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Hypnotic, Barbiturate
Synonyms. Ciclobarbital; Cyclobarbitalum; Cyclobarbitone; Ethylhexabital;
Hexemalum; Tetrahydrophenobarbital.
Proprietary names. Cavonyl; Cyclodorm; Cyklodorm; Fanodormo; Irifan; Namuron;
Palinum; Phanodorm; Phanodorn; Philodorm; Prälumin; Pro-Sonil; Sonaform.


The name ciclobarbital has been applied to hexobarbital.


A white crystalline powder, which gradually decomposes on storage. M.p. 171° to 174°.

Soluble 1 in 800 of water, 1 in 5 of ethanol, 1 in 20 of chloroform, and 1 in 20 of ether.

Cyclobarbital Calcium
Synonyms. Ciclobarbital Calcium; Cyclobarbitone Calcium; Hexemalcalcium.
Proprietary name. It is an ingredient of Domidorm.

A white or slightly yellowish, crystalline powder.

Soluble 1 in 70 of water, 1 in 500 of 95% alcohol. Practically insoluble in ether and

Dissociation Constant.

pKa7.6 (20°).

Partition Coefficient.

Log P(octanol/water), 1.77.

Colour Tests.

Koppanyi–Zwikker Test—violet; Mercurous Nitrate—black; Vanillin Reagent—


1.4 Procedimiento
Se usarán los extractos obtenidos en el aislamiento de los T.O.F. y se procederá a realizar las diferentes
reacciones de reconocimiento.

. Rx de reconocimiento de Barbitúricos:

- Rx de Parry-Coppangy

* M.P. 5 mL.

* Co(NO3)2 5% en EtOH III Gts.

* Isopropilamin 5% en EtOH IV Gts.

* Observar la coloración.

- Rx de Zwiker:

* M.P. 5 mL.

* CuSO4 0.5% 0.5 mL.

* Agitar fuertemente

* Piridina 5% (CHCl3) 0.5 mL.

* Observar coloración de la fase orgánica

Thin–layer Chromatography.

System TD—Rf 50; system TE—Rf 40; system TF—Rf 64; system TH—Rf 59; system
TAD—Rf 58; system TAE—Rf 88. (Mercuric chloride–diphenylcarbazone reagent,
positive; mercurous nitrate spray, black; acidified potassium permanganate solution,
yellow–brown; Zwikker's reagent, pink.)
Ultraviolet Spectrum.

Borax buffer 0.05 M (pH 9.2)—239 nm (A11=410a); 1 M sodium hydroxide (pH 13)—
256 nm (A11=320b).

Disposition in the Body.

Rapidly absorbed after oral administration. The main metabolic reaction appears to be
oxidation to ketocyclobarbital [5-(3–oxocyclohex–1–enyl)-5–ethylbarbituric acid]. Less
than 10% of a dose is excreted in the urine unchanged.

In plasma, usually in the range 2 to 10 mg/L.

After a single oral dose of 300 mg of the calcium salt, given to 6 subjects, peak plasma
concentrations of 7.4 to 10.3 mg/L (mean 8.7) were attained in 0.7 to 2.5 h. [D. D.
Breimer and A. C. M. Winten,Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol.,1976, 9, 443–450.]

The estimated minimum lethal dose is 2 g. Severe toxic effects are associated with
blood concentrations greater than 10 mg/L.

Plasma half–life, 8 to 17 h (mean 12), increased in subjects with liver disease.

About 0.5 L/kg.
Plasma clearance, about 0.5 mL/min/kg.

In plasma, about 70%.


100 to 400 mg of cyclobarbital calcium, as a hypnotic.

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