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St. Joseph’s Co-ed Sr. Sec.

Kolar Road, Bhopal

Mid-term Examination

Subject – BIOLOGY




I. Multiple choice question :- ( 1 mark each)

Q1. The cells of this tissue are called Neurons.

a). Muscular tissue b). Connective tissue

c). Epithelial tissue d). Nervous tissue

Q2. Which of these are a single membrane organelle.

a). lysosome b). nucleus

c). chloroplast d). mitochondria

II. Fill in the blanks :- (1 mark each)

Q3. Plasma membrane is made up of ________ and ________

Q4. The plant tissue present in the growing regions of the root tip and the shoot tip are called
as ________

III. Answer in one word :- (1 mark each)

Q5. Undefined nuclear region containing only nucleic acids is called as?

Q6. Fats are stored in which tissue found below the skin and between internal organs?

IV. Assertion And Reasoning :- (1 mark each)

Q7. Assertion : The rigidity in the leaf is due to sclerenchyma

Reason : Sclerenchyma are dead tissues and provide mechanical strength

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
e) Both A and R are false.
SECTION –B (2 marks each)

Q 8. Draw a diagram of animal cell. Name and label the following organelles.

a) The organelles that contains powerful digestive enzymes

b) The organelles that has its own DNA
c) The organelle of the cell which acts like a brain
d) The organelle that helps in modification and packaging of materials


Draw a neat diagram of the nerve cell with four labelling.

Q9. Name the following tissues:

a) The connective tissue that supports , fills the space inside the organs and helps in repairs
of tissues.
b) The tissues which connects two bones.
c) The epithelial tissue which forms the lining of the kidney tubules
d) The specific type of tissue which makes up the heart.

SECTION –C (3 marks each)

Q10. Differentiate between the three types of muscular tissues. Draw well labelled diagrams.


Explain in detail the structure and function of Nucleus along with neatly drawn and
labelled diagram.

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