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Denisse Gaille T.

Leonoras August 28, 2020

Bachelor of Secondary Education (First Year) BE1-A
National Service Training Program (NSTP)
(Module 1.5 Evaluate)
Based on your readings, answer the following:
1. The aims of NSTP are:
 To promote civic consciousness and defense preparedness;
 To develop physical, moral, spiritual, and intellectual well-being; and
 To inculcate the spirit of patriotism, nationalism, and advanced involvement in
public and civic affairs.

2. The three program components of NSTP and their distinguishing characteristics are:
 Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
 This involves activities that contribute to the general welfare and the
betterment of life of the members of the community.
 Literacy Training Service (LTS)
 This program is designed to rain the students to teach literacy and numeracy
skills to school children, out of school youths, and other segments of society
in need of services.
 Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
 This is designed to improve military training to tertiary level students in
order to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize for national defense

3. The Lasallian core values that need to be enhanced through this program are:
 Faith
 Service
 Communion in Mission

4. The expected Lasallian graduate attributes that we hope to develop in you are:
 Critical thinker
 Effective communicators
 Socially responsible christian

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