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The Love of a Friend

A one act play of the love of a true friend that will never leave your side.


This is a story of a girl named Belle who is troubled with all the pressure and stress she
puts on herself. So much that she forgets about the people around her that truly care
and love her for who she is. She is on her way to learning a life lesson about focusing
on those who care for her and never losing sight of them despite all her struggles,
thanks to her best friend Liam.

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[Belle walks from right center, slowly, to center stage with her backpack and lunch bag]
[Once at center stage Belle lets out a big sigh] [In tired and sad voice]

Belle: Another day at school. I mean what is even the point? You try, you give your best
then you fail. Just like that! Why can I never reach the standard? Have you ever
experienced the pressure put on you by everyone around you? And the look they give
once you don’t meet expectations. I can’t take it anymore. Why does life have to be like
this? No one cares about me, they only care when I fail. I give up! Does anyone even
love me at this point?

[Bell continues walking and enters her classroom looking very tired] [Chairs are set
facing the audience angled slightly to the left while the board is on the other side angled
a bit to the right]

[Liam sitting in the front seat in the middle] [Liam in a cheerful voice]

Liam: Hey Belle! How are you doing? Here I saved this seat for you.

Belle: Ugh. Please leave me alone.

[Belle goes to sit in the corner away from Liam] [Liam looks puzzled on why she were
like that, turns to audience]

Liam: Why is she like that? She always sits next to me, what has gotten into that girl? I
hope everything is alright.

[Ms. Claire comes in from left center and walks to her desk and greats the class] [Ms.
Claire is cheerful]

Ms. Claire: Good Morning class! So as you know, we will be having a graded activity
today about our last lesson. I hope all of you studied, and on that note let’s begin!

[Ms. Claire distributes the activity paper to each student] [Once Belle received the paper
she looked at it with no emotion and sighed]

Ms. Claire: Belle, are you okay? You seem tired today.

[Belle shrugs] [Ms. Claire goes back to her desk and sits]

Belle: Another activity that I fail. I can’t do this. I don’t know what to answer. I can’t fail
this. I have to get a perfect score or else everyone will judge me. What do I do? I do not
know the answers.

[Liam notices what Belle was doing and looked at her] [Liam softly whispers but as Belle
ignores him he continues to get louder]

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Liam: Belle. Psst. Psst.

[Belle ignores Liam] [Liam talks loudly]

Liam: Psst!

[Ms. Claire notices this and stares at Liam] [Belle finally gets enough and looks at Liam]

Liam: Sorry.

Liam: What are you doing?

[Belle in an angry voice]

Belle: Nothing! Just leave me alone

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