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Term of Reference

Gedung Thamrin City., Lantai 1, Lobby Timur, Jalan M.H. Thamrin Boulevard, Kb. Melati, Jakarta Pusat, Kota
Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340
Kerangka Acuan Kerja Terms of Reference
untuk for
Jasa Konsultan Studi Kelayakan, Skema Consultant of Services Feasibility Study,
Pendanaan, dan Basic Engineering Design Funding Scheme, and Basic Engineering
Sesuai Koridor RIP Provinsi DKI Jakarta Design as According to The Corridor From RIP
of DKI Jakarta Province


Daerah mega metropolitan Jabodetabek yang The mega metropolitan area of Jabodetabek
terdiri dari Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan consisting of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang
Bekasi terus berkembang sebagai pusat kegiatan and Bekasi has been continuously developing as
politik, ekonomi dan sosial di Indonesia. the center of political, economical and social
Perkembangan tersebut terutama karena activities in Indonesia. Such development is
peningkatan pesat penduduk, dan pertumbuhan especially due to the rapid increase of population,
ekonomi di daerah tersebut telah menyebabkan and the growth of economic matters in the said
beberapa masalah klasik perkotaan. Dari antara area has caused several classic urban problems.
masalah tersebut, masalah kemacetan lalu lintas Among those, the problem of traffic congestion has
telah semakin memburuk dari tahun ke tahun gotten worst year by year especially around the
terutama di sekitar koridor yang menghubungkan corridors connecting the residential district to the
kawasan perumahan ke daerah pusat kegiatan center area of social, economic and governmental
sosial, ekonomi dan pemerintahan. Akibatnya, activities. As a result, it has brought about a large
telah menyebabkan kerugian besar ekonomi economic loss in the daily activities of people by the
dalam kegiatan masyarakat sehari-hari karena increase of time and cost being spent for
peningkatan waktu dan biaya yang dikeluarkan transportation, decrease of quality of
untuk transportasi, penurunan kualitas kondisi environmental conditions, increase of traffic
lingkungan, peningkatan kecelakaan lalu lintas, accidents, etc.
dan lain lain.

Untuk mengatasi masalah transportasi tersebut, In order to alleviate such transportation problems,
sekarang perlu segera dikembangkan suatu sistem it is now urgently required to develop a
transportasi publik yang komprehensif dan dapat comprehensive and reliable public transportation
diandalkan baik dalam hal kuantitas maupun system in terms of quantity and quality in the
kualitas di daerah Jabodetabek. Jabodetabek area.
Dalam hal ini, beberapa program pembangunan
telah dirumuskan oleh Pemerintah Pusat maupun In this regard, several development programs have
Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta seperti revitalisasi already been formulated by the central government
sistem perkeretaapian Jabotabek yang ada, as well as the DKI Jakarta local government such
memperkenalkan sistem BRT (Bus Rapid as revitalization of the existing Jabotabek railway
Transport), pengembangan jaringan sistem mass system, introduction of BRT (Bus Rapid Transport)
rapid transit (MRT) dan sistem angkutan kereta api system, development of network of mass rapid
ringan (LRT), memperkenalkan sistem Electronic transit (MRT) system and light railway transit (LRT)
Road Pricing (ERP) untuk membatasi volume lalu system, introducting Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)
lintas di wilayah yang ditetapkan, dan lain lain. system to restrict traffic volume in the defined area,
Kemudian, beberapa program tersebut telah etc. Then, some of those programs have already
dilaksanakan, dan beberapa sekarang pada been put into practice, and some are now under the
kondisi operasi komersial. condition of commercial operation.

