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Naga City
Senior High School

Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education and Health 4

Intended for Grade 12
January 29 and 31, 2019

Content Standard:
 The learner demonstrate understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a
habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career

Performance Standard:
 The learner leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.

I. Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students must have;

a) discussed the mechanics of every game;
b) facilitated and participated in aquatic recreational activities; and
c) displayed camaraderie among group mates.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Aquatic Recreational Activities

Materials: will be provided by the facilitators
Time Allotment: 1 hour

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

 Greetings
 Cleaning of the classroom
 Seating arrangement
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance

B. Review

Last meeting we have discussed about what

recreational activities are and its benefits. Right? Yes ma’am.

So today, we will do those activities with the

supervision of every facilitator per game. I have here
rubrics for facilitators that you must be aware of
because this will serve as a criteria on how will I Yes ma’am.
grade every facilitator. Is that clear?

Are you ready to begin our games?

You only have 40 mins to finish all the games.

So it means per group you only have 10 mins to
facilitate and conduct such game. It will depend on
the facilitator on how they will manage their time to
prepare all the materials needed in the game. Yes ma’am.

Okay let’s proceed to our venue. And group 1/first

facilitator please accompany your participants.

C. Activity
(The students will do the following:

 Prepare all the materials needed for the activity;

 Facilitators will orient the participants about the
mechanics and time allotment of their game;
 The participants will enjoy the game following
the instruction of the facilitators.)

(Per facilitator will have 10 minutes to prepare all the

materials needed and to set everything for the game
and conduct the game with their remaining time)

(It will base on them on how they will they finishes

everything within 10 minutes)

(After the 1st facilitator the 2nd facilitator will follow,next

3rd facilitator and last the 4th facilitator)

Okay class, form a line per group and go to your room (forms a line and walks to the room quietly)

After the activity, the class will go back to their

IV. Evaluation classroom and will have some debriefing about the

V. Assignment
o Make a reflection about the activity we have conducted today. It will be
submitted next meeting.

Closing Prayer
 Let’s us all stand, please lead the prayer ______
 Goodbye class!
 Goodbye ma’am!

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Cooperating Teacher

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