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Dissertation Report on
"To study effect of advertising on consumer buying behavior"
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Nahata Palash Rameshchand

Under the guidance of

Dr. Kasar U. S.

Academic Year 2019-20

S.N.J.B’s Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering, Neminagar,
Tal. Chandwad, Dist. Nashik

I hereby declare that this Dissertation Report entitled "To study effect of advertising on
consumer buying behavior" has been submitted by me is based on actual work carried out by me
under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Kasar U. S.
Any reference to work done by any other person or institution or any material obtained from other
sources have been duly cited and referenced. It is further to state that this work is not submitted
anywhere else for any examination.

Student Signature of the

Place: Chandwad


I take this opportunity to place my sincere gratitude to SNJB’s Late K.B. Jain College
of Engineering, Department of MBA and Savitribai Phule Pune University for providing me
with the wonderful opportunity of pursuing Dissertation Work as a Desk Research Activity.

I wish to extend my gratitude to all the researchers, authors and various Editors of Journal
and Magazine for providing intellectual information at ease. This dissertation project would not
have been possible without their valuable inputs. I am grateful to them for sparing their precious
time in order to help me with the research report. I would also like to thank the entire hub of
online resource providers who was kind enough to lend with valuable inputs related to area of
my interest and supported me to put the same in this work.

I am also grateful to my guide Dr. Kasar U. S. for her able guidance and constant
motivation, which was instrumental in the timely completion of the project.

Nahata Palash Rameshchad

This is to certify that Mr. Nahata Palash Rameshchand has completed the Project
Report on "To study effect of advertising on consumer buying behavior" under my guidance
and supervision, and submitted the Report according to the norms laid down by the Savitribai
Phule Pune University. The material that has been obtained from other sources is duly
acknowledged in the report. It is further certified that the work or its part has not been submitted
to any other University for examination under my supervision. I consider this work worthy for
the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration.

Place: Chandwad Signature of the

` Guide



Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

1. Introduction 10

2. Objectives of Study 11

3. Literature Review 12

4. Theoretical Background 15

5. Research Methodology 20

6. Data Analysis and Interpretation 22

7. Findings and Conclusions 29

8. Key Learning 30

9. Bibliography 31

10. Appendices 33

Table. No. Table name Page No.
Table 5.1 Research Design 21

Table 6.1 Advertisement awareness among respondents 26

Table 6.2 Effect of adverting on respondent 27

Graph. No. Title Page No.

Graph 6.1 Advertisement awareness among respondents 26

Graph 6.2 Effect of adverting on respondent 27

Advertising evolves date back in the ancient time. Different societies used different types
of symbol from the promotion of the products and service for attracting customer. However these
pictures were used for a limited area for population. In modern time advertisement has become
important way to promote product and service and is used for communication purpose. No
company can become a market leader unless they invest lost of investment in promotional
purpose. Te major aim of advertising is to impact on buying behavior, however, this impact
about brand is changed for strengthened frequently people’s memories. Memories about brand
consist of these associations that are related to brand name in consumer mind. These brand
cognition influence consideration, evaluation, and finally purchases. Most companies do analysis
of consumer behavior. The customer purchase behavior study in Pharmaceutical & FMCG
advertisement is based on the consumer purchase behavior because buying the medicine lies in
the hand of customer rather than final consumer.
The advertisement of Pharmaceutical & FMCG was found to be persuasive. The study
has given good insights for marketers and advertisers of drugs and suggests including elements
in the advertisement that increase believability and trust of the advertisement. Results of factor
analysis revealed the view that the overall mean score of all the 27 items of attitude towards
prescription behavior was 2.96 and standard deviation 0.9091.This indicates that pharmaceutical
& FMCG advertisement makes an impact on doctor prescription behavior. The major objective
of consumer behavior analysis to determine the factor that consumer behave in particular
circumstance like in economics aspects. Consumer behavior analysis is helpful for advertiser to
understand the behavior of consumer in buying different situations.


"To study effect of advertising on consumer buying behavior"


 To study the effect of advertisement on need recognition.

 To understand the role of advertisement in information search.

 To analyze the role of advertisement in alternative evaluation.

 To analyze the role played by advertisement in actual purchase decision.

 To check advertising awareness from FMCG & pharmaceutical sector.

 To study effect of advertising on respondent for various factor.


 The study is only based on the secondary data.