Pengembangan sistem LRT diharapkan untuk The development of LRT system is expected to
menjalankan banyak fungsi seperti meningkatkan perform many functions such as increasing
kuantitas dan kualitas sistem transportasi umum, quantity and quality of public transportation
perluasan cakupan penyediaan jasa transportasi, system, widening a coverage of providing
meningkatkan integrasi serta kordinasi dengan transportation services, improving integration as
moda transportasi lainnya, dan lain lain. well as cooperation with other transport modes,

Untuk memenuhi harapan ini, Badan Usaha Milik In order to meet this expectation, the Provincial
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta (BUMD) Government of DKI Jakarta owned company
\ditugaskan sebagai pemilik proyek (pemberi tugas (BUMD) has been assigned as project owner
proyek) dari proyek LRT Jakarta ini terutama untuk (project employer) of this Jakarta LRT project
segera mengembangkan koridor eksisting LRT especially for developing the next corridor from
Jakarta Fase 1 Koridor 1 Kelapa Gading- existing LRT Jakarta Phase 1 Corridor 1 Kelapa
Velodrome. Gading-Velodrome

Dalam hal ini, kini telah dibuat program In this connection, it is now programmed to employ
mempekerjakan konsultan bertaraf internasional an international consultant to assist the project
yang diminta untuk membantu pemilik proyek owner in make the Services Planning Documents
dalam penyiapan Dokumen Perencanaan for Development Corridor LRT Jakarta.
Penyelenggaraan Koridor Pengembangan LRT


Berdasarkan latar belakang yang diuraikan di atas, Based on the background described above, the
tujuan dari jasa konsultansi untuk objectives of this consulting services of

- Membuat studi kelayakan seluruh koridor - Make a feasibility study for all the Jakarta LRT
pengembangan LRT Jakarta dengan development corridors in line the DKI Jakarta
memperhatikan Rencana Induk Provincial Railroad Master Plan and other
Perkeretaapian Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan regulations
peraturan lainnya yang berlaku. - Make a Basic Engineering Design for all
- Membuat dokumen Basic Engineering Design corridors document in line the DKI Jakarta
seluruh koridor dengan memperhatikan Provincial Railroad Master Plan and other
Rencana Induk Perkeretaapian Provinsi DKI regulations
Jakarta dan peraturan lainnya yang berlaku. - Creating a business model and financing
- Membuat model bisnis dan skema pendanaan scheme for the construction, operation,
pembangunan, operasi, pemeliharaan dan maintenance and operation of the all Jakarta
pengusahaan seluruh koridor LRT Jakarta LRT corridor in line the DKI Jakarta Provincial
dengan memperhatikan RIPP DKI Jakarta. Railroad Master Plan.
- Disetujuinya trase koridor pengembangan LRT - Approval of the route of the Jakarta LRT
Jakarta sesuai dengan memperhatikan RIPP development corridor in line the DKI Jakarta
Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan peraturan lainnya Provincial Railroad Master Plan and other
yang berlaku. applicable regulations


Untuk memperoleh tujuan tersebut di atas, lingkup In order to obtain the objectives mentioned above,
pekerjaan pada setiap tahap ditunjukkan di bawah, the scope of works on each stage are shown
namun tidak terbatas pada pekerjaan-pekerjaan below, but not limited to those works. There may
tersebut. Mungkin ada lingkup pekerjaan be additional or revised scope of works required in
tambahan atau revisi lingkup pekerjaan yang accordance with changing surrounding conditions
diperlukan sesuai dengan perubahan kondisi of the project implementation.
sekitar pelaksanaan proyek.

(1) Persiapan (1) Preparation

Memberikan laporan mengenai jadwal Provide the schedule of the study plan along
rencana kajian beserta persiapan yang with the necessary preparations and work
diperlukan dan metode kerja methods

(2) Survei pendahuluan, pengumpulan data (2) Preliminary survey and secondary data
primer dan pengumpulan data sekunder collection
a. Mereviu Rencana Induk Perkeretaapian a. Review the Jakarta Provincial Railroad
Provinsi DKI Jakarta Master Plan (RIPP DKI Jakarta)
b. Mengumpulkan data dari Dinas terkait b. Collect data from the relevant
Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk perecanaan Authorities DKI Jakarta Province for
LRT Jakarta planning the Jakarta LRT
c. Kesesuaian dengan Rencana Tata c. Compatibility with the DKI Jakarta
Ruang dan Wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Spatial Planning and Province

(3) Survei Lokasi (3) Location Survey

a. Melaksanakan survei lapangan dan a. Carry out the field survey and
investigasi kondisi sekarang sepanjang investigation on the present conditions
lintas pelayanan dengan memperhatikan along the said decided corridors for
RIP untuk persiapan desain teknik awal; preparation of preliminary engineering
b. Mengidentifikasi objek halangan dan design;
potensi halangan selama proses b. Identify obstacles and potential obstacles
pembangunan dan operasional LRT; during the LRT development and
c. Berkoordinasi dengan dinas terkait untuk operational process;
mengetahui rencana pengembangan c. Coordinate with relevant authoritites to
dikemudian hari pada sepanjang lintas find out future development plans along
layanan. the route.

