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Charles E. Kreamer I18me and School in

!'I~:=::::::::::::::=:::~=~:::~:::~::~:~::~::::::::~:::::::~::::~::::~:::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::~l~ An Opportunity
.. Is claimed by Death II Narbe~:po:eather II For Everybody

~w !~
15~ II ig-h Low
13.nrolll{lter .. , .... ,. ;~{I.~H :!.~. ii M"

'i~_ ~:.:;~:;:~i::::::-:: :,,;;;;~ ~; ~ -.~,I_i-.1

Charl{'~Edwurd Krl'alll,'r. I'rlJlllill"lIt Folk,; of Xllrb.. rt·h, nmy ,n' huve
in "0 m'lIly c·in·I .." in :"ad"'rlh lind 1 .vollr atftontion for II Illuiliellt'f
Pthiladelphin, ,]i.'d ""l!tI,'lly Friday Th,' Iloml' and S"hool .\S:'l",i"I;OI1 r,dp,fi{'ieuc'y I"incoc ::; __ 11 0'" 0 ft "n Iia \'to you sa iLl to your-
; T(~tHJ)pr:ltllrp Jan.
morning, ,Jan. Lith. II" II as on th,' 11I.I'r'tillll' on l'hursdny of last w .... k. \\',,~
THE FIRESIDE I, 12 d"g-r('('6.
,... If: • 'If 1 kn,'w jllst how to g-o IIbout
W'1l~' to thl' III,4j traill, ,,},.'II h.· f,,11
on Ha ,·~rfo~,l. '.\ "1'., ol'I'(",ij" t h,' "ta·
J,,'ld ill th,' lIii!h &·hool ,\udiloriulll.
Thl'f(' w{'n' upward,:, of 011(" huntln'd llt-r-
ing for p\'1'ryhody.
; Tt"mppt"aturp l'XI'()I:-;..q for ~alllC ii it-- if 1 f~lt 1·"rt,JiIi t'hat my l'olltribu-
tillll. lllodpst thoug-h it is, would rea"h
I): ,~: ,:,~", ,~,: ,: ,:, , ~,~,: : ,~:', , ~,~,~, , ,~,I, ~:,~,~,~,:,~: , "'""",,!
('Il:!!"t {'IlOllg'h
tion, alld withill a f.,w minlltl's, hi"
phy!!i<'iHI1, Ill'. H. l' llolTman, !'ro·
SOliS I'rl',,('nl, illt·llIllillg- Jlra<'li~llJ].,' thl'
""til'" f,,,·"I t.,· of til{' I'ubli" K,"h<>t,]- (If I l
I tlo' folks most g-l'lIl1ilH'ly in nl"'<! of
a"si"tlllll·e. I wOllld gladly gi"e whut
nounc<"d lifn l·xtin<'l. 11 "lIl't di",'a,,~ th(· BorollKh, for wholll llU inforll:,,1 I ,'an to h.'11' Illukl' life a little eU8ier,
was th'e c'ausl' of d-('ath.
~rr. Kr~anl~r movf'd to :"nrbl'rth :1:1
rl'('l'l'tio" 'Ins givpn, a~ n I'"rt or thl'
"",,uing's program,
~l r.
('{lJl WflY
rwd :\ITS. Opo. ThunlJ,~on, of
A ,·f)., aff' ft'ceiving l'ong-rntu·
Narberth is Shocked II little more I'oml'ortnble, a littl" more

l'lIjoyahl(·.' ,
:. years ago, anll hus us"i!!t",1 in the
d'CYe)opml'nt of DlMt of its org-anizu·
.\. cli~<'11S.'li01l on tht' genl'ral ~uh.i"d
of the physical c]evt'lopl1l'pnt of ,,,bor,]
lations on the l1rrival of a dfllll;hll'r. by Double Tragedy And thell you huve !H'sitat"tl. Other
thillg" Iw\'C' "rowdell in all your mind
tionl'l. He \I"'lIS the nill't.h residellt of ehil<],r('n Wll... enterNI into. Tbis was alill bt'fol'l' ,"011 realized it the impulse
:\Ii.s ~larjC' \Y,rtz is th,' I!tlest of
tbe village of Xarlwrth at its in('ep- I"tl hy Mr. Curl A. Hummel, in ('hurgl' WOMAN IS SHOT DOWN BY HUS- wus g'0IH'. ~[IlIlY times sin"e then the
~rr. find ~frs. ~Iorris Corlil's, of ]06
• t.ion, and WIlS a n1('mlwr of t.hc C<>IlI' of Boys' Athletics, of the Divi~ion of BAND FROM WHOM SHE SEP- illl'idl'llt has ('ome buc'k to you alld
j-', rr,·"t :\ YC'Tlue.
mittel' of five who lW('urp<! tIll' "hartl'r l'h~'si~al Ec!twation. of thl' I'IIh1i.· ARATED. WHO THEN KILLS pUl·h tilll(' yOIl havl" thought of iI, you
for the Boroug-h in ]S(I,L I'\"bool" of PhiladeJphia, wll{) g-a"e an SELF ha"l' fl'lt kind of pruvoke,1 at your-
:II r. ('I~IIIt'n t Hoot h, of \\'or1'eslpr,
TIt'oughi a life-long ~rcthodij<t, tJu> int('J'~"1ing anti in"trueth"r tnlk on the'
\ras:-: .• Wlt:-- tht' ~\I~l:,.t of :\11'. .\. F. sl'lf, and wished that you might have
PresbytI'Tian Chur"h of Xal'hprth WllS g-rl"ut llllft<llialll'p, Hf t'lli' t't1't '! -111' kllOWII just how to go about doing the
Whitman last week. Enrag-"r! ,,~, h,,1' I'l'fu":l1 to rt'lnrn an,1
organized in ~Ir. Kr~u.n1('r '" ~1011l(' 011 helllth of fh., "ehool l'hil,lrl'n will have ",0.,,1 tllrn t'h1lt yOIl renJly wanted to
Ii,'" \\ ilh hiln, J)""lli" Bulh·r. of l:I:W
June 2, ]89], nnd he be~rllne if:' first on th'" ehnrllder of work they do in the Xorth ,j;jth :->tre<'l, kill ..d his ",if" an,1 do.
\[1'". .lohn B. Brook" "a" lh., 11111,·h·
1:rer,sul'er. With the org3Jljzation of ('In,.s 1""lIII. II., r1wl'lt l'"rti<-ul:lI'I~' Oil \\' elil, folk.!l, it's Oil olr! suyi IIg, hut
~"J(·"t of ~Jr". lIan." \V. I1nrt, of "onllnittp,1 suil'ide on ~hlllday.
the ~fl'thodist Epi'seopal Chureh in :'oJ'ar· th" ""i1,,' of ha,"illg' c'hiltlrl'n fonn

T:tl'fllI~·, 011 'Y pchlt :--dn:,·. ~frs. B\ltl~r. kno\\11 in Xnrh('rth UII' a truo ou~, that nothing is to hI' g-aill~u
herth, hi., u('li,'it;(" soo" "l,,,tl'f('d th,·rl'. h."gil·ni,· haltits in th~ ho-III(' to ~IIT'!,II" by <'Tying' over spilt milk.
<!"r hl'r IIll1i,1<'n n:lln~ of ~Inl'gllret Ti~r·
He 'h,,"ollle a llllC'lllh.r of th,· hnil.linj! llIJ'nt till' tminin,g' g'in'n th"111 in thl' 1 i:ll11 Trt)a:-01Ir~· :--:'a"iJl,l!~' ('l'rtifit"att', J1t'~., W:lS 1IH, t l
at th(l'. ~tHtion a:o: :-o1lf'
eon,m.i1tee, lIn,1 hl'c'all~~' of hi, tl':ti"ing- :,('ho(}l~. -Proppr or~rnni7.Htion of ~l)(Jrt~, (Continued on Page 4)
+""0: $2:5 Trpa~lIry ~a\'illgs ('C'rtifif'af(', If'ft th" jJl::! traiu hy her husband. He
llnd ahility, at Oll('~ a~hi"vl',1 a leading a,. wl'lI n!! foIll' kill'l of g'aml" h.'st .nile'l]
'1':'11. On sale at th" I',,·t 01li,·P. .\sk al·'·"l1lpuni.·d her a" far a.s ~ Dudley
':'..purt, 911d !!pry~d for Zi years IlB trustee, to ('h'idln'lI, WH~ ("olll'iid.'TC"IL and ,luring I
for Post lIla"t~r. .\ "N1UP, ,,'>!J{'f(', his l'ntrenties being of
',:0 of willieh BOllrd I", "a~ III .., \'r,,,,,i.!t-II1.
.. 25 years as a I'! i \'(, !-;ll(wrilltenl]"nt of
tIlt· g'l'lIl'ral .Iisl·us."io-n followillg' hi" '
talk he "tl'tlr'l~I~' nrg'l'lj for Xarhl'rth
no a'"ail, he lITI'W a revolver on,1 s'hot
h~r r!~\I'11 in the lIIillcl1~ of th .. strf'l'1.
Community Club Notes
.:'If r. Gpra]d ~r. Tum hlyn, of 106 Dud-
I':, the :"ounda~' 1'\"'1001, lind th~ lust two th.· "nhstitution of Sl)('~pr foot'hllH for
It'~· .-\\-f'., h:l~ ht'Pli t'1ll!agpd to spn·(' n H(, thpn rndt',1 his o\\'n l.fe hy a hulJet :\11'8. G('or",,, Reali, who i, so well
.::"ye-ars a.<; Supprintpnll~nt EIllPritus. th" re",nlnt.ioll f(}()tlttaJl gRml's R" r·on·
., ·pnr in Y. ~r. C. A. work lit Cairo, in t'he brain. "ersl'd ill national affairs, \\ ill uddreBs
· ~Ir. Krp1l'nll'r WllS hom in Phila.lel- dur-t"d b~" th~ ~ollt'g'e n.nll IIni"l'r"ity I
EI:~'pt. '1'11<' ,,()upl,' Illl.1 Ill'PII "",·rt'll.'· lIIarripll th~ Clllb on TuesdllY. 11rs. 1'l<':IJl gave
:.. phia, .July 1 i, 184!l, anrl lI"v"r sepur... tl'al1ls.
