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Background of the Study

Biology has a big impact given to the history of mankind. This Science

has a large helps and contribution made by many scientists that is expert in

this. In subject biology there are things that are important to set our attention

like what benefits that can we get in studying biology. As the science biology it

provides humans with infinite information of how life functions, it may also give

an opportunity to explore and understand the mechanics of life and apply this

information for practical purposes. For instance, understanding the parts and

function of human body and knowing what microbiology is enable man to avoid

disease caused by bacteria. Biology, through biotechnology, creates plant and

crops that are resistant to pest and weather changes. This is possible by

genetically enhancing or modifying genes of this organism (George, 2010). The

benefits may be so important to our life and gives an easy way to solve some

life problem related to biology.

21TH Century is known as “age of advance technology” where most

people treat this as a part of their lives. In this case it’s easy for us now to

reduced our effort in all aspects of our lives, especially to the students, but

unfortunately this was miss interpreted of almost students, instead of seeing

this as an opportunity to excel in school through Educational Media, they only


treat this as a pass time or as their time-spent entertainment., they forget to

study, they get a failed grades or maybe have a low academic performance.

Let’s go back to our lessons In case there are some students who find difficulty

to this lessons some of them are hard to conceptualize and analyze the lesson

that is taken up in this subject (Sanchez, 2012). There are students who are

unprepared in attaining a secondary or in a collage level as what (Wyatt, 1992)

said. That is why some of the students experience more difficulty in their subject

more specifically on their subject biology. According to some teachers in Acelo

C, BadellesSr Memorial High School there are some fresh man students or

Grade 7 who is unprepared in attaining this secondary level it may be because

of not enough background understanding or stock knowledge of this subjects or

maybe this students have no good study habits or lack of comprehension. This

following student’s problems are needs a treatments, the remediation program

that would conducted by the past researchers and will be now conducted the

researchers so that it may assess student’s difficulty to find it more easy as


The researcher believe that a student that has a lower understanding

and background knowledge or idea of this lessons in biology has a higher

possibilities that he/she may find more complicated difficulties in attaining to a

higher level study of biology especially in college science biology. Apparently,

high school biology, it is just a basic study that tackle only the basic and

fundamental biological events in life but if a student is failed to learn this he/she

may be find more complicated and more difficult when he/she attaining in a

higher biology level study included manual experiments.

To students has a difficulty in their biology there are way to help them

namely “Remedial Class” serve as a treatment or intervention to help them to

easily understand and conceptualize the aspects of life and its function and also

their relationship to one another, so that every student may thoroughly equip

and prepared to another level of their Science biology in college life someday.

As a result there’s a possibilities that this student who has a low performance or

what we called slow learners may have an opportunity to pace with other

students in their academic performance or consisted to attain a higher biology


Theoretical Framework

This theory concern to the improvements student’s ability to conceptualize

and construct academically, since this study is all about Biology Remediation

program the researchers adopted the following theories to give enhancement

and clarification if and if remedial program is effective and is fit to be as an


Constructivism Theory

According to Steele (2005), Constructive Theory is teaching students with

difficulties ness to discuss some related ideas that are already familiar to the

students. To do so, teachers should use techniques such as mapping and

brainstorming. Teachers are also advised to use techniques from active learning

where students are actively involved in the lesson; they easily learn and retain

the information. In the sense, the process of scaffolding student’s learning is

essential, particularly for slow learners. Constructivism Theory is helpful in

remedial program in terms of teaching it’s because it’s easier for a teacher to

teach students in a simple way.

Teaching Techniques Theory (BEHAVIORISM AND COGNITIVISM)

Behaviorism focused on changing the observable or measurable behavior

with no attention to student’s mind. It is teacher- centered approach since it

requires big effort from the teacher to create appropriate positive environments

for students to elicit the desired response or behavior. According to

Skinner(1969) “ Teaching is arranged into contingencies of reinforcement under

which students learn, however, students often learn without being taught in their

natural environment, therefore, teacher arrange special contingencies, these

speed up the emergence of behavior which would otherwise be acquired slowly

or never occurred”.

A tutorial session is a way of enhancing theoretical thinking skills and problem

solving skills of the learners with difficulty in some subject areas. It is a type of

reinforcement where learners are guiding in gaining knowledge and skills in the

class with much elaboration on the field where the learners has difficulty. It is an

educational process in which the learners learning is strengthen after the concept

is being taught in the class to the learners. In fact this mechanism has become

important in education for those learners who need more attention in

understanding the concept, acquiring the skills and its application in the real life


Conceptual Framework

This concept design (IPO) that is shown below will explain of what could

be the flow of this search study. It will explain of what will be the input of the

study. The input of this study is the Remediation Program to the students who

has a low academic performance this remedial program may serve as an

instrument or method to assist student who as low performance.

