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Self-important=thinking that you

Self-esteem =a good opinion of your are more important than other

own character and abilities:a man with people(self-importance nount)
high/low self-esteem

Self-restraint=the ability to stop yourself
doing or saying sth,because you know it
is better not to do or say it. Self-employed=working for
-She exercised all her self-restraint and yourself and earning money from
kept quiet. your own business.

Self-sacrifice =giving up what you

need or want,in order to help
Self-righteous=a self-righteous Self-denying=someone who is self-denying refuses to do
Self-appointed=someone who or have things that they would like, either because they
person acts superior to his peers
named him or herself to a position cannot afford them, or because they believe it is
because he believes his moral
or role. morally good for them not to do them or have them.
standards are perfect
-He's so self-righteous - like he's -They belong to an older, more self-denying generation.
never done anything wrong in
his life.
Self-centred=only interested in Self-disciplined=the ability to make
yourself and your own activities. yourself do things you know you should
-Robert is a self-centred and an do even when you do not want to.
ambitious person. -You need a lot of self-discipline when
you're doing research work on your own.

Self-destructive=destroying or
causing serious harm to oneself.
-He is rebellious, aggressive and Self-indulgent=allowing yourself to
at times self-destructive. have or do anything that you enjoy
-I know it's self-indulgent of me, but
I'll have another chocolate.

Self-aware=having conscious
knowledge of one's own character
and feelings.
SELF Self-reliant =reliant on one's own
-He is self-aware enough powers and resources rather than
to realize that he needs help. those of others.
-Single parents have to be self-reliant
and inventive.

Self-obsessed =excessively preoccupied

with one's own life and circumstances. Self-confessed=to recognize that it has a
thinking only about oneself. characteristic considered to be bad or
not acceptable.
-a self-confessed gambler/alcoholic.

Self-conscious=nervous or uncomfortable because you Self-confident =trusting in one's abilities, qualities,

are worried about what people think about you or your actions. and judgement.
-He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent. -Despite his success, he still seems to lack self-
confidence socially,

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