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B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.).


Prof. Mrs. S. N. SOLANKI




Tjmzwrs, shot'Mek,

cftmmjm’s m.ctji.wiftoN
I, hereby declare that the

dissertation orpart there

ofhas not Been suBmitted

By me to any other

University or institution

for a degree

or diploma

<Place :<Par6ham (Mr. mmE% <B.)

mate : / /2014

Research Engineer,
All India Co- ordinate Research Project on UAE
College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Parbhani - 431 402 (M.S.)

JELfJCiL JL a* A T'l? T

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Design

and development of an animal drawn manure spreader
cum cart with electricity generation unit” submitted to
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Master of Technology (Agril. Engineering) in Farm
Power and Machinery embodied the results of the bonafied
study carried by Mr. BANDE NITESH BABURAOunder my
guidance and supervision. I also certify that the dissertation
has not been previously submitted by him for the award of
Degree or Diploma of any University or Institute.

Parbhani. Mrs. S. N. oOLANKI


/ /2014 (Research Guide}



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “DESIGN

UNIT” submitted by Mr. BANDE NITESH BABURAO to the
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF
TECHNOLOGY (Agril. Engg.) In the subject of Farm Power
and Machinery has been approved by the student’s advisory
committee after oral examination in collaboration with external

Advisory Committee

External examiner (Research Guide)

Associate Dean & Principal Head

College of Agricultural Engineering Deptt. Of Farm Power & Machinery
& Technology, V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani College of Agril. Engg.& Tech.
V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani
It is exquisite ecstasy and matter of privilege as wed as an immense pleasure to

express my sincere feeBngs of profound gratitude and indebtedness, adorned 6y the

showers of thanks towards my research guide and chairman of my advisory committee

(Prof Mrs. S.HSolanRi (Research (Engineer, Jid India Co-ordinated (Research (Project on

VAE, CA&H, (V.H.M.(KJ<V., Parhhanifor nourishing incentive and inspiration within

me along with the unending encouragement, exfedent guidance and give valuable

suggestions during the course of investigation, and preparation ami presentation of

dissertation, Her vaCuahCe suggestion helped me not only in completing my research worf

hut widprove as Rght house through out myfuture Bfe.

It is my proudprivilege to recorda deep sense ofgratitude of<Dr. tU.M.%fiodR$,

Associate (Dean and (Principal, CJLE.% Parhhani, for valuable

suggestions, consistent efforts and strives to Reep the progress of worf genuine By

providing the necessaryfacilities throughout the research worRi

My sincerest appreciation goes to Prof. J.M.PoteRgr, Head (Department of

(Farm Machinery and Power, CA&H-, V.H.M.%/V., Parhhani, for Rjnd cooperation

and care made research period calm andresidence peaceful

I have great pleasure in expressing my deep sense ofgratitude, indebtedness and

sincere thanRs to the members of advisory committee, Prof. P.A-Munde, Assistant

Professor, (Department of Pam Machinery and Power, C-A-E-% V,H.M,%,V;

Parhhani, Prof. <D.P>.teRgle, Assistant Agriculture Engineer, AIQRSP on VAE,

C-At.t, VM.M.%V., Parhhani,<Dr. SS(DeshmuRh, Scientist (Animal

SciencejAlCRP on VA% Codege of Agricultural Engineering dC technology,

V.H.M.%jV., Parhhani, Prof. (j.Vdihinde, Assistant Professor, (Department of Earn

Machinery and Power, C-A-t-t, M%H> Parhhani for his valuable guidance and

creative suggestions during my research worR.

I am very much thanRfiilto Mr. AA-Waghmare andShri. (D.(B.tendeddIndia

Co-ordinated (Research Project on VA% C-A-t.t, Parhhanifor their

timely help renderedduring the conduct ofresearch worR^

I expend my sincere tRanR$ to SRri ‘Kfiatting, SRri JlvRadand SRri, (RpresR
%flRfefor their vaCuaBCe ReCp and co-operation during testing wot^
I am especially tRanRfuCto Mr. (BaGram SRivaji (BRosCe,M.tecR, Iff Kfiaragpur

for completion ofdesign drawing in CfitD software witRin period

iRe personal tRanRs to my friends VisRaC QaiRjvaf Sugar (PatiR JlvinasR


JQiRgde, JAjay JadRav, ‘TuRgram %fedeRgr£u6Ras Sawant,Sanjay QCeCne, <Rgvi PDRoBCe,

SaReRrao JedRe, JlmoCJlRpIRgr, NarsRiR Latpate, (BCaprasad %fiCe, (BaCaprasad (PatiR
SRaiCaja (DesRvinaand'Yburaj (BRogiC I taRe tRis opportunity to tRanR^tRem for tReir

constant encouragement andReCp during tRe entire project worR^

Ifind no sucR measure in adequate quantity for ad tRat my respectful ‘FatRer

SRrL (BaBurao (Bands andMotRerSow. Jimta (Sonde Rave donefor me. <ZRe words witR
me are insufficient to express tRe feelings of my Reart to acRnowledge tRemfor tReir

difficult jo6 of educating me in ad comforts witRout wRicR tRis worR^wouCd not Rave

seen tRe GgRt of tRe day at adMy Coving tRanRs are also to my sisters Miss. QfasRmi,
Miss. (RpRini, RrotRer (RpRit andSameer, for tReir evergreen affection, encouragement

andRjnd Blessing during my wRoCe educationaCcareer.

(WRiCe traveling on tRis patR of education many Rands pusRed mefortR

Reamed Rearts put me on tRe rigRt tracRjendgRtened By tReir RnowCedge andexperience.

I ever rest tRanRs to adiftRem.

Tinady I owe my sincere tRanR§ to ad tRose wRom I migRt Rave forgotten due

to my sRort come.

(Place: (ParBRani

(Date: / /'2014 ((Bande % <B.)


Sr. Particulars Page

No. No.


(ii) CERTMCATES-1 iv


(v) LIST OF TABLES xii- xiii
(vi) LIST OF FIGURES xiv- xv
(vii) LIST OF PLATES xvi- xvii
(viii) ABBREVIATIONS xviii-xx
10- 29
2.1 Draught animal Power: 10
2.2 Work performance characteristics; 11
2.2.1 Draft; 11
. 2.2.2 Speed; 12
2.2.3 Horse power: 14
2.3 Soil Nutrient Status 15
2.4 Effect of Organic Manure 16
2.5 Physical characteristics of manure 19
2.6 Manure spreader unit 20
2.7 Developments in Manure Spreading Technology in India 20
and Abroad
2.8 Manure spreading beater unit 24
2.9 Fertilizer and Manure Spreader 25
3.1 Design consideration for farm yard manure spreader 30
3.1.1 Design of rotating shaft of manure spreading 30

3.1.2 Design of manure spreading auger shaft under axial 32
3.1.3 Design of bearing 33
3.2 Design of manure spreader cum cart for electricity 34
generation unit
3.2.1 Design of pulleys 34
3.2.2 Dimensions of pulley: 34
3.3 Development and fabrication of Manure spreader cum 35
cart with electricity generation unit (Construction details)
3.2.1 Chassis 35
3.2.2 Manure box 39
3,2.3 Spiral auger (spreading unit) 40
3.2.4 Power transmission system 42
3.2.5 Hitch beam 45
3.2.6 Battery box 45
3.4 Utilization of Manure spreader as cart 45
4.1 Location of the study; 52
4.2 Equipment’s used in test 52
4,2.1 Alternator 52
4.2.2 Battery 53
4.3 Measuring instruments:- 53
4.3.1 Dynamometer 53
4.3.2 Tachometer 53
4.3.3 Ammeter 53
4.3.4 Voltmeter 53
4.3.5 Stop Watch 54
4,3.6 Measuring Tape: 54
4.3.7 Vernier caliper: 54
4.3.8 Digital Thermometer: 54

4.4 Physiological observation 54
4.4. IPulse rate 54
4.4.2 Respiration rate 54
4.4.3 Body temperature 54
4.4.4 Physical symptoms 55
4.4.5 Fatigue Score Card 55
4.5 Work performance: 57
4.5.1 Draft: 57
4.5.2 Horse power: 57
4.5.3 Pull: 57
4,5.4 Angle of repose 58
4.5,5 Bulk density 58
4,5,6 Moisture content 59
4.5.7 Field capacity 59
4.5.8 Field efficiency 59
4.5.9 FYM application rate 59
4.5.10 Coefficient of uniformity 59
4.6 Experimental Procedure 60
4.6.1 Physical properties of farmyard manure 60
4.6.2 Manure Spreader Uniformity 60
4.6.3 Application rate of Manure Spreader 60
4.6.4 Determination of swath 60
5.1 Physical properties of FYM 62
5.2 Angle of repose of FYM 63
5.3 Design Capacity of FYM spreader 63
5.4 Specifications of developed Manure spreader 64
5.5 Performance of manure spreader in field with no load 65
5.6 Performance of manure spreader in field with 500 kg load 66
5.7 Field performance of manure spreader 69
5.8 Variation of manure delivery rate at different level of 70
manure filled in the manure spreader
5.9 Performance evaluation of Manure spreader cum cart for 71
electricity generation at no load condition.
5.10 Testing of Manure spreader for carting operation 74


1.1 Trend of livestock population of Maharashtra state 2

1.2 Growth of bio-fertilizer production (in tonnes) 4

1.3 Year wise /Grade wise fertilizer consumption 4

Fertilizer consumption in terms of material, in terms of

1.4 5
nutrient & N: P: K ratio.
Approximate annual manure production and fertilizer
1.5 7
1.6 Crop wise scientific recommendation of FYM 8
Physical classification, by dry matter content (% w.b.) of
2.1 19
4.1 Fatigue score card for bullocks: 56
Physical properties of farmyard manure at different
5.1 62
moisture contents
Determination of angle of repose of FYM (at 20 % w. b.
5.2 63
moisture contain)
Draft and power requirement for operating of manure
5.3 65
spreader in field with no load condition.
Application rate with respect to opening width adjusted by
5.4 67
opening cover of rotating auger with 500 kg load.
Field performance of manure spreader at 80 mm opining
5.5 69
Effect of different levels of manure filled in the spreader
5.6 70
on the manure delivery rate.
Performance of electric generation unit while battery
5.7 71

5.8 Specie gravity at diff. Charging condition of battery 72

Variation in specific Gravity and voltage during

5.9 73

5.10 74
Testing results of manure spreader for carting operations



1.1 Graph of trend of livestock population of Maharashtra state 3

2.1 Different types of manure spreader 22
Tractor operated manure spreader developed at NRC on
2.2 24
Soybean, Indore
3.1 Schematic view of developed Manure spreader cum cart 35
3.2 Front side view of developed manure spreader cum cart 36
3.3 Solid Isometric Views of Manure Spreader Cum Cart 37
3.4 Wire frame Isometric Views of Manure spreader cum cart 38
3.5a Isometric view of manure box 39
3.5b Side view of manure box - 39
3.6a Spiral auger used for manure spreading 40
3.6b Peg tooth auger used for crash the lumps 40
3.7 Different views of Spiral auger 41
3.8 Power transmission system 42
3.9 Solid Views of Power Transmission system 43
3.10 Wireframe Views of Power Transmission system 44
3.11 Utilization of Manure spreader as cart 45
3.12 Solid views of manure spreader when use as cart 46
3.13 Wire frame views of manure spreader when use as cart 47
3.14 Isometric view of Manure spreader 48
3.15 Solid exploded view of Manure spreader cum cart 49
3.16 Exploded view of manure spreader cum cart 50
3.17 Manure spreader cum cart 51
Relationship between draft, speed and power at no load
5.1 65

Relationship between draft, speed and power at 500 kg load
5.2 68
for an opining area of discharge 0.4m
Relationship between draft, speed and power at 500 kg load
5.3 68
for an opining area of discharge 0.8m
Relationship between draft, speed and power at 500 kg load
5.4 68
for an opining area of discharge 0.16m
Relationship between manure delivery rate, speed and field
5.5 69
Relationship between draft, speed and power for carting
5.6 75
operation on Tar road
Relationship between draft, speed and power for carting
5.7 75
operation on Kaccha road


4.1 Measuring instruments used during testing 53-54
4.2 Hydrometer used to measure specific gravity of liquid 53- 54
4.3 Instant moisture meter 53- 54
4.4 Measurement of moisture contain ofFYM 53- 54
4.5 Fibricaton of Wheel
55- 56
4.6 Fibrication manure box chassis 55- 56
4.7 Fitting of wheel on shaft
55- 56
4.8 Fibrication of Manure box
55- 56
4.9 Manure spreader platform
55 56

4.10 Trapezoidal manure box

55- 56
4.11 Manure box
55- 56
4.12 Fibricated manure spreader cum cart
55- 56
4.13 Measurement of Pulse rate
56- 57
4.14 Measurement of respiration rate
4.15 Mesurment of boby temprature
4.16 Side view of manure spreader cum cart 56- 57
4.17 Manure spreader cum cart at no load condition 58- 59
4.18 Manure spreader cun cart use for transport on road 58- 59
4.19 Loading of manure spreader 58- 59

4.20 Collection of FYM sample 58- 59

4.21 Weighing of FYM samples 58- 59

4.22 Mesurment of swath width 58- 59

4.23 Weighing of Manure spreader cum cart 58- 59

4.24 Manure spreader cum cart use for carting 58- 59

4.25 Manure sreader cum cart use for manure spreading 60-61

4.26 Back side view of manure spreader cum cart 60-61

4.27 Discharging of battery 60- 61

4.28 Mesurment of specific gravity 60-61

% - Per cent
°c - Degree centigrade
& - And
0 - Angle
Agril./Agric - Agricultural
B.T - Body temperature
C/S - Cross section
Cm - Centimeter.
cm2 - centimeter square
cm3 /cc - centimeter cube

DAP - Draught Animal Power

Deptt. - Department
Dia. - Diameter

e.g. - Example

et. al. - and all

etc. - etceteras

- Factor of safety
ta CO

- Figure

- Gram

- Hectare.

