Essay Drugs

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Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age

To begin with, it is important to define what drugs are, these are chemical
substances that produce a change in the functioning of our body and our mind,
there are several types of drugs and different methods to consume them, inhaling,
injecting and swallowing them, which reach the torrent blood and brain causing
hallucinations, anxiety, intensify or numb the senses, modify the level of alertness
of people who consume it and consumption can lead to addiction.

Drugs are highly dangerous and unfortunately nowadays they are very easy to get,
that is why it is important to talk with our children from a very young age about
what drugs are and the consequence they have in our lives, to prevent them from
experimenting for themselves or because their friends goad them.

The issue of drugs should not be avoided, on the contrary it is essential to have
good communication with our children, so that they are responsible for their
decisions, they know how to say NO to the moment someone offers them a
substance that greatly affects their life.

Parents must transmit values from an early age, show a good example from home,
develop in their children the capacity for decision, autonomy and a defined identity
and personality. They should also show them concrete examples of how drugs
deteriorate and even end people's lives, which is a problem that even famous
people suffer from.

Finally, being in a media society where we can find information about this and
many other topics that can cause harm to our children, our role as parents is of
vital importance, we must establish communication and trust with them from an
early age.

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