Illst ,Junl'. They had Ii"ell togPlher for the Clllh a "ery illstrll"tin) tal,k this
atoe,1 bimself from tIl:<' lifl' of 'hi" ~". ~I r. Illllll1111'l "!,okf' Xlf thl' yalnl' of 1'1"
:\11'. all'] Mrs. !I"nl'y Halllli.' Brooks, tJhrp<' mOlJtlhs at 4'61:2 Brown Rtreef, fall on th(' "itu] points of the Limit a-
.' ',five .. ity. He was a tru,ste<> of the ,·rl'at.ion ,·~.lItr"", wh h'h wns lntl'r ta kl'n
of \Vashingion, I). ('.. \\"l'r" thp <linnl'!' ancl, llftf'r th" st"p11.l'ation, ~rr". Butll'r tion of Armnmput Conf"Tt'.nc('\ The
"i' b~" Pr",~il]~llt \V"ntz, "ho urg'l"]
gn(·"ts of 1\fr. ancl' ~frs. John B. Brooks returned to Xarh~rt'h and lived with t ulk lI~xt TIle."",Iay wm be the second
(Continued on Page 4.) l'Yl'ry. m~mlwr of 'fhp Home lIn.1 RehO'ol
ThnM'alay l'll!'t. her brother and father at 519 Dudley of thrt'e a<1l1rC>s.l'(>Js onCurrellt Eve·uta
A""wiation to ,]0 Iris' or her utlllo"t I"
ovenue. b'be \\'1lL8 thirly;ollc. to he gh"'n by Mrs. Bean thi-s yoor.
ha,'1' l'ver.\' voter in tbp' Bornllg-h go i
Narberth Choral Society to'thp poBs on F .. hruar~' mh '(Iud nnlh.
tlrizl' thp" Roroug:h ('onneil, by.a un· ,
Th" new Cjual't,l'r for 'h" C'hiltlrt>n's
f):lIlc-ing Clll!!>:' stnrt" ,Tn II. :2~h, :llake
The dying woman was carried into
th~ home of ('bor]C's Hf'rndon. at :110
Those who have heard h('r fl'equently
ill th~ PI\..~t, know how alive she can
YOllr enrollllll'nt, if p05"ihll', Snt.•Tnn. Dudley .-\"~IIU"', and Dr, HOlllflia ('. make II hl'llV.\' "Ilbjel·t. Hl'r a,ldrl'ss oil
.' At the regular wCi'kly r~hrorsal of alii Ilion" "ot~, to prof'nre t,he ':prOpcrt~. I
2151. Hoffman Wl1s summoned. Hcnlizing' Tuc'"lIlY will 1)(' too worth while to
'0: the ;\'arbert~ Choral go~iet~· in the ftll' thl' rp"rention '·.I'litr,· for Nai'1:i'rTth.
Ihat j<hl' wa!! Iw~-ond nll',li~al att,'ntion, miss.
H~ thnt a,~ thp mR.jGrit'y.. of
,"1". M. C. A. Building last ~f.mclay night, Tltl' Hl'n,lillg ('iff'l" of tI", ""0 lila II 's Dr. Hoffmnn summoll~ll Hl'v. Hi"hard TI1l'rt· will I", 1I111si~ and 1h" rl'gulnr
t h., rl"Si',ll'nl" tlf t h" Bnrong-h ila;(r,?~J>'
.the for the lH'xt C'I,III'I'rt was ('rowl,,~'. \I'ho ndministprl'<! Ih,' In"t
. gl"en out. After going' oy('f ,'aeJh nUlll· pl'l''-s,',] th('lI1s~ly"" in fllyor 0#'
t'hc. COllllllnnity Cluh 1111'1 on ~Iolldny after-
ritl's of the {'al.hali ,. l~hllr1'h :I" the
"0('1111 hour.
1'1ayg'1'Onn,1, t'he slw('inl ~Il'dion WlIS noon with ~fr!!. FnlJ1kl~'n DUlllop. of
···:ber and hearing the instrux·tions. hy "~lIlan died.
"imply to ('lIrr(>et H.n I'rrol' for whi ..h Du,Jle~' .-\ \"('nn.., tn r'olltinnl' t'h~ Tl'wl· WESTMINSTER CIRCLE
··.~Prof. ;\'i~e. ev{'ry one wus imprc'Sl'H'I] Rnt.1el-'s ho,],v was tnk"n in "hnrg"
th,' Roroug'h Hllt,horit;('/' werr in nowts/, bll! of "Queen Vietoria.·' Thl' meet-
: ':with the fuet thillt t'here is ..arne rea] h~" th" Arllmore poli~e. .\ not" in hi"
rl'.spollsih-!I'. all'll t-h71t a IInanilllon' yotl' ing II~Xt wp.. k-~ron<lny,llt 2 P. ~r., will
·";work ahead. poc'k~t showp,l tlHlt thl' ad W:lS 1'1'". Th" .lalllllln' m"ding of the Circle
at this t,ime wonl,] "'how th,' r~al :\'nr- h" h.,lrI nt the hOIll" of :\Irs. L"ro~'
': .. ' The progmm "'.iII again bt' of 11 mis· meditated. \I'as hf'I,] at ~Irs. G. W. :\Iichener's,
h,'rth eOl1lmlll,;t~- "pirit. Doug-Ins,s. 2]:1 EII1I T"I'Ta,·p.
·:':cellane'ous ehara.eter a,nd will inclullt' A<:eording' to uvailn hi" illforlllalion, :\Irs. :\' t'lson Row Il'y and Mrs. ll. "'aTTen
·::·~hQru.•es from the best 0lwra.s lind th" Owillg' to t;hp fnd thnt th~ stat",] t·hi!! is till' first 111l1rd,'r in thl' hislor~' Wrig-ht aso;1stell ~Irs. ~[iehen~r in en-
>gi-eat oveorture... One number wl1ieh 11I.'pting's tlf l'hp Home lin'] i"~hoo] As· \11'. lIlI,] ~fl·". Hohif.,Y .\. \\'urn('f, of tl'rtaining.
of thp Borough of Narberth.
,:'\Yill be c&pecial]y pleasing is thl' Ballad sO"iations ~ollflirll'.] with !!t.n tpd 111el't- Xorth Xnrh,'rth .-\ V('II Ill', aCl'olllplIllil'l] :\frs. lo'arllll'r hl'f1"(, an iut"resting re-
Lof "The Highwaymen," the first per- ing-anf of1h~r or.~n.:lizat,ion" of thl' hy their friends, 1\11'. onel ~rrs. Edwin port of the Committee '" Xnms villit
:~'fOnllallCe of whic>h WIlS gi"en hy the
,·.::.¥bntclair Ohoral I'\ocicfy, one of the
Borough, t'he' By-Laws wel'l' amenl1ecl
b~' d't'sign'llting <the fourth 'I'1111rs-day
('lIrip, of Tiog-a, ('xI)('l't to I<~l"" nl'x:
~foll,la." for :Miatlli, Flori,la. Thpy will
American Legion Notes to thr' Obil,]ren's HOSipituI of Phila-
df']phin. The childrl'11 "'ere deligmtfully
··.'··best·choTUSf'S in th~ ~ounlry. Thc,tl'xt of ('.~1l'h month 11'" th" rf'-,!!'Hlr,r I11ppting- mokp the I'lltire trip b~' a'lt.omohilf' "'lItertllined hy the to~'S l'ontributed
Thp rpg'ular monthl~' mprting ryf the
/cit this ba.lI:nd is from tht' pOt'ms by n'i~ht IlC'rl' 'From a thorough ('(\-D- 1I 11,1 plan to I'l'turn thll eorly pa rt of
}fIno],] D. 8 prok III an , Post :'1.,6, will hy the Cirt'!~. Mrs. Fnrml'l' al80 re-
'~:ii\lfted Noyt's ancl 'Ions set to 'Illu•• i<, hy YnlSS of t.h/' Boron'g'h, it \I~IS foun,i tho I. 11(' hl'ld on ~f<1I1duy l"'puing, .Jo.nullry 1'01'1<''<1 all the "isit to the H"T\'iee Hos-
;:<Mark Andrews. this ",gilt \\'a!! on.. of t'he very few :2:'1r,l, .Elm HaH, 8 P. M. pital for Oon'·lI.lC'S<'ing Soldiers at 24th
L" . Ever:yone "'ho has bcurll any of the in po~h month On which there is no (Continued on Page 4)
Col. .J. Pri('e .J~.l'ksou, of the Pbilit. mill Grays Ferry Road, l'hi.Iauelphia.
:~':coiicerts put on by Prof. Nice knows de1phia Chamber of Commerce, will ad- The hoys very much n pprecia ted the
?thtif one of llis strong 'Points is his IContinlled on Poge 4) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS cllJ'(lSS us on hiS' exppriene., with the Xmas trt'at from vhe Circle.
r~~·~ili.ty to ~e.]C'et a \vell-halanced pTO~ labor situation and why e:x·",('rvi~e IllPn The l'ntertainnwnt eomlllittee sub-
:,:g~m.His reputation will not Nuffer Two eenta per word It casb accom- shou.Jd receive adjust~.1 ('OUI pl'n_t ion. mitted plan.. for a play to be given
;1n.bhe. least by t,he selections lie has panlea advertisement; otberwlse, O~8 If you wnnt to att~nrl a live meet- by thf'Circle, the date to be an'
NOTICE cen ts per word,
\:mal1'e for th'll next conCl'Tt t.o be given ing, eom~ out andl get llequaintpd with nouniled Jater. Wateh thes~ <,o]umns
thy. the Narberth Choral. . your hurld1eB, Sevl'ral will he initintl'd for more details.
The Fire Company Dance, post- LOST-Body oJ Wahl Fountain Pen.
