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Adriana Sofía Méndez Santamaría CIF:16020359

- Corporate Strategy

1. Name of the company:


2. Brief description of the company

Med-Bots is the abbreviation of Medical Robots. This is a company that makes from the
smallest medical robots to the biggest for every requirement or situation. These robots
can assist you in your house, office, hospital even in your car. Every robot will be
designed for different situation from just from scanning vital sings to be a facilitator in
hospitals. The purpose is that every person has a robot in their house even in their
pockets that can help us with the most common events related with medical functions.
3. Purpose of the company
As we know today’s healthcare is undoubtedly and exciting, rapidly evolving industries.
Robotics is well on its way to impacting many procedures and roles in healthcare. Med-
Bots came helping us in our lives. Med-Bots are robotic nurses in different sizes that
can performing duties from taking patient’s pulse, monitor a patient’s condition,
scanning vital signs, to place an intravenous line. The need of this robotic nurses will
also increase, as patients living in rural areas or those in urgent need of a specialist can
receive a diagnosis and treatment plan via a robot controlled remotely through a
computer or a mobile device. It will also help to remind its patients to take their medicine
and depends of the robot it also can efficiently disinfect any space in a healthcare
facility, to has the capacity to transfer a person from a bed to a wheelchair.
These robots also may help hospitals. Automation helps hospitals maintain consisted
care workflows and gives staff more time for patient care. These robots help clinical
staff with non-patient-facing task like gathering supplies and bringing them to patient
rooms and delivering lab samples. These robots also may have a memory to remember
the cases of every patient and ease information to doctors.

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