(4) Studi Kelayakan (4) Feasibility Study

a. Membuat kriteria desain sistem LRT a. Make a design criteria of LRT system to
yang akan dipakai sambil meninjau be adopted while reviewing the previous
ulang kajian sebelumnya serta study as well as considering the
mempertimbangkan kondisi sistem LRT conditions of others programmed LRT
lainnya yang diprogram; system;
b. Membuat Studi Kelayakan terhadap b. Make feasibility study on all the indicate
indikasi seluruh koridor pada RIP DKI planned corridors in line Railroad Master
Jakarta sesuai kebutuhan persetujuan Plan DKI Jakarta for route approval from
trase oleh kementerian perhubungan, Ministry of Transportation, technical
kajian teknis, kajian ekonomi sambil study, and economical requirements
meninjau ulang hasil studi kelayakan while reviewing the result of previous
sebelumnya, dan merekomendasikan feasibility study and recommend the very
koridor yang dibutuhkan untuk urgently needed corridor for
diimplementasi termasuk membantu implementation including assisting in
dalam membuat keputusan akhir koridor making a final descision of corridor to be
yang pertama akan diwujudkan. firstly materialized.
c. Meninjau ulang atau menyiapkan desain c. Review or prepare the preliminary
teknik awal berdasarkan pada kajian engineering design based on the
sebelumnya dengan previous study considering design
mempertimbangkan desain standar, standard, design criteria and loading
kriteria desain dan skema pembebanan scheme on:
pada: a. Determine the type of structure of
line and buildings in the possibility of

a. Menentukan jenis struktur jalur dan underground, on land, and elevated
bangunan pada kemungkinan lines with socio-economic,
bawah tanah, di tanah, dan jalur environmental and technical
layang dengan pertimbangan sosial considerations.
ekonomi, lingkungan, dan teknis b. Horizontal and vertical alignment of
route considering integration with
b. Alinemen horizontal dan vertikal jalur other transport modes together with
dengan mempertimbangkan avoidance of necessity of land
pengintegrasian dengan moda acquisition as well as no disturbance
transportasi lainnya serta untuk of existing structures as much as
sejauh mungkin menghindari possible;
perlunya pembebasan lahan serta
tidak ada gangguan terhadap c. Location of station considering
struktur yang ada; integration with other transport
c. Lokasi stasiun dengan modes, stabling yard and depot &
mempertimbangkan workshop;
pengintegrasian dengan moda
transportasi lainnya, emplasemen
penyimpanan (stabling yard), depot d. Track layout along the route, and
dan bengkel (balai yasa); station considering train operation
d. Tata letak jalur rel di sepanjang plan;
lintas, dan di stasiun dengan
mempertimbangkan rencana e. Viaduct consisting of super structure
operasi KA; and substructure at station and
e. Viaduk yang terdiri dari struktur atas between stations;
dan struktur bawah di stasiun dan f. Track structure on viaduct, and
antara stasiun; stabling yard;
f. Struktur jalan rel di viaduk dan g. Facilities of station such as platform,
emplasemen penyimpanan; pasenger service equipment,
g. Fasilitas stasiun seperti peron, building & architectural facilities,
perlengkapan layanan penumpang, access planning to the station, etc;
fasilitas bangunan & arsitektur,
perencanaan akses ke stasiun, dan h. Basic performance and dimension of
lain lain; LRT rolling stock;
h. Kinerja dasar dan dimensi kereta i. All electrical and mechanical facilities
LRT; for passenger services, train
i. Semua fasilitas listrik dan mekanikal operation including signaling &
untuk layanan penumpang, operasi telecommunication system, safety
KA termasuk system persinyalan & system, maintenance, building, etc;
telekomunikasi, sistem keamanan,
pemeliharaan, bangunan, dan lain j. Information system for operating and
lain; managing LRT system; and
j. Sistem informasi untuk
pengoperasian dan manajemen d. Contains a study of willingness to shift
sistem LRT. and willingness to pay along the affected
d. Memuat kajian willingness to shift dan line.
willingness to pay di sepanjang area e. Estimate demand forecast on the said
terdampak trase decided corridors considering tendency
e. Mengestimasi perkiraan permintaan pada of movement of people in the future along
lintas pelayanan yang diputuskan tersebut the corridors, transited passenger
dengan mempertimbangkan kecenderungan volume by the result of integration with
pergerakan orang sepanjang lintas other transport modes and other factors
pelayanan di masa yang akan datang, having influence on demand forecast
volume penumpang transit dari hasil including sensitive analysis depending
integrasi dengan moda transportasi lain dan on fare level;
faktor lain-lain yang berpengaruh pada
perkiraan permintaan termasuk analisis f. Arrange a train operation plan based on
sensitif yang bergantung pada tingkat tarif; the estimated demand forecast
f. Menyusun rencana operasi KA berdasarkan considering rush hours conditions
estimasi perkiraan permintaan dengan including arrangement of typical train
mempertimbangkan kondisi jam sibuk operation diagram;
termasuk penyusunan diagram operasi KA
khusus (GAPEKA);

