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Peña, Gabriel G.

BSEd-English 2C Survey of Afro-Asian Literature TTH 4:30-6:00 PM


Film, also called as motion picture or movie is a recorded sequence of film or

video images displayed on screen or TV. These movies tell us different stories. Some of

them are taken from a literary piece (short story, novel, etc.) Some of these movies are

“The Bottomless Bag” directed by Rustam Khamdamov taken from Ryunosuke

Akutagawa’s In a Grove and Outrage! directed by Walter Grauman taken from Outrage

by Henry Denker. These two movies possess similarities and differences with each

other about their themes, storylines, etc.

The two movies are all about finding culprits to a certain mysterious incident.

However, the first movie shows more about the different possible suspects and explain

themselves to whoever is the main killer of the murder incident, on one hand, the other

movie centers mostly on the judiciary system of their country especially the battle

between justice and law wherein it questions the notion that criminals seem to have

more rights than victims and their families.

In terms of reality and fantasy, the first film is in a form of fantasy. Say for

example, when we see the three different versions of the events on the murder of the

female courtier’s son specifically when there is the mediator that shows the reality of the

incident in a form of calling or whatever witchcraft or magic happening it. On the other

hand, the second film is showing reality. It neglects any form of fantasy that may

happen in the story, and this reality is all about the justice system and the real world.
In terms of their cinematography, the first movie shows a reminiscence on the

silent film era where films doesn’t produce any form of verbal communications

that we can hear. Moreover, it is in stunning black and white. Eventhough, the

year it was produced is in contemporary period. The background music used is in

accordance with the scenes presented for instance when the scene gets a little

creepy then the music adjusts and vice versa, however, the story is not so clear

and it needs a thorough analysis or even a repetition to watch it in order to be

understood. On the second movie, it’s understandable that the era it was made is

much earlier than the other one, so the audio is not so clear, the clarity of the

motion pictures is not well achieved, and the story is not so clearly presented

although the story is great because it is serve as a wake-up call to everyone but

to understand the story, one must consider to carefully analyze it.

Overall, the two films show only too well that films have their own

uniqueness. Conversely, some films can be compared with each other because

most of their aspects are all the same.

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