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Nieto Medina, Patricia Alejandra

ICPNA, Advanced Grammar 3

The sports have been become part of the world culture and essential to be a
healthy live. For many years, not only did the humanity practice sport, but it also looked
the way to be the best, through competitions and awards. Nowadays, there are stars
whose profession is practicing a sport, like soccer, tennis, golf, and more. Even though
some research has submitted the sports like the best option as it has lot of benefits, for
example being healthy or making friends, rarely do we see the other face of the issue
and don’t notice if it’s really fair all the context in the sports world, indeed there are
some drawbacks like the ridiculously large salaries which the sport stars earn. So, we
need to analyze what the benefits and disadvantages are and try to find a balance.
First at all, let’s consider the sport benefits, these might be getting a good health
and opportunities. As to the health, the sport helps both physically and mental since it
improves physical resistance, self-esteem, help being in shape, reduce the stress, to
mention a few. On the other hand, there are benefits of opportunities because there are
scholarships for someone who practice sports and represent city or country in various
events or competitions. If someone win that, the payment of the university is assured
until the graduation, in addition it can mean extra points for postgraduate scholarships,
too. For example, in the case of health, rarely do people know that swimming is
basically considered one of the more complete sport as has cardiorespiratory benefits, it
helps to combat asthma. Likewise, after swimming, you feel relaxed which means it
helps to de-stress, and others. In the case of opportunities, in Peru there is a program
called PRONABEC which has a scholarship called “Beca Deporte Escolar”. Only if you
finished the school and have participated in National Sports Games, you can receive the
enough money to pay their necessities in the university like mobility, food, language,
enrollment, etc.
However, there are drawbacks too, but according my viewpoint, focused on
professional athletes. In our society, there are sports starts who represent countries in
some world competitions, intensifying the national representativeness. Nevertheless,
most of cases they earn extremely large salaries, specially famous or overrated ones.
While the money isn’t from the government, there is an objection because the
professionals who contribute to science or investigation don’t earn the same. In some
research, that is explain by the laws of supply and demand since the sport has more
demand than the investigation as a result of being part of the world of entertainment.
For instance, the soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo earned 108 million of dollars in 2017,
in 2019 the tennis player Roger Federer earn 77 million of euros, but on other hand, a
medic in United States earns almost 299 thousand of dollar per year.
To conclude, the sports presents clearly benefits to our health, and personal
development, but we don’t just see beyond other realities since we don’t notice the
economic part of sport and how this can be used for different purposes like
investigations, common benefits for a population, to name few. In my opinion, given
two realities, I consider the contras are more important because not only can we get a
healthy life for the sports, but there are also more factors like nutrition, education, good
quality of life, good health mental and if we want to get that, it’s necessary to invest.

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