- Horsepower

- Heart Rate

- Hour

i.e. - that is

J. - Journal

kg - Kilogram

kg-m - kilogram meter

km - Kilometer.

kN - Kilo-Newton

kPa - Kilo-Pascal

kW - Kilo watt

m - Meter.

V.N.M.K.V., - VasantraoNaikMarathwadaKrishiVidyapeeth

M.S. - Mild Steel

m/s - Meter per second

m - Meter square.

m - Meter cube
mm - mili meter.

MPa - Mega Pascal

PR - Pulse rate

rpm - Revolutions per minute

RR - Respiration:
Rs. - Rupees
Sci. - Science.
Sec - Second
T - Tonne
Tech - Technology
viz. - Namely
Wt - Weight
W - Watt


“Design and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum

cart with electricity generation unit”

Mr. Bande Nitesh Baburao

College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology

Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
August, 2014

Research Guide : Prof. Mrs. S.N.Solanki

Department : Farm Power and Machinery

Indian soils are poor in nitrogen. Nearly 1/3 rd of Indian soils are acidic.
Food shortage in 1960s necessitated Green Revolution, ushering in the use of
high dose of chemical fertilizers and poisonous plant protection chemicals
adversely affecting the health of the soil. But long term use of these fertilizers
causes degradation of soil, compaction and reduces soil fertility. Organic
manures when incorporated into the soil it add nutrients it.

Application of FYM improves soil fertility therefore there is wide scope

to its application. FYM contains almost all the essential nutrient required for
soil. The addition of farm yard manure to the field is carried out traditionally.
So there is scope of work to distribute the farm yard manure uniformly on the
soil surface. By considering these aspects, an animal drawn manure spreader
cum cart with electricity generation unit was design and fabricated.The
research work and testingwas undertaken at the site of the AICRP on UAE
CAET, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani.

The developed Manure spreader consist a chassis having two iron

wheels, axel assembly, bearing, spiral auger, peg tooth auger, body frame for
mounting the trapezoidal shaped manure box, hitching system, battery box and
an alternator for electricity generation.

An animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with electricity generation

unit of 500 kg was developed. The application rate of manure varies from 2 to
10 t/ha for varies in opining area of cover 0.04 m2 to 0.16m2. The coefficient of
variation of uniformity for manure distribution varied from 18 -20%. The
designed manure spreader cum cart gave desired manure application rate (8 -
lOt/ha) at an opining area of cover 0.16m2 at the operational speed of 2.41
km/hr and draft required was 675 N.The draft and power requirement of
manure spreader were 675 N and 0.46 kW within the draft ability limit of pair
of bullock.The field capacity and field efficiency of machine were 0.20 ha/hr
and 83% at operational speed 2.41 km/hr.

The above manure spreader cum cart when converted in cart and used
for carting load 500 kg on tar road and Kaccha road for Deoni, RK and for
local bullock.The draft observed for tar road by Deoni, RK and local was 42,
43 and 48 kg respectively and 51, 53 and 59 kg for Kaccha road. Speed
observed for tar by Deoni, RK and Local was 3.56, 3.7 and 3.10 km/hr
respectively. And for Kaccha road are 2.70, 2.87 and 2.4 km/hr respectively.
Power was 407.20, 433.10 and 405.06 watt for tar road by Deoni, RK and
Local respectively. Power was 383.18,414.01 and 385.46 watt for Kaccha road
by Deoni, RK and Local respectively. The increased respiration rate and pulse
rate was observed after 2 hrs continuous work on tar and Kaccha road is within
the safe limit of fatigue score. Deoni require less draft for 500 kg load on tar
and Kaccha road. The highest draft and power requirement was observed for
local bullock.

Electricity generated due to attachment of alternator during carting and

stored in 40 Ah battery require 5.30 hrs for full charging.Average draft required
for electricity generation with carting operation was 650 N.

The importance of livestock in India is based on their production both in

terms of milk and work. The bullocks are the main source of work in all the
field operation and carting on the road. Bullocks are the major source of power
of Indian villages for performing various field operations. The primary use of
animal husbandry in Maharashtra has been the draft utility of bullocks for
different kind of agricultural operation. With the modernization of agricultural,
the use of mechanical power in agricultural has increased but draught animal
power (DAP) continuous to be used on Maharashtra farms due to small
holdings and mix cropping agricultural. More than 55 percent of total
cultivated area is still being managed by using draught animals against about
20 percent by tractors and remaining one is managed by man power, power
tiller and agricultural related machinery.
The draught animals supplied 14.5 per cent of total farm power in India
(Singh, 1999). Use of animals as source of energy is very dominant in the
country and will continue to be so for many more years (Srivastava, 2000).
Draught animals will continue to be used in Indian agriculture, which is a time
tested animate source of energy for sustained agriculture in the face of
dwindling reserves of the non renewable source of energy. It is estimated that

liquid fuel and natural gas would exhaust by 2050 and coal by 2250 at the
present rate of use. These prediction and their consequences are applicable to
India as well. The annual use of draught animals varies greatly. It ranges from
about 300 to 1500 hours annually.
In spite of large scale application of tractors and electrical power in
agriculture, still animal power plays an important role in India for small and
marginal farmers. The value produced by draught animals in India would be
over Rs. 1000 billion whereas; mechanical sources of agricultural power
depend on fossil fuel that has only limited life. Moreover, fossil fuel sources

are fast depleting. According to current estimates, India’s petroleum and
natural gas resources may last 25-30 years and coal 130-140 years.
The agriculture of Maharashtra State is characterized by the small
fragmented land with small and marginal farmers, suitable for cultivation by
animate (human and animal) power only. Out of the total 3, 07,583 thousand
hectare geographical area, 19,880 thousand hectare is available for cultivation
which is 64 per cent of total geographical area.During the period of 1995-96 to
2000-01 average size of farm holding (ha) is decreased from 1.87 to 1.66 and
percent of small and marginal farmers increased from 69.8 per cent to 73.4 per
cent (Anonymous, 2010).
Due to introduction of mechanical power sources the population of
draught animal is declining but still more than 50 per cent net sown area is
cultivated by animal power source. Draught cattle population in Maharashtra is
64 million from which gives draught cattle power of 24,47,302.22 kW. During
the year 1991 and 2001, the cattle power availability and total animate power
available in Maharashtra state was 0.162 kW/ha, 0.213 kW/ha and 0.139
kW/ha, 0.203 kW/ha respectively. (Anonymous, 2010)

Table: 1.1 Trend of livestock population of Maharashtra state (


Years Maharashtra State

Species 1961 1966 1972 1978 1982 1987 1992 1997 2003
Cattle 15328 14729 14705 15218 16162 16983 17441 18072 16303
Buffaloes 3087 3042 3301 3899 3972 4755 5447 6073 6145
Sheep goats 7273 7326 8038 10199 10376 12068 13015 14716 13078
Other live stock 360 352 317 326 410 448 489 645 537
Total poultry 10578 9902 12217 18791 19845 24839 32187 35392 37968
Total live stock 26048 25449 26361 29642 30919 34255 36393 39631 36763
Source: Anonymous, 2010.

Fig: 1.1 Graph of trend of livestock population of Maharashtra state
The use of organic manures (farmyard manure, compost, green manure,
etc.) is the oldest and most widely practiced means of nutrient replenishment in
India. Prior to the 1950s, organic manures were almost the only sources of soil
and plant nutrition. Owing to a high animal population, farmyard manure is the
most common of the organic manures. Cattle account for 90 percent of total
manure production. The proportion of cattle manure available for fertilizing
purposes decreased from 70 percent in the early 1970s to 30 percent in the
early 1990s. Hie use of farmyard manure is about 2 tonnes/ha, which is much
below the desired rate of 10 tonnes/ha.
At the present production level, the estimated annual production of crop
residues is about 300 million tonnes.. As two-thirds of all crop residues are used
as animal feed, only one-third is available for direct recycling (compost
making), which can add 2.5 million tonnes/year. The production of urban
compost has been fluctuating around 6-7 million tonnes and the area under
green manuring is about 7 million/ha. Unlike fertilizers, the use of organic
material has not increased much in the last two to three decades. The estimated
annual available nutrient (NPK) contribution through organic sources is about 5
million tonnes, which could increase to 7.75 million tonnes by 2025. Thus,
organic manures have a significant role to play in nutrient supply. In addition to
improving soil physico-chemical properties, the supplementary and
complementary use of organic manure also improves the efficiency of mineral

fertilizer use. The use of bio-fertilizers is of relatively recent origin. Bio-
fertilizers consist of N fixers (Rhizobium, Azotobacter, blue green algae,
Azolla), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi (Imycorrhizae). A
contribution of 20-30 kg N/ha has been reported from the use of bio-fertilizers.
There was good growth in bio-fertilizer production and use in 1990s. In year
2006-07, bio-fertilizers use is about 15745tonnes (As shown in table 1.2).
Table: 1.2 Growth of bio-fertilizer production (in tones)
Year Capacity Production Distribution

1992-93 5401 2005 - 1600

1995-96 10680 6692 6288

1998-99 16446 8010 5065

2002-03 18679.5 7181.7 7029.9

2006-07 26864 15871 15745.6
2007-08 67162 20111 NA
Source: Bio-fertilizer Statistics, Fertilizers Association ofIndia (1992- 2008)

In Maharashtra around 60 % of the total area is cultivated during Kharif

season. Accordingly 60-70 % of the annual fertilizer consumption is effected in
the Kharif season. Almost 40 Lakh M.T. of fertilizers are consumed in Kharif
season and 30-32 lakh MT are consumed in Rabi season.Normally in
Maharashtra state 139.42 lakh ha area sowed in Kharif season, while 58.60
lakh ha area in rabbi season (2003 to 2008).
Table: 1.3 Yearwise /Gradewisefertilizer consumption (Fig.inlakhMT)
2001-02 16.48 4.17 2.27 8.70 5.30 0.53 37.45
2002-03 15.62 4.25 2.18 8.79 5.21 0.42 36.47
.2003-04 14.02 3.51 1.41 7.91 5.14 0.43 32.42
2004-05 15.41 5.47 2.21 8.71 5.11 0.55 37.46
2005-06 17.34 5.23 2.64 10.62 6.17 0.63 42.63
2006-07 19.85 6.54 2.81 11.72 6.65 0.66 48.23
2007-08 21.31 6.23 3.27 12.09 4.36 0.63 47.89
2008-09 22.58 9.10 4.90 10.13 5.06 0.45 52.22
2009-10 22.89 14.57 6.68 11.06 4.96 0.77 60.93
2010-11 25.38 13.27 6.58 17.22 6.90 0.90 70.25
2011-12Estt. 25.88 11.75 4.36 16.81 7.83 0.72 67.38

However; it is likely to decrease during 2011-12 because of less availability
during early Kharif 2011.
Table: 1.4 FertUizerconsumptionmtermsofmaterial,mtermsojbmtrient&N:
P: Kratio.
2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010-
02 OS 04 OS 06 07 OS 09 10 11

Material(LMT) 37.45 36.47 32.42 37.46 42.63 48.23 47.91 51.64 60.93 70.25
NPK Consumption^ Lakh MT)
N 9.93 9.55 8.53 9.54 10.62 12.09 12.64 13.41 14.79 16.57
P 4.60 4.66 4.13 5.27 5.78 6.78 6.42 7.47 10.17 11.26
K 2.37 2.29 1.72 2.58 3.29 3.72 4.21 4.78 5.70 6.72
Total 16.90 16.50 14.38 17.39 19.69 22.59 23.27 25.66 30.66 34.55
b :P:K Ratio
N 4.19 4.17 4.96 3.70 3.23 3.25 3.00 2.81 2.59 2.47
P 1.94 2.03 2.40 2.04 1.76 1.82 1.52 1.56 1.78 1.68
K 1.00. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
80.43 88.40 64.30 94.21 97.47 100.20 109.68 132.98 153.40 163.8

Per hectare consumption of NPK has increased from 80.43 kg/ha to

163.8 kg/ha in 2010-11 with 103 % increase over 2001-02.
Crops need nutrients to grow and develop and they draw these nutrients
from the soil. If this withdrawal is not compensated for, the crop yield goes
down progressively. This withdrawal is completed through fertilizers and
manures to maintain the productivity of the soil and to achieve higher yields.
Soil fertilization is carried out by means of organic matter in the form of
farmyard manure, liquid manure faces, plants or straw and mineral matters. The
manure has to be handled in bulk. So, the problem faced during application of
manure differs from that of other fertilizer not only with respect to the rate to
be applied per hectare, but also with respect to non-uniformity of the size of the
particles. The overall goal for any field receivingmanure should be how many
gallons or tons of manure should be applied to a known area and to apply the
manure as uniformly as possible (Brace A. Mackellar and Lee W. Jacob).