;;;':,.The new officers have already proven nn d the new officPl"8 will he i n!"t(lIlNl. Twenty·niiJo membN<i responded to
poned from FridaY the 13th, will Reoturn to '103 Chestnut AYe. (15-'P)
i::ti.iltthey are the right people in the ,. E"ery membe-r get It mmllh('r.' ' - roll call. Mrs. Wright brought It. guest.
t'fi~'h,f placO!J ancl they arf' 'Planning be held next Thursday, Jan. 26th,
1922 slogan. A fter the businC'SS adjourned,
at Elm Hall. 4 il Brook-
?;~mcgrcnt things for.' the soeiety. FRESH EGGS for sale. \!II<' lad'ies were pleasingly I'ntertaineu
l{;.:..',A'I1nouneement of tlhe soloi~t" for the Tickets issued fOr the 13th will hurst Avenue. (I5"il) h~' the sO<'ial fund rt'freshni.ent commit-
be honored a.t this time. NARBERTH WO~ ,ATTEND
*iae~tcon~ert will Ibe made in a short t~s.
~\~~e~' . PLAYER PIANO for swle. Cunningham ROUND TABLE LUNCHEON The February meeting' wLll be held
SS note, almost new. Gall :ilO Gray-
.~?i:~=·=::;::===================================== at the ,home of MM'. E. K. Bauer, lona
ling Avenue. (15·<,) Reven representatives of the Nar- AV('IHW and Anthwyn Roatl.
1:~).. ~.' CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. hertJh League of Women Voters at-
~:.:-~ ": .
~\:':;:, , . . ' ".
WANTED,-Private Secretary. Apply tended tile Round Table LUIJ<'hon helll
JW~ ,..... Fixed Meeting Dat~8. by letter. only; to W. T. Harris, 205 n t' the Bellevue Stratford on Wednes- CHILDlU1N'S DANCING CLASS
&lo~gJ1.aoi1Dcll MontbIy-;-Second .Monday. Counell Chamber Ha\'erford Avenue.' (IS-c) dl1y, .Tanuary 16th.
~.lItberth Bldg. and LOaD Ass '21 Monthl1~:F1rst ThUl'llday CO\Li1ell Chamber The speakers were }re~rs. Albert Saturday, Jan. 21, at 2 P. M. Sharp,
PIANO-Mahogany case, excpllpnt roue.
,'\ )#can;LeilOJ1.Bl~. &; L'n Ass'nMonthly......:Pir8t Tuesday Legion BUilding Johnson and W. W. Husband, who Y. 1'4. C. A.
Good condition. Bargain £01' .quick sale.
.Oi~c A8soc1ation
'ber:ih Monthly-ThIrd. Thulsda'y .Counell Chamber
$125.00. 115 Windsor' A.venue. (l5i') spoke on Immigration problems. Tho
~~~OOD1PaD~. Monthl1......Last-·~e.y ..•..~.. House
,. .
Karberth reprcsentatives were, Mrs.. This Saturday is the hts1; of the first
,.imd' ~ool
MOJithly+FOurth Th~a.y:i:ligh
. . . . . ~o()l . COMPELLED SU:BLET~3 nlOnths, W'Il.rd Pierso'n, Mrs. Eclgar Cockrill, qunrter, all children who wish to en-
dcsirnbiil apartment, 5 rooms .and Mrs. W. .T. 1Ifull'honand, )frs. Carroll roll for the 11l'Xt quarter cun do so at
hu th,' comfortabiYfurnished, references, Downe..'l., Mrs. W. Downes, l\fiss Downes this time, in order that the committee
and 1Ifrs. C. P.;Fowler. caal make delfinite nrmngements.
t.~asollable.-1l5 WiJiusor Avenue. (~5-p)
2tL • : •Firc 'Co#1pany Dance ••.•••. Elm Hall .•·•..•..., .• , ..•• 9,00 P. M. . . If aesthetic daneing is desired by any
.~,:~,~.,,; /':rhcBheiks;"na.nee. ; •• : •. EIm Hall; .. , •• , •.••...••• 9..00P,1\r. .FOlf, REliT-Garage' spaee for...tencars. pupils, special arrangements. can he .
... ~r ;Co.rd.Par.ty,.N~tse CODlD1ittee.Y.M.C.A••.• ; •• ,; 3.00P.}J; Will 'rent separaielyor tim entire
It is all very gp()d, for n m!tuto be
made, rl!'llei'Ving bhelhour from 2 to 2.30'
:: "3;1..; .:~J?rc$'Dyte.rian,:RiJc!!ption •• ;.~ Y. ~r; G.·A, :.;. ,,;, 8.00 }l.M. BtiU'VJ1g.·~hono: Nilrbert}t, 1623~ H. able tosp~tlk~veor. six. different P.It£. fDrthi~pur:plise•
. .;:: 'L~ ;' •. ~cturcbi' Judge.· BroWn' '~ .•• P,resbyteii~nOh~uch :; • ;'.,;. ;S:OOP .:M, I!.,.BarelnY;13~'MoOIitgoinetyAvenue, .Jatl'guagesiproviding he knows what Cnll Iifn:rberth,'1638M,·
l;:lh~: .;l.uniOI')j;'?:·Qon~rL .:.••• ; .;Y:~.·C; A.. >" ., .;•... ,:
.:8,00 :P.'M. . N~berth, "PD..' : ,(15.p) he istallt~~g' abOut. rang~ent~ .
', .
:,:..~"~~; '~~: ~ .. . . . .. , ',: .?~~~~" '~·'~~';I..' . . '
,• .'.. . , .".. ' .
. ~.'~f;, ,r~~.~~~.~ ...; ::

',' ." ." .
' .. "'~ ~:-:.'I'.: '." .'.,'


(,$51,000) dat~d Mllly 1st, HHli, Twelve

ought to IIUlk~ but an infinteaimal d'if- Telepbon...
OUR TOWN femnce in our tax Ibm, if it makes any Hundr('d Dollars, $1,20 0 .
Itt'lJI 18. For sinking fun,l to pay
diff.'rl'nee at all. M, A, E. U88
Owned and Published every Saturday principal of a loan of Twenty·&v ..n
by the Narberth Oi\;c Association.
CIVIO PRIDE VB. ICY PAVEMENTS l1hou.san,1 Dolin rs ($:!i .000) dater! .Jun~' The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Subscription price one dollar and fifty 1st, HI09, Nine Hunr!r~d Dollur", $911(1,
cents per year in advance. H~lJI ]9. For int~r~"t 011 Ei!l'hlt,.\n
A Drug Store in the MOBt Modem Sense of the Term
To tIll' Editor of Our Town:
OFFICERS OF THE NAB.BERTlI :\ w("l'k ago our lo\\-n WI\..~ ·"i.lil.'d Thousand Dollars ($IR,llOO) na!:\llcl' of
CIVIO ASSOCIATION with a IlSPlldo-,mow~hli;o:ard, This a 101111 of Twe-nty·Rt'vl'll ThousMlr! Dol·
March 31, 1921 "torlll at first slartl'd with rain, gradu- lurs ($2i,ono) duItp<! .IlIlIe 1s1, Ifi09,
~"\'I'II HUlldr..d ullll TWPllty lll)lIn~,
George A. Mahl
, . .Joseph H. Nash
Augustus J. Loos
Mrs. O;··P. Fowler
all~' tllrning into Rll'et an.1 "now, 0'--
,·""t)l1lni"d wilh 0 "iolt-llt glLlI'; hut,
\\·hil" ha\'ing thl' affront of a rroll hli,,-
Itl\lJI 211. For "illkillg fUlld to pay
Treasurer Miss Maizie J. Simpson l':urd loy thp timl' the hrelld-winncnI prin·cipfll of a 101111 of Thirty Thou.~ILllcl
Are you thinking of Building?

Secretary .. " Robert J. Edgar ,\·.'r.· ,l.'\lllrkinll: their tmin" in t.he Dollnrs ($30,000) ,lnt{',1 .Iulle bt, l!llti,
OUI' Thousa,n,l ])olillr~, $1,000. Really, one of the very first considerations is your ground: Loca.tion,
Directors, to serve until 1923: Mrs. "\'t'lIin!!, it \nl," w,,11 lIigh to calm nn,1 Street Improvements, Restrictions and Price'.
:ttobert F. Wood, J. Garfield Atherholt, ,·I,,"r 10.\' !lA.i 1'.:\1. :\ few of our It .. 1lI 21. For intl're-,.t on a IOllll of
1. A. :Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, '[1hirtr Thou;;an,1 P"Il:tr, ($:\O,OI)())
We have for sale several very attractive building sites and the prices
A_ E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingston. hom" f"lk .. did v.. ry wl'.11 to tllk" Oil are right. The best locations in Narberth are naturally becoming scarcer
Ilmhitioll "lIollgh that v.'ry e\-eniJIg to d'IlI"'i July l~t, Hllfi. 0.11" Tho·J'all'! IL1l the time. It will prove a good investment to buy now, Stop in and
Directors, to serve until 1922: J. J.
Cabrey, Wll.lter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, ,.J"a r a \\ a.v frlllll th.. I'" v~mcnt.~ vhl' Dollnrs, $1,000. talk it over with us.
C. H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, Harry '1">\\' all,l slush h{'for{' frl'l'zing solid hy ltl'llI. ~:!. For hOlld of
/1.. Jacobs.
PHIL1P A. LI\'I;\"OR1'O:-:,
th,' iml"'"d'ing' {'old of th" ""llIill!!
II i;.:-h t.
TW<'lIt~··Fi\"" Dollnrs . .$2;;.
11t'1lI 2:\. }<;or :-4tatl' tax Oil LO:'ll" ROBERT J. NASH
Editor. \TO . . 1 of tlll' p:t\·t\J111'lIt .. flf our BOrllll}!'ll Th ...", III111rlrpd Pollar•. *:11"1. R.ea11;c)r
.1. SIMPSO:,\,
:tf(' ... ti:l ('O\'I'n"r1 with ie't' alld :-0110\\ too Itl'1I1 :.!..... For Shndt'
('XIH'J1:-it":-i of till'
,Ii!,!,,'''.'' allol glllli,',j for th" ~·o.ullg. old Tn'!' (·oIHlIli .....siotl. Two IllIudrl'd I)ol!:lr".
