!verse ·p~rrty "to admjt· into" 4. - ·atli~r-terms. ~!ld conditio"ns that will insure th(t
hf$' premises the persons -named in thef order·;md, to. propet ,execution Qt° th.e writ. with: du·e regard to
al!<;>W . the search, .. :in.spedion, ·. copying;. the rights Of the afleged infril)ging.defendant-or
photographing, audio an.d audiovisual r:ecording ·or. . . expected adver$e party. { Sec .. 8); and
.s.eizure of any·d article. specified in th'e . . · - · ·· ·
orde((Sec: 2) .. · · · •

. 2019.SAN SEDA

t •
• ~-
.• .
·. CR·1.·.M·I NA.L. PROC:EDU:RE··.

5. A warning that violation' of any. of the. terms-and II. · GENERAL PROVISIONS

conditions· of the writ shall constitute contemptet Vehu.e.. of'CrJmlnal Actions .for Vlo.lati.ons of the .
. court. .· . · · Cybe,rcr.lme.Prevei:itlonAcf(R.A, No.-10175): ·
Tn·e··.criminal·. actlons shall. be. filed before· ·the
Sei:iure .: of . Computer Disk's . Ot_tter.. Storaqe ' . designated cybercrlme court of the province or city:
Devi~e:; · . . . (O.GD) · . . ·. · . . . · '.· . ·. .. .
The seizure of a computer disk qr any storage 1. · Where' the Qffense or· any of Its elements is·
may be executed in any.of the foll~wlng manner: · · committed:" · · . '· ·
. :1. By \he ·phy.sical taking .ther~of; .. ~:.' . .ari~
part ofthe Qornp~t~i' system .used i~ :-:~;?
2. · By >copying its. contents in a· sultable 'device"or . . . sltuated; 9r . · . . ..· · : : . . . · · :.'!1.1,
. . dlskprovlded by the appljcanT;·or . . · . . .· ~- . Where any..of Jne·Qamage.: causedto a natural . .---~:~-
. · 3. ;By·printingout the contents 'of the disk· or device ., . . · · or
juridical pars.on t00k ptace. . . .. . .-}
with the use of a printer., · · ·· .. · • . ·• · · · · :. · •· • ·. ·. · . • •
· \
, . . , . · . . . · . ..... · · Note:· Provided,. fhat the court where the criminal :.)~.
When the computetdisks or storaqe devices cannot .: . . action Is 'tir:st filed ·.shall ·acquire, juriidiction to· the .: ·,:'.~
: be rE!a~ily re~~"e9 from the .cornputer wt)ich. they · . · . . exclusion the other 'courts (Sec.· 2i·1).
are·fitted·.Jhe· sheriff rnay take the subject computer
froni the .custody _of the alleged infringing deferid~lit,'.
: . . . . .... . .
. ..- . . . ..
For au'otner-crlmes ·qefined· under RP.C; if committed , .':/t
'. · :
. . . . .. . {I
-'. · .-:Ff

expected adyer-se: party or J?.er~on i.': ch~rg4;) £!)P""';:,;~..::.~-li!hro·~gh. and w.ith the use·. :or information. and · · ,'i
control oHhe premises or..res1dmg or work~9-Q1,t~er_ein T T · · -~oinr'fi.t:!V~-~abons. technologies· (ICTt . b_efor~: · the 1..-,
. · (A~. No.. ?.2-1-06·SC, Se.c.· 16).. ~/~~.;,,:. I~ ... · ~..) : j~Ll_jt·o'trotl; regional trial c0u.rts (Sec. . · );,
.· ·. . - · . :. . : .. ·. /~'~··) f~.i:s~<;?/:i,,apt~~~.101_75,Sec._2.1). . . .. ··_:-1,.
. .· . . ., . ,'I' '. ·~ _Ar'. . .. • ~ ~'\\,' . . . . .• ' • .... ,.~-

.. · · · - . . . . · . · · ' . . /
'~,f. "' ~'.;~P.h~J~ttons 'for. Crber~rime-Wa~raii.ts . · ,)~,
RULE QN CYB~Wf~l. ·J(. :·. ·1t ·. 'l -~{ YJol~troQ~f!i!1~trc,4. (Cybercrime offenses) -;~
· · · 'W ARRA.~TS,y"!,' · 1 · . . Jr · -4JiJ' 4'>,';. ~!1cf/o!·.~~e,..~ ~.\~er·any. oL . .1~
. · . . . . .. . . . . . . . · ;;i :· .·
· . · . /!.
. '. . · .. J?.:'M~ tyo: .1.t~t1~·~. S'C ·. \ ·. ·~'/,
· .
' < ·
r .1. , . .· . i.:-:t · · .
IL.1! ·.
.. '
the 4eslg~,t@c~J,wcnmecp~~s of thE_'l provm~e
or t~e . the ·. offense or any of its
' . :. . · ~ ,.if..i..~ . . . ,, ·.. ~~NJi~ · ~0"1£:l'tted,qJ~~,~~oftLttobe comrrutted.• orwhe~~
I. SCOPE AND .APPL.ICA~IL:!cl : QL2~-~~ any~ ...
com"!litt~9, . is .. being

the p,:omp.uterc' system used rs

. J
. . }•
· ·.iJ
Coverage . · i
.. (.ff')1 \:(;~~ t"""7'f) ,,.,-~ .. s)firfil'o/, or,¥'-he;te1~ny of ~he dai:nc1ge ca1,1secl to . . ·1X
The Rule on Cybercrime WariJs;1nts·c!~er~"pf.6,e~r.J\~lv.ifi~\}.,.A~~,turali,l or, . 1.t'.J}i9i.~_1, P..ers?~ took· pla~~: '. :1:_;
for t~e a~plica\ion. ~nd grant:o'twar:~n~~. a~'&r~l~<:f-3 I ::-7~pf:vei;.;fhe ·Cr~rcn~e_.c~urtsm 9ue~on City, . . :!
?rders. ,!nvo!vmg . the. .Pr';ls~at1on~·~91~~~~~JC1~~t>f ~am!~, Mak1=1J• City, Pas1g City, ~ebu. . :~
inte~cept1on, search, ~e1zure, anct/~rexam1h~/ib~c(iJm"'ft\_.:r>.¢ C.1t~~a':'ao.-G1t~and Cag_a.yar,i De Oro · }~
wen· as the custoqy, : and aestruc'ti~n. ot.?'con'iP.JJfe~.~ .,.9lr..sf:l~ll,..~,ve t~e- special. ~uthor1f_y to. ·act .ory .. J
data, as provided ur:ider R.~. No."10'1J,~;&t&e~se"""'~~~aP."Pll~~\i9PS·and .. J.SSUE:·Warrants .Wh1~h_·shall be. ·,'.~~
known. _as the ·"Cybercrime Prevention A'Gt..ol-·:~-~12".
(Sec. 1.2), , . · . . ~~·"-_ ;J3h1l1ppines. · ...
1\11 A_'-'i
e}J~!f~bl~ ·nat1onw.1de · and outside: ·. tt:,e
'· .· . ·
, · ·\1.
.. _,i
· . · . .. . .· :. ·. . . .""""Z;. Viqlation~ of Sec; 6 (All.oth~r cfimes.defined · · ,-~
..Suppletory,Charact~r.of'Ru(e' . ·~ . . . and pen~iiz~d. by .the Revlse.d .Pen'a1·c-o:de:. ·'-}
. The Ru.le on"<;:yberbrime yVarrant~ sdppleinents the. · ·ar.i_d · ·c,ther . sp~cl~I- .. laws, . committed .by., . ./1
exist.in_g·:.'Rules · of Cti~1(!al. .Procedure! '!"hich .. · through, and w.1t_h th,e. u~e of IC:T~ -with t~e· {)
prov1s1oos. shall continue .to' govern the preliminary·. . regular ~r ·. ot.her s pec1ahzed . · Reg.1on;:il T.nal :~
investigaliqhand-all'stages·of prosecutiohofc.riminal C.ou_r.ts, as th.e· case m.ay· be, within .its· territorial . ·":'.i
actlohs invblving ·violatio.ns'·af RA 10175; ·including: Juri~dictipn·in. the places a~ove-descril:!ed.·(Sec: ~1
'?U crimes defin~d ~nd ·penalized·.-by !he' Revi,se.d 2..2).: . . :. .. . . . ·.:._ . ,. ·. · .· J
Penal Co<f~. ~~. amended; and,. spec1al · 1aws;. N9t~: Cybe_rcrlme...fourt ,r~fers to any ot the.· ~
coi:nmitted l;>y, through·, and with the · use of . ·Regional Tna! Courts which are·d.esigl')ated. a·s. al
Jnforma.tionand ¢?mmunications.techriologieS: (Sec, : sp~cial .cybercrime courts (Sec. 1.4).· · . j
1.3). · · · · ·. · · · . · · .!-1
Remedies. provided ·un'Cler e,sisting procetli:Jral .rules, .
. . OM:otlol') to ~~~sh,
C'ytbercrjmeWar;ant .
nee. a .. CJlffil(l;,i ac ion is, instituted, a motion fo
. . -.-r.:,~,:_
.. ·

when applicabl.e, Shall be\la.bie ·to ahy party who

seeks rellef-against~l'nyoftheorders provided:under
quash and other incider:its l/lat relate to the warrant
shall be··heard a11d resolved· by ·the court that
. ·~i
the Rule on 'cybercrime Warrants,· e.g .• motion to $, acquired ju'risdiction over the criminal _:1
quash warrant (Sec. 1.:3). . · · · ·· · ·. acUon (Sec'. 2.3). · · ·.~
.. ,;
~... ·:)~



ill:·:. !SSUAN.CEl'.>F CYli3ER,~RIMEWARRANTS Period of Preservation Extendible · , ..

4 Kinds of ·Cybercr-lme Warrants: . . Law enforcement authorities · may .order .a ·1 -tlme '
f. War.ran.t to.Disclos~. Computer Data (WPCD); · · extenslon for anotber 6· months, Provided·that
·2. Wc!rrant Intercept Computer. Data (WICD); ·. .. once. computer- data is preserved, transmtttso or . ·.
·3. Warrant,. ··to· Search, .. Seize · and , Examine. . . stored ~y a service provider is .useo. asevldsnce in
Computer- Data .(WSSECD);;and ·· a· case, the receipt 'l;>y servtce provider of. q ·copy of ·
4. · Warrant to ·Examine Corr;ipute:r.Dita ~WECD) . the' transmittal 'document to -the. office· ·of·· the
prosecutor" -shall be -deerned : a.. · nQtifldtf<>ri. to ·
Procedure for Issuance of Cyl:forcrlme Warrant ·. pr.eserve . the· computer i data, un!il. -the ".
.The judge. must persQrially 'examine-in .th'e ·.fon:n::of termlnatlon of.the case. andloras ordered ·by the.
· searching questions· and an~wefs,. in writing. and ' .. .courtr as.tfie case may bi;i (Sec. 3.1.)" '. . . .
under oath; tbe.appllcartt.and ..the-witnesses he· may ·· · · ·· ... · -· · · · ..
produce,:· On tacts. personally · known ·.to·.:thE!rn and ·.cOnfidentiaiityOt·Preseriati~n - :· ·- · ·
attach to-the record their sworn statements; :tog.ether ·· ·· The -S~rv1ce :provider ordered to preserve ·ccirtipute·r-'
·.with the-judicial affidavits submitted. lf·the judge is · .data shaft -keep 'the·.'order- and its· -cornptlance
satlsfled.that thereIsprobaotecausoto believe.that 'therewith coofk!e~tia1.($ec: 3~1';)'.. ':' . . . ... : .
, the· facts upon .w!')lch theapplication 'for the warrant · · · ·. · '··· · · · ·' · · · , · · · , , i · · · -. · · · ·
exists; he/she 's.ha{issLie the same (Sec., 2.4). . . '. IV•. ·WARRANTTO '01SCLOSE'CO~v1P.lirER DAT-A .
. -:·. ' · . · · ·. '. · ': . ·. . ·(VVDCD): ' · ·. .. ·. _. . .
Effectlve<Periog .of Warrants: .: ... >,. : . · · -: · .v-'7.» . .AWDCD. i_s an order in··~tjting ·issued in tlie name of·
· Any wafranHsst.ted.~hder: \ Rafe on ·:Cyber:~rime~,...~!cf .· the P9?J=!le of th~· Phnipp.11:fe~ ... signed: .t>y. a judge,
Warr.ants shall 9hly be eff~~tlve for th.a l~ngth.of. timf1,: !:\ upon appfic.ation . _of.· law :enfor.c~ment ··.,authorities·, .,.ed:by.the court;~h.i~h .slJaU.not,ex~~e~ ;:.,;;;;) ~uthorizin~ !~e. latter t~. iss~e an. orde~.: 10·. dlscl~se . :, ·
:a penod ·o.f 10· d,;tys its 1ss9anc;e,. The ·cq.u.~ .. ·., ·· ;,,!:,..cJl)q accoqi1qgly, ··require:. any. ·person··· or· .. service .
issuir:i.9_.the ·war'r~:nt may, ~po_n .moti~':l· iiji. /;;;.,;$.;p@.g,t!'.fer::d?J~ d!scto_se·. · or· ··s·ubrriil.' ... ·~~b~criber's
· effectivrty. based only on- JUstlfi~ble · r~~~~s for a"'<,./ Ji!. lnfqrm-at1oh;-lfl;)ff1cdat~. or relevant d.ata m hrs/her' or
perio~· ·~ot !:!X~~edihg ·10 days: from-th(f,~'xpiratJon 9.t_\-~i'I r
'its po:$ses·,,· .co.ntrol (Sf?c: 4.2). , · .. · · ·
the·ongm~Jpenod;(Sec .. 2,5)...... ·, .. \d!:>f(°. · :;-------.'\,.. 1:f·,· '·.:
: · . · . '.
· . . · ·· · . ·. .r.:{9> ·l~!~· -: · J.J ·: Procedur, · · il · '>! ;, • • : • • ·: • ·. ··
'Note: A sm:iri:;h warran.H,tiall-b~v;3fia.f~ftj:-O:?da~ .t~:\·· f: App[ To.rfWD-.;~D . . : . . · .-, . · ...
. from·its·. d~t~. Thereaf'.ter,".(R6c,..f?ule'\. ~::1 e:]sic:e~
'2. .J_~ _ ~DC.D., upon. ~in.g $atisf!ed th~t .
126, Sec:-10f. . . . ,·.
. ...
:~r ·=.:~!0. :'·-::~:: t·'./ .
... . : .. . . · . · : : '- . ?--~ r.!, - <r-::;)·
t;-;;1 · . ·~~]~P;t~H~W~~~e;~O·b~heve.that'the-facts
upoA~\'dl.!Q!)::il:le'applrcl;lt1oi1'forWDCD:exlsts. ..