Organic manure
Organic manures such as farm yard manure, green manure etc., when
incorporated into the soil not only add nutrients such as nitrogen etc, but the
soil is enriched by the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. The experiments with
farm yard manure have shown that the physical properties of soil are improved
when compared to the soil treated with artificial fertilizers (Basu and Rege,
Manures are the organic materials derived from animal, human and plant
residues which contain plant nutrients in complex organic forms. They release
nutrients after their decomposition. Major sources of manures are:
1. Cattle shed wastes-dung, urine and slurry from biogas plants.
2. Human habitation wastes-night soil, town refuse, sewage, sludge and
3. Poultry litter droppings of sheep and goat
4. Slaughter house wastes-bone meal, meat meal, blood meal, horn and
hoof meal, Fish wastes (Anonymous, 2008).
Farm Yard Manure (FYM)
As our agriculture is facing the problems of soil degradation, loss offertility
and soil health, the use of farm yard manure and organic materials is theway
out. A larger portion of nitrogen is made available as and when the
FYMdecomposes. Availability of Potassium and Phosphorus from FYM is
similar to thatfrom inorganic sources. Application of FYM improves soil
fertility (Reddy, 2005)therefore there is wide scope to its application.
Constituents of FYM are Dung,Urine and litter. The estimated dung production
for cattle is 4.5 kg/head/day (Ravindranath, 2005). The approximate annual
production of manure and its nutrientcontent according to size and age of the
animal is shown here.

Table 1.5: Approximate annual manure production and fertilizer content

Daily Approximate annual production

Animal Size
Type (kg) (kg/day) Manure N

P2Os k2o5
(kg/yr) (kg/yr) (kg/yr) (kg/yr)
Dairy cattle 226.79 19.50 7800 11.33 11.33 27.21 2.26
Beef cattle
340.19 20.41 8200 15.87 18.14 29.48 2.26
Swine 68.03 4.44 1800 2.26 2.26 6.8 2.26
Poultry 1.81 0.095 38 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.022
Source: Das, 2009
Advantages of FYM

1. Farm Yard Manure improves soil structure of land that was formerly
prone towater logging seems to be freer draining.
2. The heat produce during FYM composting is useful in killing some of
the weeds, an important benefit on this organic farm where herbicide use
3. It provides the control to pathogen therefore an important element of the
organic management of the farm.
4. A significant portion of many nutrients contained in manure are bound
tocomplex organic chemical compounds that need to be broken down
5. Most of the reduced carbon compounds, protein materials and
nutrientelements, especially nitrogen and phosphorous are contained in
the finerparticles (smaller than 0.25 mm).
6. Do not bum the plants like some chemical fertilizers.
7. Retain soil moisture, less subject to leaching (Anonymous, 2007).
The addition of farm yard manure to the field is carried out traditionally
andconcept of precision farming is widely accepted by the farmers. So there is
a wider scope of work to distribute the farm yard manure uniformly on the soil
surface asper quantity recommended per hectare.

Application of FYM

Farm Yard Manure is required to be applied in large quantity as per crop

requirement. Its quantity varies according to hectare and acre for different
crops.Crop wise scientific recommendations of FYM are given as,
Table 1.6: Crop wise scientific recommendation of FYM
Sr. No. Crop FYM (t/ha)
1 Groundnut 8-10
2 Soybean 10
3 Wheat 10
4 Sorghum 8-10
5 Cotton 8-10
6 Paddy 6
7 Sugarcane 25
8 Leguminous crop 8-10
Source: Khanpara et al. 2010

The small and marginal farmers have a pair of bullock instead their
limited use in tillage, sowing, intercultural and transport operation is about 58
days/ year and high maintenance cost in slack period (Rs. 55/ day). Hence there
is need to increased the working hour of bullock for the agriculture operation.
Organic manure is considered as the eco-friendly bio-fertilizer for the
highly polluted modem era. Proper application of manure to the land is
essential to prevent pollution of land, ground and surface water and to prevent
loosing of ammonia and other nutrients from the manure. Timely application of
manure in accordance with the nutrient requirements of the crops will result in
improved crop production.
The application of manure has become mechanized in advance countries
like other field operations but in India, the indigenous methods are still
followed, i.e. loaded trolley or bullock cart is moved in the field and stopped at
regular interval where a man other than the driver unloads a small amount of
manure and drops it in the form of a heap. These heaps are later spread around

manually with spades. This type of spreading results in an uneven spread and
uncontrolled rate per unit area, required more labor and time per unit area.
Research has shown that the solid stack piled manure loses about 21%
of its nitrogen to the atmosphere. Proper spreading and incorporation in the soil
reduces the loss to only 5%. Therefore livestock manure must be spread
uniformly at recommended rate to achieve consistent result for crop production
system by using appropriate field application equipment and reduce the human
drudgery involved in spreading of manure.
Considering the above facts, the present investigation entitled “Design
and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with
electricity generation unit” is therefore, undertaken with following
1. Design and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart
with electricity generation unit.
2. Performance evaluation of developed animal drawn manure spreader for
carting, manure spreading and electricity generation unit.



2.1 Draught animal Power:

Bhatia and Sharma (1990) reported that draught power developed during
ploughing as a standard, per animal (average weight 250 kg) draught power
output in our case comes out to 0.26 KW (0.35 hp) which is 30 per cent less
than 0.37 KW (0.5 hp) per animal average in India.
Gaur and Jain (1993) during study revealed that as draught load
increased from 8% of the body weight of 14% the speed reduced from 3.26 to
2.63 km/hr (19.3 %) during first hour of the work and 2.71 to 2.27 km/hr
(16.2%) after four hours of the work.
Singh (1999) stated that draught animals are major source of motive
power for majority of farmers in India. Bullocks, buffaloes, camels, horses,
mules and donkeys are common draught animals. These animals perform
different field operations and are also used for rural transportation. The draught
animals supplied 14.5 per cent of total farm power in India.
Srivastava (2000) reported that use of animals as source of energy is
very dominant in the country and will continue to be so for many more years.
Singh (2000) shows that with the modernization of agriculture, the use
of mechanical power m agriculture has increased but drought animal power
(DAP) continues to be used on Indian farms due to small holdings and hill
agriculture. More than 55% of the total cultivated area is still being managed
by using draught animals as against about 20% by tractors. India possessed the
finest breeds of draught animals. Bullocks, buffaloes and camels are the major
draught animals for field operations. Horses, mules, donkeys, yak and mithun
are the pack animals for transport. The quality of work from the draught
animals depends upon the power developed by them. Draught animals will
continue to be used in Indian agriculture, which is a time tested animate source
of energy for sustained agriculture in the face of dwindling reserves of the non­
renewable source of energy.

R.T. Wilson, (2001) studied effects of draught animal power on crops,
livestock, people and the environment He conclude that, crop output to be
generally greater by households that on or have ready access to draught animals
and this can undoubtedly contribute to higher incomes and to food security.
Nadre (2003) reported that the trend of draught animal population and
power availability in Maharashtra and found that power availability (kW/ha)
was increased from 0.101 (kW/ha) to 0.113 (kW/ha). *
Phaniraja K.L. and Panchasara H.H. (2008). They reported on Indian
draught animals power, that more than 55% of the total cultivated area is still
being managed by using draught animals as against about 20% by tractors.
Karanjkar L.M. et al. (2008) shows that draught animals are an
important source of power for millions of developing country fanners. Efforts
to improve draught animal productivity must view the situation from a farming
system's perspective and adopt multi-disciplinary engineering aspects.
Measurement of animal performance is needed for research into all these
aspects and methods of varying sophistication are described,

2.2 Work performance characteristics:

2.2.1 Draft:
Agarwal S P (1992) the draft performance of Hariana and crossbred
bullocks under CWWC as well as EPTC, each with 500 kg pay load. The pull
and draft on the other hand, was higher with CWWC than IPTC. The difference
being 9-10 kg for Haryana bullocks and 6-7 kg for crossbred bullocks. The pull
when represented as percent of the body weight turned out to be about 2
percent higher with CWWC than IPTC.
Agarwal and Agarwal (1992) indicated that 1000 kg was optimum pay
load for single animal. They also indicated that crossbreds and Hariana did not
differ in draught power.
Bora et al. (1994) investigated draftability of Assam local and Jersey x
Aassam local crossbred bullocks. The bullocks were put to cart with 600, 800,
1000kg payloads during winter as well as summer seasons. The pull exerted

and hp produced varied from 63.65 to 109.!25 kg and 0.96 to 1.42 in Assam
local and 70.80 to 111.94 kg and 1.32 to 2.04 in Jersey x local bullocks.
Irrespective of load and season, pulling force and HP produced increased with
increase in load imposed. Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in pull
exerted and hp production due to breed group, load and working time. The HP
generated was greater during winter as compared summer season and even
more during second hour of work compared to the first hour.
Yawlikar et al. (2003) reported that mean values of draught generated
during operation in summer were for Red Kandhari, 66.80; Deoni,76.20 and
HF x Deoni 83.80 kg during afternoon while the respective values of 68.40,
82.80 and 86.20 kg were recorded during forenoon.

2.2.2 Speed:
Premi (1979) reported that Hallikar bullocks could work with an average
speed of 3 km/h during 6h continuous exercise. The increased withincreasein
body weight. The performance was better in cold season. The speed of bullocks
decreased with duration of work. During 6 h of work the decrease in speed was
one fourth of the initial speed.
The workers from ICRISAT Patancharu, India (Anonymous, 1980-81)
studied the work performance of Hallikar bullocks of different body sizes in
terms of speed as on function of body size, draught, duration of work and
climate. They observed that the speed of the bullock declined linearly over
passage of time. The larger animals walk slightly faster than smaller ones. The
speed of the animals reduced from 3.42 to 2.6 km/h during 6h of exercise, it
was also decreased with exercise when the draught decreased from 49 to 103
kg i.e. an increase of 120 percent, rate of speed by about 12 percent.
Belsare (1984) noted that the average time required for transportation of
different loads over a distance of two kilometers was slightly more in crossbred
than that in indigenous bullocks,
Rao and updhyay (1984) concluded that during summer and hot-humid
seasons, the duration of carting should not exceed over 2h, if continuous work

output is desired and rest after every 2h is essential to perform optimum work
and without harmful effects on animal.
Belsare (1991) compared the work production of crossbred and
i9ndigenous bullocks. The speed of carting was higher in indigenous bullock is
in comparison to crossbred ones and with increase in load, speed of the work
Udhan (1991) reported that with the increase in load the speed of the
bullock’s decreased gradually; it might be because for extra load added more
energy is required and also more muscular exertion. When bullock was yoked
to different loads, it showed increased horse power and decreased speed.
Crossbred and Deoni cattle pairs scan sustain a load of 12, 4 2 with a normal
speed of 3.8 km/h on a plain tar road, the output was to the extent of 0.78 horse
Agarwal S P (1992) studied that speed performance of Hariana and
crossbred bullocks under CWWC as well as IPTC each with 500 kg payload. It
is evident that both types of bullocks produced higher speed when hitched to
IPTC than CWWC. The overall speed was observed 6.39 km/hr and 5.58 km/hr
for crossbred bullocks, respectively.
Agrawal and Agarwal (1992) studied the draught power of Hariana,
Hariana Holstein steers and found that the speed of the carting with pneumatic
tyred cart was greater by 0.81 km/h in Hariana and 0,71 km/h in crossbred
bullocks as compare to wooden wheeled cart. The speed declined from 9 km/h
for 0 kg payload to 4 km/h for payload 2000kg. The result indicates that 1000
kg was the optimum payload for a single animal.
Madan (1996) found the Nagori bullocks hauled at the speed of 4.09 to
4.78 km/h when subjected to cart a load of 806-833 kg on evaluating the
draught performance of Hariana and Exotic x Hariana crossbred bullocks under
wooden wheeled and pneumatic tyred cart with a payload of 500 kg.
Dhanger (1999) observed that speed of crossbred bullocks tugged the
cart speedily by 8.09 percent than Kankrej (4014 Vs 3.83 km/h). The reduction
in carting speed during first, second and third hour was to the magnitude of

0.35, 0.26 and 0.24 km/h respectively. During agricultural operation, the
average speed was 3.41 and 3.74 km/h respectively in Kankraj and crossbred
bullocks. Over the period the speed of walking declined to the tune of 0.17,
0.16 and 0.19 km/h over previous speed. During the third period the walking
speed reduced double in magnitude in crossbred than in Kankraj (0.25 Vs 0.12
Yawlikar et al (2003) indicated that Deoni (2.673) bullocks had
significantly highest speed than crossbred (2.636) and Red kandhari (2.627); it
indicates that Deoni bullocks were superior to Red kandhari and crossbred
(2.636), the variation observed in speed of work was primarily due to
differences in body size and the breed.

