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Outline- time management

Yashpreet Singh Matharu



Zohreh Daeizadeh

Yorkville University

Looking toward the time

The time and situation in this era of time is stressful for each person around us and everyone has

their own goals, which they want to complete to get their life to be on the right track, everybody

needs to manage their time as coming up with time would easily allow them to be in a smooth

pattern. Moreover, the management of time would help to relieve stress created due to the hectic

timetable. Whereas, according to my viewpoint the furthermost significant and precious thing a

person has in his/her life is time, as one time flies it never come back. And, to start with there are

some few steps which a person and step forward to get an hour or so free for themselves to look

in their life and to resolve their common problems. In addition, the most basic and fundamental

rule to change the lifestyle is to alter the planning of time.

To look after each and every problem in life, there is always a way out and to modify the

organization time, one should take care of their lifestyle and work so that they can prioritize the

work in an appropriate way to get some free time and also setting up milestones would help to

boost up efficiency and confidence, which will ultimately help to increasing pace of working in a

stressful condition. Furthermore, setting up goals would help to notice the loss of time and can

help to stop the person to minimize the wastage of time, time is something which cannot be

reused. Consequently, this would also motivate one to set up tough goals to overcome stress

during overburden situations and reconfigures their performance during rush hours. Apart from

this, time management can also be done by using the latest technology for instance mobiles can

be a perfect way-out as one can set reminders and alarms according to their work so that they can

remain updated and can easily save them from getting late [ CITATION Wil00 \l 1033 ]

Beside this motivation is the best way to get over any circumstance, like the same looking

toward the need of allotment of time would automatically give the person get ideas to save time.

Besides this, if a person works in time management in a job will help in improve combination

between time to work improving the superiority of work and consumption of time in the work.

More so, to get

success in simple and complex working conditions managing time is the most significant

principle.[ CITATION Val09 \l 1033 ]. Time administration is the keyhole to get the most

efficient and quality work[ CITATION Bri91 \l 1033 ]

Everything in once life is important and it is also the same for day planning because time

management has a most important lookout to make the day fully functional and making the

performance accurate. The resourceful scheduling is the perfect way to link data for solving life

issues and it can be most helpful to overcome financial problems. [ CITATION Hus98 \l 1033 ].

Additionally, most of the institutes look after the value of identifying, respecting and dipping

period rate of wastage to make their work more accurate and worthful. Scheduling, aim

background, allocation, result consultant, and work-life stability can be achieved by

organizational strategies, ultimately giving a successful outcome to an individual leader.

Having mulled over the matter, I feel that time optimization is the most important thing for a

person as it can help a person to make life successful and obstruct free. Hectic life has

imbalances the free time of everyone's and is not able to live the life they want to do. Reasonably

making life easy and on track. Moreover, it would also create a good habit of working in an exact

process. [ CITATION Bri04 \l 1033 ]



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