 The study is limited to marketing field only.

Marketing mix has four subsets i.e. Product, price, place and promotion and advertising is
a component of promotion mix, which is used to create awareness about product and services for
taking purchase decisions. Marketer uses these types of tool for communication purpose.
Advertisement evolves date back in the ancient time. Different societies used different types of
symbols for the promotion of product and service attracting consumer. However, these pictures
were used for a limited area for a promotion. In modern time, advertisement has become
important way to promote product and service and is used for communication purpose. No
company can become a market leader unless the invest lost of their investment in promotional

The major aim of advertising is to impact on buying behavior however, these impacts
about brand is changed for strengthened frequently people's memories. Memories about the
brand consist of those associations that are related to brand name in consumer mind. These brand
cognition influence consideration, evaluation and finally purchase. Consumer behavior analysis
is helpful for advertise to understand the behavior of consumer in buying different situation.

According to traditional hierarchy-of- effects models advertising effect of advertising exposure

leads to brand cognition about the advertisement, which then lead to the attitude toward and the
brand unit their purchase intent.

 To study the effect of advertisement on need recognition.

 To understand the role of advertisement in information search.

 To analyze the role of advertisement in alternative evaluation.

 To analyze the role played by advertisement in actual purchase decision.

 To check advertising awareness from FMCG & pharmaceutical sector.

 To study effect of advertising and respondent for various factor.

1) Burhan Ali shah (March-2012)
Advertising is way of communication to convince and audience for taking purchase
decision about a product or service and delivering information to this research
paper the researcher have studied 200 respondents and found out that there is positive
relationship of emotional responses this emotional attachment helps customer recognize there
need for particular product. the result of this study show the there is positive relationship of
emotional responses with consumer buying behavior and no relationship between
environment responses and consumer buying behavior. there for it is concluded that
consumers purchase product by emotional response rather than environmental response. in
environmental response consumer do shopping unplanned but in this research consumer
purchase those product from which consumer are emotionally attach.

2) Dr. D. Prasanna Kumar (Nov-DEC 2013)

Advertising is a form of communication intended to convenience in ordinance to

purchase our take some action open product information or service etc. Because buyers must act
on the basis of incomplete information they automatically and consciously incur a risk in every
purchase and non-purchase decision. Advertisement is major tool of marketing. It helps of
recognize the need. An advertisement reaching a potential buyer while the buyer is seeking
information will have a greater impact, since the buyer is spared the time and effort needed to
seek out this information himself and is less likely to turn to competing brand advertisement to
obtain the additional information. in other word buyers are generally more responsive to different
brand advertisement while they are information on this brand.

3) Samareen lodhi, (Oct-2015)

Advertisement has been used for many year to influence the buying behavior of the
consumer .advertisement are helpful are creating the awareness and perception among the

customer of cosmetic product both of this variable are lethal combination of influence the buying
behavior of the consumer. This particular research was conducted on the 200 young man or
female who use the different brands of cosmetics to chases the influence the advertisement on
their buying behavior while creating awareness and building the perception. This result show that
advertisement are very useful in creating the awareness among the but they are field build strong
perception in the mind of consumers.TVC and Billboards are widely use by the different
marketing department of the cosmetic companies which are targeting about the line though these
medium. There ads contain enough information to attract to consumer as well as create the need
in the mind of customer. During information search we gate to known more information
awareness about the product and this two factor help in making the purchasing decision.

4) Rupesh Pallav (Sep -2016)

Media advertising is one of the effective tools to influence the buying behavior of
consumer .there are many types of media advertising such as television, internet radio etc.
prevailing in the market. It depends on the company’s choice for which source of advertising
they use. This paper investigates the impact media advertising on consumer buying behavior.
advertisement are the only effective means to communicates the consumers so it is and important
duty for all the companies to display proper and efficient and advertisement which meets the
need and interest of the viewers and consumers. The company should create and effective
advertising pattern to rich up to even a single consumer. Enhance the services which fulfill the
need of consumer. Consumer preference choice and test should capture time to time. Proper
marketing research should create and informative advertisement among the customer about the
product and service.

5) Shafi pp. (Jan 2017)

Advertisement is most popular way of popularization the product which has merits and
demerits. This study tries to analyses same .the present study reveals the impact of advertising on
consumer behavior .it reveals the fact that the most influencing factor remanding consumers to
buy the product is advertisement. Thus advertising enable the consumer to exercise their right of
free choice. Hence the modern advertisements are highly informative and create a high impact on
consumer buying decision.