It is been conducted to give students an opportunity to pace with other

student then the output of this study may give an answer the following question

that is previously mention in this research study if the remediation has an effect

towards Grade 7 Learner’s academic performance and if it has a significant effect

and difference of the student’s performance before and after their remediation

this is based on the data gathered before and after on the student’s pre-test and



Implementing the Effects on

Remediation Program to
Students with Students
the Grade 7 Learners with
low Academic a low Academic
Performance Performance

after the


Figure 1.Research Paradigm


Statement of the Problem

This study is aim to determine the effects of remedial class to the selected

Grade 7 Learners in Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School (ABMHS). This

study will seek the answer of the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the remedial class in biology? (Pre-post-test)

2. What is the level of academic performance of the students in Grade 7


3. Is there a significant effect on Grade 7 learners who are exposed to

remedial class in biology than those who are not?

Null Hypothesis:

Ho1 There are no changes of the level of the academic performance of the

students in grade 7 Science.

Ho2. There is no significant effects on grade 7 learners who are exposed to the

remedial program than those who are not.

Significance of the Study

This study is envisioned to provide information and awareness to all who

are directly involved in the field of biology. Specifically, it aimed to provide

relevant information and feedback to the following:


Learners. This study would enable the students to realize the important of

remediation program to every student in every school level. Furthermore, this

study could help them to develop their thinking skill, level of comprehension

and have a deeper understanding of the concepts and ideas about the

lessons more specifically to the subject biology that relate in everyday life and

right attitude as they prepare and ready to attain in higher level.

Teacher. This study will serve as springboard to develop appropriate

instructional methods or practices in improving themselves with effective

strategies that enable the students to develop their thinking skills and to

efficiently move them forward in learning. The useful and important

information that will be acquired from this study may provide them insights on

how they can promote their academic achievement using effective strategies

in teaching. Moreover, this may help the teachers develop and discover their

learners thinking skills. This may likewise help them motivate and challenge

themselves in determination to help majority of the learners to improve the

learners thinking skills

Future Researcher. This study could provide benchmark data or reference or

information that may be valuable and needed to their study. In addition, the

result of this study may give a relevant information that is may be needed to

their related study or may this study serve as their research citation.

Scope and Limitation

This study is focus on Grade 7 Learners in Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial

High School (ABMHS).Where this study focus on the difficulty of the students in

their subjects more specifically biology. They are the student who finds difficulty

and hard to analyze and conceptualize concepts and ideas on biology and they

are enough to or to responds to the treatment of the researchers which is the


The researcher conducting their study to the Grade 7 Learners it’s

because they are easy to handle unlike on the other higher grade. However, this

study is also conducted in order to briefly explain the topics in Biology that

student may find more difficult. In Experimental Group (Grade 7- Love), there are

40 students who had participated the pretest, posttest and are exposed in the

remedial program. In Control Group (Grade7- Courteous), there are 39 students

who had participated in pretest and posttest, but not in remedial program since

they are belong in control group.

This could also to improve the academic performance of the Grade 7

Learners of Acelo C. BadellesSr Memorial High School (ABMHS) in the school

year 2017-2018. .The respondent of this study is limited and purposive means

the researchers are only choosing the student who has a low academic

performance this is based on their last grades in their science though the

remediation is conducted on the whole class but researchers only focus to this

slow performers in this subject matter biology.


Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are the important words collaborated by the

researchers to give an accurate meaning and details. The following words are

the focal point of this study:

Academic Performance- Academic achievement or

(academic) performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution

has achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA and

completion of educational degrees such as High School and bachelor's degrees

represent academic achievement.

This is the result of student’s posttest after employing the treatment or

intervention. This may be the student’s average grade more specifically on their

biology subject. This could give final findings if remediation is effective and

needed and helpful to assist or help students to enhance their academic

achievement in school.

Biology- the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that

cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.

This was the certain subject whereas the students find more difficulty with a less

learn topic of a concept of Cell Lessons (Plant and Animals)

Intervention- meaning "to come between, interrupt." Often an intervention is

intended to make things better, is the act of inserting one thing between others.

This is refers to the act or process in inserting or intervening the said treatment

(Remediation) to the selected students who has a low academic performance of

the particular subject specifically on their subject biology.

Remediation –Students who get to college but aren't quite ready for college

work need remediation. In all forms of remediation, the idea is you're going to

help people get better in some way.