Cashier. Branch Offic. at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
anli llldifft'rPllt-i1l1Iifl'prt"lIt ht'("all~{' $2 11 11.
t'lllllJ~t'lll'd tit hI'. ('oIlRl"·qtlPntl.v. our ~,·('tioll :? Th:lt flO work ... hn:l lip Member Philadelphia Real Eat__ Board
Sell,l all ad\'t'rtising an<1 news itcm to
P. O. Box 96f;' pp1lt':--triull:'" IS Ilt·xt I)~st Plhoi(·(\ to SoBft"t.\" ordl·J't'd nor JIlHtt'rial 1111.I'l·!J:I.... (\d lllllt'~:-'
Our Town i" on "alf' al the depot frolll fullitig i:-- ttl t·nlu· to thp ~trt·('t::"1 allth"rizPrl 11.\' neliou of th" ('''"Twil
newsstand, and at the .,tore of II. :E. t\X"l)(hill~ th(·III ..... t·lvt'~ tJlor(\ or ]f"SS un- nIlt! cO"t'rt'~1 hy tJII ord,'1' 011 tJJt' J,pgul:ar
(',)n~'Wioll~!,\' to IH'ing run do\\-n lly tht':J )'l,tp!isi t ion fornl~.
Entere,1 as s{'rond·clllss Tllattl'r

Reduction All Sizes of AnthrlJcite

October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at Illlzzillg motor \·t·ld(··If'~. .\11 hill, 1TJ,,,t h., al'!'o' "d bv tll"
Narberth, ppnnRyl\'ania, nndrr the act ~[or"l: If tIll' "Iltirl' ft:lk of our }"'1ill:llU·t· ('oll1'lIittl't' :llld itt' p:lid hy
of Marcn, ] Ri!l. to\\"1I h"d foll,,,n ... 1 tIlt' prN'cpt. of lh~ warrant ... drll\\ll 011 tht' Borough Tn':I· Coal Reduced SOc per
OUR TOWN will gladly print
illdll .... trillll:'" 1'1''\'' at tht' opportullP '110-
1lll'Ill, .ill..;t :--1I \\lIlJ1d the' ('ntil'l' :\"ar-
~t1rt'r. Sig-1H'd by tht\ Pr~ .. id(,:lt
.·il, aud I·Ot1Tltt· ... i~IIl'r1 'Il~" th,' ~I'f·t·l'tar~·.
1'".,,.,'r1 lhi~ ~Ith ,h-," of .I"ullary, .\.
of ("01111'
Ton. Cannel Coal $12
111')'111 11:1\" .. t·'I.i()~',·r1 th·(' snft~t,\' of
any news it~m about any subject fl .. 1!122.
j'!I'lll'I'd p:t\·f'IJl(·nt:-i. Blld in thi.... parti-
that is of interest to N&rberth
folks. but in order to meet the
prin~ing SChedule, a.U "copy"
(·1l1at· (,j\ if' pridp \\tluld nl~(1 ha\'p !--tood
\'i II' I i ":1 t I'd.
"1'111' \\ ritl'!' ht"ht'\·('s it to Ill' Oppfll'
\Y. H. I). 11.\LL.
I'rl'",idl'rJt Ilf ('OllfH·i1. P. COOK c.
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
til'''' that Borough Coullcil tak .. ]IP",)
('11\:-4. \'. :'\OEL,
:-;',{'T'l'taT'~' of ('lIull .. il. Ii
\\ith " \'i,,\\, to "jf.. C'\ing SOlll" sort of II
week. '\I'f'ro,,~d thi- !Ith ,!:t.,. 1Ir' .l:tllllllry.
rt""lIlpd,\" :qraill~t :--inli!ar fl't'urr('IW(" (If
tiJ.' HLo\'f' outlilH',i ('oflditi{)II~, ('\'PII
.\. I ).• I !l:?:?
thollL;h " SIl!"lI filiI' sholll-,1 h., 11"\'1"'" C., HI. B. :\1 ~~TZ(;EH,
SATURDAY. JAN. 21, 1922 ....:1 r." fill' ('a..ll yjolHtinn. ('hid Burg-.,",s.
, 'An Observer."
Folks used to regard Ice Cream as a luxury for •
Fire, :~50 -:\0. 2ilj
:\ II.
Summer only.
Police, 1250 AN ORDINANCE
Editorial Making an Appropriation to Defray the
Expenses of the Borougb of Nar-
To levy and fix the taxes in the Bor-
cugh of Narberth for the Year
We know Ice Cream to be , delicious food at all timel
of the year.
berth for the Year 1922. 1922.
OJr present large demand prOves that.
The ('oull"il of the Boroug-h of f\nr- Th,' Coullcil of tIll' Borough of I'ar-
The coasting on Estlex A \'enu~ dur, t"'nh "·Ol'S ordain:
\'"rth ,io..s ordain:
ing thc past we('k was th~ fin{'~t fount! ~,'dion 1. That the Boro~h tnx~s
:-;.'~tillll I. Thnt th." ><1lT1l of Forty-
for soml' timt', all,1 a "mall army of fill' th,' y~ar 1!l22 Ilt' alld they are
Two Thousllu,l, Three Htll1<1n'<! nn,l
sledding parties madl' ust' of it. :-;"\"I'ut.'" Dollar, !w, aud thl' salll{' is IH'T!'hy It'\'ied and fixc,1 lit th{' nit.!' of
It is a sour,'e OIf Il:rntifieation that
I,,'mhy npl'ropriatl"l. from monit's to fift.'"n (I;"}) mills ()n thl' dollar of the OPPOSITE STATION
Narberth can devote on.e stroot for
recroation ",hi'll the opportunity arisl's.
As for the doli\'l'ry trll~k3 which, it
I..• rt'''l'i''I',l- from horoug-h tax~, for
," 1:1 ri"s (,f horough Officl'rs aud t'O rI.,·
fl~se"'~l'd yulnation. ac~ort!illg to Ilsse<>~­
1I11'nt and Yllluation for "ounty pur- Watch for our Saturday Specialll. .. '

fmy th., PXI'I'II""_, of thl' Rorough of 1'''"''5.

is, brl'ak t.h roulrh IhI' 11a rri"'lIlt's :'\"rhNth for tnt' yeur t'IHiillg' D,'<'em- l'a,,~.',1 this !lth dny of .Jalluary, A.
to the oangl'r of tht' .. {)II{, }"'r :;ht, 1!122. as follow,,: • n., 1!l22.
would think lihnt hnsin-ess poli,'~' w01I1,1
Ilt'1I1 1. }<'or salar~' of I,h,' I"t'cretary, w. ~' n. HAJ,L, ."
dictate a mor~ courteous regard for '1'\\'0 Hundrt',1 Dollar;;, $200.
The temporary closing of on~ block is
11I'TIl~. For salary of Boroug.h H(>li,'- CH AS. Y. NO'EL,
Pr{'~i,l~nt of Coulld!.
$2.50 Weekly
deposited at interest until it equalled $200, then invested, was the
itor, :';1"·"llty·F1n' Dolillrs, $75. f;{'(·f(·tary of COIIIl,·i!.
not too much of a tax 011 our h urn",l foundation of Andrew Oarnegie's fortune.
1t"In:\' For sulnrr of Rorou~h Trefl- Al'l'rovl'tl thL. !lth dl'y of .January,
tmille. Parents should insist that the .\. n., ]922. Saving first, then wisely investing, always to one certa.1n end-SuccessI
,"n'r e 1'1\"0 HUllr!r..d /)011"11">\, $:!OO.
merchant.s who serv{' thelll, T'e"lll'\'! lh~ Open your accoUllt here. Make additional deposits regularly. The
It"TIl 4. For sfll:l-n' of Htrl'l't ('Olll- CARL R. I\fETZO ER,
safety of the ..hildren. compound interest and your deposits will quickly mount up.
lIIissi,m"r, Twenty-One Hundred Dol- Chief Burgoss.
la r,. -i<:!,10n.
rt( JU :;. For fir{' prO\e<'t i'on, FO:Jr
m~t.trinu muit aub mru!it aLnmpauy
:- -~.

COlllmunications 1 Thou~llld Dollars, $4,000.


-="...! - _.. ·...,I'tem 6. For l'xpe-noos of the Board ARDMORE NARBERTH..·····SALA...C YNWyD
To the EdItor of Our Town: ·::1."of Health, Five Hundroo Dollars, $500. The Lnited Stlltes Civil ~{'rvice Com-
.. ....:...,
Of courso it eost6 more to huve··'tlll'· Item 7. For police expenSCfl, Four mISSIon ]Ias annoull{'ed an ope-n com-
Bo~ougli·empj.oycs gQillto the ,ce!Jars Thousund DnllaTS,$4,OOO. petitive examina.tion for the position
and get the ash~, than to coll~t t:hem Item 8. For stl'Cet lighting, Thirty- of Po.'!tmaster a I. Narberth, to be h~ld ~. E. Cor. 12th and SANSOM STREf:TS, PHILADELPHIA
from in front of our houses, or ev~u One H llndred Dollars, $3,100. Fehruary 14th, 1922.
ICandidates will Ilot he requir~d to Walnut 101788
from the sille or hack Ia wns. Also, Jtpm 9. For sbation.~ry, publishing
it costs more to light our stre~ts pro- ' ordinanc~s, incidentals and eounci! ex- re-port for examination at any place, but
perly with ~Iectric lights thun with old pense.~, Rixte~n Hundred Dollars, $I,uOO. will he rated On. the following "uh-
faalUonedgas lights! Hem 10. For rt'nt of Council Ohnm- jects, which will ha\'t' th(' rl'lllth-e
Porcelain bath tub.." nnd running hot hl'r, Two Hundroo Donars, $200. "'('ights indieated:
and cold' water also -4l-Ost ..more than the Jte-m I I. For Roads and Bridges, 1. Education Hnd Training 20
2. Busine88 Expt'ri~nce and Fit-
aid time b~:~nd-tin-P!ln lUeUlod. of care. and mnintendancc of S1\me IlJllJd eol-
.maintainin 'ng facilities. . . -~ 1l'Ct!on of lll!'hes, 'Sixteen Thousand neoss' 80 ;"


Nobody wants to go back to sGeet DoUars, $16,000. Total 100 WM.MORRIS COR LIES Nuberth 1 e.;8. R
gas lamps or the age'of~the bucket- Item 12. For fi~w~r rem tail, payable
and-I.ion-pan bath ~in, and! en.n"t be- t'O Lower Merion Township, IUld millin- DANOE NEXT FRIDAY
lieve that 'Narbe~~)l people want to save tNlan"e of sewers, Eight Hundred Dol-
money--.Bald it is
very littlo that will la r~, $800.
