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 Form #2(様式2号)
Field of Study and Study Plan ・ Placement Preference

Name in full, in your native language Wulandari Annisa Ayu

(姓名(自国語)) ,
           (Family name/Surname)       (Given name)           (Middle name)
In Roman capital letters WULANDARI ANNISA AYU

(ローマ字) (Family name/Surname)       (Given name)           (Middle name)

Nationality INDONESIA
  (国 籍)

Proposed study program in Japan (Outline your field of study on this side and the specifics of your study program on the reverse side of this
sheet. This section is one of the most important references for selection. The statement must be typewritten or written in block letters. Additional
sheets of paper may be attached if necessary.)

( )

If possible, please write your response in Japanese. (相当の日本語能力を有する者は日本語により記入すること。)

1 Present field of study(大学において専攻した分野)

Field of study : CIVIL ENGINEERING

I h aveg raduated
f D ( rom
C iploma
C E D3) a J onstruction
S P i ivil

2018. M m y s ajor
a i tudy ( bout b nfrastructures
T Ia a B
except o uilding

Engineering w f o s ith C ield

E f i tudy
t s y ivilI F ngineering
2 Ig a n he

at Bakrie Construction, an EPC Oil and Gas Company at Sumuranja, Puloampel, Merak. I worked

for 1 year as Junior Construction Engineer / Technical Support Engineer. My job description are to

responsible t p so rovide
a f l tructure
a d nalysis
f & or
c ifting u ctivities

properly software or manual calculation, work pack documents for fabrication, record and cont

fabrication progress, giving review and feed back to Lead Construction E

Engineering Manager to achieved completion project with safely and good quality.
Proposed study program in Japan :

Japan is one of the countries that has received several awards in clean water

country has been recognized worldwide in addressing the need for clean water and has one of the

lowest levels of water distribution losses in the world. Effectively for water utilities, Japan utilizes

advanced and effective technology such as water treatment owned by "Toray Industries". Similar to

Indonesia, the distribution of clean water from the Japanese government is only in certa

R u r a l a r e a s w o u l d b e d i f f i c u l t t o g e t c l e a n w a t e r. H o w e v e r, t h e y c a n o v e r c o m e t h i s b y

several water treatment technologies that can be used efficiently in rural areas. Therefore, I would

like to take the opportunity to study in Japan so that I can apply this water treatment knowledge in

rural areas of Indonesia then the distribution of clean water can be accepted by all communities.

I also working as lifting engineer and I learned a lot about heavy equipment and hea

gears. Japan is one of the countries that supply many types of cranes all around the world. I want to

learn a lot about heavy equipment and gears, effectivity and productivity.

2 University of choice (希望する富山県内大学(大学名))

First choice(第一希望) Second choice(第二希望)


3 Field of choice(希望専攻分野)
First choice(第一希望) Second choice(第二希望)


4 Your research topic upon arrival in Japan: Stipulate the research you wish to carry out in Japan.

Sustainable Development of Drinking Water Quality Management at Small Islands Indon

using Japanese Technology for Water Treatment

Access of clean water in most of small islands in Indonesia is very hard to get. Most of a small

island get clean water from ground water and outside the island, depends on what soil in

ground (Exam ple of i sl and that made from coral reef, P ula u Binongko, get clea n wa ter

other island). Ground water nearly from the sea that causes the water is not 100% fresh water.

This study specifically to improved clean water from the seawate

becoming drinking water using Japanese Technology for water treatment developed by Tor

Industries, Japanese manufacturers of synthetic fibers. Methods for converting sea

fresh water using membrane filter called a “reverse osmosis membrane” (R O Membrane

regards to public health, sanitation measures and inspection, water treatment methods by using

J a p a n e s e Te c h n o l o g y c a n b e s u s t a i n a b l e o p t i o n i n o r d e r t o i n c r e a s i n g d r i n k i n g w a t e

management in small island Indonesia.

5 Study program in Japan: (Describe in detail and with specifics — particularly concerning the ultimate goal(s) of your research in Japan)

The overall goal of this research is to improve the public health, through improved dr

water for communities in the small islands indonesia. This study specifically to improved clean

water from the seawater and ground water to becoming drinki

Te c h n o l o g y f o r w a t e r t r e a t m e n t d e v e l o p e d b y To r a y I n d u s t r i e s , J a p a n e s

synthetic fibers. Methods for converting seawater into fresh water using membrane filter called

a “reverse osmosis membrane” (RO Membrane). The implementation of this technology can be

applied in small islands in Indonesia to get fresh water to improved drinking w


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