The treatment or method used by the researchers to assist every student’s

difficulty in their particular school subject specifically on their biology subject. This

also called as tutorial sessions


Chapter 2


This study included the following studies to give evidence to the said

research this may the Related Literature and Related Studies.

Related Literature

Secondary of education has now been changed into K-12 curriculum.

These changes altered the structure, curriculum and assessment. On the other

hand, K to 12 program follows a special approach where in learning is a process

building upon previously learned knowledge. There are universities that offer

tutorial session in a compulsory manner. This may be part of their grade such as

that of the University of Canberra. In which a percentage of their final grade is

taken on the pupil’s participation in the tutorial class.

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between

remediation method and academic achievement as determined by student

persistence towards educational goals and academic point’s average and grades

in science Biology for Grade 7 students of Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High

School. The two guiding questions for this study asked whether underprepared

students who complete remediation have greater academic achievement and

persist longer towards their educational goals than academically underprepared

students who do not complete remediation. The literature was reviewed to

identify the context in which this study was conducted.

It is recorded that as early as the 1630’s tutors were found at Harvard

College (Bettinger& Long, 2007a) and in 1849 the first remedial education

program was offered at the University of Wisconsin with courses in reading,

writing, and arithmetic (Boylan, Bonham, & White, 1999). However, comparing

remedial education programs of the past with remedial education programs in the

late 20th and early 21st centuries may be comparing apples to oranges. The type

of person who is a college student has fit different descriptions over time, and

therefore tutoring or remedial services cannot be expected to have served the

same purposes throughout the history of higher education in the United States

(Kuhn, in press). For the purposes of this study, the focus was on the effects of

remedial education in Biology to the academic performance of grade 7 students

of Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School.

There has been and continues to be a need for studying the effectiveness

of remedial education. In 1968, Roueche completed a national study of remedial

educational programs in the junior colleges. He determined that, indeed,

programs were offered, but their effectiveness had not been thoroughly

researched (Roueche&Roueche, 1993). In 1983, Boylan reviewed over 60

individual efforts to evaluate remedial programs. He determined that remedial

programs did have some impact on short-term retention and grade point

average, but warned that more research was needed regarding remedial

education’s impact on grades in High School learners.

Related Study

As emphasized by (HUANG) 2010 and Tseng (2008) remedial education

is considered a type of clinical teaching where a child receives a diagnosis and

treatment until successful recovery achieved. One great advantage of remedial

education is that it provides low achievers with protection from being fallen

behind ordinary students. It also gives them enough support which enhances

self-esteem and allowing them to keep up with progress that their classmates

have or achieve (Humphrey et al 2013).

Steele(2005); Duhaney (2000); Ellis (1997) and Harris and Graham (1996)

emphasized the importance of knowing what students already know as

foundation, therefore, teachers should follow a constructivism theory is teaching

students with difficulties ness to discuss some related ideas that are already

familiar to the students. To do so, teachers should use techniques such as

mapping and brainstorming. Teachers are also advised to use techniques from

active learning where students are actively involved in the lesson; they easily

learn and retain the information. In the sense, the process of scaffolding

student’s learning is essential, particularly for slow learners. Cambourne(2002)

and Daniels (2001emphasized that teachers should be a facilitator of learning

and should provide opportunities for individual learners to acquire knowledge and

construct meaning through their own activities and through discussion, reflection

and sharing ideas with other learners.

In the area of teaching students with difficulties, Steele(2005) and Mercer

(1997) saying that the application of behaviorist theory to classroom has

generally been referred to as explicit or direct instruction although these


approaches have been criticized for used in the general education setting, they

have shown promising research results particularly for students with learning

difficulties. They assured that despite the popularity of students, centered and

activity based approaches; direct teaching has a big effect on students’

performance with delivered through the medium of interactive whole class


According to Sanchez (2012) found out that poor performance in

mathematics may emanate from difficulties in comprehending mathematical

competencies; the teacher that the way they teach, the covering of competencies

and topics in the syllabus or course outline, lack of family support and

mathematical materials, the qualification and field study of the teachers, the

teaching and assessment of learners, and the perception of the subject, the

teacher preference and homework.

The learners suggested that the teacher should spend more time in

explaining; giving more examples, using more teaching and learning materials

such as posters and pictures, and teachers should offer extra classes after

school. According to McDermott (2001) tutorials require on-going preparation in

both the subject matter and instructional method of tutorial instructors. In view of

the score information about the actual role of tutors in Physics group problem-

solving tutorial, using interviews, written surveys, and videotaped observations of


Chapter 3


This study highlights the Research Design, Research Setting, the Subject

Participant of the Study, and lastly the Research Instrument of the Study. This

instruction and information for what will be the flow of this research study.