"The Sh~ikl!," on~ of Xarberth'li
DON'T WAIT untlI the snow atorms are here. FIl1 your bins ,with the beat
coal that can be bought, and
be ·lIQ.ved 'J}e.r.p<!~80n-a.t the expense of It('m I.::l. For coll~etion of garbage 'BJI:~MBBB
new~r grouIlS, ar~ planning to open
the .golid appearance of our town. au,1 bon.o for, T"'o Thousand, Four
th~ir ficth-ities "\\;th a dane~, to be
The' '"before-the-war method of col- HunM",1 DoIlaTH, $2.4-00. gh-en in Ehn Hall nl'xt Friday night,
... _~

looting ~&hes from the cc-llars. was one Item 14. ·For s'inking fund to pay 27 Varda in Phua·
January 27th. Spruce 1400
of the 66vera~ .things.that made Nar- prinei'p:I1 of n 'loa'n of. Thee. Thousand 'delphla and suburbe
Williams' 8~\"en-pi~e~ orchestm has Ardmore 1~
berth one of the most attractive su- J)ollar< ($3,000) dated Dee~mber ltlt, at your lervlce.
been s~eured for the e\'~nt, and danc-
burbsaroUI1d Philad&lphia. . lS!l7, One Hundl'Cd Pollars, $100.
ing wilI continue until one 0 '-clock.
A9]l boxes and cans are very practical It('lU 15. For iU\.Jereston One Thous-
No~olties aro planned, and an en.
necessitiCll,hut theynover have been lind Dollar~ ($1,000 balance of a loon
joyable evening promised. Tickets
things of beauty a.nd they n~vt'r will of. Three Thouf:l'llnd Dollars ($3,000) . .
prteed at two dollars per couple, may
' . .

.. be.. The lese wese~ of them on the tlMed D~em:b('r ·1st, 1897, Fifty Dollars,
be pUl'Chased at the door. .
etr8!ltll and. lawnll, the better. $50.
i t;leUevetvoice the8entioiimts of . rtom 16.. For sinking fund to pay •... , ..
aV'8mD\ajority of the. citizens of our principal of a loan of Fifty-One Thous. THE WIND WINS
:;Borou~h; when I so.y that ~ur 'Council tllldDollars ("$51,000): dated May lst, SchrechO:m"':""H~ wa..~ a. wise poet
. 8h9~: ~pl'GJ.>rill1c . eno~glli)loliey'for 1907, Seventt>en HUIIldredDolillrSj' $1,. who remarked. that inthis,wo~lda man.
,tifteolleCtion~'io pro\i'idJe for the tak. 700. .'. . must be .either anvil Or hllmmer. n
" ,-) b1g'~~:·ciur ·.~elhi.r6. ;': Th~.· n~m 11;'F~t:int.,rest,mi Thirt,:.Four .• ' Peaehetn~"Oh, I don't kno"-. It
';~~. espen.s.',,' ~&t .·lv,ou.l~.. :~e)ne.tirred ..• ThO~.I1.d ,D~l')u.1'&. ($3.. 4AQO)·~~lance' .of '1.;/lee~tha1i nioat .Of them are merely
..·.•. flbo~~N.~~.rtli:.~O.·.··· ..aiD~m.f#.,~~.N.":.#a.~~.;;.·
'~Y" ~f.s .~ethod;·o"er ;the .present. coat;. '. n.. :l~n ·OfFiftY-9,!-e':'l'hollBattd Pollai'll '. ~e.llo~s.1I . .
'. ' .'.,' ':.", : .f' ." ' , . . '.:' '.:';.:' '•...•...... '.' ',," ," : ' .. ::':' .'. ....
. . . . . . .: •.•••• : •.•: •• •.l .....
'.:.; ," ....
. f '/ ' .. :
~ ":' : '. ' , ":, .

':'.':; c·' .. ' .. '••


·. ~~vr~.2!A
A ............oDlQ' TIle-
alre 01.0. Sbe Ia tile
• •a..World.
When Dr. Bell invented the telephone he solved Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was esta.b·
P....opl.".-CODUDuo_ 10 A. M.

lished 1682. Here William Penn wor- PhU... P ..

the problems of the householder to a great extent. Is shiped, as well as many other' noted
Friends. One of the historieal spots of
it not easier to phone an order than to come personally America is open for worship every PROGRAM
to the store? Merchandise ordered in this way is sub- Pirst-day (Sunday) morning at 11
o 'clock. First-day' School begins at 10 WEEK OF JAN. 23
ject to exchange if not satisfactory, and deliveries will A. M. Visitors ~ordia:lly invited.
be made promptly. The First~ay School is held every "Judgment"
• First·day morning at ten 0 'e1oek. There
is a class for adults as well as for
Bergner Hardware Company , children, and we are very glad to have
anyone who is interested in knowing
A8 POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. III.. 11.00. I .••
I..JII, 11.411. ' ••11. 1.110 P. H.
more about our Society of .Friends and
• the Friendly ideas visit with us.

ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. For Permanent.!

Rev. R. F. Cowley. Rector.
Satisfaction -:
ANNOUNCEMENT Early Mass on SundllYs at 7 A. M.
Late Mass, 10 A. M.
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30

MARSHALL CO. A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo,

tions and other services at regular
times. Smedley Built Home
Contractins Paperhangers
Arc cqiJipped to furnish the best service and quality of
material and workmanship in all grades WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
300' PRICE AVENUE Phone, Narberth 1661J Heg-ular Sl'r\-jnls ~l1lld:lY aftl'rIlOOo,
at :1 1'. :'If., illth.· Y. :'If. .... A. Audi-
t lJri 11 Ill. COOK BROS.
~olo ".'- :'III'S .Johll E. "id.'... kl'r
~"rnlOll loy Pr"rfy.
Narbenh Bus Line For Bowling and rara-M~Gin1~a
UI23 South I~s!' P1i1add~ ~ ROOFING
Dr, ])angh .. rty i... heing u"-.. i,t,,d hy
H,',·:' ~"hin,iL'J, lilld th,' int.'rest and nt-
Garage Pocket Billiards t(,lI(lall{~e is gr()wiJl~~.
Jobbing promptly attended to
come to the
At /-innday's s.. rd..., th" ahove
GARAnteed Roofs Nilrht Phone. Narberth 817
,lQ7 Essex Ave., Narberth
(.,: ..
(,hurch name wUli ,·JIOSl'lI, ll.lld a !wrmun-
Pllt organb·..ation "-n,, . . tI,'ele<l.
I Day Phon•• Narbarth 302 J

j~; .
pay and Night Garage
Storage of Cars
RECREATION ROOM .\11 lin' wdcQme. The Narbertb_Electrical Sho,p
No.1 Forrest Ave. 2s'o HAVERFORD AVE.

Phone 1243
and Oil at All TimeR
We repair, sell and install anything
Thos.A. K~rrigan &SOn
Electrical. Old house wiring a speeailty. Building and Contracting
Rev. Arthur S' Wa.lls, D. D., pastor.
Ask about our three payment plan in· Homes For Sale Or Rent

·-·(), .·T· ·'T··

. .
-:. eluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
Hundtiy, .Jan_ :!:!: Plans & Estimates
C ~.<,:,;:.~.
9.45 A. :\I.-:"ulldny :-\1'11001. All Furnished For
gr$d(lll. DECORATING JOBBING Alterations & Repairing
•. ." . •.... ... .. .' ..•.. • .•..• '. . A. M.-:'III'Il's Bihl.. :Stu· Clas~.
j~:'tb,e paruhl(". This' week, •"Dhe WILLIAM NEWBORG I CO. Write. Phone, Call
ent," MatI. 25::n-46. ,
Painting Ind D.ooratlng
•·•• ,i.\}·.:.·.·A
.•·.f. •.•• _.. ·TI
ft R.' ..· .'
M.-Kenllon hy the Rev.
. bidey Burns, Distriet ~lIper·
212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa .
Plto.... Arllmor.l43& II Nubir.1t 17li8 W
Y •. :

. . i.:·.p, IlL-Epworth L"agu". NARBERTH BUILDING AND

lowod by Busine", ~l., ...fillg n"xt Fri,!ay
7.4~ P;·M'-:·'ollg- Kprvi('e LOAN ASSOCIATION
8.00 P. l\L~"'('nlloll hy th" Pa~tor,
On HUllony IllOeuing, .lan. 2!l, at fhe Th!'. rl'~lllnr m ...... ting of t.he
,. The LO:lt Plan... t."
... Exceptional Value
hour of I'uhlie "'orship, a uati" ... Ar-
nll'uian, Edward B"tlrossinn, ~l. n., will
st'k'kh"ldl'rs of thP "arberth B.
"II,! 1'. A"o('iation for the nom·
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE spPllk in the intl'r...,t of th ... "PlIr ~/lIst ination nf ofli.·('fs an,] dire('tors,
EVANGEL R ... li"f Fnn,l and on behalf of his U11- to 1", ,·"t .. e1 f"r lit th ... annual
Real Service Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.
fortulln t(, p{'()p!t., (Jr. U... dro>'.,illn is u
gr:l<!-nllt ... of th .. {'nin'rsity of 1'... 1111-
nll'Pling- ;11 Marl'h, will be held
Thtlr~d':l.\·, F\·hruary 2, 1922, at
sylvania ~1 ... (li('a.l &'hool, nnd at 1're8...nt :1 1', :'II.
Bacon (In Piece), 22c. Lb. Sugar, 4 ~ c. Lb. ~(lr\'i("e~, ~ullday, .hUluary ~:!, 192~: is instru(·tor in th ... Post (;r:ululIll' lh'- Thomas C. Trotter, Jr.,
9.30 A. M.-Pra~·er Sen'il'l'. pllrtlll('nt of tha't ",,"'hool. During the Secretary.
!lA5 A. M.-Kundny &hool. war hl' 1«'n· ... tl as It metlil'al offi('er in
11.00 A, M.-Morning WQr"hip. 11· the t'. So Army.

Cherries and Apricots Canned Peaches lu..trate,l Ch ildrl'n 's Kenlloll Oil On Tlw-,,(!ay en'ning, Jnn. 31, the en- Notice of Special Electton
"W'hat'" the Mattl'd" Adult f;er· tire conj!rl'·glltioll 1.S invitell to a rC<'e.p-
~ ~". To the Electors of the Borough of Har- .
