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Vocabulary building

Complete the following crossword puzzle with PHRASAL VERBS and IDIOMS about health

3 4

5 6

Across Down
2. Most tourists are worried that they'll __________ a 1. I couldn't move my arms or legs, my body tingled
nasty stomach bug. all over and I had a terrible __________.
3. "You can’t __________ Ebola the way you __________ 4. I just can't seem to __________ this headache.
a cold. Ebola does in ten days what it takes AIDS ten 5. “Love is like epidemic diseases. The more one
years to accomplish." fears it the more likely one is to __________ it.”
7. The Joshi's have all __________ the flu, so none of 6. "To fit as a __________ you must tone down your
them will be able to attend your wedding. middle."
8. "For some reason, every time I get a little bit
__________, I've got zero patience."
9. "You want to have __________ in your stomach,
because if you don't, if you walk out onstage
complacent, that's not a good thing."
You will hear part of a talk from a television programme about dealing with broken bones. For questions 1-10, complete the
sentences. Write NO MORE THAN three words.

1. The word “fracture” is a technical word for _______________.

2. Bones are vital for the body because they _______________and protect it.
3. Bones are composed of a _______________ outer layer and a soft center.
4. Bone marrow is important because it makes _______________ cells.
5. Bones do not always break; sometimes they actually _______________.
6. It is important to try to find any fractures before trying to _______________ a victim.
7. Moving an injured person can cause _______________ fractures.
8. If the injured party is conscious, they can inform you of the _______________ of any fractures.
9. Part of the procedure for treating an unconscious victim has been discussed in _______________.
10.If someone is unconscious, carefully check each major bone for any _______________.




For example, / For instance,… In other words,… Also,…

To give an example,… I mean,… In addition,…
As an illustration,… That is to say… Furthermore,…
such as/ like/ namely,… Simply put,… Moreover,…
in particular,… You see,… What’s more/ Plus/ Besides,…

TOPIC: THE VIRUS GAME (Inside Listening & Speaking 3, pp. 40)

When people around you are sick, what do you do to stay healthy?
 Claim 1: (Well) Personally, I .../ It seems to me that…/ In my experience…______________________________
Supporting claim 1: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

 Claim 2: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting claim 2: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their
 Claim 1: As I see it,…/ In my view,…/ As far as I can tell,…/ From my perspective,…_____________________
Supporting claim 1: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

 Claim 2: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting claim 2: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

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