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Activity 1:

Mental/Psychological: The speaker delivered her speech well and confidently. She’s motivated because
of the support that she received from the audiences.

Visual: The speaker wore a formal attire that suited the event and her audiences. She doesn’t use visual
aids but her words are detailed which helps the audience understand her better.

External: She used words that were appropriate to her audiences, which are teenagers or young people.
She also used mic to help the audiences hear her speech loud and clear.

Vocal: The speaker’s pacing wasn’t too slow or too fast. The pronunciation is understandable and the
volume is loud enough for the audiences to hear her.

Verbal: She delivered the speech with the right grammar and used language that the audiences
understand. The structure of the speech also helps the audience to understand the point.


Selena Gomez delivered a speech at WE Day, which is held in California. WE Day is a youth
empowerment event organized by brothers Marc and Craig Kielburger. She talked about her life and
struggles that she has encountered and how her mom supported her to achieve her dreams. She shared
her dreams and hope, hoping that she’ll inspire the audiences to also don’t give up, trust and love
yourself. She encouraged the young people to be proud of who they are. Don’t let the other people
dictate what you should wear or how you should react. Be kind to each other, love each other and
inspire each other. The speech is interesting to watch because it’s relatable, especially to the young
people like me. The speech contains encouragement that many people need to hear and it’s very
inspiring to everyone. The words that the speaker used were simple and easy to understand. We can
feel her emotions the way she speaks while presenting her speech. I observed that she presented an
accurate idea. She’s not trying to be a perfect speaker. She’s speaking like she was just having a
conversation with her friend. She made a connection with her audiences by talking to them directly and
by being honest. Her choice of words was simple, easy to understand and appropriate to her audiences.
I learned that when you’re doing public speaking, it’s important to connect with your audiences. You can
ask questions, or tell personal stories to be intimate with your audiences and for them to be more
interested. And be comfortable, talk like you’re just having a conversation with your friends so that
you’ll connect with the audiences and you’ll not be tensed.

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