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David M. Cox Elementary School – Dream It! Believe It! Achieve It! NO LIMITS!

Cox Cub News

Volume 10, Issue 8 Mrs. Tara Imboden, Principal
Sept. 28-Oct. 02, 2020 Mrs. Andrea Heinlen, Assistant Principal


Thank you Families! We raised $3,686.00 during our on-line fundraiser in September!
Parents: Our next 3 weeks of school-work packets will be ready for pick-up tomorrow, Friday, October 2nd. Pick-up is always
at the side doors up at the front of the school just past the kindergarten fence and front steps. There are two times; 9:00 am-
11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm-4:00 pm. Please wear your masks at the pick-up doors.

Parent Conferences Coming: Parents, next week we will begin scheduling for the annually required parent conferences. Parent
conferences are for elementary schools only and will be the week of October 12th – 16th with Wednesday, the 14th as a full day
of conferences in which students will not attend distance learning lessons (they will not be marked absent). The letter within
this newsletter provides information about conferences and when sign-up will begin.

Cyber Cox Cub of the Week: Congratulations to the following students for being an awesome Cyber Cox Cub
Student last week in our Specialist Classes: Evenlyn Winfree, Allison Bonzo, Charlyn Smith, and
Gianluca Moznett!
Parents can pick up their certificates in the front office until Friday. All certificates left over after the week will be placed in their teacher’s classroom

SOT Board Members: Congratulations to the following DMC Staff who were elected to the School Organziational
Team for the 2020-2021 school year: Mrs. Anna Sowell, Mrs. Heather Brown, and Mrs. Ana Pisano! We are very
grateful that our parents currently serving as SOT Board members agreed to sit on the team for another year:
Mrs. Stephanie Pandullo, Mr. Christopher Huff, and our new parent board member, Mrs. Leslie Burton. We would
like to thank Mrs. Amanda Chandler for many years of serving on our SOT Board; we look forward to having her
come back to SOT in the future! *Elections were not held as no additional parents requested their name to be put on the ballot and a
member who has served for multiple years stepped down to allow for an opening which Mrs. Burton accepted.

Milers: Great job to the following students for putting in their miles last week: Carl LoBue and Ryan LoBue finished
both their 30 miles and their 40 miles!!! Quinton Avery finished 20 miles! Celina McCoy-Rasmus is up to 8 miles
now! Keep walking and jogging Cox Cubs!
Parents send me the names of your students and their miles completed so I can celebrate them in our newsletter!

P-EBT Card Information: Here are two website links about the P-EBTcards which were mailed out to our families
at DMC:
Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT):

P-EBT Facts:

MAPS Update: Thank you students and parents for getting through on-line testing in MAPS! We are happy to announce that all
students at DMC except for 4 completed their MAPS testing in reading and math. That’s impressive! Great Job!

-over for more-

David M. Cox Elementary School

October 12-16, 2020 (virtual)

October 14, 2020 Full Conference Day – no live lessons or instruction for students

Parent Student Teacher Academic Planning Time (PSTAPT) is the term for Parent-Teacher
Conferences. The goal of PSTAPT is to share your child’s progress toward grade level standards
and work with you to plan for your child’s academic success.

The beginning of the year assessment results, current grades, attendance, distance learning
performance and topics you would like to address will be discussed during the conference. Every
parent will be scheduled for no longer than a 20 minute conference. Please make sure you log into
the Google Meet at your scheduled time. Due to the number of conferences teachers need to conduct,
please try to be prompt as the conference cannot run longer than 20 minutes.

PSTAPT will be held during the week of October 12-16, 2020. STUDENTS WILL NOT
ATTEND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON Wednesday, October 14th, and will be marked attending
for the day. Teachers will be available for evening conferences one of the days during the week.
Sign-up times to schedule your student’s conference will be conducted on a site called “Sign-Up
Genius” which allows you to see dates, times, and availability to meet with your student’s teacher.
You are also able to reschedule your time through the site if needed. Once a time is chosen the site
removes that option from availability. We are very excited to move away from “paper-pencil”
practice and into a more efficient form of scheduling.

Teachers will be attending training on the format of virtual parent conferences and the “Sign-
Up Genius” on Monday during their virtual office hours. The site should be available for parents to
begin signing up for times by Tuesday, October 6, after 3:30 pm. If you are not able to attend via
Google Meet, teachers are able to conduct phone conferences. We are asking that parents sign up
through “Sign-Up Genius” by Friday, October 9, 2020.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are data-driven meetings for your student. The meeting time is
very limited and dialogue will be student-centered. This is not the time to express frustrations which
you may have towards the school district or distance learning, as the teachers do not have knowledge
of when students will be returning nor control over how distance learning was/is implemented.
Students may attend with their parents/guardians.
A Look Ahead:
*Dates are always subject to change.

Oct. 09 First Quarter Ends

Oct. 09 Spirit Dress Day: Crazy Hair
Oct. 12-16 Elementary Parent Conferences
Oct. 14 No school for elementary students – due to conferences
Oct. 29 Spirit Dress Day: Costumes
Oct. 30 No School, Nevada Day
Nov. 01 Fall Back an Hour: Daylight Saving Ends
Nov. 03 No School-election day
Nov. 06 Progress Reports on IC
Nov. 11 No School-Veteran’s Day
Nov. 13 Spirit Dress Day: school shirts or yellow and blue clothing
Nov. 16-Dec. 18 MAPS Winter Testing (possibly)
Nov. 24 Progress Reports on IC
Nov. 25-27 No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 08 SOT Mtg. 5 pm
Dec. 11 Progress Reports on IC
Dec. 14-18 Holiday Spirit Dress Week
Dec. 18 First Semester End
Dec. 19-Jan. 03 Winter Break
Jan. 08 Report cards sent home

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