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Antony P.

Cortes 2nd year BSED-MATH

Educ 202 (MWF 10:00-11:00 AM)

Module 1 - LESSON 3 AND 4: Morality, Values Formation and You

Let's Begin
List down at least 5 good things that you think a teacher must do and 5 evil things that a
teacher must avoid in the spaces below.

Good Things

1. Display understanding

2. Being honest

3. Be fun and energetic

4. Extend his/her patience

5. Must discipline his/her students

Bad Things

1. Being judgemental

2. Favoritism

3. Harassment (Physical Abuse)

4. Bad/Unpleasant words

5. Giving her students stress and more pressure

We're on our way

There is a golden rule that says, “Do to others what you would like others to do to you; Do not
do to others what you do not want to be done to you.” Give a concrete application of the
golden rule as you relate to a learner or student, to a fellow teacher or co-worker, to a parent
or guardian, or any member of the community or to your superiors. Here is an example: “Speak
well of your fellow teacher just as you want your fellow teacher to speak well of you behind
your back.”

• "Treat others the way you would like to be treated"

How far have we gone?

Based on the above conversation, is the alcoholic (or any alcoholic for that matter) happy for
being one? What lessons can you learn from the life of an alcoholic or gambler?

• No, the alcoholic is not happy for being one and I learned from the life of the alcoholic that
negative deeds are not the solution for another negative problem. Instead, just pray because
prayer is the best solution for all problems.


Portfolio Entry: What are some toxic Filipino cultures that become and obstacle to a teacher’s
values formation? Why? Cite specific scenarios and include your ACTION PLAN as a future
educator on how to counteract these. Be creative with your output.

One of those toxic Filipino Cultures is a Filipino Time.

This scenario will give us understanding of what Filipino Time really is.

J'anne asked her best friend Mizel where she is at the moment because they agreed to meet at
8:00 in the morning at the Grandmall going to the school but it’s been an hour after the agreed
time, J'anne is late for her class and Mizel is still nowhere to find. The phone’s ringing but no
one’s answering. There are 15 missed calls. Then around 9:00 in the morning, Mizel called back
and said she’s on her way but the real thing is, she has just woken up and still wearing her

As a future educator, I will start disciplining myself first because changed is always start on us.
Then, I will take an action and that is to teach and discipline my students to manage their time
and give sanctions if needed for them to follow and change.

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