Research Design

This study is a Quasi-Experimental Research Design which is divided

into two main groups namely Experimental Group and the Control Group. This

research design will thoroughly explain the significant different between the two

group and if the used of remediation is effective and usable to the students

especially to those who has a low academic performance. Purposively Sampling

will be used in selecting the students who will be the participants to participate in

the remediation that will be employed by the researchers.

Research Setting

This research study will be conducted at Iligan City, Region: Region X. Province:

Lanao Del Norte at Purok 6, Tipanoy, Iligan City in Acelo C. Badelles Sr.

Memorial High School.

The Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial high school offered two strands these

are GAS (General Academic Strand) and TVL (Technical Vocational Livelihood)

under these strand it has three specialization subjects these are the Cookery,

Beauty and Nailed Care, and Bread and Pastry.


The projects that have been accomplished were made possible through

the effort and unending support of Hon. Congressman Frederick W. Siao, Hon.

City Mayor, Celso G. Regencia. School superintendent Randolph B. Tortola, and

also Tipanoy Brgy.Council of Iligan City. The Projects were School CCTV that

was funded by GPTA. Second is concreting the Road along school gate exit

funded by the Diyandi Winnner Dancers. Third is 600 square meters Lot for SHS

building and that was funded by LGU.Fourth, SHS Bldg. 2 storey-4 classroom

funded by the DepEd. Fifth, JHS Bldg. 3 storey- 9 classrooms funded by the

DepEd.Sixth. New School Gate and Fence funded by School Initiative/MODE.

Seven is the School gate Signage. Lastly, are the SHS Canopy and Concrete

Pathway that is by the School Initiative.

Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School have special features which

results to be a known school Iligan City. One of these is that a certificate of

recognition is awarded to Acelo C. Badelles Memorial High School for being the

host of the Peace Camp 2018 last February 24-25, 2018. Second the Best

Implementing School award (4 th Place- Larger Secondary School Category) goes

to Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School for being the Brigada Eskwela

Implementing School 2017, Thirds, the Certificate of Appreciation is presented to

Acelo C.Badelles Sr. Memorial High School for the active participation in the

Series of HIV/AIDS Awareness Symposium held on 21 st of November 2017 at

school. Last but not the least is the certificate of appreciation is presented to

Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School to the 2017 Consumer Welfare

Month Regional Quiz Bowl Held last October 25, 2017.


Figure 2: Map of Iligan City



The subject participant of this study would be the Grade 7 Learners of

Acelo C. Badelles Sr. Memorial High School (ABMHS) since this study is

purposive the respondents of this research is focus to the student who has a low

academic performance this participant it divided into two groups or section the

Group 1 or the section “Love” with a 56 students in number, which is the

experimental group, they are the one who will undergo remediation employed by

the researchers as an intervention or treatment and on the other hand, the Group

2 or the section “Courteous” with a 66 students, they are the Control Group of

this study.

In employing Remediation to students all students in the experimental

group will participate but in gathering the data only the students who has a low

academic performance (this base on their last or previous grade in science or

may be it also in their pre-test result but the researcher will only consider the

grade average result to avoid bias) will be calculated and analyze by the

researcher’s study experiment.

The respondents of this research are the students coming from grade nine

(7) A and B. Students are selected purposively to undergo the remediation.

These are the students with a grades below 80 (Developing and below). Each

class has thirty and above students since they are considered to be

heterogeneous type of students during enrolment for the school year 2017- 2018.

However, there were only 16 pairs of respondents matched according to their

average grade in biology from first quarter.


Data Gathering Procedure



Post test

Post test

Figure 2. Research Flow Chart

Before the researchers conducting the remediation to the Grade 7

Learners, the researchers will submit first a letter to the school head to ask

permission to conduct a remediation program to the Grade 7 students in Acelo C.


Badelles Sr. Memorial High School (ABMHS) the researchers will also ask

permission to the class adviser of the participants and having their schedule on

where the remediation may started. It is during on the student’s free time or


In conducting or performing this study, first the researcher will give a

pretest on February 6, 2018 to the students in both group after that the

researchers may gathered the data came from both group for calculation, then,

after undergoing the pretest, the researchers will employed now their treatment

or intervention to the experimental group though the remediation will employed to

the whole class but the researchers could only focus to the student with a low

academic performance this will employed only in 1 day.

After employing the remediation to the participant, the researcher may

give them a posttest parallel to the topics tackled during their remediation the

posttest on February 7,2018 could only contained 20 items after this task the

researchers will gathered all the data came from both group for comparing the

result of the posttest scores.

