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Name Student’s:

Ana María Salgado Camacho

Daniela Parra Mejía

1. If work begins at 8:00 am every

day, so you should be back in the
office by 2:00 pm o’clock

2. You shouldn’t eat on the desk,

because, it is rude.

3. If you listen to music, should you

use headphones

4. Nobody shouldn’t wear tennis,

everyone should wear elegant
shoes or heels
5. The women should use natural

6. You should put cell phone on

vibrator, because, if your
smartphone not on vibrator and
rings you should answer outside
of the bank.

7. If you keep you place as clean as

possible, you should feel more
comfortable in your work

8. You should smile at the customer,

you shouldn’t show bad temper
or bad attitude

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