1) IOSR Journal of business and management (IOSR-JBM) ISSN: 2278-487X, ISSN: 2319-
7668, Volume-14, Issue (Nov-DEC 2013), “The roll of Advertising in consumer decision

2). International Journal of management science and business research oct-2015 ISSN (2226-
8235) Volume-4, “Impact of advertisement on buying behavior of the consumer.

3. Information management and business review, Volume- 4, March-2012 (ISSN 2220-3796),

“Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior.”

4.International Journal of research in finance and marketing(IJRFM) available online Volume

6,Issue 9,Sep -2016, “Role of media advertising on consumer buying behavior.”

5.Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research (IJIR) ,Volume-3, Issue1,Jan 2017 ISSN:2454-

1362“impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior.”

Consumer buying behavior:

Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the
activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including the
consumer's emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede or follow these activities.
Consumer behavior emerged in the 1940s and 50s as a distinct sub-discipline in the marketing
area. Consumer behavior is an inter-disciplinary social science that blends elements
from psychology, sociology, social anthropology, ethnography, marketing and economics,especi
ally behavioural economics. It examines how emotions, attitudes and preferences affect buying
behavior. Characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics, personality lifestyles
and behavioral variables such as usage rates, usage occasion, loyalty, brand advocacy,
willingness to provide referrals, in an attempt to understand people's wants and consumption are
all investigated in formal studies of consumer behavior. The study of consumer behavior also
investigates the influences, on the consumer, from groups such as family, friends, sports,
reference groups, and society in general.

The study of consumer behavior is concerned with all aspects of purchasing behavior -
from pre-purchase activities through to post-purchase consumption, evaluation and disposal
activities. It is also concerned with all persons involved, either directly or indirectly, in
purchasing decisions and consumption activities including brand-influencers and opinion leaders.
Research has shown that consumer behavior is difficult to predict, even for experts in the
field. However, new research methods such as ethnography and consumer neuroscience are
shedding new light on how consumers make decisions.

Origins of consumer behavior

In the 1940s and 50s, marketing was dominated by the so-called classical school soft
thought which were highly descriptive and relied heavily on case study approaches with only
occasional use of interview methods. At the end of the 1950s, two important reports criticized
marketing for its lack of methodological rigor, especially the failure to adopt mathematically-
oriented behavioral science research methods. The stage was set for marketing to become more
inter-disciplinary by adopting a consumer-behaviorist perspective.

From the 1950s, marketing began to shift is reliance away from economics and towards other
disciplines, notably the behavioral sciences, including sociology, anthropology and clinical
psychology. This resulted in a new emphasis on the customer as a unit of analysis. As a result,
new substantive knowledge was added to the marketing discipline - including such ideas as
opinion leadership, reference groups and brand loyalty. Market segmentation, especially
demographic segmentation based on socioeconomic status (SES) index and household life-cycle,
also became fashionable. With the addition of consumer behavior, the marketing discipline
exhibited increasing scientific sophistication with respect to theory development and testing

In its early years, consumer behavior was heavily influenced by motivation research,
which had increased the understanding of customers, and had been used extensively by
consultants; in the advertising industry and also within the discipline of psychology in the 1920s,
'30s and '40s. By the 1950s, marketing began to adopt techniques used by motivation researchers
including depth interviews, projective techniques, thematic apperception tests and a range of
qualitative and quantitative research methods. More recently, scholars have added a new set of
tools including: ethnography, photo-elicitation techniques and phenomenological
interviewing. Today, consumer behavior (or CB as it is affectionately known) is regarded as an
important sub-discipline within marketing and is included as a unit of study in almost all
undergraduate marketing programs.


The buying decision process is the decision-making process used by consumers regarding

market transactions before, during, and after the purchase of a good or service. It can be seen as a
particular form of a cost–benefit analysis in the presence of multiple alternatives.

Common examples include shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision-making is a

psychological construct. This means that although a decision cannot be "seen", we can infer from
observable behavior that a decision has been made. Therefore, we conclude that a psychological
"decision-making" event has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action.
That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect
the action.

The stages of the buyer decision process were first introduced by John Dewey in 1910.
Later studies expanded upon Dewey's initial finding.