This data result will analyze and will undergo to an accurate calculation

and exact observations to avoid bias and unfairness in this research paper and to

the subject participants. The result of this experiment will answer and justified to

the following question as previously discussed in chapter 1.

Data Analysis

In analyzing a data gathered the researchers used the rubrics so that it

could be thoroughly analyze. The researcher also used technologies in

computing and analyzing the data. They use scientific calculator and excel in

solving and have an accurate computation to the mean, Standard deviation,

percentage and T- test to the data gathered by the researchers from the two

groups (Experimental and control group)

Table 1: RUBRICS

Description Scores
Excellent 25-30
Very Good 20-24
Good 15-19
Fair 10-14
Poor 0-9

Research Instrument

In order to know the validity of the study the researchers will use the

following instruments.

1. Pre-Test: This refers to the primary test of the said topic to the participant;

this pre-test contains 50 questions that can be used in order to identify the

level of thinking skill, conceptualizing and analyzing technique of a student

whereas the test is divided into two categories. Test 1 is thinking skill and

test 2 is conceptualizing and analyzing.

2. Post-Test: This refers to the final test of the said topic to the participant,

this instrument used for knowing the outcome or the result of the data

gathering, in order to tell or verify if the treatment which is the remediation


program Is effective and has a significant effect towards the student’s

academic performance before and after remediation. This test contains 50

questions, questions that are parallel to the topic that are being taught

during the remediation program.

Statistical Tool

In generate the data gathered, the researchers will get the mean, the

variances, standard deviation of the data gathered in order to tell and interpret

the validity of the study.

1. Mean: The statistical mean refers to the mean or average that is used to

derive the central tendency of the data gathered form the participants in

their answered questions. It is determined by adding all the data points in

a population and then dividing the total by the number of points. The

resulting number is known as the mean or the average.

Chapter 4



This study highlights the Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the

study to give a statistical accuracy of how are the Data is presented, analyze and

interpret to have a further insight to the study problem experimentation outcome.


Scores Description Experimental Control Group

25-30 Excellent 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00)
20-24 Very Good 7 (17.50) 0 (0.00)
15-19 Good 0 (0.00) 5 (12.82)
0-9 Poor 18 (45.00) 20 (51.28)
Total 40 (100%) 40 (100%)
Mean (x̅) 11.6 11.02
Percentage 29% 28.25%
Description Fair Fair
Table 2: mean, percentage and description

The table above shows that the pretest scores of the students in an

experimental group where statistically in the FAIR level with the mean average of

11.6, percentage of 29%, since this was their pre-assessment test, therefore as a

result the researcher conclude that maybe for this moment the students may find

difficulty and hardship in answering the given question by the researchers that

leads them to get a low scores in their examination (Pre-test).

On the other hand, students that where in the control group gets the

FAIR level with the mean average of 11.02 and a percentage of 28.25%.

Moreover, the experimental group, in the level of POOR there are 18(45%) of

students get the 0-9 scores, and there are 15(37.50%) of students that gets the

FAIR level in the scores of 10-14, and 7(17.50) students get the VERY GOOD

level. In the same way, 20(51.28%) of students get the level of POOR and

14(35.90) of students gets the level of FAIR and in the level of GOOD there are

5(12.82) of students gets.

Statistically, the data shows that during pretest experimental group was

a quite different scores more than to the control group in terms of the mean (x̅ ),

and percentage, and in the description, this means that this students may not

academically prepared in their lessons, maybe others find difficulty with this

subjects as a result it ends up with a low level of understanding, comprehension

and academic performance, maybe during their pretest, they are confuse to the

question and wonder that this has never been taught before to them that leads

them to find more difficulty in learning and understand the lessons academically.

In this result it was been clearly stated by Wyett (1992) that a students

that is academically unprepared will commonly find difficulty from this lessons

especially if this certain students (unprepared students) has no idea and a stock

knowledge from their primary lessons in primary school level more specifically in

biology. According to Steele (2005) that if the students have difficulty in

conceptualizing the idea of the lesson it may lead it to poor comprehension

cognitively. Since, it needs to every students to familiarize and conceptualized

the given topic to have an easy and effective impact towards their understanding

and comprehension.


