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Fajardo, Jhon Kelvin N.

Rizal’s Life and Works

BS Geology

Education in an Unprecedented TIme

The human mind sets us apart from most creature

We are meant to wonder, to discover, and to always seek for answer
It is innate to our nature, a gift, a unique feature
And just as a gem would if left unused, the mind too can lose its luster

Our body is a sacred temple, and our mind is the towering altar
To which we foster the intangible nourishment and guidance
Quality is never a function of quantity for which most people spar
Likewise, education shouldn’t be measured in terms of compliance

Because in education, we are honed to be proactive and not reactive

Geared to be critical even on the means by which we’re educated
Educated is one who points and oppose the injustice and are not passive
We criticize and resist, for we use the knowledge that was imparted

Valuing education also means knowing when to temporarily stop

When quality’s compromised for the continuous flow of profit
When learning becomes a means to merely rise to the top
An educated person will think it through, for it might only be a gambit

Valuing education means turning away from the race that never existed
In these times, there is no one definite approach to quality education
I’d state an unpopular opinion despite the others who already persisted,
the way one wants to continue education reflects how one truly values it.

Education and learning is meant to be continuous, but even in trying times and times of injustice, one
should remain vigilant and critical as a person who received quality education

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