Problem/Need-recognition is the first and most important step in the buying decision.
Without the recognition of the need, a purchase cannot take place. The need can be triggered by
internal stimuli or external stimuli. Maslow held that needs are arranged in a hierarchy.
According to Maslow’s hierarchy, only when a person has fulfilled the needs at a certain stage,
can he or she move to the next stage. The problem must be the products or services available. It's
how the problem must be recognized.

Information search

The information search stage is the next step that the customers may take after they have
recognized the problem or need in order to find out what they feel is the best solution. This is the
buyer's effort at searching the internal and external business environments to identify and
observe sources of information related to the focal buying decision. The field of information has
come a long way in the last forty years, and has enabled easier and faster information
discovery. Consumers can rely on print, visual, and/or voice media for getting information.

Evaluation of alternatives
At this stage, consumers evaluate different products/brands on the basis of varying
product attributes, and whether these can deliver the benefits that the customers are seeking. This
stage is heavily influenced by one's attitude, as "attitude puts one in a frame of mind: liking or
disliking an object, moving towards or away from it". Another factor that influences the
evaluation process is the degree of involvement. For example, if the customer involvement is
high, then he/she will evaluate a number of brands; whereas if it is low, only one brand will be

Purchase decision

This is the fourth stage, where the purchase takes place. According to Kotler, Keller,
Koshy and Jha (2009), the final purchase decision can be disrupted by two factors: negative
feedback from other customers and the level of motivation to comply or accept the feedback. For
example, after going through the above three stages, a customer chooses to buy a Nikon

D80 DSLR camera. However, because his good friend, who is also a photographer, gives him
negative feedback, he will then be bound to change his preference. Secondly, the decision may
be disrupted due to unanticipated situations such as a sudden job loss or the closing of a retail

Post-purchase behavior

These stages are critical to retain customers. In short, customers compare products with
their expectations and are either satisfied or dissatisfied. This can then greatly affect the decision
process for a similar purchase from the same company in the future, mainly at the information
search stage and evaluation of alternatives stage. If customers are satisfied, these results in brand
loyalty, and the information search and evaluation of alternative stages are often fast-tracked or
skipped completely. As a result, brand loyalty is the ultimate aim of many companies.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying now research is done systematically. In that various steps,
those are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind
It is important for research to know not only the research method but also know
methodology. ”The procedures by which researcher go about their work of describing,
explaining and predicting phenomenon are called methodology.” Methods comprise the
procedures used for generating, collecting and evaluating data. All this means that it is necessary
for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from
problem to problem.

Data collection is important step in any project and success of any project will be largely
depend upon now much accurate you will be able to collect and how much time, money and
effort will be required to collect that necessary data, this is also important step.Data collection
plays an important role in research work. Without proper data available for analysis you cannot
do the research work accurately.

Research Design:

Research Design
Research Type Exploratory Research Design
Data Collection
Types of Data Secondary Data
Source of secondary data Thesis, Research paper, Report, book etc.

Exploratory research 

Exploratory research is research conducted for a problem that has not been studied more
clearly, intended to establish priorities, develop operational definitions and improve the final
research design. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data-
collection method and selection of subjects. It should draw definitive conclusions only with
extreme caution. Given its fundamental nature, exploratory research often concludes that a
perceived problem does not actually exist.
Exploratory research often relies on techniques such as:

 secondary research - such as reviewing available literature and/or data

 informal qualitative approaches, such as discussions with consumers, employees,
management or competitors
 formal qualitative research through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective
methods, case studies or pilot studies

1) Role of advertising in need recognition

Research paper

 As per the research paper “Impact of advertising on consumer behavior”.

Advertising is a most popular way of popularizing a product it has merits and

demerits. It only helps in creating the awareness of the product. Purchase decision totally
depends on customer.

 As per the research paper “The role of advertising in consumer decision making

The research paper found that advertising helps in creating awareness about the
product which further leads to need recognition in the mind of people for a particular

 As per the research paper “Impact of advertisement on buying behavior of the


In this paper 200 respondent were studied out of which 140 respondents give a
positive response towards the think that they recognize there need for the use of cosmetic
due to the advertisement they saw and 60 respondent give a negative response.

 As per the research paper “Role of media advertising on consumer buying behavior”.

