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SOT Meeting

March 29, 2023

I. Meeting called to order

A. Minutes approved by A. Sowell
B. Seconded by J. Galdi
1. Addendum to the minutes from 2/28/23
a) Change strat time to 5:00 PM
II. Staffing
A. Gonzales - 2nd grade
1. Conditional contract
B. Resource reduction
1. Bernard to transfer to Charlotte HIll
2. Primary autism vacancy
3. Math Interventionist - position reduction
C. Night Custodian
1. Vacancy - no applicants
2. Staff support surplus April 14th
III. Discussion - Daily 5
A. Instructional strategies (shared)
B. Examples
1. Possibly covering preps to visit peer classrooms
2. Share/show implementation and interpretation of Daily 5
IV. Community survey went out, feedback is starting to come in
V. Summer school
A. Signed up
1. 203 Students
2. 27-30 teachers
B. Tentative Roster
1. Hall - Pre-K
2. Acuna - 3rd
3. Rurka - 4th
4. Cole - Enrichment
5. Piccininni - interventions
VI. Budget Total
A. $145, 518.16 (remainder of year - June 30th)
1. Ordering for next year has begun
2. Preliminarily: $100,000 (after salaries)
a) For ordering and carry over
3. PTA to refund up to $10,500.000 for wish lists

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