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English for Midwifery

Instruction for Week 13 and 14

One of the effective ways of strengthening your English skills is by having the ownership of English
communication. One way that you can take is building the actual relations by using English. By the
way, how many English-speaking friendship have you made until now? Having friendship with those
who use English as the first language, can effectively enhance your English skills.

Within these two weeks, initiate communication in English with new friends who are communicating
in English. Record everything, transfer all of the scripts in a word document, and analyse them.

How to do that?

The first option

You can use many possible written social media such as Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, FB Messenger,
Email, and others. In this way, transfer all of the scripts into a word document. Indicate who, where
he/she is from, time and date. Give your analysis in terms of what do you feel and learn during the

The second option

Alternatively, you can also use direct calling through Skype, Zoom, and other video calling tools. In
this way, please audio-record all communication and rename the recording file based on the date of
the communication held. Transfer all communication into a word document. Indicate who, where
he/she is from, time and date. Give your analysis in terms of what do you feel and learn during the

Instruction of submission:

Due date: 30 April 2020

Minimum 10 (ten) days of active communication.Every day will be evaluated based on the script.

Send a file of word document to :

Write the email subject following this:

for Class IA : Action 5_Midwifery IA_yourname

for Class IB : Action 5_Midwifery IB_yourname

Your word doc file shall consist of information on these:

1. Your complete name/Class :

2. Communication with : … (complete name)
3. From : … (Country, city name)
4. Communication Tool : … (WA, Zoom, etc)
5. The scripts (in table) :(minimum 10 days active communication)
6. The Analysis
7. The Communication Proofs

The assignment sheet is provided in the next page.

1. Your complete name/Class : WAHYU KURNIA SARI/1B
2. Communication with : ALTAMISH, DANIEL
4. Communication Tool : WA

5. The scripts

Date Time Speakers Scripts

8/04 Wahyu : hy friend, good afternoon, iam wahyu kurnia
sari, save my number.
Altamish : hey again hehe,yes of course.
Wahyu : iam from Indonesia guys
16.58 Altamish
Altamish : iam from south Africa. Hey can i text you later i
have to do the jumuah.
Wahyu : yes it’s okay, later after Friday let me know huh
Altamish : yeah I’ll tell you.
9/04 Wahyu : hay altamish.
Altamish : hay my friend
17.49 Wahyu : what time is it there right now, altamish?
Altamish : now it’s 12:39
Wahyu : hmmmm, it’s still in the afternoon, in my country is
17:49 o’clock.
10/0 Wahyu : hay Daniel, am wahyu kurnia sari.
4 Daniel : hi, sorry for late reply..
Wahyu : yes no problem my friend. What are you doing?
16.39 Daniel
Daniel : cleaning my room.
Wahyu : wow you so diligent.
Daniel : yes, thank you
11/0 Daniel : hi wahyu good morning. How are you?
4 Wahyu : good morning my friend. Aim fine, and you?
Daniel : hi am fine thanks. U still awake? What are you
Wahyu : I am listening to music. And you Daniel?
Daniel : what song u listens?
Wahyu : kereta senja, are you know? This music Indonesia.
daniel Daniel : dunno. I only know judika.
Wahyu : wow, you know judika ?
Daniel : yeah... I like all song from judika.
Wahyu : who else do you know about other Indonesian
artists besides judika ?
Daniel : I only know judika only.
Wahyu : what do you like about a judika ?
Daniel : the song... the singer is very humble.
12/0 11.07 Daniel Wahyu : good morning Daniel.
4 Daniel : good morning my friend. How are you? What are
you doing ?

wahyu : Aim fine Daniel. And you?
Daniel : I’m fine thanks.
Wahyu : what are you doing, daniel ?
Daniel : listen song.
Wahyu : wow, what is your favourite song ?
Daniel : judika – sampai kau jadi milikku.
Wahyu : are you listening to music while you work?
Daniel : I’m not working 2 day.
Wahyu : why Daniel ?
Daniel : 2 day I’m off.
Wahyu : if I may know, what is your job Daniel?
Daniel : customer service.
Wahyu : spirit of Daniel. Have you been working as customer
service for a long time ?
Daniel : yeah.... 3 years.
Wahyu : Daniel has been a long time.
Daniel : yeah...
13/0 Wahyu : hi Daniel. Are you busy ?
4 Daniel : hi good morning. No.
Wahyu : i want to go to the bank. What are you doing
Daniel : listen song.
Wahyu : alright Daniel. How is the weather there today?
Daniel : very hot....
daniel Wahyu : wow, that’s wasn’t very fun Daniel. Then Daniel, do
you want to tell me what your local specialties are ?.
Daniel : yeah... here got a lot of special place in example
Merlion city, universal studio, marina bay sands and
many more.
Wahyu : then what food is famous there ?
Daniel : many food is famous.
Wahyu : oh it’s good.
15/0 Wahyu : hi Daniel. Good morning, how are you?
4 Daniel : hi my friend good afternoon. I’m fine thanks. Had
your lunch ?
wahyu : good afternoon to Daniel. Daniel already, i just ate.
And you?.
Daniel : later still learning.
Wahyu : oh yes? What are you studying Daniel?
Daniel : no... I’m working in airport.
Wahyu : alright Daniel. Then have you started working now?
16/0 Daniel : “send a picture”.
4 Wahyu : wow where are you Daniel ?
Daniel : at my working place.
17/0 20.18 altamish Wahyu : hi altamish
4 Altamish : hi wahyu.
Wahyu : how old are you right now ?
Altamish : I’m 25, you ?
Wahyu : am 19. What is your daily life ?
Altamish : it’s quarantine now I don’t do anything.
Wahyu : I mean you work or study?

Altamish : I do both. But you are mean to me.
18/0 14.54 Daniel : “send a video”
4 Wahyu : thanks daniel

6. The analysis

Write an essay of 250 words on what do you feel and learn during the communication.

To be honest, when I get an assignment to find friends from abroad and try to communicate
well scares me. Because I am not very good at English and on the other hand I am afraid
that no one wants to reply to my message when I try to contact him. However, it all turned
out to be untrue. When I tried to find Caucasian friends through an application that is hello
talk and I found three friends from abroad. Among the three people, one of them was very
disappointing to me because he was not a good foreigner. What I mean is not good is from
the side of the conversation that leads to pornography. And it really bothered me even
when I turned to other talks outside of what he was asking about but he remained clean and
determined to discuss pornography. Then in communicating online through whatsapp with
Caucasian friend is also very fun. They are sometimes friendly and funny but also polite in
their attitude.

7. Communication Proofs

Your profile photo (must be clear with a good resolution)

Your new friend profile photo(must be clear with a good resolution)

The screenshots of communication


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