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The effect you have on others is the most

valuable currency there is...

–Jim Carey

We all like to be known and respected. To some, it comes

naturally and some get it through their deeds. But a lot of us
gets lost in the oblivion believing we can never command the
respect we wanted or deserved.

Our personality and the effects we have on others leave a

lasti g i pressio o others. This is our ‘EAL lega y that we
leave behind when we no more exist.

We at YourDOST get asked a lot of questions about the

different ways to improve personality and be more

So we thought of doing something about it.

We put together this document to share some of the most

simplistic techniques to put you on the path of
becoming Great.

Think of it like the collective and distilled wisdom, the sum

total of hours and hours of interactions our psychologists had
with students, working professionals, etc.

The tips mentioned here are what it all boils down to.
Some of what we discuss here you might know yourself, and
may be practicing already. Awesome! Then think of it as a
nudge to improve further. Because there is always a room for

But for now, just have a look at it and read, and let us know
what you feel.

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Tips to Develop a
Wise Personality
Avoiding Arguments,
Conflicts and Disagreements

We often get occupied preparing ourselves for a rebuttal while

the person is addressing us. WHY do we do this? It all has to
do with getting your say out first.

Most of us tend to have less patience, as a

result we can't wait for a few minutes until
someone completely shares their opinion.

The other reason why we blurt stuff out in the middle of a

discussion is because we have poor memory. Let me explain:
Imagine you are talking to a friend or a colleague about LIFE
(or any topic).

You let the other person talk first. At the beginning, your brain
receives and computes every word the other person says.
Naturally you understand what he/she is saying. Now, this
person says something you don't agree, or says something
downright stupid. What do you do?

Ideally, you let the person finish talking and

then share your take on the points you
But, what if you end up having to disagree or have something
to say about more than one point?
This is when you need a good memory to gather the points
whilst listening. It is what we call multitasking. And, let's face
it, we are no good at multitasking.

The best thing to do is to agree to a talk or argue for not

more than 20 seconds, and allow each other to have a
say. This way, all the participants can concentrate and
listen carefully, without having to worry about time limits.

Doing so, you accomplish two things, 1) you start to train your
brain to retain only a few points for rebuttal, and 2) you listen
to the other person without having to worry.
Reading – A Way to Assess and
Gain Perspectives.

I don't blame people who fail to develop the habit to read.

Because, right from a young age, we are made to believe that
reading – or studying – is more of an obligation than a
beautiful way to explore the world and the self.

Schools and universities have instilled this

sick aversion inside of us, that reading is a
boring concept. Most of us, during our
schooling years read, just because we had
If talking to your grand parents and them regaling stories was
the best time of your childhood, imagine if you allow the best
of writers from around the world tell you their stories and
experiences, how fantastic would it be, no?

Sp pick up a book today and just read a couple of chapters,

throw the book away if it is boring, and pick another. There
are so many free e-books available on the web today, you can
pick and choose any. You can start with these books: 'Call of
the Wild' by Jack London, Or 'Malgudi Days' by R.K. Narayan
Communication – The Key to a
Healthy Relationship

How often do we really find others interesting? Only a few

times I believe. And that too, if you are eager to talk to a lot of
people often.

Not every one of us are keen on talking to strangers.

If you fail to interact with people beyond

your circle of friends/colleagues, then it is
even harder to find interesting and like
minded people.

There is one thing we can do though, without having to walk

up to a complete stranger and chat up with him/her.
I am sure that we all have acquaintances and colleagues
whom we interact less with. Some of the members of the
family and your team at work would fall under this category.

Talk to one of them, with genuine interest,

be brief with your interest and queries. You
need not spend long minutes, and end up
faking your interest. Pay attention to how
they talk, how they look at life, how they
assess situations, what they crib or
complain about.

All these reveal the kind of person they are.

If you find the person nagging and annoying, scoot from there
and never indulge with them again. But, if you find someone
who is as smart or smarter than you, you have a potential to
build a fantastic relationship.

It is proven so many times that when you

make time to talk to people whom you love
and genuinely care about their wellbeing,
you develop an irrevocable trust with
We all know that when people love you, they move mountains
for you. However, this is not the motive to show interest in
others, is it?
Goal Without a Plan is Just a

When we were children, we all wanted to

be either an Astronaut, a Painter, an
Actor, or a Dentist. But, as reality hit us
while we grew up, most of us moved in a
different tangent. However, now that we
all are mature enough (sort of), we should
be capable of setting a goal in life. At
least a vague one.
It is not a hard and fast rule to write down your goals and stick
it on your mirror, to look at them everyday. That works for
some of us, not all.

What helps in forming a constructive idea

about where you want to go or what you
want to be, is that you get pristine clarity
about your day to day activities.
There are some of us who react rather than act, these people
are mavericks and they should be applauded. Because, they
are extremely comfortable to let life take them anywhere.
THIS IS BEING FREE. For the rest of us who want to mix a bit of
stability and spontaneity, we can set a goal and move towards
Stretch Your Brain With New

Expanding our minds is a continuing process.

We ne er stop ‒ e ne er should.
Well, this doesn't apply to all of us. Some of us are too rigid
and unwilling to gain fresh perspectives and ideas. Such
people live by traditional rules of the society, and are pretty
comfortable the way they live. Even though, they know
absolutely nothing about interesting things, and walk around
with utter, bewildering confidence.
It is therefore imperative to talk to people, stop watching
stupid movies, learn a new language, learn to play a
musical instrument and so on and so forth. There are so
many things we can pick up. All these give us new and
rich experiences.

If we are keen learners, then we do go in

depth by investigating what we are about
to learn.
Let me give an example.

Let's say you decide to learn basic Spanish. The obvious

thing to do is enrol yourself for a set of Spanish lessons
and keep at it. This is fantastic.
But it will be admirable of you, if you chose to learn the
Spanish culture whilst you fiddle with the alphabet and
phonetics of the language in the class. When we dig deep into
who the Spanish are and how they came to be, we get to learn
a lot about a totally different culture. We invariably start
comparing our culture with theirs. This way we expand our
knowledge of the world we live in. We get to see if the
Spanish look at life the way we do. We get to know what
certain expressions mean.

Our path of discovery takes us to corners of

history of the human kind. Which is of
impeccable value. The art of investigating and
discovering information by yourself brings with
it a sense of magnificence within your being.
You feel good.
Thank You!
Here s are so e logs you will e i terested i readi g:

•What is your personality type?

•Why 99% of managers are not readers?

•What is ego and how does it affects you?

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