In this research paper researcher investigate about the need generation of product
toward of customer. After the study researcher gets result that advertisement play a
important role in need recognition.

Consolidated statement from all the research paper : As per the above information
advertisement helps in need recognition. 200 people were studied on this context and
140respondents are positive and 60 customer are negative. May be due to the got that purchase
decision totally depends on one’s decision making.

2) Advertisement role in information search

Research paper
 As per research paper “Impact of advertisement on buying behavior of the consumer:
study in cosmetic industry Karachi”.

In this research paper researcher said that the advertising is helpful increasing the
awareness about the product and awareness means giving information audience.

 As per the research paper “Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying

In this research paper researcher study 200 respondents out of which 120
respondents are positive and remaining are negative. On the thought advertisement is
delivery the information about the product or service to the customer.

 As per the research paper “Roll of media advertising on consumer buying behavior”.

In this research paper researcher side that media advertising is one of the effective
tool of advertising. Because media advertising is provide more information about the
product as compare to other. Because now a days customer are preferring mostly internet
to collect information about the product.

 As per research paper “Impact of advertisement on consumer behavior”

In this research paper research side that consumer are to free to choose their
product. Advertising is gives the information about the product. They can choose a
product by searching information.

Consolidated statement from all the research paper:

As per the above study we can see that advertisement help to provide information with
the help of different media. In above research paper researcher studied 200 respondent out of
which 120 respondents show positive result reaming negative result.

3) Role of advertisement in alternative evaluation

Research paper

 As per the research paper “The role of advertising in consumer decision making”.

In this research paper researcher side that adverting create awareness about the
product and awareness means giving information to the audience. Information help in
evaluation and selection of the best alternative.

 As per the research paper “Impact of advertisement on buying behaviors of the

consumer’s study of cosmetic industry in Karachi city”

In this research paper researcher studied 200 respondents on the basis of

advertising helps to evaluate best alternative or not. Form 200 respondents 105
respondents are gave a positive and 95 respondents are gave a negative.

 As per the research paper “Role of media advertising on consumer buying behavior”.

In this research paper researcher said that media advertising is best source of
collecting information. With the help of advertisement customer can evaluate best
alternative. Internet and television are most preferred mode of advertising to and collect
information by company as well as customer

 As per researcher paper impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior.

As per researcher advertisement is creates a positive perception in the customer

mind. That positive perception help to select and evaluate best alternative

Consolidated statement from all the research paper:

As per the above researcher paper we can see that advertise help to evaluate alternative.
Because advertising create a positive perception in the mind of customer and in one research
paper researcher studied 200 respondent. From which 105 has positive response and 95 negative
responses because they believe that advertisement create fumbling in their mind regarding the

4) Role played by advertisement in actual purchase decision.

Research paper
 As per the research paper “The role of advertising in consumer decision making”.
In this research paper researcher studied 200 respondents out of which 125
respondents are positive and remaining are negative. On the thought that there is direct
relationship between advertising and purchase decision.
 As per the research paper “Role of media advertising on consumer buying behavior”
In this research paper researcher said that advertisement helps to search
information about a product. It will help evaluate a best alternative. After the evaluation of
alternative customer takes a decision. It means advertisement play a main role in actual
purchase decision.
 As per the research paper “Impact of advertisement on buying behavior of the
In this research paper researcher said that company’s uses advertisement for their
product promotion. By making attractive advertisement they create a positive perception
about their product. It means advertisement is playing role in actual purchase decision.
 As per the research paper “Influence of controversial advertisement on consumer
In this research paper researcher said that controversial advertisement impact on
customer positively and negatively. Some companies create a this type of advertising
intentionally to attract customers. While some people don’t like such advertisement and
they do not purchase that product too.

Consolidated statement from all the research paper:

As per the above research paper 200 respondents out of which 125 have positive and remaining
75 negative response thought about the advertisement. The positive minded people have the
thought that there is direct relationship between advertising and purchase decision. Some
companies intentionally controversial advertisement for gaining publicity among the customer.
this create positive as well as negative thought about the product.

5) To check advertising awareness from FMCG & pharmaceutical sector.

