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It is well known that abortion has become in

one of the topics most controversial in the
last months, no only in Colombia, also
around of many places of the world, due to
that this inhumane practice has been
decriminalized thanks to a new law that
allow women take the abortion as an
alternative to prevent that the babies be
born in unfavorable conditions for their
development physical or integral depending
on the case.
One of the causes that took to this new law in Colombia, was because it was
identified that the bite of mosquito of ZIKA affecting seriously to the pregnant
women and to the fetus that be in their belly. Unfortunately, the fetuses are those
who suffer the greatest consequences of the epidemic by acquiring serious
diseases as is the microcephaly, a malformation of the skull that prevents this
develops normally.
Some women have decided that they don't want that their children to be born with
physical problems or diseases that can cause the child has a life "unfortunate" and
that also it causes suffering and complications for their family. Due to this, they
choose them get out easily by the abortion as an escape from future problems, and
even, in some cases, are the doctors who put the abortion as an option. On the
other hand, exist the womens who choose abort to evade responsibility for their
own actions, and is so much their ignorance that decide perform the abortion in
any illegal center, where they can "get rid of their problem” easily and quickly.
I think that no one has any right over the life of someone else, and much less when
that someone doesn't have the ability to choose what wants for himself or herself.
The abortion isn't an trouble only now, this comes since many years and we must
be aware of what so much transcendental can become making such a significant
decision as it is killing a baby who can’t choose what wants for his or her life. Each
life is unique and important because it is part of the our world. We aren't anyone to
take off to a completly innocent life the right and the privilege of living and be part
of the life.

Laura Lucía Hernández – 9B

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