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Cotabato City State Polytechnic College

College of Education
Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City

Name: Samal, Lady Mae M.

Year and Section: BSEd-Filipino 4A
Subject: Teaching Profession
Teacher: Sapia D. Diocolano, Ed.D

Activity 1: My Thoughts
Identify what types/kinds of teacher showed in the pictures. Choose one type and
explain/discuss your answer. Read the questions below and write your answer.
The explainer Teacher- Centered
The involver
(Essentialist Teacher) (Essentialist Teacher)
(Contructivist Teacher)

The Strict The Reader

(Essentialist Teacher) (Essentialist Teacher) The Facilitator
(Progressivist Teacher)

Progressivist Teacher

Hands-on learning and learning through experience are the heart of the Progressivist education.
Teachers play a distinctive role in the learning process of the learners as they incorporate their
deep understanding, and affection for, children with the cognitive demands of the subject matter.
Progressivist teachers try making the school environment more engaging and beneficial by
planning lessons that arouse curiosity. Progressivists believe that change, individuality and
progress are essential to one’s education. The curriculum of the progressivists focuses on the
needs, interests, abilities and experiences of the learners because they believe that children learn
best from what they consider most pertinent to their lives.

Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.

1. What are the personal characteristics of an ideal teacher?

An ideal teacher is like a glowing lamp that burns itself to bring the students out from the
darkness of ignorance and fills their lives with the light of knowledge. Not every teacher can be
called an ideal teacher. He needs some special qualities to achieve this level. In order to be an
ideal teacher one must have:
Passion for Teaching
A good teacher should be passionate about teaching. He should understand the psychology of the
students and should try to mold even an inattentive student into an attentive one. They should be
eager to influence students' lives and leave a long lasting impact.

Love for Students

He should love working with students and treat them as his own children. He should be impartial
and teach every student without any bias. He should be attentive to one and all and try to bring
out the best out of them.

A Magnetic Personality
The personality of an ideal teacher should be such that can easily draw the attention of every
student towards him. He should create such an impact that every student would love to attend his

Strong Rapport with Students

He should develop a strong rapport with every student and create such a bond of love and
affection that every student would trust him and think him to be their real well-wisher.

Effective Discipline Skills

A good teacher should know how to maintain proper discipline in the class without reprimanding
the students. He should be able to create a positive atmosphere of learning and teaching in the

Good Classroom Management Skills

An ideal teacher should possess good classroom management skills. He should have a fair
knowledge of students' psychology. It would help him manage his class more effectively and
grow better learning habits amongst the students.

Teaching Style
He should have a lucid style of teaching so that the students should never feel bored. He should
encourage the students to ask questions related to the topic to clear their doubts, if any.

Strong Command over Subject Matter

This is one of the aspects where a good teacher never compromises. An ideal teacher should
possess a strong command over his subject. He should always keep himself updated with the
latest development in the fields of education and increase his knowledge based upon the latest
trends. It would help him to answer every question of the students and, in turn, make the subject
interesting for them.

Clear Objectives for Every Lesson

A great teacher should always have a clear objective in mind about the lesson he is about to teach
in the class and ensures that the objective is met at the end of the period.

Good Communication Skills

A great teacher should have good communication skills. He should have regular interactions
with parents/guardians of the students and should keep them informed about the progress of the
students on different issues. He should also inform them if ever he notices any drawbacks or
weaknesses in any of them and suggest correctional measures.

2. What are other needs of teachers can you identify?

Educators needs:

 Supportive school leadership

 Engaged community and parents
 A safe Environment
 Sufficient facilities
 Enough time to plan and collaborate
 High-quality professional development
 An atmosphere of trust and respect
 Effective school improvement teams
 Appropriate assignments and workload

3. Do you believe that teachers are unfairly treated compared to other professions? Why?

There are a lot of tough jobs out there in the world, but some professions are also
misunderstood, which only compounds the difficulty. Teaching is definitely a tough,
misunderstood job. The fact is that teaching is a lot harder than most people understand. These
are the factors that I want to emphasize that the teachers are unfairly treated compared to other
professions. First, Keep changing things, whether it improves the quality of the teaching or
not. One thing that isn’t a myth about teachers is that they love the actual act of teaching.
However, sometimes teachers can be made to feel as if their wings are being clipped by ever-
changing guidelines and standards that demand they rework, rewrite, and resubmit curricula and
lesson plans for approval, when the materials and ideas they’d already developed were working
well. Also, professional development expectations (goal setting, certification requirements,
training days, etc.) tend to take up a lot of time and energy that teachers would sometimes rather
devote directly to their students and classrooms. Second, Low pay, Teachers’ pay is not great,
especially when salaries are compared to other professions that require a similar amount of
education and training. Plus, because of budget restrictions, many teachers spend their own
money on classroom supplies. And lastly, Long hours of work, contrary to what many
believe, teachers don’t really get summers off. They spend that time on professional
development work and preparing for the following year. They also don’t “get out early”
(teachers actually work an average of 53 hours per week) — they just start the day earlier than
most. It’s also important to realize that teachers’ schedules are very inflexible. Their personal
lives generally function best when they’re scheduled around school vacations.

Activity 2

Determine your education Philosophy. Find out to which philosophy you adhere to what
extent does each statements apply to you? Rate yourself 4 if you agree which the statement
always, 3 if you agree but not Always 2, if you agree sometimes answer 1, if you don’t agree at
all. You write answer on the next pages as provided on the said page, read carefully and
understand the following statements.

  4 3 2 1

1.         There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning

2.         The focus of education should be the ideas that are as
relevant today as when they were first conceived.  
3.         The classroom is not a place where teacher pour knowledge
into empty minds of student.
4.         School should stress on the teaching of basic skills.
5.         A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own peace
6.         Teacher must not force their students to learn the subject
matter if it does not interest them.

7.         Human being are shaped by their environment

8.         In the classroom students must be encourages to interact
with one another to develop social virtues such as cooperation and
9.         Help students expand their knowledge by helping them
apply their previous experience in solving new problem
10.     Changes environment can changes a person
11.     Curriculum should emphasize traditional discipline such as
math natural science history grammar literature
12.     Learners produce knowledge base on their experience
13.     There is no universal inborn human nature we are born and  
exist and then ourselves freely determine our essence.      
14.     An individual is what she/he choose to become not dictated  
by his/her environment      
15.     School must develop students’ capacity to reason by  
stressing on the humanities.      

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