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Edit Scale & Units

1 kg
Beef, ground
50 g
Egg, about 1 large egg
Black pepper, as needed
Salt, as needed

Ring mold, 4" (105 mm) diameter (optional)

Sous vide setup


25 min

1050 g; 7 150-g burger patties

Grind beef
If you have the equipment, grind your own beef. If you don't, buy some. You'll need about
1 kg of ground beef to make seven patties.

Mix ground beef and egg; heat water bath
1 kg
Beef, ground
50 g
Prepare a 144 °F / 62 °C water bath.

In a bowl, combine ground beef and egg.

Using your hands or a spatula, mix until egg is fully incorporated.

Portion; shape patties
Portion patties. We like 150 g portions.
To shape the patties, we press the beef into a 105-mm ring mold. This gives us perfectly
consistent patties, but it's not absolutely necessary. With practice, you can make great
patties forming by hand. The key is to weigh each patty so you have the same amount of
beef in each one.

Refrigerate until needed.

In a pan on the stove, sear patties for about one minute on each side. Patties should take on
a rich, deep-brown color.

CHEF TIP: Other searing options include browning burgers over a grill—but it's got to be
screaming hot—or using a blowtorch. (Hey there, buddy—be careful with that thing!)
Cook at 144 °F / 62 °C for 15 min
Salt, as needed
Black pepper, as needed
Just before cooking, season patties with salt and pepper and drop in the water bath for 15

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