2.2.3 Horse power:

Maurya et al. (1982) the HP output of the bullocks increased with
increase in draft and reversed with ambient temperature. The average HP
developed by the bullocks was highest (1.046) and most uniform at 83.75 kg
draft and 27.90°C ambient temperature. They opined that a draft of 80 kg per
bullocks was found optimum to get a fairly uniform power of 0.995 horse
Upadhyay and Madan (1982) observed that the horse power developed
by a crossbred bullocks during fust hour of work was 0.52 while during second
and third hour, 0.35 horse power was developed. Hariana bullocks generated
0.60, 0.45 and 0.34 horse power during first, second and third hour of work,
respectively, when a draught load of 5 quintal was imposed. Under draught of
10 quintal, crossbred developed 0.95 and 0.71 horsepower during first and
second hours of work. Hariana bullocks generated 0.93, 0.72 and 0.62
horsepower. The horsepower generated by crossbred bullocks was slightly
higher than that of Hariana bullocks when the higher draught load was
Routary (1985) observed that the average power output decreased with
the increase in working time for all the draft condition and similar was the

trend in case of crossbred and local breed of bullocks also because of fall in
working speed with time. At higher draft values although the power output
was increased the bullocks could work only for shorter duration in a continuous
operation and seven hours of work in a day was not possible.
Upadhyay R C et al. (1985) studied that for varying loads and over
continued hours of work was evaluated among Hariana and crossbred bullocks
using single animal pneumatic- tyred bullock cart. On an average Hariana
bullocks produced higher horse power (0.515) than crossbred (0.437) and
travelled at a relatively faster speed with lower loads. Work production
efficiency of Hariana was higher than of crossbred.
Bhagat (1986) reported the horsepower output of bullock ranging from
0.735 to 0.789.
Bhoserkar and Mangurkar (1989) found that the draught and horsepower
developed by all pairs were almost equal except in local bullocks; the speed
and power output was marginally more as compared to crossbred bullocks.
Yawlikar et al (2003) indicated that the crossbred (HF x Deoni) showed
highest value (0.796) than Deoni (0.795) and Red kandhari (0.667) indicating
that crossbred were superior to Red kandhari (0.667) and Deoni (0.795) for
both the season. The work output and hp go hand in hand with body weight,
time of operation, climate and draught The hp of bullocks depended upon the
body weight, hours of work and climate. When the draught increases, hp also

2.3 Soil Nutrient Status

Hasan (2002) studied Potassium status of soils of India. Soil test results
for potassium (K) fertility status among India’s agricultural soils are
categorized accordingly: 21% low, 51% medium, and 28% high. Thus, 72% of
India’s agricultural area, representing 266 districts, needs immediate K
Tandon (2007) reported the soil nutrient balance sheet in India, its
importance, status, issues and concerns. The Negative nutrient balances in most

Indian soils not only mirror poor soil health, they also represent severe on­
going depletion of the soil’s nutrient capital, degradation of the environment,
and vulnerability of the crop production system in terms of its ability to sustain
high yields. In the prevailing regime of widespread negative nutrient balances,
it is difficult to foresee positive nutrient balances in most parts of India, even
when all available sources of plant nutrients are deployed, unless their quantity
and efficiency is raised substantially. Depleted soils cannot be expected to
support bumper crops or high growth rates.
Chandy (2010) studied the status of plant nutrients in Indian soils.
Knowing status of plant nutrients in the soil helps in deciding the amount and
kind of fertilizers and manures to be used for the particular crop. The district-
wise status of three major plant nutrients has given. The overall assessment of
the fertility of Indian soils showed that the organic matter content is universally
low due to predominant tropical climate. Consequently, the nitrogen status of
the soil is also low. Phosphorus con- tent of the country's soils are low to
medium barring a few pockets possessing high phosphorus content. The
availability of the phosphorus, however, is low as this nutrient is very
susceptible to fixation and immobilization. This nutrient is available in a highly
narrow pH range, which Indian soils do not provide. Potassium content of
Indian soils is high in a good chunk of land.

2.4 Effect of Organic Manure

Bresseler and Bargman (1970) reported that 75 to 80 % moisture
level (w.b.) of the manure result in a product that is difficult to handle and
costly to transport, when manure accumulated for even short period of
time, anaerobic bacteria produce highly offensive odors, polluting the
surrounding area. Manure in a liquid form or semi liquid form may drain
from the field polluting the streams and water supplies. They investigated
that dehydration of manure results in elimination of odors formation.
Manure dried to 10 % of moisture level, N:P205:K20 ratio of 5:3:2 and pH

above seven. It contains 17% calcium oxide, 1.5 % magnesium oxide and
other trace elements essential for plant growth..
Biswas et al (1971) carried out the experiment for studying the
cumulative effect of different levels of manure and fertilizers on the
physical properties of the alluvial sandy loam soils in the permanent
manorial trial at Government Agricultural Farm, Sabour, (Bihar). They

observed that increase in organic carbon content of soil from 0.51 to 3.08 %
under FYM application @ 69.7 t/ha after of cropping 5 years, while
application of only chemical fertilizers, the carbon content was close to
Verma and Bhagat (1994) found that plant growth parameters and yield
contributing characters were affected positively by the incorporation of poultry
manure and FYM resulting in highest grain and straw yield of rice.
Michel Schmitt and Jeorge Rehm (2002) explained that fertilizing crop
with beef manure when used appropriately, has nutritive and economic value.
Manure also improves biological activity, soil tilth, and soil chemical
properties. According to 1990 Minnesota Agricultural Statistic Service data,
the Minnesota beef industry generates approximately 10 million tons of manure
annually. Beef in Minnesota excrete almost 55,000 tons of nitrogen (N) per
year that can be a nutrient source for crops. This manure also contains 41,000
tons of P2Os (phosphorus fertilizer equivalent) and 47,000 tons of K20
(potassium fertilizer equivalent). Although some nutrient losses are inevitable
in handling and storage, manure can replace the need for commercial fertilizer
on thousands of Minnesota's cropland acres.
John et al. (2003) studied about the swine manure production and
nutrient content. Knowledge of the amount of manure and plant nutrients
produced oh a swine farm is the first step in the proper operation of a swine
manure handling, treatment, and utilization system. The nutrient and volatile
solids content of swine manure will vary with the digestibility of the
ration,animal age, amount of feed wasted, the amount of water wasted, and the
amount of water used to remove manure from the building. The data provided

in this chapter is to be used for general planning purposes. South Carolina
regulations require swine producers to have manure samples analyzed annually
to establish land application rates.
Sankaranarayanan (2004) studied the nutrient potential of organic
sources for soil fertility management in organic cotton production. Organic
cotton is grown in living-soil fields which have been free of synthetic
pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers for at least three year. Organic cotton is
produced with animal or vegetables matter fertilizers and is free from toxic
chemicals. Organic farming relies on crop rotation, mechanical cultivation and
botanical or biological controls. Products made from organic cotton support
sustainable cotton fanning practices, help reduce contamination of the earth
and increase the quality of our health.
Bhattacharya et al (2007) reported that carbon content in different
aggregate size fractions and soil water transmission properties (infiltration and
saturated hydraulic conductivity) are affected by long-term manure addition.
Analyzed results of an 8-year experiment, on a salty clay loam soil, to
determine the influence of fertilizer and fertilizer farmyard manure (FYM)
application on those important soil properties. The overall increase in soil
organic C content in NPK+FYM treatment as compared to NPK and control
treatments at the end of 8 years. Application of FYM significantly reduced soil
bulk density and increased mean weight diameter (MWD) and Soil organic C
content in macro aggregates was greater than in micro aggregates. Soil water
sorptivity under NPK+FYM was higher than under NPK. They conclude that
hill farmers in northern India should be encouraged to use FYM along with
chemical fertilizers to increase SOC content and improve soil physical
Khan et al. (2010) conducted a field experiment with the objective to
determine the effect of tillage and Farm Yard Manure on soil tilth at sandy clay
loam soil. Three tillage aspects Deep tillage, Conventional tillage, and
Minimum tillage and three Farm Yard Manure levels (20 Mg/ ha, 40 Mg/ha
and control) were used as media of research. The results revealed that tillage

methods significantly increases the soil physical properties as increase in
saturated hydraulic conductivity in deep tillage method and decrease in bulk
density of soil was noted. The farm yard manure also affected the physical
properties as it increased saturated hydraulic conductivity. The maximum
supply of nitrogen contents (0.079%) was recorded in case of application of
FYM (40 Mg/ ha) during minimum tillage.

2.5 Physical characteristics of manure

Klinin and Sakun (1985) reported that the density, coefficient of friction
and adhesion and tensile and shear strength are the some properties, these
affect the functioning of manure spreader. The density varies as per condition
of manure and its moisture contain.
Lague and Roverge (2004) classified the livestock manure as given in
Table 2.1. He revealed that the density, particle size distribution, mean
geometrical diameter of solid phase and coefficient of friction could be
considered for the design of manure spreader.
Table 2.1 Physical classification, by dry matter content (% w.b.) of manure

Livestock Physical Category

species Liquid Slurry Semi-solid Solid
Beef 0-3 11-15 11-15 >19
Dairy 0-2 3-8 10-14 >16
Poultry 0-4 5-12 14-20 >24
Swine 0-5 6-14 15-23 >25

Donold and Charlse (2003) reported that the solid content of the manure
usually influence the equipment used for manure spreading. The consistency of
manure is usually classified as solid, semisolid, slurry or liquid, depending on
its fluidity.
ling Tao and Karen Mancl (2008) reported that Manure with 20-25%
solids content (75-80% moisture content) can usually be handled as solid. In
the 10-20% solids content range, handling characteristics vary depending on
the types of solids present. Manure with 4-10% solids content can usually be
handled as a liquid, but may need special pumps. Manure with 0-4% solids
content is handled as a liquid with irrigation or flushing consistency. Liquids

that have had the larger solids settled or filtered out or manure with dilution
water added may have 4 % or less solid. Farmers and manure-handling
technicians can use these data to calculate estimates of volume and
composition for their livestock farms. This fact sheet introduces how to do
these calculations and presents an example.

2.6 Manure spreader unit

Klinin and Sakun (1985) reported that a cold of partially decomposed
manure breaks at the impact velocity of 0.2 to 1.5 m/s. In manure distributor’s
single or two rotating rollers are used to deliver the manure. In a two roller
arrangement, the lower roller provided with studs on its periphery, rotates
anticlockwise and pulverized the manure before throwing in field. The upper
roller also rotating anticlockwise helped to maintain an even level of manure
delivered by the conveyor. The single roller arrangement usually has a roller
with helical grooves. Such an arrangement provides a broadcast width of 2.5 to
3.5 m.
Shrivastava (2000) suggested development of equipments for the
operation for which draught animals are not used for increasing the annual
utilization of draught animals along with use in agro processing jobs.
Anonymous(2008) developed a tractor mounted manure spreader unit
for uniform application of manure and reduce the human drudgery. The
average field capacity of machine was found to be 0.23 ha/h at average forward
speed of 0.41 m/s. It was found that manure application rate decreased with
incise in forward speed of tractor. The spread pattern obtained was an oval

2.7 Developments in Manure Spreading Technology in India and Abroad

In developed countries various types of manure/slurry applicator have
been designed and developed to distribute liquid, semi-liquid and solid form of
manure in the field. For transporting the slurry to field vacuum tanker, pumped
tanker, umbilical hose and irrigation equipment are used. For spreading of

slurry in the field four types of spreader have been developed (Lague et al
1994, PAMI2000).
• Broadcast spreader (splash plate and nozzle): The slurry is forced under
pressure through nozzle, often on to an inclined plate to spray.
• Band spreader: Distribution of slurry is done in narrow band using the
pressure at each of the outlet.
• Trailing shoe spreader: Similar to band spreader with a shoe added to
each outlet allowing the slurry to be deposited under the crop canopy in
to the soil.
• Injector: slurry is injected under the soil surface up to 50 - 150 mm
Solid manure management systems typically handle less weight and
volume than liquid systems because evaporation and separation reduce the
amount of water in the manure. The volume of manure may be greater if large
amounts of bedding have been added to increase the solid content and make the
manure less fluid. Solid manure handling equipment may have lower cost and
power requirements; however, the labor required for operation and
management is generally higher than that for other methods. There are three
main types of solid spreaders, which are commonly used in the European

• Rota spreader - a side discharge spreader that features a cylindrical

body and a pto - driven shaft fitted with flails running along the
center of the cylinder. As rotary spins, the flails throw the solid
manure out to the side.
• Rear discharge spreader - a trailer body fitted with a moving floor or
other mechanism, which delivers solid manure to the rear of the
spreader. The spreading mechanism can have either vertical or
horizontal beater, plus in some cases spinning discs.
• Dual purpose spreader - a side discharge spreader with an open top
v-shaped body capable of handling both slurry and solid manure. A

fast spinning rotor, usually at the front of spreader throws the
material from the side of the machine. The rotor is fed with the
material by an auger or other mechanism fitted in the base of the
spreader and the sliding gate controls the flow rate of the material on
to the rotor. Nowadays hydraulic push and moving platforms types
FYM spreader are commercially available in U.K, U.S.A and
Canada. From this spreader uniform spreading of manure at control
spreading rate is achieved in the field. These machines are operated
with tractor of 50 hp or above.

