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Beam Plane Element

• Let’s start by an element with two nodes, but at each node
we have 2 local dof. Transverse displacement “w” and
rotation “θ”
• Total of 4 dofs, means the interpolation function must be at
Beam Plane Elements least cubic. So, this will be a cubic element
2-noded Beam Element
• Let the transverse displacement inside the beam be θ

approximated using the function “w” such as:

(1) L (2)

M 1

 =  +   +    +    = 1       =
1 2

Nodal DOF are
 d = [w1 '( w2 ' ) ] T

• To evaluate the coefficient vector a in terms of the dof, let’s

evaluate w at x=0, and x = L, which gives the matrix Xo

Beam Plane Element Beam Plane Element

• Let the nodal dof be : d = [w1 '( w2 ') ]T , then * = . , . = /.
• At x = 0, w = w1, and at x=L, w=w2 • The strain energy is 89 = : : ;<= <vol ,
01 01
3 = 6 and 3 = 6
• To relate the stress and strain inside a cross-section, we refer to Euler-Bernoulli Bending
• Also for the rotations we have
02 245 02 247 Theory.
-> 0A1 0A1
• Let’s find the shape functions using MAPLE, and plot them to “verify” the • == =− B, Differentiate : <= = <B, this is kinematic/compatibility condition
? 02 A 02 A
orthogonality condition 0A1
• ; = D= = −B D , this is Hooke’s Law (Material Constitutive Relation)
02 A
0A1 0A1 > A 0A1 0A1
• : ;<= = : B 02 A D 02 A <B=  02 A D 02 A
7 0A1 0A1 > A
Thus: 89 = : : ;<= <vol = :5 : D A <E <
02 A 02 

Since the curvature A is invariant over the cross-section, and recognize : B  <E as the

second moment of area “I” of the cross-section, we have:

Beam Plane Element Beam Plane Element

 7 0A 1 0A1
• 89 = :5 DF < , but w = Nd, Taking second derivative, we have • Doing the calculations in MAPLE we have
 02 A 02 A
0A1 .) / .) /
= . , Let’s call ) = H, the strain matrix.
02 A .G) .G

• Re-writing in matrix form, we have
 7 0A 1 0A1  7  7
• 89 = :5 DF < = :5 (H.)K DF H.< = .K :5 H K DF H< .
 02 A 02 A  

• The strain energy has the form 89 = .K L M . , thus we recognize the

stiffness matrix for the beam element as:
L M = N H K DF H<

Beam Plane Element Beam Plane Element

• Combining the energy equation, and taking derivative with respect to the dof,
• To evaluate the external work, Lets assume that the beam is subjected to we obtain the equilibrium equations as a set of linear system: Kede = Fe
transverse load with intensity equals q(x), and lets have the nodal force • After solving the system, we use the results “d” to caulcate the internal
vector arranged typical to the local dof as: forces.
F = [V1, M1 , V2, M2]T. Based on this, the external work can be written as: • We know that the internal moment = M = DF
= EI Bd
02 A
X9 = :   Y()< + ∑ [\ ]\ , where uj is the nodal displacements. 0`1 0
• We know that the internal shear force = V = DF ` = DF H . = DFHa .
• But w = Nd = [Nd]T = dTNT, and ∑ [\ ]\ = dTF. Thus, the total external work 02 02
becomes: • Note that since the interpolation function is cubic , then the moment diagram
will be linear, and the shear diagram will be constant.
X9 = .^ N / ^  Y()< + .^ _ = .^ N / ^  Y()< + _ • If we wish to improve accuracy, then either use more elements (h-refinement)
, or use higher order element (p-refinement)

Where the equivalent nodal force is defined as _M = : / ^  Y()< + _


Quintic Beam Plane Element Quintic Beam Plane Element

• We will do the same logic, but this time, we will use higher-order
approximation for the displacement, i.e. Quintic: i.e. polynomial to the fifth
• To add more resolution, we need more dof. Thus define the nodal 6-dof as:
d = [w1 6 w2 6 w3 6 ]T and assume the transverse displacement is:
3-noded Beam Element
 =  +   +    +    + b  + c  b
 w1 w2 w3 θ3

θ1 θ2

 (1) (2) L/2 (3)

w= 1        b  =
L/2 M 2
M 1
V1 M3
The rest will follow immediately using MAPLE

Quintic Beam Plane Element

Quintic Beam Plane Element
Continuing with the calculations using MAPLE
• If we plot the shape functions Ni we can clearly see the orthogonality

This is the 6x6

quintic element
stiffness matrix

Shape functions for displacements Shape functions for rotations


Example: Cantilever Beam Solving by MAPLE, Two 2-noded Elem

• Solve a cantilever beam of length L = 1m using two cubic beam elements,
and then use a single quintic beam element. The beam has a uniform load
of q(x) = qo = 10 kN/m. Take E = 2GPa and I = 108 mm4 { EI = 2x105 N.m }
For the two 2-noded elements, we 1
2 3 5
define the global DOF and relate them L/2 4 L/2
Elem 1 Elem 2
to the local dof using the connectivity
matrix q(x) = qo = 10kN/m
Two 2-noded Elements, Global DOF
1 2 3 4
Here: de =
3 4 5 6 1
2 3
BN = [1 , 2] , FN = [3,4,5,6]
Local dof for the 2-noded Element

Comparing F.E. vs. Exact Solutions Comparing F.E. vs. Exact Solutions
• The exact solution can be obtained using direct double integration: • If we compute the internal forces ( Moment and Shear) from both solutions,

Yj  Y
  = − − we see the difference clearly.
6DF 4DF 24DF
• The following code helps plot the solutions from the F.E. results:

• Because the 2-noded element uses cubic shape functions, the

moment is linear and the shear is constant.

• As we see, both solutions

match almost identically Shear Force Bending
Diagrams Moment
• However … Diagrams

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