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9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

Quick Business Survey

The questions here are designed to quickly capture information about your business so as to be
able to diagnose possible problems and prescribe effective solutions for your business.


1. 1.) When will you say that you are successful as a business?

2. 2.) What is your vision?

3. 3.) What is your mission as a company? 1/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

4. 4.) What problem(s) are you solving?

5. 5.) What do you believe makes you different?

6. 7.) What is your product/service?

7. 8.) How long have you been in business? 2/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

8. 9.) What value(s) are you offering to your target customers?


9. 1.) Do you already have a marketing strategy?

10. 2.) What marketing methods have you been using so far?

11. 4.) What methods have given the best results? And What has brought the worst? 3/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

12. Who is already serving your target customers?(not competition)


13. 1.) Who are you seeking to serve (as a customer)?

14. What keeps them up at night,boiling in their oesophagus,eyes open and staring at
the ceiling? 4/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

15. What are they afraid of?

16. What are they angry about? What are they angry at?

17. What are their top 3 daily frustrations?

18. What do they secretly ardently desire most? 5/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

19. Is there a built in bias in the way they make decisions?

20. Do they have their own language?

21. Who do you want to target? And why them?

22. If you were to write a story of your customer profile how would it go?

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9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

23. 1.) Do you already have a sales strategy?

24. What do you think is your Unique Selling Point?

25. 2.) How do you sell, what methods do you use?

26. 3.) Has this method been successful? 7/8
9/28/2020 Quick Business Survey

27. 4.) If no, why do you think so?


28. 1.) Currently, Who is your competition? And why are there methods working?

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