Scores Description Experimental Control Group

25-30 Excellent 21 (52.50) 0 (0.00)
20-24 Very Good 15 (37.50) 20 (51.28)

15-19 Good 0 (0.00) 5 (12.82)

0-9 Poor 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00)
Total 40 (100%) 40 (100%)
Mean (x̅) 24.7 19.02
Percentage 61.75% 48.76%
Description Excellent Very Good
Table 3: mean, percentage and description

In the post-test scores of the both participants, experimental group and

control group shows a big difference in terms of their posttest scores whereas

students in the experimental group get the level of EXCELLENT with 52.50% and

VERY GOOD with a 37.50% and the other gets the GOOD level with a

10%.Specifically, there are 21 students who get in the level of EXCELLENT, 15

students who get the level of VERY GOOD and in GOOD level with a 4 students,

in terms of their mean, Percentage, they get the highest mean (x̅) of 24.7 and a

percentage of 61.75%.

However, the results of the Control group’s scores during their post-test

was slightly different than the Experimental group where there 14 students get

the VERY GOOD level with a 35.90%, 20 students gets the GOOD level with a

51.28%, and in FAIR level with a 5 students in the percentage of 12.82% with an

overall mean (x̅) of 19.02, percentage of 48.76%.

Statistically, the data proved that the implementation of remediation

program to the experimental group was accurately effective than to those who

are not been expose or implemented. The calculated and presented data of the

experimental and control group has a big difference in terms of their scores in

posttest. Moreover, experimental group was improved and increase in terms of


their scores from pretest to posttest since they are exposed and undergo

remediation program, where Excellent level with the a 21 students in the

percentage of 52.50% and an overall mean scores of 24.7 and a percentage of

61.75% has been rated to them, this refers to their post-test scores, where the

data thoroughly shows. This data has been prove that the implementation of

remediation program to the students are so effective and has a significant effects

to the participants who are been expose, as what the data presented above.

According to Steele (2005), students and teachers should give an

important attention intentionally about the constructivism for the their study both

of them, as what Dunhaney (2000), stated that constructivism will enhance

students comprehension and cognitive by conceptualizing the learn topic using

the constructivism theory, as well as to teacher for their teaching techniques in

their teaching so that students may easily understand and conceptualized the

given topic especially to the less learn topic majority in difficulty. It was clearly

stated by Steele (2005) and Henry Graham (1996), that remedial program is

useful and are effective for the students who find difficulty in the less learn topic

in a certain subjects more specifically in biology for the sake of a researchers. It

was been proven by the data gathered in this study since the researchers

adopted the given theory in teaching students during the remediation-

Constructivism Theory.



Scores Description Before After

25-30 Excellent 0 (0.00) 21 (52.50)

20-24 Very Good 7 (17.50) 15 (37.50)

15-19 Good 0 (0.00) 4 (10.00)
10-14 Fair 15 (37.50) 0 (0.00)
0-9 Poor 18 (45.00) 0 (0.00)
Total 40 (100%) 40 (100%)
Mean (x̅) 11.6 24.7
Percentage 29% 61.75%
Description Fair Excellent
Table 4: mean, percentage and description

In terms of the Level of the Academic Performance of the experimental

group, the table calculated and presented above, there was a big improvement

before (Pretest) and after (posttest) the intervention, which is the remediation

program. Data presented above for the students pretest was in FAIR level with a

15 students with a 37.50%, POOR level with a 18 of students with 45%, and in the

VERY GOOD level with a 7 of students in 17.50%, and an average mean (x̅) of 11.6,

and percentage of 29%. Then to the student’s posttest data scores the table above

presented that the scores of the students before and after the remedial program

was increased, there are 21(52.50%) of students got the EXCELLENT level, and

there are 15 students got the level of VERY GOOD with a 37.50% and also

there are 4 students got the level of GOOD with an average of 10% , the data

also shows that general result of the student’s scores on the posttest has an

overall mean (x̅) of 24.7, percentage of 61.75%.

Therefore, refers to the presented data above, before and after

remediation program, the researcher conclude that the implementation of

Remedial class to the students are effective towards student’s academic

performance since the data result was statistically proven that the students’

scores before and after implementation of remedial program was been increase

and improved.It was clearly stated by Steele (2005) and Henry Graham (1996),

that remedial program is useful and are effective for the students who find

difficulty in the less learn topic in a certain subjects more specifically in biology

for the sake of a researchers. It was been proven by the data gathered in this

study since the researchers adopted the given theory in teaching students during

the remediation- Constructivism Theory. Therefore as a result for this study

based on the data gathered from students pretest and post test scores concluded

that Remedial program is effective since students’ scores from pretest to posttest

was been enhancing and improving in terms of their mean, percentage, and

description level.