Growers Brand mOil, "Thl' Oomlllund of Life's Lord." tion t ... ntlcr... ,! to all t'hosl' w110 have
No.1 Cans, 17c. )\lnrk 2:19.
berth, County· of Montgomery, State .
fl'('(\ntly unitN1 with this Church. The
Large Can, 28c. 7.00 P. 1\1.- Young Peopl.. 's Meeting.
of pennsylvania:
Y. lIr. c. A. building hu.' he en secured
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leader, Mi"s VI'Tnn l\lnlthy. Last Sun· for the occasion.
Blue Label Karo Syrup day this society \,-as in the lend in the
suance of an ordinanceQf Borough
On Wl'I!nesony e\-...ning, Feh. 1, Judge
Fairy Soap ('ontest with llQcidil'S of the Wl'St Phil·
Council, approved the 24th day of De-
Hro\"n, of the Philad(\lphia Municipnl
cemher, 1921, entitled, "An Ordinance
5 Cakes, 25c. u(lelphie. DiBtriet. Court, wi.ll give an illustrated lecture
for the purpose of obtaining the IIssent ,.
7.45 P. M.-Evl'ning Worship. Theme in this Chureh on the \'..ork of the Ju·
of the qualified elootors of the Borough
Large Prunes of the service, •• Hell v... n.' , Song Ser- yenile Court.
of Narberth to increase the bi.debted-
Evaporated Milk vi('e of select ...l hymns and! sennon on
oess of said Borough for the purpose
"Our Hope of Hl'ann.·' Text, John
of acquiring II tract of land to be used .
Van Camp's 14 :2. (Protestant Episcopal)
as n. public playground," a special elee-
10c.a Can 8.00 ;po 1\r.-\\" (·,hlc.sdny evening.-
lion will be held on Monday, the 6th
Temtor Preserves Mid·week Prny... r nnn Bihl... Study. Sub-
Rev. GUllion Bell, Rector.
day of February, A. D. 1002, between
jl'ct, "The 'Purpose of thes... SeMons
Rev. Bobert B. W. Hutt. Associate.
12.oz. Jar, 25c. the hours of i A. M. and 1 P. :M., at
Our Best Coffee of Prayer." Text, Col. 1 :9·10.
You will be wc\l'ollle to any or all
Elm Hall, the place for holding muniei-
Sunday Services:
4 Lbs., 95c. p~l electiOns in the said Borough ·of
of th l'Se servi C(!s.
8.15 A. M.-Holy Communion.
Babbitt's Best Soap 9,45 A. M.-Oh.urr;h Sc.hool.
Narberth,. for the purpose of obtain-


" 11.00 A. M.-Morning Prayer, anrl
ing the aSllent· of the eleetors .of said
5 Cakes, 25c. Tomatoes seMIIQn by Rev. Gibson Bell.
Borough to nn increase of its indebted-
Large Can, 15c. Rev. John Van Ness, :Minister. Mustc by combined Cho1rs:
And notice is given further as fol-
Venite R. Woodward
Canned Peaches Meetings for tomorrow, .January 22: Te Demn Lnndamus Htantlford in B.
The last assessed valuation' of tax-
DelMonte Brand Canned Peas 9.4ii A. M.-f'unday School. A place BenodictuB ................•1. Bannlhy able property in said Borough wa.s
Oft'ortorium, "0 Como Before.- Ris
3 Cans, 25c. Sussex 'Brand and a woclcome for ,all.
Presence With Singing" G. C. Martin
tliree million three hundred' sixty thou-
11.00 A. ~L-PubHe Worship. Ser- ~and dollars ($3,360,000).
2 Cans; 25c. All 10\'eTIl of good music are urged
mon Theme: "Ratun~lI Hinderer." The total amount of existin,g i~<1ebt~~ ."
Ah,o'll sermon to childri'n. to reserve Sunday e-vening, In:n. 29th,
Mazola Oil Sun Maid Seeded Raisins
edness of said Borough is seventy-'
4.00 P. M.-Junior C. Eo Meeting. for t.he Choral Even Song to be r~n­ ~ight thousand dollars ($78,000..). .' '\,
Pints, 25c. Directed by Mr. Ilnd lIfrs. W. B. Taitt. clered in the Church by the comb.ined The IImount of the proposecf 4orease: ".:.;
Package, 19c; 7.00 P. M.-Intermediate C. E. Meet- ohoirs under direction of Mr. David
is thirty thou:sanddollars' ($$Oi~)~./;::;
ing. Spratt.
and'the pereentageol. ·eaid mcreate, is"' ",;:,
Wilbur's Cocoa Fancy Red Salmon 7.00 P. 1I1.--Senior C. E. Meeting. .?08928 per .cent•. ," • . '.: ',~::>(
7.45 P. 1.1.-E\·ening WOJ1&hi,p. Ser- REGISTER The purp01le o~, the. proposed' bl~l,'e..,.~.··-~;}.
1h~Lb. Box, 18c•. Can, 23c. mon on the 'Credlll Statement: "I Be-- of debt is &S fQUows:' ....';:/'~
, ,. . , )iove in the Holy' Ghost." Becl'ufi8 of an unusual volume of To. _acquire. ·&'trl1cit of land t o " , ;
CllttpbeU;S,$OUp Paris'Com . ChUfchNot8s a.~\tertiliil1g,&nd in' not "to Ilaeri- used as a pul)lioplayground...·
. . . . • ·,!J.'heWecklyiCv~n!gUtionlllPrayerficj) read'Yma~ter, the "Narbol\th Ro·
.. . ...•... ". '.
. ''. .9~
. .. , Can ' .Can'...
_. .,'"'17c
'. .. ; : r . r e e t i n g " aIiY .evening.
. , .We~ ..'.·gilJ~..'
': _..' . . ·.hn,e
. . been omi<tted. -from these'
, :i,{. .' ~ecr~~a.,../
.•.. . ;Sill1ds.~SC-hO!l\~~~ilitio~dinnet, . f01.:· ··co~·t1iia. w~k. .'.' :."'.\ ,;,.>;.. :>.~,.>~:;/.:'.;;.' . ;.:,.;' ,.~~:.':;,' ..""

~. ~ ..;,~~\ ·~ . ,.. . . ..:.'.,.' A;:r~;. ,. .

. ....

':."., . ,•.:,. ".. _\.' . . •. . ",>...; . '. '/.;,

_ L ,,_.~"iY~ ,~ ' . ' '. ~.l·~ "" ;:.~ ';1 ':>:'~~._11lO .j.l"~~Ai§ln~~.{l&'...~~.l1i.~f:.·*
• . ,,to',o\-:t:;~~ti.l'1+t.,,'~l.(:.>, .. j,::-Li~,;l;~i~J"l:.&.-;:.:..·"Jd·~ ·j'~t.L
1._,..... ~~ _~51~~~l.'"..litr.JCr" ...4:wJ:;··'~· 'rtf:Y JiJ,~ lo:,S···r.,~ .;- ' j:/' ~ 'j.~~"'. -,
1'; ;," 't'.- - .:(,"'~ "". ,.~, ' .... :' .. ~."
,,' J,'
'. ',,(




H • RICKLIN .' .;


'That We Have Added to Our Large Stock
the Ever-FaDlous
That We Deliver.
That We Treat Our Customers Right.
SHERWIN -WILLIAMS That We Carry Everything in the Hardware,
P a 1.:0."ts, Lead., S"ta1.:o., ', 01.1& Paints, Glass, Sporting, Electrical Lines, etc.


HAPPy ENDING ,j,·i"l1 ,'rI"'·r;},". "lid thl' I'alipnl n,'e,!s. d'ny f"'l'tliJq!, ,JaU1JHr.\· I:{th, Tht' f.{Ut,:"t:-- ., I,. Th,'y 11'1'1'" ad'llrll"d ill their rl'.guln' TAILOR
Hi~ht h ....". till' '.Iaill LillI' Citizens' \\"'1'1' ~Ir. :t1Jd ?II r". C\1,lsnll HOIl II'~·. '.11'. ' filII! al'f(JJ1~ Hilfl neleleil a t()\)(·h (If
"\~:-,ol'int iOIl "fl'I'''' illfo thp :-\('('111'. nnd ,,"01 '.11'" 1I. l. '.11'1'011111'11. '.'r. lIlId ' 1.. :r1i~11l to thp (H·(·ll::iou. S.N.PRAGER ....
"I ha\'e just hearcl of a wonlan \\ ho "t,~" . .. "'jth tl,l' h, II' of thos" of our '.'rs. . J"hll """Z.'1. '.11'. alld .\lrs. ".,t1, 'I fl(' 111('('1 illg- ndjourlltLd at IU 0 ·(·llIl,k. We Also Sell Ready·Made Clothes
went to a hot,·l unaceoOll'anied and Work Ca.1led For and Delivered
(.j t iZPJI'" who (·u II H fford to c'ontribut t', la,·(' H"il""". ~Ir- . .\dl·laid,' ~1. ('r:ltl'r '1'1,,· ""xl 11\1"'! ing' of th,' ..\ ..." of'i.atioll
discovered that the acoustic l'roperlie~ a !'ill!all fll(") folkHOf
Call Narberth 352-J
\'\1'11 ill \\:.1:", oUf :11101 '.11'. Frl·d 1'1'111'11. ',\:i: Ill' hl lcl (1) FC'hrunr.v :!:IJ'd.

of her room were slll·h Ihat ever.\' tillie (·1I1111J111I1iti.'s ('HII :tlld :-JI:J11 h:1\"1' hUIlI(' 215 HAVERFORD AVE.
she spoke aloucl thl'rl' IU" all ,·('ho. :'<he 1l'lr.. jIJ!! ... t-r,"ir'I'. I'
A bove American Store
then made a b<,I,! attl'lIljJt 10 get ill a
last word" and in so aoing talk,·,1 her'
For ~l'\'4'r:d .'·.':lr:"" thi:-, :1~"'O('iHti()n h:t~

r,·,id"lIf, ill ""r t"WII indud,·: :\fr. X.

