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101. The child cannot distinguish abstracts during the sensory motor period of development.

Which of
these techniques should a teacher apply to accommodate learning? 

A. Make use of individualize instruction

B. Explain the lesson very well
C. Utilize concrete objects to clarify concept
D. Provide variety of educational toys (sensorimotor-0 to 2)

102. Which of these systems of learning includes ways and methods which are used in preserving and
building certain traditions within cultural communities? 

A. Non-formal learning
C. Cultural learning
B. Multi-level learning
D. Indigenous learning

103. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the use of experiments and demonstrations in
teaching science 

A. It is valuable if used in the context of a lesson that relates observation to other information
B. It should be encouraged in elementary school since the concepts they encompass are difficult for
your children
C. It is as valuable as teaching by lecturing
D. It is less valuable than teaching through inquiry and discussion

104. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. Which of the following statements/principles
supported by this? 

A. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins

B. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
C. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence
D. Intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal nutrition (b-c-d about intelligence)

105. Which of these philosophers is reflective of that of Dewey’s which stresses the development of an
individual capable of reflective thinking specifically that of being able to solve the problem be faces
individually or collectively. 

A. Disciplinarianism
B. Experimentation
C. Developmentalism
D. Rationalism

106. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education? 

A. Learn the different philosophies of education 

B. Develop man into a thinking individual 
C. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics 
D. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined 
107. An appreciation lesson is one that is designed to lead the class to conduct and enjoy something.
Which of the following statements closely approximate the meaning of the above? 

A. An appreciation lesson should be a lesson in values 

B. Appreciation lessons help pupils weigh and clarify values 
C. One cannot fully appreciate what one does not understand or enjoy 
D. A teacher should plan lessons that will guide children to appreciate what is beautiful 

108. Which of the following is the best time for a teacher to set up routine activities that will contribute
to effective classroom management? 

A. As soon as the students have established 

B. During his homeroom days 
C. Daily at the start of the session 
D. On the very first day of school 

109. In large classes where little of the work can be individualized the most effective and practical ways
to individualize instruction to 

A. Devise group activities w/c afford every pupils an opportunity to work at his own 
B. Give the pupils freedom to launch individual projects 
C. Assign homework and check it regularly 
D. Assigned program material for out-of-class hours 

110. Which of these is the MOST important principle that a teacher should follow in initiating a
program of positive reinforcement? 

A. Make sure the reward comes immediately after the appropriate behavior 
B. Punish negative behavior and reward positive behavior 
C. Provide regular opportunity for socially acceptable behavior 
D. Consider peer approval and recognition 

111. The trend of focusing attention on the child’s interests, abilities and needs and on the improvement
of community living necessitate the use of the 

A. Discovery approach 
B. Integrative approach 
C. Conceptual technique 
D. Project Method 

112. The best way the teacher can be sure of the appropriateness of an instructional material is to 

A. Consider its technical quality 

B. Consider its availability 
C. Try it out before using it in class 
D. Consider its cost 

113. Task analysis involves the breaking down of a learning task into subtasks or sub-skills. Given a task
to retell a story, which of the following skills is NOT needed? 
A. To disseminate information 
B. To identify topic sentences 
C. To outline a selection 
D. To arranged events in sequence 

114. You are assigned to teach students with varied abilities. You want to teach a more homogeneous
grouping. Which type of grouping will tend to benefit your students? 

A. Mixed ability grouping 

B. With-in class ability grouping 
C. Low ability grouping 
D. High ability grouping 

115. Which of the following examples illustrate the use of questions to focus pupil attention on the key
points of the lesson? 

A. Why are machine made goods cheaper than those made by hand? 
B. What is Rizal Park known for? 
C. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a bright day? 
D. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard? 

116. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She shouted immediately at the students desperately
trying to get order and discipline. Since then the teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the most
probable cause of the teacher’s failure? 

A. The students’ reaction to the teacher is the consequence of her behavior 

B. Rules are not defined & procedures to sustain order is not into place 
C. The new teacher wants to show the class who is the authority 
D. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the teacher 

117. The educational implementation of research findings relative to the ability of dull learners and
bright learners to organize and generalize is for the teacher 

A. To make the bright learners guide the dull ones in learning to generalize 
B. To make the bright learners to generalize and the dull ones to memorize 
C. To give the dull learners to more concrete experiences to serve as basis for generalizing 
D. To give both the dull and bright learners concrete and abstract experiences to serve as basis for

118. Which of the following will you do FIRST to establish good class management? 

A. Discuss the required rules for proper class behavior 

B. Discuss the work plan for the year 
C. Prepare a seat plan 
D. Train the class in the distribution of materials 

119. A student was diagnosed to have a high IQ but is failing in his academic subject. What should the
teacher do to help him? 
A. Talk to his parents 
B. Talk the student & find out his problem 
C. Examine his study habits 
D. Refer him to the guidance counselor 

120. When do test, inventories and career information become effective for counseling service? 

A. When the data generated are interpreted on time by professionally competent person 
B. The psychological test result are still valid and reliable 
C. When the records are updated 
D. When the records are kept for ready reference when needed

121. When do test, inventories and career information become effective for counseling service?

A. When the data generated are interpreted on time by professionally competent person
B. The psychological test result are still valid and reliable.
C. When the records are updated.
D. When the records are kept for ready reference.