Extraterritoria.1:~e.rvi~e'of ~yb:e~~~J.w.ef,~r~ritf . p ~· · La.w ~!1for~m~nt-a,athodties,sh'a}.1/ssue·a.~·or~er ·
For--perso.ns or servlce provrders,sr\u.ated O\j!ts1de of ,,t...,.,.;.......,.lequmng .any. P~.rson. •.or :service.· provider. ~o
.the :Phl!ipp!nes, .Sef"".ice .of warr~n)s angt.of.··other j'.;!';~;·,,~i,!;'1:disg!qs~. · or· su~mit, s:ugscrib~r'-s lnforrti"ation,.
_court .. :processes ''~h~II: )l~ c.ou(se_d1Jt?-.oug.ti(Jlr~··'-"',;..i...:."dl.::'.traffi~S'~~ta .. or. rete~ant. 1•3:fa.. : in. ·.hiS.!~er/its
· D,epartment of Ju$trce.-Offic~ of Cytier,c;pi:ne,;~i:,.,1me possession or ·control w1thm ·72. ·haurs ··from.
wit_h an ·re.iev~nt· intern~ucinaf... instrurne,At~j~ndtor:·. rece..ipt of-order. in .relation..,to ~- van~··cotnplainf.
' agreements on the:-rn~tter (Sec.. 2. B). ~·· , ·: · · · , officially· ' · docketed .. · ·and. ·. assigh~d, · · for
. .' . . - in:,,e~tigation, and dis.clqsure.· Is .ne~ssary ~b"d .
. Effect 'of' Ndn-.. coo:peratJQn .of Prhi;te''. l>eri;QI\S. relevanf for -the purpo~e of ii:ivestjgatio.n '(Se'c ..
w!th lmpie)rie.ntation ..of:Cyb~rcrii;rie WarF~nts · · : 4.1, ~A} . . . · · . ;. - · ... ·. : : .· .:
The persc>'n. Qr service ·pi:ovide·rshaU:be pi.mi$hed''as
. a violation.,qf R.Q. No, 1.829. (Obstruction of Justice ·Cq·ntents of'Ap.pilcatlo~ tor·WDCb'. '·:. . . ::. ·
·Law) (Se.c, 2.,7). They may also be Cited.fqr contempt . · The verified apJ?ficiltion:for a yyocl;)., as'welf.j:i's tl,1e
· by the Cybercrime,cq4rt-,issuing th~ W<';Jrrant· (Sec. . · sujjpbrling affidavits·,:· _-shall., ."state · the '·following
4 ..6). : . .. .. '.· .. : . .··· : . ·. ' · .. :. essential tacts: · · · · .~ · · ' · ·. .,· .
'f.· The probable otfense:inv9lved; .. , . . . . . · .
Preservat.lo{l·~(Comp~ter Data . . . 2: · Releva:n·ce ahd oeces~ity.-o(-ttie·· ~at~
Service provider 'to :keep,' re,t~in· and_ preserve the . · "br subscr.iber'l3 . · ln"f9rmation·. 'sou9~t ·to be :.
integrity:-of: ·· . · · ·· · · · ·.: · · - · ., · · . 'disclosed fo(tlie purpose .'()f.the investiga'tl6ri; ·:
1': Traffic'dafa ·and sub'seribe'r's information shall be 3.. Names of.. the· Jndlvitjuars. or. entitiE{S ,,whpse ·
· .. l<l;ipt, ,retained · ~ for·. a minimum period · of 6 computer .data Of sut;>scriqer's lnf9rmatidn are·_, .
. months from date of transaction . . . :. . sought to be ''disclbSE3d; inch..1diniftt,e'· c,atries of .
2. Content data.:.... for 6 months from date.·of order the individuals' ·or entities Who. havj:l .• control;
. from law enforcer:nent authorities requiring possession Qr ~c'pess ttier'eto, if availa~le:"'.. . .
· · · preservation}S~c.·3.:1:J . · '4. Particular de·scriptlon .of: the comp·uter;d'ata·'or .
subscribers·lnformatlon sought to·be disclosed; .
: ~


-~~!IC&r.l::ll!i;l!Slmll--lalllllBIS:li-~Jmjmii ...... m!m--lll!Jl!-llll:IIB----------\~
t:R-tMfNAL-"P:Ro,c·E.D.tlR;E. . ·:-3
· SANBED_A.LAW~f.NTRAtlZEDBAROPERATiO~s-·0MEMO~YAtD·201~:. . , · ... ' . '.·(i
· .· 5. · Pl~ce where the disclosure 'of computer data or following actlvities; '(a) to, (b)' record Ing,. (c) .· j~
. Sl,l!J~criber's.·,lhform~\ion is be enforced;. if monitor\ng, "or (cl); surveillance .Of the G~nt~nt .'/! of
available; ·. . . . .. · ·. ·~ .-·· · .. :, · · CQmnit.lhic~tions;·incl_uding prcicurin·g-,ofthe content ::.:,,~
. · a: Manneror; method by which the disclosure of the -, · of computer data; either:-directly,:through access and ··.,,1
. or .subscriber's Information, IS to . ,' use' of a computer .systern .or t!)dire'ctly, through. the '·}.'.•
'. be carrted dot, if available; and .' · . use of electronlc-eavesdropplnq ·or tapping d~vices .<"-~·
7,. ·Other.:relevant lnformation that wilr'. persuade thEi
court that' there is a probable cause to issue' a
.. attha .same time that tne comh'iun.icatio~'1s 'oCCU'rring .
(Sec. 5.2).. :. #
· · ' WDCD (.'sec: 4.3): . . . "., " . . . :. .. • .. J;,
· ..,; · · · ..• Co.nfents of Appllcatiori for, and _F-11111{! of Rsturn -:~;
':F iling· 'of Return···'~o'. Cybeicrirhe Warr.ant-: by -~m.-WICD ' . .. . . . . ·. ', .,:;,~

·offlc,:fr · · · : . . .:the same_. proc'~dure shall_ be :obs·erv~d: ~s_. a i ):

Withi.n 48 hours from lrnplernentatlon or after. t.tJ.e·. WO.CD!.- ;~x~ept thet: the: ~ab1ect matter ts the. __ ·.ii
expiration ~(the .effeciivity.,. whichever :._ communicetion. or· computer data ·sought 'to. be ... ,>i.?.
. comes: flrst; the authorized· law- enforcement officer· : fnierpepteci'(Sec.·o.3). · . ·.:, ~ .. · :· · ·.. · ·.. . '._·. "'·. i :_.i
shall submit a return on the WDGD to the cqurt that._-· .. ··· ··. · ·.': . ~-- . · . · ··:·. · .: . ~ · · ~ \~;
. i~sued 'it and simultaneously tµrn over,the custody of Mai:icfa~Qry ~otifica~lon to,Persons :Whose ·oa~a:-· j,.
the .disclosed· · qomputer·· -data. · cir· subscriber's. ·'. ·. Mai;te Subje:ct·ofa WIGD: . : . · · ..... '. ·.. ·. ·-:~
._lnf~rmation th~reto (Sec.. 4:5). , . . .. ~-_;,,;~.::r"~~i!t.i~,30 -c!~Y~ fror:nthe fili~·g of or: if no·. _.,,,rt_1
. •, . •' . . . · ;~,:::,-- . 'ifu·.· -retq_rii:1&;4lled,'from~~elap~e o~the _48-hour penod t.o ./':}
Where .the lay,, e.nfprc.en'le.nt.ciJfice_rfai~~r,t(:ftile·tj:lJUrri:
..l\. . J:lt~~hwre~~the authorized law el!lfoJCElmenfbffi(;:er . ·"11
., he s~all be cited for con.tern~}l(S:~2:.l9);~~F~~:,tth~L,puty,(}?· n?tify_. the·: .. person'- ·wh(>se · ·.·· {~
., . - ·: · . :. . . . · · fP_r · \~~r . .. :. cpm'll1..u!ilc~tJ~~s_.or. comp1,,1ter · ~ata have be~n... ·. ·J
Note:_ ":'~enevl,'lr ai_ly, kin~·:_ofr.~~yfnl"s(~jfr~iJ~·t:e7"~~,;-, .. n~r~!~fltc£?-Pfh ~.t.
ct!v_ities .conducte<! pur'suant j
. !11<;1de,.1t IS the du.ty of:the IS~l,!J/1~~.d.g,~A9·~~certcW~. ~"' . ~Si)·the. ·lo/IC.~~. . . t: ·.. , .'. . : ... · ·.-- · -. .j
1f such-has o~en ma?e, and ~tnone;..,Jp s.urfmon tlN.e_. ~~ li'i,- .· . · \. __\ ". . \ .·.. _. -:·. · · . "·: · . . · ,;1
. law· eriforcement offic~r .to .wtio.rn t_pe wa.[.ant was .r:·., ._~~
·If.a r.eturr ha~\!iJ~Jll~d,.a;copy _Of·th.e same shall '._ ',j
· iss.u_ed a~d r-f3quire_.hi~: to e~pl~S,Yno r1mrrrwas . · - .. ".e'aflacf;!ed.t? tqe~~c?., . .
. i:nad~. without, preJuc,hce t? ~r'ly--ai;~oo for ~?nlli~t:r " ~~ _. · A . · ·. ·. J·l :.; .1;\ . : ..
(S~c. 4.5). _ . . ~ -~ (I · . ~\ · t0w ~l.V~-"1,_tfle f1btI)er- ha~tlr,--1f,lnrret~m.has .b~~n ~led, ~he . I~
·.. .. . . ·
_. · . _ , ·. .
' . · ·'.f
.. ·, ~ l, .
. · · . ·. · .. . ~ ~~ ¥. (~l ~· · --·< notlce.f.S~ stat~ ·.th~ 1,deta1ls qf tlje · interception · .. ;;
Retentio.n. of Copies of ~a~.,.qis~tose~')(¥irtuelffi. 1 it:lctiv;lfelJfficluef(F.t~ejco.ntents·of the_.intercepted · :~
V. -" \, ·. ~~-~-. t!rn· ~&!~ ,&itationfor-cof•Jputer-dataJSec.5.6).
of:a Cybererlm~ Wa'rra~~ ,
. Law enforce~e~t authonbes ,re .all~'v'(:ed t '-~\11;!.~.
. cop.y of the d1scl_osed compute~1dataot,tu0.~~';,,,~~=Af•ilJ.en9!f"f.
-i:Yij:,};fJ. .~ J· · f. --. · . ,. . , · .. _-
Legi}'l1ty: .of ~IC[!>. by Aggriey.ed
· ..- ._. · ;;
· '·,; '· :1
.1nfonnation subject of.the WD(;D whic~rnqy3.?e,fr,..~1,···J(, tt:J· .-?x.. '· /-- . .. . ·· , · - ·.-: :. · ·'·:
. utlli:z;ed f9r q~s~_.buila-~p or prell~rt;)~!Y i_n:t~tig_i_:!~lf.-...:.Cl~~j~1.o~~Ysjftfrom- nptice,. th~- per~on .whose -~
·· purposes, with.outthe·.nee·d·of any co~ 1rjte~e~ypn~g_r:n,=(ll!r'l!,ca.t",>Jil~ o.r,. computer ·cta~a- have. ·been :;
·that.the .details·. t~ereof are kept,tia_1.· .l\: 4· &;i~t~~c~p~~a}_!· challe~ge,.-b)!'.·m~tiori, ttie .legality ·of . _>
,and that-the·retamed_.copy shall be·labeleci:"as._~)!ch_ LY,1.;-Itfi~tH).tetcepbon.bef.ore th~ issuing court (Seo;'5.6). · ·. ':"i
. (Se.c. 4. 5). . : , .. . · :.. -~~'-="..;::·-- . . . TO. .. .
,· . The··retain'ed'copy shall pe turned· o\/er Up.Orf· U,e / . : EXAMINE cbMP_U:TER-DATA_(W$.SE;CD). ·- ·-·
.. filing· of a. ·criminal action involving, the dis'c!oSed A,WS.Sl:C.Q ls an Jlr(ie·r fn \SSued:ln the name : _;;
computer data. ·or· sl,ibscribE!r's Information . to tt:ie of ,PeopJe of the PJ:l/lippii;l~s/sjgned .by, a judge, : ;
:coui:t where s_Uch'aetio(.lhas.been institute_d,·or if no . , Upon application. 6f law· enfo.fceri:ient authoritie&, ..,
cri.mii:ial acti6i, has -~een: filed, upo,:i ·order .~f.--tpe ... auth0rizi~g. ·the: 'latter to s~arc;:h-'t.tie:partl_cular pla~e- . <:;·
·i?suln,g coart (Sec. 4.5). . . ·: . .· .· · · .. for·items· to b~ seized and/or exaini.ried (Ser;;. 6.1).
:.·. . .. . . .. . . . t.. .·. . ... ' . .
. N'ote: ·No ·duplicates or. co.P,ie_s of computer .data. or. • . -_: c~~tents of_Appllc~tlqn-for:WSSl;Cb.·::_: ·. _. . . :·
subscr(be['.s I nform~t(on.. may be . retained by · 1aw:. · . The verified· appfipation-for a .WSSECD·, well ,as·· .. , as
enforcement_' authon_t1es . 9XC!:!pt .by VJrtt;ie, · Of a . the SUj:>portin1f affidavitS·,. $hail .stat~: the essen.tial . :· ~
WDCD ($ec: 7.1). .. ' · · · ·-'fa.C,s simi.la_r -to:·those -requires:! for. a WDCO;. except. ·. (
·that the ~tib}ect matter Is the· comp.uter-da.tfJ ·s·ooght. ·.. · '
. · · DATA (WICD) . ~ - ..
.. tti be searched,setzed,,and.'exar.riined, and·a/1 other:
,items 'related thflreto. . . . .. . .
A WICD is aii order in writing issued In .the. name of \ ,'

the People of·tt:ie .Phili,ppines,' signed ·by a judge, In additi6n, . tti~ ·application ···shall contain. an. , .
·upori app!icaticm of . law enforcem~nt authorities, e.xplarjation of the search and selzµre strategy ~o. be
a~thorizing the latter to c~rry. out.any or all of the implem.~_n.ted, including a projection of· whether or · ·


·c.R:l·MI.NA:L. P·RO.C:EJ)..U,RE· _-
&2 '"* .. . . . . ·.. ·• . .. ·e»rz ...
not an off-site qr on-site .search- wm ~:.··c~~1.~~te~, .' An . ~~iti~I . reJ!,Jr~. shalt . conta)fl the... fci)lowing
.taking int.b account the natureof data .. Information: ~ · ·
involved, '. the .oornputet or ·_.:computer system's 1. A list. of. all the items. that were 'seized, with a
. security . features; . and/or '. 'other- /e!evaht r. · . 'd~t.aile~ identiftcation of: (a) the. devices of fhe
. - circumstances, If such lnformatlon is' avattabte (Sec. - .computer -system.. seized, ·.Including (h~ name,
· · ~.2). · _ ·.. :. - · . · .. · .., . · .· .'.:.. · · · · · makeebrand.eertalnurnbers,or a_ny.other mode
·· , ·:· of·ldentificaJlon, if available; arid-(b)' thehash ·
. ·off,sit~ancfOn-slte Pri~cipli3 •. ·. -: ... : . , .. · . value "Of the· computerdata and/or''the seized
. Th'e· Off-site and ori-slte. Prinqiple provldes th_at law. cornputer.devlce or. computer-system coru~ining
. 'enforcement authorities ·shall; ·if the: clrcurrtstances' . ~u·cl') data; .. . : . . ..
soallow, first makeaforensic' image of -: · .: · · .· · · ·
JJ:ie computerdata on-site a~:y.(ell·a~'ijmipbeir'search . N~te:. H:a~h ~·alue. ref~'rs. ;o -th'e 'miit11em~ti6~1 .
'to the' place.speclfled: in the\varrarit. Otherwise, an : algorithm .produced ag~'ii1st digital Information
.off-slte search: maybe: conducted, provlded .that. a .. (a fl.le, a physical disk or cf!o,gica.l.dis~) thereby
.. forensic, im.age ·is> nevertheless •. made; arid that the .. creatinq a "-digital fingerprint~ or-,ftdigitalD~A" for
reasons for the said-search · are stated.ln the initial· ··that'li:ifdr~~tior.1-'(Sec:6A). : : · . . . . . .
return. : , . . : · ·--. . · . ~~ · A statement on Wh~tl:)er a foren·sic image ·
. . . . . .. . , . ·..'Was.made.onasite,·a.nd-:ifnot, .the .
.. :Note:. A for~nsic imc!ge,. al~Q· known: as· a fore'risfc . . . . re'~SO!)S. for making.the fore'nsjc _image .()ff~site;
.' co'py,.refers bit-oy-bi.tq:>py·ota .datc1~>..-.,: 3. A:state'ment 011 .wtiether.,:the search
carrier,. in.eluding slack,: unailoc"afed'.space,: ijl}d-.:~i(. . . . cor:i.ducted on-site', a!1_d. if .ncit, ·the -recjsons. for·
. unused space(Sec.:6A). · ... ·. -.· .- · ./Sl:,, :-\· ·. · ~onducting th.e search1i:md seizure-off-site;.. · :
. . · -. · .· · • .,_ .• • : · •. • 1:t,/:l',;•'1'14. A.statement. on whether Interception was
: Renie<;ty of -~ggrieved. ·pal,fy :whQse: compu,tyj; 1- .;~~f;:d . . . conduited · ~urin'g· .'m' of·. the

