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Samino, Ana Mariel V.

January 31, 2019


Reaction Paper

January 30, it’s Wednesday when we conduct our experiment in our subject which is

Physical Science. But the day before that, Ms. Charmaine Robes, our subject teacher told us to

bring all the materials that we needed in our experiment. So the day has come and there was no

problem because my group mates bring all the materials that we needed. Our teacher told the

instructions in making our experiment. She told us to mix the condiments with water and

gasoline so we did it. We did mixed the water with oil, vinegar and gasoline and mixed oil with

vinegar and gasoline. After making the mixtures, we did observation of what happened between

the mixtures. After having an observation, we had noticed that many mixtures are not mixed well

even if we mixed it many times, it is always the result like mixing the water with oil, gasoline

and oil with vinegar and gasoline. We are confused why it is not mixed well and make some

explanations with regards to what happened.

With our own knowledge, we had come with the idea that they are not mixing because of

their dense. The less dense will float and the denser will go under less dense so it happened that

oil and gasoline are in the upper surface because they are less dense than water and vinegar and

we call this happening as polar bond because the atoms are unequally distributed in the mixtures.

There is also a mixture that is mixed well like water with vinegar because the atoms of

the mixture were equally distributed and we call it as non-polar bond. After presenting the

observations we had done in front of our class, we did receive a positive feedback from our

subject teacher and it means our observations were right.

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