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1. NO Eating and Drinking in your bedroom, except water

2. No over night guests or friends visit

3. No Loud Noise when using any electronic device

4. No Smoking, alcohol consumption or taking any kind of drugs indoor

5. No Swearing or Yelling

6. Keep ALL your belongings in your bedroom, except toiletries

7. Please TURN ON the fan when you are using the bathroom, especially
when you need to take a shower. It will be MOLDY if there is too much

8. Please finish shower before 11 pm, pick up your hair and clean up after

9. Keep the counter top of bathroom clean and dry after use, especially
after washing your face

10. DO NOT OCCUPY the bathroom for more than 20 minutes. Please do
your hair and make up in your bedroom

11. Laundry can be done ONCE a week, finish before 9 pm is the best

12. Turn off the light before you go to sleep. I will turn off your bedroom
light if you forget to do it. Keep light OFF after use or NOT in use

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