Fig.2.1 Different types of manure spreader

In India limited research and development work has been done on slurry
applicator. Tractor-trailer/bullock-carts are used to transport the FYM from the
storage pit / bin to the field and manure is stack piled in the field. The
spreading of stack piled manure is performed manually with spades, which
involves human drudgery. Presently the research and development works on
moving platform type FYM spreaders is being done in the country. '

Dhaliwal and Madan (2004) evaluated a tractor P.T.O. operated manure
spreader and compared with the traditional tractor-trailer method of spreading
manure. The machine consisted of a endless conveyor belt and swinging
hammer type beater at the rear end of trailer for shearing off manure and its
distribution. They reported that two people Med the manure in trailer within 8
-10 min. Time for unloading of tractor-manure spreader varied from 2 -6 min,
while in tractor-trailer it varied from 10 -12 h. It showed that there was net
saving of 50 -60% of time with the use of manure spreader as compared to
Kathirvel et al. (2005) evaluated imported SACO make tractor operated
trailed type manure spreader. They tested the spreader at forward speed of
tractor 1.88, 2.3 and 4 km/h, linear speed of tailgate of spreader 0.0067, 0,012,
0.021 and 0.29 m/s and swath of gate position flap up and down. They reported
that the spread pattern of half oval profile gave the acceptable uniform
spreading. The relationship between the quantity of manure delivered and
tailgate speed was linear. The flap down and up positions gave the swath of 7
and 12 m respectively. The desired application rate could be obtained by
selecting the suitable combination of tailgate speed, flap position and forward
speed of tractor.
At NRC, Indore a tipping trailer type manure spreader was developed. A
manure-spreading unit was mounted in the rear of a tipping tractor trolley. The
ground wheel axle of trailer provided the rotation to the manure-spreading unit.
There was problem of uniform spreading of manure in the field due to over
spreading of manure from the trailer. As the front end of trailer was raised
more than the height of platform overspreading of manure started from the
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore developed a power
tiller operated trailer for spreading of farmyard manure of size 2000 mm x
1035 x 400 mm. The capacity of manure tub was 400 -600 kg. The unit
consisted of mainframe manure tub, conveying system, spreading mechanism
and adjustable rear aperture. The FYM is conveyed from front to rear of the

manure tube by chain conveyor. The ground wheels provided drive to the
conveyor chain. The spreader assembly was mounted at the rear end of trailer.
The main rotary spreading discs were driven by hydraulic motor. The field
capacity of spreader was 0.9 ha/h at power tiller speed of 2 -2.5 km/h and cost
of operation was Rs.91/ha. The application rate and effective swath were 16.5
ton/ha and 6 m, respectively.

Fig.2.2 Tractor operated manure spreader developed at NRC on Soybean, Indore

2.8 Manure spreading beater unit

Klenin and Sakun (1985) reported that a clod of partially decomposed

manure breaks up at the impact velocity of 0.2 to 1.5 m/s. In manure
distributor’s single or two rotating rollers are used to deliver the manure. In a
two roller arrangement, the lower roller provided with studs on its periphery,
rotates anticlockwise and pulverizes the manure before throwing it to field. The
upper roller also rotating anticlockwise helped to maintain an even level of the
manure delivered by the conveyor. The single roller arrangement usually has a
roller with helical grooves. Such an arrangement provides a broadcast width of
2.5 to 3.5 m. For power tiller operated manure spreader the diameter of discs
varied from 275 to 700 mm and vane length varied from 90 to 280 mm for
guiding and distributing the farmyard manure (Progress Report 2004 -2006). In
roto-spreader a cylindrical body and a pto driven shaft fitted with flails runs
along the centre of the cylinder As the rotor spins, the flails through the solid
manure out to the side.

2.9 Fertilizer and Manure Spreader
Galili et al (1988) studied on Wide-Swath vertical type centrifugal
spreader. A prototype of vertical spreader was constructed and tested under
both laboratory and field conditions. The experimental results were used to
calculate the effective swath width and uniformity of distribution of the new
spreader. Optimal swath width of 54 m and 27 m were calculated for granular
superphosphate and urea, respectively, with a coefficient of variation of 15%.
A moderate side wind did not affect the swath width but reduced the uniformity
of distribution. The results of the research can be applied for a wide-swath and
highly effective distribution method for granular materials.
Brundin (1994) studied comparisons of manure handling systems under
Swedish conditions. This study deals with the problems of optimizing the
design of manure systems on Swedish farms. A mathematical model was used
which describes slurry systems for farms with growing fattening pigs and dairy
cows and also solid manure systems for farm with dairy cows. The model deals
with manure handling from animal to field crop. Various manure systems were
compared when used in an economically optimal way. Key factors were
uniformity of application, nitrogen losses, timeliness and soil compaction.
Solid manure system appears to be more profitable than slurry systems for
small dairy farms with about 20 cows. For larger farms, slurry systems are
better. Slurry systems will generally give a higher utilization of plant nutrients
than solid manure systems. The utilization of nitrogen using liquid manure is
50% compared with about 30 % for solid manure.
Sogaard (1994) made the theoretical calculations with the aim of
determining the increase of net profit to be achieved by further improvement of
the properties of fertilizer spreader under laboratory conditions. From the
calculations it can be seen that in theory, the highest increase of net profit to be
achieved will be around 0.5 %. It can therefore concluded that instead of
focusing mainly on laboratory tests, as is the case today, future research into
and development of centrifugal spreaders should rather aim at improving the
abilities of the fertilizer spreaders under realistic field conditions. External

influence such as field irregularities, drift of the fertilizer grains due to wind,
ate., are thus responsible for most of the variation in the rate of application of
fertilizer and the resulting yield losses.
Grift and Hofstee (2002) equipped a small broadcast granular fertilizer
spreader with an optical sensor designed to measure the velocity and diameter
of individual fertilizer particles shortly after they leave the impeller disc. The
measured velocity and diameter of individual particles were input into a
ballistic model that predicted where particles land on the ground. A total of
over 1000 landing spots revealed the spread pattern. The result has shown that
the optical sensor is capable of automatically determining the spread pattern of
a fertilizer spreader on the fly. The sensor could be a key component in the
development of uniformity-controlled fertilizer application systems.
Anonymous (2004) developed procedure for measuring distribution
uniformity and calibrating granular broadcast spreader by fertilizer application
subcommittee of ASAE Agricultural Chemical Application Committee;
approved by Power and Machinery Division Standards Committee. The
purpose of this Standard is to establish a uniform method of determining and
reporting performance data on broadcast spreaders designed to apply granular
materials on top of the ground. Tests performed according to this Standard
make it possible to predict distribution uniformity of the spreader and to
compare spreader distribution patterns. This Standard pertains to centrifugal,
pendulum, and other types of broadcast spreaders designed for dry granular
application while operating on the soil surface. Portions of the test procedures
outlined are suitable for determining the delivery rate of gravity or drop
Erzsebet (2005) studied the theoretical and practical relation of
increasing the working width of centrifugal fertilizer spreaders. Performed
examinations on transversal spreading unevenness on the measuring track.
Physical properties of material, the angle of spreading blade, endurance test
carried out for different type of spreading blade material to determine the wear.
The mass loss of spreading blade during wear test is determined. From results it

is proved that within certain limit, decreasing the distance from centre of the
disc and the angle from the line connecting the centers of the disc, the working
width will increases. Also by varying the pitch angle of the blade the working
width will change. Most intense wear occurred on those parts of the blade
where the particle velocity is largest.
Landry et al. (2005) studied on performances of conveying systems for
manure spreaders and effects of hopper geometry on output flow. A prototype
land applicator was evaluated with both a scraper conveyor and a system of
four augers. The specific energy required to unload the machine with the four-
auger system was found to be higher than with the scraper conveyor. The
specific energy for both conveying system, was significantly affected by the
position of the gate. The characteristic flow rate was influenced by all three
factors in case of the scraper conveyor. The position of gate, the velocity of
conveyor and the interaction between these two factors were found to be
significantly affecting the characteristic flow rate of the four auger system. The
stretch within the tolerance zone was increase when length and width of hopper
increased. The coefficient of variation decrease when the length of hopper
increased. The cohesive products were observed to be improving the discharge
flow in terms of - the stretch within the tolerance zone, the longitudinal
coefficient of variation, and the actual to theoretical unloading time ratio.
Cherry Hill (2008) stated that manure spreader is an implement of great
importance. Smaller spreaders are friction-driven; larger spreaders are powered
by the tractor’s PTO. Friction-drive spreaders (also called ground-drive
spreaders) am ground driven, that is, the power for unloading and spreading is
generated by the tires of the spreader rolling on the ground. A ground-drive
spreader is usually a simple setup with just two levers, one to control the speed
of the apron chain, which moves the load toward the rear of the spreader; the
other to activate the beater bars at the back of the spreader. Since these
spreaders don’t have a rotating driveline, they are potentially safer than a PTO
driven spreader. The drawback to this type of spreader is that the tow vehicle
must be moving for the spreading mechanism to be activated. The beater bars

are what breaks the manure and fling it into the air. A friction spreader can be
operated behind a tractor, pickup or a team of horses because it is a self-
unloader. In order to use a spreader with a team of horses, you will have to
purchase a conversion kit.
Norman et al (2008) reported the manure distribution across the
application swath of a spreader needs to be relatively uniform to take full
advantage of fertilizer nutrients in solid manure. Uniformity of overlapped
patterns at various swath widths was calculated from field data. For the rear-
delivery spreaders, apron speed affected the application rate. Increasing apron
speed usually increased application rate and at times increased distribution
uniformity. Uniformity was similar for both one and two-beater rear-delivery
spread patterns. With the side-delivery spreader, a full gate opening tended to
improve across-swath uniformity as compared to a half gate opening. A
deflector on the side-delivery spreader improved across-swath uniformity
during fall applications with drier manure. Application uniformity across the
swath was worse than in the travel direction, particularly for the rear-delivery
spreader, unless the swaths were carefully overlapped. Application and
uniformity graphs generated from field data can be useful in predicting the
uniformity of the spread pattern for a swath width selected to provide a given
application rate.
Yildirim (2008) studied the investigation of effect of side to side out of
level on fertilizer distribution pattern in single and twin-disc rotary fertilizer
spreaders using triple superphosphate and calcium ammonium nitrate. Spreader
angles of -10°, -5°, +5° and +10° along with a level position (0°), with
spreaders and both fertilizers. The results showed that the angle of the spreader
had a significant effect (p < 0.001) on the fertilizer distribution pattern. The
more the spreader angle down (-10°), the greater the fertilizer distribution
pattern skewed to the right Similarly, the more the spreader was angled up
(+10°), the greater the pattern skewed to the left. Even the distribution patterns
obtained from an angular change of only 5° were significantly different from
the distribution pattern at the optimum level position.

R C Singh and C D Singh (2013) developed a tractor trailer cum farm
yard manure spreader of 2 tonne capacity at Central Institute of Agricultural
Engineering, Bhopal.The developed machine consists of two wheeled tractor-
trailer, trapezoidal shaped manure box, sheet slidingmechanism to control the
manure delivery rate, feeding auger and manure spreader unitThe machine was
tested in the field by using a 35 hp tractor at forward speeds of 0.41to 1.12 ms'1
with the farmyard manure of average bulk density of 400 kgm' and
moisturecontent 28%. The application rate of manure and coefficient of
variation of uniformity of distribution ranged from 2.0 to 36 t/ha and 8 to 13%
at manure delivery rate of 1.05 to 3.06 kg/s respectively.The field capacity of
machine ranged from 0.23 to 0.58 ha/h at the tractor forward speed of 0.41 to
1.12 ms'1 .Developedtractor-trailer cum manure spreader could be usedfor
manure application as well as for transportationof materials after removal of
feeding auger and slanting platforms.


This chapter deals with theoretical design procedure for critical

components of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with electricity
generation unit and their specifications.

3.2 Design consideration for farm yard manure spreader cnm cart
On the base of 500 kg pay load and force required for spreading of
manure in the field a chassis having two iron wheels, axel assembly, bearing,
and body frame for mounting the trapezoidal shaped manure box and hitching
system were designed and developed. The power transmission system for
spreading of manure and transporting of 500 kg load in field were designed.
Provision is made to convert manure spreader in to cart during ideal period by
covering the open space of manure box by rectangular cover to increase
utilization of equipment.
Details of design of different components are given below.