an~hel~ed off-site" . · ,. . ,.; : . ~ ·. . ,,;-?;:;;.-,-·.·

. devh:es or eoinput~r~yste!Jl.have be.ei:ise~~ne~('. 1~.;;1-::•.~~!-WS~F.,c9)·. together· .with::· .. fa)· a . ·q¢tailed
· .-:,:? or
_.ide'i'lfifi~~l.?,r'l all .the inter~eption acthli.ti~s tha_t
Upon:,.motion, '!lay :5e_e.k.the returli'.Of~t\e?-sJJd ,itemJn-,,..:j . ·. . .were C5.J~&~~ted;_ (b) !l')e hash val~els of_ .th~ . :.
from the court issuing the 'W?SEyD/f{:QY~ded,}h~~--': ·/·'- · .: , ·commHi:it,(J:a~ons or .com1;>uter·d.ata··mtercepted;
. a fo~e.nsic im~ge·o!'th'~ ~o~p_uter ~-~,ta?,s-i.l~i~:P.t~f. J:c)
the: ·.. ,.,.. · .... _ and._, :µaa_t e~p~anation .of· th~.-. said.·'. ·.. · ·

tr'; ~1 .
WSSE(?J;)·has· alr:eJ3~Y been ,"Y~ffe!':t-The~o~rci,may..,. r;·,\.·.. · - reasfn~l:l.!e .ret~tt,onto the'corppute.rdata subject
. gr.antthe ~otio.n)JP.On its det~f~iq~tion.i,li!'3\rio·f~wf-ut"l :qf. t~~-"1'9.~I;<?,~;;. . .. -. : · . ". . . ..
ground ex1~ts to .P~heo,vfs~ ~,irnota-<fQ~.{j:!t.Ui'Q:~10f 1, ,.5. · ~~.,,!~fp.E.J.~~~J!ie'>~tions ·taken. to eof~rce ;·th.e
· <. ,~-J_f."t, ~:;) . ~/ . · · _WSS~Q.1-::frb'ridheUme the_ law enrorce{ll~f'!t
· such items to·l')im·(Sec:6A)
:.. . :. . . ', . :·< v~ . .
Interception.· of . Pata · m: ;ln1plEt11Jfl'.ltat,,~n:. of
j'·tr . :· . offi'cers reach~ ~he· ~lac~ to ~e ~e.i~e<lunt[l .th.ey
~t"!""~feft•·the· prem1se:s. WJ~h. -. the . ~e1zed- Items and.
V\ISSE;CD . · . · ., .·. ··. · .' .. ·\,:1~· · . ·, - ,'l'<'..1.~·t·~;;1treai::bed:the·.place,where.the items seized-were.
The. _interc:;ept!on. ·o.( :cornm~n.ic~tio,n.s :~9.? · C~f)?·f?.q_teF-:.,:..,t.!_!·:~·!·,·~;:4st1>';:e·~Jindsecured·.ftJr ~~amiriation~:.a· : .
. data may be condl.lcte_p during.the 1rupl~ll)'lentatit:trhof; ..6... A:. reasonable est1r,:iation. of · how long t~~
· .. the- WSSEGD.:.. Proviped,.· :tha(:.the'El'.t;¢°~!'pti9h' . examimition of· .the items se~ed · will be
· .. aciivities shall· .only be. lirhite~ ~o_' co!'l'ln'lurficaftons ... , . cor'i_cl1.Jded · anc:I' th.e j1,1s_tifipation'.therefor (Se.c.
and computer:,data:~haf are reasonably relate.d to 6. 6). : · · . · ·. ; - . - . . · · . .· .
the s·ubject"inaltei"oLtiie WSSECD;.and.that the said . . . . . . .. · . . - . . . .. .
. activrties: are'·. fully di.scl~s:ed~· ... arid the.' 1q.r~goii,g.'• . . . · '.N~te: Atte_r the' !)as' nJe:d the, initial return,· the
:r.elatlon: duty explained in'-tffe initial return .(Sec. · · .: ·. qql,irt. shall .,iS~1,.le· an· orderdixJr:19· .the · peijod .·ta
:6:5). · ; . , ·. .'. · · , · · ,_ ... ·. ::, . ·.. . 'caocluQe. the e?(arnin.atio_n· of. all th.e .ite.m~ seiz~cl.
·· ·' · '. ·. ·. · whlth.-p'eriqd may !:>e :e~ten.d.ed.nol·-exoeedjn'g·.ao
N~te:. Law. -enfoi:cement.~tithc;iritie'~.1')1~/o:rcl~~.~ny : . · .. · d?ys,·.upbi;, motlon,=fqr justifiabl.e,rea'so.r'is(Sec. 6..:Z)..
person, who has knowle~ge atioutt}le-fuhi;;tiqnihg'of. ·
the. compute.r. system arid :the-. measures. to . p~otect .Filihg .of·F·ih.l\ll'~~tur~:on'NSSECD. ., .
arid preserve't~e:'c~mputE:( data·ft:ier~frl,. to pi:ovide, ·A final return i$ triat which fa .req1,.lired,to be submitted ..
as is. reasonable, the. · ~ecess~ry !nfdrmatian- .to . by autt:iorize~··.enf9rcement officers to·,·the .cou!1
enable t,he undertaking of the· ·search, "seizure and witf.iin:48: hours after th.e expiration of trie period to
examination (~ec. tis) .. ' . ·. : ;. . . .. examine as provided:in.the pdor.¢ourt ord.e~ cl.l(o'>'!'ing
'the ::,am~.·. . . ·
Filing of iriiti.alR~tur.n.. o'n.WSSECD. · . . . .
An.- injtiai return. is. thaf ,which. 'is require'd · t9 be. The autt'ior.ized law·.enfprcement officers·sh~ir~ubmit
submitted by auttio'rlzed law·e:nforcemerit officers tq. · · a·. final ·return ·.o·n. the WSSECD to ·the co.vrt that ·
the court within 10 days fro"m the .. issuance.. of a . : issued .it, .. and siftlultaneously ,turn:o'v~r·.' the
-WSSECD. .. cust<>dY. of the ~eized cqm'pu~er. d~ta·, as well as all.
oth~~ ite.rns s~ized and/or the c_on'lmunlcations or



. )~
DSlm!IClll..lllllmil·m·.. ·1m11111m•··.........Bm~ICiDElllili++s+MIIISDWllllll!lllllllilBIB~1.. llll•·a:!l!lil!IIIIIIEIEllll!lS12.. EiD&Rllllill~ISillUa ·:~
computer data.lntercepted in. relation.thereto (Sec. 5. The namesand positions of the law eriforcemenf. ;~~
· 6.B)i . .. . · · . '. . _·. · .. · . · · . authortues who had access to ttie c;omputerdata . ··}
· · from the time.of i(s seizure until the terminatioh. ·. ·_..',;_i',:_,:·.·.·
VII. WARRANT ro EXAMINE C0°MPUil=RDATA: .. of the examination but prior to deposltihg it with·Exam"ine Comp\iter.'E>ata (WEOO) · · .. th.e court, and thenames ofofficers ~no yiill'·be ::,.
.Thls warrant.isapplled for. and: rnustflrsrbe obtained· . deliv.ering the seized Items to the court; 11
. ·
.. · by law ·en{qrcerrient .autJ:).orities· befo.r,e they may . :6. .The name of the law enforcement officer Who :'.,;n
· search a computer .d.evice', system they . . may. be_. allowed access lo. tbe•. deposlted:data; ; ; ,~
. . acquired in their possession vja a.lawful warrantless · and . · . . .. · :~
. ·. arrest, or by any other lawful rhethod, and ttie search .. or,
7 .. · .A:c~rtific.ation that n'?. clupJicates copies. _of Jhe · -~ ~
· ·_. Is · for 'the· purpose . of. obtaining. "for . forenslc, _.. whole or. any part t~ereof·~av~ ~een made, o(if . -\~
· examinatien the-computer. data contained th.erein. ·.. . made,-all.syc~ ~ur:ihcate_s.o_r ~op,~s a.,:~ included · jfj
· (Sec. '6.'9). . . : . · . . . .' . : . . . :: . : . ._; .. · . . ·. \n .the seated packaqe -deposlted, except for. t_he .: ;/~
. .·.- .· copy r.e~ain_ed· by law erforceirrent_-~!J~or\tlesIn : ,;
Contents of App_llca~i~nfor:wi;:Gi:> .... : . case of a WDCQ(Sec.7.1). · . ·.,. · . · . . . · •. -~
The verified appJicatibn fo~. a.WECD;,as Well.. as the . . . · . ·.: ··: · . , ·· ' . . : · . -:=;;
supporting "affidavits, shan state the essen_tl<!I facts: 1-i.ow it~m·s .in .Col;Jrl Cu"stody'Acc.e~.sed". ·1
sil"!'lilar t() those.required for.a VVDCD; except tfia( th_e $uct:i: data seized may he ·-ac;_cessed · only tippn · . .,j
· · subjecL is- :the _computer. data . sought to JY-=m=,,;.._o;ig_t!on.
:-: . . -~
examirfed'(§_ec:- 6.9). . ·'.
· , · .· ... ·. - ·,
. : .' · · :.,~
. : : .. J,r//'!:.. . ~-
t· ' [._ ·.duly. granted· by the cour:t; .otherwise.; the ": ~
-~~Jta·~(:!,.,~_qntaining·the comp~e~ d'ata· ~e}io~ited · 1i
.) J.W{tP.t!:je 1?1:1£1.shall·_not be opened. orJhe recordings "':t
· Final Ret1,1rn.s._pn~~Q~··,,,,,~.r.:::=1;~_et~Y.e ..d.?~its\.qontents revealed,.or., ih,anym~nner; .. \,
· Initial ani:l • final · returns, ·as._ w.el~~·S"' the\,ptn6o to . · usea·>a~~'V~~e\.,_· · . . · .. . · ::1
.examlne..und_er-.aW~CD,shall ~1~s1ri1tifAi:J~o~~~~-='""""1.;..,;. ~ ,_~;, · i't..\ · ·. · ·: · :·. , .. · ·:.: : ·. .' · ..: ·. ·(
.by the procedl:ife'S. applicab_le:,.t9..(¢>-,§Si;:rD ($e1'fli "t' . -~e-~Ori'f~r?1J.~;.P~!P.OSe ·shall ·s~a~e. ~nd i(lcll:ld~~- ·.
6.~). - · ·.- · -. · ·: ' · · . 1· ·-~l' . ·.·. ·. · .!I'.- · Jfr.~ LI"\.\. .T~e~elev\~i7~~.~e;cor:riputerdata sought t? pe' .. ::
. .· .. ··.'. . . . . · · #. . . · !J .. :- , . . , . op~ri,ed:· · rlr~e~t ..revealed!_ or :~sed. as
lntercep~1op_of Qa_ta m _lm~le~nfatton.~fW~.~. .,;;, .eY!~{lce; ._. 'f,_;~ · . ;·· :· : . : . ·. : . .: . .1
lnterc~pt1on of commumcatfotis.,ar(~tcomp!Jter-'a~a~. -1~~~~hel1am.~sqf-th~-P. . .rs9ns who w,·an~wed to . ··;
may . Jikev.:ise .. ·'. be . . cqpd_y_c~e.d- .dur)ng. . th ;:m ;J,,1/·'tcl. have .ac~es~ itllerit'b·,. if. !~e'. m~ti?tl'.-i~·:granted;.. . :
lmplem!'}ntat1on of· a wq:90.t:~~d:e<.t~~-· same >-c.:· ~.n<J.Jfc;;J,. 11 · .!-.)/.. .. ·, . ·, : . -- ., · · . · . · --.-
condition~ ·applicabfe·t?.a \N~SliGJVSe~,91- . ~ ~· l~-:-~ry_i~;.0ot-tof""':-e~ce·. of cop1~s ~e~t-_fo the .
· · · . · .· ... · · . ·. · ~iY·: · ~ . \.~~- ~ .,;,r:.<~/f!1e,f§.9p!~ ~hoJ,e~9r.nputer.<!ata1s~su_~Jerct_9f-the ·,
Vlll."TURN-OVER OF C_UST~DJ(~- -~--~""-~ 'b//~!fon (%{fo."7.3Y, ·, ·.·. ;... . .. -, ·. ·,
. DESTRUCTIO~ 06·(:0MPUT:~R:DA~'\_ :- . :'",.., /f::7\7- . . .f' · ·.i' .·· · : ~ _:._. ·.· ... · - ..
_. :Turn-Ov_e.r Proc.!3dUre · After:'fmj>lemel;'lt<it!~n.S~--~J~~ f~J.t~r the_ rp6tion i~ fifed ·.and s~rved_; ·~_aid .
. Cyb~rcnme._Warrant .... ·. ·: :- ~ .---.·.};,~....... ~-_-·P~~g11!s~ll;J:,~-'9'Ve?.1~·days fro~ n?ti~e to file. a
_Upon t~e Jilmg of__ the m1tic:1I ·-or_.finc1._l- Fe~··Jqi:~·cu, ..=-~om'l1tiflt9~)1:i~motion, 'th~r.eafter :the. court shall
Cybercnme Warrant, ,all compute·r :-&~~~- '.~!:l_DJect. -"; fi lB_1.,1,-•,Q~.:-tJ;,.,.¥motion,_-1,mless ·,t finds ,t. n~cessary· to.
thereof sh;:ill b~ sirriulta_neously deposillitl ..-..l!;\..,:· a l\t .!l..,q:]!12~9.!:lef'"a:cJarifica~ory,.be~ring for;the.purp6s~ (Sec ..
s~aled package witl:l ttie. same court thaf Issued t~~.. ::,:-....'7:3)' · · , · · · · ; · ' ··
· warrant. ·· · - · · · ·.., ., · . . •. ..· : · .· . ·= : .. ,
, .·. · · ' < · · . ·. . .. . . ·· Oestru.;:'tion:or Return Qf ltem~_Sel~~d::: .··: :.... :•· -.:··
lt:~t,all-be acco~pa~iedby a complete and verifie.d . Thef court. may. orq_er ·th~. --cort\'ple~e', cir.:, partial- ...
invintory ofall·the othe"r.item's··seized, . d_~struction,._or: _.returr)- ·to• _its" lawful own~r. ·or
· .aff.idavit'o'fthe. duiy. ciuth9rized law.'enforcement '·· .. possessOr,.··Of. tbe computer data, 01' .any· of. the - · '·
· officer-conta'ii1ing_:·.. ·.: · · . : · . ·. : · . . . . .. . r.ela~e;ct · items · tur~ed · o.v~r .·to. its ·cl,lstcrdy: 10: ·the
· · 1 .· .. T~e.'d~t~ and tj~e of the dfSclo~ure, iR_ter.·c~ption, following ir:istances: · · .. · ·:. . · ·.. ·.- ·: · .·
se-arctt;- seizure·, '.arid/or:-'exatnination: of the. 1 :'· Upon ·motion and ..:aue h~aring, for justifiable
comput~r: d~ta-; as . the ·ca~e ·. ·rf10Y be, a"nd any . · · · reasons; or, ·. . . ·. . . . ·. . . . . ... · .
. r'ec.ord·mad~ltherefrom; . . .' . . · ... · . 2. . Motr.r .proprio, .. and. -upon: \vtitt_en··notice .to' all
. 2.. ·The. p~rticu1;:irs· qf the suoject· compute~· data, . parties concerned, if nci""vesiig'St.ion
.irtdudlng its hash .value; . . .· . . or cas.e-jnvolving V,ese ,terns has' b.een i_nstitutei;i
3. · The ):nanner: b-y which- the cor:nputer d.ata was . · .. . ~fter 31 day:drom·ttiefr·.deposit; or i(preliminaiy
.obtiil~ed;. . . . . investigation-.. has been· so :instituted ·.within. tl'iis
4. .Detailed identification .of all- itei;ns seized in . P!?tiod; i:ipon · _tinallty · ·Qf ·.·.fr1e . prosec~to(s
relation· to: the $:i.1bject computer data, indicating· . res~!ution · finding lack< of. probat;te: cause(Sec.
the ·-brand, make,. serial numbers, or any . 8.2). . .
·. identifiers, ·if available; .