g. Mengkaji metode konstruksi untuk g. Study the construction method for project
pelaksanaan proyek dan implementation and recommend the
merekomendasikan yang paling efektif dan most effective and expeditious one;
h. Menyusun jadwal seluruh pelaksanaan h. Arrange a whole project implementation
proyek termasuk semua kegiatan yang schedule including all required activities.

(5) Persetujuan Trase (5) Route Permit

a. Studi Kelayakan untuk penetapan Trase a. Feasibility Study for determination of
diharuskan mengakomodasi keperluan route is required to accommodate the
perizinan trase sesuai dengan Peraturan route permit requirements in accordance
Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 11 Tahun with the Minister of Transportation
2012 tentang ”Tata Cara Penetapan Regulation Number 11 of 2012 about
Trase Kereta Api”. Sekaligus termasuk "Procedures for Determining Trase
peraturan pelengkap dan/atau peraturan Railway". At the same time include
perubahnya jika ada. supplementary regulations and / or
b. Mengkaji aspek hukum dalam changes to regulations if any;
penyelenggaraan LRT Jakarta b. Study the legal aspect in the
c. Berkoordinasi dengan pemangku implementation of Jakarta LRT;
kepentingan lainnya untuk persetujuan c. Coordinate with other stakeholders for
Izin Trase seluruh koridor dengan approval of the Route Permit for all
memperhatikan RIPP DKI Jakarta corridors in line to the Jakarta RIPP

(6) Studi Skema Pendanaan (6) Study of Funding Schemes

a. Perkiraan biaya proyek yang diperlukan a. Estimate required project cost based on
berdasarkan desain teknik awal sambil the arranged preliminary engineering
meninjau ulang kajian sebelumnya design while reviewing the previous
dengan rincian yang sesuai dengan study with appropriate breakdown by
menggunakan biaya satuan dan volume using unit cost and work volume;
kerja; b. Contains financial studies for LRT
b. Memuat kajian finansial untuk proyek projects including project financing
LRT termasuk pilihan pembiayaan options;
proyek c. Prioritize the option of the Jakarta LRT
c. Menentukan prioritas terhadap pilihan development corridor based on the
koridor pengembangan LRT Jakarta results of the Feasibility Study.
berdasarkan hasil Studi Kelayakan d. Study contract packaging plan for
d. Mengkaji rencana paket kontrak untuk construction of civil structure as well as
pembangunan struktur sipil serta procurement of system & track.
pengadaan sistem & jalan rel.
(7) Basic Engineering Design (BED)
(7) Basic Engineering Design (BED) a. Provide specifications data
a. Menyediakan spesifikasi kebutuhan requirements for soil investigations
data investigasi tanah untuk keperluan document which will be used for BED;
penyusunan dokumen (BED); b. Do Topographic Survey for all
b. Melakukan Survei Topografik di seluruh corridor;
Koridor; c. Provide topographic survey
c. Menyediakan data Survei Topografi document which will be used for BED;
untuk keperluan BED; d. Prepare a Basic Engineering Design
d. Menyusun dokumen Basic Engineering document for the Jakarta LRT, in line
Design untuk LRT Jakarta dengan RIPP DKI Jakarta Corridor
memperhatikan Koridor RIPP DKI compliance with standards, local
Jakarta sesuai dengan standar dan laws and regulations;
peraturan perundang-undangan yang e. Make Technical specifications for
berlaku; infrastructure and Jakarta LRT
e. Menyusun Spesifikasi Teknis untuk operating facilities in accordance with
prasarana dan fasilitas operasi LRT applicable laws and regulations;
Jakarta sesuai dengan peraturan dan f. Technical specifications for rolling
perundang-undangan yang berlaku; stock in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations;

