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Who: All students in Mrs.

Shepherd’s class

What: Come join a classroom party! Wear your PJS, bring a stuffed animal, and be cozy
(if you’d like) while we play games together. Awesome!

When: Friday Sept. 18th, 2020 at 10:00AM-10:30AM Attendance is mandatory.

Where: Blackboard - check your Friday schedule

Why: Student Connection Time: Let’s build new friendships and have FUN


Dear Learning Coaches,

Please make sure your child attends the mandatory September Social Event this
Friday- our class party! There will not be graded work, the purpose of this session is to
build social connections and friendships, however attendance is required. Each month we
will have a social event to get to know each other.

Please make time in your Friday schedule to make sure that your child attends this
important event as we build community and I get a chance to spend time 1:1 with your child.

Mrs. Shepherd

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