650 I· 2019 SAN

.. . BEDA·. LAW. .
. .· . . ..
t:RfM-tNAL ·p.RQCED·u R.-E· ..·__ ·

How ·Items S.elzed De.1?troyed Kinds· of Provislonal Remedies: (RAIDS)

.. · The destructton pf computer data and related items; . · . 1'. B.e:Ceivership·;·. · · ·
if so ordered· by ·the court, .shall be made in the -2. Attachment;·
presence of the· Brar:ich cterk-ot-courtrer in h)s/her • · 3: · fnju;iction; . . .
. absence.. in· the. presence of _any ~th'er ·person_duly 4. ·Q~iivery of personal property (Replevln); and.
.: deslqnated
. . by
.. thecourt
. . to witnesstne
. same__ : .. · . ·s--. - '§upport.pendente
. .
tite. .-· · · ·

. The accused or the person/s from whom· Sl,l~h ite"i~s SECTl~:>N··i. ·ATTAC HM'ENT:
, ..
. were seized. or hlslher·representative or counsel, as · .
· well as. the, law enforcement officer ailowed access · .. Wh-C) m~y--ap.ply·fo} prellmi~'ary _attachmen~?· ...
to ?UCO items <!S if'!di_cafe.din the iri"venlory; or his/her . Th1faggriev.edP.arty Jn:'who~e behalf the chi.II aspect
. "duty authorlzed representative; may also be allowed '·... _:: of the criminal actlon is prosecuted may apply.tor the,
: t9 wifness ·th,e said activity. . · . · : · .. .· · issuanc~:. of a· writ of· prellmlnary attachment, 'he.
. . .· . . . . .... : . .· . . '· ~eirig the' person primarily .anddlrectly .interested .
'Tli~ storage ·d~vJce,;.o~.6tH~rl_tem_sturned -~v.e.r.t6Jh~. ,. _ thereby.Theprcseoutcr in \(:le'critniiial actlon may.
:cou!t's .custccy, shall be ·. destroyed by shredding_,":··· : make 'such ari appllcation' ·in·. behaltof or for lhe
. dr\lling of· four holes through. the devlce •. p.ryin_g . the . protection of th_e 'interest'of the''
. platters' apart, qr. other· means- in · accordance. wit!) · · · · · v- • • • •

('that will su~cienuy n1.aiseJ.-· Notiqe to a~"~~se_party.not required .: ·. · ·

. inoperable (Sec'. B,3) . . .- . . . , . · } .... · :_. :..,:0 No notiC?e to th,e. adv.erie. party;· o_r he.ari~.9 or;, .,\he· ..
.. . ,:. . . - . .. . . ,, /-/1.;. ·application i? requir:!:td. before_a. writ of prelimTna1y.
. . .. .. . . ·. . . .' .. !,':',.·!,(·,}~ attachment n:i-ay-issue ~s.·a hearing would d·~fe'atthe.
-~ " . : •. :· . .. . . · · ·· : t ;\,; ~,-J;':... p_l,!rpcise -~.f t~f;! p~ovisi9na1·~~qiedy_ The.tjme.which'
. · ·... :-·R:ULE- ~27. _'. . ::.::;;t: ~
· ~ .../.~;': 14R,~ a: h~?:r.'l19. w~u.ld t~ke, cquld_· be eno.ugn ~o·
: PROVISIONAL REMEDIEs ...1:0:r( . ~- ~·- :1 ~,;,-•~~ ~!;f: ~~µ~t91fendan! 0 to.,abscond o.r dispose o{ his
. . · , · . r..~7 ,:)' ~ property--l>e.f9-r~a- wr,t ·of·a~tachment·issue and the
.. CRJMINAL CASES>'.:-:...,· .. '\.-.-\ ·. only .. requisjt11'$. the' issuance of a.. w'rit of
.· , . . :· ·.
· · •• : · •
· ... · ''.' ~::,;'.
· 1,~"I- "'
. ~ .,. .-,0
; ··,...• .
• · · · ii;,-->< .
the' affidavit of
. . . .. ~ i
· ., •. · · · .· . . · . . -<:',.:'.~.-:· t~-~- : · , .: .- a_pphcc;J_ntw.;J'i3da ao S~vmgs v. CA, G.R. /11,o. ?4'48.1, •
SECTION_ 1.·.-*-VAILABILITY. 9.f.,>PRP.Y;.l!?J,~Al::_: ·.1\:,.·.April18_,/j989,·: ,\\ :_·. ;· ·. .· . ·· · · I
REMEDIES. . ', . · . . . ._.,~ ..
/.•..;...._,,\ ·(..c,..._ .·.·.·--<..::;.. • .ll-·1·
·.,1.__• 1, ...1
.~· .,-,,'0
.\. · , . . .
. b
. . . -..;.; ·.. . . l

. · .. · . ·.: ''.: .• : . . . · .. (_::;!' ·_,,~z~\ ~~ -f;;f .' f..~t~~f?~t~~>Y.i~f,_~vall~c:i"of onlywhen--:t'he_,clvil. [

Natu_re ofpro':'1~_,on~Ire~~d1d~ :·~:::..:;rt•,·. ~\1- \1
·act1<?n:_.·arJ.$Jp~/wom. the __crime ·has _.n~t b.een
for-tl;f! . J. · e:icpre.ssly wA1Ve.ctor not ·reserved_and only In the :
1 . . Jhm;e.t?.:,"'hrch· pa_rty-hJJ~a~fS"-n;!~·~f.~~-<z~ l
. _prese_rv~t,on. ,-:or., pr~t~pt,~m o(.JnJlr-.. r~9.~t~... cf.. hL .
J?l! ,(AIVICQ) · · .. . .. . .. · · -· . : .
. ~ratElrest_s and for·n~ other purpos·€:~- .,.Hf.•\f·;r,'tW!.l:1;1n_t.._hEfaccus.ed }s about to_l!·
pend ency o.~th~ action; __ . · (· .;,? -. . .-,,,,i-:;:;:::.:...~u.J::;'..:,~Pf.tili1:>pir1es; . · · . , : ·· · .. ·
2 .. They. an: ~ppUe.~-t~:.a·p.~r).ding;lilf~~~ori l90!be_·. · _- .. _-2. _:VVl:i_~f.1.t~ecrir,1_in~l._actionis base_don a·~fai~ for~·.
.. pu~se ,?f securmg the.J,u_dgmentc;>r.;ft>%s;:;ry1ng ·. .. --··'Mo_ney- o~ property_ ~mb.eizled, o"r fraudulently· ·
· ·. ,!he. ;$fatl(s quo,. an_d. ,n-· so'!!~ ~?IS'es:: after: . . . ... ·m1~applied· or conve·rted to "the · u·s~. of :--the ·.
. Judgm\;?riJ.. for the_: purp9se of.· p.r!:!servmg · .o.r.. . .. . accused· who :ts :a. public· officer,. offi.cer ·of .a .
. . -disposi~g of the .subject'n:iatterJ9a~o-v. Roldan, .. . :... ' .. coiyoraliqn,. attorney; /~ctor: . broker, a~E;lnf br,.
G.R..No. L-252,: March~O. 1946). · :· . · ~l~k. i_n.the .course of'his-err:fployme.(lt:as ~uch,
. . · .,. . .'· .. . . . or by ~OY.. other person in a fiduciar_y ta1:>acity,·or
.. .These anci,llary"retneqies may ~e avai!~d of by the . . . . .· . . for a willful violation of duty; . .
.offended party in th_e criminaJ ca_se only-w.hl:}re .the _:. ;l When'ed has·:'Con_c;ealed, reiri'o'ved;or
. criminal act\on·carr.ies .with -!t ci_vil liability,_or w)lere . ·.... _. disposed of his."prqperty. or ls about (o clo so;:
th:e offehcjed party· has~:ljot reser'Ved·or .waiyed the' . . . . . and· . ·. ·.. . . . . . . . . . .· ·,
civil c!aim or.has n9~ ir,stit~tetj·a separat~ civil-action 4'. When the' ·"accused _: resioes . Outsfde :. the .
. ,.(P_AMARAN,_ -suAia at. '171):. · _·. ·. · . · ·. . ' ... _P_hillpp_ines:.. .' . · -·: , ; - ·. :.· .

·where the civil_.actibn arising from-a criminal offense.. . .,

- is s1;1spended· by th~. filir1g of the criinfrial :actr<iin, ft.t~---··.. . . .
··court w~erein said civil .case is pe.ndiJ")g can iss~~ th~, .:/}\<f . . .
' ' ,. :}""., . : ~. .
aforesaid auxiliary. writs··
. since· such
. . orders . do·'.llcrt ·.. :;·;. · :-: ·;·,·· .. ,, ·

involve a .determination of th~ merits' ot the ca.sefJ1::?~·_..,

(Baba/a v. Abai1o,· (;].R. _No. L-4.-600, February 28, · , ·· ·
.. ..
·:·:::·:. : ....
,1952). . .
· . s: >:< ;.: _,r
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2019 SAN
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. a3 ~ $ ·!!! .a,·· ..f ·ro .. 1------=-----';----...,.---"-----'-----!
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c:RrMt.NAl/:Ptto·c:EJ1URE· ·. :. . · .·.t
'. '>i
. . ·sAN·BED1t
. . BAR
. OPERATIONS . . Al(J :to19
.. . - MEMORY x~
•' • J ·,tJ
... . .. . ..,..------!""~-------------..,....---
; . ·. . ·. .. . : .. . ~. . . . . . ..-----:
. ' . ,..,·.-· -·----'. :'.{:}tJ
__,. . . . . __,.. .;. ~----------------,-,-----,---------....,..;--~---.J
. : . . . . - :.:ii1

1. Before ct,nvlctioO fiy ·thO' 1 .' Upon cMvlct;On by the RTC of an 1. B.efo,econvlctlon by the )'<TC When ·, · ~
· · inferiorcourts: -. · · · . offElnse 'not punishable by death,
2. After .' ·. conviction by .th~' . ie,clii~.idh. . perpetu« . or life • . punishable by 1ec(U9ion'perp'etua,. :':.It
. accused Is charged with an offensEi <~.
· inferior court, · .' : . ·. . imprison.n:ient: adrrilsston to bail is lifel'impr\~~nrn~n~,c:,r .death.and .the . \1:
3. Before convlctlon by - ·ttie . ·. cfispret1oriary (Sec:.5)i· and · . evidence of guift is strohq (Sec. 7); ·· '"·
·RTC of .. an offense not 2. After' "convlctlon, by' the RTc· 2: -Afte{ conviction ·by the: RTC when .:?i
punishable- .. · death; ~· . wh~rein a penalty'of imprisonment . penalty imposed· is·. 'death; life ..... ,
reclusion perpetua... or. 11~~ · ex~e.diilg· 6 ·bu~· not ~ore than :;20 . iniP.tisori111ert or .re.~Jusio() : · . ·:!{
impris6·nm~nt;.,and. · . .years is lmposed;,a.n~ .not, one of . · perpetu~; ". _ .· . '. ... · :. · .· ')!'~
. 4. Before· .convi¢.ti6~'. 'by the: .. the.~irc;u~sla!' eru.irriera~ed·in .3.:· :6-fter. convic~io!'l .by .the .RJ'C · :.-:)
RTG ~hen._,tne,J!TIPOsabl.e · .Section51s.presentar:id proved . imposing . a· . · penalty : of -~
.r.>.~nalty'.. is deattJ< ·~ec/u~iori; :. . ·~: · . :' ... · : .. ·. . . . . ·. · · ·. -; , · · irnp~sonme~t ~xc~ed_irig ,' 6 years . ·.1'.1
perpftua i. ._._or:_, . · lif~ . • ~~-.::.- . but nof m?re.\han 20 yesJrsand .ar;i.Y ·iii
.,:r~;"'_~ lf -r· .'}\ ;·, '.\\3
i~prisonm!3nt . ·~n.d: .th~ .,·
ev1d~n_c;e: of gu1IJ .· ·1s · not :
strong:. . .,
#fJV<""', ..l~--=""==:=,,..
t'.' ~~ . . rv ,f. ~ . · of the circumslpnce e~ume.rated
a~O'(e .' .and otf:u~r · · similar
)( i! . . :~1rcumstance. is . present and ,:;
. Ii;'
· · f'Lj, _V/- . ·-· · . -: ~ ~.f'f.~.ved, no. ~au'.shaJJ be grant~d_;... .>fr.
·. · :.·v0f -·~~ ... J,,_, -._!'. J\!,O~i:rfent IS .fin~( ~nd· -e~~cu.tory. .. ·\,
·.·. .f · ~. ',¢'· · <.(' . : · °'& . :K' ·
1.t ··~·/,~ · j . . k~
w , '.\1 · · \,r'l.V.Je\f - . ·
~.@.'~ · L<'~
acc~sed · apAl1ed · for. · .,,-!-~
,pr:oba{(?n before commencing to :~
P · jl . ·,l· · · .A.A . .. K · · 't\eW.~ ~sen(ence of penalty and :~
·r·'"°'.'~~~·1s:· , f.
. ,Li. AJ!'"l
. ,~
•· !I'
t U . . 11~ ·• .. · ~!'t'."'-. . ,.
/..,.. n'11· f.~
· :H ·,q!'f. ri ... :;_,, '.· . : -,~l!l,p·tci
{:_¥"' .
. ~~f}J..e:\~:withif!pUNievyofprobatiori
.1aVfr,av'· .. . ) • . • . . . . • .• .,:'i'l
• . ~, -,:, , ~ •
j' ,._:; _ 5. G:bMrt~m~rtial cases{. · ... · .
. ::_~

· \
.. I
. . . ,. .».. . . .. . . ,_ . . . · · TI, a.. · ~: U · · . · . · ~
1t ... · ~:. · \t'J;~,·
'· .. ;. ·113.'? .·: d"\ ·· .. J,K:::;;_ .' -~AJ. -':~
\ ~\·
.. .. ~
.·~~~· ~.~.·r,
~. ..,,
t~./~~-; >11·
. . .... ~ \~ ,.Jf. ..
.~f .. . ~ .. - ·- . .-.:i
·. ~~
RI(}HTS ti°F .TH~~\~CCiQ·~-~~~~~vxitii,,~ND~6:N~wAivABLE .·· ·.· )I
"t~,,.~.;~ ~· . . . :j
. :-i~
. {ii
1. 'To.testify as .a.~itness _iri f:lis own b.ehalf, · . :·. ·. 1. T9be.presurryed ir:iri9.cent; .. ~ '. ;." .'·. ; ; .' · /" \;
2: To .'l)e' exempt .from being. compelled· to. be: a·.· 2.. To .be informed of the nature ·and: cause· ·of .. ,.,.
.. witness ag?lnst·him~~lf; '.:: . . ..· . . . ·. . . . iic~L!Satiqn. against fiiin;:. :, ·. ·. . :-. 1
.3. ·: To.b~ present a_t.(}very stage of the proceedings; ·3, . T9 be:defended ·in .pe'rson and .by ·counsel. at ,. ·-}.?
4. . . T.o · confront ·arid : cross-examine tM ·witnesses : · e\'ery.sti:fge:of the pro.ceedings;'.. : · · . . . . '. . :·]
- . ·agains( him at. tn~.trlal; an·d. . 4. To have ;Speedy,. i.mpartial ·and· pub(jc trial; and, . ··.
5.:. To hav:e coropulsoiy prey~ss issued tq secure .the ·5 . .' J'O :appeal .in all case~ a\lowed and, in .the .'..·:,··;·;··,~.:.
· att~ndance of witnesses and proquotion of other . . rrianher,:prescribed by law .. · . . .,
eviden~e in his behalf .' ·· · · · .. .. ·: . ~
-~ ~j;
.. ·1J

. ··~

(For- betfe,~' preseniati9n; all other specie; 'tows · . The A9e · 'ot -, the· Child. shall .be· d~termin.ed
· relatedto the subjec.t:a.rediscussedh_ere.)· to the followh1gJ~ules;·.· ·. · . . .
1. The best evidence .to'. prove ·th.e:age .of the chi(d
. · ·is an :original" .or 'certified· -true· copy ·of . the
· certificate of live birth; . · : · · ·
· 'ON CHILDR,EN 2. lnthe-absenceofacertificateoflivebirth,.similar.
£, authentic . documents <: such ·. ·as .. .baptismal
··.· IN CONJ.<'.L.ICT W'~T:fl. ;J:'JIKLAW ·. certificates and. school records o.r- _any
. . . · · . ·.. - · ·. · · · . document that 'shows, the date of ..birthvof ..the

,-_. A·. M. No.·024.:{e~sc~. : ·:~:·~~~-°:~~~~~~:bf.