f. Spesifikasi Teknis untuk sarana kereta g. Make a BED drawing based on the
api ringan sesuai dengan peraturan dan technical specifications of the
perundang-undangan yang berlaku; infrastructure and rolling stock;
g. Membuat gambar BED berdasarkan h. Preparation of BED documents in
spesifikasi teknis infrastruktur dan accordance with the results of the
sarana; feasibility study within the scope of
h. Penyusunan dokumen BED sesuai work points number 1 until number 6.
dengan hasil dari studi kelayakan i. Make an Engineer Estimate
sesuai dengan cakupan pekerjaan poin Document
nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 6.
i. Menyusun Dokumen Enginer Estimate


Jangka waktu jasa konsultansi ini untuk selama The duration of this consulting service is to be ten
sepuluh (10) bulan. (10) months.


Jumlah kebutuhan personil dan volume man- The following number of personnel requirement
month masing-masing yang diperkirakan untuk and each man-month volume are estimated for
menyelesaikan jasa konsultasi. completion of the consulting services.

(1) Internasional (Profesional A: Diperlukan (1) International (Professional A: Required for

untuk tingkat internasional dalam international level on proficiency and
kemampuan dan pengalaman) experience)

(2) Nasional (Profesional B: Diperlukan untuk (2) National (Professional B: Required for
tingkat nasional dalam kemampuan dan national level on proficiency and experience)

(3) Staf Pendukung: Mendukung peran (3) Supporting Staff: Support the role of
Profesional A dan Profesional B untuk Professional A and Professional B to carry out
menjalankan tugasnya their duties

Perkiraan lebih rinci jenis tugas dan masing- The estimation of more detailed required kind of
masing yang dibutuhkan termasuk pengalaman assignment including required experience as well
yang dibutuhkan serta tugas utama yang as main job to be expected of each professional are
diharapkan dari setiap professional ditunjukkan shown in the table attached.
dalam tabel terlampir.

Khusus untuk pengalaman yang dibutuhkan dalam Especially as for the required experience described
tabel, itu merupakan pengalaman minimal in the table, it is the minimum professional
profesional yang dihitung sejak tanggal experience being counted from the date of
memperoleh gelar sarjana dari universitas. obtained undergraduate degree of university.

Informasi yang diberikan diatas hanya sebagai The given informations above are only references
referensi untuk Konsultan dalam mengatur tugas for the Consultant to arrange the required
yang diperlukan. assignments.


Konsultan harus menyampaikan laporan berikut The Consultant shall submit the following reports
ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia. written in English as well as in Indonesian.

(1) Laporan Pendahuluan (Inception), (1) Preliminary (Inception) Report, outlining work
menguraikan metodologi kerja, jadwal kerja methodology, working schedule and staffing
dan jadwal staf dengan lima (5) salinan hard schedule with five (5) copies for hard copy
copy dan satu (1) salinan soft copy dalam and 1 (one) copies for soft copy within one (1)
waktu satu (1) minggu setelah dimulainya weeks after the Consultant commences its
jasa Konsultan; service;

