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Module 8: Summative Test and Submission of Written Output

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. display critical and analytical thinking in answering the given summative test;
2. submit three review of related literature/studies relevant to your research topic and
3. follow the correct format in citation and referencing your RRL.

Summative Test
Long Test in Practical Research 2 (Grade 12)

A. Define the following Terms in your own words.

1. Research 6. Observation
2. Scientific Procedure 7. Conclusion
3. Experiments 8. Replication
4. Hypotheses 9. Qualitative Variable
5. Analyses 10. Quantitative

B. Identification: Identify the word or group of words being described in each of the
following items.

1. This refers to the way in which the phenomena being studied is defined, classified, and
2. A goal of research which aims to control one’s action and behavior through careful
planning derived from a given set of information.
3. If problems are solved, Perceptions are ___________

4. These are variables usually indicated in an experimental research and they are not
included in the study but in one way or another causes effects on the dependent variable.
5. It attempts to established cause-effect relationships among the variables of the study.
6. It is a system of ideas intended to explain a specific phenomenon.
7. It is a proposed explanation about a phenomenon made based on limited evidence
and a starting point of your investigation.
8. Variables that give details regarding the number or level of something.
1. The number of materials you need to review for your study.
2. Word limit in your Research Title.

C. Enumeration: Enumerate what are being asked for. Write your answer in paragraph form.
(5pts each)
A. Criteria in Selecting a research topic.
B. Main Characteristics of the Quantitative Approach.
C. Types of Quantitative Research.
D. What is your research topic all about?

Submission of individual output

Directions: Using your group research topic, look for at least three review of related literature
and studies. Follow the correct format (APA) in citing and referencing the source. Encode your
report in MS Word and print the files. Don’t forget to save and screen shot the website and the
whole content of your source for validation. Below is the example format of your report (RRL).
You have the whole week to finish the tasks.
Format for the Review of Related Literature and Studies
Date of Submission:

Review of Related Literature

Author (s) name:
Date Published:
Title of the Source:
Place Published:

Narrative Report


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