.a 1, -~nd·-~ .cif.-~is section du~ to·.:~
· · ·· '· · loss, destruction-or.unavatlabltlty, the testimony ·.
Applica!'>ility of the 'Rule: ThiSJ~':l'~ ~h~i,_a,pply.to_· . '.oHhe" child, the testimony ot.a member af"the .
alfcriminal 'cases involvint} children .in confl1ct·:w1th · ·famUy . retated. fo:' .the . child: by affinity' or
. la~_:·'.·.· .. ·. . . . .. · . . . . cons'?n.guij,lty .. who .is =qualified to:'te~tifY. ,-on.
· · :'.matters··respectirrg pedigree .. such as the_.exact
;,A Child:iA ·conffict with:'the·LaW".is 'a person Who· . , .. age(or-dafef of birth _.oUf:ie. child pursuant t9 Sec .'
at the:tim·e of the commtsslon ctf the offense i_s below ·.. :.· .. 40; · ,Rule sso :of :,!he Rules; on. Evldence; the
...1 j3 years ·6Jd but}totle~s thari"1:5 years and ·1.~ay o~d ·. testimonies of other . perSOAS, the · physlca!
· . (Sec; 1): _ . .. . . . . . ~ . . ,.. /) . . . appear~_nce:. of ·th~ .. g_.h\ld: c:1nd: :Other. relevant
· · . · . . . • · · · · · . · . ,.f ·, /')t evidence, sh.all .suffice {:Sec;. 5) .. · " . · . ,
. '.'In. ·-co_nf)lct ·:with.· the l~W"'. tne1lns:· }r.Jo;,_ii'i;'·, ., . . . -.._ :. ·: . : . . . .. :·. ·::_.. ·: . . . · . .
cu~tody, · detfined_i br_ch~r~-~d with, :th~ comm1sp:1.~~~,. ;'J;~~ 'Btird~r:1 Qf proof of ~ge: .~ny ·perscm alle91n_g· the
of a_n ~ct _def1~e.d?f!d_p,urns~~d .~s a o~_offe{}sf_ .,-i.-i'l ag<t oft_he c,bild,io conflict w1.th_the law has the burd.en
_under. the· l~w. mcJudmg .,_:v1oratro~s. of_ ,traffic J-~Y1\;:yt-'~~1i?"i-'"qy~g;-tR¢~~e,ofsuch phild :(Seq. 6), · .
· rules arid regulations', . a_n(L. ord1nanc~~ .o:,.,·locali,;.;_ !i . . :-'""'-"""~"r~?\ ·· . . . · . : _. . . . : . .··, ·
government units (Section ·4 (,o)): .: . ,.../;:;.::..,. .
.. . . . . . . . . -· ~ ,, .. './ .
11 !'1" . . · · . .. ···rs,~·-·
..,,(' .........,t, .
hH~ · · ,\ ·'
· ... . . : . ·-.. · '• ·
. . ·.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \~:·\Jf-:.. . j?·\r. ',, EXEMPT-LQ;~~F~GM·~R!,MlNAL LIAB.!ll~ . . .
· : ·. · ~j·L (/:·--::,;f. -". · .. l:f~ . A c!Jild)~t'ye;ar.t,o_t_:age.J>rt.l.Jlder at:,theJ1me of.the
_Non.-~ppl!~_a.b1.!1ly.·, . : .
This' ~u(~ s~all n?t ~pply to ;I _pe~::9,~who,t}~~-~-~~11'.!le,~. 1~1t_1al. ~ont~ct shall~aye."!:7:-a.~hedJ:!:!t:age, <:>:-18~
·. r:~ gf
·comn:1iseyji_n , t1:i~; off~nse· shal.! .be._}:iXElril~t from .
'f~}f -crimi~a~f tiab»ity.· t~owev~.r, lhe.; ctuld· 5:~_all be
in w~1ch· t?ase, the ·. ~egu~~t,}.o~~~-~;:-- Gr!_f\1.1-!J.~I . [.i~ .. · subj~fe~~!9i8!';.Lii~J'.ftfutionprogram as pr-ov1~ed.for
_q~f;f. {t:1·
:~~t~i'Z.O''~{v . f:·- !/]'
y~oq~ure. shall .~PP.IY without .p.r.;~ud1~1-?~J~e _in R.A'N<l:i.~~iwhenconsented to -by the child and .
.?r-~~ted un?ei:th1s r.ule(Sec._1)~ the_pare~_ts (SecJ). _, .. · ··· .· · : ~ .
: 1.nitial Conta~i '· . . . . : . . . ""'. r,,; i jJ . : ~ . Y~"S:rAt~r,ve~tion Pr; , . .
!rrefers,to ~ppreh~ns_ion or taking int<r~stQd_Y)>f,..5li:r.!{0~J.f~~fei's~&. a· s~ries oC;indMdt.ialized .• tr.eatment .
· chil_d: _in, 1 Conflict, Wi_t~. the by, la.v.t(,jtOf.Cjl}~~{l_t . activities· ot
programs ,_designed. to addre·ss. i_ssueS .
. off!cers :pr ~riya.te f'tl~eos_. _It. J ·~,.!!J~1~ t,he · _.. _ th"at;cau~ed: the .chil~ to c;o~)'nit: .~'!'. ?ffense:· Th~se
·: ch1fd allegeeJ to b~ ~nfhct with th~ la~ ·r~~iyes _a_. _. m~ i,:icl~de cour:iseling, · ~,kills,. tr1:im1nq., education,
·, _subp:oen_a· Uf!8er _Se.~t~<?n 3.(b) of_RU!e :1 ·12 o_U~e .. at1_d: othe( activities that are a1~ed 1m~ro~e and
·. Rev!SedRif.les__of _CnmJrya~..Procea_ureor sum.mans · enha.Fi9e:, the c:hilci's·· p~ych_olog1cal; ·emo~1onaland
.. UJJder:Sect,on 6(a) or!3~c;t1on_~(PJ oft~e. sa~.f! R."!le. •"psyc;ho_$ticial weU-b~ln.g.(Sec. B(s));·.. : · ·: ... ·. · .
in cases thatdo not require.prehrnmary mvestigat1on:, · . , ...... , .
.O:r '-'."here there is. n9 nece.s~i_ty_.to_ pla~~: the
c~ild._ . N~tez .Ex~11:iptitm from -C~iminat ·liability does not
. al_leged to be ir.i_conflic\;,...,jth the,law-·up1der imm_e?!ate· ·.· ·" · i_nclude ex<:lmption f~om,cfvil liability whicl) shall be
. c1J.stddy. (Sec. 4(q)J.· . · . · .. ~ · · .. ·.- .· · ~·enforcecJ-in:aci;:9rdarice with the provisions of Article
0E;TERMINAT10N oi="AGe' ., ,. . · ·. ·. .. 221·..ot the Faii:lily Code in-· relation. to ·t?,rtic/e. 101-·of
,· . . the .RPC ·and ;R,jle;·'1.11 of the .Revi.sed Rllles ,of
. ·Crimina}_Procedure·(Sec.JJ. · .. ·., .. ·,
. · :Pre~ui,npti~n.of Minority· ·, · . . . . . .
· The ·child. in conflict with the law sh~II· enJoy the. .. ,· If '.th~. acf.or; om·i~·§i"io~ of. the child Oi',nvolves _quasi.- a
· pr'esu mption of minori!Y an_d shall enjoy all the l'i_ghts·
. of child in conflict with-the" 1aw .. until"proven to be ·ra
' delict
7 a,nd_9).·.
. BO of the Civil
' .. ; . .~ :..
-. .•.Code shall.apply
. . . (Sec.
. '
yea~s:-ofd or older atthe. time. <?f:· the commission of
the offense .(Sec-'. 5).. . . Pro~ed.~·re.for:handling Exempted from·
Criminal Liability . .. . · ··
1t'H is determined at the."inltial contact that the child
. is" 15 year.s a11,e or below, the following p_rocedure


. c;Rl'fvt·..i..NAL PR:o_CE'Oti . R.·E.· . ~~
. -::i
.... .

shall·.be:' observed · Ur)der, 89<:ti~n 20 of R.A: No.

9344; . . • · .. . . • .. · .
Discernment is preliminarily .a socfal
.-. worker and finally by the courtin.the' case of a chil_d
1. The authority who had thelnltlal cont1:1c't:with the · .··ch;:irged wit!) a: non-serious- offense.. In ·a11 other : ; :J
child ehall tmrriediately release .the child to the- cases,' c;liscernmeni Is deterrntned by the court' (Sec. j
custody . of ·thl:l. · mother · or father, (?£- . the 10). . . . .. ' · ·' · " · .. · · ··· · · ':.~
appropriate-quardlan .or custodian, or in. their .· ·.: -< ';}
absence; ·the hearest relative; · · ·. · · . Typ·e~ of Offen~.~s.: . . . ·. .. . )]
.. 2.. The ·authority· shall · lrnrnediately n.otify the 'local 1. ' Offensi:i'..:. .an offen's·~ where the ·il
, .., '. social welfare .and development officer of 'the . · , _IQiposable:µ,·enaltyfor the'crim,e·cornmit~ect'j~'i'.10t . :;,~
taklng of. the child into custody; '. : ..._ · .·. · · '.more· than 6 ye'!lr.s:!i:npri~_<:>nr:n~n.t. . . . ·. .. . ·,:J
· 3: · The kicai social-welfare:and-development officer . · 2. ·· Serlo,us offense. - an offense . where· the ·1
shall, with. .the' consent.ot" the· cl')ild° arid 'the
· person h.aving custody'overthe· child, determine
. irrrposable ..f>E;1ii~ll~. fc{ .the .. C>ffens.~.._cc:>m,mitte,d .
. · ,, ,l;lxcee<;l$·(ij) y~ars irnprisonment., · ., .. :·: ·' , :,,.)
. the approprtate: lnterventlon prqgram.~· to,r .the 3 <.: ·sta~s .· off en'ses - offenses that. discrimina.te .-'J
· child· · .;' . · .. · · · only against a child, such as' curtew.vlolatlons,' · ·. ?J
4.- , if. :tJ:i~ .child's: . parents, g~arc:!ia~s or·_' nearest. . truancy, parenta,rdi~obe,dl~nce,cjno_.the Ilk~·:: .. .. ·'i
· · -relatives-cannot be'·lc,icated;-or if'they _refuse·t~ · · .· :··· ·: · . · .... ·.. · .. . ;~
· ·: take ~stooy,.the child-may.'.be'.released to-any· l,n. ~I! e>ther Cf!Ses, disceri:!m'ent-is determined .by the . :1
.. of_the:fo!lowii:ig;::· . · ... _ ,· ·.··:· · . · .. ·~=-~9urt (Sec: 10), · · . .' · . • . ·-i
a. a .~"11Y · re~istered··, n9n;gover'nrn~.ot:::fl,...or lf ·J
1!>... ~~< ··, . . : . . '
religious or~aniza!ion; , · · . ,,;:;e:f!"° .., f~ ·. \_ · ..fC·!?fldJ:rc;~et}nitia~l?~~;?tig_a11o~ . ~Y !h~.. P?Hc.e:
· · , ·. ·.1,
. .'1
: I?: a barangay. o_ffic~al or _a _,.,rµ:e~oet,·?,-~~~·""'""-=1.n~~~ti~<JJ'9.P.·~$l_6_e ·~
· Barangf!Y:. 'Council· for· it:i~f~&!~_$ti~'f..i" of · . . 1~tp~r'o~ot~.h_e.!)arent~. .· .• , .. , .... · .·
presE:nc_eo(:_'. . . ... .

· ·· Childre!'l; .· Al. ~-~./-~-~~~'l':'-<·G~d_la(!}ec.c~\!9di~n;_.ofi·,,.!fieir.ab~enpe, ... '": . }.;

.', c. a local .so.ciar -welfa't'~~q u~VE!lopmef?!' ']('." .a,._.. Tn~neat~~~Ja.~v~.oft -~-?~)Id;_ ·. · ,' ·· · · ,J
officer; or· . . :f :·.,. ~vl . :f '. J,- . i.f.i~ Ji~ Jh~Tfhild~1'~·ouns~,Igf ~t,J.oi.~e_;.'c;,r:' .• :· ..... ·, . ,
· . d. .when and wher&i · .ap~ropnate; the f!Y'":
5. · A layyyer fr\rti~ ~ubhc Attorney's Offlc~;- · . \;

~-~:_,.,i· . . . \-," ~~Ii·~r~~A

Depa'rtment.-. ~ 'of ' ~6q!~l7 ff'W~l.ta'reC-aif'd~ .. 1~n:,1...6~E'i,.;focals~~!~k~!31fareoffic.\:!r:.~~d .· · .. ·,.. ,, . )
. ·. '•• ,DeveloJ}rf!0r'lt; · . · .fepre~e'iilt~tiv.e.! ,of.', ··a . non-g<;)'(e:m_ilien~.
. 5 .. :. If th~ <,hif~· has b~en_J1l!~J.if~, ,tt\e:_!.~qls~~!~~UliP,{~'org~nizaJion~,reli_gio,-s·gro1;1e:·':'r ~e~?,ei'.of 'the, . 1~

. . welfare··. an<;I · develoiP,mer:u;~·\ · off{ce..g.-,to· · be~~:.....,;;·',.. .,1nc_,I}/ ~he pt;otectron.:of. chfldreh .. .,

· · a~~mdoned neglected of _ap~~ b.y.tpe, ~r~nt~ ;.;-~a!L~e ,tl~p~etjj ·to b.e .pres.~i:it · }~!- the :i
or if.. t~e paren!s do .r:i~ti bo~~rr tc»fi:1 _
:fa. _n'?~) J.?_.(f,~· j~~)!gatio.n . i'! 'tfje f;lb~ence.. d~. the,, p,;1r-:nt~, .',
comply with the P:.e_vent19~,prog_ra.!;'),tiit'@. ~- ~~~,ijfa1an,lfe_lat1ve1,-or soc,a/ we/far.a·off.,~er (Sec.· .,
_or the· Local So_cral Welfare and ~~ve~p.r,n~·JJJ .... / .- ;f .. · . ·.,· · ·:. _,·,'.:a · ,'.
Office shall file ~efur~. th~\ourtia. p~,~~JE · ·n_'\~ . , /. · ./ · . . · · ·.·. · · · . ·: '·. ·.,
, · involuntary- cornmitmer1t.(Sec.~~.. .J'.~~~r,g_p,,tntta~\p..9 io'.fo custody of a conflict w,ith.. , ,,

P~oc~d~re_ -t~~ ~~i,1:dr~n: N~(-. E~1ttit~~~-;~{~\1\i~~i~~d1~~f;e·,~~~c:~~k:.if1~;e~i~J~t; . · .. :,.

