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Unlike B2B sales, B2C (or business-to-consumer) sales revolve around

transactions between a company and its individual consumers. These deals
tend to be of lower price value and complexity than B2B sales and can involve
multiple deals with a variety of customers.

5. Business Development

Thought business development doesn’t account for an entire sales

transaction, it is an important aspect of the sales function for many
companies. This role is typically held by business development managers, who
are responsible for generating new business and qualifying leads for their
company. Once the business development managers have qualified the new
leads, their sales rep peers can take the leads through the sales process to
close the deal.
6. Agency Sales

This type of sales involves generating and converting new leads to sign onto
service packages from an agency. According to HubSpot’s 2019 State of
Agency Selling, the average agency sales cycle is between 31 and 90 days,
with most agencies bringing on one to three new clients each month. 
In the agency sales space, clients are typically signed either by project or on a
retainer. For agencies that sign clients by project, they primarily focus on
bringing in new business, selling service packages to new clients as their
current projects wrap up. With a retainer model, agencies can engage with
clients on an ongoing basis, allowing for predictable, recurring income with
less dependence on bringing in a steady stream of new customers.

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