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Miguel Kabigting

IT 17

August 28, 2020

Sir Zaldy San Pedro

IT 17 Assessment Task #1 – IT Professional Ethics

Please read the scenario below and answer the listed question below with your honest opinion and

Jodinel, a gifted high school student, wants to become a lawyer in the future. Because she comes
from a poor family, she needs a scholarship in order to attend college.

Some of her classes require students to do extra research projects in order to get an A. Her high
school has a few older PC's but there are always long lines of students waiting to use them during
the school day. After school, she usually works on a part-time job to help support her family.

One evening Jodinel visited the library of a private college few miles from her family's apartment,
and she found plenty of unused PC's connected to the Internet. She surreptitiously looked over the
shoulder of another student to learn a valid login/password combination. Jodinel returned to the
library several times a week, and by using its PCs and printers she efficiently completed the extra
research projects, graduated from high school with straight A's and got a full-ride scholarship to
attend a prestigious university.

1. Did iodinel do something wrong?
2. Who benefited from Jodinel's course of action?
3. Who was hurt by Jodinel's course of action?
4. Did iodinel have an unfair advantage over her highschool classmate?
5. Would any of your answers change if it turns out Jodinel did not win a college scholarship after all
and is now working at the Burger Barn?
6. Are there better ways Jodinel could have accomplished her objectives?

1. Yes, Jodinel did something wrong because she was using another student’s log in and password
in order to achieve her goal of getting the scholarship for college.
2. It was Jodinel and her family who was benefited by Jodinel’s action because Jodinel should be
very responsible for the action that she did in order to achieve of getting a full scholarship for
3. It was none because she was a smart student. She did a wrong move for gaining access to
another student’s private information which is the username and password and even using the
library resources without asking permission from the librarian.
4. Yes, she had an unfair advantage over her high school classmate as Jodinel is waiting for her turn
to use the old library computer which has a direct impact on their time management and
5. For me, my answer would remain the same.
6. Yes, she could have asked permission from the librarian before using the library resources. Also,
she must have her own username(login) and password in order to achieve her goal of getting
the scholarship for college.

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