(2) Laporan Interim Kemajuan Proyek, (2) Project Interm Progress Report, summarizing
merangkum kemajuan pekerjaan bulanan, monthly work progress, total progress since
kemajuan menyeluruh sejak dimulainya commencement of the service, key
layanan, pencapaian pokok, masalah yang achievement, problems encountered,
dihadapi, analisis resiko dan tindakan analysis of risk and corrective actions thereto,
perbaikan hal tersebut, dan lain-lain dengan etc. with five (5) copies for hard copy and one
lima (5) salinan hard copy dan satu (1) salinan (1) copies for soft copy throughout the
soft copy sepanjang jangka waktu Jasa Consultant’s Service period until the project is
Layanan Konsultan sampai proyek selesai, completed, minimum according to the
minimal sesuai dengan penjabaran sebagai description as follows
berikut a. Draft Feasibility Study for each corridorAs
a. Draft Studi Kelayakan setiap koridor b. Draft Basic Engineering Design (BED) for
b. Draft Basic Engineering Design (BED) each corridor
setiap koridor c. Draft Business Review Report
c. Draft Laporan Kajian Bisnis d. Report on the results of the Jakarta RIPP
d. Laporan hasil reviu RIPP DKI Jakarta review
e. Laporan progres bulanan proses kajian e. Monthly progress report of the review
f. Laporan kajian bisnis seluruh koridor LRT process
Jakarta dengan memperhatikan RIPP f. Business study report of all the Jakarta
DKI Jakarta LRT corridor in line with the Jakarta RIPP

(3) Laporan Akhir, yang merangkum semua (3) Final Report, summarizing all the activities
kegiatan yang dilakukan dan kejadian yang conducted and events happened during the
terjadi selama jangka waktu Jasa Layanan service term of the consulting Services with
konsultansi dengan lima (5) salinan hard copy five (5) copies for hard copy and one (1) copy
dan satu (1) salinan soft copy pada satu (1) for soft copy at 1 (one) month before the
bulan sebelum berakhirnya jasa pertama- completion of the service as the draft version
tama versi draft, dan terakhir versi final firstly, and lastly as the final version with five
dengan lima (5) salinan hard copy dan satu (5) copies for hard copy and one (1) copies for
(1) salinan soft copy setelah versi draft soft copy after corrected the draft version if
dikoreksi jika ada pada akhir jangka waktu any at the ending of Consultant's service
Jasa Layanan Konsultan. period.

(4) Seluruh hasil kajian dalam proses yang (4) All results of the study during the process
digunakan untuk menyusun Studi kelayakan, used to prepare the Feasibility Study,
Skema Pendanaan, dan Basic Engineering Funding Scheme, and Basic Engineering
Design. Design
Diusulkan Oleh:

Plt. Project Director LRT Jakarta

Staffing Requirement for Consultant of Services Planning Documents for Jakarta LRT Development Corridor

No Kinds of Assignment Main Jobs To Be Performed

I. Professional A & B for Feasibility Study and Basic Engineering Design

A01 Project Manager (Team Leader) 25 Full responsibility for performing and managing the Consultant’s activities while coorperating with each other
of Professional A, B, and Supporting Staff.
A02 Interface Manager 20 Full responsibility in coordinating designs from every discipline
A03 Railways Systems Engineer 20 Full responsibility in designing all aspects needed for preparation, construction, and operational LRT
A04 Light Rail Rolling Stock Expert 20 Responsible for carrying out work in accordance with the scope of work associated with LRV
A05 Rolling Stock Engineer 20 Responsible for carrying out work in accordance with the scope of work associated with LRV
A06 Financial Analyst 20 Full responsibility to studies LRT Jakarta financial for all corridor
A07 SCADA/OCC Expert 20 Full responsibility to design and consider all of aspects SCADA/OCC
A08 Signalling Engineer 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work signaling for LRT
A09 Track Facility Expert 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work track facility for LRT
A10 Risk Assessment Expert 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work risk assessment for LRT
A11 AFC Expert 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work AFC for LRT
A12 PSD Expert 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work PSD for LRT
A13 Power Traction Expert 20 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work traction power for LRT
B01 Transportation Specialist 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work transportation like integration, stati ons
placement, demand analysis, and other studies that needed for LRT
B02 Telecom Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work telecom for LRT
B03 Power Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work power for LRT
B04 Alignment Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work for alignment LRT Jakarta considering the
minimal (or not at all) land acquisition
B05 Environtment Management Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work environment management for LRT
B06 Station Structure Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work station structure consider economical price
and compliance with regulations
B07 Viaduct Structure Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work viaduct structure consider economical price
and compliance with regulations
B08 Soil Investigation Engineer 15 Provide technical specifications for the purposes of soil investigations and other scope of work
B09 Topographic/GIS Engineer 15 Provide technical specifications for the purposes of topographic survey and other scope of work
B10 Geotechnical Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work foundation structure consider economical
price and compliance with regulations
B11 Architectural Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work architectural consider economical price and
compliance with regulations
B12 MEP Engineer 15 Full responsible to design, studies, and fulfill the scope of work MEP consider economical price and
compliance with regulations
B13 Cost Estimate Analyst 1 15 Calculate the estimate cost for LRT construction based on the scope of work
B14 Cost Estimate Analyst 2 15 Calculate the estimate cost for LRT construction based on the scope of work
B15 Legal Analyst 15 To studies and analysis from the law point of view LRT business plan, preparation plan, construction plan,
and operational plan.
II. Supporting Staff
C01 Project Manager (Team Leader) C To support professional staff according the discipline
C02 Interface Manager C To support professional staff according the discipline