Advertisement awareness among respondents

Description Pharmaceutical Percentage FMCG Percentage
Yes 297 90.27 180 90
No 32 9.73 20 10
Total 329 100 200 100
Table no. 6.2 Advertisement awareness among respondents

100 90.27 90
50 No
20 9.73 10
Pharmaceutical Percentage FMCG Percentage

Graph no. 6.2 Advertisement awareness among respondents


From Pharmaceutical & FMCG researcher found that the advertising awareness in
Pharmaceutical & FMCG sector is almost same.

6) To study effect of advertising on respondent for various factor.

Effect of adverting on respondent
S. No Description Pharma. No. of Pharma. FMCG No, of FMCG
Respondent % Respondent %
1 Recall 60 18.24 85 42.5
2 Positive impression 84 25.53 65 32.5
3 Interest 102 31.00 30 15
4 Decision Process 83 25.23 20 10
Total 329 100 200 100
Table no. 6.2 Effect of adverting on respondent

35 31
30 25.53 25.23
20 FMCG %
15 10
Recall Positive impression Interest Decision Process

Graph no. 6.2 Effect of adverting on respondent


From this paper researcher found that

1) For recall factor advertising has major impact on respondent in FMCG sector as
compare to Pharmaceutical on respondent.

2) For Positive impression factor advertising has major impact on respondent in
FMCG sector as compare to Pharmaceutical on respondent.
3) For Interest factor advertising has major impact on respondent in Pharmaceutical
sector as compare to FMCG on respondent.
4) For Decision Process factor advertising has major impact on respondent in FMCG
sector as compare to Pharmaceutical on respondent.


 Project Report Impact of Advertising on Customer Purchase Behavior in Pharmaceuticals

Author: Ram Dheeraj



 It is observed that advertisement has an impact on need recognition.
 Media plays a very vital role for providing information regarding the product through
 Advertisement help to evaluate various alternatives before buying any product on the
other hand it create fumbling on the mind of some customer regarding a product.
 It is found that some companies intentionally do controversial advertisement for
attracting customer.
 It is also found that there is direct relationship between advertisement and purchase


 company should take care of the interest of the buyers with help of advertising.
 One of the main thing of media advertising is, that all the advertisement are displaying
for all viewers. There for many advertisement are irrelevant for many viewers.
 With the help of different role of advertising in alternative evaluation.
 With help of advertising awareness from FMCG & Pharmaceutical product And incress
sale of that product.
 A purchase decision can be consider as an optimization process through which buyers
seek the product or the brand that will yield the greatest satisfaction.
 The choice process can be considered as the search for the most satisfying trade of among
brand and process describe attribute at different level.

 Advertise sector :-We can strongly sale the product with help of advertising in
this sector television new paper radio.

 True purpose :- You want to be financially and emotionally involved in
advertisement to increase your chance of success .

 One focused , one team ;- Team is everything , team is key for success having
working together in same space focusing on single project at a time .
 Data collection :- I understand the power of using data point to bring idea to the
next level, and quickly understand when to pivot if something seemed off.

 Working with audience in mind :- Pay attention on customer , speak to your
audience in a unique way and constantly review .

 Know your customer :- The vast majority of time , people make bad marketing
decision because they don’t have right information about their target audience . so we
have to know about our customers.

 Prioritize content development :- we have a dedicate team that’s focus on

content strategy and on create what I call the content supply chain.

 Keep experiment with new marketing techniques :- great marketing is about

experimentation, testing and measuring different approaches to find what works best.
Your team should meet regularly with come new ideas.


 Principle of marketing by Philip Kotler
 Marketing Management by Philip Kotler


 Burhan Ali shah (March-2012) “Effective advertising and its influence on

consumer buying behavior.” , Information management and business review, Volume- 4,
March-2012 (ISSN 2220-3796).
 Dr. D. Prasanna Kumar (Nov-DEC 2013) “The roll of Advertising in consumer
decision making.” IOSR Journal of business and management (IOSR-JBM) Volume-14
ISSN: 2278-487X, ISSN: 2319-7668.
 Samareen lodhi, (Oct-2015) “Impact of advertisement on buying behavior of the
consumer” . International Journal of management science and business research oct-2015
Volume-4 ISSN (2226-8235).
 Rupesh Pallav (Sep -2016) “Role of media advertising on consumer buying
behavior.” International Journal of research in finance and marketing(IJRFM) available
online Volume 6,Issue 9.
 Shafi pp. (Jan 2017) “impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior.”
Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research (IJIR) ,Volume-3, Issue1,Jan 2017






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