3.1.1 Design of rotating shaft (axle) of mannre spreader cum cart

On the basis of strength,
Diameter of shaft d is calculated as,

We have, Design HP = 1, rpm of shaft (n) = 13 at 2.5 km/hr speed of

bullock and wheel dia. 1000mm
T — 75xHP
2im 5

Where, T = torque kg-m,

HP = Horse power,
n = revolution per min
75 x 1
” 2 x 3.14 X 13 : •
T = 0.9186 kg —m

d = 20 mm,
Considering the shaft is subjected with suddenly applied load on
ploughed field condition, diameter of shaft is selected 30mm.

Considering the combined shock and fatigue factor

Equivalent torque (Te)

Te = [(KtT)2 + (KmM)2]1/2 (RK Jain, 1983)—-(2)
Taking diameter of shaft 30 mm
Bending moment at the centre of shaft = WL/8

Where, W = weight of shaft + total axial load on shaft

Weight of shaft =

Where, 1 is total length of shaft is 100 cm,

p is 7800 kg/ra3
d is diameter of shaft, 30 mm and
Total weight, W = 5.55 + 250 (axial load of manure) = 255.55
Bending moment at the centre of shaft, WL/8 = (255.55 x 100)/8
= 3194.3 kg-cm
Where L= (100 cm) distance between the bearings

Equivalent torque
Te = [(1.5 x 91.86)2 + (1.5 x 3194.3)2]1/2
= 4792.75 kg - cm
Surface coeff.x Yield point stress
Design stress in shear = ---------------------- ---------
Factor of safety
• = (0.954 x 1200)/ 2
= 572.4 kg/cm2
Shaft diameter, ’ ” 1/Q
Horsepower required for operating the design shaft at 13 RPM
considering the combine shock and fatigue factor.
HP = 2itnTe/4500 = 0.86hp
3.1.2 Design of manure spreading spiral auger shaft under axial loading

T = 9.55 x 106 x F/n --------Varshney et al (2004)

Where, T = tensional moment N-mm,

F = axial load on shaft, 264 N,
n = speed of shaft, 24 rpm,
d = diameter of shaft 48 mm,
fs = maximum permissible shear stress ( 600 kg/cm2).
Weight of the manure over feeding auger in kg =
Volume x density (1.1 x 0.050 x 0.8 x 600) = 26.4 kg
T = 9.55 xl06 x 264/24
= 105 xlO6
= 1050kg-cm
On the basis of strength,
r _ 16T 1
^S~^X 1 -k* 0
■ )

Where k = d;/do
(Inside diameter of pipe/Outside diameter of pipe = 0.80)
do =3.09 selected outside diameter of pipe is 50 mm
di = 40 mm
Considering the combined shock and fatigue factor
Bending moment (M) at the centre of shaft = WL/8
Where, W =Weight of shaft + Total axial load on shaft
Weight of pipe + weight of sheet = 12.72 kg
Weight of the manure over feeding auger in kg = 24.6 kg
Total weight including wt of manure, kg = 24.6 kg
Bending moment at the centre of shaft, WL/8 = (37.32 x 100)/8
Where L = (100 cm) distance between the bearings = 466 kg-cm

Equivalent torque,
Te = [(KtT)2 + (KmM)2]1/2
[(1.5 x 1050)2 + (1.5 x 466)2]1/2 = 1406 kg-cm
Size coeff.x Surface coeff.x Yield point stress
Design stress in shear =----------------------------------------------------
Factor of safety x Keyways factor

= (0.84x0.954x1200)/ 1.5x1.14
= 562.35 kg/cm2
Using the equation,
r 16Te 1
I_7id03 l-k*

d0=28 mm
Hence the selected pipe of outside diameter 50 mm and inside diameter
of 40 mm is safe
Maximum horsepower required operating the design shaft at 24
HP = 2nnT/4500 = 0.35 hp
3.1.3 Design of bearing
The selected bearing (Ball bearing no. 6006) was used to take the axial
load as well as radial load for manure spreader of 500 kg load capacity. The
dynamic capacity of bearing is given in equation (4)
C = (Lb/L10)1/kP --(4)
C= dynamic capacity of bearing, kgf;
Lb = life of bearing (lxl06h);
LI0 = life of bearing in 90 % survival of bearing (9 x 105h);
P= 2640 kgf,
Considering the rotation of axial thrust load (Fa) to radial thrust load
(Fr) is less than 2.718 in case of slow moving vehicle, hence the value of x and
y are 1 and 0. The value of service factor for bearing is taken 1.32 for shock
loads of higher magnitude and axial load as 2000 kg [P = (X Fr + Y Fa)S]
K is 3 for ball bearing and 1/3 for roller bearing.

The equation (4) resulted c as 2724 kg f. The basic dynamic capacity of
selected bearing is 13200 kg f, hence bearing is safe for use.

3.2Design of manure spreader cum cart for electricity generation unit

In this unit an alternator of 12 volt- 40 Amp has been used to generate
electricity at minimum rpm of 680 rpm. The power transmission system for
electricity generation unit is designed and developed at minimum rpm of
alternator. The power transmission system has a differential gear box which
gets the drive from the wheels of spreader and having the input to output shaft
ratio 1:4.
3.2.1 Design of pulleys
The following procedure is adopted for design of cast iron pulleys.
3.2.2 Dimensions of pulley:
The diameter of pulley (D) can be obtained either from velocity ratio
considerations or centrifugal stress consideration.
D2 = Diameter of driven pulley, mm
D1 = Diameter of driving pulley, mm
N1 = Speed of the driving pulley, rev/min
N2 = Speed of driven pulley, rev/min

On the output shaft of differential gear box we select the 8” diameter

pulley and to that 3” pulley (1: 2.67) is connected by £B’ type belt which is
mounted on rotating mild steel shaft. On the same shaft we select 18” pulley
and it is connected to 3” pulley (1: 6) mounted on an alternator shaft. In this
way we step up speed of an alternator in the ratio l:64(revolution of wheels to
revolution of alternator).

3.3 Development and fabrication of Manure spreader cum cart with
electricity generation unit (Construction details)

3.3.1 Chassis
A chassis for two- wheeled bullock cart was modified and adopted for
animal drawn manure spreader (fig. 3.1).It was made from a chassis frame of
1800 x 1300 x 500 mm size made of MS pipe of 40 mm inside and 48 mm
outside diameter. The.chassis frame was mounted on two £V’ shaped side
frames made of MS pipes of diameter 48 mm and thickness 4 mm. The adopted
axle of 30 mm diameter and 1700 mm long was mounted on the both ends of
side frames through pedestal bearing. The distance between the side frames
was kept 1000 mm. On the both the ends of the body of chassis two MS sheets
of size of 400 x 1200 mm and 2 mm thickness were mounted and in the middle
an open space of 1000 x 1000 mm was provided for manure box. A MS
platform of size 1000 x 1000 mm was provided to cover open space and
convert manure spreader in to cart in ideal period. Two iron wheels of diameter
1000 mm were provided at the both end of axle. The track width of manure
spreader was 1700 mm.

Fig. 3.1 Schematic view of developed Manure spreader cum cart

Fig.3.2 Front side view of developed manure spreader cum cart
Front view

Isometric view

Fig. 3.3 Solid Isometric Views of Manure Spreader Cum Cart

1800 A





Fig. 3.4 Wire frame Isometric Views of Manure spreader cum cart
33.2 Manure box

The manure box was made of MS sheet of 2mm thickness. The MS

square box section of 12.5 mm provided side support to the box. The box has
trapezoidal shaped body for storage and sliding the manure to the rotating
auger for spreading (Fig. 3.2a and 3.2b). The side frames were made of MS
sheet of 2 mm thickness. The side frame gave the strength and support to the
manure box. In the bottom side of manure box, peg tooth auger and spiral auger
were provided to crush the clods and spread the manure through opening cover
uniformly. Provision is made for adjusting the opening area of cover.

Fig.3.5b. Side view of manure box

3.3.3 Spiral and peg tooth augers (spreading unit)

A manure spreading auger made of mild steel spiral discs of 2 mm

thickness was provided below the manure box (Fig. 3.3a). The diameter of disc
is 200 mm. The length of pipe was 1000 mm. At the both end of pipes bearing
have been provided for rotation of augers. The peg tooth auger and spiral
augers were used to crush the lumps and spread the manure.

1000 mm
u uuuuuu

Fig. 3.7 Different views of Spiral auger

3.3.4 Power transmission system for auger rotation
For rotating the auger, chain and sprocket arrangement have been
provided. To transmit the power from ground wheel to the auger shaft, a
sprocket on axle of cart has been connected with sprocket of peg tooth auger
shaft and this auger shaft has connected to spiral auger shaft through the chain
IS- 10, The manure spreader auger made 13 rpm at cart speed of 2.5 km/hr. For
rotating the auger, chain and sprocket arrangement has been provided. A dog
clutch was provided to connect and disconnect the rotation of auger shaft from
ground wheel. (Fig. 3.4)
3.3.5 Power transmission system for electricity generation unit
For rotation of alternator shaft belt and pulley arrangement have been
provided. The 8” pulley present of output shaft of gear box was connected to 3”
pulley. On the same shaft of 3” pulley, 18” pulley was fixed and this pulley
was connected to 3” pulley of alternator. (Fig. 3.4)

Iron Wheel

Fig. 3.8 Power transmission system

All dimensions in mm

Fig. 3.9 Solid Views of Power Transmission system

r 4 Y

Dig 450





—L -f-.
1 cp


Fig. 3.10 Wireframe Views of Power Transmission system

3.3.6 Hitch beam

Two MS pipe (V shaped) of inner diameter 52 mm and thickness 4 mm

were used to pull manure spreader by pair of bullocks. The length of beam was
2.3 m.
3.3.7 Battery box
In between the hitch beam (V shaped) the battery box was provided. The
height of box was 250 mm and width was 300 mm.
3.4 Utilization of Manure spreader as cart
We utilize the manure spreader as cart by removing the front and back
side cover of manure box and covering the open space of trapezoidal manure
box by 1000 * 1000 mm MS cover.(Fig. 3.5) It is used as cart in ideal period
for 500 kg load to increase the utility of machine.

Fig. 3.11 Utilization of Manure spreader as cart


All dimensions in mm


Fig. 3.12 Solid views of manure spreader when use as cart

1800 L

•JR 4


All dimensions in mm



Fig. 3.13 Wire frame views of manure spreader when use as cart
Fig. 3.14 Isometric view of Manure spreader
Fig. 3.15 Solid exploded view of Manure spreader cum cart
Fig. 3.16 Exploded view of manure spreader cum cart
All dimensions in mm

Fig. 3.17 Manure spreader cum cart



This chapter deals with materials used and methods adopted during
present investigation under suitable headings. The experimental procedure
followed in conducting experiments is also explained in this chapter.

4.1 Location of the study:

The present investigation entitled “Design and development of an
animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with electricity generation unit” was
carried out at AICRP on UAE, CAET, V. N. M. K. V. Parbhani.

4.2 Equipments used in test

4.2.1 Alternator
The alternator is a device used to convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy. To convert mechanical energy obtained from bullocks in
electrical energy, the output shaft of differential gear unit was connected to the
input shaft of alternator. It was directly coupled to input shaft of alternator. The
relative motion between magnetic field and armature induces electromotive
force which further causes the establishment of electric potential, i.e. voltage.
This current produced is conveyed to output wires with the help of commutator
of alternator.
Since the electric current produced cannot be useddirectly, therefore
arrangements are being made to store the same. The electricity generated by
alternator was stored in a battery. The battery is a device which converts
electrical energy into chemical energy and stores in it. This stored chemical
energy gels converted into electrical energy to give useful work.
In this experiment an alternator of 12 volt- 40 Amp has been used to
generate electricity. The alternator gets its drive from 8” diameter pulley fitted
on the output shaft of differential gear box which is connected to the 3” pulley
and on same shaft 18” diameter pulley is fitted and power transmission unit is
connected through v-belt and 3” diameter pulley fitted on the alternator shaft.

4.2.2 Battery

The electricity generated by alternator is supplied to a battery and the

same is stored in the battery in the form of chemical energy. This stored
chemical energy gets converted into electrical energy to give useful work when
the electrical load is applied between two terminals of this battery.

A 15 plate, 12 V battery 40 A-H has been used to store the electric

generated by the alternator. This size of battery is very commonly used in
houses in conjunction with an inverter to provide electricity for illumination
during the power failure.

4.3 Measuring instruments:-

4.3.1 Dynamometer
The drawbar power required to pull the shaft was measured by using
digital dynamometer. It is usually placed between the animal yoke and the shaft
to be pulled through the rope. Some consideration were made such as yoke is
movable /slides on the beam in front & back position so that total pull acts on
the dynamometer. As the bullocks moves the pull was indicated on the screen
of dynamometer.

4.3.2 Tachometer
The tachometer was used to measure rpm of output shaft.
4.3.3 Ammeter
It is used to measure current produced from Alternator. It ranges from 0
to 10 Amp.
4.3.4 Voltmeter
It is used to measure voltage developed across the two terminals of
battery. It ranges from 0 to 24 volt.