(If t11(' lrttt'r arrh'als of Hew
Charles E. Kreamer is Claimed
scI f to death."
111'1'11 llI11kilJg g'flod on this I'rollli~("
fliP (·oIllOllItJitie.s ha\-t' in('r('a.~(ld
.\. L, ... ky'·r, of ln~ '.Irrion A\'e.; Dr. ,
U. I. Lairq!. \\ JIl) lias takt'll apartllle'llt~ ,
by Deatb Harry E. Palmer
1'''I,,,I,,ti,,". the lI"r~ing ",'rvipp has
nt :!1111 ~ollth :\'arlll'rth Av,·.; ~Ir. Henry
(Continued from Page 1) OPTICIAN
IW"II !'xt"lId,'d. Tod,,~· thl'1'l' i. a 1Ji~'
E. ~1l'1ill" IIho is o"I'lIl'yillg 4()', AII,th,
207 Haverford Avenue
Narberth League of Women gl'r d"Jl]lIl1d for IIl1rsillg h(,lp rij.,~t ill
th(\ hUJ)lp:" of our 11\\"11 and IIpig-hhoriJlg
lIyll H"nd; ~Ir. .Johll B. Kl'rrigan.
.\1 ,·thodist Epi"'0l'a-I Home for thr
,\got·d. Trea~. q lrpr of tht.' t'on1Jlli:-\.~i{)J1 on
(Over Post Office)
(;rell'" ]'l:l!'p; ~Ir. E. P . •loups, 4:!S
Voters Hold January Meeting C'OJllllll1lliti(\~ thnll tht'rt· h(l . . hp~\n
ypur~. Thp work 1l1Ust go on.
Han'rford ,\\'1'.; '.Ir. If. ~1. \}utl'!ler,
t h" ]-;lIdo\\,nll'II't (If Old ~t. O,'org"',
'.",thodi"t Epi,«'oplll Ohllrl'll. (I,n,1 for
::h ('h"-Inllt ,\\'1'.; '.11'. G"or/{l' A. B:\l'h,
That the int"re'st ill lht, L"agnl"s
WI' 1o"li"\',, "\"'r~' n',idpllt of' :\'nr'
of .\u!h\\}·n Farms; llr. Alluie Taft.
th" la,t Hi )'~'ors, tn'aslll·,'r of tIl( HOWARD C. FRITSCH
lll'rth \\aJlts ,hL.. work to c'olltinup nllel '.Il'thodist El'isrol.:i1 Hospi1nl.
programs is developing, wa' 111allifl'~tl'd :!n!II/~ l"lIP,tUllt A\p., lind ~.r. Hag-l'T Justice of the Peace
'''-I",,"l to m,'''t th.. lI"ed,," of th,' In',,!,I(' II,' Wlls I'n'sid"lIt of t'he Xarh"rth
by the inrrCft""cl att"lId:!!II'" at tl,,·
of' th" ,·onllllllnity. \\,,, kn,," of n" h'l'
W"nllr, ,\\'IIU .\I'ts.
Fir.· ('OIJll'nll~~, HlId wa~ oHp of tilt' or·
home of ~Jrs. 'V. O. (-loll",,11. Oil '.(on' Fire Insurance-Best Companies "
(!'r '''I~' to snIJstnlltiat" that iml"JisP g-aIJizt'T':-' at it,s illl'orporatioll in 1897
clay, Jan. 16.
than tll hll~' nt 1t't1,.t on,· tic·I,!'t f"r .\ 1110st ']plightful party wa..~ gi\"'n Ill' lIa, a I"", I'n"id"o't of thl' BO'llrd Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Borougll GoverJlnwnt wa, lh,' -ullj" .. t
tIl<' ('nl'l] p:lrt.I·, 1I,>xt FJ'idn.\·. .Jannary Oil \\·l'dn .. ,d'a~· en'ninl{, .JllnUliry lSth. of 1l,·:i1th. all,l lILanif,..--1c><! all (ldive
for disruS<>10n an'] II':'S ahly handJ..d by
:.!'i. alill a~ JIlall~' nlOrt' fiS ~'Ol1 ("'Un nf- nt the bOllle of ~JjgS :\lahel C. ~Iar,hall, illl,'n'sl ill hoth th('s/' hodips.
l\f rs. A. B. Ross.
The manner in whi"h th,'",' nll'etings f"n!. of Prire .-\ \'l'. l'lll' gu""ts jnelud,"] thl' ,\ jarg-l' "ornpllll)' of n·latin·, Rlld SCHOOL SUPLIES==!I
HplJu,m hr"r wlin t "Li fp" . . n~·A. I I Oht:y ~Ii~s-e~ \' iola \Veber, :wd ~{nry E. fril'II,I> from :\'arlH'rUh. J'hil:ll!l'lphio, With every lOco Tablet .
are being con,lurte,t tl'nds to "stablish or Composition Book
tlwt impulse," an<1 ":lll ~frs. Rtites on Grpiner, of Philadelphia. a'lld the ~Ii."s", lIlId sllrrollndill~ ,lis<trirts, alte<n<!<,d the
and n. keen int erp,t. a" nH·m· A PENCIL FREE
the ph on e-:\'arhi'rt11 :li2 W, ond 1.1']] ~Inrion Kllapp. }:Ieanor ~I. R"iss, Clair" fUIlt'ral ser\'i('('~ ,'on<1ul'ted ut hi~ latc
be,rs arc n.ssignerl questions on \\"hlch
thi'y are to inform thl'nise]v!'s ani] come
her you will take one, or two, or vbre<',
or IlS mal1Y tickets as ;YOII can afford.
E. Crist, Helen H. A,~ton, E\'e]yn Pat,
ten and E]ellnor \Ynnl, of Xarbl'rth;
hOllie, 11-1 Forrest A\·,·., M01ldllY after'
1Ioon, .hln. 16th. l:he fior:ll trihutes
prepared to pTl'sl'nt slll'h ill fortlUltion
at t,h!' meeting.
.\nd don't forl{pt this. It i", nothing '.r"ssrs. II "rh"rt ,\. Coop"r autl "'alter "'''r<' in k''I'pil1'g with Ont' who loved
The f"'hnJ:l,r~' lIIp,'tillg will he h"ld
at the hOIll" of '.1 rS. Carro]] DClIVlles,
to anyonl' 's ,Iiscre,]it If yOIl c]on't f(>pl
'th"t ~'Oll pnn Rparp a Jlollar ri~ht now.
:-:;llIail"r. of I'hiJatl,·ll'hia; Ern"",t Pur·
rillg, .11'., (;('or~e ,\. Pnrring, Ellwood
flnwprs '<, w.. ll. Hi,s pastor, the HI'\'. IJr.
,\rthllr 1". 'V1111S. ofli<'iat"d. By fl'ljlletlt,
Wootlsid(> Avp., 011 '.Iollday. Pphruary Bllt If ~·ou WA:\'1' to hl'lp, .'<1'1111 n E. H"is". ('. HUI'l'rt Hq:r,'r. Earle W. th,· ",,10. "0 LoyI' '!']wt Will ~ot Let Plumbing, Gas Fitting
rllntrihlltion of an.v ~ize to :\lr.". Rtites. '.lal·,l1:I1L !?ayllJolld L . .\lnl'sh:t11. fllld '.( .. Uo." \l'a.~ sUllg' h~' :\Ii", Huth E.
an,l it will lop apprp"iatpd. an,1 pro, \Va It Oil Foot ", of Xnrlwrtb. ]'rl"",ott. ,\']dJ"("-'~PS wefl' mad I' hy th(>
and Heating
County Govprnllll'lIt lIiII I,,· <liSt'u,"ed NARBERTH PA
p()rtio,,:<1I~', it will ,10 JUS! as much !In'. Fra II k .\1. Orny. :l fOTIJIl'r pastor,
at this meet ing-. ~;,"T.v 011.' '"I'l,'ollle.
:rood a, a Plll'rk for $](}{). The thing the HI'\" ('. '.1. HoswplI, l'l'pres('nting Phone, Narberth 1602-J
Rewrve this l1at". Dues an' nllw pay·
that Ill' rem('nllH'r ahout the Good Home and Scbool in Regular thl' '.I,·lh()<!i~t Episl'opal HC>:'ri1:al, IlJ1d
IIhle for'HI:?:?, alld it \\iII he l1l1ll'h a]I'
predated if thos(' 1ll"IIII",rs who ha\'!' ~1"llnritan i~ lI"t that Ill' wOIIl<1 ]ik,,<1
tll hl\ll' ,'n,lowpd a who1<' h"spi.tal I'llt Meeting h~' Pr. Walls. 1'hl' Ro,·\'. Dr. G. Bickl€y
Bnrns all,] thp ]({'I'. nr. C. ::'IT. Straw, CLEAN---SAFE---WHOLESOME .'
. not liS yt't Iinid will rPlllit thp amount
to ~lrs. E. C'lI'krill, TJ'l'asurer, Forr,'st thnt hI' lIalk"d a"r""" the str",'t nn,l (Continued from Page 1) lli,tril't l"ufll'rint"lIdl'nt., alld 'lihe Rev.
]Jarr~' '.1. ("]1lI I I'll 11 t. a!'."ist,~d.

1"'g-lIlur]~' "('heJuled meeting. Thl' following "'r\'!'ll as honorary
HANNAH W. ODIORNE Tho Wplf'ar(' ('olllmittel' )'j'!lDrtpd all p3.llIll·llrl'rs,-'..""sl's" HiphaJ",1 Fn'(,1I1an,
An Opportunity for Everybody lIallnah· ,,'. Odiorlil', widow of th,>
·thp tll'O suhjeC'!s whidl had heen reo
f,rrl'd to it, I·iz., the protection of
.1. ,t'. Spark". 1\lld ,,"m. Supplee, of the
~feth{l(list Epi""oI'1I1 I1o"pit,11; ~JI~ . .-\. I.
P ....eurlzed Milk DEliVERIES
Brync:l°'Pl~lkCer'Uled WEST PBILA.
