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Is Facebook Dying Out?

By Ali Dunn & Andrea Bean Article Written on October 9, 2020

Daily Use of Social Media Platforms Favorite Social Media Platform

2% 3% 1%
Number of Students

35 7% 18% YouTube
25 vsco
20 15% Snapchat
5 Twitter
.5 2.5 4.5 6.5 8.5 10.5
Number of Social Media Platforms Checked Per Day Reddit

As the CEO of Facebook, I am working on targeting a younger audience. Facebook today, generally consists of moms bragging about their kid's accomplishments
or grandmas sharing way too much information about what they’re eating for dinner. One thing I’m not really seeing anymore is younger generations sharing
status updates about their high school sports games, relationship status's, or being with their friends. That’s because in 2017 my app lost around 2.8 million U.S.
users under the age of 25. Facebook has become an irrelevant social media platform as new apps are taking over. I have tried many things in the past to pull
back in the younger market by including stories, group chats, and more. While most have taken off with the older market, it seems that younger generations, the
true target, are still not paying attention. As seen in the histogram above from the survey on high school students, it is not that teens are not checking their social
media -for majority check 3 apps per day- it is that Facebook is not the app they are on. Facebook was not a favorite app of any of the 68 students who
participated in the survey which is shown in the pie chart. As the CEO, I am working on a new update with additions to hopefully reach the younger users. My
ideas consist of advertising brands that appeal to teens, cutting back on political ads, and creating recruiting methods for high school athletes that are looking to
continue sports in college. My ideas are not limited to only this, for I have many more that will come as a surprise in the update.

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