4.3.5 Stop Watch

A stop watch was used to measure the travelling speed of bullock. It was
also used for measuring respiration & pulse rate count in one minute. The

Plate 4.1 Measuring instruments used during testing

Plate 4.2 Hydrometer used to measure specific gravity of liquid

Plate 4.4 Measurement of moisture contain of FYM
stopwatch was used for recording the time duration of the pumping. The
stopwatch used has the precision to measure the time up to 1 micro second.
4.3.6 Measuring Tape:
A measuring tape was used for measuring the dimensions of the set-up
for the proper installation of machineries.
4.3.7 Vernier caliper:
Vernier caliper was used for measuring the smaller dimensions of the
system component.
4.3.8 Digital Thermometer:
A digital thermometer was used for measurement of body temperature

4.4 Physiological observation

4.4.1 Pulse rate
Pulse rate was measured by placing the index or second finger on the
coccygeal artery beneath the tail of bullocks and the number of beats per
minute was counted. The pulse rate was measured at the start of work and at
hourly interval in both the sessions.

4.4.2 Respiration rate

The respiration rate was measured by counting the number of hot gushes
exhaled per minute by placing the palm of hand near the nostrils of the
bullocks. The respiration rate was measured at the start of work in both the
session and thereafter every hour of work.

4.43 Body temperature

The body temperature of the bullocks was measured by inserting the

clinical thermometer 40 to 50 mm inside of the rectum of bullocks for two
minute duration. The body temperature was measured at the start of work in
both the session and thereafter every hour of work.

4.4.4 Physical symptoms
In addition to physiological parameters, physical symptoms such as
frothing, tongue protrusion, excitement and leg un-coordination were also
observed to access the fatigue in bullocks.

4.4.5 Fatigue Score Card

A fatigue score card suggested by Upadhayaya and Madan (1985) was
used to indicate comparative stage of fatigue of bullocks. The physiological
parameters, namely, pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature earn one
fatigue point each which can accumulate to a maximum of 5 points for a
particular parameter. Similarly five physical symptoms have also been related
to fatigue in respect of frothing, leg un-coordination, excitement, inhibition of
progressive movement and tongue protrusion. It has been suggested that when
the grand total of such accumulated fatigue points is less than 20, an animal
could be considered safe from physical stress (Table 4.1).

Plate 4.5 Fabricaton of Wheel

Plate 4.6 Fabrication manure box chassis

Plate 4.7 Fitting of wheel on shaft

Plate 4.8 Fabrication of Manure box

Plate 4.9 Manure spreader platform

Plate 4.10 Trapezoidal manure box

Plate 4.12 Fabricated manure spreader cum cart
' Table 4.1: Fatigue score card for bullocks:

RR/min Ro +15 Ro + 30 Ro + 45 Ro + 60 Ro + 75
PR/min Po + 10 Po + 20 Po + 30 Po + 40 Po + 50
Rectal temp. (°C) To + 0.5 T o + 1.0 T o + 1.5 To+ 2 T o + 2.5
Frothing First sign Starts to dribble Continuous dribbling Froth on upper lips Full mouth frothing

Leg movement not

Occasional dragging of Complete loss of
Leg co-ordination Stride uneven coordinated in all Unable to move
feet coordination in all legs
Occasional opening of Frequent appearance Continuous appearance
Tongue protrusion Mouth closed Tongue frilly out
mouth of tongue of tongue
Nostrils dilated, bad Prominent eye ball Furious and trying to
Excitement Composed Disturbed
temper movement stop
Inhibition of forward
Brisk Free movement Slow walking Very slow Stop walking

Upadhyay and Madan (191

Plate 4.13 Measurement of Pulse rate

Plate 4.14 Measurement of respiration rate

Plate 4.15 Mesurment of boby temprature

Plate 4.16 Side view of manure spreader cum cart

4.5 Work performance:
4.5.1 Draft:
Pull is measured with the help of Dynamometer attached between yoke
and beam. Draft was calculated from the multiplication of pull into angle made
by animal with the direction of travel.
Speed is calculated with the help of following formula
Speed (S) -x 3.6
S = Speed in km/hr
L = Distance moved or traveled in meter
T = Time required by the bullock to travel certain distance in Second
3.6 = Conversion factor for km/hr
4.5.2 Horse power:
Horse power is the multiplication of draft and speed. Values of the
horse power computed as per Broody (1945) from equation,
Horse Power (HP) =
D = Draft developed, kg
S = Speed of bullock, m/s
4.5.3 Pull:

A hydraulic dynamometer mounted between yoke and horizontal hitch

beam was used to measure the pull. It was connected between the hitch-beam
and yoke with the help of rope. Angle of pull was found out by measuring the
vertical height and horizontal distance of hitch point and yoke. The draught
was calculated by using the formula given below.

D = P COS 0
D = Draft in kg
P= Pull in kg and 0 = Angle of pull w.r.t. horizontal.

4.5.4 Angle of repose
When bulk granular materials are poured onto a horizontal surface, a
conical pile will form. The internal angle between the surface of the pile and
the horizontal surface is known as the angle of repose and is related to the
density, surface area of hopper, size and shapes of the particles. Material with a
low angle of repose forms flatter piles than material with a high angle of

It is calculated by formula,
0 = tan" ^h/r)
h = height of pile
r = radius of pile.
4.5.5 Bulk density
Bulk density was measured by filling the material in the box of which
volume and weight is known. Bulk density is considered to determine the
capacity of hopper. It can be calculated as,
Bulk density = mass / volume as a whole
B.D. = M/V
M = mass, g
V = volume, cc
Average bulk density of FYM was calculated in terms of kg/m3

Plate 4.17 Manure spreader cum cart at no load condition

Plate 4.18 Manure spreader cun cart use for transport on road
Plate 4.19 Loading of manure spreader

Plate 4.20 Collection of FYM sample

Plate 4.22 Mesurment of swath width
Plate 4.23 Weighing of Manure spreader cum cart

Plate 4.24 Manure spreader cum cart use for carting

4.5.6 Moisture content
Moisture content was measured by using rapid moisture meter.
4.5.7Fleld capacity
The field capacity of the spreader was calculated with the help of
following formulae (Sahay, 2006).
1) Theoretical field capacity,
Width of covrage(m) x speed (km/h)
Theoretical field capacity (ha/h) = —

2) Effective field capacity.

Effective field capacity(ha/ h)
_ Width of covrage(m) X length of streep (m)
Time taken (h) x 10000
4.5.8 Field efficiency
The field efficiency of the spreader was determined using following
Effective field capacity
Field efficiency (%) = x 100
Theoretical field capacity
4.5.9FYM application rate
The manure spreader was calibrated to determined the manure
application rate, t/ha and uniformity of application in terms of coefficient of
variation of uniformity by using the following equations,
Qx 10000
AR =
Wx V
AR is manure application rate, kg/ha,
Q is the discharge of manure kg/s,
W is width of application, m
V is the forward speed of application, m/s.
4.5.10Coeffident of uniformity
Cu = 100(1.0 - £X/mn)
Cu is Coefficient of uniformity, percent,

m is average value of all observations g,
n is the total number of observations and
X is numerical deviation of individual observations from the average
application rate,g
4.6 Experimental Procedure

4.6.1 Physical properties of farmyard manure

Physical properties i.e. bulk density, dry matter content, moisture
content and angle of reposeof farm yard manure were determined for different
samples.The moisture content of manure was determined by using rapid
moisture meter.
Bulk density was measure by known volume of box, filled with FYM
and taking the weight of sample. Calculated by formula,
Bulk density = mass / volume as a whole
4.6.2 Manure Spreader Uniformity
The manure spreader uniformity wasdetermined atdifferent opening area
by collecting the manure in the collecting pans placed at equalintervals. tVhich
is calculated on,

Q, =100(1- EX/ mn)

Where, Q, = Coefficient of uniformity, percent, m = Mean value of all

observations g, n = total number of observations, X = numerical deviation of
individual observation from the mean application rate, g

4.6.3 Application rate of Manure Spreader

The machine was calibrated for different manure application rate at
different opening area.The manure application ratewas calculated by using the
equations given below.
Q x 10000
AR = .. 7-.-
Wx V
4.6.4 Determination of swath
The swath is the distance covered by the manure particles in the
transverse direction; i.e. direction normal to the direction of the travel. The

Plate 4.25 Manure sreader cum cart use for manure spreading

Plate 4.26 Back side view of manure spreader cum cart

Plate 4.27 Discharging of battery

Plate 4.28 Mesurment of specific gravity

measured distance covered by the manure particle from the edge of the
spreading mechanism give the swath. The overlap value could be adjusted in
the swath for uniform spreading.

• Spreader was filled with the FYM

• Manure collection boxes/trays were place on the ground at equal interval
longitudinal to the line of travel
• After engaging spreader was operated at selected speed
• Aiter the pass boxes were collected and weighed with and without
• Manure in known area of traywas collected and weighed. Manure
delivery rate kg/ha was determined.
• Density of manure was determined and mass was calculated
• Moisture content of FYM was determined



This chapter deal with the results obtained from the experiments
conducted during this study and the inferences drawn there from. Results have
been analyzed and discussed during the course of study under the following

5.1 Physical properties of FYM

Physical properties i.e. bulk density, dry matter content; moisture

content and angle of repose of farmyard manure for different sample of manure
are shown in Table 5.1. The FYM is a heterogeneous material and moisture
content of its changes with the depth of storage pit. Hence angle of friction is
more important for sliding the manure over a sheet as compared to angle of
repose. On the basis of angle of friction slanting platforms were made from GI
sheet. The platforms were fitted on the body of the trailer with an angle of
40°for sliding the manure from the top of the box to feeding auger. The
moisture content of manure was determined on dry weight basis.

Table 5.1 Physical properties of farmyard manure at different moisture


Bulk Angle of Angle of friction,

Sr. no. content % density, Dry matter repose, degree with
content, %
(w. b.) kg/m3 degree MS sheet G1 sheet

1. 20.5 292 80.5 32 33 33

2. 27.2 510 62.8 37 37 36

3. 36.4 680 63.6 39 39 38

5.2 Angle of repose of FYM

The angle of repose of farm yard manure was measured as per procedure
and formula given. Three sets of observation were taken and average value was
considered as angle of repose of FYM. It was found that angle of repose of
farm yard manure was 31.50°.

Table 5.2: Determination of angle of repose of FYM (at 20 % w.b.

moisture contain)

Height of Radius of
Sr. no. tan 0 - h/r 0 =tan'1(h/r)° Average(°)
heap h (cm) heap r (cm)

1. 9.00 14.0 0.6428 37.73

2. 8.82 14.4 0.6125 31.48 31.50

3. 8.36 14.3 0.5846 30.31

5.3 Design Capacity of FYM spreader

It has been calculated based on the density of FYM and volume of the
developed spreader as given below.
The volume of trapezoidal manure box was 0.3m3 calculated by

Where, Vi= Volume of trapezoidal manure box, m3

band 12 are top and bottom length (li= 1 m and 12= 0.2 m)
w is width of manure box (1 m)
h is height of manure box(0.5 m)

The volume of rectangular box was 0.936 recalculated by formula,

V2 = 1 x b x h

Where, V2= Volume of rectangular box, m3

1 is length of box, (1.4 m)
b is width of box,(1.3 m)
h is height of box, (0.4 m)
Total volume (V) of manure spreader was 1.236 m3 the sum of both the

volumes Vj and V2.

V = 0.3+ 0.936
V= 1.236 m3

The capacity of manure spreader was 500 kg by considering the density

of FYM as 405 kg/m3,

The weight of manure in box was calculated by multiplying volume of

manure spreader to the density of FYM.

5.4 Specifications of developed Manure spreader cum cart

Over all dimensions (1 x w x h) 4100 x 1300 x1450 mm

Weight of Manure spreader 350 kg

Type of manure box Trapezoidal shaped

Volume of trapezoidal manure box 0.3m3

Volume of rectangular manure box 0.936m3

Total volume 1.236 m*

Type of spreading unit Spiral auger of 200 mm diameter

and pitch 200 mm, length 1000 mm

Iron wheel diameter 1000 mm

Ground clearance 500 mm

Capacity 500 kg

Width of spreading 1000 mm

Power source A pair of bullock

Suitable for Manure spreading, transport oi

material and electricity generation

5.5 Performance of manure spreader in field with no load condition

The speed of bullock varies from 2.65 to 2.80 km/hr field with no load
condition. Average draft requirement for manure spreader in no load condition
was 362 N and average power requirement was 0.27 kW.

Table 5.3 Draft and power requirement for operating of manure spreader
in field with no load condition.

