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Websites accessed (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Uttarakhand’s official website) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Chamoli district’s official website) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Planning Commission’s list of 200 most backward districts) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(The official NREGA website with regular updates on wages, working day, rules and changes to
name, etc.) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Prime Minister’s speeches on the NREGA including the inaugural one on 2nd February 2006) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(The NREGA guidelines online—most updated versions) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(The official Right to Information website) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(The guidelines for the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Resources maintained by the NREGA activists) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(Kalahandi district’s official website carrying details of poverty estimates and development
schemes) (Accessed on 02/07/2014)
(All Census of India 2001 figures have been taken from this official website)
Debate in Parliament on NREGA available at (Accessed on 04/04/09)
The Story in Outlook magazine on petitions to Golu devata (god) (Accessed on 18/09/2006)
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