Crimlnal.L!ab1_hty:. · ·. · . ·. ,.: . · · --...~:· .. Jilt.~ckgrotmd mvest1gation. of the child· antl shaulc;I a· . i
A9hild .. 15 years_.a.nd.·1-.·dc;1y_ 01.d ?r _abov~ ~ut .b'eto-W,,.=~re· qe. filE]~ "in. _c_ourt,. _su~·mit ·to. 't_he. ·ca~-~ th~·; ·. ·:1
1.~.Ye.a~s. of.age at:the tim~ {>f the·'Com.i:n1ss1on of.the. Gorrespooding)nt~ke report J?riQr to·the arr~igmpenf ·. ::
. off~n$e s~all, ~Phe.sound::~r::-Gre~lon.of,ttle ~uct a.nd . ($_e;¢./:(9/._ ·. , ., . ,-. . . · ". , , .. _:· . . : ,. .·: ._... }
subject to- . ,ts · ·supen11s1on, be released. on . .. : · · : · . · :, . .' . . · · ·• ·. ·. · ·. ·~
. reGogni~ance·- ·-to ~e care.· of' ~he w!frinQ ·~nd' .' ·~re[Jm·i~~ry..'fnv~~~iga.~~IJ.:':G.9y~rr,,~~L~y s~·{3,~; ·- ~
. rcesp9~s1ble,. '.:mothe~· · or, f~~her, ... :·or:. a.ppropnate · · .{?µ!~ ·.112 of .tl)e Revised . Rules .6VCrip,ina~ ,11
guardian. ·or ·.·cust9~1an, .'Qr;i'!!'I the•r·,_abs_ence,. the' Procedure. · · · ·. ·:· ·, :· ·. . · . ·. ~
. ·nearest··'. relative.·· . Mo.wever;·. · if· .. :the:. P.rosec_u·ti0n· . . . · "'
· .·. determines-that the-child acted'ciiscernment, the . Prel.imin~ry inVe$,tigati~n· $~al/be · 9~nci~9{~J j/ih~ ·. . 1
-ctiiid shall be- proceeded ..agairi'sUn acwrdarice\vlth .'. following .instances: · · -: : . . . _.; · , .· , , .. , ., · j~
.. Secs: 25 to 29 or, fn' cas~ ·of .djversiori.,' Secs. 3.1 to · . . ·. .1. . When the·. child in conflicf with the la·w ·troes not .j
38 of this Rule (Sec. 9). . . .. _..qi.1alifytor aiversjon;. . ·, . . ._., '... ·... : : •:_- : . :!
· OET~RMIN~TiON·O~ DISCE.. R.'NM.EN.T. 2.- When the .child; the,pareots c;:, j
· _i:igree .to. diversiori"~s. pro'vided (n. sections
·_2r .
Discernment .. : . . . and ·28 of R.A. No. 9344; or.·. · · ... , · :~
It n:ieans -th~'. c'apaclly 'c;>f .tt]e ·ch°ild.. at t~e time.'of'the .:3.,. ·,Wh~n.-. after considering the assessn:i.erit' and :'.•
commission . of · ·the offense to understand· · the recommendati6n : of the social worker, . the ·1
differen~e~' .betwee,n: i:igti._t \:ind ';wrong . an<f 'the prosec1,1tor determines that 9iversior,. Is not
cons~querices of th'e .._..,i'ongtul.act (Sec. 4'0)). appropriate·for the·child in con.flict with the ll'!w·:·



· J\t the preliminary i_rive~tigation, should there arise :a . . all measures necessary to promote thi~ right, .
need tor clarificatorr. questions to be propounded on including the excluslon of media; and · .
the child, the Rule on-Examination of a Child Witness· 7 .. While under lnvastlqatlon, be-finger,pr)nted
shall apply (Set:· 20)-: · · .-. · . ·or 'photographed in a ·humlliatlng:·and
manner (Sec. 12).· ·
Filing o.f Information. · · : ·. " ; . .
If the "investigati_ng prosecutor finds probable cause Rights .of the "Child in" C6nflict With the LaW:·. . .
to-hold the chlld in conflict with the l~W for trial, there" _ In" all criminal proceedings, the confttct with
being·:.disbernni.erit, ·the .correspondlnq Resolution .· . ·.·shall have tti~ .f91lowing- ·.rights whic h · shall. :Ile 0

and ln{Of(TiatiOIJ ·shall be' prepared forthe approval _ respected and protected by the Court: ·. . . ·. .
by-the provincial or city.prosecui_oi';as t~e ~se ~ay . . t - To be pres}Jme_d_ innocent, until guilt -Is proved .:»
bfi·(~ec._ ~1). . . . -; · .': . . - · . . ·. _ . . beyond-reasonable doubt; --: - · · •. .
· · - · · ' · ,2 .. To bi. informed· promptly and directly.
Wtien· a crlminal action is·i·n~tltut~d.against ;::i child in ,. .. . ·nature and· cause. of. ,.the . charge . ·and if . •. c
". :-"_"ccinfli.c/witb the__ lal:"'; the 'action, fof recoveryofclvil . ·. .. approprtates-throuqh-thecblld's mpth_er,·.(ath'er,.
li9bility arising from- the offense cha~ged shall be· legafgµar:dian, or appropriate custodian: .. ·.
. . g"ov'e~ned ·.by"- Rule 11f .of., the. "Revised: Rules of 3. _ To be present at every stage ofllie_ proceedings.;,
· Cr.iniinal Procedure · (Sec. 18). : ·. · . from ·arraign~ent to promulqatlon' of j1:1dgn'i~nt
.;. . ·._·, .. : · .. : _ .. , : . • ·, . .The .child :may walv.~ ·Jhe· right to _ti"e pi-~sent
. Period of.-filili"g Information ·, _.,. · · . ·""'/'"°:, · pursuant to the stipulation$ in .the·-b"ail·bdrid;, · ,
- Within ·45 .days from the s.tart of the. preliminaqr. ,.,1! 4 .. ." To _have-legal .ahd ether .::i"ppr0pria{e assistance·.
inves!igatiq_n (S'ec,: 21); · - · . . . . . , ~ · · ."f-..'.!(~');>.1.~ · in the_r.r~p~ration ~_nc:I pi;es~~t~tidn. of the, cHHd's
. . .•·· · · · l'·<'-'~_.· , ,.1.•. . d!;!f~nse, . , , ·
. V~ri_ue .- .. ·_ - ._.- . ·. :_. .. )f-,t..,.:.::',~1~I·9_~_.;..~·detai~r~·-tobe,rel:9c:!se~.on ~e'cognitanc~. bail_
Approp~a~e. · court -~earest to l!"le place. wh~~,1{~.g-:. -,,;{ 5.~~ ": ~Pf?-~-~-1t~_ent t~ yo'-!th detenMr:i home or youth-
offense was ~omm1tted or_~here _any of}~J·sse.nt1a1:.-'f) . · ·reft'ab1ht~t,10r:1 c?nter'. .... ·. '. . ·.
. elE:l'l:lents:occu~red (Se?. 2:4-). . . . (,.;--,..: . . /l--::'-l 6. !'Jot ~o b,~J~,eti\11~e_din ~ Jail or !r~ns~erredto an
_ ·. · · ._ · · · . . / . - · _ · . . . :},:; fl:· · . 'i~_·,......{-i., . adult f~1\\f9\'.pen9mg tnal 9r hearing of the cas!3,
· No.JnfoiJtlatio·n shalr be- filed· again~Ca\.~hit'd' icfr. H· unlesslde,!emion ·is· the lasftesort which must be
tl:l_e cortlm_issio·r:a·.of the follow_ in.:~rJ!:".. iJ-·t\;.,; c: . ,;:4-~ . don1;ffor ~ho\~st ·p_os~ible_·time, "iind ohiy upon
1 ::· ·Sti3tus.-offe·n$es: '_. ·· ·,A!.{~· .... A.,_>i. . · · · ~ f:;4 _ -co<.i,i;f's or";.,_.. · · · ·.· ·. · ·. . . .. _.; :
:z.: . Vagrancy arid J:i.rostitutiori:.~ncfer:::-~s-~t;J2o'tt!!_~ · .· 7 . .- .W,t~iP((Ji:s~}~ssin_ his_/her own _oe_halfand
· Revised-Pena/;_.. ·. · J~ aFP.f:. , tF"'-i): ,.,.rt ·bet;.-sulljecf!Jo,'cr.os~_~exam_inaliqn on · matters
· 3. Mend(c::ancy l.!_nder P.D. No.. fs,~~t_giicl~;~\ · !) . t1j · · cove· c_lir~ct examin91ior.i .. H~ shall h"Ot be ·
4; Sniffing.of"r_ugby. under P.O. N~\f}619_.($.¢,c.2f): _-r,;.:...,, a__ witness against him~e(f and
.. ·: · . · . _. · ., . · : ·- ., · _.-· . .f,-~ ,.,::..J. · ·. :J.-)•;\~t.i.--;'.Jll¢1sil~_nce-shf>uld r:ior·p~ejudi~·e_him;._ . _ · -:
Rights of the Child unde.r custody: ..: ~ /·. ,~,.:-:~·i8iLT-<:l'1i!6."Afront and· cross-examine the witnesses
·. 1 . .a.ttrie police·.station, to-be"immedi~~ly'a.~iifed ·. . against him; : . . .. . · .·• . •.
."· ,tv.: a; lawyer i:ln"c_l a:l:;o_~ia! \_'Jork~r wh~)j°~~.!J""ma_ke . · 9. To·· have -corj, pul_sor~ pro(:!=lss:·issue~·- to: secl!r~
. sur'3 that. the-_ child 1s. effectively__ mfo'rmed of th\3 attendance of w1tne~s·es· and productlon·-of
· his/her_ (ights, as far:"-as the'child's m~~rity"and . other evide_nce;. ·- ·.. . ." . ' ·' . . ..
. _qlsc~rriment ailow;. . .,. - · _-. , . .10.: Tq have-speedy.and impartlaf·trtai;. _ · , ·. · :.
· · · 2. To clerriand ·that the:.questio.ctirig or-interro"i;iatlon · .11. To.'be ..acdotded'all the· rights th.e-Rule ori ·
.:·: take>plac.e in that respect the ngtits of· '.· · Exarnin~tion·oJCl)ild. Wit,:ie~s;·· ·: .
. · -·_tbe child and at.e ~otnpliari_t with .child-sensitive 12: ,To .hav.e ·t1,e _. child'.s right to pti_va'cy be _}411 .
-: .. procedural role~;., . . . . .. : . protected·in all stages of the pro!:;e.ec1fngs; _..-.. ..
3. ·To:h_ave. the· c~jl~'s··faritily located ql')d notified··. 1·3. ,To appeal :in_ all case~: allowed· aAd;. In the:.
. -with d_ispatcl1; ·. . . . . . manner, pre~cribed .by law: alid . : . . . .• - ·. . _.
4. T0, be informed, .together.- w.ith _the parents, 14." In cas'Ei the chi!d has been· arrested for reasons
._.. guardians o~ .custod°i~ns or nearest relatives, by. . r.elated to. armed conflict; either· as:comba!~nt,
... ·".the. social w9rker 'of the consequences' of the . courier~ g~lde, or spy:·' . ·: . · .
, ··ottense_·auege~ \o have be_en co-~mitted with a a. To -be ·seg·(egated ··and._ have .. separate
· · · view - towa_i'ds couns~ling __ an·~ rehabilitation, c;letention quarters _frotn adults except. when
diversion. from criminal j1Jstice · system and the\rat,Hamify; :. · . · . · ~ ..
· reparation if:appro"prii\lte; ·· · b. To ·immediate free .legal assistan·ce Jn the'
. 5. To··_have .the' re.suits -of the -.chfld'.s and abse·nc.e of private <;:o1:11isei; . . . : .. .~ . - ..
.dental examination . kept· confidential -unless c.· To irnmedlate.-noti~e of· such arresf'to·the ·
. otherw_ise ordered by the c"ourt; . . parents:· guardians, "or custodians -or nearest
6_- · To have the right ·.of .privayy. respected and . relatives; and .
protected at all"times, i_ncluding the utUiiation-o.f · ·..


: . .
I 659 ..
. . . . . .
1JAR OPEl!ATIOl'{Ss MEMP(!YAJD ~019._ :\l
. ·;1
. ct'..·-TO be reiease(lj on recognizance withlff·24 . .Rule, which be.responslble fa~·lhe:appear~nce
hours to -the custody :Of DSWD or:·any · . of .the child
in court whenever
. required (Seo,: 28). ,·
: "jj
responsible· member of the community as. . . ' . t~,
. . determined bythe court ($ec. 3f?). Pr.o<,eedl1.1gs before ArraignJ.llent.·., . . . . .. • . · .
··· Before _arraignment ·fhe Diverslon=Cornrnlttee shall
·. ···11
R~le:ase of :Children on Recognizance the the child can be diverted orreferredto · ·.<1
Parents, Guardian, Custodian . or · Nearest
· Relative . . . ·. ·. ·.
altematlve mea~ures :"~r :i,~r.,,ices. (Sec; 32). ·, ·
The release, of a child. from custody ·du.ring the Diversion. . ]
- 'pendency of· the case . irivolving . .a non-sertous . This. refers to an : alternative chlld-approprlata · ·:·.i
,offerise :may. be ordered by the court only :after a 'process of .' determining ,the responslbillty and ·. ·j
. hearing . for . that purpose, and. upon favorable .. treatment of 8 Child· in confllct- With. the _iaw, Orl the.· ' ·. . ·i
recommendation of the social worker"assigned {o the . ·basis .. of the child's, -soctal, cultural, "econornlc
cnlld; V>'.ith the· conformity of. the public proseoutor . ·· psychological or educatlonal ba.c.kgrOUf"\d· without" . , ': l

arid the private complainant. · · i. , . · resorti(ig Jo for!,llal court adjudlcation (Sec. ,4(/)).· . · ,,.~
. . . ·~ " . .
.• .;.. • •
. -~

The child shaU be released to the custody of a willing Divers ion Proqrarns-«: . ... ~·.)
and responsible ....motlier or father, or. appropriate .: . . 1.. .w~fren or oral reprimand or-citation: ':.1
·. gm~rdian or custodian or in. their absence, t!:m""'=~..-....2:;,·... written or.oral a·pology;. · .. · · .".
.. nearest relative, who shalt be respon!:lib.lep,fol'":thei· . y ~.~ ?·\ofthE(d~mag~.caused; .·
. child'.~ go()d ~eha~-ior and appe~r.a~i~.f'.~ourt
whene\(er requ1r.ed. . . ·/
No child.shall be oraered defainecyrt_;ail p~~jJ:lg''.fnal.·
<'· iv";f.Yn:l~Q..t..Qf-the.cost_9Ntfe
r~~,--...::;-~::.._ E\etu/i o.'f'the-property;. . ·
._6. ~~arfc¥!~:supervision·order.s; ·. · . ·
. , .·

Qr hearing :-o.f, the· ~hitd's _cage,'~spb~¢(".!_Q.;,tl;Je~r""7-:~:oul)~_\(r~~ff~ft~e.-0hild_.and _his family;-_-· . .

provisions of this Rule (Sec. 2{>);..(."/") 'Y;f' . f ·• .
]Q) -},r
')~t, T~lnf>h:~*_em.ln~r:,a~.d -lectu_re!S· on,.(!). al1f)er.
.. · .: · . f. "'YI ~ .u: <?,(~ ~ manp_ge!'1'1~~1·sk1I~~;·(n)" proplem-solv1ng _.and/or
C~mmitm~nt and . Traifer . ~'6 . · a .. , Yo,uth. Ay},...,'-. . confl~ct re§_o~tlqJilX~kills; (iii) v·alues formation;
~ehabili.tation·Center . iJ ·'-;,;;;· //. . .. . .---..1~~t=:"'-af.1Crh(jv) o~er sk,ilt? that w.ill aid the child· .to ....,.
A- child . charged ·with non-'fE!rlO\:l,sgoffen~i· .. 0,r,:l~s-~·i~II i(:@-1>r.opprlyd~ltf \wl~(ituatio.n~,tt,~t c:;an lead· to ~
releo1sed qn bail or recogniz~ng.~.~t.ry;3y be tmr:,;fer_i(e-~~nmr,..>i:bii.
to a youth d~tention_ ~ome~rehaqifltati{l"rD"~~~ .or:;::-~':t9;.., P·
.other appropn~tA fflr._1hty_su~h art~~ De'B,'.;;l'iin~.n~ .-,f)l pr.
Social Welfare ~nd Develop~,!J:1t "Nh'\F,!l sV~\ ~ure~ ~ift.,~~_Jd~tajprogY'i(ti
. t_he_apRe.aranc~ of the·¢;hild ir\~po·ur:1. ~.. ~~"\,u
I' rep ·uuon oflt1e,01~f'ISP._;·. · "'·. · . .. . : ·.· "..--
jJJY,.liu1)/ ,_Ir~ <5vailable .c,~~rnuriiiY;"P.~(;c.:_d
• s: ,,.,.~.A IJ

. . :-
in the cor:m:tiunity;or ,.
nd cu~tody:(Sec. 34) ...
. .•

. · .· . ~' ~ . y~-...,,/,~-Y.. L/., . . ·. .· .. . ...

