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When I stayed in Viterbo for a week during my most recent trip to Italy, I used Air B&B and
stayed at this cute little apartment called Gli Archi.

Before arriving, my mother and I were taking the train from Firenze, and we had a stopover
in Bomarzo.

In true Italian train system reliability, our train to Viterbo never came.

We had to wait another hour and a half for the next train to Viterbo and then I had to let
the host’s wife, Nicoletta, who was picking us up from Porta Fiorentina train station, know
that we would be delayed.

I called her on my phone (the TMobile Simple Plan for International service is genius), and
this is how our conversation went.

Cher: Pronto?
Nicoletta: Pronto?
Cher: Ciao Nicoletta, sono Cher!
Nicoletta: Ciao Cher, come stai?
Cher: Sto benissimo, e lei?
Nicoletta: Sto bene, sto bene.
Cher: Senta. Il treno è in ritardo.
Nicoletta: (groan of understanding at the oh-so-reliable train system)
Cher: Penso che arriveremo alle 15.30, ma non ne sono sicura.
Nicoletta: Non preoccuparti, mandami un messagio quando sali sul treno.
Cher: Va bene. Ciao ciao.
Nicoletta: Ciao ciao.

So how did we start?

When you call someone on the phone, Italians will most likely say “Pronto?” where we say

CPF: As an adjective “pronto” means “ready”, as in Spongebob’s signature phrase “Sono

pronto” – I’m ready.”

Then I introduce myself to her seeing that she knows that I have her number and would be
in touch.

1 of 3 8/24/2019, 10:18 PM

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