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Khalafa 

   Khalafa 
  

Khalafa 
   Opposing of a thing. Khalîfah
 : Supreme chief; Succes-
sor; Religious head. Ibn
To succeed, take the place of, be Masûd and Ibn ‘Abbas explain
the agent, substitute of. Khalifa this word as one who judges

   :To be stupid. Khalafa‘an among or rules the creatures
Khulqi abîhi: of God by his command. The
 word Khalîfah  in 2:30
He was not his father’s worth. refers also to the children of
Khalafa     : To be altered, Adam, i.e., the whole of man-
corrupt, ascend a mountain, kind, the correctness of their
remain behind, repair clothes, view is corroborated by the
seize from behind, disobey, Holy Qur’ân itself (6:165).
transgress, forfeit one’s word, Khalafa  (prf. 3rd p.m. sing.):
disagree. Akhlafa    :To He succeeded, acted as a succes-
break; repair (a garment); send sor. Khalaftumûnî  (prf.
behind, replace. Takhallafa 3rd. p.m. plu. comb. of
 : To remain behind, dis- Khalftumû + nî = me) You suc-
agree. Ikhtalafa  : To be ceeded me. Yakhlufûna 
diversified, branch off, suc- (prt. 2nd. p.m. plu.): They suc-
ceed, replace, leave behind, ceed. Ukhluf  (prt. 2nd
return repeatedly to; Alterna- p.m. sing.): You succeed.
tion; Contradiction; Variation. Khullifû  (pp. 3rd p.m. plu.
Istakhlafa : To appoint II.): They were left behind.
as successor; substitute one Yukhâlifûna  (imp. 3rd
for another. Khalaf 
p.m. plu. III.): They oppose.
Good son, successor, substi-
Ukhâlifu    (imp. 1st p. sing.
tute, compensation. Khalf :
III.): I oppose. Akhlafû 
Bad son, successor, substi-
(prf. 3rd p.m. plu. IV.): They
tute, compensation. Khawâlif
: Misbehaved and worth- kept back, broke their word.
less. Khilf : Diversity; Akhlaftum  (prf. 3rd p.m.
Other; Else; Contrary. Khilâf plu.): You kept back (from prom-
Itis infinitive noun from ise or appointment), failed in your
Khalafa: He disagreed, he promise. Akhlafnâ  (prf.
disobeyed or defied, he put a 1st p. plu.): We kept back.
thing on opposite side or in Yukhlifu     (imp. 3rd p.m.
opposite direction. Khilâf sing. IV.): He keeps back. Lan
 Disobedience; Defi- Yukhlifu    : He will never
ance; Against; After; Contrary, keep back. Tukhlifu     (imp.

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