In the ab.s1:111ce of a cfeten't\i:;1n°J-10~\:l.'J_ th~I •• '-"'. ,·r~t~re$'p'fd~"r' _. ,./ ·.· :_ · · ·· . :-.
or municipality where the child re~ides J~~_ocar.
)J;ie"ba~i~,C?.t;;,lie- report_-an_d·~e·q;ul)r;nendatlon:of
rehabilitatron center recognized "by"t~·,go~i;n~ent=...~tfe'Di~~tsi~~oitimittee·the court may: . · ·.·
in the province, 'city.. or m.1,.1nicipality":~~_i"t\rn'}hl:l 'rt../if}.J];JJ>\.~~~~tlosure-9.rder tertT)inaJir:if} the ~ase_ if it is·
j~risdictiori :of tt,e· court, or the' Departmenfl)f~p.9ial 1.'- t ~:__q_oiwfnc~d· .. that · · the c;h ikl . has. · -:complied
Welfare a·ria. Development. or other ~ppropriate ·loca~...,~ati~fa~orilY. wi~h th~.-diversi9n program;, . . . ·
. rehabilitation center,. the be P.laced · · ... 2. . Ex lend the period ·of .diversion; or · .
fhe care of a,provincial, city or municipality jail which 3. · ."Ord~r · the· , case to .un9ergo .. .forma_l: ·c9urt
i;,tiall' e-nsur:e·th~ _appearance· of -the child .in court proceedings_:if it finds ·!t:iat "the,·child., has· ·not ,· ·~
wtien s_o r~quired (Sec: 26). -. c.oinplied _with .th~. diversioi:i· program (S~c. ~8).
. . , ., ' . .. . . . .. ' .
·.. Baii .a~~ M"a~ter of Right . , . A_rr'qignment·anet. Pi~a . . , . . . · .· ·
All-cliildrei:r in conflict with the shall'be· admitted Proyisions of Rple t 16-iind 1.17: ofth~-Revi.s~d Ru!es .
to bail as a inatter:of·right {.)efo"re frnal .'co·nviction. of on--Cr.irnin?I Procedur~ shall apply. The· ar,rafgnnient
·an. offense riot· punishable by reclusion p~rpetu{l 9r- · · · .•. shall°-pe· s¢hedul~q wi.thin ·3 days· from .the_· d~te. of
life imprisonment (Sec.27)... , . . re~eiRt of the. Complaint or" Information by the court ·
_unless.. a shorter·period
. . '
is. p·rovided: '. (Sec .. 4$). .
When.,Bail Not a Matter_9f Rigtif ·
No .child with an. offen.s~ PU.hishable. by ;- Pre-tr.laI:· · ' ·. . . . .
r(!cfu:,ion ·perpe.tua qr. life imprison.merit _shall be . Ruf~ t18ofthe Revis~d Ru.le.~-ofC~irninai Procedure·
admitted to bl'!il when evidence of guil\ is strong. In . shalt apply. Agreements· or adm_i&sions ma.cle·during
this ca·se, lhl3 court sh~ll commit the child to a youth . pre-trial conference shall be in writing and sigrie.d by
detention home or youth rehabllitation·center, Qr in. the ihild, mother, fa~he_r· or duly appointed guardian
the. absence tt\eri,iof, .to the ·care of a prpviricial, clty . and counsel; o~herwise t_he- agr~enient $hall nofbe
or municipal jail as provided for in Sec. ·2r of this : admissible against th·e child.


. ~


-e ••


SAN.BEOA-lAW CENTRAL/.ZED .BAR.OPEJ/.1\TlOl'{S·- M~ORY·AID 20(9 . · · ..

eeiM a 1·
·· · i·w

The court shall explore possibility amicable for. Note:: The court shall' set. the case tor 'dtsposltlcn
settlement ' except ·.. the . criminal aspect. . -Plea . · conference within 15 'days f.rom prornulqatlon of . .
· bargainlr'lg shall. only be resorted to if it shall. serve . sentence ·with notice to the socialworker, "the child, .
the best interest "of the child and demands. of : tne tna parents or ·gui;ird1an aa 'Htern., ·"" ,the child's
. ' truth . and
. . -(Sec. 44).
. justice ." counsel, the victim and the victim's counsel.

, Tr.jaJ· .. . . . . ·. .: · Discharge of Child · ... subject to · Disposltlon

· Stia11 · be· co~d1,1cted .in. a manner conducive· to ·the ·. M~lclsilres · . ..
best iriterest of
the .chiii:I and in· an
environment 'ttiat. The 'court after. due notice and hearing" may either:
· will .ailow th~;.chilct·to.participate,.fully and freely lrt .1 ... Dismiss the case ·even before the child reaches
.· · accordan!ie YJiith th.e ~ule on E"x~inil'iation o(~ Ch.ild ·. · ·. ' the .. a:ge -of 18 "and. order afinal ·c1,sch.E1·rne if it . .
W_itr)es~ (Sec, 45).. finds the.child has been rehabilltated: t>r- · .
. . . 2: .. Britlg the .child before' the, court for execution if:
At.i~Of:tlatlc ... · $-~s-pension of . .sentence . and'. .a. 'The childn"OI is incorrigibie;. ' . . . . .. : ...

. D"ispo.~ition Orders : · ·. · i. ·. · ~ ., .Has shown capabjllty of becomin·g a .

lf the child is.found-guilty of the offense-charged; the .. 'member of
so.ciety; .. . . ' .: .
. court •. instead of---execl.iting. the j\.Jdgri\ef'ts · ·of. .c.,. Wil.lfully°-failed fo. comply withthe conditions ·
conviction, shall place . the thild. in conflict .wilt\ the · ··
of the dispositlon or rehabllitation prograFD;
law under -suspended sentence, without need .of :· ' d... ~hild's continued ·. stay in 1110:' training ..
application. . ... _. . . . . -~-. - :-; '. . . ·. ;--:,.. . . .. 'institution ls.not in the· chlld's best interest
. . . . . . . · . ·. . . . ('· ;;;··' . . (S . 51). . . . . .. . .. . . .. '
. . :. . .. . . . ' 1,:_[ .• A . . . .. E1':· ' - : '. . . ··:
Su_sp~nslori orsentence'can be availed o"feven)tme:;Jli~~~
. ch1l_~·:1s already years· 18.ot·ag~_·or ~ore·.but~i:,pJr,.1~~;4 . . . .: -· ·. ·,· ·. ··
above 21 . ·y~_ars old;a; at -, the .. t!.me. 'o(·w,~.-~~J;r_, ·~ I .• . _,-';,. · .. ~ ' •· . .
• . . ·,:

pronoul")cem~q_t; of :gu.ilt_; with_ol:it pr~jO~ic~ -jO''!'t~~/·\,;,\r! .• :~:i:il':im.)~~ U::ID.ELI.l'f ES· f.0 R - . '· ...
child_'~ availing·o_t-other berjefi{s~ such ·a~j?~~liatii:m( if'</ k · -D'1tc·ij:NGESTIN'"G Ji
o"LD G.· · tN
quahf1od, ·or a.dJL!stment of __ pena,lty;: t\f.lffnt~rest. q.t:·\,J:I: . . J· , ·. . ·t;'l~~· .: E : · ;... , T · ·
. justice.. . · ·· · : .. :. -, : ·· . · 'tti ·d · ... :y.:.ri.i
A!Lf .wi BY·. N~O:l~\:_;ING.· .. H~
· · ·. ·. · . · ·. · · · '·'· · ..-. ·.. ;;Ji?~;;;:-~ · . . ·~:~ · RHJ.Jf.T\· OF· THE ACCUSED.··
Th.e i,enefits: o.f the. susp.e.[ided;.~ntenc~·s'_l;rall. f)bt' ....
· _apply to <;tiild in conflic;!·~thifi~J:i~·~h_C>,,;_!"ta~,Qnc}t.i frt · : , · .-j· :
t). ·:· VEIRs&Ns.· TO-"l3AiL
il · · - .,~, · . · · · , · .. ,
, ··.
enjoY:e!'.l .suspension· .. ot· -s~ri-~er:1ce:-;:~b!Jl:- ·st.Vl.!i' · ..t·¥;1 . . , -~i!~J_::i,;·i~$-~~~,ny T.RIAL
'!onetheles~ appJy ~o. one who\i~ ~9,n~c;_:te'ckot?arl. ;;i .- ·""'"'.:..;::::.:._ 1 -:-~ ·
dffen~e p~nisha~le by· reclusion;!J!.~!Jielflil,;or··lif~· · tJ : · . · ,. . · .', ·_ ·.
·imprisonm_er~·pursua_rJt to t_!"~·.proviifo~~ qf '/f5\A.,.No·, . >:?_,~,:· _ . A.M. No. 12-11~2-~C
9346 proh1b1ting the 1mpos1tio11 0Uhe·treatlli~M91ty' .).?'~.,·H-~-~:..;___
. .arid· ilJ :lieu' tt:,e~eof,' reclusion: perpel(l~~nd· . .· . . . . . .
.. application qf.°the p·rivileged mifigatirig.1{::1foumfe1·1;\i{ce · To effectively 1~plernent existing pol1cl.e_s l_ij1d .do:-vn ...
. o.fniinority:-- . . . ' ·· · ·. .··· , ·. '\;i,J~ f_t_t . . by tl}erCorJstitut1or.i, the and th~ rules r,espectmg .
. · · , ·. ·. . . · .. : .... , . . :. · ':--:~1:-- · . the. accused'~. rights to ~ai! arrcfspeedy trial in ·.th~ .
·If.the chil~;-in coriflic\ wit, ·r~a-ches.·1 e
y13ar~ · ·.-: ·c~ntex~··_of- _deco.ngesti_n_g our de\e.n~i.on i_al!s· ·arJd:
.ofage·.wh1lfil under-suspended ·sentence; th~-=cqurl , : hum~rJt7.ln.9, the _.con_d1t1on_s of qetam~d .. pers~r,s.
sh.all. deter.mine whether tt> ·disch~rge ..• he. ·eh lid in· . ' ·. per:actmg the_ heaqn~ of their cases_: . ·- : .
. ~c;cord_atice witii-ttie',provi~ipns. of R:A.-·Np.··~34,i, or . · . '" .
.to extend ,the. suspended sentence·fo.r a
ma)(imum · A. THE .ijJGHT_TO.BAI.~ ..
period Cl.! upto the tlme;the c~i.f<fre.aches 2_1 ye·ars.9f · · · · .. ·: · · i. · . · .
age, orto"o_rder. se_rvice of sentence (Sec. 48). · · Duty of .the Court ~i:> Fix th~ Appropriate .Bail .· · ·
· ·., The _court ~hall, Sfter finding sufficient caus~ tb-liold.
Dispo~ltlon' . . ,r.. ·. . . . .·. :- the acc1,1sed·for-trial, fix .the.amount of bail .that the
· . In c·ase :of:. su~pended sentenc~. a child' in·.por1flict. · latter
r:nay post:(or·his·p.r9vislonal_r~leasE:1;-.taking ihto .
. · with ~he .Jaw- r.T.1ay., be· -sul;>jected to·. the :tallowing. account the · public P,roseoutor'.s- rec;ominendatioiJ ·
· · disposition _11_1easures:. . . . . ,. and ~i"r)Y relevant dati/ti:iat the c:0urt -may. tfi:ld from;
1. .car~, _guidance, an·~ supervision o"rder.s; · . the · crir'njrial: lriformatjon_ . and. : the ... s.u.ppoitipg
· ·. 2. -Community-service orders·; :, d_ocumerits submiJted_ with it.regarding the followi_ng:
. 3. · Drug and alcoh<?I trel;ltmenl; . . . . . · 1·. . Financial ability·.af the ·accused to give bail; .
4·. Ra.rticlpat_ion in_ group counseling :and. similar · .2.. Nature· and· circumstances.of the offense;· .
activities.; or . · -~·-· _Pen.alty for
the offense:.charged; . .: "- ·: ·
5, Gommitr:nent to a Y<;>uth·Rehabilitatlon Center of 4. C.haractEir.and reputation of the accused;
[?SyYD ._(Sec.·.49). · 5. Age· ar:id hea!th of the accused; · ::
6:_.· Weight of evidence.against-the accused;


. ~ \"" 1.,-: .•; :
~Ullllmm11111C111_mia__ 111&11!111.. IBllllllllml
lillllaum. . =~

1. Pr::ot>~bil°ity of th'~~ccused. appearing in trial; ·· .. ·sides·. to. examine t'1e:.witnesses as well. ·The ·'.j
. a·. · Forfeiture of other- bonds; ·· · . .. cou~.shall also.hear the ora1_.a~guments of the ' ·j
9. Fact that the accused was a f1.,1gitive from justice
.. wherlarre.sJed;-and r .' . . . parties on whether or not the evldence of.guilt is
strong· and· , .. · · ·. - · ' -
. • . :~
·1 o . .Pendency·· of cases 'in· wJ:ilc!1 the: a<?cused is r: .' : ·4. · Within °48 hours after th~·hearing, ~tie court shajt . : ·}~
·; u·nder bond (Sec. 1). . · · · issue an order containing a brief summary of the .· · .:]
evldenceot adduced, followed by the conclusion . : ~~i
Fi~ing.the ·amount-oi°E;J°~i.1 ·r . _. . of whether or not. the evidence .C>f .gu1Jf is ·~tron~.. . '. ~~)
P~n9ing .the ,ra{fle of the ·case to a ~egi:Jl~r' b~anch,of _ Such conclusiorr shall.not be reqardedasa pre-· ··.J
the court, the ijccl..ised may move for the fi~lng of the. judgment on the merlts of·the case that. is to .be ;~
amo1.1nrofba,1.· ·., .' . ' - ,. .. cl~ter.mineq only after.i3 fufl-blown \,:lal '(Se~~ 6), . . ~]
. . . .. . :_;~
Ttie. Exe~utiv~ j.~dge s.hall>caus~ U1e ·imrnediat~ · Fri~ol~u$ Complaints again'st Judges . . ..,:1
raffle ofthe Gci~e'for assignment an.d.tlie.hearing of. A party. ora lawyer who i~· guilty. of. filfrig Jrivo1qus ·., -'~
the motion·'(Sec.. 2). ··. · · · ·" · ·· aomlnistratlve Complaints ora petition for inhlbition · ·_::~
aga\nst a judge.arising from.the latter's .action on the ·. ·:.. - ·;_..•..~_.•.-.·,,,;, ::'_. •. :
Whe.n amount of Ball may be. r:equced . . . : ' <'IP.PliC~tion.for bail may be appropriately .sarictloried . }
. · 11 the .accueed.does not have the firianci_al·~bility to · . (Sec.'7).:. ·. .. . .. _,, · . . : ", ·.
·. · · post th_e amount initia(IY requtreo, .. he· may,m.o_v.e!,g_r~"""'-.
lts. reduction. Documents and ·a.ffi!'.lavits .,c;1srmay
· warrant. the reduction. must be ·.$ubmtt4elli. QY,:,the ·1 •
]u·· · -~- · · '. .·· ·. · .. : . · ·. : .. ·. · . ·:~ ·. ·
/\,/ }? ·~~,. ·. · ·. · · ·
: · · · . · :_i
· .:'.:.~~-·-

accused. The of this mqUofi,;·%all[.e?\j9¥,,~··,.,.;Qli§,@.1Vatce.6t-the'T~rne·~i11J.itS.. : · . : · · . ··:i

priority in the h'earir_ig·of cases (S~l~·3).,/,,7~-.· . · It~.ati.,efe-ih,,ij~tyof the :t~lal. cou.rt, .the .Public; or· j
· · .. : .. . · ·. _ · - :/·"'~tJ/<,..,.,,~?i:'"-P"\'!¥.a~. ))~~~Jt~.:and th.e. 9efe~se 'counscil.Jo j
Order· the ~mo:unt:of Bf!~~s.-.\)ryapp1~alal?le» ""2f · ~psure;'\,subJ~~t"}!;.>.~tl\fe?(qluded delaY,_s -under· Rul~ .··:1
Saeli order fl.xing the amount of b~th;isfhotsubjecth. .w-\ .th".1.9 of.t~e Ru~e~ o~.~~rt ar:id the ·Speedy Trial Act ·<
appeal (Sec. 4j: ·· · . / / · .f ·_. ,>"\').'- of 1998, fcompij~q[l~~.h-thci} limits· in -.~
·· - · ,' . : . _ : . v. 7 l .. r~-~--~~~,os"ecutio\,cJ.t...J!i~ ~se .agaillst·. a dE;tained· }
. Rfllec!se :after ..-service .0-'R Mi1~,1l'lum ln,po~~/~ f;.:~tt":;~uJ · , ~.r fii . ~ · ·. · ., :: . . ' . · J
. F>cnalcy_- . : : . . . . . ·. · ~ ,,~ ~ '. : ·~· .. ~~~}nTJ!c3.Thej.c_ase o ,th~F,s7d ~~al.I b~ raffl~~ a.nd ·.~.·.:.
The accused whcYhas·.beenideti:~id f!if~~.nodaf~..:.'.,'~·. · · refEl'fag.Jot e triaft@-wh1ch 1t 1s ass1gn~d 3 days
. least equal to the. rriinimu°"1 9-f 'hf.~Peb,eJi~./~TOlEi;.;;-'""l""; ,:,.,~. · -~W;·tfte•eMll~Information;·:·· · : .
offenses .cht:irged a~ain~t \1m'_ s~II t.i¥~}f~~recii .:,,i,~
/~J,6u~;jhc;1ll)ipig~: t~e accuse,q ~Jthlo 10
.rereased,.motu propr,o·o( ~n l\ot1on ~-da?terjioll.,.f~:· ~i!~~·trorwthedate of raffle;._.: . · . ·.
· and· . hearing, on his. own r~cogriiza·~e'\...Jtft0~F·•.-..J,,...,....-¥V'fe cq.urt si,all /,hold . tl'.te pre-trial con'ference · : ~,i
Ptejudice to confimration of the ~receedin"9.s ,;i·~~~E-~ T"f\ Y'.Wilhj_9"'3_0da-y~~lfter-tl;l~:<'!rraignmet,t.Q( .""'.ithin. 1 O ,:
.. hi.mas perS,ec. 16pf~u/f).111f. ohq,e Rulf¥,~.Cpt:1~~~,ays. ~f'*-)he::f.~ccused.. is ·yncle.r · pr.eye)1tive· . ,-;
·· and Sec. 5(b) ofR.A. No. 103.89 ($e'ct<-5K:5Ary~="":"-':'.,,...qe,fe.r.itief!~rov,ded., .how~¥er;. that where ~he .· J-
. . . :_ : ; . ·. : . · ·. . : .,,. . :\ ] · , · N{ j\"'fdlreg;Jefstimonies
Bail in ·offense;;. punishable by Death, Reell.l_s.l.on · 1 t ";,~te's'ented through Judicial .aff\dav.its, the ~ourt ··. ·j
~fU;1e: witnesses im~· to ~e -,;