C03 Railways Systems Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C04 Light Rail Rolling Stock Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C05 Rolling Stock Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C06 Financial Analyst C To support professional staff according the discipline
C07 SCADA/OCC Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C08 Signalling Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C09 Track Facility Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C10 Risk Assessment Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C11 AFC Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C12 PSD Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C13 Power Traction Expert C To support professional staff according the discipline
C14 Transportation Specialist C To support professional staff according the discipline
C15 Telecom Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C16 Power Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C17 Alignment Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C18 Environtment Management Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C19 Station Structure Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C20 Viaduct Structure Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C21 Soil Investigation Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C22 Topographic/GIS Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C23 Geotechnical Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C24 Architectural Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C25 MEP Engineer C To support professional staff according the discipline
C26 Cost Estimate Analyst 1 C To support professional staff according the discipline
C27 Cost Estimate Analyst 2 C To support professional staff according the discipline
C28 Legal Analyst C To support professional staff according the discipline
C29 Secreatary C To support operational consultancy
C30-39 Surveyor C To support operational consultancy
C40-41 Assisstant Surveyor C To support operational consultancy
C42-46 Autocad Operator C To support operational consultancy
C47-48 Office Boy C To support operational consultancy
C49-50 Office Guard / Security Officer C To support operational consultancy
C50-53 Driver C To support operational consultancy

Diusulkan Oleh:

Plt. Project Director LRT Jakarta

No Uraian Dari (OOB) Ke (COB) Durasi Dokumen
1 Pengambilan Dokumen Wed, Feb 27, Fri, Mar 1, 3 Peserta Seleksi Mendownload RFP
2 Aanwijzing Fri, Mar 1, Fri, Mar 1, 1 BA Aanwijzingg (offline) pukul 15:00 WIB
3 Penyiapan Penawaran File 1&2 dan Klarifikasi Sat, Mar 2, Wed, Mar 13, 12 Dokumen Penawaran File 1 & 2
4 Batas Penawaran File 1&2 dan Pembukaan File 1 Wed, Mar 13, Wed, Mar 13, 1 BA Pembukaan Dokumen Penawaran File 1
5 Pengumuman Nilai File 1 dan Pembukaan File 2 Mon, Mar 18, Mon, Mar 18, 1 Pengumuman Jam 17.00
6 Pengumuman Nilai File 2 dan Undangan Negosiasi Wed, Mar 20, Wed, Mar 20, 1 Pengumuman peringkat dan item-item negosiasi
7 Negosiasi Kontrak dan Pengumuman Pemenang Fri, Mar 22, Fri, Mar 22, 1 Surat Pengumuman dan BA Negosiasi
1. Jaminan Masa Sanggah
8 Masa Sanggah Sat, Mar 23, Mon, Mar 25, 3
2. Surat Resmi dari Peserta yang Melakukan Sanggah
9 Jawab Sanggah Sat, Mar 23, Wed, Mar 27, 5 Surat tanggapan sanggah
10 SPMK (Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja) Thu, Mar 28, Fri, Mar 29, 2 Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja
11 Commencement Date Fri, Mar 29, Fri, Mar 29, 1

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