122. Which of the following is a major advantage in using arithmetic mean?

A. It is more commonly used than other measures

B. It discriminates between the lowest and the highest
C. It is simple to computer
D. It is more than stable than the median

123. In preparing a multiple choice test how many options would be ideal? 

A. Five
B. Three
C. Any
D. Four

124. Learners often find it much easier to fit into a new social situation when given encouragement and
support. How can this be done?

A. By giving him room responsibility

C. By giving him special help
B. By assigning peers or Buddies to him
D. By discovering his new interest

125. Who expounded on the need to study the child carefully for individualized instruction?

A. Da Feltre
B. Erasmus
C. Boccacio
D. Ascham
126. Which of the following should a teacher do if she cannot pay the monthly installment of an
appliance she got from a department store in their town?

A. Reject any notice of demand for payment to make the impression that she did not receive
B. Move to another neighborhood to escape payment
C. Inform the manager of the store personally and make a satisfactory arrangement of payment on or before the
due date of payment
D. Offer to return the used on the monthly installment she paid

127. Which of the following will you recommended to a senior high school scholar who is impregnated
by a fellow student?

A. Tell her parents about her condition

B. Direct her to an abortion clinic
C. Stop schooling all after she gives birth
D. Force her boyfriend to marry her

128. The government prescribes a higher percentage on the administration of educational institution to
filipino citizens in order to

A. Minimize the unemployment problem

B. Protect the rights of the citizen
C. Procedure globally competitive graduates
D. Ensure the teaching of Filipino

129. Teachers should bear in mind that the period of greatest mental development is from:

A. 9 t0 12 years
B. 12 to 15 years
C. 6 to 9 years
D. 3 to 6 years

130. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance responsibility and

A. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time with the subject matter till end of period
B. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as much as she could for duration of the period
C. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz
D. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her students w/ stories till the end of the period

131. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire
members of the class. How would you remedy this problem?

A. Call the parents for a dialogue

C. Reprimand him always
B. Report the case to the principal
D. Talk to him seriously

132. What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?
A. Prepare the table of specifications
C. Determine the length of time for answering it
B. Review the previous lessons
D. Announce to students the scope of the test

133. Under which of the multiple choice type of test can this question be classified? Which of the
following statement expresses this concept in different forms?

A. Association
B. Definition
C. Difference
D. Cause

134. Of the following types of test which is the most subjective in scoring?

A. Matching type
B. Simple call
C. Multiple choice
D. Essay

135. In which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variable?

A. Experimental
B. Ex post facto
C. Descriptive
D. Historical

136. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic subjects. Which
of the following tests would best explain his performance? 

A. Mental ability 
B. Personally
C. Attitude
D. Aptitude

137. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. At what level of cognitions is

A. Application 
B. Knowledge
C. Evaluation
D. Comprehension

138. Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to increase their ____. 

A. Objectivity 
B. Reliability
C. Validity
D. Usability
139. Which of the following will you do to an examinee you caught cheating and who offered you a
certain sum of money to keep quiet. 

A. Motion him to keep quiet & watch for him after the examination
B. Confiscate his test paper & report him to the examination supervisor
C. Announce to all examinees the name of the cheater
D. Ignore him but let him feel that you saw him (deal with him after the test) 

140. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance rights and authority? 

A. Allow all their only daughter’s suitor to come and go as she pleases
B. Censor all their only daughter’s suitors
C. Choose a life-partner for their only daughter
D. Caution their only daughter’s choice of a boyfriend 

141. In testing which of the following is referred to as cultural bias?

A. Test items are more familiar with some culture

B. Some culture do better on tests than others
C. Test will show who is more cultured
D. Cultured people do better on tests 

142. Which is the most obvious and familiar way of reporting variability?

A. Range between highest and lowest scores

B. Standards deviation 
C. Standard error of the mean
D. Distribution of raw scores

143. The theory of identical elements in learning holds that transfer is facilitated when the ____. 

A. Teacher uses different teaching devices

B. Learner has a mastery of specific responses
C. Development task is easily identifies
D. Experience is similar to the application situation 

144. If this is not met the adolescent tends to be critical and always tries to find fault. This is the need. 

A. For recognition 
B. For adventure
C. To belong
D. For material security

145. The way a child talks, walks of manifest, gestures may have been learned from models he had been
exposed. This explains ____.(Social L. Theory-learning by observation) 

A. Affective
B. Insight
C. Social 
D. Cognitive

146. Audio-visual aids are in classroom teaching to ____? 

A. Help make learning more permanent

B. Help clarify important concept
C. Arouse & sustain student’s interest
D. All of these

147. Which of the following is the MOST important purpose for using achievement test? To measure the

A. Quality and quantity of previous learning 

B. Educational & vocational aptitude
C. Quality & quantity of previous teaching
D. Capacity for failure learning

148. Which of the different types of test covers a wide variety of objectives? 

A. True-false
B. Multiple choice
C. Matching
D. Essay 

149. In a multiple choice test, keeping the options brief indicates ____. 

A. Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the use in the correct answer
B. Non-inclusion of opinion that mean the same
C. Plausibility & attractiveness of the item 
D. Inclusion in the item any word that must otherwise repeated in each response

150. Which of these criteria is the most important in test constructions?

A. The stem should contain the central problem

B. Items should be congruent with the objectives 
C. A table of specification should be prepared
D. Options should be almost the same length

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