Perj,et'ua or Lif¢· Jmprisonment· ·.. • . -~.~"'"""""";·Shafi.give the.proS_ect.itiQr,i.notmorethari-20 days· · ;~

Tn~ following_ ar~ ltie ru_ies in admitting. b~il in· the. : . .from .1rrafgnm.~i]t .with_lp ·.whi¢\:i \o·
pre.pare ·arid.
abovemei:itip,:ied·instarices: · · · · ·· .
1.;• . The ti.eating ·gt,.the a~C\.!sed's· mo~ion .f<?r' baif in.. ·
· ·· submit.'~ffiqaylts·irft1rne for'tl;le pce2
. ·. trial confer.ence;:· .·.. .·,::: . . . . ·)
: ~i
off~nses P,Unishab!e by fhe· Sal.d penalties shall' . .' 4, After .the pre-trlah?onferei)ce;the ·~ourt sh_alf s~t. · • J
. be" summary, with the pr.osecutlon :bej3ring the·. th~ trii:11 of'the cas·eii).the pre-triai-or(jer not.1aier ·1
'burden of sho~iiig' tfiarthe· :ev.ldence· of. gl'.!llt is . . . th~n ·3~ .days _from th~ termfnatioh ~f·th¢ pre-triar :-. .:~
·strong.; The :accused:'rriay.. at his option,. if.·:he· ·.l . · cbhfererwe; and·.· :·. .· .· . ; · · ·.. . ':.
· w.ants the;c' to· coniiicfer; hfi, evi.dence as wen., . 5.. Th~ co~r(shall·terminal~ the ..rei;iu.lar- trial: withlr.j . j
_ submit !n suppo'rt of his rrrotio~ the affidayits ·of ·. ·. · days, or·the trial:by judiclal affidavits within . . :.1
. . 'h1s witnesses attestin·g to tiis innocence; · · 60 days, reck9i:'led from.1h·e·date.the.trial begir:is; ti
· ?· . · At the hea· the: accuse.d's· motjori for. ball,.. . ·, minus the excluded qel~y's .or.'p~stpone.r'ne.rits ·i
· tfle prosecution' present witnesses W)th thE! · under Rule. 119· _qf the :Rule~ of' Court arid: . .;;
· option of. examining them 01\ dir.e'ct o'r,. adopting . · Speedy Trial Act (Sec. 8); ; ·· · .. ~
th~ affidavits 0XE1C.utec:I du.ring· ·the·. prelimir=ii:fry· . .. . . C··.. .

investigatioil· as lheir·direct.testlmonJes; · · Di"smlssal ·on

the gro.und ~f D~nial of' 'i
· 3. The court. shall exarr,ifne .the witnesses ori ·th~ir ~peedy Trial: The·case against tfie·accused may.b·e. .. · ·.
dire~t testimonies or affidavits to ascertain ·if the djsm.issed on the gr'(:>°Und.. of, deni~I of the, right: to·. '
evidence of guilt' of the accused is strong. The. speedy trial in the. .event of. failure· to·. observe tile . ,.
court ma~ also. :allow the c.ounsels ·fiom both above time limits -(Sec.. 9). · --,;1


Provl~lonal Dismissal; The cou'rt may ·order· ·the .investigation, to leave 'with him their postal -and
.prov,isional ..dismis:;;al of.the ·ca~e when: · .. · , email addressesand numbers for.
. 1 .' . Tl:le oerays ?re due to the • abserjce . of an . use in summoning' them when. they need to·
esseritial · witne~s whose whereabouts· are . the hearjngs of the case; . ·•
unknown or. .cannot be" 'determined and·, 2.'· .WhElfl requesting the court issue subpoena a
therefor.~; . are .· subject· . to exclusion in ad testi(ic(;lr,dum or subpoena duces tectim for.
· det~rmining c9mpliance with the prescribea time . · · . : . their' '{llitnesse~i.the.partJe~ shall· provlde for the
. which
. . caused. 'the·
. .
trial to exceed·
1 ao days.
. postal ... and emall ... addresses· as: well as the.
mobilephone numbers; · ·. ·". · . . · ·
· . ·The court shall .. provisionally dismf~s the action . 3 .. The· service of notice.of heari~g or subpoena at'
whh · ·th~. exprf?SS tonse_nt . of.. th~ :d~t~inecf the 'postal or .ernail address· or mobile phone
accused.: .. · · number shall be proved by the following:, .. : .
·a.- .an 'officer's .retum or -~ffici.avit 9f service, lf
2:. ,:ti'~ delays are'du13 to theabsence ot.essential ',
• .. wltness v.itiose ,presence C£1n001 be· obtalnedby . . ·
done by personal service, ·Of 'by registry
.· 'return card; .. ·. . . . ·:" ·_..: . . · ,·
, . due . c1iligence ·though' his . whereabouts- .are : · · b. ..printoUt!c\ , .. of .. S.~n(' emails· and ·ttie
knowri, the court ·sha!I. provlsionally dismiss -~e. . · · . . : ·. acknowledgment of the recipient;
actlon With the -expressed consent. of . the ··C .. ·, printouls . of._ fh'e : efectronlc rnessaqes
accused, provided.: ", l , .- . transmitted'throuqh the court's equipment or .

a.. Th~: 'tiea~in~ .-_on the-. cass. h~s . beer)' ~;,i; .· .:.cfe'-'.f~13 · and t~e. ackncwledqment. ·o( t~e '·
·. previously- twice postponed due to the, n?Jlt;,-1.;H. . ·. · reclplents; or.- · . . . . .. . ·· ·
· . appearance of "the· essential witness· JmfJ(/f.'-~\ : d. '. reports ~of_pt)on'e calls made by the._accused.
· both the,v,.-itness arid. the offended pa'1y,-)l!,·1' !.:;11 f The postal arid· email addresses .as well as the
t,hey are ~!'.) .different.persons, · have b'e'efo- _'·~:!ii .
.., -~~<me. numbers· supplied· by the parties

'f · _.
given. notice of the setting· of the ca~~f~( ':/i~r,_;i;i.l!_•',3'nEI-tn4ir°witnesses·inc;ident-tb court cases shall·
. third hearing, 'which.notice contaiJJs·vlan:iing1~- --:-oe'~rggB~\!ied·as judicial processes in . those
that .the case would be di~Ri1ssed.i_f :tl:l,·i ....:.l ·.. . , ,cases; ·,rd~, . · . · ·. · ·. . .
essential' witness co1Jtinu·es ·19:..~(
~b~e~-·'.·~• ti\. 1 5>
ln'caso/O~)J:Olice ~ffie:ers·_wtiosetestimonies ~re
Jmi:l · · · ' .. ·: · . .- . '._ ~~~~, h;~r.~ · · :i] :. :esse11t1alIto tt)e prosecut1orio_f ~he case, ser:v,ce .
b. Th:re is 'proof_ of serv~~df· the.'fp€!.[.tinenJ,: ;A>of th/ li?_lice~f_-hea~n~.or_.·s_ubpoeA~ Shan: be
nbtice~.of ~earings o(s~~PC:Jfil!'.as;,'-:'~onthe_'• /.!1:, · m~;.,e,t~9,_t:19~:_~~-po!1ce._u11~Jespons1blefo_r the
e~se11tial wJtne~~ and,J?e.o-ffl:fl'.1.9~.~par\'¥.~.t f-l ar.rtffi~r;i:~~fN~~ution·._of the ac~~sed, cop¥
. tJ:ieir .last kno~n postal'q,(e"'.rua.iJ:id.£1res.-s~~).· ti:~~ - fumisb.~at-~VPersonnel Department of the
· ·.. o~ ~obile phon~ riumb_ers{--;~":-. \ · . y ~r/- · . Philippine National Police; a('.lcj .: ·. · ·.
3. The,.: P.Ublic or .private:· p"roseu.l)tor· sh~JI · first: . .Jft.......J}. The court· shall cause ttie· s·ervic~ of .a .copy of
· · · preserifduririg.the triat the ~ssentfal~itr:iess!:.~-·-::/r1.,·•.~:1~i~Uj~;,W,.~~rof__prl?vision_al: ·dismissal upon the
.. : . witne~ses to: the. c~se· befor 'pnY°{'?,'els~;{'r,:-...1~u.i.1~:°ffe_Reea~~rty in t?e. sar,ne _manner (Sec. _12).
. .. . . \l.; t:I'··-" . .. . . ...
. An essen_ti;il ·. wit~_ess . i,S one. wh.os_e~)1~ef_!lgioiiy 8~po~ ?f-g9ier.i:imE;.ntexpert _Wi~n_es~· . .
· · dwells on the presence of· some or aW · of .the A· ·cert1f1ed -copy of the report -1f a gover.nment
-~laments o(. the ·crime.',and ~h.ose testjmony'.. is· . -medical;_ ct;emi_cal,·or laboratory.ex'pert relating to a
indispens~ble to the convlclion of.- the ac.cused: ( · c'r.linlnl:!I:' case: ·shall be a·ctmissible as . prim_a_. f?..cie
. _10)... · : .. · : .evidetice. of_ ·truth ·of its· c.ontents. The personal
.. . . . . . ··. . · ..) ·. · · app.ea~ance of fhe· per.son who prepared such report..
.. ·Service of Su.bpo~na · and Notices . through . ,shall ·be .tlnnecess§ry unless. demanded 'by th~ ..
' EiectronlG Mail Qr:M,obile P' . . . . ... ~Gcus'a'o_for the purpose of cross-.examination (Sec. I
Subpoenas and notiqes 'm_ay be served by the cpuct , . :13j, . . .
. to p°i,irties and wifnesses through e-mails .or through;
mobile(phone ·eitl'.ler -throug_h phone Call~- or through . . Re"li}val,Of°Cases· Proyision~IIY.Plsmissed .
. short ll'IE!SSaging service~ (SMS) (~er;;.. 11): : · · Tt,e. qne or- two~y~ar ·period· ·allowed' for. reviving .
provisionally -dismissed criminal,' ca&es shall qe .
·Proof · of· Service . of No.tice. <>f Hearing. or · .reckooecdrom tlie date of. issuance 'of the order-of
Subpoen~ . , . , : . ·. dlsrrif:;;sal, ·
To.ascertain the proper service of i:iotice of hearing ··
or subpoena: _.. · · . · · ·· · · · · . · The . dismissal· -~hall : · je"come automatically
1·. The public prose·cutorshall, during_ the· inquest per.manent i( the·. case. is not revi~ed within . the
or prellrriinary · investigation require.: .the · required· perlod. Such perrnaheot dismis.sal . shall
compl_alhant -and. witn~sses a'nd, .in proper.- amount to an al:lju<;lication of the case on the m~rits·
cases',. the police .,officers who wi.tnessed ''the · .(Sec; 14). . · · · · ·
commission· of · ttie · crime su!)ject' of the


rifiiS . . ·, ff &HUS.' ) e4

Local Task For~e Katarung~Q -at Kalayaan . . ....

. .The court shal! establish a :Task Force Katarungan
at Ka(ay{;lan·in appropriate places for the· purpose of
. . ~ unnecessary
. . ·. detention.·
... . . . ._. ·. .

Composition: · · '
It shall be chaired·by the Regional Trial Court judge. ·. {
The Metropolitan: or Municipal'. Trial Co4r(. Judge
shall serve asthe vlce-chalrman.Botb are appointed
for a term of 2 years·.. by the Bxecutlve:Judge of the '.•
place. · . .. .
.. .\.
. . The city or provincial pro~ecutor of the . place ·or· is . · .
representative · and the local · head . of the Public· ·. ·
Attorneys Office· ·shall 'be members, .of 'tiie'.Task
Force: · .. - · · .. .. ': · ' ·

· .Powers and Outie~: .: . . . . · ._

1. · Shall track arrd keep a record of the progress.J?.!-~--- . .
the criinln=a1 cases ofall detair)ed:pers!Ws~~rtnln
their jurisdiction .·
n;'j' ~v~'°'""~ . , .
· · ~~ · i:'i~ · · \.. · }. · Ji· ~.,.~ · .
. ·

2. Ensure thatdetalnees are a~o,J:(le.~"'.lhp_lr(g)lt§.,..:::,,..;___,;,;.-.. -i ·v-,

f ·.
.. and privileges provided by th,1·lIY'~i:~ef.arid·
· ._ these guidelines. : , ..· .. if., :~ f? ...--,-4~..,:,
~::- ,v .-1:'\.~·
. .
, ~ i.- · , ,

·3,. ·. Shall · have access to· at( .Asj ;)fcoflt.

lnformatton relating to ·deJ;i.;'e"d,,pJr.s<i~'.Ii .
=s "'lr ~
""' ·. -~·
\ \ rl
;4. · ShaJI advise the. judg~f .heari,Qg.. th r cases, .&,-.. · ·~
(j)) '\\ \
when warranted, .of.the 11~~for them] o ct"".'on:_'l"f..,i,~~-JJ· \, ,.....:,,:2 't,
.. a{lY. incidenfor.situationf1:<af~a.cJ,rei'sely:~ffectl9.ez.Jt~ · f :. . \ ,--- ~
rights pf the detal ned
. undue or harsh treatme~f~~\\
·.~ote:' The omc~ of the. c~i)~~.ll~c~·-
~t~ .~,',~./w
· ) ,~~1-I!· ~ .· .
subjec . tt]el'1'8t\._mN~"' . . i .· . . 1,l 1#=-J
/1Kri) f- ii· ·

direc~ supervision over .~I~ s. !1

Tas forc~l?S'<:
~~ _,,/ . . I/
~,S-,Y _.
15) · . . . . . .'!;p"'."':" f ;;;. ,i' .
... . .,_. ·. . ~·
'. · · ., .. '~G"EN"t\r>J/~· l · ,
. . •, ' . · .. i~-~~--d'. ~;,?f? .
. -.(~·'i )--~,.~~""~\ ;\. j" .
·I J . 11 ,i A~\...~~.. ~// . . .
·. ., . . . ~' ~"'
· · · I\).' ~----=~
,. .1.V.!Ll~)-~:P ·
. .~



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