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BS EN 12681-1:2017

EN 12681-1:2017 (E)

Annex E

Severity levels for copper alloy castings

Acceptance criteria for copper alloy castings are given in Tables E.1 and E.2.
Table E.1 — Severity levels for high strength copper base and nickel copper alloy castings with
corresponding maximum permissible discontinuity and reference radiograph according
ASTM E 272:2010

Plate Nominal
Discontinuity thicknessa wall Severity level
tn 1 2 3 4
Type Category Maximum permissible
mm mm
discontinuity/Reference radiographa

25,4 tn ≤ 51 1 2 3 4
Gas porosity A
76 51 < tn ≤ 152 1 2 3 4

25,4 tn ≤ 51 n.p.b 1 2 4
inclusions 51 < tn ≤ 152
76 n.p.b 1 2 3

25,4 tn ≤ 51 n.p.b 1 2 4
inclusions 51 < tn ≤ 152
76 n.p.b 1 2 4

Shrinkage, 51 < tn ≤ 152

Ca 76 n.p.b 1 2 3

Shrinkage, tn ≤ 51
Cb 25,4 n.p.b 2 3 4

Shrinkage, 51 < tn ≤ 152

Cc 76 n.p.b 1 2 3

a See ASTM E 272.

b Not permitted.

BS EN 12681-1:2017
EN 12681-1:2017 (E)

Table E.2 — Severity levels for copper tin alloy castings with corresponding maximum
permissible discontinuity and reference radiograph according ASTM E 310:2010

Discontinuity Nominal wall thickness Severity level

tn 1 2 3 4
Type Categorya Maximum permissible
mm discontinuity/Reference radiographa

Gas porosity A tn ≤ 51 1 2 3 4
Sand and slag tn ≤ 51
B n.p.b 1 2 4

Shrinkage, linear Ca tn ≤ 51 n.p.b 1 2 4

spongy and Cd tn ≤ 51 n.p.b 1 2 3

Hot tearb Da tn ≤ 51 n.p.b

Insert, chapletc Eb tn ≤ 51 n.p.b

a See ASTM E 310.
b Not permitted.
c Single illustration, not classified.


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