Refers to the problem 3, table 4 above the data shows the effectiveness of

the remediation program to the grade 7 Learners towards their academic

performance where the following data gathered stand as an evidence that

remediation program is significant to be rightly recommended to every students

who are academically unprepared students (wyett,1999) in their subjects. This

was been proven to the overall scores of the students before and after the

intervention, where students got from the FAIR level with an mean of 11.6 and a

percentage of 29% then, it increased in to the level of EXCELLENT with a mean

of 24.7 and a percentage of 61.75%.As a conclusion for this study, remediation

program is significant to the students and are effective towards their academic

performance this was been proven to the data that presented above. Students

should preferred to be undergo remedial program before and after their year

period or school years so that students may thoroughly prepared and aware for

the next challenging topics and lessons more specifically in biology (Steele, 2005

, Henry Graham, 1996, Boylan 1999.).

Chapter 5



This research study includes Summary of the overall view of the

research conduction, Findings of the Data gathered, Conclusion of the Study

and Recommendation to the Participants and etc.


The overriding purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness

of Remedial program towards the academic performance of the grade 7

learners. The students may found difficulties in their subjects more specifically

on the subject biology especially if you’re not academically prepared, without

any idea on how to do it and it is difficult when students find difficulties on the

lessons they taking up more specifically on their subject biology. The study

uses a survey, to determine the students’ level in terms of their academic

performance before and after the remediation program which the results will

help to answer the following problems.

The respondents were undergo remedial session within 1 day about their

lessons in biology. It was schedule conducted from February 5, 2018 pre-test

and February 7, 2018 post-test and after all done the implementation of

remedial class, it was evaluated one of the Biology teacher to checked

respondent’s pretest and post-test and also to determine the effect of

Remediation towards them. The findings were presented and discussed in

chapter 4 by making use of frequency table.

However, after evaluating their work, researcher find the result between

two group control and experimental group by finding the greatest average of

particular score to the work of students and the results was that remediation

program was proven to be effective after post-test, because it increases instead

of decreasing, then it clearly shows that the level of the academic performance of

a students are improving and enhancing.


The findings revealed that the Remedial Program on Grade 7 Learners

towards in their academic performance effective. The Remedial program is

effective through the result of respondent namely 61.75% with the mean scores

of 24.7 in the level of Excellent. The respondents could therefore consider

improving and also the implementation of remedial program was effective to the

respondents’ intervention. But they were still students who find difficulty to

understand to the certain subjects or lessons. Also it was found that the students

had difficulty on their subjects since they are not academically prepared for their

subjects or lessons.

The findings revealed that a large majority of respondents get the

excellent effectiveness of remedial program and that it has increased since the

interventions was applied.


Therefore, there is big difference between two groups after the

interventions was implemented nor applied to the experimental group. It was


clearly showed in table, then researcher concluded that Remedial program was

effective towards the learners in terms of their academic performance.

Since the data presented in chapter 4 shows clearly the difference and

significant effects of the result of the student’s scores before and after remedial

program applied. Whereas students in experimental group got the highest

scores with a mean of 24.6 in an excellent level. Therefore the researchers

specifically conclude that remedial program was helpful and effective by

adopting the constructivism theory.


For Further Research. Attainment of other’s objective on the effectiveness of

Remedial Program: In this topic with other studies which then could be compared

with the findings of this research. On the opinions and experiences of the treated

supporters whether Remedial program strategy is neither helpful nor effective.

Future researchers may use this study for as their reference to their study that is

parallel of this.

Parents. This Study recommended that parents can help enhance their

children’s’ performance academically by adapting or using Tutorial session in

their home so that they may help their children in their academicals growth.

Students. It recommended that they should give importance on remediation

as important as one thing to improve once comprehension and academic

Performance level. Students must more engage this Remedial program to

enhance their comprehension, understanding in their subjects.


Teachers. Teachers especially those Major in a certain subjects to implement

Remedial program in classes to help the students enhance and improve the

knowledge on the lessons they tackled especially to those students has a low

academic performance.


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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Tipanoy, Iligan City

Name: _________________________________ Section:________ Date:_____

Differentiate and Comparison

Animal Cell Plant Cell

Difference Similarities Difference


TEST 1: Differentiate and Comparison

Venn diagram: Give the differences and similarities of the following part of both animal cell and
plant cell.

a. Cell Membrane
b. Cell Wall
c. Centrosome
d. Chloroplast
e. Chromo last
f. Cytoplasm
g. Endoplasmic
h. Golgi Bodies
i. Leucoplasts
j. Lysosome
k. Mitochondria
l. Nuclear Membrane
m. Nucleolus
n. Nucleus
o. Nucleoplasm
p. Ribosomes
q. Vacuole


Lesson Plan



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to

A. Conceptualized the given concepts and ideas in the lessons

B. Value the importance of Cell parts in terms of its functions
C. Demonstrate the expected learning.

Subject Matter

Animals Cell and Plant Cell; Differentiate and Comparison using Venn diagram


a. 1 sheet ofBond Paper

b. Protractor (to draw the Venn diagram)
c. Cartolina Paper


A. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am”

“Let us Pray first, anyone who wants (One student will lead the prayer)
to lead the prayer” The Secretary will stand and tell who
are absents
“Ms. Secretary may I know who are
absents today?”