Sr. No. Draft (N) Speed of operation, km/hr Power, kW

1 390 2.80 0.30

2 360 2.70 0.27

3 336 2.65 0.25

Avg. 362 2.72 0.27

Fig 5.1 Relationship between draft, speed and power at no load condition

5.6 Performance of manure spreader in field with 500 kg load
The speed of bullock varies from 2,46 to 2.41 km/hr for 500 kg load in
field. Opening width for application of manure ranges from 0,04 - 0.20 m. The
opening width was varied 0.04, 0.08 and 0.16 m. The delivery rate of manure
was increased from 9.05 to 43.43kg/min and application rate from 2.02 to
10.04 t/ha with increase in opening area from 0.04 to 0.16 m2 at 2.45 km/hr
forward speed of bullock. Draft and power requirement for manure spreader
with load of 500kg varied from 675 N to 630 N and 0.46 kW to 0.42 kW

Table 5.4AppIication rate with respect to opening width adjusted by
opening cover of rotating auger with 500 kg load.

Speed of
Sr. Application Coefficient of
operation, Draft, N Power, kW
no. rate, t/ha variation, %

a) Opening Area for discharge of manure ( 0 04 x 1) m - 0.04 m2

1 2.38 660 0.44 2.22 22.2

2 2.55 690 0.49 1.99 22.4

3 2.45 675 0.46 2.09 22.3

4 Avg. 2.46 675 0.46 2.10 22.3

b) Opening Area for discharge of manure (0.08 x l) m2= C>.08 m2

1 2.37 640 0.42 5.13 20.3

2 2.53 660 0.46 5.02 19.9

3 2.44 650 0.44 5.07 20.0

4 Avg. 2.45 650 0.44 5.08 20.1

c) Opening Area for discharge of manure (0.16 x 1) m2= C .16 m2

1 2.26 630 0.40 10.12 18.3

2 2.55 640 0.45 9.96 18.1

3 2.40 635 0.42 10.03 18.0

4 Avg. 2.41 635 0.42 10.04 18.2

Table shows that application rate of farm yard manure is 10 t/ha for
opening area of 0.16 m2 which is recommended for desired application

rate(Table 1.6).

Fig 5.2 Relationship between.draft, speed and power at 500 kg load for an
opining area of discharge 0.4m2
!<'. vi*

‘ “S tr r * * ‘•v A
Q' -



Ur fils.
•^-^TTT .-^qr-Y ■■* ■-T-TT- ,.0,4
Ki) *

U 1 " ■ fW**’r* '«

Fig 5.3 Relationship between draft, speed and power at 500 kg load for an
opining area of discharge 0.8m2

RgS^lationsinp between draft, speed and power at 500 kg load for an

opining area of discharge 0.16m

5.7 Field performance of manure spreader

The developed manure spreader was tested for manure application rate.
The rotation of speed of manure spreading auger was 13 rpm. The quantities of
manure collected in forward direction of travel were collected and weighed at
opening width of 80 mm. this gave average manure delivery rate of 0.37 kg/s at
bullock speed of 2.41 km/hr. The manure delivery rate, application rate and
field capacity of machine are given in table 5.5 and presented in fig 5.5.
Table 5.5 Field performance of manure spreader at 80 mm opining width
(Swath width=lm)

Manure Theoretical Field

Sr. Speed Application capacity Field
delivery rate Field Capacity
No. km/hr rate, t/ha efficiency, %
kg/min ha/hr ha/hr

1 23.8 2.44 0.244 5.30 0.207 84

2 22.4 2,41 0.241 5.06 0.204 83

3 22.9 2.37 0.237 5.25 0.206 84

Avg. 23.0 2.41 0.240 5.18 0.205 83






Fig.5.5 Relationship between manure delivery rate, speed and field capacity

5.8 Variation of manure delivery rate at different level of manure filled in
the manure spreader
The variation of manure delivery rate at different levels of manure filled
in the manure box is given in Table 4.6. From table, the manure delivery rate
has decreased from 24 kg/min to 21.8 kg/min as the level of manure reduce
from full to 1/4* level in box. The manure delivery rate decreased 9.2 % as the
manure level decreased from full level to 1/4* level in box.

Table 5.6 Effect of different levels of manure filled in the spreader on the
manure delivery rate.

Sr. Level of manure Avg. delivery rate at 80 % decreased in manure

No. filled in box mm opening, kg/min delivery rate

1 Fun 24.0 -

2 3/4* 23.2 3.3

3 Half 22.4 6.6

4 1/4* 21.8 9.2

5.9 Performance evaluation of Manure spreader cum cart for electricity generation at no load condition.

Table 5.7 Performance of electric generation unit while battery charging.

Sr. speed of Average
power Average Average

no. draft bullocks RPM

d js*
S3d lao
<Uu >d

do &
S £

input (kW) voltage current alternator
(Km/hr) (V) (I)(amp)
(N) N*S/1000







3.10 0.525 6A 1100


630 2.58 0.451 9.5 V 5.5 A 1000


655 2.55 0.463 10.5 V 5A 995




2.25 11.5 V 4.9 A 850
In this alternator is used to charge the battery. The required connection
with battery and alternator is done with the help of wire and electric potential is
measured with help of voltmeter. Also electric current producing from the
alternator is measured with the help of ammeter connected in series. The above
observations were taken and it is observed that voltage increases rapidly at first
and after getting 10.5 volt it increases slowly to get fully charged. Speed of
alternator is measured with the help of tachometer and the range of speed is
observed between 850 to 1100 rpm. The draft require varied from 610 to 675

In the first trial of % hrs.’ it was observed that 40 Ah battery drew 6 amp
current at first & specific gravity of electrolyte was observed 1125. After half
hr current, voltage, and specific gravity are recorded and then at 1 hr interval.
To bring the battery 100% charged it required 5 hours 30 minutes. With the
state of charging, current decreases, voltage and specific gravity increases.
Table 5.8 shows the specific gravity at different charging condition.

Table 5.8 Specific gravity at different charging condition of battery

State of charge Specific gravity

1 100% 1250

2 75% 1225

3 50% 1200

4 25% 1150

5 Fully discharged 1100

Specific gravity of electrolyte is also a parameter which determines the

state of charging and it is measured with the hydrometer .The above shows the

specific gravity at different charging condition and at fully discharged
condition it shows 1100 while charging it increases with respect to time and at
fully charged condition it shows up to 1250.

Table 5.9 Variation in specific gravity and voltage during discharging.

Sr. No. Duration of discharging (h) voltage Sp. Gravity

1 0 13.90 1175

2 1 13.30 1125

3 2 12.95 1115

4 3 12.58 1110

5. 4 12.32 1105 •

5.10 Testing of Manure spreader for carting operation

Testing was carried out with three different breeds RK, Deoni and Local
for 500 kg pay load on Kaccha road and Tar road. The draft, speed, power and
physiological parameters were shown in table 5.11 and presented in fig. 5.6 &
in fig. 5.7.

Table 5.10 Testing results of manure spreader for carting operations

Deoni RK Local
Sr. Tar Kaccha Tar Kaccha Tar Kaccha
road road road road road road

1 Draft, kg 42 51 43 53 48 59

2 Speed, km/hr 3.56 2.76 3.70 2.87 3.10 2.4

3 Power, kW 0.407 0.373 0.433 0.414 0.405 0.385

Increased RR,
4 7.2 8.1 9.2 10.17 11.08 12.34

Increased PR,
5 7.17 10.63 9.90 12.47 13.03 14.55

The draft observed for tar road by Deoni, RK and local was 42, 43 and
48 kg respectively and 51, 53 and 59 kg for kaccha road. Speed observed for
tar by Deoni, RK and Local was 3.56, 3.7 and 3.10 km/hr respectively. And for
kaccha road are 2.70, 2.87 and 2.4 km/hr respectively. Power was 407.20,
433.10 and 405.06 watt for tar road by Deoni, RK and Local respectively.
Power was 383.18, 414.01 and 385.46 watt for kaccha road by Deoni, RK and
Local respectively. The increased respiration rate and pulse rate was observed
after 2 hrs continuous work on tar and kaccha road is within the safe limit of
fatigue score. Local bullock demands highest draft.

Fig. 5.6 Relationship between draft, speed and power for carting operation on
Tar road
iwiwryr-jiyyqifi'-yy. -»v»ai y*--

■ -1

Fig. 5.7 Relationship between draft, speed and power for carting operation on
Kaccha road


India supports approximately 16% of world’s human population and 20

% of world’s livestock population. India’s limited land resources for competing
use of forestry, agriculture, pasture, human settlement and industries. The area
under cultivation in India is 141 Mha. Soil degradation due to loss of nutrients
in India is 16.03 Mha. Land under saline and sodic soil in India is 6 million
Food shortage in 1960s necessitated Green Revolution, ushering in the
use of high dose of chemical fertilizers and poisonous plant protection
chemicals adversely affecting the health of the soil. Although synthetic
fertilizers add necessary nutrients to cropland, they fail to restore organic
matter to the soil and affect the soil productivity and environmental problems.
Regular use of synthetic fertilizers causes long term depletion of organic
matter, soil compaction and degradation of soil quality. Over fertilization also
causes important minerals to gradually leach out of the soil, can lead to
formation of soil with low PH.
Chemical fertilizers are required in very less quantity as compare to the
organic fertilizers. But long term use of these fertilizers causes degradation of
soil, compaction and reduces soil fertility. It also polluted the ground water and
causes environmental hazards (Das, 2009). If it used carelessly, can bum plants
and distort the quality of soil leading to cadmium poisoning.
Organic manures when incorporated into the soil not only add nutrients
such as nitrogen etc, but the soil is enriched by the fixation of atmospheric
nitrogen. FYM is one of the most commonly used bulky organic manure.
Availability of Potassium and Phosphorus from FYM is similar to that from
inorganic sources. Application of FYM improves soil fertility (Reddy, 2005)
therefore there is wide scope to its application. FYM contains almost all the
essential nutrient required for soil.

Broadcasting is a common way to apply solid or liquid manure. The
amount of nutrient loss depends mainly on the time between application and
incorporation. FYM is applied by cart or tractor trailer making the heaps in
field and then spreading manually in randomized way which results in
unevenness of the application. This operation requires labors and also
uniformity is not maintained in this operation. Mechanically FYM is applied by
tractor trailers which consist of three to four outlets, the tractor trolley is
completely filled with FYM and tractor is allow to run on field. It is laborious
job. This method also does not get that much uniformity.
It is necessary to quantify the rate of application at desired rate during
the operation and spread uniformly, covering the whole surface of the field.
Therefore unit like animal drawn manure spreader cum cart is desirable.
Considering the above facts the present investigation carried out with
following objectives:

1. Design and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart

with electricity generation unit.

2. Performance evaluation of developed animal drawn manure spreader for

carting, manure spreading and electricity generation unit.

“Design and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart

with electricity generation unit” was carried out atAICRP on UAE, College of
Agricultural Engineering And Technology, V. N. M. K. V. Parbhani.
The developed manure spreader consist a chassis having two iron
wheels, axel assembly, bearing, spiral auger, peg tooth auger, body frame for
mounting the trapezoidal shaped manure box, hitching system, battery box and
an alternator for electricity generation.


1. An animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with electricity generation

unit of 500 kg was developed. The application rate of manure varies
from 2 to 10 t/ha for varies in opining area of cover 0.04 m2 to 0.16m2.
2. The coefficient of variation of uniformity for manure distribution varied
from 18 -20%.
3. The designed manure spreader cum cart gave desired manure
application rate (8 - lOt/ha) at an opining area of cover 0.16m2 at the
operational speed of 2.41 km/hr and draft required was 675 N.
4. The draft and power requirement of manure spreader were 675 N and
0,46 kW within the draft ability limit of pair of bullock.
5. The field capacity and field efficiency of machine were 0.20 ha/hr and
83% at operational speed 2.41 km/hr.
6. The above manure spreader cum cart when converted in cart and used
for carting load 500 kg on ter road and Kaccha road for Deoni, RK and
for local bullocLThe draft observed for tar road by Deoni, RK and local
was 42,43 and 48 kg respectively and 51, 53 and 59 kg for Kaccha road.
7. Speed observed for tar by Deoni, RK and Local was 3.56, 3.7 and 3.10
km/hr respectively. And for kaccha road are 2.70, 2.87 and 2.4 km/hr
respectively. Power was 407.20, 433.10 and 405.06 watt for tar road by
Deoni, RK and Local respectively. Power was 383,18, 414.01 and
385.46 watt for kaccha road by Deoni, RK and Local respectively. The
increased respiration rate and pulse rate was observed after 2 hrs
continuous work on tar and kaccha road is within the safe limit of
fatigue score.
8. Deoni require less draft for 500 kg load on ter and kaccha road. Hie
highest draft and power requirement was observed for local bullock.
9. Electricity generated due to attachment of alternator during carting and
stored in 40 Ah battery require 5.30 hrs for full charging.
10. Average draft required for electricity generation with carting oration
was 66.32 kg.

For further research work and developments in designed manure

spreader cum cart following suggestions are suggested:
The major work of design of manure spreader cum cart with electricity
generation unit isas per design fabrication of equipment is carried out but
exhaustive trial of equipment should be carried out for following parameters.
1. Draft and power requirement demand by machine for various
application rates by giving increase and decries in opening area of
2. Carting trails for Local, Red Kandahar and Deoni on tar and Kaccha
3. Draftablity trails for manure spreader for various application rates to
declare work rest cycle.


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