(Continued from Page 1)
Int,· WIIIt"r C. Odionle. agpd pil{1Jty ","hoo] ('hild'r,'n "ro"in~ lIav"rfor,1 \\' ood, of th,' ~r pthodist Episeopal (Pedrl.lle Society) OVERBROOK
No, don't \vaste eitber timl' or tenrs y' :II'S. ,lil',1 .Innunry ii, HI 2,2, at the home A \,elllt(' ill th" lllornin'i!', a 1111 the gpn, ([OJl1(' for the Age,l; ~{"stirs. Frank H, Specl.1 HGuern..e3/ " MERION
crying, but of hpJ' ,lnllg-hter, ~Irs. H. So Dugan, in "~raj qu""tioll of the lnnrh period. I'n,,,.,ott. fi11(1 E<1wnrJ L. Pe'(ll"ick, of the Milk WYNNEFlf:LD
1'1';1I,'ptOIl. :\".1. ]l1t,'rmellt WllS made Through th" effnrt., of lhp Hom(' anll Be'th Raft'en Mpt.hod,ist Episeopal (Robe....• A Sharplea.' BALA-CYNWl'D
ill th,' Lutheran Cl'lllpt"ry lit A 1',1 1I1(1l'e , f4ehool .\,'so,·iutiolt', p,'rmission was "e· Chnre:h, Xnrhertb; Dr. C. T. Faries, of
IN YOUR MIND Cre.m Bultermllk ARDMORf:
frolll I'he hOIll" of hpr son on Grayling f'uJ'l'd frorn the BnrOUg'h Council to as· the Board of II palth; ~fr, ~lol'ris L.
JANUARY 27, 192~ T.ble .nd Whipping WYNNEWOOD
A \·e., Narberth. siM in gUllr,ling "hil,lren as they ('rossed Orom, ~Ir. ~fnrl<1l'y Frpe.l. of Emory, Cream.
That's tho day st't apart to raise '.Irs.· Odiorne was a 1I1pmber of· one H~1verfortl Avenue ou their \\"lIY to Freed & eo:, hl~ forml'r firm; IllI,1 Dr.
money to maintain and en]arg(> th" of J'hihll]l'll'hia's 01<1 families; an,] was ",·hool. Th.. Boy Rcouts \'oluatpered to Romaine C. Hoffman. his physicinn.
Visiting Nurse Service of the Main
Line Citizens' Association. H,'re in
a fnithful w"rkrr in thp Baptist (']1Urrh,
of \\'hil'!l sh<, wns long a member.
ud as "wat"hml'lI" fnr
"11,,11 lIIorning. nnd thl' Tpport of the
s!rort Iwriod I,
The active p:dl,h''llTf'I's. ali nlle'1l1bers
of tbo Narherth Fire Co., wpre- CMef
scnTT·POWELL, DAIRIES " ' - .r···
Narberth, the eommittee in charge of Two sUT\'i\'ing-' SOliS, Langdon C. Odi· ('olllmittep sholl'ed that they hllve aI- Chas. V. :\'01'1, 1llld Me.ssrs. Ra.ymond 4Sthand Parrish Sts.
the work, headed by ~lrs.Flpt,·her W. OTlIp :llId Wllltpr G. O,liortle. reside in re,od~; stnrtf'l] 011 dut~·, '1'0 ghow its Weiss, C. Taylor Hpllry, .John A. Miller,
Stites, iA going to give a card party :\' nrberth. ~forris Laooy, ana Robort Muiler.
at the Y. M. C. A. Building. The
npprl'<'iation, tIt(' :\",o('intiol1 thpTeupon
extpl1ll(>,1 to thp Seout;;;' 11 unanimous Tho Shekinah IJodge, F. and A. :M.,
Nalbcnh Taxi Scr~cc
,tick!'", arc one dollar eneb nn,1 mllY he
of\\'1h,ich hoe \\'ll..~ a memlx,r, aHe~Il]'e<1
ohtainel1 throughl ~lrs. Stitt's.
This Visitill-g Xu!'!'e RpT\'Ire, \\"1' main·
THE FIRESIDE \"otl' of thanks.
The "'('jro rp ('o1lllllittep will ('ontillue HIll] purtiepatpd. JntpTll1l'nt \\'os at
(Continued from Page 1) its study of th(, lUlll'h41our que13tion. Mt. Penee Cemet-l':r.v, Ph i]l\ (]<'11,h in. Patrick F. Donu..a
tilin, comes -just about as IlCor to- being lip i5 survi\'ed hy hi,s willow, Mrs.
This is 0111' whi"h i, of .sueh nrn.gnitudp Authoriucl Tul Ccrllfl-
an agency through which gennine help Among Xnrberth's f('rpllt resi,]ent", that h"for,' nny repol1lmel1dntion is S. Grare KrNllller (n'('(> :MilIpr), anu hi~ c:a~e from Public Sav.lce Commla.
Is rendered \\1hen and whert' help is :ne 1fr. nlHI ~frl'. Ell\\,. G. f4hm4dhpispr, .1011, dated Novetttbcr 16. 1920.
mal]" to thp Boar'] cvery phase of tile sister, MiSSl ~{lfi.ry Kreamor, of l\Ier·
mOst .neC<1ed, liS any servi"e of any' who arc resiclillg 01. ~1f) Grnyling Ave. sllhjeC'! will h(' taken into ronsid(>m- l'hantviIle, N . .1.. who wit-h Chureh a.ntl Tal meeh all traJri••
kind, anywhere. Store orden P!OIS1Ftly calltd for and
M,rs. I"hmitllfeispr Wns for1u"I,ly ~Ii",s tinll. It is douhtful. howp"er, wllethpr Hun<lay Schonl. and 1ll1lny or~nnlzations delivered. Banaee call,d lor iDd
It's bad e,nough to ho\'p iNupss in the :\Inrthn Alll!t'rsoll, of Hal'prfonl, Pa. a ,·hull!!p will Ill' 1,,11111' during the prt's, wi II mourn his lOllS. ddlvncd. .Frefgbt dcllverccJ.
family at any ti11l.e, hut it's a whol(> lot
·".WOl':;;o w]len, for 'any reason. you ean't
'. hav.e the n,ursing SCT\"i"c thn t the JihY"
~Iiss Dorot'hy ~r. Beatty, of ~(lO X.
rllt ""hool term. Thn Association will
pursue t]ll' matter \'ig~rously so as to
~II'. Krelll1leJ' will he renwmherp,] nl'
a high'lnin']e'll, pla,iJh~pokeu and con·
Open Day .aodNigbt Phone 1633 -..

Xnrherth Avp., !,'of1 011 TueS/lay to visit hI' ill II po.ition to a,h-i.sp with tlle ,.i"ten'l Christian geutl('nlan, !lI'lovoo of
ft'ipll,ls in Pittshurgh, C]e\,elnJJ.d and ~,·holll Roar,] 1I1H] the farulty at t'he 01,1 find young', [l.ud r('.~perte,1 anl! 10\'1',1 BEI.I.PBOKB. Narbertb12M-W
Chir,ngo, nft"r ,,'hie-h "be expeets to till'(' plans for ll('xt sen SOli " worlt fir" hy lIis n'Cigdl ho 1'>1 , irr<'llpPl·t,h·p of rrp.(>,]
A Dome Bake "'pen,1 somp months oil till' POI·itir mouf>. or pOlitirnJ faith. II,· was w{'H·read', GEORGE W:BOTTOMS
'·onst. :Vfrs. Endl K. R(]th pntertnined the wisp in rounse], and pO!lS6ssed nn un- -CoDJractor and Builder--
Including candies imd home 1I11'mlwrs of the Association hy rplld.'r. usunl degree of ('xpputive ahility. AI· Gara•• Baildin. a Sp.ei~~J'
The D.Getor Benjnmin Ru",]1 <'haptl'r, ing 1.11'0 I'opal ~1C]l'etion1<. Ringing by the ways ready to ,]"f'l'IH] his position when
. made jellies, Saturdtiy, Jnnllary
Dl1ughter~ of the AlIIeriel\oll Revolt.I' nil,lipll p e lI'as /'on,lurte.'1 by Miss Spl"lll). callel]. upon to tnke 11 stllud, he was 420 RocklaDd Ave, Narber.h" ra.

,'21,fri)m, one o'clock until four,
tion. will meet II t the'l home of t1Il' He· 1l1lln, who is th p ~Iusil'>lll Direetor of Ilev('rth,'!(.'5s .loyal to majorities, anl!
iJ;l Mr.Smedle-y 's office, corner, of
Hav$'ford and' Narberth Aves.,
g(>nt, ~frs. Samuel Z. ShopI', lOR 101111
Avenile, Narberth, P~~nsyh'{Inia, ~atur·
the Pllhli~ 8rhoo1s. ~IiS'!' Fnnny Loos
I'rr"'i"le,] nt the 1,I-IIno.
willing to 11 hid'!' by thc ,1e~lsion of h,Iti
fellows anl! tu work for th'e bi!6t in·
under, the auspices of The Silver
tlllynfternuon,. .lauunry the twenty·first, Following, the 'Informa] rece,pHon, t('rest!!o of all eOllet'rnC<1. He. ,enjoyed ···,R~JmoDd.Wei'i,. froprletor
':c:JfO~~eQtthe J)augh~
!' tersi.,Cilme'·npd,~uy..,...thus be~.
. iJig:·uS.: to;help,\lthers.
at two thirty o'{'}Ol'-k. wh:ph· wns tCfll1erC(l. the members, of
, the Fal'ulty, . refrc~hments were ·lIervcd
life, r()veled intheo beauties of naturll,
lovcdhis fellowmen., ~dored little ehil- ,
GASOL.~E~.·O'L, . :::·SUfPLiES
. :', ' . ' . .: ~
. :Mrialld ~rrs.;Wm••LLoughHII.gnvo hy tbl'pitpils of theDom~i;tic S~iencc dren,but above nJi clse,bc.lleved l1-nd· , 'EXPERT REPAIRING',· :
a .11cliglitfI11·dnhec. at thcirhoJileFrV., 'Clti~s,U1~I]er tho!l!rectlon 6f.:Mi$.'1· 01: . .trusted God. . . .Tal~pho~~",~~i:th'1633' .

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