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“ I want you to imagine or recall of (Students will raised their hands)

what we have been discus in our last
topic about plant cell and animal cell,
any volunteer”

(pick 3 students to answer the

following questions)

Thank you class, please set down, it’s

true that cell organelle has an
important role and function in a both
plant and animal cell

C. Lesson Proper/ Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Today our topic is all about Animals “Yes Ma’am”

and plant cell, since it is already familiar
to you so I have here an activity for

(Teacher will discuss the Animal cell

and the Plant cell using the Venn (Students will listen carefully to the
Diagram for differentiate and discussions)
comparison, written in the whole
cartolina paper)

“So I want you to get a 1 sheet of bond (Students will get their bond paper and
paper and protractor, in your bond any materials needed in making Venn
paper draw a Venn diagram, whereas diagram)
the right is your Animal cells and the
other side is your plant cell then at the
middle, the overlapping side of two
circles correspond the similarities of

both. Okay?
(Students will start in answering the
(Post the Cartolina Papers with the given activity)
“Activity” written on it.

D. Checking

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Okay! Exchange your paper, counter (Students will exchange their papers in
clockwise” a counter clockwise)

“Okay let us check, who want to (Students will raised the hand)
answers in the board in the similar”

(After all, teacher will collect all the

papers that was been already checked
and evaluated it)

E. Closing

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Okay, everybody stand for the closing (One who are been called will lead the
prayer, please lead _______.” prayer)

“Okay, goodbye class!” “Goodbye Ma’am and thank you for

teaching us God bless.”


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Tipanoy, Iligan City

Dear Respondents,


We are conducting a research entitled “REMEDIAL CLASS IN BIOLOGY: ITS

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Applied Subject Practical Research

In Condition with this, I would like to ask your help to provide necessary
deals for our study, please feel free to answer the questionnaire.

I would like to appreciate your assistance and support for this particular
research condition.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours Truly:
Rey JameDemecillo
Karl Christian T. Vallespin

Noted by:
Prof. Jan Michael R. Remolado


Address: Purok 4, Pindugangan, Iligan City
Contact Number: 09756102307

Name: Reyjame S. Demecillo
Age: 21years old
Address: Purok 4, PinduganganIligan City
Date of Birth: October 22, 1996
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Catholic

Francisco Ll. Laya Integrated Memorial School (S.Y.2010-2011)

AceloBadelles Sr. Memorial High School (PRESENT) Purok 6,Tipanoy I.C.

NAME OF FATHER: Junboy I. Demecillo
OCCUPATION: Construction Worker
ADDRESS: Purok 4, PinduganganIligan City
NAME OF MOTHER: Ronelyn S. Demecillo
ADDRESS: Purok 4, PinduganganIligan City

Address: Purok 1A, TipanoyIligan City
Contact Number: 09482067743

NAME: Jomari L. Partulan
AGE: 20 years old
ADDRESS: Purok 1A, TipanoyIligan City
DATE OF BIRTH: August 14, 1999
RELIGION: Born Again Christian

Tipanoy Elementary School (S.Y., 2011-2012)

AceloBadelles Sr. Memorial High School (PRESENT) Purok 6,Tipanoy I.C.



OCCUPATION: Mason. Painter, Plumber, Electrician and Carpenter
ADDRESS: PalcataTubod, Iligan City
NAME OF MOTHER: Marilou L Partulan
ADDRESS: Cabalantian, ManticaoMizamis Occidental


Address: Purok 11, TipnoyIligan City
Contact Number: 09754500800

NAME: Karl Christian T. Vallespin

AGE: 18 years old

ADDRESS: Purok 11, TipanoyIligan City
DATE OF BIRTH: January 29, 2000
RELIGION: Born Again Christian

Tipanoy Elementary School (S.Y., 2011-2012)

Acelo Badelles Sr. Memorial High School (PRESENT) Purok 6,Tipanoy I.C.

NAME OF THE FATHER: Carlo M. Vallespin
ADDRESS: Purok 11, Tipanoy Iligan City
NAME OF MOTHER: Juliet T. Vallespin
ADDRESS: Purok 11, Tipanoy Ilgan City

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